Fatma (2021) s01e02 Episode Script


My name is Fatma. Fatma Yılmaz.
My husband, Zafer, did some time.
He's been missing for months.
I've looked for him everywhere.
Zafer, is that you?
I started cleaning, since I was all alone.
Do you need money?
Do you willingly absolve him?
We do.
Do you willingly absolve him?
We do.
For the last time, do you?
We do.
Where's Serra, Fatma?
I was just looking for her,
but I think she's missing.
-You couldn't find her?
Since she's missing,
you know the ice cream I bought for her?
Let's eat it, then.
Ice cream!
God! Look at her.
She showed up
as soon as I mentioned ice cream.
But she won't eat it without this.
A truly shocking incident
occurred last night.
A woman suddenly pushed
a man onto the tracks.
The man had been waiting
for a train at Menekşe Station.
The station was empty
since it was after the last train.
-The only witness to the horrible event…
-You see?
…was the security camera.
The police are investigating…
You keep crying
and looking for your husband,
and this woman was so mad
that he pushed him.
Our colleague is present
at the crime scene.
The incident caught by the cameras
happened right behind me.
God knows what the poor thing
has been through.
It's seen in the footage
that the man was arguing with someone
just before the incident.
Haluk, you go ahead. I'll call you.
I'm talking to you.
What's wrong? Are you on medication?
You're kidding.
Who takes sugar in their tea nowadays?
Even kids know it's harmful.
Come on. What--
It's for your own good.
You need to take care of yourself.
I get that these are tough times for you.
-What do you get?
How could you get it?
Zafer's still missing.
What do you mean?
I haven't heard from him in months.
Why didn't you call
if he's been missing for so long?
Call whom?
Me, sis.
Why? Can you find him?
Don't be ridiculous.
Haluk knows people. He would've asked.
He'd figure out something.
But you had to have called us
in order for that to happen.
You'd know if you had called.
I'll tell Haluk to ask his friends
in the force.
No need. I went there.
-Where did you go?
-To the station to file a report.
Wow. You went to the station?
You left your neighborhood?
Come on.
Zafer was in prison for assault.
What are you talking about?
He couldn't have done that.
Who's making this up?
You're believing your own stories.
What stories?
The police told me themselves.
You can't even ask for directions, sis.
Now tell me,
who made this assault story up?
I work for Mr. Bayram, and--
"Mr." Bayram? Why do you talk like that?
I'm not used to this kind of language.
Are you guys in trouble?
Zafer's missing too.
Please, sis. Come on.
Such an ugly business.
Something happened.
I have to tell you. Something bad.
-You remember Bayram's partner Şevket?
-Why do you care about him?
Why do you care about people's problems?
Take care of yourself first.
You're still cleaning up people's shit.
Look at you. Pull it together, please.
I'll tell Haluk to ask around.
Oh, come on, sis. What are you even--
Take care.
Zafer, is that you?
Zafer, please say something.
Zafer, is that you?
-Whoa. Slow down.
Who are you?
Yusuf, if Mrs. Fatma is here,
please send her in.
In you go.
You clean people's houses and mess,
but your own home is a shithole.
I guess you don't like bringing work home.
Sorry for barging in with shoes,
but you also barged into our business
and fucked everything up, right?
Sit down.
Wow. Look at this.
You know what this is?
I'll tell you. Take a good look.
It happens when you pull the trigger.
I have it too. You know what it's like?
How can I explain…
You feel a lot stronger.
Does that sound familiar?
Then you just push a huge guy…
onto the tracks.
Sit down!
How did you push such a big guy
onto the tracks?
Show me. I'm curious.
I'm just curious.
Let's go out and see
if you can push me in front of a car.
What are you going to do?
Are you going to chop me up
with a kitchen knife?
What are you going to do?
Hand me over to the cops?
Sure, so you can tell them
how you got the gun from me
and how I made you do it, right?
Morning shows are full of women like you.
Are you afraid they'd think
you made me do it?
You don't know what you're saying.
You shot my ex-partner with my damn gun.
What else would they think?
-Where's the gun?
-Where's Zafer?
You know what?
You're looking for trouble.
I fear no one but God.
He already put me through the worst,
so I fear nothing.
Leave that alone. Put it down.
Yusuf, leave us for a second.
Sister, look.
You don't know what you got yourself into.
You pushed a goon onto the tracks,
and you shot Şevket, so it's over?
I could've offed Şevket.
-You told me to.
-Told you what?
You told me Zafer owes him
and to go talk to him.
I was going to bring the gun back.
I'm not a thief.
But you are a murderer.
All right. Fuck Şevket.
Remember the mall
you work at as a cleaner,
the food court?
So a guy called Ekber owns that property.
He's the head of our little commune.
So, since you shot Şevket,
Ekber's going to end me!
You got me into this,
so you'll get me out.
Would Ekber know where Zafer is?
Am I talking in another language?
Enough with Zafer!
I don't get what you're telling me.
Why are you telling me this?
You remember slipping through the cops
with a gun in your purse?
That's when I realized you're invisible.
You even went to the station,
but no one noticed you.
