Extinct (2017) s01e02 Episode Script

Brother's Keeper

1 [intense music.]
[intense music.]
You think there are any survivors? Ezra.
Feena: Ezra.
They're graves, Feena.
This isn't a settlement; this is a cemetery.
See for yourself.
Red Drone said we'd find people here.
We just did.
So that's it? We come all this way for nothing? No one's going to help us? Let's calm down and think about this.
Calm? They're dead, Abram.
There's no settlement.
Are you not getting this? What are we going to do? We've got no fresh water or food.
Hey! Hey! [metallic clanging.]
Those people didn't bury themselves.
Yeah, but whoever did bury them isn't here now.
Look at this place.
No one's been here for ages.
One way to find out.
Feena: Where are you going? To see who's behind this door.
Hey! [metallic clang.]
[wood splits.]
Lynn: The whole city? Most of it.
Then you shouldn't go.
It isn't safe.
My parents should've been back by now, Lynn.
They have friends at the bottom of the mountain.
Maybe they know where they went.
You don't know what's out there.
Which is why I have to go.
[wood splits.]
It may not be safe for us to stay here.
I need to know that.
How am I going to reach you? There's no satellite or cell service.
I'll be back by tomorrow evening.
- I just want us to stay together.
- Hey.
We will always be together.
Nothing's going to change that.
[dramatic music.]
[metallic clanging.]
It's no use, Ezra.
[continues banging.]
They're not here.
What happened to those people buried out there? You won't like the answer.
- Why not? - Because it will likely kill you too.
I will show you.
[intense music.]
[theme music.]
Ezra: What is this place? Yellow: Before the invasion, it was a military facility.
Protected from wind and rain, it has endured for centuries.
Hasn't endured them well.
Smells like dirty laundry.
Yellow: There is far less mildew than there should be.
The previous settlers must have cleaned it thoroughly.
This is after cleaning.
[intense music.]
- [grunts.]
- [thud.]
[panting continues.]
- [gasps.]
- [thud.]
[electricity charging.]
Hello, Duncan.
My companion calls, but yours doesn't answer.
Why is that? [whimpers.]
It sleeps.
It would've awakened by now.
It must be weak with sickness.
You have nothing to fear, brother.
We will make you whole again.
[dramatic music.]
[music swells dramatically.]
[ambient music.]
I believe this is where the settlers died.
You're not sure? The settlement was already deserted when I arrived.
When was that? A year ago.
You've been alone all that time? You are the first humans I've seen.
What about the desert people who chased us in here? You must have seen them before.
The Skin Riders are not human.
Not anymore.
Is that what killed the settlers? Skin Riders? Yellow: No.
It was another, more subtle enemy.
[powering up.]
Feena: "Quarantine.
" - Were they sick? - Yellow: Yes.
My sensors detect traces of a virus heretofore unknown to humans.
So a new virus killed them.
One that didn't exist in our time.
But at the lake, the red drone said that our DNA had been altered.
Whatever killed the settlers can't kill us.
Yellow: It's not that simple.
If the Sparks and the drone who reconstituted you didn't know that these settlers had died Then they may not have known about this disease.
Yellow: Quite possibly.
So, we're not immunized.
You are likely infected.
Well, nice talk, but I think we'll skip the gift shop and just get out of here.
It's not wise to leave the protection of the barrier.
It's not wise to walk around in an infected environment.
You misunderstand.
The disease is not localized to this facility.
It's everywhere, inside and outside the barrier.
You can't run from it.
You must immunize yourselves against it.
How? [whirring.]
This is the control room.
Most of the equipment failed centuries ago.
What a dump.
[beeping and powering up.]
How does this place still have power? Yellow: Solar panes hidden elsewhere, plus a warehouse of supplies untouched since the extinction.
The settlers worked hard to restore what they could.
Yellow: This tank is designed to hold Sparks.
The Sparks.
They can immunize us.
Yellow: Possibly.
I'll need to consult with them first.
You can communicate with the Sparks? It's one of my primary functions.
Kindly pour them into the tank.
- Lynn: I'm coming with you.
- Not happening.
I'm a nurse.
People might be injured.
Do we leave Kylie with Silas? Is that so awful? My brother can barely take care of himself, much less our daughter.
You don't give him enough credit.
You don't know him as well as I do.
Then take him with you.
