Family Secrets (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

[indistinct chatter]
[man coughs]
[theme music playing]
So what is it?
[Kaśka] Mom's not here.
Is this wedding gonna happen or isn't it?
Not until our mom shows up.
- Excuse me.
- So do something about it.
What? Drag her out by her veil?
What if I go get her?
Absolutely not.
Well, somebody better or this wedding
is going down the tubes!
And I told her,
"Sorry, I can't make them any bigger!"
[all laughing]
[man] So, I take it
the clinic is doing well?
[woman chuckles]
Unexpectedly so.
I can only say curse you Emil!
[Emil] That's no surprise, because
I remember the face you made at me then,
when I told you I was going to Hamburg
to study plastic surgery.
[woman] I remember it well.
Excuse me a minute.
[woman] I kept telling you to go for it.
Oh, stop.
[man 2] You should've gone.
You two could've worked together.
Instead of being jealous of him.
- Yeah? Hm.
- Mmm hm.
Man, how I envy you
[awkward chuckling]
Anyway, all I do is run a university.
And is your Jan
going to take over at the clinic?
- No, he isn't.
- [woman 2] Oh, come on.
You should hand it off so you can
buy that yacht and sail the seas.
He's going to take over
the business eventually.
I'm not going anywhere for now. Not yet.
Where are you sending my husband off to?
Straight to hell! [chuckles]
We were just talking about how Jan would
probably take over the clinic from Emil.
[woman] It's only natural.
Yeah. Although for Emil,
I see it's not so natural.
[woman chuckles]
If your work for me at the clinic
continues to produce such beautiful noses
I'll definitely consider you
for the position, yeah?
[Emil] Tell me when
[woman] Stop, stop, stop! [chuckles]
[Emil] All right, let's drink to
to romance.
Oh fine, then let's drink to us!
[all chuckle]
You didn't have to say that shit.
What shit?
You went out of your way
to make a fool of me.
[sighs] Did I?
Obviously, Jan will
take over the clinic eventually, yeah?
I don't get it. Has everyone gone crazy?
How old do you think I am?
That's not the point.
I know what your point is.
Half of the people in our country
don't want to work once they're fifty
but I love my job. I love my clinic.
Maybe you feel like you're only
five minutes away from retirement,
but I surely don't.
Goodnight. [sighs]
Why'd you even come here, Dad? What for?
Because your mother asked me.
Uh huh.
Both of you just take it easy.
[indistinct chatter]
- [chuckles nervously]
- [Robert] Everyone, relax.
Just sing.
[music starts]
[camera shutters click]
[nun choir] Dear brother ♪
Dear sister ♪
I don't know who you are ♪
I suppose I'll sit.
I don't know where you live ♪
But for you I want ♪
[Dorota] I'm here.
Yes, darling,
of course I know you're here.
Jan didn't come down to join us.
[Emil] As usual.
I'm worried about him.
- He lives like he's sixteen years old.
- Mmm hm.
Because you spoil him.
Maybe it's time he moved out.
Became more independent.
He could, if he earned enough
for his own apartment.
You're in charge of his salary. Why can't
you pay him better at the clinic?
Let him go work at a hospital.
We'll see how much he earns there.
Ugh. A public hospital?
What a humiliation.
Do you hear how stupid this is?
Did my father ever give me
anything at all? No, he did not.
I had to build everything myself
right from the start.
Did my mother still make breakfast
for me when I was thirty? No!
You were making it for me,
rocking the kid with one hand
and stirring the pot with the other.
In a rented apartment.
- So give me a break.
- It's harder for kids today!
Yes, of course, it's because
all that heavy load they're carrying.
These kids are all so swollen
with grievances and bloated egos
that they can't get off the ground!
- Coffee.
- [Dorota] I'll have some in town.
[indistinct chatter and laughter]
[French pop music playing]
Hi, Professor.
Good morning.
Paweł. Good morning.
Please, sit,
if you're willing to be seen with me.
Don't you have class?
They canceled them today.
You wish.
No, it's true, but they only told me.
If I'm not mistaken,
aren't you in my class this afternoon?
And since you're here, I figure I should
tell you that I'm not gonna make it.
