Fartblinda (2019) s01e02 Episode Script


We're posting a great result this quarter.
We're working on the bonuses
and they're looking fucking awesome!
There's a bar and we'll scrutinize
anyone who knocks it down.
I'm supposed to interview you tomorrow
about the quarterly report.
-What are you gonna do?
-You've started seeing him again, right?
What do you think it's like for his wife?
Your required rate of return is 15 %.
Some say it could trigger risky behavior.
-I've been really patient with you!
-What's your bonus?
I've gotten a strange email.
I'd like to know who sent it.
You wanted to know
where that email came from.
-So where did it come from?
-ST Bank.
Eat that, you bastard.
Lagerstedt resigns from board
Yeah, now that Lagerstedt is out
we should get Boholm on the board.
We'll have the authorities on our side.
Yeah, it's taken care of.
We agreed on 300,000.
Yeah, I'll take care of it.
-Didn't we say a quarter to?
-Yeah, sorry.
Three hundred.
I hope he's happy with the articles.
It's unethical. I get that this
might be a sensitive situation,
but it's my job to raise red flags in case
of emergencies, and that's what this is.
You have the bank's best interest at heart
and I appreciate that, but I do as well.
It doesn't matter. I estimate the risks
to be too big if we continue this way
Let me finish. I have an ongoing discussion
with the board about this.
-That's not how I see things.
-You don't have the full picture.
I'm asking you to be patient.
Your objection has been noted.
Birgitta, I respect you.
I appreciate that you're
honest about what you think,
but this discussion is over.
Is that understood?
The email came from a server in Finland.
There's a lot of crap on those,
so I transferred everything onto here.
It has its own dial-up connection,
so no nasties can access the network.
Never mind whatever this is.
-Okay, so
-Just type there.
Who are you?
Who are you?
Who are you?
Why should I believe you?
What do you want? Sit down.
There's no such thing as a free lunch.
-Hi, Anders.
-What's up?
Is it okay if I skip the live report tomorrow?
I've got this thing I'd like to work on.
-What thing?
-It's a bit too soon to talk about it.
It's not something you could let
your chief editor in on? He's curious.
I'm not sure there's a story there, but I'd
like to look into it as soon as possible.
Do you even have time for this? H&M may
have dropped six percent as we speak.
What are you doing?
-Are you as bored as I am?
Sadly, I'm calling about work.
-I'm doing a feature on ST Bank.
My boss was wondering
why I was so negative last time.
Now he wants
"ST Bank - the secret behind the success."
I couldn't say no. It would seem weird.
That's fine. What do you want to know?
I wasn't planning on talking to you.
You're the face of the bank.
It would be more interesting to talk
to some of the smart people you've hired.
There's always Bjarne, our CFO.
-But I warn you, he hates being interviewed.
He can get a bit nervous at times.
But if he's asked by the CEO,
maybe he can't say no?
No, then he can't say no.
If I ask you to meet me, can you say no?
I don't know if I can.
Please? Can't you meet me?
-I'll book our usual room.
-I'll call you when I get off work.
And fill it with foam bananas
and gumdrop hearts.
-How's Sophie?
-She's better now.
She's been tied up with renovations
and stuff, but she's finally started writing.
Do you want to swap?
Marianne is young for her age.
You hit the jackpot with her.
I've been lucky, and so have you.
Marianne is amazing.
You have to finish
what you've put on your plate.
-You're both coming, right?
-Of course.
-I've invited Sven-Ivan as well.
Keep your friends close,
but your enemies closer.
-I've recommended you to the hunting club.
-Good luck with that.
It's time for you
to normalize your relationship.
I won't be around forever,
and if you're going to take over some day,
you'll have to be able to deal with that pig.
-Take over?
It won't happen tomorrow, of course
but I can't think of anyone better suited
to take over as chairman of the bank.
Ulf wants the job,
but he doesn't have what it takes.
Neither does my son.
I've called you 25 times.
No need to hang it up.
Come, I have something to show you.
Lie down here.
Check this out. Lie down, I'll show you.
Look how pretty it is.
The Maldives.
We can go to sleep together,
wake up together.
No hotel rooms,
no sneaking around in Högdalen.
It's all booked.
Will your hair turn green in the pool?
Can I ask you something?
What drew you to this line of work?
Money. Of course.
-What about you?
-You don't make any money.
