Farzi (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Social Service

When I was six or seven years old,
Mom used to cook
the best lentil rice for me.
That's my last memory of her.
Are you paying now?
She died within a week.
-Are you?
-I will!
Then it was just Dad and me.
No, I'll pay.
By this evening.
We used to play a game.
"Anytime, anywhere."
My dad would dash in and say
We have only 10 minutes!
We gotta go. Pack up quickly!
We had to pack up our entire life
and leave within 10 minutes.
Then we'd find a new house in a new city.
Dad would start a new business.
This was our game.
And our life.
Come on, son, we have 10 minutes.
Pack up. We gotta go.
Let's go, son
I'll take you to meet your grandpa.
Get in, get in!
I was first.
And we didn't get caught.
That means we won!
Come on now.
Sir, please let my son sit too.
-He's a child.
Remember Grandpa?
-Let's see who finds him first.
That was our last game.
I never saw him again.
You know how kids are.
Back then, I thought it was my fault.
I thought I had a mind-blowing plan.
I'd make a drawing on each platform,
and Dad would know it was my drawing.
And he'd find me.
I was such an idiot.
Is that your painting?
I got an idea to make money.
We can make money from your paintings.
Let's work together.
You make them and I'll sell them.
Why? Will your father get mad?
I'm waiting for my dad.
He'll come get me.
Your father took off, you idiot.
Just like my father did.
-Asshole father.
-My father isn't one.
All fathers are assholes.
Give some more. You look rich!
Pay up please! Pay if you're looking.
-Open your mouth.
-I don't want to.
-Come on.
-Mom, I don't want to eat.
-I need to feed you properly.
-It's not good.
Throw your tantrum at Granny's.
Come on, eat now.
Come on, open your mouth.
That's when I knew Firoz was right.
My father had abandoned me.
Asshole father.
Wow! Who taught you to draw so well?
No one did.
I can teach you to draw better than this.
I can draw even better than that.
Better than me?
But show me your drawing first.
My boy!
Son, I looked all over for you.
-Will you come with me?
-Can we take Firoz along?
-Firoz! Come here.
Firoz was my brother.
How could I leave him behind?
Will you come?
I'm not like my father.
-Firoz, you're fine. Get up.
-I'm dead! I'm dead!
-You're okay.
Let's go.
You're fine.
Sunny, who the hell are they?
Who are they?
You see, we all know about counterfeiting.
We're aware,
but no one takes it seriously.
That's what makes CT-600 crucial.
CT-600's scanning algorithm
is 50 times more accurate
than all existing scanners.
It is compatible with other platforms
and operating systems too.
I request the attention
of all respected members
for the results generated
by this prototype.
Play the animation at full volume.
Turn it off.
That's why it's important
to deploy the CT-600, sir.
Ms. Megha, if a fake bill
is in a stack of real bills,
can your robot sniff it out?
Sir, this is not a robot.
But it will detect it.
So, to test this machine,
we have to get some fake bills.
Question. The scanners
we have in the market
Absolutely, sir.
It's just software in a chip.
It can be integrated into any device.
In fact, it can be used as an app
in mobile phones.
It's good, madam. Very good.
Bravo. Very good.
-I'll think about this.
-Sir. Here
Sir, please take this file.
It has all the details.
-I have to carry files around with me now?
Send it to my office. I'll look at it.
Thank you. Bye. Jai Hind.
-Hello, sir.
Sir you must've received
an update on the Kathmandu operation.
Yes, I did.
-I heard about your shitstorm there.
-No, sir.
I'm here to ask for your help, sir.
People are dying, sir.
Young officers are dying in raids.
We work with many departments
for an investigation.
The CBI, the NIA,
Enforcement Directorate,
Revenue Intelligence,
Central Economic Intelligence Bureau.
We have to chase local police
to conduct raids.
The Union of India
is called so for a reason.
We have to work together.
Everyone must do their part
to run this country, this party.
You're not a lone vigilante.
That's why I'm requesting a team, sir.
The country faces
more problems than just counterfeiting.
Like what?
From terrorism to the economy,
every problem is linked to counterfeiting.
At least in part. I can prove it, sir.
It's financial terrorism, sir.
It's not like a fever or the flu.
It's like cancer.
If taken lightly, it can ruin our economy.
You know what's wrong
with officers like you?
You think you run the country.
-No, sir.
-The election.
That's all that's on my mind right now.
-Thank you. Bye. Jai Hind.
Jai Hind.
What the fuck! Did Sunny make this?
-The two of us did.
-That's what I meant.
-How is it?
Come. Grandpa!
What is this?
They designed and printed it.
What do you think?
Is it fake?
