Envious (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Happy birthday to you ♪
Make three wishes, baby.
Then blow out the candles.
Any three wishes. Eh?
Then blow just like that.
[whimsical music playing]
[Victoria] I didn't do that, my God.
- Ask Carolina.
- That's how I remember it.
- What?
- Tell her if I'm envious, go right ahead.
[awkward music playing]
- Hey, help me, would you?
- [Carolina] I'm sorry, what?
That's the word I was looking for.
You're very intense.
- When you have a goal, you just
- [doorbell rings]
Uh! Doorbell.
I'm a very persistent person, yes.
"So if you persevere, you will triumph."
At Caro's wedding,
you had to give the speech,
and you lost your voice. Come on.
You're talking about physical stuff.
I was under the weather.
- Physical stuff? Now I can't say anything?
- It was a virus.
- Really? A virus?
- You're ridiculous!
- [Débora] Hey!
- [screaming]
Come here! You're the best!
You know that? The best!
So beautiful.
Hey! Come here!
Welcome back!
And you're so thin!
Mom! Don't talk about
people's bodies like that.
[Teresa] But I'm telling her
she looks good.
- [Carolina] Enough, Mom!
- Debbie, I want to hear from you.
What did Vicky say about Dany's
sisters-in-law for a decade?
That one looked like Frankenstein,
and the other one had a face like a dwarf.
Yes. Little dwarf face.
- That's what you said!
- There's consensus that I speak the truth.
Have a great trip, all of you.
Where are you going?
- I told you, Mom, Uruguay. It's the plan.
- That's right.
- You have a nice time.
- Time to go. Bye.
- Let's go.
- Mom, just be safe, alright?
- [Victoria] Let's go.
- [Carolina] Ciao.
[Lucila] Ladies!
So good to see you, you look amazing!
Hey, Victoria.
Shit. Apparently, I don't have a signal.
I just really wanna message Peter
to see how the kids are doing but I can't.
You just arrived at the airport, Lu.
How much could've happened
in the last 40 minutes?
Lucila, don't worry. They're fine.
When you have kids, Vicky,
you can't be disconnected. It's different.
[Melina] How about a photo?
- Yes!
- [Victoria] Your fave part!
- Cheese!
- Let's do it.
[pop music playing]
[all giggling]
I was home alone one night, sitting,
watching a recording of an old game.
So, "I'm gonna buy some wine."
Well, I go, and there he is on his own.
It sounds so romantic.
[Melina] Anyway, we found out
we're both really driven.
We work hard, we study hard,
we play sports, you know?
So much in common,
and we realized we're both looking
to settle down and start a family.
- Those moments of connection are great.
- It was spectacular.
Do they already know that you are
number two in the world, Debbie?
Number two in the world
in what she does, right?
No, no, no. Well, not really,
because it isn't counted like that.
- Not like a world championship
- [Victoria] Oh, tell them.
We always talk about silly things.
Talk about something else for a change.
You must have something new.
Some new project?
Of course. She's a genius.
She's been the smart one her whole life.
Listen, Meli, so exactly,
how did he propose to you?
- It was incredible.
- [Lucila] I wanna know details.
- We went to dinner
- Did you win a trophy?
- Do they give you a prize or?
- No, no, it's just a scholarship.
A little extra cash.
- I wanna hear the rest of your story.
- No, tell us.
What's new in New York?
Tell us!
[awkward music sting]
[traditional Asian music playing]
- [Mei] Dinner's at 8:00 tonight.
- That's why it's closed tonight.
I know, but my mom
wants you to come anyway.
- Huh?
- Yes, but you'll need to, uh
- What?
- do something with your hair.
- Just cover it up.
- You don't like the curls?
Yes, but it might be
an issue for my father.
- Oh.
- Come at eight o'clock sharp.
With tidy hair.
Why does she wanna meet me?
They can't throw me out.
That place is mine. [tuts]
I could throw you out if I wanted to
because, in reality, you work for me.
- You're an em-plo-yee.
- You're a rapper all of a sudden?
- [laughs]
- You know what you are? You're my student.
Without me,
you'd still be talking gibberish.
- "Chong, chong, ching." All that.
- Hey, easy!
I'm a really good student,
and I'm also your employer.