That's too bad, Paweł,
because I'll miss you.
[students whispering]
Oh yeah? I think this is for you.
[nun choir] myself ♪
That's the law of love ♪
You know the priest won't wait forever.
Then he can go.
Kaśka, I'm begging you, please.
Can you not shout at my sister?
She's pregnant.
And I know whose child it is.
Yeah, that's interesting,
because she didn't want to tell me.
- Because she hates you.
- Excuse me.
[Alicja] You okay?
And let's bring love ♪
To everyone around ♪
I'm waiting for my mom.
I don't want my wedding
to happen without her being here.
- I'm sorry.
- [clears throat]
Dearly beloved, I'm afraid we must wait
for a very important guest of the bride.
Until then, maybe Sister Beatrycze
can sing something.
Okay, girls, let's try
"For like death." Okay?
For like death ♪
Love is powerful ♪
[Kaśka] Excuse me.
And her jealousy ♪
Is as intransigent as Sheol ♪
Its heat is the heat of fire ♪
- [choir] The flame of the Lord ♪
- [Alicja mouthing]
Great waters cannot ♪
[Emil] Good morning.
Good morning, Emil.
Where's mine?
What are you talking about?
[Emil] My breakfast.
Maybe your clinic can cook you something.
You kidding me?
Absolutely not.
Uh huh.
[contented sigh]
[upbeat music playing]
Wait, what? You're having a fling?
It's more than a fling.
How so?
It's a romance.
Who with?
Paweł Drzewiecki.
- And who's that?
- A student.
My student.
You're mental.
What are you gonna do about it, Emil?
As you can see,
I have no plans to retire yet.
No, no, no. You're crazy.
Yes, I've gone crazy.
And it feels
like being alive again.
- And what was it?
- Alive again.
No, his name, yeah?
Drzewiecki, wasn't it?
Paweł Drzewiecki?
What are you going to do, Emil?
I'm going to deal with it.
- Emil.
- Well, you wanted to know
You just asked me
what I was going to do about it.
Hm? Jędrzej?
- Don't you dare! Emil! Stop!
- Yeah, hi. I'd like to meet up with you.
- Emil, please!
- I'd like to meet at the university.
- I have a small favor to ask.
- I'm watching you!
- Have you got some time?
- I'm watching you, yeah?
Yeah So I'd like to talk
about a certain student.
- [Jędrzej] Uh huh.
- Drzewiecki. Yes.
- When can you?
- [Jędrzej, unintelligible]
Okay, I'll drop by. Sure.
Goodbye. Thanks.
Don't you dare go there!
- [tires screech]
- Ow!
[engine stops]
What happened?
You don't have to go get her, if
If what?
If she still means anything to you.
The fact that you came
to the wedding is enough.
She doesn't mean anything to me,
she never did.
This affair didn't have any meaning for me
except the meaning you attached to it,
can't you see that?
It doesn't matter.
It's just drama and hysterics.
- [scoffs] And her?
- Who's "her"?
The reluctant bride.
Dorota, don't start with me.
Have you thought about Jan?
What will you do when he finds out?
Don't you think it's about time
she told him everything?
If she hasn't done it by now then
Then why do it now? But whatever.
Why are you still here?
Yeah, I'm going.
Thanks for being here together.
It actually means a lot to me.
Why are you doing this, son?
You'll never love her
like your own daughter
Turns out your mom has quite
a soft spot for her students, actually.
Don't start that again, Emil, please.
[Emil chuckles]
It's your decision.
I'm off.
[engine starts]
Emil, don't! Come back here, you hear me?
Emil, you can't do this to me!
- [car accelerates]
- [tires screech]
It's been taken care of, Emil.
That boy won't be returning.
[Emil sighs]
I told you I'd deal with it.
Now the next move is up to you.
Whatever you want.
Hey, you guys, get out here!
I'm getting married now!
- Whoa!
- [car horns beeping]
[Robert] They're here!
[pop music playing]
- [man] Go!
- [man 2] Get this thing out of here!
- Ow.
- Sorry.
- Easy.
- I'm so sorry.
[whooping and cheering]
What happened? Is it over?
They kicked us out.
Oh, don't say that Jan.
That's not true and you know it.
