Everything Calls for Salvation (2022) s01e02 Episode Script


[gentle music playing]
Here you are, finally.
Go on. What are you waiting for?
Set me free.
[restraint rips]
Thank you, my love.
I wanna make love to you.
[Gianluca] Daniele, wake up.
[chuckles] Did you sleep well, sweetheart?
- I just asked if you slept well, okay?
- Leave me alone.
Aren't you having breakfast?
Where's Pino? I have to call my folks.
He's around here.
But he won't let you make
a phone call until this afternoon.
- Are you still upset about yesterday?
- I am! So what?
Look between
the two largest branches up there.
Soon it'll show up,
in a matter of minutes.
Who will show up?
Well, definitely not Juliet.
It's just a little bird, but so beautiful.
If you see it, it'll make your day.
- Maybe another time.
- I know it's tough.
No one expects to end up in such a place.
Compulsory treatment sounds scary.
I know. [exhales]
But it saved the lives of many.
Also, Dr. Cimaroli is smart.
You have to trust her.
Once I saw a little bird resurrected.
You don't believe me now,
but if you'd seen it,
you wouldn't have any doubts either.
Okay, if you see
another one resurrecting, call me, yeah?
[women shouting, muffled]
[Pino] What the fuck is going on now?
[Nina] Fucking rules!
I can't deal with this shit!
[muffled shouting continues]
[Nina] No, you took my phone.
- You don't get it!
- [nurse] It's the rule.
[Pino] Hey, hey!
What's wrong? What's wrong?
- [Nina] What rule?
- [nurse] You can make one call a day.
One phone call a day
from the hospital landline.
[Nina] From the fucking
hospital's landline?
- [Pino] Hey! Hey!
- This is the 21st century, asshole!
- [Pino] No need to yell.
- Don't touch me!
[Pino] I'm not touching you.
- You can't keep your phone.
- [Nina] I need my phone for work.
Because I do what you're not doing.
- I work!
- [nurse] Calm down. Calm down.
[Nina] I told you not to touch me!
- [Pino] Let her hey, hey!
- Yeah, you're all criminals!
- [Pino] Stop yelling.
- [Nina] You can't steal phones like that!
- Hey!
- You're upsetting my lunatics. Calm down.
What the fuck are you staring at?
[Pino] Nobody's there.
You're seeing things. Go to your room, go.
[Nina] I'll go on my own!
- [nurse] Come.
- Give her a shot to calm her down.
- [Nina] Go fuck yourself.
- [Pino] You and your sister.
Be careful. There you go. That's it. Okay.
Turn it.
- Like that.
- [patient snoring]
Okay. Go.
- One, two and three!
- [grunting]
So now we have a full house.
- Who is this guy?
- His name's Giorgio. It's his fourth CT.
With the next,
he'll win a trip to the Seychelles.
- This guy is dangerous. A real lunatic.
- [nurse laughs] No shit!
He's crazy. Why don't you tie him up?
You tied me up.
No need. He got injected
with an elephant dose of tranquilizers.
He'll wake up in two days.
- Like a little lamb.
- [snoring]
[Pino] When you're admitted,
you're all the same.
You bite, you spit.
You try to harm the ones
that only wanna do you good.
- [Giorgio snoring]
- What a shitty job.
Oh, hold on. Wait, Pino!
- Pino, can I call home?
- No, you'll wait until this afternoon.
It's important.
I have to talk to my mother.
Exactly, so you think carefully
about what you have to say,
to avoid talking bullshit.
- Can I at least ask you something?
- What do you wanna know?
Listen, how come this Giorgio,
who you say is a beast,
and I actually think so too,
why is he in our room,
while Nina is in the bad guys' ward?
- Who's this Nina?
- The girl who flipped out before.
So it was you? I thought so.
Do you ever mind
your own fucking business?
By the way,
did you meet the witch last night?
Rossana, the woman on the night shift.