Don't forget. Sure, this place is yours,
but this is my restaurant.
No, this restaurant
belongs to your mom and dad, yeah?
Well, for now.
But why do they want to meet me?
To lower the rent?
- [Mei chuckles]
- That it?
Eh, could be, I don't know.
Be here at 8:00 sharp, okay?
Then you'll find out.
[traditional music playing]
Should we talk about my wedding
before Debbie arrives?
Listen, I want your bank account number.
Otherwise, all your presents will be
stupid appliances you'll never use.
- Okay.
- [Victoria clears throat]
- [Lucila] What are?
- [Victoria clears throat]
[Victoria] Wow, you two
quieted down real fast.
That means you must be talking
about the wedding, right?
- Oh, don't worry.
- Alright, I'll be straight up with you.
Whatever you do,
don't get any domestic appliances.
You can always buy what you want
after it's over.
Remember, we were talking about Debbie,
she was explaining
She was gonna talk about her trip with us.
It's a shame I'm the only one who can
appreciate the adventures of a scientist
who was away for an entire year,
who just got back from New York.
Plus, it's my birthday. Not that I care.
Still, we should figure out
dinner plans for tonight.
Maybe go to a club. Maybe go dancing.
That's why we're here, right?
- To celebrate my birthday?
- Yes, love, but you're 40, not five.
- Do we need to do all that?
- You're being a bit aggressive.
- Aggressive?
- It seemed a little aggressive to me.
Yes, obviously, she isn't five,
but she is 40, which is a big one.
Forget all about my birthday.
Let's talk about something else.
- [Diana] Yes, I totally agree
- Hello, hello.
- How are you?
- You're late. Come here.
- You missed lunch. Hello.
- I'm sorry, Mom.
- [father] Son.
- Who's this?
- How are you, Dad?
- Hi there!
- Hello. How are you?
- My mom, of course. Bruna.
- Gustavo, my dad.
- Welcome.
Wow. In person,
you're even more beautiful.
- Isn't she?
- [chuckles] Thank you.
Yes, very cute. Almost too cute, actually.
- [Gustavo chuckles]
- Would you like a cold drink?
l had lemonade with our lemon tree.
It's delicious.
- [Daniel] I'm sure it is.
- Yes, I would like a bar.
- A "bar."
- A bar?
[Bruna] Beer?
- A beer!
- Oh, yes! Yes, yes.
- [Diana] Oh!
- [laughter]
- [Bruna] I'd like a beer.
- [man] I'll get it.
- How 'bout a beer?
- Yes, I'd like a beer.
- Let's go get the beer.
- I'll get it, yeah.
- Yes?
- Alright.
- Well
- [laughter]
I'm teaching her some new words.
It's a challenge.
Make yourself at home, alright?
If you'd like to relax and enjoy the pool,
we have a changing room over there
where you'll have some privacy, but
[Daniel chuckles]
Oh. [chuckles]
Oh, well. She's wearing it.
[playful music]
[Bruna] Come on, Dani!
[Daniel] Yes. I'm coming. I'll just
- [Bruna] The water feels amazing!
- Yes, I know, my love.
[Bruna] Woo!
I abandoned architecture for Dany.
- You remember? That was my choice.
- Yes.
Now, why would I do something like that?
You would never have abandoned
your dreams like that. There's no way!
- All because you were in love? No way!
- Can we please go inside now?
Yes! Go ahead.
Do you know where I'd put
Lucila's talent for organizing parties?
Where's that, Vicky?
Where the sun doesn't shine.
That's where. Alright.
- [Melina] Come on, it's all right.
- [all] Surprise!
Look at what we prepared for you,
because we love you so much!
- Happy birthday, Vicky!
- You thought we wouldn't do something.
- Aww!
- Happy birthday ♪
- Look at this! It's perfect!
- [laughs]
- Aww!
- Congratulations!
And here I was talking
all that shit to you guys.
- Have a slice!
- But where
Where'd you hide this stuff?
I didn't see anything.
- [Melina] Surprise.
- Lu.
- Her!
- Thank you so much!
- No, w-wait a minute. I wanna say
- Yeah?
That, I dunno, you're the best friends
in the world, who brought all this here.
I feel emotional 'cause
it's the first birthday
that I've spent without Dany.
It's been hard lately.