This is a public church after all,
for wedding ceremonies.
[Beatrycze] Nobody kicked us out.
But of course, the priest has to marry
the couple who are next in line here.
And still, he cut you some slack
and told you to wait and he'd get to you.
But this was ridiculous, Dorota,
just ridiculous.
Aśka, don't you dare lecture me.
Don't call me "Aśka."
My husband went to get your mama.
Thanks, auntie.
- [crowd cheering]
- [pop music continues]
Did they all get out of that car?
A miracle.
[tires screech]
- Agh! You asshole! You coulda killed me!
- [beeps horn]
You drive like shit! You drive like shit!
This is a nightmare,
just a total nightmare.
What's the matter? Don't you like it?
I'm just so old
Ah, please don't start.
Look here.
Old age is brutal.
Mama. You look like our sister.
That's overkill.
Okay. All the same, you look great.
You have the prettiest eyes.
But my tits are all saggy now.
So get your tits done.
Or my ass lifted.
- Your tits and your ass and your stomach!
- [all chuckle]
Mama, don't listen to her.
Lots of women would kill
to look as good as you, and you know it.
Your best years are still to come.
And you shut up, you say stupid stuff.
It's you that's stupid.
Actually, I'm the smart one.
You'll see soon enough.
I'm useless.
- I'm painted up like an old hooker
- [Alicja] What?
but it's not your fault.
Dad loves you.
[Alicja] An old hooker?
- Shut it!
- [door bangs]
Ah, oh, Kaśka, Kaśka
[sighs] What do you think?
That if they get back together
it'll be like it was?
The ideal little life?
Seems you're the one
who's been after the "ideal life".
Yeah, right,
until it fell through, sister.
That fell through.
'Cause there's no such thing
as an ideal life.
- Or perfect boobs either!
- Hey, my boobs are perfect, you!
[Alicja chuckles]
- Hey, no, stop that
- I thought you liked water!
I swear, I'm gonna I am gonna kill you.
[classical music playing on radio]
- [brakes screech]
- [thud]
Fucking hell.
Hey, hey, hey! Hey, are you okay?
Hello? Are you okay? Talk to me,
but please leave the car alone.
No, I'm not okay! What a stupid question!
You hit me! I ought to stab you.
How can I make amends?
Well, maybe you can start out by telling
me I'm the most beautiful woman on Earth.
[Emil sighs]
Or instead, you can
make me 20 years younger.
But since that's obviously beyond your
abilities, there's nothing you can do.
You really are quite useless.
So it would've been better
if you'd just killed me.
You talk a lot and it's mostly nonsense.
But please don't even
joke like that, okay?
Okay, I'm sorry. I'm still in shock.
Yeah, me too.
Shock over what, being useless?
I don't usually do this in the street
Dear God, what? Tell me quickly,
'cause I'm getting crazy ideas now.
It's just that I'm not as useless
as you seem to think I am.
"Professor Emil Jaworowicz, Head Surgeon,
Clinic of Plastic Surgery." Wow.
Are you sure you're okay here?
- My ass hurts a bit, but yes..
- [both chuckle]
- Do you want a lift to a hospital?
- No, there's no need, I'll be fine.
Call if you need me.
Jesus, don't say that
or I'll call tomorrow.
Those look good on you.
Well, thank you very much.
- Just go.
- [woman] He's a maniac.
- [Małgosia] Drive.
- You're a maniac!
Okay, okay.
Let's maybe get a face-lift.
Or get our cheekbones done, huh?
A face-lift is a must, Teresa.
[Teresa] But the results aren't always
predictable. And, plus, I hear it hurts.
True, it does hurt.
He's a dish.
- Jaworowicz.
- [Małgosia chuckles]
Come on now, let's be honest.
The only reason we're talking about this
is because you wanna see this doctor.
One more time at least.
The doctor is a catch.
Yeah, well, I Googled him.
He's got a wife and a son.
Thanks. For brutally ruining my fantasy.
Oh please, at our age
all we ever meet are married men.
That's just life, dear,
and we have to accept what we are.
And what's that?
As for you and Marek
No, let's stop there.
Not a single word about Marek.
I've just finally accepted
that Marek left me.
