Eva Lasting (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

La dama de las camelias

[Eva] Just look at you all.
- Are you guys talking about me? Hm?
- [Camilo] Mm.
[chuckles] What?
You don't think I'm trustworthy?
No. No. We were talking
about something else.
Really? About what?
[Camilo] Um, about,
uh, the Tour of Colombia
starting in a few days.
And who's your guy?
[Camilo] A guy named, um
- Uh
- Álvaro. Álvaro Pachón.
- Uh-huh.
- Hm, cool.
Guys, she must have overheard us!
[funky music plays]
The play I presented
[adult Camilo] That's Guzmán. The dumbass
that only cared about studying.
He would always get the best grades
and had just returned from Venezuela
where he had represented our high school
in the Latin American
Olympics of Literature.
We obviously hated him, and seized
any opportunity we had to bully him,
and always got away with it.
- You're gonna be fine.
- No, wait.
- Listen, just open your mouth and relax.
- All right, I'm doing it. I'm doing it.
[Guzmán groans]
[boys gag]
Shush. All the way. Down.
That's gonna make you a man.
I focused on analyzing
the consequences of revenge
and how this can lead
to feelings of destruction,
and really won over everyone in the jury.
Well, what a lame jury.
The meaning of Hamlet is different.
- Thinking twice is bad.
- That's right.
[Eva] Because that's what he does
throughout the play.
He keeps thinking, and thinking again.
Because he wastes all this time,
then he doesn't get a chance
to avenge his father's death.
[dramatic silent movie music plays]
I mean, I prefer Romeo and Juliet.
These two are not over-thinkers.
They love each other,
no matter who and no matter what,
and they show us
that love is not for cowards.
Because of that,
I relate more to them than to Hamlet.
Amazing, Eva.
In fact, let's write down. Homework.
[boys groan]
Homework. So for the next class,
I'll need you to
select the character that you personally
identify and relate with the most
out of the many characters
in literature. Hm?
Just share the name
of that character in class.
Professor, I don't need to wait
till the next class. I have my character.
It's The Lady of the Camellias.
I am Marguerite Gautier.
[funky music plays]
- [librarian] The Lady of the Camellias.
- That's right.
Hm, are you sure you can read it in five
days? That's when we need the book back.
Sure. Sure. It's, uh
It's for my assignment with Miss Estela.
[librarian] Take care of it.
Take good care of this book, please.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Thanks a lot, Sarita.
[Sarita] No problem.
[Salcedo] She's so nosy.
[Camilo] "At whatever hour of the day
or night, you will come,
and I will be yours."
"But do not link your future anymore
with mine."
"You would be too unhappy
and you would make me unhappy too."
"I shall still be pretty for a while."
"Make the most of it,
but ask nothing more."
- Thanks.
- Thank you.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Sounds like the story of that Lady
of the Camellias is the story of a whore?
Earlier, she said she related to her.
She said she was
the Lady of the Camellias.
- So I guess she is a
- Salcedo, why do you keep insulting her?
Ah, you just keep standing up for her,
but think for a second.
Last time we were here,
she paid for all our drinks.
And your movie tickets, guys.
And she took a cab home
after that, didn't she?
She did.
The question is,
how did she get that money?
I don't know. From her savings?
Come on, don't be stupid, Granados.
That money thing is really weird,
but that doesn't mean she's a prostitute.
What about this book?
And those blowjobs
we could have gotten all at once?
Wait. I thought that sh-she was
only teaching us how to kiss, right?
- Exactly.
- I'm not buying that shit, buds.
I would rather bet
on her trying to get new clients.
Come on, man. Eva's been super cool
with us from day one.
I want you to stop disrespecting her.
You hear me?
And what if I keep going?
Are you gonna get mad or what?
You tell me. Huh?
Calm down. I actually agree with Granados.
You're very hard on Eva.
All right, dumbass.
I'll take care of you first.
Fight me if you've got the balls.
- All right. Let's go.
- I'm not afraid of you.
- I'm gonna beat your ass up.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, guys.
Hey, hey, cut it out. Sh.
Hey, guys, what's wrong with you?