- I know I act like things don't hurt me
- Right, right.
but, they do hurt me.
- It's completely normal.
- You have to forget about Dany.
He was bad for you!
- How about we blow out the candle?
- She's right.
- Come on.
- Oh, wait, wait, wait.
I just wanna say one more thing.
When I finally split up from
- I won't even say his name. Anyway, uh
- Yes.
it was really super difficult for me
just because I felt so, so alone.
And now that you're here,
I feel just so happy.
[sarcastic] How nice for those of us
who came along.
No, it's wonderful with all of you.
But do you understand what I'm saying?
Because Debbie is the only one
who understands
what it is to be single at 40,
with no boyfriend, no kids, no plans.
- And it's difficult.
- Uh, wow
- I can share it with her.
- Bravo.
- Let's never separate again. Alright?
- Time for cake.
- Happy birthday to you ♪
- Hold on, wait, wait.
- [Lucila] Let's go. Come on.
- Can we?
- No, what are you
- I know this is the worst time for this.
I was gonna save this for later,
'cause I wanted you to have your birthday.
What happened?
Forgive me.
I'm engaged!
[bittersweet music playing]
- [Débora] I
- [Melina] What?
- [Débora] Yeah.
- To who?
You're really engaged?
Well, I was going out,
and I told you about that.
I was going out with David,
who is my postgrad tutor, and
Her tutor.
That's At first, I don't know,
I didn't think it was going anywhere,
but in the end, it just happened.
I'm deeply in love,
and so he asked me to marry him,
and I said I said yes. [giggles]
- [gasps]
- You're sly!
My God!
- Show us a photo. Let's see David's photo.
- [Melina] Yes, show us.
I wanna know what your fiancé looks like.
Did you hear that?
Debbie's getting married!
- But you're really getting married!
- [women] Debbie's getting married.
[forceful] Congratulations!
It's amazing that you're engaged!
- Who are you engaged to? To David, yes!
- Uh-huh
- [Carolina] Yes.
- Oh, that's great!
I'm so happy for you right now! Um
It's It's It's really wonderful!
- Yes!
- It's wonderful!
We'll celebrate your engagement as well!
How lovely!
Wow, I'm just so very excited for you!
How wonderful! Sweetie, I am super happy!
I'm going to the bathroom for a second
That pool was a bit warm, right?
My blood pressure has lowered slightly.
I'm gonna go to the bathroom
for just a quick second.
- Should I come with you?
- No, no. I'm fine, no.
Be right back. Congratulations!
This is amazing!
- [door opens]
- Ooh.
- No, but I couldn't not tell her. Could I?
- No, it's fine.
- I didn't think it was
- She looked distraught.
- Not about that.
- She's taking it well.
- How could it be about that? Seriously?
- It's because he left her.
- [Lucila] Of course, that's the reason.
- [cries]
She's obsessed with marriage.
Yes, she has an obsession.
It's like, I don't know,
like a burden or something.
It's extremely difficult dating at 40.
Guys are divorced, with kids.
They're sick of everything, and they all
think way too highly of themselves.
- [Lucila] She had a rough go of it.
- [phone buzzing]
[Lucila] Vicky.
[Nicolás] You already canceled on me once,
I don't know what the excuse was.
I swear, if you cancel on me today,
we should just end things.
I understand women, I respect them,
and I know that a no is a no.
[bittersweet music continues]
Hon, don't be so upset.
Believe me,
you're gonna find the right guy.
Even if you don't get married,
there's nothing wrong with that.
- You can have children anyway.
- [phone dings]
There are a million ways to be a mother.
[Nicolás] That's fine.
I get it. I blew it. It's over.
I dove too quickly into the river.
I can die in peace.
My children love you
like one of their favorite aunts.
Calling my sister
one of their aunts isn't helping!
- [Lucila] Can't they call her "Aunty"?
- [Carolina] "Aunty" does not help.
[Melina] Stop it, you bunch of idiots.
[Nicolás] Depends on for whom. For me, no.
I'll be at the house.
We can have some drinks.
- Fine. I won't talk.
- Let's quiet down.
- [Caro] Don't talk anymore.
- [Lucila] I won't.
Ladies, I'm gonna run to the other room
to look for something.
It'll only take a second,
and I'll be back, okay?