No one would suspect you.
You're invisible.
That's why I have a gift for you.
Are you ready?
-What's this?
You see?
Don't confuse it with baking soda.
Two snorts could poison a dozen men.
It's truly something else.
You have to be careful.
-What do I do with it?
You go to the mall to work as always.
You'll put this on Ekber's table.
After he snorts this,
in three to four hours,
he's gone.
How will I make him do it?
What will I say to him?
Nothing. He's already expecting this.
Just leave it on his table.
Ekber will snort it.
Just two snorts. That's all we need.
Are we clear?
Take the bag back afterwards.
Don't leave a trace.
Then just leave. That's it.
So you don't have the gun in your bag?
Well done.
I won't ask where it is.
I won't look for it.
All right? That gun will come to me.
It's clear, sir.
For God's sake, Kadriye.
Why are you snooping around?
I thought those guys were burglars.
-I saw them before you arrived.
-Good for you!
Why didn't you call the cops
instead of watching?
Sure, and give the entire neighborhood
a scene to watch.
Don't be stupid.
Who are they? Tell me everything.
What a mess.
Did they do this?
I couldn't even get in with the key,
but they just walked in
like it was nothing.
Do you have a key to our place?
How is this your place?
I own the house.
You can treat it as your own
if and when you pay rent.
-You're right.
-Who were they?
Fatma, tell me what's going on.
It's Mr. Bayram. Zafer's old boss.
They buy and sell cars, right?
Would they be
interested in properties too?
What property?
We're selling the place.
We're selling both places.
İsmail's colleagues convinced him to.
He's selling up.
Are you selling my place?
You keep saying "my place,"
but you two built it in my yard, honey.
I don't need your permission.
What am I going to do?
Zafer thinks I'm here. He'll come here.
I feel for you, honey. Believe me.
But he's not coming back, Fatma.
Just go back to your village.
I can't go back without Zafer.
Zafer's going to come here.
Can you talk to İsmail?
I've tried already.
But he just won't budge.
We'll take out a loan and buy a new place.
We'll sell them immediately
if there's a buyer.
Tidy it up. I don't want potential buyers
to see this.
You're not even listening to me, Kadriye.
I'm telling you,
Zafer's going to come here.
Talk to İsmail. Make him give me time.
You can't just kick me out.
I don't have the strength to try anymore.
You're more than welcome to.
-What's this?
I'll get you some tea.
What did I tell you before?
Just call İsmail here.
Please come.
-What is it?
-It's her again. She's asking for you.
What's up?
I heard you're selling the place.
It's my property. What's it to you?
You know my situation.
At least until Zafer comes--
Leave me alone already.
Is she crazy or what?
She comes here all by herself.
-She won't leave me alone.
I'm sick and tired
of you and your husband.
Who's the jackass she's talking to?
Maybe he knows about the gun.
Make him talk.
What's up? Are you sick?
I'm just tired.
I see.
You start complaining
before you even begin cleaning.
At least get tired after you do something.
I'll be fine.
I'm okay. Don't worry.
Something's troubling you.
Come here, Fatma.
Take a seat.
Here we go.
No. That's… You can't do that.
The knight doesn't move that way.
It moves in an "L" shape.
I know what an "L" is, but…
It'll move just fine.
Is his horse crippled?
The knight does not move like that.
The bishop goes diagonally,
not the knight.
Is this the bishop?
Does this look like a bishop to you?
For God's sake.
All right. Go on.
-Where should I put it?
-Why are you asking me?
What am I supposed to do?
You don't like it when I do it by myself.
You'll change it anyway.
Just tell me, then.
Think before you play, then.
You know what?
Play it on your own.
You already know all about it.
-That goes there, and--
I'm trying to make an observation,
you see?
I'm watching you move.
"How does she play?"
Because my new character is
a cleaning lady, you see?
She cleans the author's house.
I haven't written the prologue,
but the ending is ready.
How does it end?
She kills the author.
Can we have a talk about the house?
So you have come around.
Can we pay you what we owe
when Zafer comes back?
You're still talking about him, Fatma.
Forget about him.
You worry about yourself.
Hopefully when he comes back,
we will cover all our debts.
I swear, İsmail. Don't worry.
We'll take care of it. Don't you worry.
Let's go inside and discuss it.
We'll figure out
how much the house is worth.
İsmail, help me. Stop staring at me.
The buyer called. We're selling it
for whatever price they offer.
So soon? I haven't tidied the place up.
Tidied what up? It's all junk anyway.
Don't even bother.
Help me out, then.
Just go, woman.
Fine, İsmail.
Don't you ever help out.
You know, it's all up to fate.
Maybe I'll reconsider
and won't sell the house.
Who knows?
Have a good night.
Why are you late again?
It's just…
It's just what? What's today's excuse?
I'm watching you, Fatma.
This is your last warning.
Mr. Sidar, Mr. Levent asked for you.
He's in Conference Room 1.
All right.
Mr. Levent, you sent for me?
Our friends here
may have been eyewitnesses
to the accident that happened
at Argah Enterprises.
Ask them if they witnessed it.