Hey, buddies.
Are you gonna lose it because of a girl?
No, no, no, no.
Don't be so stupid. Seriously.
Come on. Let's just try something else.
Look, I've been thinking this through
for the last days.
And I think that we gotta investigate Eva.
What? No, no, no. Boy, are you nuts?
No, Granados, I'm not nuts at all.
I'm not nuts, buddy.
That girl just arrived here.
You two are already gonna fight
because of her?
So what's our plan? Cross arms
and stand idly by? Just do nothing?
I agree with Castro.
Let's investigate her.
Yes. And And listen.
Listen, buddy. Chill out.
If that girls turns out
to be as innocent as you think she is,
then great, no big deal,
we'll be fine with her.
Calm down. It's no big deal.
[man on radio] It is cycling time!
Competition is as fierce as it can get in
today's race, and we may be at a turning
[adult Camilo] After soccer,
cycling was the national sport,
and my second personal interest.
But that night,
my mind was somewhere else.
I knew that if I kept reading that book,
I would only get more worried.
Therefore, that was not an option.
What's going on?
[Camilo] I can't sleep.
Dinner was too heavy maybe?
Yes. I guess that's why.
- How about some herbal tea, sweetheart?
- [Camilo] No, I'm okay.
Want me to read this for you?
That'd be great.
Yeah, since you can't sleep anyway.
That will help me get this done faster,
because it's due tomorrow morning.
You'll see the notes I made with a pencil.
Let's go.
Did Did you have other boyfriends
before you met dad?
Why do you ask?
I was just wondering.
Well, of course. Like, seven.
- Seven?
- But he thinks I only had two.
- It's much better this way.
- But why?
Uh, Camilo,
you can't sleep, but is this because
dinner was hard on your stomach?
Or is this maybe
'cause you're falling in love?
Hm? Hm?
Is it the young lady
from the other day, Camilo?
Yes. Yes, that's her.
Nothing. [chuckles]
Hey, true love is not for cowards.
[Camilo] Romeo and Juliet.
- Wanna know how your father seduced me?
- Mm-hm.
[gentle music plays]
Because he fearlessly dove in
with no life vest on.
Listen, son.
If you're in love,
the less you think, the better.
[Camilo] Hamlet.
What's up? Let's go?
Or are you gonna brush me off today?
- What? Brush you off?
- Yes.
- Yesterday, you were nowhere to be found.
- Why would I do that?
- I'm not walking home.
- Where are you going?
- I've got an errand to run.
- I'll come with you.
No. No. No, you can't.
Why not? Are you meeting up with the guys?
Uh, yeah. Yeah, kinda.
And I can't come?
- You know I'm always up for anything.
- But today's not possible, Eva.
That's called discrimination.
[tense music plays]
Don't worry, it's all right. I won't be
annoying you anymore. I'm done asking.
I hope you have fun.
[adult Camilo] That was the first time
I heard the word "discrimination."
Back then, that word didn't have
the impact it has nowadays.
Leaving her behind, and upset,
had been a hard decision to make,
but at that point,
I was much more Hamlet than Romeo.
And I had a thousand questions
that needed answers.
[rock music plays]
I got a girl that treats me right ♪
You know
When she holds on to me at night ♪
She went that way.
It's too bad
I can only have her sometimes ♪
There she is!
But she doesn't mind ♪
Hey! ♪
Everyone knows how this story goes ♪
A good girl gone bad
But there ain't nothing wrong ♪
She doesn't even know what she's done ♪
Ha! And I ain't gonna tell her, baby ♪
[Salcedo] She's a whore!
The guy that picked her up,
that's gotta be one of her clients.
She's the one who said she's
the Lady of the Camellias Colombiana.
And you guys are still at her feet?
Oh my gosh.
She's walking all over you
and you got no clue.
No, Eva's not a prostitute.
I know, because
'Cause my dad took me
to a whorehouse last week.
And whores aren't like that.
Are you serious?
Yeah, seriously. Whores are different.
Different, but like how?
Well, um Like, they look older.
Maybe because your dad
took you to an old-man's place. [laughs]
Come on, Granados.