With two kids, no less.
- May I?
- Go ahead.
I've also accepted that my father died,
that I have recurring major depression,
and that my mother has apparently
suddenly gone completely batshit!
- Don't tell me
- Please, I don't want to!
Let it go, okay?
I still feel.. like I'm thirty, Teresa.
But look and here.
Well, don't pull on it or it'll stay
like that. Anyway you look okay.
He's someone I'd like to spank.
Is it good?
It's delicious.
Someone else's is always better.
[laughs loudly]
[Małgosia] Hello.
So you came.
I came.
You see?
My lips.
Your lips?
Yes, you have some small wrinkles
around the mouth but nothing serious.
So they're still good?
- [Emil] Yeah.
- Yeah.
What are you really here for?
I know you're not single.
But how married are you?
I know you have a son.
I have two daughters.
But maybe at least Coffee?
Yes, a coffee sounds perfect.
[Małgosia groaning]
[both groaning]
[Kaśka] Ooh la la!
Right? Yes, yes, yes.
Nice dress. Where'd you get it?
I stole it.
[Małgosia chuckles]
- Borrow it?
- No.
[Alicja] Where are you going?
None of your business.
What's that about?
I don't think you realize ♪
Don't think that you recognize ♪
Just how much you mean to me ♪
And that you make me so happy ♪
I wish that you were happy too ♪
Because it means so much to me ♪
[both chuckle]
Emil, let's not rot in bed like this.
Let's go crash some party.
We could buy some wine,
and then we'll go down
to the Vistula to dance.
[moaning, smooching]
And then
we'll go buy some buns,
delicious buns with mushrooms.
And after that
hot dogs at the train station. [laughs]
I'm talking nonsense, huh?
Yes, you kinda are.
- Małgosia, listen
- Don't "Małgosia" me, asshole!
- Just listen
- Why should I?
Why'd you get my hopes up
in the first place?
What was all this for?
You score another hook-up
and then just bid me adieu, is that it?
- Małgosia, listen
- I don't want to hear it.
Men are all the same.
Just little boys.
What, your wife cheat on you?
So you figured you'd get even, huh?
Just leave me alone.
Let me help.
[door opens]
[door bangs]
[cellphone rings]
- Why the hell are you calling me?
- [Emil] Małgosia
I won't come back. You can forget it.
You were right, I was being an ass.
You just make me feel like an idiot.
[sighs] I'm sorry, I didn't
mean to hurt your feelings.
Come on, let's go out dancing, and we
can drink wine on the bank of the Vistula
Eat some hot dogs at the
Central Station even. How about that?
- [upbeat music playing]
- [Małgosia laughing]
There's no one home!
I would love you to show me a sign ♪
If you only let me change your mind ♪
In my dreams of summertime
We look the same today ♪
Wash away, slip on by ♪
[Małgosia] It's like he was there,
but not really there.
Do you have to treat this so seriously?
How am I s'posed to treat it?
Like a fling.
It was just chance that you even
found this so have some fun with it!
What, do you think you're gonna
get married? Women like us
- Women like who?
- Women of our age.
Encounters like this
should be treated like [whoosh]
Like what?
Well, like a
Like entertainment! Just enjoy yourself!
It's obvious that this
that this whole thing is temporary.
It can't last.
I'm supposed to just kill myself?
Listen You've got
some unfinished business.
Please just do me a favor.
Don't take this so seriously or I'll
have to scrape you off the sidewalk again.
- Why don't you kiss my ass.
- Agh, you're an idiot.
You know what I want? Just for once,
you'd give me some good advice.
Be happy to!
Get your lips done and don't eat at night.
Oh, get my lips done?
You do yours! Like a fish.
That's a plan.
With Jaworowicz.
- Tomorrow you can set up my appointment.
- [Małgosia chuckles]
We're here, but if you
need me to come pick you up
The car will be ready for pick-up
from the service center at 4 p.m.
- I can't do it, but maybe I'll call them
- I'll manage somehow.
- [Kaśka] Thanks.
- No problem.
Hello there.
I'm Emil Jaworowicz.
Can I help you?
- Who are you waiting for?
- How is that your affair?
[car horn beeps]
When are you done with classes?
