Farang (2017) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

I'm here to see my father.
A girl is going around asking about me.
I think it's Thyra.
I found a picture on the internet.
You last saw him when you were 5.
- It's him.
Did you put this on?
- Must have been a guest.
Can you remove it?
I got a new one, a true find.
She's only 15.
You shouldn't be so hasty.
Where's the bag?
- I don't know.
You left your sweetheart alone
with a bag that's worth millions!
Find that fucking bag, understood?
Can I see your bag, please?
- That is not mine that's not mine!
You can go now.
No, that's the wrong bag.
It's a suitcase, a red suitcase.
There wasn't a red suitcase.
- What? There must be a red suitcase in there.
I checked everywhere.
- You sure?
No red suitcase.
Who called the police?
- It was anonymous.
Farang? Thai? - Farang.
- Man? Woman? - Man.
So the police doesn't know
who Fabian is working for?
The girl, did she say something?
- No I don't know.
What's your name?
How old are you?
Old enough for a cigarette?
What are you doing in Thailand?
You know, Farangs come to Thailand for two reasons:
to sunbathe
or to hide.
You don't have a tan.
Who you're hiding from?
- I need to speak to the girl.
She's a minor, you can't keep her in.
You're her lawyer? - No.
- Parent? - No.
She's staying at my place,
where I work.
- I don't have her passport.
I meant your passport, sir.
- My passport?
Passport, ID
What's your name, sir?
Excuse us.
You sure?
- I'm fine.
What are you doing?
- Nothing.
This is nice.
Yes, let go!
Looks nice on me, don't you think?
It would be even nicer if it was
a little baby inside there.
You know we can't have a baby here.
- We won't live like this forever.
Yea, but until we do we should just wait.
Flower, wait
- That's ok.
What do you want?
- Where is he?
Look at him now!
I warned you.
- Please, please, please
You will get your money back, I promise
I know who's got it, I promise
Don't make promises you can't keep.
- No! I'm looking for the bag!
There's this young girl living at Fabian's place,
she knows something.
Give me some time, I'll fix this.
I promise
So what are you waiting for?
Clean up this mess.
You understand?
Hello, is there a flight to Sweden today?
Ok, who knows you're here?
- No one.
You have some sauce?
- Yes.
Doesn't you mother know?
- She knows I'm in Thailand, not that I came for you.
She thinks I'm with a girlfriend.
- What did you tell the police?
I saw you speaking with them, what did you say?
- Nothing about you, calm down.
Ok, good.
Here I am Rickard,
nothing else.
You can't call me Rubén or dad.
I told everyone I have no kids.
I know how it sounds but that's how it works.
Wanna take a shower?
- I need to pick up my things at Fabian's.
- I need to get my stuff.
What for?
- I have no clothes
We'll get new ones, you can't go there.
I also have other things
- You can't be seen there.
- I just got you out of prison!
You have nothing to do with that shit
nothing to do with him, got it?!
He claims he's innocent.
What was he doing with the heroin then?
- I don't know
They drug and seduce Swedish girls.
- Fabian is not the type.
You think you know him?
- I know him better than I know you.
- Hi.
Hello. Thyra.
- Oh hi, Thyra.
Sorry about the fuss.
- Yes, it's that
Rickard is my uncle.
- Ah, I see welcome.
Rickard, the fridge is completely empty.
- Ok, I'm dropping her at the market.
They lost her baggage.
- That's unfortunate but welcome anyway.
- What else could I say?
Here this should do it.
I'll meet you here in one hour.
- Ok.
You gonna be fine?
- Of course.
Hi, it's Rickard.
Can I pick up the ticket now?
Hi, where to?
- Paradise Bungalows.
150 Baht.
- No, 75. - Ok.
Found us any birds?
- Why can't we use the ones we have?
Because they are too beat up.
Two of 'em wouldn't make it through the day.
They are gonna die anyway.
Yea, but it's gonna be too obvious, for one
and then, it will bring trouble on us.
We still need two birds by tonight.
- No money.
No money?
- No money.
You made a bunch of money yesterday!
- I spent it, ok? The birds will have to do.
What are you doing?
What do you want?