She's like a witch, isn't she?
- She looked like a nice woman to me.
- [laughs] A nice woman.
She might as well be working
in a concentration camp.
She's always been ugly
and a nasty bitch. A real Nazi.
The only good thing she's done was
to convince the hospital chief of staff
to assign her five days a week
to the night shift.
Totally illegal.
All because her husband's
at home in a wheelchair,
and at night,
he looks after their daughter.
She's obese. Imagine that.
But it's convenient for everyone,
especially for me and the Black nurse.
The only one
who works their ass off here is me.
Even the Black girl doesn't wanna do shit.
She makes the others work hard.
Like all these foreigners
who come here, steal our jobs.
You understand?
- [Madonnina] Mary, help me.
- [Gianluca] What have you done?
Again. My goodness.
- What happened?
- Madonnina pissed himself.
That's enough.
You'll wear a diaper today. Let's go.
Easy. You're hurting him.
The fuck I am, Mario!
Don't start with me. Careful.
We'll do it! Don't treat him like that.
How have I treated him?
Have I hurt you, Madonni?
Do you think this is easy?
No one should be mistreated, God forbid.
Can you tell me what we're supposed
to do to someone like Madonnina?
He should be living with his family.
Or in a nursing home.
Instead, he's going in and out,
in and out.
From one hospital to another.
Let's go, Madonni.
[Madonnina whimpering]
Respect is the first commandment.
Since we're already
hurting ourselves in here.
[Madonnina] Holy Mary, help me.
[Pino] For the time being, I'll help you.
We'll see later about Holy Mary.
[Madonnina] Mary, I lost my soul.
- Come on. That's the only one he has.
- [Madonnina muttering]
Now I have to wash it.
Careful. Here. Don't. Careful, go, go.
Thank you, Pino.
[Pino] You're welcome, Mario.
[Mario sighs]
Where the fuck have I ended up?
[all] Three, two, one!
- [friend 1] Hey, Daniele!
- [friend 2] Hey, where's Daniele?
[friend 3] Come on, Daniele, jump!
No, I'm not jumping,
and I will never jump.
[Gianluca laughs]
Hey, don't worry. You'll get used to it.
- You think so?
- [Gianluca] Yes.
At my first CT, I didn't eat anything.
When I got out, everyone told me
how wasted away I looked.
Well, at least I would fit in a size six.
I hadn't even noticed
that I had let myself go like this.
Now, though, I eat what they give me.
Even if it doesn't have much flavor.
How do you manage
to gobble this stuff down?
Well, easy,
I pretend it's something I like.
Um, I mean, spaghetti with clams
or some nice fried seafood.
What's your favorite dish?
Uh, carbonara.
Okay. So then, do this.
Close your eyes,
take a spoonful
and think about carbonara.
With soup? How do you do that?
[Gianluca chuckles]
Use your imagination, Daniele.
Since it's one of the few things
they left us with in here.
["Wash." by Bon Iver playing]
Come on. Eat.
I'm afraid it's not working for me.
[clears throat]
[Madonnina grunts]
All too sore for sound ♪
Bed ♪
Is hardly shown ♪
Scraped ♪
Across the foam ♪
Like they stole it ♪
And, oh, how they hold it ♪
[Daniele knocks]
May I? I have to make a phone call.
[Ale] Sure.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
- [line rings]
- [exhales]
[telephone ringing]
Lella. It's Daniele.
Yeah. What is it?
I wanted to tell you that now I remember
what I did the other night.
I'm so sorry.
Can you hear me, Le'?
Yes, I heard fine. I heard you fine.
Okay. Can you put Mom on the phone?
Well, let me check if she's awake.
She couldn't sleep at all last night.
I had to give her a sedative. [sighs]
Danie'. No, she's saying that
She says she can't speak right now.
[Daniele] Is she asleep?
No, no, she's awake, but she's saying
she's saying she doesn't feel up to it.