[horn beeps again]
Six tonight.
6:00 p. m.
I'll pick you up then.
[horn continues beeping]
Emil, if you don't like my breasts
then maybe you could operate on them?
Make them as big as you want!
Oh my god, please excuse me! I'm so sorry.
Please excuse me.
Jaworowicz and Son clinic, hello?
Małgosia, wait up.
- You forgot this.
- So I guess that's the end, right?
You sent your son?
Bravo. You're just a coward.
You've asserted your manhood,
but what about me? What about my feelings?
What feelings are you talking about?
So I'm to understand
there's nothing between us, yeah?
Małgosia, listen, you really
are a great woman but I have certain-
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
I don't give a shit about your excuses!
I have to fight for what's mine, you know?
Or is Is there someone new, huh?
You ran into someone on the street again?
How old is she? Is she younger than me?
I'll never forgive you for this!
And give me that back!
Give it here! I hate you!
It's all over with, Teresa.
We won't be meeting anymore.
I know, I know you warned me.
But so what? It's over.
Teresa, I swear to you, if you mention
Marek one more time,
I don't know what I'll do!
Because I wanted it to be different.
I thought it would be different.
No, I don't remember what he said
because I was so nervous
that I just can't remember.
I came home,
turned on the oven and opened the door.
No, Teresa, I don't want to bake a cake!
I'm too much of a coward.
You know me [sobbing]
Teresa, I hate myself,
I can't even kill myself.
Life doesn't make sense to me
and I feel completely lost.
What psychotherapist?
What are you saying? What psychotherapist?
Teresa, I can't afford a psychotherapist!
I'm getting a pedicure.
Fine, whatever, Teresa!
Never mind, Teresa, just never mind. Bye.
Uh, twenty minutes.
Okay, thank you so much.
What am I doing here?
I know who you were waiting for earlier.
No, you don't.
All right, let's be clear.
If you aren't serious about my mom
then just stay away from her. Okay?
Yeah, that's fine by me.
You've got a wife.
It's disgusting behavior.
I get the point.
Just to be clear, I never did make
any promises at all to your mom.
Mm, the past tense.
- Yeah.
- Swell.
- I want to get out. Stop the car.
- [seatbelt warning beeping]
Stop the car! You hear me?
I want to get out!
Please just calm down, okay!
Stop this damn car!
[doors lock]
Unlock the door.
- Unlock the door, I want to get out!
- [Emil] Fine! Go!
Hey, wait a minute.
[sighs] I need to tell you something.
- I have nothing to say to you
- About Paweł.
[suspenseful music playing]
[engine starts]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[keys jangling]
[Kaśka] Mom?
Why are you sitting in the dark?
Is something wrong?
I saw you with Emil.
Why were you meeting with him?
- I don't want to talk about it.
- Not surprising.
How long have you been together?
- We're not together, Mom.
- Don't lie!
I'm not, Mama!
- Please. We met to talk about you.
- That's a load of crap!
- [thud]
- [Malgosia groans]
Didn't you know
how much this meant to me, Kaśka?
How could you do such a thing to me?
Mom, please let me explain
You've already explained!
I heard you and I don't give a shit!
Mama, Mama
It was my last chance!
Don't you get that? My last one!
So why are you still standing there?
Pack all your shit and be gone!
[melancholic music playing]
[door bangs]
- Are you just gonna sit here?
- [Malgosia sighs]
Come on! Everyone's here.
Hey there.
Jesus Christ, Kaśka's pregnant.
Why didn't you tell me?
She wouldn't let me.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you
I was pregnant!
But I just didn't want you to come
purely for that reason!
Oh, my darling! My crazy kid!
[kissing] Oh, my baby
- Which month is it?
- And whose child it is?
[Alicja chuckles]
- What do you mean "whose child"?
- [Alicja] Exactly.
Mystery of the century.
- [groans]
- [thud]
- Mom, wake up.
- [Teresa] Oh, my god.
[Robert] Is she okay?
[cheering and whooping]
[horns beeping]
[Alicja] Get the priest!
[cheering and beeping continues]
[Alicja] Oh dear Mommy?
[Kaśka] Can somebody
please go get some water?
[theme music plays]
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