-It looks real.
-It's totally fake.
If Grandpa okayed it,
then this bill is A-one.
But listen.
When I was in the gun business,
I swore by one rule.
Sell the fake one
and keep the real one with you.
A regular guy
can get caught carrying a fake.
But if the supplier is caught,
he's in deep shit for real.
Whether it's guns or bills,
the fake ones are
just the means to make money.
My brothers taught me this
and I lived by it.
That's why I am alive.
The fake ones will be discovered one day,
however real they look.
But remember,
don't ever get caught
with one in your pocket.
Got it?
-Thanks, Grandpa.
-See you later.
Don't use it to buy anything.
-Put it away.
My stuff got dried!
I'll get more!
Where is Sunny?
He's an artist. A moody one.
I'm an entrepreneur.
See how many clients I get you.
-But I want a 10% cut.
-What? 10%?
Another 10% for Manja.
-Ask him to reduce his cut.
-Let's see.
Hi, Manja, where are you?
Sketch Manja said your bill's perfect.
But I'm not sure. What if we get caught?
Give me two 500 rupee bills.
-What are you doing?
-Shut up.
Do it under the table. They can see it.
Find the fake one.
If you do, this whole bag is yours.
Asshole, if I can find the fake one,
am I using the rest to wipe my ass?
How about this?
If you spot the fake one,
you get one lakh in cash.
But if you don't spot the fake bill,
you give us one lakh in cash, okay?
Tell me which one's the fake.
No, I can't spot it either.
-Our bill's better than the real one.
-That's true.
What's your price?
200 rupees for a 500 bill. But
The minimum order is 10 lakhs.
Nothing less than that.
You get 150 for each 500.
That's not enough.
I want two crores.
In two weeks.
It'll be done.
Wait a minute.
How much is there?
10 lakhs.
Leave it here.
Leave it here!
Leave it here.
Are you crazy?
Two crores?
It almost killed us to print 10 lakhs!
Where will we source the material from?
The printers, the machinery
Where will it all come from?
To top it off, that fucker
took our 10 lakhs too.
You need money to make money, Sunny.
Where will we get it from?
Sir! That's not allowed here, sir.
Who are you?
-Hey, leave. Go on.
-The watchman.
-Let him be. Go.
-Take him away.
Sorry, sir. He's new.
He's new. I'll handle it. Go on, man!
Who should I bother now?
He also disconnected the call.
No respect at all.
-Are you nuts, asshole?
You promised to delete
those pictures, motherfucker.
Why are you sending them again
to fuck with me?
You're taking it too seriously.
Should I take it in my mouth?
Am I asking for a personal favor?
No, right?
Please. Approve my team, sir.
I won't. If you blackmail me,
I fucking never will!
Is this your duty?
Sending naked photos at night?
You better delete them
within five minutes,
or I'll have you stripped!
I'll strip you and put you in your place!
What about your place, sir?
Shall I put you in yours?
I did it all for you in the crime branch.
The cotton factory case.
Your nephew's hit-and-run case.
Your brother-in-law's IT scam.
I saved you each time.
You want to strip me?
The position you hold today
It's all thanks to me.
you'd be getting fucked in jail.
You owe me, you fucking mother
What did you say? What
Fuck. Bloody motherfucker.
Weigh it properly.
May I ask you something?
Sure. Go on.
How many copies do we print in a day?
This year? Three hundred per day.
We used to print 1,000.
-And those two printers?
They are broken. They need repairs.
And after they're fixed?
After they are fixed,
200 copies an hour.
If we work all night over two shifts,
how many copies can we print?
What are you up to?
What? Nothing. I'm just eating.
Is this your work?
Why are you showing me this? Listen.
What, Sunny? Sunny!
Wait a second.
I've thought it over.
There's no other way to save the press.
Have you lost your mind?
You want to print fake bills?
Forget the cops,
if your grandpa finds out,
he'll kill us both.
Just change your point of view.
Just like how we sell art for money,
we'll sell these to make money.
It's the same.
Changing one's view
won't change the truth.
Then tell me how to save this press.
I won't do anything then.
You've never even read Kranti.
Why do you care about saving the press?
It's not just for Kranti.
Look at Grandpa.
I'm doing it for him.
It's wrong.
This path is wrong.
Is this fake?
Sir, your bill.
Wait a second.
-There you go, sir.
-Thank you. Keep the change.
Will you order something now?
-You do it.
If you want to print bills in bulk,
you need a fast printer.
And to make six bills at a time,
we need bigger plates.
We need lacquer, big-sized paper reams.
We'd need ink, at least 50 kilos.
And the cutter machine needs a new motor.