Tell us. How did it go?
Well, fine. Fine. It was all right.
But anyway, that's not the point.
The point is that we still don't know.
We really can't say
that Eva is a prostitute.
Oh, brother. There's none more blind
than he who refuses to see.
I'll prove you wrong. You'll see it soon.
Here's another blind saying.
It will dawn and we shall see.
- Granados.
- [Camilo] Hm?
Could you I was wondering,
how much do they charge in those places?
I don't know,
because my dad was paying, you know?
- That's why I don't have a clue.
- You didn't see how much it was?
No. Not exactly. Mm-mm.
If you're so curious,
why don't you go ask your friend Evita?
Granados, go ask her.
Since you're such a good friend of hers,
and so experienced.
Unless you don't have any more doubt now.
[Camilo] "Ever since I heard of her death,
especially since I saw her grave,
I have not been able to sleep."
"Or even think
that the woman who I left so young,
and so vibrant, has now moved on."
[dramatic silent movie music plays]
[adult Camilo] The tragic ending
of The Lady of the Camellias
put more pressure on me,
and answering my questions
became a matter of life or death.
But I didn't know
whether to keep imagining things
or to go straight and talk to Eva.
Guzmán is a real nerd, isn't he?
[adult Camilo] A risky move
that could define
the future of my relationship with her.
Because he's neither ugly nor dumb.
[man on radio] He's about to
He's gonna He's crossing the line!
- [Eva] Aren't you gonna say anything?
- I'm listening to the radio.
I should be offended.
You've been ignoring me.
- I explained it already.
- [groans] That was no explanation, okay?
But, yeah, it doesn't matter.
I would rather prefer to let things go.
But tell me
why you've been so quiet all day.
[Camilo] It was now or never.
What? Are you mad at me
for something I said, or what?
No, no, no, the thing is I wanna
ask you something and I don't know how.
And what's the question really about?
It's personal.
[Eva] What do you wanna know?
are you a prostitute?
[suspenseful music plays]
- [Rodrigo] She didn't deny it?
- Mm-mm.
That's harsh.
Don't tell me you're all depressed now.
Didn't you ask how much she costs?
[Camilo] Yes.
She said 50 for an individual experience,
and 150 for a full group session with us.
- What did she mean by "group session?"
- With everybody, you idiot.
At the same time?
[smacks lips] Let's see.
What does the word "group" mean?
But is that possible?
Isn't that a sin?
A capital one.
We are definitely going straight to hell.
- So then?
- I don't know about you, but I'll risk it.
According to the teacher in religion
class, you can commit any sins,
then confess with the priest,
and that's it.
- They forgive everything up there.
- Hm.
- You guys want a group session?
- Yes, sir.
[sighs] I don't know. I don't know, bro.
It's just a lot of money.
We could gather what we can
and then negotiate with her.
Are we talking
individual or group session?
- It depends on how much we get.
- I don't know.
I don't know.
I have to think about it. [clears throat]
[gentle music plays]
[Camilo] Dad?
- [José] What is it?
- Huh?
[Ana] Sh. Go open it.
- What's up, kid?
- Hey, Dad.
- I have to ask you a favor.
- Right now?
- Yes.
- [José] What?
I need to ask you for some money.
What do you need the money for?
So I can go to the whorehouse.
- You going alone?
- Yes. I figure it's better, right?
What happened with being in love?
No, that
I was thinking, and I think
that it could just be sex and that's it.
- Where are you going?
- Oh yes.
[José] Wait here. Wait here.
Okay, I'll be back.
He needs a favor.
Okay, kid. Here it is.
- [Camilo] Oh.
- [José] Huh?
Is this really enough?
It's all I can give you. Okay? I'm sorry.
- It's not much, right?
- Sure, because it won't take too long.
- Just tell me it'll help you.
- Yes, sir.
All right.
- All right, Mrs. Ana.
- [Ana] What did he want?
What did the boy want?
He needed some advice,
so I gave him the advice.
- Why give him money?
- He's inviting a girlfriend.
Mm. José, José, José, come on.
Okay. I need to confess something to you.
