Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994) s01e02 Episode Script

The Origin of the Fantastic Four: Part Two

And now this is Gary Owens
welcoming you back
to Dick Clark's
College Scholarship Telethon
with Dick's special guests,
The Fantastic Four.
Now let's do a quick recap
of how you got your incredible powers.
Okay, but remember, folks,
we're professionals.
You don't wanna try this stuff at home,
You took off
in Reed's untested spaceship
to investigate a weird
streaking phenomenon
which somehow altered
normally harmless cosmic rays
which changed you in amazing
no, make that fantastic ways.
Your lives would never be the same
but you unselfishly pledged
to use your new powers
for the good of mankind.
few buildings wanted you as tenants
and your adventures began
the moment you found an apartment.
A strange Puppet Master
was controlling human beings
through dolls sculpted
in a special neuro-kinetic clay.
But his lovely blind daughter, Alicia
knew nothing of his evil schemes.
Mad at Reed
for keeping him out of the lab
The Thing left the Baxter Building
under the Puppet Master's control
resulting in Sue's capture.
The Puppet Master then forced Alicia
disguised as Sue,
to accompany the entranced Thing
back to the Baxter Building,
not knowing he was under orders
to destroy Mr. Fantastic
and The Human Torch
thus clearing the way
for him and his doll puppets
to take over the city.
Slash Curtis,
a brutish, vicious criminal
from the dregs of society.
The courts gave you life imprisonment
but you shall serve me well.
Welcoming you to the new escape-proof,
maximum-security state prison
built when voters finally approved
a construction-bond initiative.
I say no breakout
till I get the guard patrols timed.
Hear me, Slash Curtis!
Hey, sweetheart!
Got a news flash for ya. Jailbreak!
They've seized the guards' weapons
and are storming the gate
Here comes the warden!
I've been waiting for you, Warden.
Say "Cheese. "
I must be accurate.
But once I've made
your likeness perfect
you too shall be my puppet slave.
I don't understand
why you won't speak to me.
I feel that someone
some force is preventing you.
Just one moment,
Mr. Grimm, Mrs. Richards.
Stop! I must speak to you about
the revolting chemical smells
coming from Dr. Richards' laboratory.
And then there was that huge piece
of scientific equipment
delivered yesterday.
I'm speaking to you Well, what cheek!
Reed, can you get it?
Okay. Okay, fine. I'll see who's there.
He might as well be on Mars
when he's in his lab.
Never picks up a phone,
never answers a doorbell. Never.
Great. Hey, Reed! Sue's back
with tall, orange, and gruesome!
Terrific time for you guys
to forget your keys!
I just got out of the shower and Hey!
What's with you, Ben?
If I wasn't soaking wet
I'd flame on
and barbecue your spareribs!
- Ben! Is that your name?
- Sue?
Reed! Reed, help!
The Thing's gone bananas!
Ben, stop! What's wrong?
What's gotten into you?
Your eyes, they're glassy.
You don't know what you're doing.
If you want me, come and get me!
Sorry, Ben.
That was the only way to stop you.
And now we'll see if my formula works.
My head.
What's what's happening?
My My My face, it it's human!
Hey, I'm Ben Grimm again!
Hey, I'm I'm I'm me!
It's the formula I've been working on.
I didn't want to tell you.
I didn't wanna raise your hopes.
What's wrong with me?
I come here to clobber my best friends
Hey, Johnny!
Are you okay?
I I didn't mean to hurt ya.
Hey, you're yourself. You're Ben again.
Not that it's much of an improvement.
Oh, yeah? How'd you like
a knuckle casserole?
Won't somebody tell me where I am,
who you all are?
The resemblance is uncanny,
but she's not Sue.
I remember now. She's the
Puppet Master's stepdaughter.
Hey, come here.
The poor kid's, well, she's blind.
She sure does look like sis
but where's Sue, and who the heck
is the Puppet Master?
Him? He's a weirdo
with a place in the Village.
Sue's his prisoner there, but
Well, it ain't her fault.
Your voice.