That she has to get over it.
[Daniele] But did you tell her
that I'm very sorry for Dad?
Yes, yes, I told her,
but I think that's not the only reason.
Why's that? Then what is it?
What is it, Danie'? [scoffs]
You can't just do whatever you like!
Make a mess, then say sorry,
and everything is fine again.
You have to give people the time they need
to recover at their own pace.
What do you think?
Okay, but can you tell her again that
that I'm sorry about Dad?
That I didn't mean to hurt him,
and I didn't want to upset her.
I mean, I'm not mad at you guys.
Yeah? Will you tell her?
Okay, fine, Daniele.
I'll tell her. I'll tell her.
Now let me go,
because I have 200 things to do, okay?
Talk later.
- [clicks]
- [sobbing]
Teacher, can I go home?
- Again, Daniele?
- [students laugh]
[Daniele] My tummy hurts.
Can you please call my mama?
Easy! Easy, don't run!
Hey. Weren't you sick?
Yeah, but I didn't want you
to wait too long.
[mother] I see.
You sure have a way with words, don't you?
Come on, let's go.
[Giorgio grunts]
Psst. Yo!
Come here.
I wish. Well, I'd love to,
but I have to, uh, do something.
You know, uh, take my medication.
- Shit. I can't
- [clattering]
- [Giorgio sighs]
- [bones crack]
- I'm Giorgio.
- Daniele.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Hey, Danie'.
I'm pretty sure I still have a joint left.
Would you like to smoke it with me?
- What do you say?
- I'd love to. Whenever you want.
- Whenever.
- [ripping sound]
Do you have something to make a filter?
Sleeping Beauty woke up, I see.
Did you wake her up, Danie'?
Maybe with a kiss.
Gianlu, I've told you a thousand times,
I'm not into men.
Whatever. Yet, I come in
and find you two on the bed.
You've never been on mine.
And he didn't even introduce himself.
- Nice to meet you. Giorgio.
- Giorgio, huh?
You don't have a Giorgio face at all.
More like Attila. Or like Shrek.
Daniele. Come on, I was waiting for you.
- Good morning, Giorgio.
- [Giorgio] Doctor!
[laughs] Hello, dear. Let's go.
You guys go ahead without me. Don't worry.
Do you have something to make filters?
- [scoffs]
- [Daniele] Uh, to make a long story short,
I feel as if life weighed on me more
than on others.
I mean, not just
for the negative things, okay?
Even the nice ones.
I feel like everything is gigantic.
Maybe it's
some kind of mental retardation.
[chuckles] You think so, huh?
Well, yeah.
Yes, because, I mean,
while other people eventually grow up,
move on, get an idea of what life is like,
and then live with it, I don't.
I mean,
it's as though I were reborn every day
to come to terms with life all over again.
I mean, at night, it's as if I died,
and then in the morning
as if I were reborn.
But tell me.
What kind of disorder did our colleagues
who treated you say you had?
Bipolar disorder?
Mixed bipolar disorder, perhaps?
- If that exists?
- Hmm.
Well, they may have
told you about bipolar depression.
- Does it sound familiar?
- No, you should ask them.
[Cimaroli] Maybe when you talk
to your mother, ask her,
because it could help us make a diagnosis.
Okay, so when I hear from Mom,
I'll ask her.
Or perhaps we could ask the electrician
next door. It'll probably be faster.
So, yesterday, I mentioned serotonin.
And that's where we should begin.
From the reuptake devices,
which affect, among other things,
all anxiety-related pathologies,
such as obsessive-compulsive disorders,
Do you have any?
Well, I don't have
any compulsive disorders. No.
As for obsessions, plenty.
They just eat me up.
[Cimaroli] Do you wanna tell me about it?
Yes, but they are,
for the most part, uh, they're images.
Like, the vision of my parents dead
or of myself losing control.
Which is what
I actually did the other night.
I lost control, and I hit my dad.
