Exterior Night (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Il ministro degli interni

-It's Domenico Spinella.
-Do you need help?
There's been a shooting in Via
Fani! Four dead, one wounded.
Send an ambulance.
-What happened?
-It's President Moro's escort.
-And the president?
-He is not here.
There's been a massacre in Via Fani!
Send an ambulance now!
Block it off, don't let anyone
approach! Move it!
-When did it happen?
-Five, ten minutes ago.
-We'll be right there.
-I repeat, Via Fani!
Them, all Masons,
members of the P2 lodge,
ex-fascists or still fascists,
old fogies.
And they're supposed to save
the life of Aldo whom they hate?
Yet they're all I have.
It seems the Red Brigades called
ANSA endorsing Moro's kidnapping  ,
and, I quote, "the elimination of
Cossiga's leatherheads",
but so far they haven't officially
claimed responsibility.
A woman reported she heard
at 8:15 am on a free radio
Radio Città Futura.
That Moro, or another political big
shot, would be kidnapped.
45 minutes before the ambush.
We've questioned the lady
and the radio manager.
We have to be practical,
decide on a strategy right now,
ignoring theories
about international conflict,
who'll benefit and who won't.
What do you suggest?
Strict isolation of all terrorists
currently in jail.
Let's step up sea patrols
from Livorno to Salerno.
We've alerted the smugglers.
How do they come into it?
To prevent Moro being sent abroad,
to Lebanon or Palestine.
Let's do the same
for all ports on the Adriatic.
Yes, Trieste, Venice, Ancona.
Let's open diplomatic channels
with Mediterranean countries,
from Yugoslavia to North Africa,
and caution them against
collaborating with these terrorists.
Yes, I absolutely agree with you.
Spinella, what do we have so far?
That's solid?
-Even just a bit.
-We already have some information.
For example,
the pilot's cap found in Via Fani.
We can assume the terrorists
disguised themselves as pilots.
I suggest showing witnesses
photos of the Red Brigades
that we have in our files
and see if anyone is recognized.
We need to agree on certain details
regarding these photos.
Should we publish pictures of
known or wanted terrorists?
Should we arrest all people
deemed to be in touch with the BR?
-Avoid "maybe".
It would be preferable to tail them.
They're our contact.
Only they can lead us
to their hideouts, their houses.
Mass surveillance
rather than mass arrests.
We must send a strong signal
to the country.
The state is strong, present
and won't give in.
I propose declaring a state of war
and the death penalty.
Measures suggested in political
circles that we approve of.
General, the state of war is declared
when there is armed insurrection.
And what's this?
As for the death penalty,
we need to catch them first
and then change the constitution.
That's no small feat.
A reward, then?
I'd rule that out, admiral,
we're not in the Wild West.
We must save Aldo Moro's life.
We must!
It's our top priority,
in strict adherence
to the constitution.
We shall reconvene at 7:00 pm.
The five men of the escort,
all killed.
The reactions from the political
world to this attack on democracy
These are
three resignation letters,
depending on the different scenarios.
Moro is free and safe,
Moro wounded or injured
and Moro dead.
Only you know.
-Why resign?
-Later. I'll resign later.
Now we have to try to save him,
but my political career ends here.
I'm politically dead.
Can you see them too?
The stains.
See them?
No, they're invisible.
They're there.
We have nothing concrete.
It's only been hours, Francesco.
Luigi, with kidnappings, the more
time passes the more hope fades,
our Sardinia teaches us that.
A mouse is gone
as soon as you look at it,
a lizard is impossible to follow.
Immediate action!
He was a father to me.
He is a father.
I owe him everything.
Everything I am, I owe to Aldo Moro.
And I wasn't able to protect him.
Afterwards it's a waste of time.
To think about it afterwards
is useless.
Aldo didn't want an armored car,
so as not to feel privileged.
No one will believe me.
545 votes in favor, 30 against,
three abstentions.