I'll feel better if you're not alone.
All right.
He stays.
But be nice to him.
He needs a brother, not a judge.
Well, he got both.
You listen to Mommy, okay? Love you.
I should go with you.
Silas, I I have as much right to look for Mom and Dad as you do.
- It's not safe.
- I can handle myself.
No, you can't.
Look, I'm not bringing my brother into a war zone, okay? Yeah.
I wouldn't want to slow you down.
I'll post someone here.
If anyone leaves the settlement, we'll know.
You said you injected one of them? The one called Abram.
Then why isn't he blessed with a companion? They must have annihilated the spore.
An inborn immunity? Or they used the Sparks.
I know I can count on you to protect us, Jax.
Jax: Does it bother you? That one of them is your brother? You are my brother, Jax.
That is a half-organism trapped in ignorance.
If the Ancestor blesses us, we will show him the light.
The Sparks believe they can make a therapeutic vaccine that will act as both a cure for and a protection against the virus.
So, they can immunize us? They can't help you until you help them.
So we're bargaining for our life now? Hear it out.
Why? We don't even know if we are infected.
Could be making this whole thing up.
Wouldn't be the first drone to lie to us.
She has a point.
How do we know it's really speaking with the Sparks? Tell the Sparks to move to the bottom right-hand corner of this tank.
You are testing me.
I'm giving you a chance to prove yourself.
- [whirring.]
- [splash.]
They wanted me to tell you that they don't roll over and they don't play dead.
You got our attention.
[powering up.]
The Sparks can't heal you now because they don't have the ingredients to create the vaccine.
What ingredients? Yellow: Amino acids, proteins, dead bacteria; all variety of organics plentiful in a lake where there's a living ecosystem.
Not so plentiful here.
That tank is filtered rainwater.
So we have to carry the Sparks to a lake? - Some of them, yes.
- We just came from a lake.
Yellow: I can guide you to another one only a few kilometers away.
Not where Skin Riders are? [Feena sniffs.]
What? Your nose is bleeding.
Yellow: I suggest we hurry.
You're infected.
- You should stay and rest.
- I'll go with Ezra.
Yellow and I can handle this.
And if something happens and you're delayed, then Feena's without a vaccine.
We improve our odds if we both go.
Plus, if Abram stays, he'll have to wait longer for the vaccine, during which time, he might become sick.
If he goes, you both get it immediately.
She's got you there.
All right.
Anything else we need to know? Once we reach the water, it will take several hours for the Sparks to gather the needed organics to create a vaccine.
So we'll need to be on our guard.
You going to be okay by yourself? Do I look like I want company? Ezra: Right.
Let's go.
[Yellow whirring.]
[door creaks open.]
Now what? "Open Sesame"? - You doin' this? - No.
- Then who is? - I am programmed not to answer.
[energy field opens.]
As long as they let us back in.
[energy field closes.]
- They're moving north! - I'll take three brothers.
We'll seize the Sparks.
Like you did last time? Duncan will lead the effort.
What better way to reaffirm his loyalty? Duncan is not well.
Well enough to walk.
Wise enough to stay close.
The protection of the community is my duty.
And the faith of the community is mine.
Duncan will not disappoint.
[groans softly.]
[door creaks open.]
[taps tabletop.]
Feena: Hello? Anybody home? [air releases.]
Well, well.
Ezra: I think we deserve to have a few questions answered.
Yellow: That's the quest of every human, is it not? To explain, to understand, "Who am I? Why am I here?" Let's start with "Why am I here?" Yellow: You are here because the Sparks restored you to life four centuries after your death.
Why? Yellow: To begin the de-extinction of the human race.
But why us? Red Drone wouldn't answer that question.
Yellow: Would you rather we restore someone else? I would rather know the truth.
The truth is humans were extinct, and now they are not.
Let's try a different approach.
Who do you work for? The Sparks.
Ezra: Who do they work for? They haven't told me.
So they work for somebody? Yellow: Everybody works for somebody.
Are you always this evasive? I must now gain altitude to scan for threats.
I'll take that as a yes.
Show me your eyes.
Do you know why I hate humans? Why I find them so repugnant, including this one? Because they have something they don't deserve.
This organism, so beautifully designed, so resilient, so strong.
Legs that can stand, leap, run Hands that can grasp and squeeze.