And dryers to dry the bills.
They're not like underwear
that we can dry in the open.
But where will we get the money
to buy these?
Do you realize what you're saying?
You can't repay your grandfather's loan,
so you want another loan to repay it.
Do we look like fucking idiots?
Sorry, Dad. But is this a joke?
Wait a second.
When will you repay it?
No, Dad, it's a scam
Two months, sir.
I'll give you one month.
And I want 24% interest.
Sir, 18% is the normal rate.
-But the situation is not normal.
-Done, sir.
If it's not repaid this time,
I'll make you pay.
I'll take your house too.
Then you'll be out on the streets.
Okay, sir. Thank you, sir.
-And the money?
-Give it to him.
Yes, sir.
I sent money for this month, Mom.
There was extra. What happened?
Ever heard of home expenses?
You fled to Bombay.
Now we have double the expenses.
I'm earning a living!
I know. But try to understand.
How do you spend it all?
How do I spend it all?
I haven't bought a saree in 10 years.
I am asking for money
for your brother's studies.
This is his fourth course.
If he drops out again
Megha, what can he do?
-He is really trying.
-What? You wanna talk?
-Talk some sense into my mom.
-I'm going.
How can you talk to me like this?
I've taken too many loans.
I can't get one more.
Don't take a loan, dear.
-Use your credit card.
-That's also a loan!
Once you're over 30,
no one will marry you.
You've been saying that for five years.
Who will marry you?
You'll get the leftovers.
Divorced, widower, or an old guy.
Mom, I'll meet anyone you like. Okay?
Fine. That's good. But don't back out.
I found you a doctor. A surgeon
It's from the Kathmandu bust.
I'll tell her the signal dropped.
Get me some food, Grandpa, I'm hungry.
Why don't you order something?
But I want the food you make.
Let me rest for half an hour.
Grandpa, you used to be awake
all the time.
You even had to take pills.
You wouldn't rest for a minute.
What happened to you?
Have mercy on your old grandpa, son.
You're not old. You're younger than me.
Come on.
How long is it?
Read it from that end.
It says 10 feet.
Back up. Further. Keep going.
Is this enough?
-How much space do we need?
-12 feet.
So we have to move it by 2 feet.
Come this way. Come on.
Grandpa, tell me something.
Have you ever taken risks in your life?
I have taken so many risks
that I've spent half my life behind bars.
Some people were often upset
with my editorials.
And then,
they'd file a lawsuit.
Do you know
how many times I've been to jail?
-Seven times.
-Seven and a half times.
Be careful backing up. Don't fall.
But Grandpa, publishing Kranti
It's not a cool risk, right?
Like robbery, action, brawls.
That's why you're here.
I hope you're not up to any trouble,
like your father.
No, Grandpa.
You started talking
about crime and brawls out of nowhere.
If you do anything of that sort,
I'll break your legs.
Get Get me something sweet.
Sugar My sugar level dipped
Let's go see a good doctor.
Enough with these home remedies,
sugar and bitter melon tricks
I'm fine, son. Absolutely fine.
You're not, Grandpa!
We'll go on a long vacation
after you get better.
We'll party.
Sir, please take a seat.
-Why does he keep coming to Delhi?
-Please wait.
Sir, I just want to meet you. Sir!
-Damn it, send him in!
-Please go.
How drunk were you last night?
What do you mean?
You called. Messed with me.
Me? I messed with you?
I'll transfer you.
No, I'll get you killed.
Then you'll remember.
-How's it possible?
-Cut the drama.
I swear to God, I didn't call you.
Maybe I dialed accidentally
from my back pocket.
Did your ass Whatsapp those pics too?
God! Sorry, sir.
If I said some nonsense,
please forgive me, sir.
You can slap me.
-No, no need for that. No.
-Please slap me.
Sir, Mr. MD Sharma has been
waiting for you for an hour.
I'll see him in two minutes.
No, sir, it's
-I'll see him in 10 minutes.
-Okay, sir.
What do you want?
Why are you driving me crazy?
You got the post you wanted.
You wanted a clean record, I did that.
I can give you a medal if you want.
Whatever you want.
Frame it, wear it, take photos.
I look very bad in photos, sir.
-Go fuck yourself.
-That suits you better.
Really. You look very good, sir.
Michael, tell me what you really want.
I've only had one wish for years.
If it happens,
I'll get you first-class results.
Only you want first-class results.
Counterfeiting is your obsession.
Please manage it yourself.
Stop being a pain.
But we must stop counterfeiting.
We must focus on the election.
Exactly. If this mission succeeds,
the victory is yours.
Think of the optics.
"Counterfeit Killer!"