The exceptional speed of the vote
in Parliament and the Senate,
this latter set to take place
is the political parties'
first reaction to the criminal act
against the president of the DC,
Aldo Moro.
Today's tragic events,
that you've heard many accounts of,
have also impacted
the work of Parliament
- All good, Excellency .
- Thank you, you may go .
Good night.
Good evening, Excellency.
Shall I heat it up for you?
No, thanks, I'm not hungry.
Clear the table and go to bed.
Good night.
Aldo's been kidnapped.
I imagine you already know.
Can I sleep with you?
I want to ask you something.
Did you know, in two months
we're coming to Rome?
What should we see first?
Rome's a labyrinth.
When you've lived here so long you
hardly notice its infinite beauty.
The first time I came
was on a school trip.
They took us to see the catacombs.
They're cemeteries.
Cemeteries are also labyrinths.
And I
I pretended to get lost.
Francesco, it's Mr. Spinella.
Send him in.
This way.
-Good morning, Excellency.
-Take a seat.
At last, some good news.
We've located the store
that sold them the pilots' uniforms.
This woman bought them.
She ordered them and bought them.
Her name's Adriana Faranda,
ex-militant of Potere Operaio,
we think she's in the Red Brigades.
We've already been to her apartment
but we only found her young daughter
who lives with her grandmother.
She can't be reached.
The store clerk has no doubt,
she's a physiognomist.
We believe the commando includes:
Alessio Casimirri, Valerio Morucci,
Mario Moretti, Bruno Seghetti
and Prospero Gallinari.
They're in the paper you're
looking at, Faranda's not there.
I came because you told me
to brief you personally.
You did the right thing.
I've circulated Faranda's picture
to all police cars.
Let's carry on You carry on.
Do you have kids?
Two girls, one's five
and the other's eleven.
You can still enjoy them.
Does your wife work?
She's a teacher.
Make sure she keeps her job.
Working occupies the mind,
it's a salvation.
Francesco, a communiqué
has come in from the BR.
There's a photo. Moro's alive.
If you'll excuse me,
I'll go find out more.
He's looking at me.
No, he's looking into the lens.
He's looking at me.
So, he's alive.
Yes, the president's alive
and in Rome.
To communicate with each other, the
terrorists have to meet in person.
I propose a thorough search,
neighborhood by neighborhood,
house to house.
Agreed on the search,
but there's also another way.
There are certain environments
like universities,
where the terrorists enjoy
freedom and protection,
even from professors and assistants.
That's where I'd focus
the activities of our infiltrators.
At La Sapienza in Rome, for example.
Many suspects come from there.
And I'd get in touch
with the security service of
the Communist Party.
They have many men under cover
in university circles.
We need to promote
an exchange of information.
If we stray from our purview,
it'll be chaos.
-No, no Communists.
-The PCI means Moscow and the KGB.
This "people's court"
that will put him on trial,
as they wrote in their communiqué,
what does it mean?
Are they going to interrogate him?
They're interrogating him without
respecting the Geneva Conventions.
He might talk.
We have to free him,
whatever the cost.
Agreed on the search.
A huge dragnet around Rome,
that we'll lower then pull in
with the mesh tightening,
like in hunting.
Starting with the broadest weave,
down to the very finest there is.
Nets that aren't stretched too tight,
they must create a sack,
they have to be caught inside it.
-How many phones are being tapped?
-The family, closest collaborators,
the main newspapers,
state TV, the Vatican.
-Even the Pope?
-I have a precise list.
-We'll extend it progressively.
-We're completing what you asked for,
a huge listening center
here in the ministry.
Come and take a look,
it's reassuring.
Professor Ferracuti, wait in
my office, I'll be right with you.
Good day.
There, to the right.
-Good morning, minister.
-Good morning.
-When will you start?
-Today. We'll work day and night.
Good. We're working and
Italians need to know it.
Until President Moro is free.
Very good, carry on.
Carry on.
What do you think?
Is he sorely tried, desperate?
Is he a man ready to talk?
-Why haven't they killed him?
-They don't want to kill him.
