Fast Layne (2019) s01e02 Episode Script

Mile 2: Paid to Drive

Previously on Fast Layne
I get the feeling we shouldn't touch that.
No, I'm gonna push it.
Are you OK?
What took you so long?
The car just talked.
My name's VIN.
This thing is alive?
You're inside the most sophisticated
self-driving car in the world!
We're 12,
and we're driving!
She means the car is driving!
I saw you in that car.
No, you're paranoid!
DNA recognized?
Why are you connected to this car?
I have no idea.
DNA recognized?
How does this thing know my DNA?
Who cares? We're connected!
We can do a ton of cool stuff together.
Like go driving or go faster driving!
This makes no sense.
I wish my hand worked.
Look at all this stuff it can do!
Monster truck tires?
Zora, don't!
Whoa! My feet are huge!
Let's go crush stuff!
This is too weird.
Hey! I was havin' fun!
You're just gonna leave?
This is kinda your car.
My car?
I didn't ask for my hand print
to activate a crazy talking car.
So you're just gonna leave
because you have flyers to print?
Yes, I've got flyers to print.
And a life to get back to!
One that doesn't involve
high-speed car chases.
Layne, you can't leave!
We're connected!
You gotta stay!
Sorry, VIN
I should probably go with her.
Aw! Not you too, Zor-Zora!
I don't feel so good.
Let's go! ♪
Jump in
It's time to go fast ♪
Turn up the radio blast ♪
I got my foot on the gas ♪
We just want to go ♪
My life's feeling unreal ♪
Both hands are taking the wheel ♪
Rev up the engine and feel ♪
Like we're ready to roll ♪
Oh, yeah, I'm ready for it ♪
You know I'm ready for it
I just wanna go ♪
You know I'm ready for it
I just wanna go ♪
We're connected
We're 12 and we're driving!
Alonzo, call Mom and Dad.
Call going to voicemail.
Alonzo, set alarm for 6 AM.
This place is even creepier at night.
Couldn't let it go, could ya?
Come on
I gotta get this thing off.
Oh! Hey guys!
I, uh, wasn't trying to escape
OK, I was.
But hey! You're back! Woo-hoo!
All right, listen.
I'm not here because I want to be,
I'm here because I have to be.
I'm here 'cause I wanna be.
Puzzles, podcasts, books
if I start 'em, I finish 'em.
I missed my own sixth birthday
to finish a game of Monopoly.
Ohh! We're gonna play a game?
You're not listening.
I'm here to figure out why you have my DNA
so I can get back to my life.
That's it?
You won the super-car lottery,
and you're just gonna
throw the ticket away?
VIN, tell me everything you know
about the people who built you.
Uh, like I said, it was a couple of dudes
wearing goggles, lab coats
Hold on
they had noses!
- Definitely noses!
- Does that help?
Oh, totally.
We're looking for "two dudes with noses."
- Yep!
- VIN, it was a joke.
I love jokes!
Let me play it again.
We're looking for
"two dudes with noses."
I don't get it.
You have microphones.
So, that must mean you have cameras, too?
Bumper cam, side cams,
dash cam, I got all the cams.
I record everything.
Hi, Zora!
Then there must be a clue in
your video log to whoever built you.
On it. Pulling it up.
those must be the dudes.
I'm glitching, losing tertiary functions.
VIN's losing his tushie functions!
It's my ECU.
Under my bumper.
my rear-end's kinda hot.
- Layne, how's it look?
- Ehh
- Not good.
- Ouchie
This is bad.
My ECU runs a security check
every day at 5 o'clock.
If it's damaged, my memory gets wiped.
I'll lose everything!
Including your video logs.
I'll never get to figure out who made him.
And I'll have to wait
till I'm 16 to get a car.
OK, here's what we gotta do.
Remember Cody?
That cute boy at the auto shop?
I bet he can get us the part.
We'll go first thing tomorrow morning.
- What?
- You said, "cute boy."
No, I didn't.
I do not think he's cute.
That's not what I heard!
Cute boy, cute boy
cute boy, cute boy.
You're so obnoxious.
At the auto shop?
Cute boy,
cute boy, cute boy, at the auto shop?
Morning, Aunt Betty.
Uh, have you heard from my parents?
They texted, they're in a seminar all day.
Everything OK?
Uh, yep, off to the library to study!
On a Sunday?
Get it, girl.
Get it, girl!
Ooh, before you go,
try a fancy cheese ball.
I think I finally found my calling.
It's good!
- Yeah?
- Yeah!
Don't forget your backpack.
I didn't look through it.
So great having you here.
So when exactly will you get home?
do not go into my room.
Oh, I wouldn't think of it.
Have a great time at the library.
Which is closed on Sunday.
I, Layne Reed, lied
about going to the library.
I feel like a fugitive.
I know
isn't this fun?
We should have code names.
I'll be "Scorpion."
And you can be
"Lady Snow Eagle."
"Lady Snow Eagle"?