And what does a human do with this gift? He strikes, he steals, he profanes and he kills.
He destroys his own kind his own brothers.
Is that an organism that deserves all of this when our companion has so little? He can't stand or grasp, yet he makes better use of these bodies than humans ever did.
A companion that doesn't hold his human tightly That lets his human choose He doesn't deserve to have a human.
Shall we move on? Yes.
I think Duncan is ready.
So, you ex-military? Why do you ask? The way you carry yourself.
How you held your own against those Skin Riders.
I didn't hold my own.
That drone saved my neck.
So you're not ex-military.
That was before I had a family.
- Long time ago.
- Everything was a long time ago.
Abram: Maybe that's why the Sparks chose you, or whoever it was that chose us.
Maybe they needed a soldier.
If they wanted a soldier, there are plenty of better options than me.
Or maybe soldiering skills weren't the only characteristics they were looking for.
[weak zapping.]
Red Drone: [garbled words.]
Feena: I think you've got a screw loose, pal.
Red Drone: Silas.
What did you say? [buzzing.]
Come on, talk.
Defense mechanism, huh? Smart.
Well, let's see what you do when I ground the current.
Migraine, Red.
You ever had a migraine? Like a jackhammer in your head? [sighs.]
Don't suppose you have any Ibuprofen tucked up inside you.
[breathing heavily.]
Lightheaded, Red.
Not feeling so good.
What are the symptoms of this disease, do you think? Migraines, bloody nose, talking to yourself.
[breathing heavily.]
[continues breathing heavily.]
I'm just going to close my eyes, drone.
Just for a few minutes.
Don't go anywhere without me.
[breathing heavily.]
So what about you? Ex-military too? Hardly.
Worked with a lot of active-duty soldiers though, before the invasion.
Doing what? Mostly cases of PTSD.
You were a therapist? Surprised? A little.
If you're going to restart the human race, why bring back a shrink, right? Maybe to stop us all from going crazy.
We all believe we were brought back from the dead by a swarm of aquatic fireflies.
No therapy session with me could cure that kind of crazy.
Well, if I'm not crazy, then what am I? You're asking for a professional assessment? How much will it cost me? First one's always free.
All right.
Uh, you're sleep-deprived, anxious, stressed.
You endured the invasion, so you probably have PTSD, whether you realize it or not.
You just endured another harrowing event, so your body released all sorts of neurochemicals and hormones dopamine, epinephrine, adrenaline.
Chemically, you're all out of whack.
Good news is these levels will normalize.
And the bad news? You're a man who loves his wife.
Loves his child.
And now you realize you can't have either.
You're in a world where they don't exist.
I don't have the cure for that.
Nobody does.
We are nearly there.
[soft piano music.]
Now what? You release them into the water and let them get to work.
But how do they know what to do? They're Sparks.
Yellow: Now we wait.
How much time does Feena have? Considering the virulence of the virus and how quickly Feena manifested symptoms, I'd say her time is short.
[breathes deeply.]
[groans softly.]
Don't be afraid.
I'm here to help.
[breathing heavily.]
Where did you come from? I was told someone here was sick.
You're one of the settlers? A survivor? I don't know what you mean by "settler.
" Who are you? Lynn: A friend.
I don't need a friend.
Lynn: A nurse, then? Aren't you sick? A virus.
Same one that killed the settlers.
There's a discharge from your ear.
If I had an otoscope, I'd check it.
What's your name? Feena.
Do you have any swelling or discomfort in your ear, Feena? - It's bleeding.
What do you think? - [chuckles.]
Do you feel disoriented? Can you follow my finger? Good.
Why don't you tell me your other symptoms and I'll do my best [groans.]
[panting continues.]
The drone's scanning from above.
If it sees anyone, it'll tell us.
If it sees Skin Riders, you mean.
The drone said they weren't human anymore.
What do you make of that? [sighs.]
Seemed human to me.
Except for the lump on the back of the neck.
You ever seen anything like that before? Looked like a swollen gland, only there aren't any glands there.
Glands don't have any light either.
So what was it then? You tell me.
When they injected you, did you sense anything? Pain for hours.
And then it was like a switch had flipped.
I didn't feel anything.
Next thing I know, I wake up and you've healed me.
Sparks healed you.
What I want to know is where these Skin Riders come from.