I don't know where I should sit.
Go to your usual place.
They're torturing him.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Where are they hiding Aldo?
No, the revelatory dream
What do your patients say?
How are they taking this tragedy?
The younger ones identify
with the BR,
they admire them.
The neurotics are amazed
and in awe,
for the psychotics
it's a bit more complex,
same with the paranoiacs.
But the awe, the admiration of
the neurotics is because
someone had the courage to do
what they had long fantasized:
to take the leap.
They took the leap.
Admire them
That takes the cake.
"Who Aldo Moro is, is soon said",
so their communiqué says.
"Is soon said."
How can they talk like that?
Such crudeness, such superficiality.
Besides, Moretti, their leader,
is a factory technician.
Yet I'm supposed to hold my peace.
Me, who graduated at 19
and a half summa cum laude.
I speak five languages.
A tenured professor at 23,
honorary degrees from
the University of Toronto, Melbourne,
Aix-en-Provence, New York,
Oxford, Yale.
"It's soon said", the people's court.
And I have to control myself.
But what people?
Do you manage to sleep
with the Valium?
Very little.
A few hours.
My wife doesn't want
to sleep with me.
She's never wanted to.
Ours was an arranged marriage.
She was very beautiful.
I was already an MP at 25.
I thought I'd win her over
in the end, but no.
She hasn't even called me.
For her I don't exist.
Our kids are grown up,
they've moved out.
All these years,
never a picture together.
She's set a record.
Never a picture at my side,
not a single one.
You're a psychiatrist,
you can understand
how I could be comforted by a picture
of us in a silver frame on my desk.
The mind opens
if you're in a good mood.
They're two separate things.
My life isn't a novel,
it's not a novel.
The investigation continues
on the murder of the five mand escort
and the abduction
of the Honorable Aldo Moro.
Since yesterday the army flanks
the police in the massive manhunt.
The decision was taken by
the Minister of the Interior and
the Minister of Defense, after
consulting with the chief prosecutor.
The initiative allowed
the investigation to be allocated
more carabinieri, police officers
and finance police
who alternate shifts.
The soldiers are deployed
in roadblocks
set up on all access roads to Rome.
They are flanked by carabinieri.
The investigations are also focused
on the interpretation of the three
messages left by the Red Brigades
and on the method used
to place them
Via Taranto.
Via Gallia.
Via Casilina.
Piazza Re di Roma. San Remo.
Get out of the car.
Get out.
Get out and show me your ID.
Show me your ID.
I killed him.
-Where is the Honorable Moro's body?
-I smashed his head in.
My hands are still stained
with my father's blood. I killed him.
-Get in your car.
-You have to arrest me.
Get in your car!
-You gotta arrest me.
-Get in your car!
-I killed my father.
-Don't make me arrest you for real.
This morning the press received
two identikits portraying,
based on witness descriptions,
three of the terrorists who
perpetrated the attack in Via Fani.
Police, open the door .
Excuse me, what's going on?
We're running checks.
Good morning, ma'am,
we need to take a look inside.
Who lives opposite?
A young couple, very reserved.
They go out early in the morning
-So there might not be anybody in?
-There might not.
The apartment next door is rented
to a certain Mr. Borghi, an engineer.
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
Have a good day.
What do we do? Break it in?
Good morning, Mr. Spinella.
No one's answering.
Don't break it in.
Take note and keep going.
Come in.
Good morning, Excellency.
Good morning.
-Shall I close it?
-No, leave it open a crack.
Not much.
Not much or nothing?
Nothing that directly concerns
Aldo Moro.
We've found drug dealers,
petty criminals,
cheating couples, lunatics.
Lunatics are more disoriented
waking up.
I know.
No trace of BR members.
All right.
Actually, no
It's not all right at all.
-The American consultant has arrived.
-Thank you.
Stay close to your family.
Carry on with your work.
Minister, good evening.
Thank you for coming.
Do you want to listen?
Take a seat.
Care for a slice of  colomba?
No, thank you.