You alright?
Perfect, yeah.
Yes. I'll go now.
Then we celebrate!
[upbeat music playing]
[flight attendant] Welcome.
- Good afternoon.
- Excuse me.
Excuse me. Thanks.
Hello. Do you have a bathroom here?
- Bathroom? No, no.
- Is there a bathroom on this side?
Because those over there are occupied,
or they are locked, jammed, or something.
- You can't be in here.
- Ah.
- No, please return to your seat.
- Yes.
- Go back to your seat.
- I'm going back.
- Go.
- I'll go. I'm going back.
- Jesus
- I'm going back.
[flight attendant sighs]
[percussive music playing]
[percussive music continues]
[cell phone dings]
[Nicolás] I'm looking forward
to seeing you at 10:00.
- Don't make me wait!
- [Victoria] I'm on my way!
[music stops]
We've belonged to this country club
for over ten years now.
It is a family environment.
And you bring this woman
who looks like a hussy?
In Brazil, they're more open.
Another culture, another way of living.
In all honesty, I'm happy you went
on a trip in order to forget all this,
and that you enjoyed yourself,
but I remained here
and I am still your mother.
If that makes you happy,
why can't you be happy for me now?
She makes me feel really good.
Eh? You can't even understand
anything she says.
Little by little.
She's picking up new words every day.
That girl, who's totally incomprehensible,
is, at this moment,
splashing in the pool like she's a mermaid
while your brothers are watching,
just waiting for her skimpy little top
to fall off.
What do you want me to do?
I can't help if Pablo and Santiago
I just hope that that girl out there
has more than a nice figure,
because, over time, everything drops.
The only thing that doesn't drop,
and the only thing that rises
- [gums clacking]
- These right here!
[traditional music playing]
[in Chinese] Hello, thank you very much.
Happy birthday.
We hope you're happy.
We are very glad it's your birthday.
[in English] My grandpa says hello.
[in Chinese] Hi there.
- [in English] They are in China.
- Oh, hello.
Papa, momma.
- [in Chinese] Hello, hello.
- Hello.
No, no. Why all this food?
Are they getting rid of me or something?
- What?
- Well, are they?
- Get rid of you? Oh, no.
- Did he find out I steal dumplings?
No, not at all.
My mom wouldn't cook for you
if she wanted you gone.
- [in Chinese] What do you think of him?
- Fine.
- [in English] They think you're good.
- We hardly know each other.
Well, you're a good man. For me.
[awkward music playing]
Whoa, whoa, wait a minute.
A good man for you? What do you mean?
In the sense of getting married.
[gong echoes]
[in Chinese] That's Matías, her boyfriend.
First time he comes home.
[in English] Marriage? What are you
talking about? We haven't even kissed.
If my grandparents don't even know you,
how're we gonna kiss? Are you crazy?
[in Chinese] He's very handsome. [laughs]
Mei really likes him.
[Mei, in English] You ask many questions.
Just shut up and eat.
[traditional music playing]
[pilot] Ladies and gentlemen, we are
arriving in the city of Buenos Aires.
The time is 9:00 p.m.
It's currently 66 degrees.
I hope you've enjoyed your flight,
and we hope to see you again soon.
[muzak playing on taxi's radio]
[engine humming softly]
[dynamic music playing]
Uh excuse me,
but could you drive a little bit faster?
You wanna drive this cab yourself?
No, no, it's fine. You drive. You drive.
Just wanted to speed up the journey.
[dynamic music continues]
Just leave me there on the corner.
[music ends]
- Excuse me.
- Hi there.
My app isn't working.
Do you know if taxis pass by here?
- I don't know what's going on with this
- No taxis around here.
- None?
- No.
- Are you sure?
- Mm-hmm. You alright?
Yes, no. Yes, yes.
I'm alright. I'm fine, but, yeah
- Yes! There it is. Seven minutes. Perfect.
- Ha!
Seven minutes. Oh, thank God! [laughs]
This is great. It's just
It's my birthday.
Happy birthday.
I was celebrating in Punta del Este,
but this guy called.
I never thought
he'd ask me out, but he did.
- Ah.
- I told him.
I was in a relationship for ten years.
My ex screwed me over,
he married someone else.
- Oh.
