Exception (2022) s01e02 Episode Script


[dramatic orchestral music plays]
[music ends]
[ominous atmospheric music plays]
[exhales deeply]
Orbiting altitude stable.
No problems with the attitude controls.
Looks pretty rough down there.
Mack, how's it going on your end?
I haven't seen him yet,
but he's most likely in Area H.
[Oscar] How can you tell?
I checked the sensor logs.
Someone passed through at 0900.
[Oscar sighs] Watch your back, man.
[sighs deeply]
Printing of atmospheric transformer
engineer, Lewis, was a failure.
I suspect that a solar flare affected
the bio 3D printer, The Womb.
I theorize that the frontal lobe,
which influences logic and rational
thought processes, was printed in error.
He became extremely violent
and murdered me.
[breathing shakily]
[Oscar] What the hell is this?
[Nina] It's Lewis's blood.
The DNA was a match.
I guess it can write.
Wouldn't it be better if we captured him
instead of killing him?
He clearly understands language.
Doesn't that mean he's human,
just like us?
I agree.
This has changed the circumstances.
Even though it killed you?
I'm a doctor. I can't ignore
a human being asking for help.
Oscar, what are your thoughts?
I agree with Patty and Nina,
but I want evidence whether
he's still human or something else.
Are these Lewis's scans?
Yes, right before he woke up.
Apparently, I saved this before I died.
Have you and I had conversations
about Lewis?
You know, you and my previous self?
No, not really.
I see.
What do you think of Lewis?
Well, it's complicated.
Do you know what part of the human body
The Womb starts printing from?
From the middle outwards, right?
Yes, well, specifically,
it starts at the center of the brain
from the central nervous system
in the artificial amniotic fluid.
And memories are burned in as
the neural network is being printed.
And, based on these scans, the printing
process was normal at the beginning.
[Patty] So that means
[Nina] The center of his brain
was printed normally,
and appears to be human,
but the outer part of his brain
is not normal.
So, he's half human
and half something else.
[Patty] But he wrote a word.
Yes, but does that make him human?
[Patty] The only animals that use
the word "help" are humans.
[breathing heavily]
[grunts, groans]
I'm getting hungry.
Why don't we call it for now and eat?
[Mack] Sure. Let's meet in the mess hall.
Oh, and, Mack,
can you print up tool number 18?
I'm going to need it later.
[Nina] If you, the printed version of me,
properly share the same consciousness
and memories of the past,
then you should know what it is.
It's the cat doll from our childhood.
It's always been by my side
watching over me,
and and now I'm giving it to you.
This was the only thing I brought with me
when I left home to live on my own.
It's always been with me,
through thick and thin.
[phone beeps]
Over here, you've got to see this.
- What's going on?
- I don't know.
[suspenseful music plays]
Just to be clear, I'm not the type
of guest that trashes the party.
I have better table manners than this.
[suspenseful music intensifies]
Why weren't we alerted
when it entered our living quarters?
The ship doesn't have
Alternative Intelligence,
and we can't possibly be
on 24/7 security detail.
That's quite an appetite.
All the food in
the mess hall is destroyed.
We should probably keep an eye
on the food storage.
If he gets to that, we're screwed.
Agreed. But first, we need to figure out
where on the ship that thing is.
Oscar, give me a hand.
[Nina] I know you want to protect Lewis.
Look [sighs]
I've never been able to just stand by
and watch when someone
or something needed help.
You fight for the underdog.
You know, I'm not completely on board
with killing him either,
but if the members of this crew
are in danger, I can't
[Lewis groans]
Yeah, someone definitely passed through
here again while we were in the mess hall.
So it likes hanging around Area H.
Makes sense. No one goes over there.
We could block it off,
but that's going to take time.
Let's lay down sensors in the surrounding
corridors to keep tracking it.
[Oscar] Sounds like a plan.
Lamb chops, lobster. Oh, this one's duck.
If it gets to this, we'll starve.
So, what do you want to do?
There's no locks on the doors.
We could take turns guarding the room.
No, the crew needs to focus
on the mission, not pull guard duty.
Let's move all of these
to a more secure location
where we can keep an eye on them.
And where's that?
I have an idea.
[groans, grunts]
- Hey, look, maybe you should take a break.
- [breathing deeply]
When was the last time you slept?
[Mack] I'm fine. Let's just keep moving.
Give us a hand, will you?
[soft orchestral music plays]
[grunting, sniffing]
[Nina] The Lewis we see now
is like a a starving animal.
However, we sometimes see his humanity.
- Right here.
- [groaning]
He's switching between being a human
and this other thing.
The word he wrote on the wall was probably
when he briefly regained
some of his humanity.