-Other people's money.
-Because money is power.
It leads to corruption and abuse
if it's not kept in check.
Okay, so you're the guard dog
making sure no one gets too rich?
Otto Rehnskiöld
wants me to take over the entire bank.
-I don't know how I feel about that.
What do you mean?
Maybe I should just walk away from it all.
-Buy an apartment in the city.
-An apartment in the city?
Have kids with you.
Take it seriously.
Be present. This time will be different.
I'll push a stroller, have coffee
with other dads and play in the park.
Hampus and Hedda will come by every
other week and I'll make tacos and stuff.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
I want you.
Nothing else matters.
Chapter 1
Review of ST Bank
God dammit
Björn, can you help me?
-You've got a reply.
-What does it say?
"Email me again and I'll close the account."
And there's more.
There's no coffee.
"The Trading department."
-Was that it?
My time in Japan was simply amazing.
My former boss in Tokyo taught me
about the phrase "hadaka no tsukiai".
"Naked baths" or "naked relationships".
The basic idea is that everyone
is equal in the bath house.
And naked baths makes for
open and honest relationships.
And that's the essence of an efficient
and good work climate in banking.
I keep talking about myself.
You'll have to stop me.
No, I think I have everything I need.
Great. This was really nice.
When will this be published?
Yesterday if it were up to me.
You know how it is. But
Oh, I noticed the Trading department is
doing their accounts differently this year.
-Is there a reason for that?
-The Trading department?
You used to be able to track their progress,
but it's not a separate post this year.
Well, we didn't
-We just comply with IFRS.
-Didn't you do that last year?
Yes, but they issue new directives
almost weekly.
I remember that last year
was especially complicated.
-Many thanks again. Thanks a lot.
-Thank you.
-Take care.
-You, too. Bye.
Are you going to the Maldives?
Who is BF?
-Peder and Sophie, welcome!
-Marianne, congrats!
-Thank you so much.
-Hooray, hooray.
Great to see you.
-This is Peder Rooth.
-You must be
-Dad has taken him under his wings.
-He's the future of ST Bank.
-He's had a bit too much to drink.
-Thanks for your help yesterday.
The thing worked,
but the basis was wrong.
Like you would describe me, right?
Just kidding. Where's Mom?
I think it's really brave of you, Sophie.
Writing about your own life and revealing it
to the whole world. I could never do that.
Look at Klingspor. He never
misses a chance to badmouth me.
-I don't think so.
-He'd sell his mom to take my place.
One of the happiest moments of my life
was when Gunnar Sträng resigned in '76.
Let's not speak ill of the dead, Otto.
-But we can all agree that
-mental midget.
-He did a lot of damage to Sweden.
-Are you okay, sweetie?
-It's fine.
So, Otto thinks you
should join the hunting club.
Yes, he thinks so for some reason.
Maybe you'll pull a Dick Cheney?
No I want you to know
that I've never had anything
against you personally.
On the contrary. I understand you
didn't appreciate what I did at Carnegie,
but that was strictly business,
nothing personal.
Was that your reason for hiring him?
Peder was simply the best.
I think he's my greatest find ever.
After my wife.
Thank you. Kiss, kiss.
Dear Mom
Thank you forbeing around.
Caring and loving.
You've always been there for me and Dad.
And Dad, my beloved father,
who always ends up
in the center of things
Do you want to say something as well?
For those of you who don't know Ronja,
she is one of my friends,
sponsored by my family.
Isn't that right, honey? I'm just kidding.
But Dad, thank you for not replacing Mom
with a younger model.
I know you've been tempted.
That's a sign of character
and long-sightedness.
Like an old bank
that doesn't chase short-term gains.
That was nice, Carl. I'd like to echo that
and congratulate Marianne
for putting up with Otto for all these years.
-It can't have been easy.
All kidding aside, seeing you here,
no one can help but notice
how wonderful you are together.
And I can only humbly wish
that I'm not tired of my husband
by the time I turn 60.
Here's to love. And thank you.
Hi. My name is Beatrice Farkas
and I'm calling from The Daily Post.
Can you spare five minutes and answer
a question about the Nobel Prize?
I understand. Thank you.
No luck?
People aren't massively interested in
who'll get the Nobel Prize for Economics.
-Make them interested. Who did you call?
-Three guesses, the rest don't care.
-But our readers do. I want ten answers.