- So, I see this man as an opportunity.
- Sure.
- At 38, dating is not easy.
- That's true.
- Actually, 39.
- Sure.
- Well, now I'm 40.
- To be more specific.
- Oh, I see.
I asked if you were all right,
like if there was a hospital emergency,
but no, you're alright.
I'm not alright.
I'm not physically injured,
but I'm not alright. I'm just not inside.
- Is that marijuana you're smoking?
- Yeah.
Thought so.
You shouldn't smoke on the job. No good.
- I just finished.
- [cell phone chimes]
They canceled on me.
[drags and exhales]
- Here.
- I don't smoke.
It'll make you feel good.
- Well, I'm not a fan.
- Ah.
It's similar to
It makes you feel like, uh
I can't describe it,
my shoulder muscles get really relaxed.
It just It doesn't make me feel bad.
[laughs] I guess I feel
What was I saying?
- There, now you're feeling it. Good.
- Ah!
- You know what this weed smells like?
- What?
Garlic pizza.
So you finished working then?
Yes, I'm just going home.
[singing children's song in Spanish]
You heard that one before?
- No.
- It's a game with your hands.
Melina is marrying out of self-interest.
That's what I think.
- That marijuana was really powerful.
- You damn right.
And Debbie doesn't want to admit
she's marrying for the visa,
but the visa's good for her.
Still, Meli Mm, I don't know.
She leaves and gets engaged? That's just
- Who the hell is Melina? I've no idea.
- Who's Melina? That's what I'm saying.
[resumes children's song in Spanish]
She's really strong, like a lioness.
- But there's something fishy.
- Sounds like it.
But I still love her.
But still, something's up
with this marriage.
[resumes children's song in Spanish]
[Victoria sighs]
- Here.
- No, no, you are incredible.
You really saved my life tonight.
You don't even know.
- No worries.
- Thank you, I love you so much.
- Bye
- I wish you all the best.
- 'Night!
- Wait a minute. I need that.
- Huh?
- The backpack. I need it.
I can't hear a thing.
- Oh, this!
- Yes, for work.
- Of course you need it.
- Thank you.
- What you smoke is a little strong.
- That's right.
- But wonderful. You're the best.
- Okay.
- Alright.
- See you.
Hey, wait a minute.
- What?
- Uh, the helmet.
- What?
- The helmet.
Yes. Oh, yes. [chuckles]
I always wanted to do this.
[driver] Go for it.
- Try to imagine it in slow motion.
- Uh-huh, okay.
- Well
- Ah! Now, I'm dizzy.
- Really?
- Good night. Love you!
Take care of yourself.
Uh, watch out for any steps.
Thank you, my friend.
[upbeat music playing]
- [ding]
- [door buzzes]
[upbeat music continues]
[elevator dings]
- [music stops]
- [doorbell rings]
[Nicolás] I'm coming.
[Nicolás chuckles]
- Hello.
- Hello.
- How are you doing? Come on in.
- [chuckles] How are you?
Are you moving in?
- What?
- The luggage.
What luggage?
Oh! This luggage! No, this
Come inside.
I have this 'cause it, uh,
has everything for work.
Everything, my laptop, paperwork,
so much paperwork. Seriously.
I can't believe you live here
and you haven't changed a thing.
Everything is exactly how I designed it.
Is that surprising?
An architect and a developer
being on the same wavelength?
No, well, I don't know.
Well, I'd put something else over here to
Yeah. To be honest, my style is you.
- [giggles awkwardly]
- [Nicolás chuckles]
- [giggles]
- [chuckles]
I'm single. Did I tell you that?
- You told me.
- Ah.
I want you to know I left him.
Maybe you thought,
"I bet she's on the rebound," but no.
I left him. [giggles]
And you're in another league entirely.
I've seen a bunch of people
get engaged just for the sake of it.
It is fashionable.
Yeah. It's like getting married
is the cool thing to do.
It's a turn-off.
- That's crazy, you know?
- What?
Maybe I was biased, huh?
- I thought you liked that. Like, uh
- What?
Civil registry, church,
a little party, I don't know
- [Victoria] Me?
- Yes, you.
Now you sound crazy.
- [chuckles]
- Do you know what I am?
- Mm?
- A kite.
I want to fly in the wind.