As a doctor,
do you feel that this Lewis is capable
of carrying out our mission
to terraform the planet?
- No.
- I see.
Then, unfortunately,
I don't think we have a choice,
but to put it out of its misery.
Mack, are you saying
the value of his life is based on
whether or not
he can carry out his mission?
- [Mack] Of course.
- [Patty scoffs]
[Mack] Humanity is counting on us
to carry out this mission.
It's why we were printed
in the first place.
[Patty] True, we are reprints,
but based on
the Planetary Development Charter,
we are granted the same rights
as humans from Earth.
But if it is human, from what we've seen,
there's not much left.
Nina's best qualified to make that call.
I'm with Mack on this.
Lewis does have signs of humanity in him.
However, he can become violent
at any moment.
I have to prioritize the lives
of these four crew members.
I think it's better to take care
of him now.
[Mack] Let's do this according to rules
set by the Planetary Development Agency.
I propose we euthanize Lewis.
This requires everyone's consent.
I vote yes.
That makes three "yes" votes.
Let me think it over.
Have you seen any remnants
of rivers or oceans?
Not yet.
If we had Alternative Intelligence,
it would only take a second.
Do you think we'd actually
bring along an entity
that tried to exterminate humanity?
That war is ancient history.
Without their technology,
this mission would have never happened.
But the reason we left Earth
in the first place
is to find independence from them.
[alarms blaring]
It must be him.
He's looking for something.
Holy shit.
[Nina] Mack, Patty,
do not come out of your rooms!
Lewis is coming down the corridor.
He may be heading
to the Central Control Room.
[growling, grunting]
- [growling, grunting continues]
- [pounding]
[pounding continues]
It'll be okay. It should hold.
You've got to be kidding me.
[growling, grunting]
[groaning, grunting]
[Lewis snarls]
[both grunting, groaning]
That pool cue isn't going to last.
Yeah, let's just hope
that Mack is going to last.
[both grunt]
[Lewis groans]
[both yell]
[grunts, growls]
[Patty gasps, exclaims]
[breathes shakily]
[groans, roars]
[panting, grunting]
- [groans]
- [grunts, yells]
[Nina whispers] Patty!
Are you okay?
Yeah. Nina went to get some medication.
At least the drones are still working.
I should check the rest of the ship.
Where is the creature?
I don't know.
Once he was full, he disappeared.
The Planetary Development Charter states
that if there are pests
or destructive animals on board,
they can be exterminated
without the consent of the entire crew.
Destructive animal?
This is no longer a vote.
We need to euthanize it.
Oscar, where's the rest of the food?
And morning to you too, Mack.
I moved any salvageable food
to a safe place.
[Mack] Where?
[Oscar] Outside.
He won't be able to breathe out there.
Good idea.
But bring a portion
of the food back on board.
[Oscar] Why? You hungry?
No, I'm going to make a trap.
Lewis is going to be euthanized,
as a destructive animal.
Yep [sighs] I hate to admit it, but
I'm relieved.
By not treating him as a human being,
we escape the burden of guilt.
Huh. Horrible, isn't it?
No. When I see Mack,
I'm going to tell him that I agree.
I need to come to terms with reality.
There are different rules out here.
Patty, is there something
you brought from Earth?
From Earth?
My original left me a stuffed animal,
a cat, in my quarters.
And when I'm holding it,
it helps me maintain my humanity.
For me, it's a cushion.
I used it back home,
and when I bury my face in it,
I remember my childhood.
[Nina] They're only printed memories, but
it feels like we actually lived them.
As long as we keep that as an anchor,
we'll always be human.
Lewis. Did he bring something like that?
[exhales deeply]
If there's something, it'll be in here,
but we can't get in without a passcode.
Everything brought on board was examined
and recorded in the logs.
[rousing music plays]
There it is!
Is that a necklace?
[Lewis grunting]
[alarms blaring]
[announcer] Warning!
Decrease in oxygen levels detected.
All crew must evacuate
Hangar A immediately.
Decrease in oxygen levels detected.
All crew must evacuate
Hangar A immediately.
Did we get him?
[Mack] Yeah, we got him.
And now I'll finish him.
[Lewis growling]
I have to do something.
[breathing shakily]
Get the oxygen back in there!
Opening hangar doors!
[Patty] Lewis!
[breathing shakily]
[Kate] Lewis.
- [Lewis] Kate!
- What?
[groaning continues]
[exhales deeply]
I guess we're safe for now.
[Mack groaning, panting]
He spoke.
I couldn't make out what he was saying.
He said "Kate." Does he remember her?
[dramatic orchestral music plays]
[Mack] Water.
It's only a little bit,
but there's water in the atmosphere.
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