"The nation's wealth protector!"
"Pawan Gahlot." With your picture.
-Mr. Jaiswal?
I'm placing a bulk order.
What type of paper?
45 GSM.
That's restricted paper.
Send a purchase order
with your name, address, ID,
GST certification, and send it to me.
Sir, I want to buy paper, not a house.
Let's settle it in a simple way.
I'll pay you. You give me the paper.
It's government-regulated.
I can't sell this without paperwork.
Can we settle something under the table?
What's your name?
Why do you need this paper?
Who is this? Hello?
Buying a plane
is easier than buying this paper.
What to do now?
Only one way now.
Why isn't he here yet?
What do we do?
-Should I call him?
Did the fuckers ghost us? Where are they?
It's Anees.
Hey, turn that off!
Come here, bro. Come on.
What's all this?
You wanted help. So I got it.
-That many?
-We're not off to war.
It's a heist, a small one. Got it?
-What did you tell him?
-What did I say?
Backup, Firoz. You asked for backup.
-You need backup for a big job.
-There's no big job.
We are stealing paper
from a paper factory.
They have three guards.
We've scouted it, bro.
We just need a few. Send the rest back.
Bro, I already paid them.
-Paid them?
-Paid them?
Look how charged up they are.
How do I tell them? They're pumped.
Come on, bro. They freak me out.
Guys, there's a change in plan
Their payment's going out of his cut.
Dimple, stay back.
See the three guards?
When one of them goes to take a leak,
we'll go in.
We'll get them here,
and the third in the toilet.
When will he go?
I peed three times waiting for him.
Be patient. He'll go.
Waiting for fruit to ripen is sweet,
but wait too long and the fruit rots.
Okay then, let's wait.
Who are they? Why are they coming here?
Is Mumbai playing tonight?
Looks like it.
Should've come during Bangalore's match.
Anees, listen to me.
Those guys you brought along earlier
Are they still here?
-Yes, bro?
-Hello, Rafeeque.
You're on. Be ready.
-Hey, come on!
-Get them!
Stop, you asshole! Catch him!
Stop right there, motherfucker!
Get him!
Move, motherfucker!
Come on, asshole!
-Sit! Come on!
-Sit down!
Don't move! Sit there!
Hey, move.
-What's the score?
-Rohit Sharma's out at 26.
What the fuck?
Okay, listen up.
This is a robbery, okay?
Don't move or try anything stupid.
But this is a paper factory.
Really? Thanks, buddy.
You being a smartass?
You guys go keep watch.
You four go get the truck ready.
Take their phones.
What do you say?
Isn't this one hell of a plan?
We'll get the paper,
load it on the truck and take off.
See how we rounded them up.
-No one will move.
-What are you looking at? Go!
Get him! The fucker's getting away.
Hey! What are you looking at?
Go catch the fucker!
What? Don't even think about it!
I'll skin your ass! Sit!
Hey, I'm very dangerous!
I'm not giving back your phone. Sit down!
Are you deaf, baldy? Is anyone around?
Sit down! I'll hit you!
-I'll hit you with this!
-Stay back!
Get back!
Hit him!
Hit him too!
Sit down, asshole!
Sit! Sit down, fuckers!
I'll shoot you right here.
Sit. You like to sprint, yeah?
I told you not to screw around.
Don't you get it?
-Get him.
-He ran away first. Screw him.
Lock them up in the room
and turn off the CCTV.
Get in!
Keep going. Go on.
Hurry up, go!
-In here!
-Come on.
-Anees, look over there. 45 GSM!
-It's on the roll.
-I'll look.
Firoz, nothing here. Any luck?
What was it again? GSM 55?
Hey! Any luck?
There's nothing here.
I can't find anything.
Found it!
Why are we taking so many types of paper?
If we steal only one kind,
it'll be suspicious.
They'll know our motive.
This theft should just look like
a simple theft. Got it?
I wish you were this logical
in your school days.
Come on, pick it up!
Dimple, release the guards
and get out of here.
It's all there, I hope.
Wait a second.
What's your name?
-We need more money.
What did you say before?
We can't repay you in 100 years?
With 24% interest.
You can count it.
Ashirwad here's a gift for you.
Get a new watch for your dad.
-Come on, Grandpa.
We won't let Kranti die so easily.
But how?
Grandpa, I've started a new business.
And my business partner
gave me an advance.
I'll adjust it and sort it out.
It's kind of complicated. Tell him.
Yes, Grandpa. You see
the advance is paid beforehand.
The payment comes after the job.
We asked for an advance
To put it simply,
are you messing around
or getting into trouble?
No, Grandpa, not at all.
I swear by Firoz.