Hey, Lady Snow Eagle!
Little reminder, I only have six hours
before my entire brain gets wiped.
We know, VIN.
We're on our way to get you fixed.
Good, 'cause this
is kind of your fault.
My fault?
You're the one that tricked us into
going on that joyride.
And did you not have joy
on that ride?
No! No joy was had.
I just wanna figure out this mystery,
and go our separate ways.
Ha! That's funny.
'Cause I just wanna
figure out this mystery,
and go our separate ways.
Guys, chill.
You fight like brother and sister.
No, we don't.
Schedule alert.
Pass out campaign flyers at rec center.
Campaign? So, what're you running for?
School president.
Cool I'm vice president of my school.
Zora, you're homeschooled.
It's just you. Why not be president?
Too much pressure.
OK, then!
So, who's your competition?
Uh, you don't know him.
It's this eighth-grader named Jasper Marr.
I just had a throw-down with a Jasper
at Gabby's Yogurt.
Excuse me
Are you gonna use all the sprinkles?
loves sprinkles.
Oh, yeah?
Well, Zora loves sprinkles, too!
Yeah, that's him, he's
A nozzle jockey?
I was gonna say ahead in the polls,
but nozzle jockey works, too.
And now, live and interactive
It's Jocko's Survivalist Guide,
with your host, me,
Greetings, class.
You all did great with
your assignment last week
Waterproofing your tent.
You're all one step closer
to earning your wilderness survival badge.
I have a question, Jocko, sir!
You said a good survivalist
"always has his radar up."
Well, I've identified a suspicious person.
Mel, we've been over this.
That's not really a part of the training.
Or what your mom paid for.
I saw the subject in a futuristic-looking
car yesterday.
And then this morning she lied about going
to the library.
- Who's this person?
- My cousin.
Everyone thinks she's perfect,
but I can finally prove she's not.
I searched her premises.
So you trashed her room?
- Mel, that's not a good idea.
- No kidding.
I found nothing.
So now, I need to know how to track her.
All you need to track
somebody is your cell phone.
But I really don't think
Cell phone!
Thank you, sir!
Mel, wait, I
Just give me a chance ♪
Just give me a chance ♪
I won't let you down ♪
I won't let you down ♪
Just know that I ♪
Are we interrupting something?
No, just messin' around.
This isn't a microphone, it's a wrench.
Oh, I've never seen one of these up close.
Yeah, I mean, you know, I really
like the old stuff.
Your grandpa seems mad.
Nah, that's just how we talk.
So, what'd you need?
Yeah, well, we don't usually work on these
kinds of cars,
but I think I found your issue.
You're gonna need a new ECU, that's an
Electronic Control Unit.
Know your stuff.
Well, your family fixes cars,
mine fixes electronics.
You think you can get us the part?
It's specialty, for sure, but
I can get you one.
Can you get it by 5? It has to be by 5.
I got a guy, they usually run, like,
I don't know, 350?
That's a lot of
It's OK.
Order it. Thanks, Cody.
Self-driving and self-honking?
Whoa, he's like a tiny tornado.
Great, great!
Now, I have to come up with $350
and clean this up.
Don't worry,
- I know how to get the money.
- You do?
Hot air balloon rides!
And where would we get hot air balloons?
With the money we make
from our t-shirt company.
We have five hours.
I've got it!
My uncle's a Scamper driver.
He makes tons of cash.
We could totally do that.
Where would we get a car?
We are not doing that.
And we're doing that.
I can get paid to drive?
Why did no one tell me this?
OK, here's the deal.
We're only gonna pick up people we know.
But, they can't know it's us.
Uh, whatever makes you happy.
But we've gotta hurry
if we're gonna fix my ECU.
Our first customer.
We have four hours to make 350 bucks.
Let's do it.
Love your hat, by the way.
Thanks, love yours.
Cue tire squea
Let's make some money!
OK, pretending to drive
There's our first fare.
Oh, it's Doris, our pharmacist.
You know, I've never met
a Doris I didn't like.
Wait, I've never met a Doris.
VIN, be quiet.
Everyone needs to think
you're a regular car,
and that we're old enough to drive.
Ooh, stylish car.
Thanks, this is a, uh, Scamper Deluxe.
Sit back, and enjoy the ride.
Hot towel, Doris?
Don't mind if I do.
I'll be here if you need anything.
Tips are always appreciated.
You look a little young to be driving.
Oh, Doris, aren't you sweet?
And here I was feeling like an old shoe.
Hm, don't I know it?
Finding most
exciting route to destination.
VIN not found. I am your GPS.
Enjoy your ride, Doris.
Well, that's a really
sophisticated nav system.
Came with the car.
Unfortunately, you can't turn it off.
Wasn't a total bust.
That breakfast?
Truly continental.
We lose the world's most advanced car
to a river,
and you're talking about free waffles?
Uh, I don't think it's in the river.
How are those cheese balls coming?