Have humans evolved? Maybe we never went extinct, we just changed.
They're not evolved humans.
They're Reborns, like us.
People brought back from the dead.
How can you be sure? Because one of them's my brother.
Say again? Before I reached the settlement, when we got separated, one of the Skin Riders that attacked me was my brother, Silas.
You sure? I'm sure.
What'd he say? Nothing.
He looked straight at me, but it was like someone else was behind his eyes.
Someone I never met before.
Then maybe it wasn't your brother.
Who's to say what's possible and what isn't now? Maybe these Skin Riders can make people too, only with a different brain state.
I don't want to believe that.
Why not? Because I want my brother in this world.
[missles whistling overhead.]
[gunfire continues.]
[ship engines overhead.]
[ominous music.]
[leaves rustling.]
[ominous music.]
Hey, whoa! Easy.
- [sighs.]
- [exhales.]
I told you to watch over Lynn and Kylie.
Lynn sent me to watch over you.
You got an issue, take it up with her.
And how are you supposed to help me, exactly? Give me the gun.
I'll go look for Mom and Dad.
- I'm expendable.
- The weapon isn't.
You don't know how to use it anyway.
Let me guess.
Point that end at the bad guys and pull back on the trigger thingy.
Am I close? You just proved me right.
You know what? You've been a real jerk ever since we got to the cabin.
What do you want from me? To be cheery? Whistle a tune? Mom and Dad are missing, maybe dead.
The world's falling apart, Silas.
I'm not going to put on a happy face for your sake.
Then do so for Kylie's.
She's afraid, Ez.
I found her hiding in the cellar this morning.
Lynn's afraid too.
She might seem like she's holding it together, but she isn't.
You belong with your family.
I'm the one with the least to lose, right? If anybody should be taking risks, it's me.
Go back to the cabin, Silas.
Seriously? You have that little confidence in me? Hey! I asked you a question! You want to know what it is? You don't listen! You open a business I tell you you can't afford, borrow money from Mom and Dad they can't afford to give you.
What are you? I get you a job that you can't even hold.
Then a week ago, I see you with that black eye from some fight you were in.
I don't trust you, Silas.
I can't.
You've given me way too many reasons not to.
You're right.
I messed up.
I should've listened.
Excuse me for trying to do the right thing for once.
And that black eye? I fell.
Not a fight.
Why didn't you mention your brother before? 'Cause I didn't know what I wanted to do about it.
And now you do? The Sparks healed you.
Maybe they can heal him too.
Meaning you're going to look for him.
He's my brother.
Is he? He tried to infect you, kill you.
Whoever that person is out there isn't your brother anymore.
I have to try.
Try and get yourself killed.
Or worse, taken.
Made one of them.
- You don't understand.
- No, you don't understand.
There are three of us, Ezra.
You, me, Feena.
That's it.
That's the human race.
- We can't lose you.
- I can't lose him.
Not again.
He needs to know that I'm sorry.
He won't hear you.
Well, I still need to say it.
Everyone makes mistakes, Ezra.
But not everyone gets a chance to put 'em right.
[breathing heavily.]
So, you boys stayed behind? Your brothers took a trip to the lake and you're stuck babysitting me.
Lucky you.
Well, I hope your boys get back soon with some alien magic because I'm either seeing ghosts or hallucinating and neither bodes well for my health.
- Lynn: You're not hallucinating.
- [groans.]
And I'm not a ghost.
At least, not in a traditional sense.
The inside of the drone is extremely delicate, so you can't poke around like that.
You'll make it worse.
I'm not a projection, Feena.
I'm manipulated light.
From where? The drone, using reflective surfaces in its environment.
The drone carries multiple brain states, so it can bring any one of them to the forefront when needed.
You're a real person.
Real in the sense that this is my mind.
These are the words I would say had we had this conversation in my lifetime, but this isn't a memory.
The drone is helping me.
Shaping my words based on who I am.
You're an A.
That's a crude way of putting it, yeah.
So the Sparks.
They can make you? The real you, I mean.
In theory, assuming you can repair the drone.
I don't know how.
I can help you.
Why can't the drone just tell me? Because most of him, including his voice, is still inoperative.
I'm the best he can do right now.
What do I do? We proceed very carefully.
Quickly! You must leave.
Skin Riders are approaching.
What about the Sparks? I'll keep them deep and hidden.