- Right now, Mrs. Ana?
- No, no, now. Yes, yes.
Come here.
It wasn't
only just two.
It was seven.
The boyfriends I had before you.
And I slept with three of them.
[rock music plays]
I hope it's worth the effort.
I had to sell
my last Checas porn magazine.
[Édgar] These magazines
are old and crumpled.
- But I'll buy them to do you a favor.
- All right, well, thanks a lot.
- Wait. Why do you need that money?
- It's a family emergency.
[adult Camilo] The Acuña brothers.
In the morning, they were studying with us.
But by night,
they were dedicated to armed robbery
and all kinds of illegal activities.
For now, this is okay.
If my dad finds out I stole from him,
he'll kill me.
[rock music continues]
I decided to sell the flute that
my grandfather passed on to my dad and me.
Well, I'll buy it to do you a favor.
There's not a high demand for used flutes.
It's the flute of my family.
If you get the money back
and we haven't gotten rid of it,
let us know and we'll sell it back to you.
- Thanks.
- What do you need the cash for, huh?
A family emergency.
- Him too?
- I had to sell my sister's roller skates.
[rock music continues]
[William] I'll buy them as a favor.
There's a surplus of used skates
in the marketplace.
Yeah, well, thanks.
Do you have a family emergency as well?
[adult Camilo] What my dad gave me
was nothing.
So I had to use
what I had saved for Mother's Day
to pay for the Eva experience.
It was a moment
when sex won over everything.
- Now what? Do we have enough?
- Sort of.
- Sort of what?
- Well, we're short.
We said 150.
[Camilo] Sh.
Can we get a discount,
since we're friends?
[Camilo] Mm.
[sighs] Oh, now
you wanna talk about friendship?
Where was that friendship
when you kicked me out of your plans?
Are you gonna insist on that? Really?
No. It was a little reminder,
just to refresh your memory.
But don't worry, I'll give you a discount.
- [Salcedo] That's it.
- For our friendship.
So you can see that I don't discriminate,
and I don't resent you guys.
All right, let's go.
What? What do you mean?
The experience is now? Right now?
Yes, now. What?
Do you already have plans tonight?
No, but, uh,
the return stage is at Bogotá today.
Yes, yes, it arrives at the Campín,
and the idea is to go see it.
Okay, well, you decide.
Is it the Tour of Colombia,
or a tour with me?
[adult Camilo] After a 40-minute ride,
we arrived at a house that,
according to Eva,
was the place where she worked.
[Eva] Here we are.
- [Eva clears throat]
- Pardon me.
[Eva] Come in.
Let's see.
All right, guys.
Please take off all your clothes.
I will change into something
more comfortable and I'll be right back.
- I thought brothels looked different.
- [Gustavo] Hm.
[clears throat] Hey, Granados,
does this look
like the whorehouse you went to?
No, not at all. It's very different.
This place looks like an ordinary house.
And what's this?
[Camilo] They look like
the ones policemen use.
- [Álvaro] Hm.
- [Camilo] Let me see.
[Eva] I want you all naked
in five minutes.
[upbeat music plays]
[adult Camilo] Doubt and shame
overcame us.
We had never seen each other naked,
and the idea that we'd start comparisons
over the size of our manhood
made us real nervous.
[upbeat music continues]
[adult Camilo] Salcedo
took the initiative.
Then we did the same.
It was clear that Pabón,
who was handsome and shy,
turned out to be a well-endowed young man.
The rest of us
were of an average standard.
[upbeat music continues]
- Yes.
- Sure.
[Eva] Very good.
[Eva laughs]
- [Álvaro] What are you doing? Eva!
- No! Eva!
[Eva laughs]
- Eva, stop that! Come on!
- Come on! Stop it!
- Hey, stop it!
- [Eva] Come on, boys.
- [boy] Wait! Hey!
- [Eva] Yes, yes, yes!
[boy] No! No, no, please!
[Eva] Let's see. There we go.
Wee! [laughs]
Okay, now you guys. Yes! Yes.
- Wait, wait, wait!
- [Eva] I got it! Yes!