-Still nothing?
-No, nothing.
All we're hearing is chatter.
Except for those being tapped, many
are calling of their own initiative.
For company.
Many talk to us about their problems,
work problems, loneliness.
One lady, for example,
told us that her husband
greets her less affectionately,
that she doesn't know if
he's at home or not.
I'm sorry, I'm wasting your time.
I'm interested in how Italians live,
the details.
Then there are others who say
that President Moro
is in that crawl space,
in that attic.
But, which?
Around this time,
there's always this guy
who is convinced that he can locate
Moro's hiding place
through revelatory dreams.
Last night's dream led me
to the ghetto.
Trotsky with a bloody forehead
pointing to the ghetto.
And in yesterday night's dream,
but maybe I didn't speak to you,
there was Babel,
the great writer of  "Red Cavalry"  ,
another illustrious victim
of Stalinism.
- If tonight, he were to appear
- Are you recording ?
Who's speaking?
After you.
Moro's private secretary has arrived
with a letter for you from Moro.
Send him in.
-Your Excellency.
-Please, have a seat.
Thank you.
I received a call from
an anonymous Red Brigade member.
He asked me to go to the church
of Sant'Andrea della Valle.
Did you notify the police?
-Did you go with them?
-I didn't want to risk it.
In the envelope was a letter for you
and one for me and I came here.
Here's the letter.
And what did you do before this?
You called Mrs. Moro
and then you went to see her.
Your phone is tapped and
so is the one at Moro's house.
Why did you go to see Mrs. Moro
before coming to me?
The large envelope also contained
a letter for his wife.
I delivered it to her considering
the anguish she's suffering.
Before coming to me?
Give it to me.
It's with her.
Give me your letter, then.
Anyway, you made a mistake.
You can go, we'll see to getting
Mrs. Moro's letter.
"I'm considered a political prisoner,
subjected, as president of the DC,
to a trial to ascertain
my 30 year long responsibility.
I am writing to you
in strict confidentiality
so that you and our friends,
especially the Prime Minister,
can reflect on
the appropriate action to take,
to avoid worse trouble."
I think we ought to consider
Aldo's request,
at least explore opening
a secret channel for negotiation.
Look for a mediator,
a neutral figure.
We owe it to Aldo
and to our conscience.
He's taking the rap
for our collective work.
There's a second letter
Aldo wrote to Professor Rana
in which the BR essentially
propose secret negotiations.
They don't say in exchange for what.
On certain conditions
the BR are willing to negotiate.
How? And at what price?
A pre-emptive move from the Holy See
could be useful.
Giulio, this has just come in.
What's going on?
The Red Brigades have published
the letter Aldo sent you, saying,
"So that nothing is hidden
from the people."
They want to negotiate in secret,
but look good publicly.
There's no longer any margin
for initiating secret negotiations.
In the condition he's in,
our dear Aldo's words
are to be taken
with a grain of salt.
He's clearly not himself,
I don't recognize him.
He says so himself, he's under
full and unchecked domination.
We must answer,
adopt an official, public stance.
The state must not lose face.
We need a word
for tomorrow's headlines.
A simple word: firmness.
That is not intransigence.
We can see imperceptible shaky lines
and also exaggeratedly large letters.
These enlarged letters could reflect
the anguish of a castaway who,
seeing a ship in the distance,
shouts for help.
Are there any indications
that he may have been tortured?
We can't say with any certainty,
but there are many methods
the kidnappers could have used
to make President Moro
write under duress.
Not classical torture.
Maybe psychotropic drugs, hypnosis
or even sensory deprivation.
It's enough to place two half
ping-pong balls in the eye sockets
to induce actual hallucinations.
Good morning, Excellency.
Here's the evaluation.
Aldo is asking me to negotiate
to save his life,
not his homeland, Italy,
but for his own hide.
He is a man who is afraid of dying.
In his situation
I'd be afraid of dying too.
The government's firm line
can be justified by our evaluation.
"Aldo is out of his mind."
It's fair enough.
