Eric (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Forty-eight hours have passed
since Edgar Anderson was last seen
around 8:00 a.m. en route to school.
We're urging anybody with information,
however small, please come forward.
Pick up the phone
and help us bring Edgar home.
Letting him walk to school
when he was only in fourth grade.
Is that a decision you regret?
Stay on topic, would you?
- Commissioner!
- Mary.
We've seen a 4.7% spike
in violent crime and homicide
in this last year.
Are you chalking this up
as another statistic?
I'm just quoting what's in the press.
We're not chalking this up
to anything. Certainly not homicide.
By the way, Mary, you are the press.
What about Marlon Rochelle?
When another kid
goes missing on our street,
then surely city hall has more to clean up
than just garbage.
Do you even have a suspect?
We're working on it.
We're asking the public to stay vigilant.
Could be a neighbor. It could be a friend.
We're ruling nothing out.
We should let these kids
get back to school and start their day.
But before we do that,
I'm handing over to Edgar's parents
to say a few words.
Edgar, if you're watching this, um
I'm sorry, buddy.
Just come home, okay?
Prove to these ladies and gentlemen
of the press that you're not dead.
- [man 1 Holy
- Jesus.
Uh, no! Come away!
Okay, folks. That's all.
Anything else develops,
we're gonna let you know.
Thank you very much.
Body or a suspect.
Both, you might keep your job.
- Thanks.
- Can I help?
- Take these?
- Of course.
Do you remember Sebastian
from my class?
Hi, man.
I'm really sorry.
Yeah, what
what does that phrase even mean?
I don't know anymore, you know?
- How do you know my wife?
- She was my teacher.
Vincent, what is wrong with you?
- Come on, Cassie. What
- I'm so sorry, Sebastian.
It's okay. I'll just
- Yeah.
- Okay, leaflets
- Why don't you take from Broadway to 9th?
- No, no. I gotta go to work.
- What?
- I have got a plan, all right?
I I need to get Edgar's puppet
on the show.
They found his T-shirt, Vincent.
- They found his ripped, bloodied T-shirt.
- I know. I know.
What if he's dead?
- What if somebody has him?
- Stop. Don't say that!
He's not dead.
I'm gonna find him.
Your mother has offered a reward.
Twenty-five thousand dollars.
- They're trying to help.
- That's not happening.
Money's more likely
to bring him back than a fucking puppet.
Why did you say "I'm sorry" in there?
"I'm sorry, buddy."
It's just something you say.
Yep, fucked it.
Go away. Go away.
He likes school? Edgar?
He liked
likes drawing.
He's not very social. It's not unusual.
Only child.
He's running away, not to it. The house.
Parents fight.
These two are shooting fire.
You teach the children
and hope some of it goes home.
Ever see Edgar with anyone
other than his parents?
His mom picks him up most days.
Sometimes his dad.
Then who's this guy?
We're starting, Mrs. Ryan.
I'm sorry.
It's award ceremony time. Once a semester.
Keeps the moms happy.
Thank you.
Ah, Jesus Christ. He's got a kid.
Another one on the way?
Okay. All right.
I'll see you guys later tonight.
All right.
What's that about?
Kennedy. The cop you tried to bust?
He died in a hit-and-run late last night.
Yeah. Left a widow with a kid
and another one on the way.
The fellas are gonna get together
and raise a glass.
You might wanna keep your head down.
Probably just some drunk college kid.
Stole his old man's car, driving too fast.
He seemed pretty worked up at The Lux.
He kept talking about something
to do with 8.
I let it go, but when I listened back
over the tape, he was distraught over
Whoa, whoa. What tape?
You wore a fuckin' wire, Mikey?
Kennedy said 8. Who the hell is 8?
Oh, for fuck's sake, Mikey.
This obsession with The Lux
I mean, you gotta rein it in.
You're wasting time.
We shut that shit down
with the Sierra raid.
What the fuck? 8? Who gives a fuck?
That's just Kennedy shit-talking.
Find me the crazies,
the weirdos, the fuckin' queers.
Forty-eight hours?
This poor kid. He's either dead,
or he's being held somewhere.
Let's end this mother's misery, okay?
Get me leads.
we didn't expect you today.
They're trying out the new puppet.
- Right.
- Mush says
Oh, hey, stranger. Are you okay?