All right.
I worry
about my kids messing up.
Worrying is your hobby, Grandpa.
"What should I do? I'll worry."
Give us a smile, Mr. Madhav.
-Kranti will survive.
-I'll get some water.
Our art dealer loves Sunny's paintings.
He loved Yasir's painting the most.
He thought it was Ashok Kumar.
You know his song?
Give it to him.
I think Grandpa knew
we were doing something wrong.
But he didn't want the truth.
Maybe that's why
he never asked us again about it.
This is a great table.
Thanks. I wanted to celebrate with you.
-Why did you do that?
You gave him your credit card. I saw that.
It was my treat.
You ordered the food too.
You didn't let me see the menu.
Like I can't read.
Why do people do this?
Why can't we be honest with each other?
Especially with loved ones.
Sunny, my parents have been
pressuring me to get married.
-To whom?
-Why does it matter?
-What do you mean?
-Why are you acting surprised?
This was bound to happen.
Your life is full of drama.
I'll tell you next time.
Try this. It's delicious.
-Give her the card.
-Yes, sir.
I've always been very analytical,
investigative, logical and rational.
These are good qualities for a CT surgeon.
You know, I have to handle
a case of atrial fibrillation after this.
And you've no idea how complicated it is.
Try not to be too smart
What do you do in your free time?
Just talk about marriage
I wish I had time.
Any movies, web series,
anything you follow?
You won't find a better guy
So, this complicated surgery
You should go do it.
You shouldn't make your patients wait.
It's scheduled for later.
I think you should definitely go.
We can do this later.
Please don't mess it up this time
I'm doing it for my mom's sake.
She wants me to marry a doctor.
She thinks that with my smart brain
and your doctor brain,
we'll make genius babies
who will win Nobel Prizes.
-I'd like to see all your 500 rupee bills.
You might have
some counterfeit bills here.
I'd like to check them.
But Okay.
I'll call the manager.
Last night, the Western Ghats
witnessed a weird event,
which began with a theft.
Can you shed some light
on last night's incident?
The robbery was so big
I can't even describe it.
Why would anyone steal so much paper?
How many people were there?
Could you identify them?
If I give you what you want,
will you get me
what I want before the elections?
Will you get drunk and forget it?
I won't spare you this time.
Sir, give me a unit,
and I'll give you results.
Fine. I'm authorizing your team.
You'll get a rep from each department.
Be grateful till the elections,
and delete those photos, asshole.
I already deleted them, sir.
-Okay, bye, thank you. Jai Hind.
Jai Hind, sir.
Look how happy our old guys are.
Sunny, I was thinking,
now that our job is done,
let's sell these printers and dryers.
We'll make money off of them. Right?
We saved the press,
but we forgot about one thing.
The staff wages, material costs.
How will we fund those?
We'll be in debt soon.
We'll be broke before we know it.
-What do you say?
-He's right.
So, what's the solution?
The solution is simple.
We need to print more money.
I knew you would say this.
Come on.
We've worked so hard for this.
What did we get? Nothing.
There's no point
slogging like an ass to eat grass.
Hear us out.
If you're rich, what would you get?
Just like Ludacris.
Unlike Ludacris, you'll look ludicrous.
Let's be serious now.
No, count me out.
-I don't agree.
Just hear us out. Don't do this.
Listen. Think about the press workers.
They are living in hell.
Think about us.
You're used to living in poverty.
We'll spend some, save some.
Please. Tell him, Sunny.
Let's do it one last time.
We'll make what we can.
What do you say?
One last time!
-Is it a fake?
-I got it in a restaurant.
Sorry I'm late, sir.
You kept me waiting for half an hour.
Very heavy traffic, sir.
Right. It's news to me
that the traffic is bad in Mumbai.
Sir, you seem to be in a good mood.
You have good news?
Our own task force.
We get one member from every department.
Look at the finesse.
How did you know it's a fake?
Wow! You're better than the CT-600.
But you can't install me in every shop.
Let's start the real work now.
Everyone will be
I knew it was a sandwich note.
Do you know what it means?
They're not an organization.
They don't have the resources
or the infrastructure.
Just an offset printer
Of course, we couldn't stop.
There's no "one last time" in crime.
There's no end to greed.
Who doesn't want to earn
or save an extra buck?
Don't we buy phones
without a receipt to evade taxes?
Or pay half the money in cash
to save on the property registration fee?
I'm not robbing anyone.
I just find the loopholes
to sweetly screw the system.
One that makes the rich richer
and the poor poorer.
In fact, I'm pumping money
into the market,
rejuvenating the economy.
Actually, come to think of it,
I'm doing social service.
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