You're the strong, kindly one
who came to my stepfather's house.
But you seem different now.
No, wait. It is you!
Yes! You are the same
wonderful person!
Yeah, wonderful! Hmm.
I'm sorry the formula
wasn't permanent, Ben
but we've got to move!
I can't leave Sue
in the hands of a madman.
Flame on!
The squirt gets to fly
and we gotta go catch a cab!
I think I can do better than that.
I call it the Fantasticar.
You wait here, kid,
and I'll be back for you.
I want a 24-hour lockdown, Clancy.
You got it, Warden.
And put Slash Curtis in solitary. I
Warden Butler!
Hear me!
Hey, you okay, Warden? Warden?
Warden Butler, the man you saw put down
a prison riot only moments ago
is now acting very strangely.
Must free all prisoners.
Must free all prisoners.
Must free them Now.
But, Warden, you can't do that!
Warden! No!
He's activating the gate control!
What is happening?
The warden! Go! Go! Go!
Now seize him, prisoners! Quickly!
Take him to the main cellblock!
Yes, Slash! With him as your hostage
you can begin to negotiate
for the things I want!
A detachment of guards
has just moved in
to surround the main cellblock
but the rioting prisoners
have taken control
and, more important, they now hold
Warden Lewis G Butler in their hands.
Getting out of this chair
would be easy for Reed
but I'll have to do it
the old-fashioned way.
Phew! I'm out of here!
And Slash Curtis
has just designated himself
chief negotiator
for the rioting prisoners.
What's this?
Did the Invisible Woman think
I'd be unprepared for an escape attempt?
How foolish!
The force of the fall
shook me into visibility.
- I must get away.
- It's useless to resist me.
You are my helpless puppet!
Sullivan Street dead ahead.
Let's pray we're not too late.
There. That's the street number
Alicia gave us.
Hurry, Ben!
It's clobberin' time!
- Sue, darling!
- Reed! I can't run away.
He's controlling me with a puppet doll.
I have one for you too, my friends!
And I've got somethin' for you,
Bug Eyes!
There's no way you'll escape.
It's you who won't escape!
Won't escape. Won't escape.
Won't escape.
He's getting away with Sue!
Won't escape.
Won't escape.
I got him, Johnny.
Can't Hold him.
I hear you, Stringbean!
- Say goodnight, Gracie!
- Won't escape.
Won't escape
Now, let's find Susy Q.
You're too late!
Can't get there, but have to try!
Hold it, Stretcho! Look at the kid!
Hang on, sis. I'm on the way.
She's yours.
No! Johnny, help!
Moved too fast. I'm out of gas.
You had it when it counted.
Great job, son!
I guess I wasn't too shabby at that,
was I?
Don't ever put me
through that again, sweetheart.
Well, it wasn't fun for me either,
Hey, hey, hey! Smooch later.
Look, we got work to do.
Slash Curtis has just demanded
weapons and freedom for all prisoners
or the warden will pay the price.
Let's get busy.
Fantasticar front and center.
We're going directly to jail.
Well, the cops gotta play ball with us
long as we got the warden here.
Just to make sure
that they don't get a little cute
we're gonna take us out
an insurance policy.
Bull! Skink! You know what to do!
Silly me. Forgot to thank you
for opening the gates for us.
Must free all prisoners.
Must free all prisoners.
Things have been quiet since
Slash Curtis made his demands
but What in the worid?
It's the fantastic Flying Torch,
the Stretchable Man
and that powerful, incredible Thing!
They rescued the jumper off
the 59th Street Bridge the other day!
They're traveling in some sort of
amazing flying vehicle and Oh!
Just hang loose, honey,
and you won't get hurt.
This won't be as easy as I'd hoped.
Now they've got both the warden and
that televisiĆ³n reporter as hostages.
If we make the slightest mistake
it could cost them their lives.
And the total continues to grow.
Ladies and gentlemen,
your tribute to the Fantastic Four
is gonna give a lot of kids
the great education they deserve
and our country needs.
Now, let's get back
to the exciting story of
- Where's The Thing, Gary?