[Cimaroli] In the end, you remembered it.
Don't worry.
Anybody can experience
a psychotic breakdown.
The fact you're feeling bad about it
is definitely in your favor.
Listen, would you happen
to have any kind of, say,
artistic passion for example?
Do you enjoy acting, writing,
painting or taking pictures?
No. No.
- [inhales] I mean, I like to write.
- [Cimaroli] Hmm.
In high school,
I got my best grades on essays.
I even wrote some poetry.
Oh, you wrote poetry?
- Yes, but average stuff, you know?
- [chuckles]
Everyone writes poems
sooner or later, right?
To be honest, I never wrote any.
Anyway, I stopped after high school,
because after all,
you can't make a living with poetry,
I mean.
[Cimaroli chuckles]
If you feel like writing anything,
whatever goes through your mind.
- It might be good for you.
- Thank you.
- [clattering]
- [Gianluca shouts]
- What's going on? What was that?
- [Gianluca] You're an asshole!
- [shouting]
- [Cimaroli] I'm sorry, Daniele. Excuse me.
[Gianluca] You called me ugly!
I'll cut your throat, you know!
[Giorgio] Who are you again?
What do you want?
[Gianluca] I'll cut your throat.
I'll kill you! I'll cut your throat!
Be careful with that thing
or I'll punch you in the face!
Can you tell me what's going on here?
Doctor, Giorgio called me ugly!
First, he looked at me and made fun of me!
I heard you, you know. You bastard!
What did I say? You liar.
You're setting me up
because I just got here.
- I only spoke to this dude!
- You called me ugly, you bastard!
Calm down now, both of you!
I don't wanna hear another word.
[Gianluca whimpers]
Let me remind you that the judge
must know what's going on in here.
If there are any fights or quarrels.
So, now shake hands and make peace.
- [Gianluca exhales]
- Gianluca, you too.
[Gianluca sighs]
Perfect. And now, you behave!
Please, don't make me come back.
Hey. It's just one of those days.
Anyway, we did share
some important thoughts, right?
- Yes.
- Bye now.
Are you new?
That's right.
But they know me pretty well,
because I come here often, you know.
- What's wrong with you?
- Nothing at all.
Nothing's wrong with me.
I'm fit as a fiddle.
Like him. He's always been fine.
Then, when he finished school,
I had the great idea to take him
with me to work as a laborer.
But I noticed I'd run out of plaster.
So I had to go back to the depot
and get some more.
So I said, "Come on,
you start without me."
"I'll be quick."
And so I left my son to his own devices.
Hello. Nina.
- [nurse] I lost my grip.
- [Daniele] Nina! Come here.
Come here a second.
- [nurse] Thanks, Alessia.
- What do you want?
[nurse] Is she hurt?
Daniele Cenni.
I was in B section at Manzoni.
You were in C,
the classroom down the hall.
- No.
- What do you mean no?
You're mistaking me with someone else.
I wasn't at Manzoni.
I can't be wrong. You're Nina.
How could I be wrong?
I even wrote you a poem,
and I left it in your jacket.
Look, pal.
My name's not Nina. I don't know you.
If you keep busting my balls,
I'll call, um, the nurse.
But I'm not mistaken. I'm sure of myself.
You were always
with that girlfriend of yours.
The blonde girl.
What was her name? Laura. Laura, yeah.
I even saw you in that show.
I saw it all, by the way.
- You were amazing.
- Yeah.
Earlier, when you were in the corridor,
and you were all pissed off,
I thought, "That really is Nina
because she works with her phone."
So no doubt. I just couldn't
figure out what happened to you.
So, why are you in here? What's with you?
What a fucking question to ask.
Are you a moron?
[Nina] Are you a moron?
What'd you do to yourself?
Hey. Uh, I need a nurse, please!
No, no, no, no. No, no, no.
No need to call the nurse
Alessia, everything's fine.
It's cool. Nothing happened.