The Trading department sticks out.
Corporate, Private Banking, Equities
- it all looks normal.
But the Trading department
doesn't lose a dime.
I asked Rasmussen why they're
no longer reporting separately
and he started blaming
new IFRS regulations.
Trading departments have always been
the banks' versions of North Korea.
It's messed up. A blind monkey
could make better deals than a trader,
but they still have monster salaries.
-We're in the wrong business, Bea.
-They all know exactly what to say.
It doesn't matter what I ask them,
they already have their answers prepared.
You need someone on the floor,
someone who hasn't had media training.
How are you?
Just give the pitch
like you gave it to me. Okay?
Alright, gentlemen.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
As I was saying, Adam's got some
great ideas regarding the exit multiple.
Yeah, thank you.
Yeah, so we made some calculations.
-I thought I'd get killed.
-No, you went in and killed.
-Tell me.
-Ulf, this guy was brilliant.
A bit shaky at first,
but he sold them on everything.
Come here. Let me give you a hug.
You smell good as well.
Awesome. Keep up the good work.
Can I talk to you?
I have a different account that I want us to
What are you doing tonight?
Seeing you. Bring Irene.
Hey. Thanks for the numbers.
They bought it.
Want to join me for dinner?
I'm seeing some friends.
Come on. On your feet.
-No, I'll stick to beer.
-I have to go home.
No, stay.
-It was really nice to meet you.
-I hope to see you again.
-See you tomorrow. And take a cab.
If I leave my car in Högdalen, it'll get stolen.
-He usually drives a Tesla.
-Like all your co-workers?
-I don't.
-You're so grown-up, Adam.
Living with your boyfriend. Suit and tie.
-Crazy, right?
-Some wine?
-Do you like it at the bank?
We have cold-pressed juices
in the vending machines. What can I say?
-You were sold right away.
-I've done worse things for cold juice.
Herdi, your email was fine,
but avoid gender-neutral pronouns.
I was actually at ST Bank yesterday.
I'm writing aa feature.
It's supposed to be:
"ST Bank - a success story."
Are things as good as they seem?
Yeah, I guess so.
What's going on? You've been asking
about the bank all night.
-No, I haven't.
What? You hear some things.
Like what?
She asked about the Trading department.
About any problems we might have.
She said she'd heard that the bank
was covering something up.
-In the Trading department?
-Yeah, are we?
Not that I know of.
What would that be?
Tell him.
I have a friend from
the Stockholm School of Economics.
She's heard that we have some
kind of problem we're not sharing
-In the Trading department.
-Yeah, she asked about it.
We've apparently changed
the way we do our accounts and
She said the figures
looked almost too good.
Too good? Well, we want to avoid that.
We don't want to present
too good results at this bank, right?
Adam is worried about buying
convertible notes for the first time.
-You want to know what you're buying.
-Of course, I get that.
Adam, everything you need to know about
ST Bank is covered in the end of year report.
And I can assure you
there are few investments
as secure and as profitable
as our employee convertible notes.
-Does she work at a bank?
-No, she's a reporter.
And her name is?
Resorb works better.
No, Birgitta still doesn't want to talk to you.
Okay. Can I talk to someone else
in the Risk department?
-No, I'm afraid not.
-I just need five minutes.
Bea? AstraZeneca at 5 p.m.
Sure thing.
Mackan, can you cover for me?
I have to go.
-Do you have something?
I could use a comment from Anders
Can you cover AstraZeneca at 5 p.m.?
-I'm in the middle of something
-Excuse me. I'm Bea Farkas.
-I don't want to talk to you.
-I know, but
-Please stop. You've been calling all day.
-I don't mean to bother you
-Please leave.
Have you been emailing me?
I get that you don't make the decisions
Let's go, sweetie.
Do you think the risk level in
the Trading department is acceptable?
-Nice to meet you.
-Do you want to talk here?
-Why not?
-Want some?
-No, thanks.
It's my tonsils. They're bright red
and the size of ping-pong balls.
I hope I don't get a peritonsillar abscess.
-Do you know what that is?
A collection of pus.
Doesn't sound like fun, does it?
-Do you smoke?
-No, I use snus.
Clever man.
So how does this work?
It's straightforward. You give me a tip
and I write an article that shakes things up.
And how much does it cost?
It'll cost you some money, but
I help you solve a problem.