-Assalamu alaikum.
-Alaikumu assalam.
-What's your name?
-It's Mehmet?
-How old are you?
All right. Mehmet, look.
I'm going to ask you something.
Did you see the accident happen?
No. I was near the truck when it happened.
He says he was near the truck
and didn't see it.
-You mean the sewage truck?
-He was near the sewage truck.
-How do you know about the truck?
I watched the security footage.
There were some workers
running from behind the truck.
-Those were you?
-Yes, we ran shouting.
But by the time we got there,
İsmail had passed away.
So they didn't see it.
-He says so.
-All right.
Translate what I'm going to say
about insurance.
They should memorize it.
Mr. Levent, I looked at the file
this morning, and…
-And the expert opinion--
-That's okay, Sidar. Thanks.
Just translate what I'm going to say.
They should sign these papers.
Provide them with a rough translation.
Mr. Levent, they won't understand this.
That's why you're translating it.
They still won't understand.
Also, do you think it's right?
Making them sign this, I mean.
Come on, Sidar.
We have a lot of work to do.
Mrs. Arzu Argah has arrived.
I have an issue to discuss, sir.
I told the officer as well.
I've worked for Mr. Bayram
for years, but--
Just take a seat.
As I already told the officers,
I've been his secretary for years.
Calm down.
You can't make a statement like this.
Are you going to tell us something
about the Şevket Alanur case?
I want to share information
about the incident.
Okay, I'm listening.
The wife of an ex-employee
is our cleaning lady.
She comes once or twice a week.
Her name is Fatma.
She's Zafer's wife. Fatma Yılmaz.
Her husband did some time.
He's missing.
Fatma keeps pestering Mr. Bayram about it.
She wants him to find Zafer.
Mr. Bayram gave her a job
because he's a good man.
I thought he sent her
for a cleaning job at Şevket's office.
The morning before Şevket was shot,
Fatma came out of Mr. Bayram's office
and asked me where she could find Şevket.
I gave her the address.
How could I have known, sir?
She's a cleaning lady, after all.
Can you move?
Excuse me.
Dear God…
Help me, God.
We're all tiny particles
floating through space.
We're all dust scattered in the universe.
Dust is sand. Dust is soil, Fatma.
Do you willingly absolve him?
We do.
But it's mostly human skin.
The dust particles in the air
settle down upon the soil.
-Do you willingly absolve him?
-We do.
At this final stage,
you don't just clean houses.
You have to cleanse the people as well.
For the last time, do you?
We do.
Human beings,
being the specks of floating space dust,
come from the soil
and return to the soil.
You're not coming?
You know how to handle these people.
You wanted the case. It's yours.
You shouldn't have bothered.
I could've come by myself.
You're naive.
I'm here to prevent you
from getting emotional.
Call me if there's any trouble.
Introduce yourself,
say "The firm offers its condolences,"
and tell them
how much the compensation is.
All they'll think about
is the money anyway.
He helped us get a job at the site.
He was a godsend.
-I'm sorry for your loss.
-Thank you.
I'm sorry for your loss.
God took him into His heaven.
God takes the subjects he loves early.
Thank you.
Sorry for your loss, Fatma.
-Sorry for your loss.
-God rest his soul.
Sorry for your loss.
These things happen. What else can we say?
The construction firm's lawyer is here
to offer blood money or something.
No one can question God's reasoning.
I'd hate to offend God,
but at least İsmail left Kadriye
some money.
Apparently, he's the lawyer
of the Argah family.
Look up.
To the right.
The 17th floor.
Come on already. I'm waving at you.
Come up here.
Look, I came all the way here.
I told you on the phone.
What part don't you get?
I wanted to talk in person.
Please, İsmail.
Kadriye told me you're selling.
Are you going to kick me out?
That's not okay.
I'll find a place for you to stay.
You just need a bed, after all.
Zafer and I built that house ourselves.
No way. Don't, İsmail.
It's my property.
I can sell it or rent it
to whomever I want.
I can also let whomever I want
stay for free, right?
You weren't like this before though.
Why does it matter so much?
Is it because Zafer's gone?
You've changed.
You keep dolling yourself up
and going to the mall.
You have a job now.
You can rent a place.
Is that what you want?
If you want rent,
Zafer will handle it when he comes back.
Still? Forget about him. He's not coming.
We can handle it, you and I.
-There's a room there, so we--
-Hold on, İsmail.
Why are you doing this?
Have some sympathy. I'm all alone.
I'm like your sister. Come on.
That's a lie.
I dream about you all night.
-Let's just go over there.
-Come on.
-Let me go!
Hello? Zafer, is that you?
Zafer, please say something.
Zafer, is that you?
Zafer, please answer me. Is that you?
Zafer, please say something.
You were the one
who's been calling me, right?
You were the one who I was yelling at
thinking it was Zafer!
-Why would you-- Give me the phone.
-Hang on.
Do you want trouble? Give me the phone.
What do you want?
You kept coming to the café
and asking for me.
You waited for me at night.
You're here, too, without a man.
Give me the phone!
-You're asking for it!
-Let me go! Don't!
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