Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

The Sea of Dragons

A fish?
Calm down.
What's a fish doing here?
Where's the receptionist?
Maybe this is a welcome drink.
No fair, Natsu! Share it with me too!
Will you be drinking that?
Is that a man?
Welcome to the Hotel Journey.
The fish turned into a human!
I will never fall into despair
In this world
Our true bond
Will pave a path to the future
When night falls, I hardly notice
The continuation of dreams
That I can't see
And the whispers of anxiety
That everyone holds inside
Let's face it all
And make it come true
How time has flown
As I recall the past
The present is slipping away
I will never fall into despair
In this world
Our true bond
Will open up a path for the future
If you can hold onto hope
After coming this far
I'll seek the meaning
Of the promises we exchanged
For the "Story" of the future
Silly me. I turned into a fish
while I was napping.
I'm sure you've all experienced
We haven't!
So, what are you? A human or a fish?
That's a very important question.
I guess you could say I'm a fish.
Are you serious?
I totally forgot about my date!
Make yourselves comfortable
in the room of your choice.
-Sharkette, I'm coming!
Oops. I forgot to mention something.
If you plan on staying in this city,
you better finish the welcome drinks
in your rooms.
If you don't,
there's no way you'll survive here
as a human.
All right, then. Sharkette!
What's the matter with him?
A fish, he said
That's not poison, is it?
What the hell's going on here?
Everyone is
Damn it! I can't breathe!
Wait a minute.
I can breathe and talk too?
Are you awake, Gray?
Look around.
We're under the sea right now!
Even though we're underwater
We can breathe just fine.
Isn't it pretty?
There's fish everywhere!
A race? Bring it on, Sharkette.
They seem to be enjoying this.
It looks like you drank the potion.
It helps terrestrial beings adapt
to life underwater.
Sorry. Let me introduce myself.
I am Kashima, the manager
of Hotel Journey.
What happened to the city?
I wouldn't worry about it.
It's just a high tide.
We're completely underwater here!
If you haven't noticed,
this is the city of fishfolk.
This is our true form.
Why did you look human during the day?
Anyone would be surprised
to see a fish, right?
You were a fish when we arrived!
I think I've gotten better at swimming.
That's another effect of the potion.
No wonder I can keep up with Sharkette.
That isn't Sharkette, by the way.
It feels like we're in a fairy tale
that I've read before.
Was it a story about the ocean?
That's right.
A young man rescued a bullied turtle.
To show his gratitude,
the turtle took him underwater.
Go on, I'm listening.
He was turned into a jellyfish.
A jellyfish?
We came here to look for clues
about the Water Dragon God.
Do you know anything
We won't let you lay a finger
on our Water God!
What's wrong, Sharkette?
I'm not Sharkette! I'm Sharkina!
What's with the sudden outburst?
-They're attacking us?
-Are we gonna turn into jellyfish?
What do you think you're doing?
You want to pick a fight?
Don't attack them. We need to retreat.
Don't let them escape!
They're after our Water God,
just like the humans that came earlier!
What are you talking about?
This way!
Crap, there's too many of them!
The fish are chasing me!
What kind of magic do you use?
I use water magic.
Water magic? Just like Juvia.
We even use the same type of magic.
We're nothing like each other.
I would never be infatuated with a loser.
What did you just say about Sir Gray?
Calm down, Juvia.
I suggest you lay low
until we can catch her tail.
An actual tail!
Did you guys say "tail"?
Is "tail" some kind of greeting
everyone uses in Fairy Tail?
There's no such thing.
It's kinda cute, though. Tail!
Well, sister
We both saw a tail, didn't we?
I saw it too.
Are you hallucinating?
Something isn't quite right here.
My sister is still the cutest.
Big Sister, you're gorgeous yourself.
I'm glad you're settling in, Sorano.
This guild is the best!
My cute little sister
has a lot going for her here.
Stop it, Big Sis.
Jellal, are you here?
It's been a while!
Checking on Sorano?
She's noisy, but that's about it.
I'm not noisy!
Fro thinks so, too.
I was just swinging by.
That's so mean!
She's noisy all right.