Vincent's here.
What am I gonna do at home?
Just act like I'm not here.
Please carry on as you were.
Go ahead. Yeah. Keep going.
Uh, Mac the Mole says
I've lost my way.
I took a right and then a left.
Got it. Mac the Mole.
So it's a Scottish mole.
Everything the suits
are feeding back to us
is that, on average,
only 9% of New York City kids
enjoy any kind of outside space.
But there is a world we don't see.
You see them climbing up
out of the drains.
A magical world that Mac calls home.
- Bug and Mush wanna go with him.
- I do.
- Mac says
- You're a mop-headed kid.
Why would you wanna
get stuck down in this shite and grime?
Run, kid, run.
Because only in the darkness
can you see the stars.
if you're stuck down a drain?
Come on.
Mac's just one big problem for Terminix.
We don't do rodents. We don't do drains.
We do we do parks. We do skylines.
I'm all for a new puppet.
But, Jesus Christ in a handcart,
what the fuck is that?
You're a douche, Vincent.
At least he's trying, man.
Let's take five, please.
Yeah, Veronica, rest your mouth.
No, seriously. Come on.
You're better than that.
- Kick a man when he's down.
- I don't need to, honey.
You got every newspaper from the Post
to the New York Times riding your ass
because you let a nine-year-old kid
walk to school alone.
There she is. That's my girl.
- Please, guys.
- Yep.
I know it's crap. What do you
It's crap.
What do you want from me?
You got something better?
- Ronnie didn't mean that.
- Yeah, she did.
Oh, buddy.
Any news or
Give me five minutes.
I I'll be right back. Okay.
Oh, Vincent, Vincent, Vincent.
Shut up!
Technically, if you wanted
to get rid of me,
you would have done it by now.
Spence, CCTV footage.
I'm still waiting.
It's been two days.
I know it takes time, but please.
Last sighting we've got
is a woman who thinks she saw him
a block from school.
Mikey, there you are.
Archives pulled up more files.
Anyone with a record
within five blocks of the kid's apartment.
Some of 'em go way back. Quite the bunch.
I'll chase that closed circuit
from outside the Andersons' apartment.
Hello, Missing Persons 27 Squad.
Yeah. Uh-huh.
Okay, can you repeat that, please?
I appreciate it. Soon as you can.
Thanks, Donny.
If you flooded number four again,
Mr. Partridge,
you paying this goddamn bill.
I'm not gonna be repainting
and recarpeting every time you
Mr. Lovett? Detective Michael Ledroit.
Okay if we come in?
The the place is a mess.
I was just frying up some eggs.
We just wanna
take a look around, Mr. Lovett.
What's that door? Check where that goes.
- You got a key for this?
- It's just the boiler room.
Open it, Mr. Lovett.
Nothing but junk and old cots.
There you go.
You reading a kids' magazine?
Yeah, I likes puzzles.
Ledroit, over here.
Over here.
No, no.
Back down. Down.
Is that a juice box?
Get this gate open.
I want a search down here now.
Hi. Edgar Anderson.
He's been missing two days.
Please, ma'am. My son.
Thank you. Sir, please. My son.
A little boy, missing two days.
Edgar Anderson.
- Sir, have you seen this
- Get out the way, lady!
Jesus. This fucking city.
Where dreams are made. Cute kid.
- Sup, boss?
- You're late.
Here we go.
The police say they're doing something.
I I don't know
what they're actually doing, you know?
- It's just
- You finished with that?
I'm trying to fucking talk here.
The NYPD are fucking useless.
Son of Sam is just
the tip of the fucking iceberg, my friend.
- So I'm taking matters into my own hands.
- Mm-hmm.
This is the new puppet.
This is for the kid.
We are rearranging the deck chairs
on the Titanic here, okay?
I mean, Jerry has the entire autumn budget
earmarked for Hector and the Honeybees.
Fuck, Lennie.
Hector and the fucking Honeybee?
- Yeah.
- Those amateurs.
I told you. Didn't I say again and again
they were hovering, sneaking about,
sniffing out blood?
Fuck, man. Okay.
Well, talk to Jerry
about the work that I've been doing.
Talk to him about this. Right? This.
Not that optically-challenged
crock of shit
that Jackson's pimping out.
This. Talk to him about this.
What the fuck is this?!