All balled up, Mom!
Time to find out what Layne's up to.
Nice try, cuz.
All right, phone.
Show me where Layne's been.
Pine Terrace?
What's she doing on Pine Terrace?
Turning left on Maple.
Maple's closed for construction.
Keep going.
Maple is wide open.
Your mouth should be closed.
Did your GPS just tell me to shut up?
No, it would never, Yumi.
That's wildly inappropriate.
Hot towel?
Uh, VIN, how much time do we have
until you reboot?
Three minutes
and thirty seconds!
- What?
- Wait
that's how long microwave popcorn takes.
He's losing it.
We've actually got 38 minutes until my
memory is erased.
Guys, we're not gonna make it.
We still need 180 bucks.
That sounds like a lot of cash.
We're gonna have to sell our blood.
Listen, before my memory gets wiped,
I wanna tell you something.
I'm really glad I met you guys.
Hanging with you has been
the most fun I've ever had.
I'm bummed I'm gonna forget it all.
We're not giving up!
We just
- need to go faster.
- Really?
Never thought I'd say this, but
cue tire squeal!
Love the attitude.
Don't steal my catchphrase.
You're making good time.
What is she doing?
Not Jasper!
But we need the money!
Yeah, bro, I got this election in the bag.
I'm going against this sixth-grader,
Lame Reed.
Yeah, legit her real name.
Is this the nozzle jockey?
Hang on, ladies.
Uh, VIN?
VIN, what're you doing?
Ahh! Ahh!
Ah! Please make it stop!
Yeah, bro. Somethin' crazy just happened.
You forgot the tip!
He's gonna give us a terrible rating,
but totally worth it.
You know, Zora, you were right.
Having a super-car kind of has its perks.
Thanks, VIN.
Sorry, what was that? I shorted out.
I said thanks, VIN!
Oh, I actually heard you.
I just wanted to hear it again.
$18 left!
One more fare should do it!
Great! I totally got
one more ride in me.
It's almost 5 o'clock.
Let's rock 'n' roll!
Opening doors.
Thanks for choosing Scamper.
Where you headed?
Don't worry about where we're going.
Just drive.
Layne! These are the bad guys!
So, uh,
anything you'd like to hear on the radio?
Maybe some, some classical?
Cork it.
Pull around the bend.
Then you guys are getting out,
and we're taking the car.
Layne I don't like that plan!
Nice to finally meet you, Project VIN.
Uh, Project VIN not found.
Please exit vehicle.
Project VIN?
What do you know about him?
That's none of your concern.
Now, you've got a choice:
you can go back to your little life
and forget this ever happened
or you can stay and we'll do this his way.
Gloves He's putting on gloves!
Layne, I'm scared.
Please don't leave me.
You're not taking VIN.
Don't make me do this, kid.
The car's not worth it.
Yes, he is!
We're connected.
Oh, yeah!
It's transformin' time!
Big mistake.
I'll try to hold 'em, Layne.
You focus on the road.
Do something!
I'm doing what I can do. I'm pulling!
Pull harder!
Layne, look out! Red car!
guard rail!
I've got an idea.
OK! Here we go!
I'm feelin' a little tipsy!
What're you guys doing?
Stop the car, now!
Hold on, Zora.
VIN, open the doors!
- You got it!
- Let us go!
I think our passengers
could use your special touch!
Hot towel?
Oh, thanks!
- Ow!
- Seriously?
No! The seatbelt!
So should I
call another Scamper, or?
I can't believe it!
Layne, you saved me.
You're not saved yet.
We still gotta get you fixed.
That's better.
This doesn't make
any sense.
She's been to the mall,
the courthouse, airport twice,
Castillo's Garage.
Now she's next door.
You're busted, cuz.
Honey, bath time!
I'm busy!
And I take showers now!
C'mon, your bubbles are fading!
- Wire cutters.
- Wire cutters.
Licorice whip.
Licorice whip.
Is it just me,
or do we kinda work well together?
Just you.
Finally finished.
I hope this works.
If he doesn't power back up
We'll never find out why he has your DNA.
I was going to say I'd kinda miss him.
Me, too.
I'm back, baby!
Oh, I feel great! Thanks, guys!
OK then. Pull up your video logs.
Time to figure out who built you.
You got it! Bootin' my logs!
Oooh, this is so exciting!
There's the dudes!
- Nice work, honey.
- Mom?
- Thank you. You too.
- Dad?
My parents built VIN?
- Wow.
- Double wow.
And I thought you were
the boring neighbors.
- Next time on Fast Layne
- Whoa! Whoops!
My parents lied to me, Zora.
It's time to find out
what you're hiding, cuz.
Vote Layne Reed!
It's the biggest event of my election,
and the entire school
is going to be there.
What about VIN?
As your brother, I should be there
to support you.
- Bring him.
- Hang on, Zora!
My fluids are backing up!
- VIN, settle down.
- Oh, the car-manity!
VIN! Slow down!
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