You got some business in this town?
Yeah. I'm looking for someone.
We can help.
Fro wants to help, too.
I'd appreciate that.
If you happen to see this person,
let me know.
Who is she?
I can't tell you that.
It's a troublesome matter.
All I need for now is her location.
I never thought you'd pursue
a woman other than Erza.
Nonsense! Leave Erza out of this.
She's kinda cute, though.
What's her name?
She calls herself Touka.
But I'm not sure that's her real name.
If you see her, don't engage with her.
Just don't.
Where are we?
I have no clue.
We were too busy getting away.
I can't believe I was chased by fish.
Maybe all that fish-eating
has come back to bite you.
Their attitude changed
the moment we mentioned the Water God.
Maybe they really do worship it
around here.
But weren't we told
that it was a long time ago?
Does that mean they still
worship the Water God?
-Give me my scarf back.
Come on! They stole my swimsuit.
You could always wear the Star Dress.
You're right.
Wait, why are you pulling on it?
For the heck of it.
There's something else that bothers me.
They're after our Water God,
just like the humans that came earlier!
I don't think we're the first humans
to visit this place.
I wonder where they went.
Maybe the fish ate them.
Stop saying scary things!
What do you suggest we do now?
Let's turn them all into fried fish!
Stop it!
The fish were just doing their job
and trying to protect their god.
They're no so bad.
Even the one that stole your swimsuit?
That one is an exception.
If I see him again,
I'll write "pervert" on his face.
Indeed, they aren't bad.
If they were,
they wouldn't have given us the potion.
But our mission is to defeat
the Water Dragon God.
We can't let the fish get in our way.
That reminds me of what Elefseria said.
These were his exact words
You must seal Guiltina's Five Dragon Gods.
That means we need to defeat them, right?
No. "Seal" can imply a lot of things.
Defeating it in combat,
stripping it of its powers,
or in the literal sense of the word,
imprisoning it is also an option.
What do you mean?
We don't yet know
what kind of sealing we need to do.
If this Water God
is a rampaging deity, for example,
calming it down might count as sealing.
There might be a peaceful
solution after all.
It's a possibility, yes.
Don't get your knickers in a twist.
You should know better than anyone,
not all dragons are evil.
Our task is not to kill,
but to live through it.
All right, I get it!
I won't touch them
until we know what they are!
But remember this
If they hurt my friends,
I will definitely slay them.
Our first course of action
is to gather intel.
Is the Water Dragon God friend or foe?
What's the truth about this city?
Also, what happened to the humans
who were here before us?
We need answers to all these questions.
I hope they will listen to us.
I don't wanna.
Wait! I think I have an idea.
You've got it all wrong, Sharkette.
Some humans were after the Water God.
I don't care!
I didn't want you doing business
with humans in the first place.
Well, they're not all bad.
If you like them so much,
why don't you hook up with one of them?
Sharkette, dear!
He really doesn't seem like a bad guy.
And we don't really look like fish.
Huh? I thought we did.
Gemini is amazing.
They'll never see through it!
Are you sure about that?
Fish turned into humans,
and then fish chased me.
Now I've become a fish myself.
Gemini has always been good
at transformation magic.
They excel at making copies.
Transforming us into small animals
is a piece of cake for them.
They could have done a better job, though.
We're just fish with human faces.
You're right.
Why am I the only one
that got turned into a jellyfish?
Sorry, I ran out of magic halfway through.
I hate this!
They won't suspect a thing.
Let's split up and start gathering intel.
Are you sure this is going to work?
Information, huh?
Hey, you. Halt!
The manager?
This is not good.
Have you found the humans yet?
He really can't tell!
No luck so far.
Then hurry up and find them!
Says the guy who was off on a date.
Anyway, what happened to the humans
we saw the other day?
You should know that by now.
What's wrong, Natsu?
I smell a human.
-This way!
-Wait for me!
Is that a cage?
Have you forgotten
that we captured one of them?
We're going to sacrifice her
to the Water God.
-A woman?
-Who is she?
That mark on her shoulder
Does she belong to a guild?
You guys are human, aren't you?