- [boys yell]
- [Eva laughs]
- [Camilo] Oh, no, stop!
- [Salcedo] Come on! Put that camera away.
[Eva] It's too much! Yes.
I may be crazy,
but I'm definitely not a whore.
And if I was,
I wouldn't have a problem admitting it.
[sighs] Guys, welcome to my place.
This is where I live.
- [Salcedo] You need help.
- [Eva laughs]
I'm the only child.
My dad is a bodyguard and driver for
an engineer who's constantly traveling.
My mom died three years ago.
So one can say that I spend
most of my time by myself in this house.
The man that you saw pick me up at school
the other day
Very well.
That was my father. And the car
he was driving is the engineer's.
You thought I didn't hear you
talking about me in the bathroom?
And that I didn't
notice you following me?
The money for the movies and the beers,
that was all my monthly allowance.
I entered José María
because my dad threatened me
that if I got kicked out one more time
he would put me in an all-boys' school.
And guess what?
I did it again.
But I don't regret it. If I hadn't been
kicked out, I wouldn't have met you guys.
So, in short, that's my story.
Why didn't you tell us anything before?
Because none of you guys
ever asked any questions about my life.
You're not curious enough, guys.
What about The Lady of the Camellias?
The Lady of the Camellias
is one of my favorite books.
I identify with her because she was able
to defy the rules of her time.
Regarding the kisses I gave you,
I did it because I felt
you needed a little push.
And, well, since I love you and I carry
you in my heart, I took the risk.
And I forgive you, Martín.
You will get to know me better,
and then you will see I'm not a saint,
but we're not always who we seem to be.
Mm, one more thing.
I know I've been flirting with you all.
I wanted to see how you would react.
[romantic music plays]
[Eva] But it's better
that you don't get your hopes up.
I love you,
like little brothers.
Nothing else.
Don't take it personally.
Guys, I adore you, but I'm not into you.
And, well, I already have
someone else in my life. Sorry.
Then why did you take our pictures?
Because you all are so cute.
I wanted a memento of this reunion.
And you should know, I'm not mad at you,
because I know
you couldn't help yourselves.
That means no individual experience,
and no group session either?
I'm sorry my situation isn't so desperate
that I have to charge for sex.
How about the money we gave you?
We don't do refunds here.
But don't worry. We'll use it to go to
a place I'm sure none of you have been to.
Where's that?
[adult Camilo] The Bogotá Bowling Club.
We knew it existed,
but we had never been there.
In the '70s, most of the youth
would play ping-pong and billiards,
but the rich young people
played something that was
not yet accessible to the rest of us.
The question was,
why did Eva seem to know everyone
and be a regular at this club?
All right. We have lane number three.
[upbeat music plays]
- Uh
- I mean
Before you start to imagine things
or making up who-knows-what,
I am here to answer your questions.
I know how to play. I know this place,
the people who work here, and how to play,
because I was a waitress here
for six months.
I'd come here every afternoon after
my old school until my dad forbid me.
According to him, this was the reason
my grades were so terrible.
[adult Camilo] It was
a logical explanation,
but I wasn't all the way convinced.
Now, please take off your shoes. You have
to be in socks to go to the alley.
Our shoes?
[Eva] The idea is to make two teams
with three players each, okay?
The team that wins
is the one with the most points.
To get points, you have to knock down,
with this ball, those pins at the end.
There's ten pins. You get a point
for each one you knock down.
If at any point, anybody knocks down
all the pins on the first bowl,
that's called a strike,
and you get ten extra points.
Each player gets two turns to play.
Anyone have questions?
Tell me, how do we form the teams?
- [Eva] Heads.
- [Salcedo] Tails.
- [Eva] Heads.
- [Salcedo] Tails.
- [Eva] Heads.
- [Salcedo] Tails.
Heads. All right. So I will pick first.
[adult Camilo] We all felt
that our hearts hinged on Eva's decision.
That it would be a sign
of what she felt for each of us.
[Camilo] Pabón?
Your turn.
[Camilo] Not me, not me, not me.
Please, please. Not me.
You motherfucker.
[chuckles] Yeah.