It's fair enough, believe me.
It's better for everyone.
Even for the president.
The state wants to save him,
save his life.
And that's precisely
what Aldo Moro is asking.
-And the Communists?
-They want it too.
But without losing face.
No one must lose face.
The Communists have already said
that no matter what the outcome,
after this letter,
Moro is politically dead to them.
He brought them into government
and they're giving him a funeral.
And we follow them, with lit candles.
-What is it?
See the flag?
It's all twisted.
It's beautiful to see a flag
fluttering in the wind.
Don't you recognize me?
Nisticò from the Catanzaro
23,214 preferences,
don't you remember?
I'm sorry to disturb you,
I'd like to introduce you to someone.
He's a friend, a fellow countryman,
he's a clairvoyant.
-A clairvoyant?
-Yes, but a real one.
A real one.
It's about Aldo.
Speak to my private secretary.
-Don't you want to know where he is?
The illustrious prisoner.
Of course I want to know.
Then listen to him.
I'm listening.
Your Excellency,
you know truffle dogs?
Truffle dogs?
You're a hunter, right?
But you're a radio amateur,
there's a connection.
A guy from my town who was recently
discharged from the Aurora Clinic
where I teach music to the residents,
told me that two days ago
a man was admitted
and he's being given
deep sleep therapy
under the care of a psychiatrist,
who never leaves his bedside,
and by an anesthetist
of longstanding Communist faith.
The clinic is in the hands of the
Communists, hence the name Aurora.
It all stacks up.
This corroborates the theory of
the presence of BR in the PCI
still faithful to the Warsaw Pact!
-Moro is there, sedated all the time.
I see him every night in my dreams.
He's alive.
At the Aurora Clinic?
May I take you there?
No, I'll inform
the appropriate authorities,
I'll send someone to see.
-Thank you.
-But you have to go there.
Your Excellency!
I don't understand
what you're doing here.
A suspicious patient
has been brought to our attention.
This way.
Doctor, who invited
the Black Brigades?
They'll arrest us all.
They'll arrest us all.
They'll arrest us all.
Doctor, I feel hot.
Is there a fire?
Doctor, we need to get out of here.
Take it easy. Come away.
You're getting them all worked up.
What is this suspicious patient
suspected of?
Don't insist, I can't say any more.
This way.
Come, Your Excellency.
Doctor, what am I doing in here?
Let me out.
Calm down, you'll be out soon.
Don't get worked up.
-Are we done?
-Yes, you're right.
But since we're here now,
can't we see them all?
Follow me, this way.
Your Excellency, are you coming?
No, I'll wait here.
It'll pass.
Let him go.
They're dark thoughts,
but they pass, I know.
The food's not bad
and they even let you smoke.
On Sunday you get a glass of wine,
and you don't have to go to Mass.
Then if you're calm
they even let you out.
And outside there are heaps of women
a pensioner can afford.
It's better in here than out there.
How many years until you retire?
You can even have a single room
with all the amenities.
Against terrorism
and against violence,
now and always, the resistance!
Against terrorism
and against violence,
now and always, the resistance!
"Today, April 18, 1978, marks the end
of the dictatorial era of the DC,
which for 30 years has dominated
with the logic of abuse.
In concomitance with this date,
we announce
that the president of the DC, Moro,
has been executed by suicide.
We consent to the retrieval of his
body and name the exact place.
Aldo Moro's body is submerged
on the muddy bottom of Lake Duchessa.
May they tremble over their misdeeds,
the various Cossigas, Andreottis
and all those supporting the regime."
It's not authentic, it's written
differently from the previous ones.
It's too brief.
Yes, even the Italian is disjointed.
They might have forced him
to commit suicide.
It's clearly a fake.
But it needs to be verified.
Sorry, Francesco.
All reference to people
and real events
has been artistically elaborated
by the authors.
The roles have been reinterpreted
for dramatic purposes.
Any connection with real people
is therefore purely coincidental.
Translation: Katia Brunetto
LinQ Media Group
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