This this is chaos.
This these are just sketches. This is
I need a puppet. I need
The only thing I see you working here
is your goddamn destructive mouth, Vinny.
I don't know how you do it.
How do you have everything
that you have going on in your life,
and you still make people struggle
to find basic human sympathy for you?
I don't have a show.
I don't have my lead puppeteer.
I don't have
I don't have shit, okay?
And you're coming in here
telling me the obvious.
I need solutions.
I was making him French toast.
And he didn't he didn't want it.
I I was making him French toast
the morning that he
You know, the morning
This is Edgar's idea.
And I and I wanna make it real
'cause if we can get him on the show,
maybe the kid'll see it,
and maybe he'll come home.
Uh, okay.
Coming to the party?
Twenty-five years making great TV.
It's something to celebrate.
Hey, Jerry, buddy.
Can I have a word with you, please?
I'll come down there.
Have you seen this boy?
My son is missing.
Ma'am. Sir.
Ma'am, have you seen this little boy?
My son is missing.
Thank you so much.
Hi, have you seen this little boy?
Could you just please take a look?
Thank you. I appreciate that. Sir?
Edgar! Edgar!
Excuse me. Sorry.
Excuse me. Sorry. Edgar! Sorry.
Excuse me. Sorry. Edgar! Excuse me.
Edgar! Excuse me. Excuse me.
- Watch where you're going!
- What you doing?
He's here. He's here. He's here.
Why are you wearing my son's jacket?
Get the fuck away from me, lady.
a janitor working at the apartment
of nine-year-old Edgar Anderson
has been arrested
following the disappearance of the child.
Mr. George Lovett was taken into custody
late this morning
after police were alerted
We owe it to him.
He should not be at work, okay?
Yeah. So let so let him pitch
so we can make that assumption.
Oh, come on.
But he's been doing that
We have an amazing idea here.
Don't we owe it to the show?
- Vincent.
- Jerry.
I'm, uh, so sorry for your loss.
Why? He's not dead yet.
Give the guy a break.
He didn't lose your kid.
Shut up.
Lennie tells me
you're, uh, working on a new puppet.
Yeah. Yeah, I am.
Has he got a name?
- Eric.
- And then there was light.
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
He's gonna blow fucking Hector
and his wet dream of a honeybee,
Gloria and her lame-ass piece of shit
garden out of the fucking water
and push us through the fucking TV screen.
- I don't even think you should be here.
- Jerry.
We owe it to him to hear the pitch.
Because everybody here is behind him,
and I feel like Vincent's on to something.
Okay. Friday.
2:00 p.m. I'll gather the team.
A game.
A game.
Friday, 2:00 p.m. A game.
- Thanks, Lennie.
- Okay, don't fuck it up.
Oh, you're a pal.
You're a real good friend.
Did you take my son?
You always liked him.
Lennie. Final run-though.
Five minutes.
It's the police.
- Larry.
- CCTV with you by the end of the day.
Forensics just came in on the T-shirt.
Blood type O positive.
Can you check against
the kid's medical records?
And get me everything on George Lovett.
See if he's ever been seen by the psychs.
Let me know when Miss Clark is downstairs,
as well as the Andersons.
She's already here,
demanding to speak to her client.
And a William called.
Said you'd know who he was.
Miss Clark.
So you're willing to let the NYPD
frame another Black man?
A pleasure, as always.
He's got a record for the rape of a minor.
Overturned on appeal nine years ago,
Detective Ledroit.
He lives four floors down
from the Andersons.
Was the last person to see the kid
the morning he disappeared.
What kind of detective would I be
if I didn't bring him in?
I'm I'm doing my best.
Do better 'cause your best
isn't good enough.
- Where'd you grow up, Ledroit?
- Hell's Kitchen.
And you wind up here?
You're safer at home.
You wanna know how to spell racist?
After you.
Thank you.
Stop doing that.
Do you recognize this,
Mr. Lovett?
We found it in the basement
of your apartment.
- What was it doing there?
- My client does not have to answer.
We believe it belongs to Edgar Anderson.
Did you let Edgar
come down to your apartment, Mr. Lovett?
- Yes.
- Why was Edgar in your apartment?
He liked to draw.
On the wall?
There ain't nothing but spiders and mold
down there. Why not?
He liked it tucked away in the darkness.