She speaks!
Well, I'm a cat.
It's almost time.
You better get out of here.
Where's that rumbling sound coming from?
This aura
-What the heck is that?
-Is that what I think it is?
The Water Dragon God!
Your sacrificial lamb awaits.
I've been waiting for you,
Water Dragon God.
I can't believe my eyes!
What's going on?
The Water God has arrived.
She said she was waiting
for the Water Dragon God!
Could she have faked her capture
so she could fight it?
That woman
What kind of expression is that?
I expected more
from one of the Five Dragon Gods.
Time to end this.
Prepare for your end.
Dragon Slayer's Secret Art:
Blade Dragon's Sword Dance!
She's a Dragon Slayer?
The Water Dragon God defeated,
just like that?
I can't believe it.
She just took a bite.
This is not the Water Dragon God.
I've been tricked.
This makes me upset.
Maybe you lot can help me
release my anger and frustration.
Lucy, turn us back into humans.
You survived a strike from my blade.
No wonder we have the same scent.
What exactly are you?
A Dragon Slayer.
They're in this continent too?
Those who received their powers
directly from dragons
are called the first generation, huh?
Those who have Lacrima implanted
are the second generation.
Those who received power and Lacrima
are the third generation.
In a certain country,
magic weapons created with pure magic
are the fourth generation.
Lastly, there's us. The fifth generation.
Dragon Slayers who gained powers
by eating dragons.
You could call us Dragon Eaters.
Dragon Eaters?
I thought eating the Five Dragon Gods
would give me more powers.
But it turns out that snake wasn't
the Water Dragon God.
You eat dragons to become stronger?
I'm not the only one who does.
I belong to a wizard guild
consisting entirely of Dragon Eaters.
I'm Kiria the Blade Dragon.
And who are you supposed to be?
Do you hunt the Water Dragon God as we do?
None of your business!
I hate evasive replies.
Fire Dragon's
You can't use fire magic underwater!
Fire Dragon? Sounds delicious.
If only Aquarius were here right now.
But I can use a bit of her power
in this Aquarius form.
Aqua Metria!
She cut through water!
There's nothing I can't cut.
That's the power of the Blade Dragon.
She cut the Star Dress like paper!
What do you think you're doing?
This is the second time now!
Now that's a different kind of delicious.
Swimsuit version!
Not again!
Stop it!
Who the heck is she?
The manager?
The prisoner
and the humans we were chasing!
Where have you been hiding?
In plain sight.
Oh, my Water God!
That was a messenger of the Water God.
It was supposed to make a sacrifice
to the Water God.
But it's dead now. This is terrible.
The Water God will not be happy.
Is the enraged Water Dragon God
going to show up now?
Maybe chopping up that snake
was worth the effort.
She broke my ice?
Watch out! She's very strong!
My swimsuit too?
I don't remember cutting that.
You're quite an amusing bunch.
It's time to get serious.
Why am I the only one
who hasn't gone back to normal?
What are you doing to my friends?
A sword!
I like that! Let's cross blades!
-With his head?
I was worried
when you didn't show up on time.
Is he one of them?
More importantly, he just blocked
Erza's sword with his head.
There's nothing he can't block.
He's a Dragon Eater
clad in the strongest armor.
Madmall, the Armor Dragon.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
I can do this on my own, you know.
Skullion ordered you to return.
I can't right now.
Not when there's a chance
the Water Dragon God could show up.
And it's been a while
since I've found such tasty prey.
Who are these people?
No idea, but they seem to be
after the Water Dragon God.
What now?
It's the water
The sea is parting!
What's going on?
This is
Water God!
There's a lot of commotion in my sea.
A human?
You and I are holding
The ends of the same rope
Pulling with a strong force
Creating a tense connection
A taut feeling
We've always helped each other out
No matter what
But leaning on each other too much
Isn't good
It's time to let go
For both of us
Even if we part ways here
Our bond will never break
It's an invisible belief
From this point on
It will be something eternal
It's our story
O friend, this is where we say goodbye
We can't be there for each other forever
O friend, as if competing
Against each other
We grow stronger
By standing on our own
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