[disco music plays]
- Yay!
- Oh, yes!
[Eva giggles]
[disco music continues]
Oh, there it goes!
- [Salcedo growls] Bullshit.
- It's all right.
- It's all good. It's all good.
- [Salcedo laughs]
- Follow the line. Right down the middle.
- Concentrate.
Make your body move ♪
Dance ♪
No, brother!
Going up ♪
Only way to go ♪
- Oh!
- Yeah!
[boys cheer]
[Camilo] Woo! [laughs]
- Oh! Oh!
- Yeah!
- Yes!
- You did it! [squeals]
You have to start near the ground. Focus!
- [Camilo] Woo!
- That's it! Yeah!
Yeah, boys! In your face.
Good one, good one.
- Aye!
- [Salcedo] You cheated. I saw it move.
Dance ♪
Make your body move ♪
Dance ♪
You got nothing left to prove ♪
Going up ♪
The only way to go ♪
[Gustavo clears throat]
[Salcedo sighs]
Hey, um, do any of you know
how the game ended, or who won?
[Rodrigo] No idea.
Bro, don't you think it's weird
that when she has to pick,
her first pick is Pabón?
Do you think she likes Pabón?
No. No, I don't think so.
I think she just did it out of pity.
Why did she kiss Castro?
It obviously was over the excitement
of the strike, Arbeláez.
Wait a sec. Do you think that That she
might really have someone in her life?
If Well If she was telling the truth,
we'd have met him by now.
No, it's just that there hasn't been
an opportunity for us to do that.
That's super weird, in my opinion.
She could have at least told us his name.
What he looks like.
She hasn't said a word.
- You could ask her
- No. No. Forget about it, Arbeláez.
I've already been pushy enough,
asking whether she was a whore, so
I'll never do that again.
Well, this whole thing's super weird.
I don't buy it.
Guys, don't deny it. Nobody else
could've stolen those walkie-talkies,
because no one else
was in my house yesterday.
[Salcedo] Are you saying
we're all thieves?
[sighs] No.
Well, it's your problem.
But you can't call us thieves.
I don't think so.
We may be poor, but we are not thieves.
You should know that by now.
You know what hurts me the most?
That I opened the doors of my home to you.
I told you my story,
and what do you do?
You steal from me. That's horrible.
And it's sad. What a failure.
I really thought you guys were different.
Eva, wait
What's up with this chick, huh?
Who does she think she is,
calling us thieves?
You guys think she's playing us again?
No, she's being serious.
What worries me
is that she has naked photos of us.
What if she feels like
showing them to the whole world
out of vengeance?
Then we'll be in real trouble.
No, no, no. That won't happen.
Are you sure none of you
picked up those walkie-talkies?
Really, bro? Are you on that chick's side?
I'm only asking a question. That's it.
You offend me with your question.
I won't let you judge my honesty.
- So? What are you gonna do?
- What are you going to do?
- What am I gonna do?
- Cut it out.
Guys, enough! Stop!
Now! Fighting each other
is not gonna help at all.
You can see now how far
your little friend Eva is taking it.
Oh, it's useless with you!
All we need is for you all to apologize
for how she treated us like thieves.
Stop and give it a break already, okay?
[Rodrigo and Gustavo gasp]
All right, all right. I'm leaving.
I gotta get going, guys.
You're not coming to the 68?
No. No. Soccer league starts right now,
and so, yeah, we want to practice and have
everybody ready to win that cup, so
Well, good luck with that.
All right. Ma'am,
I'll take one with the cheese.
Okay. I'm going. Bye, guys.
These are nice arepas, Mrs. María.
[tense music plays]
[Salcedo] Here.
- [Álvaro] What's up, guys?
- What's up?
Fine. What are you doing here?
It's just that we have a question
we wanted to bring up.
Uh, yeah. Uh, what is it?
Wasn't the soccer tournament
two months ago?
- Yes. Yes, yes. No. But the thing
- Come on, let's see.
- No, no, no, bro!
- [Salcedo] Oh boy.
- [Álvaro] But
- [Salcedo] Ah.
You're a real asshole, you know that?