Made him feel safe.
Do you let a lot of children
come to your apartment
No, I do not.
my client does not have to answer.
- Then why was Edgar in your apartment?
- He didn't like them fighting.
- He didn't like who fighting?
- His mom and dad.
Did he hear them
the morning he disappeared?
They be fighting all the time.
- Specifically that morning.
- That morning ain't no different.
I want you to look at something else.
We found Edgar's T-shirt.
Do you recognize it?
Oh, look closely.
It has blood on it.
Do you know where Edgar is, Mr. Lovett?
Look at me.
Do you know where Edgar is?
You served time.
Overturned on appeal.
- I made my amends.
- The guilty need to make amends.
- Are you guilty, Mr. Lovett?
- Detective Ledroit.
I demand some time with my client.
Mr. Lovett, can you confirm
your blood type? Please.
Type O.
The most common there is.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson.
Has he got him? Has he got Edgar?
It's not George.
He he'd never do anything.
You don't know that. Stop saying that.
For God's sake, Cassie.
We searched
Mr. Lovett's whole apartment.
We did find evidence of kids' drawings
in his basement and a juice box.
Do either of you recognize this?
- Yes.
- Yeah.
You aware
Edgar was going to his apartment?
- All the kids go down to his apartment.
- That's not what he's talking about.
- George has known Edgar all his life.
- Exactly.
We're not drawing any conclusions yet.
Don't do that.
On TV, they're saying if he was alive,
you would've found him by now.
Just turn off the TV.
We have a blood type
for the blood on the T-shirt.
We're checking it
against Edgar's medical records.
- What is the blood type?
- O positive.
He's A positive.
Edgar's A positive.
That's good news.
Would a reward help
if we circulate that there's a reward?
Soon as we have something,
I promise we'll call.
- Detective Ledroit.
- Excuse me. I need to go.
What are you doing, Cassie?
You reek of booze.
Cassie. Wait up. Cassie!
- Mikey.
- Yeah.
How'd it go?
Lovett's blood type
matches the blood on the kid's T-shirt.
Black guy?
Hey, you got him.
Said he stayed in the building all day
fixing a leak on the second floor.
We're waiting on witnesses
to confirm his alibi.
But we found drawings, kids' drawings,
on the walls in his basement.
You hold on to him
till you get a confession.
- He got a lawyer?
- Renata Clark.
Ah shit. She's a real ball-ache.
Especially when she knows
her client's guilty.
My guess is you'll be handing this
to Homicide by the end of the week.
Mikey. Marlon Rochelle's mother
left a message for you again.
I'm running out of things to say.
Marlon Rochelle? Again?
Her boy is dead and gone.
But this kid? At least his mother
might be able to bury her son.
You gotta celebrate the wins.
I'll see you two Friday. Dinner.
Lorenza's been cooking all week.
And no more trips to The Lux, okay?
You going tonight? Kennedy's wake?
I don't really know anyone
in Vice anymore.
I know his wife. A few of us go way back
from the typing pool.
Dana and I
have been through a lot together.
Not contributing, Ledroit?
We're collecting for Kennedy's widow.
Great loss to the force.
Here you go.
I'm sure his widow will appreciate it.
Fucking asshole.
He needs to get back in line.
It's been almost three days.
Have the police found any other leads?
Back off. Come on now.
Step aside. Let them through.
Give them some privacy, all right?
Come on. Guy lost his kid.
Has anyone
been apprehended?
- Take these.
- Okay.
He's not there. He's not there.
I was raised in the city.
And to me, she's always felt like
the girl you come home to.
You've been fighting criticism
for a while in city hall,
with rising homelessness
now spilling into our
Please. Can we just can we just
Can we just please talk about this?
About the check from my mother?
Please, can we talk about it?
Give me the fucking remote.
Did you know he was going down
to George's apartment?
Every kid goes down there.
You've let him go down
into that apartment?
This is George we're talking about.
Edgar's grown up with him.
So find me somebody else.
Find me somebody else
who can tell me where my son is!
He's my son too!
You think that I wanna
take this money from your parents?
It gets us information, okay?
People don't help without incentives.
You take their money, they take your soul.
They don't understand anything but money.
He's their grandchild.
Tell me one fucking time they've ever
shown any interest in their grandchild!
No, you can't,
so I'm gonna take that back.