Listen, can you talk to him?
This guy thinks he knows me, and I
Trying to get me in trouble?
I didn't do anything, okay?
The door was open. And I know her.
So what? I know her too.
I saw her in that show.
But I'm not gonna bother her
because she's famous.
It's not that. I know her.
She's really a friend of mine.
- Went to school together.
- Didn't look like that.
I know, but even if she denies it,
it's the truth, okay?
It's the truth.
After all, you see the state she's in.
What'd she do, try to kill herself?
- If I knew, I couldn't tell because pri
- Yeah, I know, privacy. I get it.
Privacy, yeah. But if you don't mind,
I'm worried about her.
Listen, don't act like I'm the bad bitch
here, because I know how it's gonna end.
You can do whatever you want,
because, poor things, you're sick.
And that makes us the bad guys?
Look, I'm sorry about yesterday.
My brother didn't know
about the visiting hours,
and I didn't wanna keep him
waiting around all day.
I've never treated anyone badly.
Let alone a person
who's taking care of me. Yeah?
Okay. Apology accepted.
Oh. One more thing. Uh, could you
give me a cigarette? It's time for one.
[sighs] Wait for me in there.
- [Ale] Here.
- Thank you.
- Hmm.
- [lighter clicks]
[inhales] Where are you from?
- [exhales]
- Via Tuscolana. Why?
- No, I mean, originally.
- [Ale] Via Licinio Stolone.
Quadraro area, actually.
But I didn't wanna brag.
I'm Italian. My parents are Burkinabe,
if that's what you're asking.
Okay, I see.
Damn, it reeks of smoke in here.
Oh, sorry. [exhales]
[muttering] Virgin Mary.
Madonni, I'll tell you what.
I'll give you a cigarette
if you tell me your real name.
[Madonnina screaming]
- Here, here, here!
- Come on.
- [Ale] Here, here. Here it is.
- [Daniele] God forbid.
[lighter clicks]
There. Now he's happy.
But hide the lighter, okay?
[clicks tongue]
[wind blowing]
- Let's do this. [laughs]
- [Daniele] Are we sure?
- Guys?
- Let's do it!
- Come on!
- Come on!
[all] Three, two, one!
- [shouting]
- No, no, no, no.
You're all crazy.
Diving, come to think of it,
is always a demonstration of madness.
Why dive?
Why risk, in the best-case scenario,
your life?
Everything suggests the danger,
the total madness of the gesture
But the others seem to ignore it.
As though they didn't have the awareness
of the possible consequences.
[ethereal music playing]
I alone can see them. Crystal clear.
More real than reality.
- What are you doing? Is this a joke? Huh?
- [sobbing] Oh, I can't believe it.
[Daniele] Mom, what are you crying for?
I'm alive. I'm alive, okay?
Lella, Giova. Stop now!
No more kidding around. Stop it!
No, sorry, Danie'.
You've already caused too much trouble.
Close it, please.
[Daniele] No, no, no. Wait, wait, hey!
Wait, wait, hey!
Mom! Dad! Hey! Hey!
- Let me out of here! Let me out of here!
- [banging]
[Mario] May I have your apple?
Do you mind?
Go ahead.
[Ale] Daniele, your mother's on the phone.
[suspenseful music playing]
Hey, Mom.
[mother] I'll be brief,
'cause I lost my voice.
I lost it all the other night.
Not only did you hurt your father,
you're also doing cocaine, huh?
I found it
in the pants you had on the other night,
before putting them in the washer.
Well done.
Seems like you're doing it on purpose.
What do you think you're doing, huh?
Do you wanna destroy everything,
your life and ours?
Do you really think
your father and I are so disgusting?
What are you talking about, Mom? I never
Why would why would
I ever think you were disgusting?
You didn't just think that.
You told us the other night.
What, don't you remember?
[sobbing] You're not my son, Daniele!
Why are you acting like this? Why?