Hello, are you Fabian Rask?
- Yes.
I'm Pranée Amatayakul.
I'm your lawyer.
Why you're showing me this?
- These are people like you
who didn't know what they got themselves into.
- I'm innocent.
If you just stick to the truth, it's so much easier for everyone.
- I am.
Where did you get the drugs?
- I'm telling you I never seen that before.
This is not some weed for personal use,
we're talking about 5 grams of pure heroin.
You're looking at 20 years in prison.
Who did you buy it from?
I didn't buy it from anyone,
I told you already.
I'll see you next week then.
- Wait.
Are you sure that the heroin was pure?
- Yes.
Worth 400,000 Baht on the street.
- Ok. Listen
They would never let it out on the market
with someone like me, if it was pure.
Before they sell it to stupid tourists,
they would mix it with something washing powder, anything.
I'm a nobody, right?
Someone set me up.
Hi, you've reached Thyra
Excuse me!
Is it free?
That red is very nice.
How much?
- 1000 Baht.
800 Baht, special price for you.
800 Baht, very nice red.
Hi. No, no
250 Baht.
- No, 800 Baht.
600 Baht, ok?
Ok, okyes.
- 250.
Thank you.
- This is for free.
You could get a sunstroke.
- Thanks.
Is Prasert in there?
Listen this Swedish, Fabian
Does he have a record?
- No.
The heroin you found, it wasn't cut?
- 100% pure.
1.2 grams more would have meant the death penalty.
Why you ask?
I wanna speak to Thyra.
- Who?
The girl who was with him
when he was arrested.
We let her go.
- Why?
There was nothing on her. A Farang came
and made a fuss, threatening to go to the embassy.
Who was it?
- Don't know, I was too busy.
Ask at the reception.
Close the door when you leave.
I already ordered, it's on its way.
- Great.
Where are you staying?
Now that Fabian is
At my uncle's.
Where does he live?
Thank you.
Does he live here?
- Yes.
What does he do?
- He works in a bar.
Which one?
What do you care?
- Nothing I thought I might know him.
What's his name?
- Rickard.
Rickard what?
- How many Rickards are here?
Alright, eat up.
I'll take you wherever you want after.
It's not necessary.
- It's my pleasure.
Is it good?
- Not bad.
Hi, how you're doing?
Where's the little girl?
- Don't know, we had an appointment but she didn't show up.
She probably forgot, you know teenagers
- I don't.
I don't give a damn.
- No, of course!
Have you given her a chance
before raising the white flag?
What is it?
Why are you so afraid of her?
It's not like that,
you know nothing.
Her staying here just wouldn't work.
What's really going on?
It's the past coming back.
- What you mean?
A shitty past I thought I left behind.
- I see
Wherever we run, we end up in the same shit.
- Hey.
I'm late but I'm here.
- I see. Welcome.
I looked for you but you were gone.
How did it go?
- Very well.
I bought this.
- Very nice! Isn't it?
Look how nice!
Show me what else you got.
This one too.
- Very pretty, right?
Then what?
This one.
- Oh la-la!
You're just like her.
- Like who?
Your mother.
How are things going?
What's she doing?
- Primary teacher.
You're still living in Göteborg?
- Yep.
You two alone?
I mean no siblings?
Just us.
- Just you.
Christmas with your grandparents
- Yes I'll go take a shower now.
You better leave now, you have work to do.
- So do you.
Hey, what's going on?
I don't see any Farangs.
- I've been busy.
Busy? Ok.
We have an agreement.
If you hurry,
I can still save this.
Are you alright?
- I'm sorry
Come on, man
What do we do now?
- I don't care.
Come on, man!
You're just gonna leave me hanging like that?!
You have something of mine.
- What are you talking about?
Just give it back, it's better for everybody.
- I have no idea what you're talking about.
Calm down.
The suitcase.
- What suitcase?
The red suitcase.
- So you're looking for a suitcase?
I really can't help you.
Listen well we're not done with you.
Say hello to your daughter.
What are you doing?
I'm calling the police!
You're ok?
- Yes, I'm fine, don't worry.
Who was that?
- It's called Birdie, I met him through Fabian.