You have to work with me on this.
We have to stick together.
I thought I saw him today.
But it was just a jacket.
It was just a jacket that looked like his.
What are you doing with his drawings?
I told you.
I'm I'm working on a new puppet.
Look, if if I can get Eric on the show
- Eric?
- then Edgar will see him.
And then he'll know how much we love him,
how much we want him to come home.
He'll know what to do.
Oh my God.
You're going crazy.
No. What? What?
You should have told them
that you went after him.
You should have told the police.
She's on to you, Vincent.
How did you get that cut on your forehead?
Vincent, how did you get that cut
on your forehead?
What blood type are you?
I'm giving my mother
her check back.
You may not like me,
but you need me, Vincent.
Not listening.
Only you know the way
that kid's mind ticks.
Not listening.
If you get me on the show,
the kid'll see it.
Get me on the show,
and the kid'll come home.
Oh, don't mind if I do.
Come on. Seriously?
The only way you're gonna make it right
is to do the one thing
the kid asked of you.
Stop it.
You are being
the shittiest shitbag of a dad.
Now you're hearing me.
Anyone ever tell you you're an asshole?
Mr. Lovett.
Come on, man. You know I can't talk to you
without my lawyer here.
Something you wanna tell me?
- What's this?
- Take it.
You know who that is.
That's supposed to be me?
I ain't did it then. I ain't done it now.
You gonna do what you wanna do anyhow.
Man, I am 72 years old.
I ain't had a hard-on for so long,
Jesus himself would declare it a miracle.
And I do not like children
the way you think I do. That's disgusting.
Now, I tell you what.
The longer you keep me here,
the longer it'll be before you find out
who's got little Edgar.
So that's on you, Detective.
Open it up.
Hold him until I say.
Hey. Don't Stop blaming me!
Yo, Yuusuf!
- What?
- I got the stuff you wanted.
What took you so long, huh?
- Fuck you.
- Nah.
Fuck you.
Vincent. Your mother know you're visiting?
where would the fun be in that?
Tia, is my mother at home?
Tia, did you manage to pick up
Mr. Anderson's dry cleaning?
Yes, Mrs. Anderson.
I'll hang it up now.
You know it is polite
to call first, Vincent.
If you'd responded to any of my calls
and let me know you were coming,
I would have made you something to eat.
- Get off that.
- Oh?
- I'm not hungry.
- At least have some tea.
Did they tell you anything more,
the police, about the arrest?
- No.
- Of course he's Black.
Jesus Christ, Mother.
Your money. We don't need your money.
You always get like this
when you've done something wrong.
You'll feel better after tea.
We're gonna need
something stronger than that.
You look tired.
You get cranky when you can't sleep.
Your money is not gonna bring Edgar back.
All right?
Then perhaps you shouldn't have lost him
in the first place.
You're right. I am tired.
Can I sleep here, please?
The bed's not made up.
We can't ask Tia to do it now.
You know what she gets like.
Can't you go home?
Don't tell me she's thrown you out again.
A hotel.
Do you need money for a hotel?
No, I do not need
any money for a fucking hotel.
You are. I can tell. You're going again.
You were like this
when you were a little boy.
Always talking to yourself.
And you'd say,
"Just because you can't see it
doesn't mean it's not there, Mommy."
I need to go now.
Times you ran away from school
and that summer when you were 16.
And you know what I used to do then?
You need to go back on the medication.
I might still have
the number of Dr. Mason.
No. Please, please, please, Mother,
can you can you just listen to me?
Oh, what is wrong with you?
- I'm frightened. I'm fucking frightened!
- Oh shush!
Your father is working.
You know, Vincent,
you need to stop blaming everyone else
for the problem
and start to see
that the solution is in yourself.
We don't need your money.
Then buy more copper.
I've got 20,000 square feet
and 12 bathrooms
that are going to need copper piping.
A cigarette that bears
A lipstick's traces ♪
An airline ticket to romantic places ♪
And still my heart has wings ♪
These foolish things remind me of you ♪
Babe? It's me.
A tinkling piano
In the next apartment ♪
You called work earlier.
Are you all right?
We talked about this!
Oh, look at you.
We agreed you wouldn't do this
until I got home.
What, hoping to join me?
Now you're a smart-ass. Come on, come on.
And up now.