Because you are disgusting!
You are disgusting!
- Your life is disgusting! Disgusting!
- [sobbing]
[Daniele panting]
[mother] Your dad and I may be naive,
but in our own way, in our naivety,
we took you to the doctors.
We did all we could to help you.
And you said we thought you were crazy.
You see?
- [crying]
- You see you needed it?
If only you had listened to us.
Listen, I hope you'll find someone
there who can help you, because
your father and I don't.
We don't know what to do anymore.
Try to heal, Danie'.
And listen to the doctors. Bye now.
Mom, Mom [sobbing]
[Daniele sniffles]
It was your mother, right?
Look, this is mine.
And that's me next to her.
- May I?
- Yes. Here.
- What a beautiful lady.
- [Giorgio] Yeah.
One morning, my mother, um, tells me,
"Giorgio, Mom is going to the market."
Uh, I was with my granddad, okay?
I was not even ten years old.
She leaves and an hour goes by,
then two, but Mom wasn't coming back.
Then in the evening,
we get a call from the hospital.
So we actually go there, huh?
Granddad Granddad goes straight in,
but then two nurses come,
and and they take him away.
And he starts
he starts shouting like a mad-mad person.
And after that a nurse comes in
and tells me, "Oh, but but you"
"What is your name, and
and, uh, what's your favorite team?"
[hesitates] I mean,
what do I care about that, huh?
I wanna go see Granddad, huh?
And and so I I run away,
and I look for him.
And he's screaming so loud,
I find him right away.
And I go next to him.
But he's not looking at me.
Be because he he stands there,
looking inside a room.
And then he goes in.
Of course, I wanna go in too.
But two guys grab me, you know.
They hold me back.
[sobbing] I scream,
because I wanna see her.
And and instead, I never saw her again.
You can't die like that.
Not without even saying goodbye.
You are lucky you have
you still have your mom, okay?
Make sure you treat her well, okay?
- Leave my mother out of this, huh?
- [Giorgio] Yeah.
I heard you talking
with her earlier on the phone.
What the fuck do you want?
Who the fuck asked you anything, huh?
And you! What the fuck do you want?
Don't touch me!
I don't want you around!
Maybe you didn't get it.
Okay? And you too, all of you!
All of you, just leave me the fuck alone!
I'm not like you, understand?
I'm not like you.
In fact, I I really fucking hate you!
What do you want, huh? What do you want?
Do you wanna kill me?
Do you wanna fucking kill me?
Yeah? Then kill me! Kill me!
Kill me now. You'll do me a favor!
- [Mario] Calm down.
- [panting]
Let's all calm down.
Getting angry is useless.
[Daniele exhales]
[Gianluca] Go on!
Lock yourself in the bathroom!
Lock yourself in. See if we give a damn!
We don't want people like you!
Who the fuck do you think you are?
["Only" by RY X playing]
Coming from the cold ♪
Buried under heat ♪
Lay you on the floor ♪
Heavy like the force between us ♪
Cut me like a rose ♪
Turn me like a beast ♪
Hold me on the floor ♪
Heavy like the force between us ♪
Between us ♪
[Rossana] That's what I'm saying.
Yeah. What are you doing here?
I'll call you back, honey, okay?
What do you want,
to jump out the window again tonight?
No, but I need another pill
like the one you gave me last night,
because it did wonders.
I'm sorry. This morning
I left a note for the doctors,
but Dr. Cimaroli said you're
not supposed to take any sleeping pills.
There's nothing I can do.
We just don't tell them. Who cares, right?
I'm saying this for you too, or I'll
be wandering around here all night.
Whatever. For the time being
- [lock clicks]
- there.
So, use the corridor.
Imagine you're in the street.
I've got stuff to do now.
Cristina. Yeah, tell me.
No, just read me those numbers.