I didn't think Eva would notice.
It's for her papa's work, my man.
- Now what do we do with this?
- What do you mean?
We have to talk to Eva
and give her stuff back.
Or we could do something else with them.
We could sell them and then use
the money we get to go visit the whores?
[Camilo] What?
Yes, because that's really
why I stole them.
This guy. What?
What? And that Huh? Don't tell me
you guys also think it's a good idea.
I don't think it's a bad idea.
We could sell them
and then definitely we'd be able
to pay for individual experiences.
Hold on, we're talking about stealing.
But you know
it's for a good cause, Granados.
You're out of your mind.
Eva herself says
money should be spent and enjoyed.
Well, of course.
But you know it's dirty money.
If we go down that route,
my dad always says
any money at some point
has been dirty money.
You surprise me, Arbeláez.
- You too, Pabón?
- [Salcedo] Well, well, well.
You can work your issues out later
and kiss,
but the majority wins over here, Granados.
The question is,
who's going to buy these walkie-talkies?
Where did you find these?
What do you care? What's your offer?
My brother says you can even
pick up the police signals with these.
Well, so? Interested or not?
We're more interested in finding out
where this stuff came from.
- No, no. We're not gonna tell you that.
- Why not?
Because we won't.
I can imagine that the place you got this
must have many other valuables, right?
We could become partners.
- And
- [Álvaro] And nothing, bro.
Are you interested or not?
[both] 150 pesos.
[laughs] Hey, guys, you're crazy.
Look at this product. It's imported.
[adult Camilo] I couldn't do anything
to change things.
And that's how the money
from the sale of Castro's theft
ended up in the pockets of the courtesans.
who, in one night,
made my friends a little more adult.
[woman giggles]
[adult Camilo] I avoided the situation
by saying I already had the experience.
But what was really going on
is that I felt
that if I was with another woman,
I would be betraying Eva.
I felt tempted
to go and knock on her door,
apologize for the theft,
and confess my love to her.
But there was
that other-person-in-her-life thing.
A thing I had to resolve
before any other decision.
[funky music plays]
Besides Pabón,
for whom the experience
was a bit disappointing,
for the rest of my friends,
that night at the brothel was a moment
to say goodbye to certain things,
and a moment to welcome others.
Are you ever
gonna talk to me again, or no?
As far as I know,
you had many girlfriends before me.
I don't think you sat down
to pray the Rosary with them.
That's different.
[Ana] Hm?
How so?
Because you're a man and I'm a woman?
That's why?
Right, I forgot,
now you want to be a feminist.
[sighs] That doesn't have
anything to do with it.
- [José] No?
- No.
So why hadn't you told me before?
I've begun to understand
that having a life and experience
before I met you
is not a bad thing.
- It's not?
- [Ana] No, sir.
On the contrary.
That actually allowed me
to have a reference for comparison
when I arrived at the moment
of choosing you as the man in my life.
I loved you even more,
and even more
than before we got married.
- I don't have time for breakfast.
- What time did you come back, son?
Late. I, uh, went to the movies
with a girlfriend.
I gotta run. Bye.
[door closes]
[adult Camilo] Another strange consequence
of our visit to the brothel.
Now, my classmates seemed to have
discovered the pleasures of knitting.
As opposed to Eva,
who definitely was a victim
of her own idea
when she recommended it as an elective.
Her dad probably yelled at her
over the walkie-talkies.
[Camilo] Hm.
And even worse,
the police m-must be looking for us.
Maybe she is just faking it.
Don't forget, she is an actress.
No, buddy.
Those are definitely not fake tears.
So what do we do?
- Well, uh
- [Eva sighs]
There's really only one way
for us to find out.
[gentle music plays]
No, guys. Not right now. Please.
- Please, I need to be alone.
- But what happened?
Nothing. Personal stuff
I can't tell you about.
A fight with your boyfriend?
- Is it because of the walkie-talkies?
- No.
No, guys. No.
It wasn't over that, and I'm sorry
for treating all you guys like thieves.
You guys are all really my friends.
I don't know
what I would've done without you.
I'm leaving school.
[gentle music plays]
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