- Well, we're not sure, Dick.
He went backstage
during the commercial break and
No sweat, Jack.
Ol' Blue Eyes is back!
I figure if we're gonna raise
a ton of money for education
we gotta sell the most
educational stuff of all.
Namely, the adventures of yours truly
and my three assistants.
So cough up some cash
'cause I don't like deadbeats.
The audience
has already been very generous
but if you'll sit down,
I'll buy those books.
You You will? Hey, great!
By the way, I got plenty more
where these came from.
How nice.
All right, now back to the story
of the Puppet Master.
By the time we arrived,
the situation at the prison
had reached the boiling point.
We've gotta do something
but can't risk a direct assault.
All right, Brain-O,
you got smarts. Now use 'em.
Hmm. We've got to make
a two-pronged attack.
Sue and I will go high
while you and Ben go low.
Okay. What's a prong?
Start the low-prong phase now!
Come on, Matchstick.
Let's make like heroes.
That crazy plane! I can't see it no more
and Aagh!
Let 'em have it!
You rang?
There's nothin' like
recyclin' scrap metal
to keep the garbage in.
Now that Slash is out of it,
I'm takin' charge.
Oh, yeah? Who says? I'm the
- Ooh!
- Naughty, naughty.
- Get her!
- Reed, now!
Excuse me, gentlemen.
What's the hurry?
I'd say this wraps things up,
in every sense of the word.
I don't know how to thank you.
I must have been temporarily insane.
You were simply another victim
of the Puppet Master, Warden Butler.
We'll bring him to justice.
Didn't know you was a sculptor.
Reed helped me move all your stuff
from your stepfather's house
and Huh?
Finding a home for me
was your idea, wasn't it, Ben?
Nah. We all decided.
I mean, hey, you know
Reed's got some bucks
from his inventions and, well
Yeah, I guess it was.
I've never met any man as kind
and as beautiful as you.
Yeah, well, you're kind of nice too.
Hey, look, I gotta go.
I gotta find that Puppet Master
and Like that.
I gotta go.
You take it easy, though, okay?
Dear Ben.
Dear, dear Ben.
I neutralized the last of the
Puppet Master's neuro-kinetic clay.
He can never use it again
to control innocent people.
Great, but what if he's still out there,
maybe cooking up another batch?
Yeah. I mean,
as long as that little creep's around
Alicia could have a problem.
Alicia! Of course. We've got to hurry.
- Where?
- Why?
To Alicia's new apartment.
If he set clay aside for emergencies,
she's the first one he'll head for!
- Flame on!
- That poor girl.
We've gotta save her
from that evil geek.
Ben, is that you?
No, dear girl.
It's I, your beloved stepfather.
You have something
which belongs to me:
the most powerful puppet of them all.
I wish you could see it, Alicia.
It's a small figure of me
not as I am now, a hunted man.
No. It is I as the true Puppet Master
ruler of all the worid.
Now that I have tested my power
and know that it works,
I can do anything I wish.
Once I have subjected
the entire worid to my puppet
kings, presidents, and armies
will do my bidding.
My first official act will be
to tear down the United Nations
the White House, the Pentagon!
All power will reside only in me.
I will be supreme!
For that fantastic foursome
who have defied me
they shall be my slaves
and their humiliation will be
my sweetest victory!
You're mad! Sick!
- Careful, you little fool!
- No!
Let me have it! Give it to me!
I and my royal puppet are one.
It's all right, kid. I'm here.
You're safe now.
Oh, Ben. He went out the window.
I heard the glass breaking. Oh!
There's no sign of him outside.
It's as if he vanished
from the face of the earth.
- Perhaps it's better that way.
- What happened, Reed?
What made the Puppet Master fall?
Perhaps a power greater than ours.
That's the story of the Fantastic Four.
Thank you so much for
your generous contributions.
Remember, every dollar
spent on a college education
brings more than
you could ever count. Gary?
Dick and I would like
to thank you very much.
You four were great guests and
There's only three of you.
What a fantastic salesman.
Tell me about it, oh, rich one.
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