I was only falling in love ♪
I was only falling in love ♪
I was only falling in love ♪
Coming from the cold ♪
Buried under heat ♪
Lay you on the floor ♪
Heavy like the force between us ♪
Cut me like a rose ♪
Turn me like a beast ♪
Hold you to the floor ♪
Heavy like the force between us ♪
I was a ghost ♪
Halted in flight ♪
Bleeding ♪
There of the heart ♪
God undertow ♪
Feeling ♪
[clattering continues]
I was only falling in love ♪
[Daniele] Hey! Hey!
Have you lost your mind?
You scared me!
What the fuck are you doing?
Lower your voice. I'm trying to stop you
from doing something stupid.
- If you fall, you're dead.
- [sighs]
What the hell do you care anyway?
I'd be sorry for you. So what?
Are you all right?
Hello. Why do you insist? Yeah.
I'm fine. I'm doing really great.
It's just what I wanted,
to end up in a shitty place like this.
By the way, I tried to escape
from there, but it's impossible.
Are you an idiot or what?
I already realized it couldn't be done.
Good for you.
You just have to accept
you'll be stuck in here for a week.
You. You accept it.
I can't even think about it.
[inhales] In the meantime, you know what?
Get lost!
Otherwise, I'll start screaming.
And if you do that, how will you justify
that backpack when they get here?
Just beat it, okay?
I tell you what, then.
You go back to your room,
and I get lost, okay?
Or else, I'll start yelling.
And maybe you'll spend
more than a week in here. How's that?
Should I yell?
Go fuck yourself.
[Daniele exhales]
I was only falling in love ♪
I was only falling in love ♪
I was only falling in love ♪
I was only falling in love ♪
Coming from the cold ♪
Buried under heat ♪
Lay you on the floor ♪
I was only falling in love ♪
Cut me like a rose ♪
Turn me like a beast ♪
Hold you to the floor ♪
I was only falling in love ♪
I was only falling in love ♪
I was only falling in love ♪
[whispering] Hey, wanderer.
No way you're gonna sleep, huh?
In here, secrets are short-lived.
I know what happened with your family.
Often, it only takes one second
to hurt someone. Sometimes less.
[whispering] Well, it's just that
I was so out of my mind,
that I don't even remember what I did.
I mean, it wasn't me, you see?
But [sighs]
I still feel very guilty.
Even with Giorgio earlier.
Maybe you should tell Giorgio.
And tell your father too.
Tell him you love him
when you see him. Apologize to him.
Otherwise, chances are that the regrets
will haunt you for the rest of your life.
What do you know?
[Mario exhales]
[Daniele] Sorry for asking.
It's just that the other night,
I heard you calling a woman's name.
Angelica, I think.
And I figured that she was your wife.
No, I'm not even married. No.
I couldn't have said Angelica. I mean
You must have misunderstood.
It's just that nights here
are the worst of times.
I'm haunted by things I can't chase away.
There's no escape.
I'm drowning in my mind.
The only thing
that gives me relief is him.
I can't see it.
Come here. You'll get a better view.
But did you really
see a bird resurrecting?
I swear.
[Daniele] But how so?
How? Well, first it was dead,
and then then it was alive.
[laughing] Yes, of course.
But I don't see it though.
Sooner or later you'll see it. I'm sure.
["Stitches" by Califone playing]
Trying to get ♪
Born all over again ♪
Without a wish, without a lie ♪
Without dying ♪
All over again ♪
Trying to stop ♪
Taking it out on you ♪
Cut the connection ♪
Just to stitch it together ♪
Again, again, again ♪
The Chinese opera ♪
Show me your stitches ♪
Deep sea diver, shoes on a wire ♪
The blood left my hands ♪
Sucking the whiskey out of your hair ♪
The wilderness between ♪
The bite marks and scratches ♪
Didn't we fit together ♪
Like somebody else's sweater? ♪
Cut the connection ♪
Just to stitch it together ♪
Again, again, again ♪
- [music fades out]
- [ethereal music playing]
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