Like that, in the wind.
To live free.
I like being free.
No, really, just like a kite.
- Of course.
- That moves on the wind
- That goes with the flow.
- Yeah.
- I don't like commitment. Not at all.
- And this kite
it has a cord, right?
One I can grab onto?
[percussive music playing]
Yeah, I have one like that.
[moans softly]
[exhales and giggles]
[Nicolás snoring]
[playful music]
[music fades]
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Where're you going?
[Nicolás] Mm.
Seems like we drank too much last night.
Place is a mess.
- I'll help you clean everything up.
- No, not at all.
- Was I a problem yesterday?
- What problem?
I don't know.
- You were incredible.
- Yeah?
- You're perfect. Really.
- [giggles]
- [laughs]
- You sexy beast.
- You were like a kite.
- What's that?
- You were a kite.
- A what?
- You don't remember?
- No, I don't.
- Listen.
- Does my breath smell?
No. [chuckles]
- Stay here. I'll make you some breakfast.
- No, no, don't worry.
- I don't want you to
- Yes, I want to worry.
- And how about our plan?
- Mm.
The sail boat, our future.
- Yes,
- Mm.
Oh. Mm. Mm!
[Fernanda] Has this happened before?
You took a plane,
left your friends
at a hotel that you paid for,
and ran away from your own birthday.
I'm curious because
you've only just begun your therapy.
No, no.
No, no, no. No.
They were all there with their big plans,
celebrating their partners
and their marriages.
And you said, "I'm gonna book a flight
to see a man that I hardly know."
Put like that, it seems pathetic.
But, actually, look, if we did get married
and we started a family together,
then me secretly leaving Uruguay,
it sounds so
so romantic, so picturesque.
[awkward music playing]
[utensils tinkling]
[utensils tinkling]
[dreamy music playing]
[Victoria giggling]
[music turns playful]
That's good. Aw!
- Ah Thank you.
- [chuckles]
[Nicolás] Mm?
- No.
- [sighs]
[Nicolás] I was being a show-off.
I don't have anything for breakfast.
- That doesn't matter.
- I'll order some.
No. No, don't order it.
We don't need any food. Just have me.
[both laughing]
- Careful what you wish for.
- Go on, have me.
[Victoria] Come here. [giggles]
This is the apartment with a view
- [gasps]
- [screams]
[Magui] Oh! Excuse me!
We were planning to show it Sunday,
but nobody answered
A showing? But how? Why?
I mean, what do you have to show?
It's the other one, Magui.
No, it's this one. The one we always show.
No, it's the other one.
- You always show this one?
- No!
- Let's go.
- [Nicolás] No.
- [Victoria] Magui, no.
- [door closes]
[Fernanda] But it didn't happen.
And it's not going to happen.
What do you know?
[Fernanda] No, it's true, I don't know.
What I do know is that every time
someone close to you gets married,
you get upset, just like this.
And you become
the perfect victim for yet another man.
And it puts you at risk.
[gentle music playing]
So he doesn't live there?
Why are you here, Victoria?
There's something I can't forget,
going back to the last time.
[exclaims softly]
Like it's not that I'm envious.
The other day, I even had a conversation
with my mother about that.
And she said no. Definitively, no.
"You aren't," she said.
I'm angry that my friends
get married and not me.
It doesn't seem fair.
What am I doing wrong?
I'm angry that it makes me angry.
If you're unhappy with your own life,
comparing yourself
to others isn't helpful.
It's not that.
I am satisf Oh.
- I can't say it.
- Mm.
I am satisf
I'm satisfied with my with my life.
I don't know
I can't avoid it. You don't compare
yourself with anybody else?
I don't think that what happens to others
has to happen to me.
We have different lives,
and we're all different.
I live how I want to.
When you can build a world
that you like and believe in,
that's beautiful and makes you happy,
then, you'll care less about all the rest.
- How old are you, Fernanda?
- Doesn't matter.
- Are you married with kids?
- Doesn't matter.
[awkward music playing]
Well, it matters to me quite a lot.
You're just living together, is that it?
Mm, it doesn't matter.
[music ends]
Hey, hello.
- Hello.
- How are you doing?
Did you go out yesterday?
Get drunk, take drugs, everything, yeah?
Something like that.
Well, um you all right?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Oh.