It's okay.
Watch your arms.
- You're slammed.
- One more.
I didn't want you
to have to deal with me too.
Here you go.
You sure you don't mind me going out?
You got a temperature. I can stay in.
No, you go to work.
You've got a lost boy to find.
Who else is gonna do it?
Thank you.
What's this?
Yellow's for you. Green's Caroline.
And then there's the checking account.
I'm not talking about this today.
Not talking about it
won't make it go away.
I got a near ten-year-old bourbon
out the back. Came in tonight.
- Maybe later.
- Don't know what you're missing.
Two burgers! Two fries!
Hey, kid, you hungry?
We'll let in
two at a time, okay?
I'm so hot for you ♪
And you're so hot for me ♪
I'm so hot for you ♪
And you're so hot for me ♪
I saw you at the party
So I thought I'd play the game ♪
Two strangers in a lonely room
I asked you your name ♪
I had the answer
To the question in your eyes ♪
Where's Gator?
That we should love tonight
Should be no surprise ♪
From the corner of my eye ♪
I saw you going by ♪
I'm so hot for you ♪
And you're so hot for me ♪
I'm so hot for you ♪
And you're so hot for me ♪
I'm so hot for you ♪
And you're so hot for me ♪
What are you waiting for? ♪
That was strong. Whoo!
I'm gonna need a chaser for that!
We need to talk.
Let's talk.
Over by the bar.
Um, I want you
to listen to something, Gator.
There was a time you called me Alex.
The other night,
when I busted those cops
trying to shake down the place
Every mammal has its parasite.
Cops are mine.
- I picked up something.
- Like I said. Always on duty.
I got a near ten-year-old bourbon
out the back. Came in tonight.
- Maybe later.
- Don't know what you're missing.
Two burgers! Two fries!
- Hey, kid, you hungry?
- Yeah.
That kid that's gone missing. He's nine.
Ten in July.
You wanna act like
you don't know what I'm saying?
I got a near ten-year-old bourbon
out the back
Whatever you think,
whatever I have been in my past, Mikey,
this place is clean.
I learned from The Sierra.
I served my time.
Cater for every kink you might like.
Just got to be legal.
That's the way I insisted it was run
when I was gone and the way it runs now.
Some of the boys I see in this place
still look pretty young to me.
ID and tested once a month.
I got the paperwork to prove it.
I redirect the perverts.
I tell my boys to wax
before they're butt fucked.
I'm a businessman.
But the past
I'm done with the past, Mikey.
- Really?
- Really.
Okay. You don't believe me.
Yeah, right this way.
Mandy, your boy in again tonight?
Last time. I promise, Gator.
His dad is picking him up in ten.
Charlie, no more pie, please.
Ah, and that ten-year-old bourbon
you were so interested in.
You wanna try?
Hey, hey.
Come here.
I'm clean, Mikey. I served my time.
So what do you keep coming back for?
Thanks, Gator.
Those tapes are
on your desk, Ledroit.
Missing Persons, Detective Ledroit.
Seems everyone's
forgotten about my son.
His name is Marlon Gabriel Rochelle.
Missing since June 12th, 1984.
No one's forgotten Marlon, Cecile.
The disappearance of Edgar Anderson
raises deeper questions for the New York
We go over to Derek
Strong enough?
Have to be.
You gonna cut me in on this, Yuusuf?
- Cut you in on what, huh?
- Mm.
That stuff's
rotting your brain, girl.
Cometh the hour, cometh the man.
The legend that is Vincent Anderson.
You know, you really must stop
blaming everyone else for the problem
and start to see
the solution is in yourself.
Come closer and see ♪
See into the trees ♪
Find the girl ♪
While you can ♪
Come closer and see ♪
See into the dark ♪
Just follow your eyes ♪
Now we're cooking with gas.
Just follow your eyes ♪
I hear her voice ♪
Calling my name ♪
The sound is deep ♪
In the dark ♪
I hear her voice ♪
And start to run ♪
Into the trees ♪
Into the trees ♪
Suddenly, I stop ♪
But I know it's too late ♪
I'm lost in a forest ♪
All alone ♪
The girl was never there ♪
It's always the same ♪
I'm running towards nothing ♪
Again and again and again and again
And again and again and again and again ♪
Could I speak
with Detective Ledroit, please?
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