You went back to Fabian's?
- You didn't say I couldn't.
You should use your brain.
- I needed my stuff.
Of course.
You can't stay here,
we'll take the first flight in the morning.
I have no ticket.
- I got you one. Give me your cellphone.
- I gotta call Lollo, will you give the phone?!
She won't answer
- Enough mess, give me the phone!
You can't call her because she's dead!
- It's no bullshit! She died 4 years ago of breast cancer.
And you weren't there!
Lollo's dead?
- Would I lie over mom's death?
Where did you stay the past 4 years?
- Foster homes.
And grandma?
- Dead.
- Good as dead senile dementia.
Fuck it's depressing!
Get some sleep.
They won't be back for tonight.
How's your sister's daughter?
I have no sister.
I don't mean to intrude.
Yes, I know.
You're having a pretty shitty life lately.
It took me so many years
to find my own place in the world.
This is my home.
I know it's not much
but it's all I have.
- I understand I understand.
I don't want you to leave, you know that?
- We're leaving tomorrow.
I wanna speak with her too.
Calm down, I'll be back in time.
Whatever the verdict is,
we can do nothing till 11.
Hello, do you have a Swedish girl here?
Her name's Thyra.
So if you come up with anything that can help him,
just call me anytime.
Who's she?
- Fabian's lawyer.
Nice to meet you, I'm Rickard.
- Hi. I'm just asking her some questions.
Look, I don't have much sympathy for your client
and I think Thyra suffered enough.
I'm just doing my job, sir.
- Of course. I'll make sure she calls you
if she has anything to say.
If you wanna go, just let me know.
Visiting hour is 5 o'clock.
Goodbye, mister.
- Bye.
Visiting hour?
- She wants me to go see Fabian.
What time is it?
- 9.
9? We have to go.
- Far away from here.
It's my fault, isn't it?
- It doesn't matter, we have to go.
Aren't you sending me home, are you?
- No.
Pack your things. Where's the passport?
- Front pocket.
- No, no, no
The other bag?
- Shit!
It wasn't in Fabian's house.
Ok, we'll get a new one.
So you need a temporary passport
to get Thyra back to Sweden?
Did you report it stolen to the police?
- Of course.
You are her
- I work where Thyra is staying.
The girl travels alone.
- How lucky!
It's not common to find strangers
so willing to help you.
Put your name and ID number here.
Thyra Sjö
- ström.
Just a minute.
Something wrong?
Thyra, what's happening?
Do they check if I did something illegal
in every Country?
Ok, let's go.
You beat up your foster dad
I hit him with a shovel,
took his passport and came here.
He didn't die I checked his pulse!
Yes, yes alright.
Anything else I should know about?
- No.
Are you sure?
Enough with secrets, ok?
A shovel aren't you dumb!
He was a pig anyway
he had his hands on me all the time.
You don't believe me either, do you?
I believe you.
- Come on, no one ever believes foster kids.
You don't know how it is
- Yes I do I do.
Can't we just cross the Country without passport?
- It won't work.
Don't blame it all on yourself,
it's no use, ok?
We'll manage.
I know people,
we'll make it.
I look like a criminal.
- Then they're perfect.
- I'm coming!
Wait here.
The Farang's here.
I saw you talk to the police,
what did you tell them?
It's 20,000 three days.
- Too much, 15,000.
This is the law office of Pranée Amatayakul.
I'm not available right now.
Please, leave a message
and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Hi, it's Thyra,
we met earlier this morning.
I call me back, please.
I'm Rickard here, nothing else.
Don't call me Rubén or dad.
Going some place nice?
Can I go with you?
I really don't know what you want.
- You saved a lot of cash for the flight.
You quit gambling.
Ok ok
You can't have anything to do with him,
do you understand?
You know how much the suitcase is worth?
You'll stay here until I know where it is.
The pretty daughter
either you talk or she'll be left with no daddy.
Son of a bitch!
I know you took the photo from my bag.
You gotta tell me your own secrets.
You've been at Fabian's,
I saw you.
You're the one who put the heroin
in his bag!
You'll pay for that,
you can go to hell!
Do you hear me?
Go to hell!
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