If it's a bigger problem,
it can cost a pretty penny.
Maybe six figures, it depends.
Why did Bea Farkas
get an interview with Bjarne Rasmussen?
Good morning.
Maybe I should have cleared it with you,
but she said she was writing
a positive piece about the bank.
A positive piece about the bank? She
ambushed Birgitta Kerchinsky yesterday.
She'd been calling all day and turned up
when Birgitta was out with Ada.
She asked if the risk level in
the Trading department was acceptable.
She also asked Bjarne about risk, and
why they're no longer reporting separately.
Okay I hear what you're saying.
I can call her
I'll handle it.
Maybe it's in the bank's best interest if the
Communications department handles this.
-How's the story coming along?
-Who have you spoken to so far,
apart from Bjarne Rasmussen,
Adam Berg and Birgitta Kerchinsky?
Did you think I wouldn't find out?
I talk to lots of people
Asking if we've got problems
in the Trading department?
It doesn't sound much like
"ST Bank - the success story".
I got a tip.
About you lying when you presented Q3.
-What was I lying about?
-Something about your small credit losses.
You called me after the interview
and asked me to dial back my criticism.
-All I said
-I know what you said.
-You don't want to trust me.
-I want to.
-What do you want to know?
-What are you hiding?
Henrik Beijer likes to do drugs
and sleep with young girls.
He's been through a messy divorce.
Do you want to write about that?
A lot of people don't like Henrik
and want to see him brought down.
They come up with rumors and bullshit
that cause problems for him
and may force me to fire him.
I don't know what it is!
-Who gave you this tip?
-I can't tell you that.
This is unbelievable.
How callous are you?
I'm about to leave my wife for you.
I'm on my knees,
I've practically proposed to you.
And you're going behind my back
trying to scratch out some super story
I'm trying to do my job.
Okay. I just told you the truth.
I don't know what else you want me to do.
It's up to you now. Either you choose
to believe rumors flying around,
or you can trust me.
-Hi. Aren't you working?
I thought I'd come home early
so we could talk.
We can't carry on like this.
Okay, talk.
Okay, you were right.
I screwed up.
Eleonor from work,
she's had a thing for me.
Andbecause I'm an idiot,
I've encouraged her.
It's over now. We got a bit too drunk
at the Christmas party and
We made out, like two teenagers.
But that was it.
-And now?
-Now you keep checking my phone.
"BF" stands for Bea Farkas.
She's a reporter. I don't know if you've heard
of her. She's writing a piece about the bank.
We're having issues and I'm trying
to hide the full extent from her.
-Are you sleeping with her?
What issues?
We've made a lot of bad decisions
that will have serious consequences.
We could end up losing a ten-figure amount.
-How will that affect us?
Hardly at all,
except that I'll be gone even more.
-And I thought we could go to the Maldives.
I get that you might not want to
spend ten days in the sun with me.
The trip's already paid for.
The Maldives
What the hell happened with AstraZeneca?
I gave it to Mackan. I had to leave.
So it's his fault?
What? No
II'm sorry
Anders, I'm onto something really big
So you ditched work to run around
and harass ST Bank employees?
I've just apologized to their
Communications Director
after you ambushed an employee who was
buying shoes with her 12-year-old daughter.
I didn't ambush her,
I asked some questions.
Bea, that you skip work,
leave others to pick up your assignments
and lie to get away with it is bad enough.
But harassing people in front of children
-That's bullshit. I didn't harass anyone.
-According to Eleonor Björnor
Does she work here?!
I work here and I asked some questions.
Now is not the time to take that tone with
me. We've talked about this. Get a grip.
Maybe it's time for you to show
whose side you're on.
This isn't working.
Pack up your things and get out.
-Argue with the recruitment agency.
-I don't want to see you here again.
-Are you firing me for doing my job?!
When Mackan does some digging,
he gets a slap on the back!
The role of martyr doesn't suit you.
Grow up!
Fuck you, you fucking old man!
-Who's this?
-My associate.
This is what happens
when you write a load of crap.
People get hurt,
and then they want compensation.
Let's say I'm a debt collector
and this is a collection letter.
-Did Lagerstedt?
-It doesn't matter who it is.
You've been doing this a while, right?
-You owe two million.
I don't have two million
You make six figures from your articles.
You have ten days to pay up.
Then it'll hurt for real.
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