And us? Yellow: Follow the scout.
It'll lead you out on a different route back to the settlement.
Without the vaccine? Yellow: When it's safe to return, I'll find you.
- We can't keep Feena waiting.
- You must.
Now go.
[music intensifies.]
Abram: Ezra! We split up.
You follow Scout.
And you? [whirring.]
[intense drum music.]
Jax: This way! - [thud.]
- [music intensifies.]
[unsheathes knife.]
[both grunting.]
Move! [sighs.]
- Ezra: What is that? - Don't hurt it! I'll die if you do.
- What have they done to you? - Opened my mind.
- Silas: Don't kill him! - I won't.
[dramatic music.]
[fire crackling.]
[moans softly.]
Silas: If you try to run, I'll call the others.
You wouldn't get far.
I sent Jax to find your friend.
We haven't injected you.
Jax wanted to, but I think it's best if you choose to join us.
I'll pass.
Four hundred years and you haven't changed.
Nobody can teach you anything.
- Did the Sparks remake you? - The Sparks? Fascinating, aren't they? How they can make anything Humans, clothing, a bologna sandwich, albeit a soggy one.
That thing on the back of your neck It's alive, isn't it? A companion.
It teaches me, comforts me, connects me to my brothers and sisters.
- I'm your brother, Silas.
- You were.
Join us and you will be again.
It controls you.
Does knowledge control you? That's what the companion provides.
If I need to know how to start a fire, it shows me.
- It's a gift! - Can you remove it? Why would I want to? Because it turned you into someone else.
Someone better, yes.
What was I to you before other than a disappointment? Now look at me.
A leader.
A spiritual advisor.
I'm worth something now.
[dramatic music.]
[helicopters overhead.]
[intense music.]
[gas hissing.]
[ominous music.]
[breathing heavily.]
Silas: Ezra? Silas? I'm here! I'm here! [both panting.]
I can't see.
You weren't a disappointment, Silas.
Bankrupt at 20? Because you hired all those people, and you didn't have the heart to let 'em go when you should have.
It makes you a bad businessman, not a bad person.
Doesn't matter.
I'm the person I want to be now.
A slave? A servant.
Let me take you to the Sparks.
They can heal you! And go back to what I was? What you were was a better man, Silas.
My companion is very tired.
He let you go? The bump on their necks is a parasite.
I think his fell asleep.
And for a moment, the real Silas came through.
He signaled for me to go.
That doesn't mean you can save him.
It means I have to try.
You think the Skin Riders got the Sparks? If they did, Feena'll be in a bad way.
We both will.
I've had two nosebleeds.
Bring us Yellow Drone and the Sparks.
Same plants the Sparks made for us before.
Food'll do us little good if we're too weak to eat it.
Carry what you can.
What about the vaccine? The Sparks made several capsules.
These three are for you two and Feena.
I have extras, should we ever need them.
Bottoms up.
- Fly this to Feena as fast as you can.
- Negative.
I am instructed to ensure that you return to the settlement.
There may not be time for that.
I must follow my instructions.
And I'm giving you new instructions.
Humans may have ruled machines in your life, Ezra, but not in this one.
I can run.
The straightest path.
Lynn: Feena, can you hear me? [mumbles.]
Stay awake for me, okay? Try and focus.
She's dying and I can't help her.
She needs someone she knows by her side.
Man: Feena.
[breathing heavily.]
You're here.
Yeah, I'm here.
- [shouts.]
- [thud.]
You let him go? [screams.]
Your companion is as weak as you are! - [punch.]
- [groans.]
Neither of you deserves this world.
No! You're wrong about humans! They're good.
And that's why you hate them because they love and you don't understand it.
You think you're one of them now? Then die like one.
[cries out in pain.]
Enough! We both fell asleep.
It was his watch! We don't kill our own.
Not without counsel.
It's you.
Disappointed? I was just dreaming of someone else.
How do you feel? Not so good.
You look better than you did.
The vaccine? Yellow says you'll be down for a few days, but you're going to be okay.
Thank you.
[groans softly.]
Where are we? Living quarters.
Abram found them.
I saw Red Drone on the work table.
Any luck fixing it? No.
No luck.
Try to get some rest.
Silas: Lynn! He's blind.
Follow me.
[soft piano music.]
[theme music.]

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