It was your birthday?
- Yesterday.
- Mm.
No party?
- No, not really.
- Not at all?
- That's bad.
- Mm-mm.
It's bad luck not to celebrate.
- I didn't know it brought bad luck.
- You have to celebrate.
Anything, I don't know, just
What would you like to do?
- For my birthday?
- Yeah.
I don't know what I usually like,
so who cares?
Oh. It's a sore spot.
On your birthday
you get a little depressed?
That's right.
I had some bad experiences.
[Matías] Mm-hmm.
I get you. At Christmas,
at midnight, I get really down.
- It gets bad?
- Yeah.
But I celebrate anyways, you know?
- Wanna do something? Something simple
- With you?
Yes, I'll do something for your birthday.
Nothing fancy.
- For me?
- Yes, for you.
Right now?
[gentle music playing]
I didn't realize you're the type
to keep little plants around.
[Matías] They're not plants.
Well, they are,
but the little ones are called Bonsai.
- Oh, yeah.
- They're popular in China, apparently.
[Victoria] What's with
all these VHS videos?
- I had a video club.
- Seriously?
Yes, a video club,
right where the take-out is.
- You want a glass of water?
- Yes, water, thanks.
- I'll bring you one.
- What happened with the video club?
The era of pirated videos arrived,
so I had to take
the tapes out of their cases
and stick them all up my ass.
[laughs] No.
And wasn't it because of DVDs
that these went away?
I I don't know the order,
if it was DVD first, or piracy.
And? Tell me, what happened?
I studied cinema at university.
It was the era when everything
was about video clubs and VHS.
- Charged money to rewind and fast-forward.
- Sure, you swindler.
Exactly. Eventually, I saved enough money
to buy the building and rent it out.
I bought this house,
bought a little car, all swell.
I was killing it.
Then my dad lost his job.
- Mm.
- I don't know, I felt a bit bad for him.
I brought my dad to work with me.
He's a little bit, I don't know [exhales]
ambitious? That's the word I would use.
He kept pushing me to set up franchises.
I didn't want to, but he kept pushing
until I finally caved in and said yes.
But it failed, and I owed a ton of debt.
That was it with my dad. It was strange.
You got screwed.
- That's a bit strong, but I don't know.
- Mm.
I suppose I just choose to believe
that he made a bad business call.
He's not a bad guy, really.
[sucks in air]
I'm not sure, though. I'm not.
Anyway, it's your birthday.
I don't wanna make you more depressed.
You don't feel bad? You were in college.
You had these goals in film
and they all fell apart.
What goals?
I don't know.
No, I just realized
that it wasn't all that serious.
I'm not Spielberg.
- You were gonna be Spielberg? That right?
- Yes.
- Steven Spielberg. Yeah.
- Yeah, the next Spielberg.
Truth is, I wasn't.
I'm not resentful or angry about it.
And plus, I have this apartment.
It's more than enough space.
The Chinese pay me a decent rent,
they make me delicious food,
I start work after noon
Well, I don't know about that, really,
but perhaps close enough to that.
Or should I say, that I don't need
any more than what I have.
That's it.
No more?
[gentle music playing]
No. I'm good.
Put this thing on.
This? Don't play dumb, it's called a VHS.
- Yes, I know.
- You've seen a million VHS's.
- [laughs]
- That's right.
- Uh, what do you wanna see?
- Not The Little Mermaid, that's all.
- Really? Why not?
- I'll tell you about it another time.
- Not now.
- Alright, okay.
We'll save that for another time.
Let's do it right.
- That's it.
- [laughs]
Let's do the whole thing.
Let's not mess around.
- There it is.
- This is a good birthday.
[Matías] Make three wishes.
You're not allowed to ask
to get married, okay?
- What? Are you a mind reader now?
- Mm. [chuckles]
- Seriously?
- It was obvious.
- Nothing about Alright.
- Three that aren't about marriage.
- You ready?
- Yeah, I'm just thinking.
["Serenidad" by Feli Colina playing]
There you go.
Happy birthday.
Thank you.
[softly] Thank you.
You're welcome.
Look, I don't know
what you've been through,
but you'll be fine.
Wanna watch? Perfect.
["Serenidad" continues playing]
["Serenidad" continues playing]
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