FC Bayern: Behind the Legend (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

It's a wonderful feeling
to win the Club World Cup
under the hot sun of Doha.
But it's tough to return
to the routine of the Bundesliga.
You play against Arminia Bielefeld
in the snow!
It's really difficult after
such a wonderful final
to get going again.
But the league
is what it's all about for us.
Every time FC Bayern doesn't
win the league, and we end second,
we have a major crisis on our hands.
Now a good short pass.
He scores, out of the blue!
What's going on?
You're joking! Bayern's trailing 2-0!
Bayern come again
with Leroy Sané, driving …
Followed through by Alphonso Davies!
Against Bielefeld we got off lightly.
A 3-3 draw.
But then, against Frankfurt,
things went very wrong.
The team started to tense up.
Especially because
our next opponent was Dortmund.
Stop that!
What Hansi did can't be done again.
It's impossible to top. A total triumph.
I expected Hansi to say,
"Listen, I'm worn out.
This is the limit of what I can do.
So please, let's go our separate ways."
So far I'm all right.
But apparently
Covid can attack the lungs
in ways you don't necessarily notice.
We'll know in a minute.
And then I'll attack again.
I was gone for only two weeks, and
they've changed the locks. That's crazy!
But such is life.
You can go in here …
- Hi. In there? - Right.
You fit again? - We'll see in a minute.
- Okay, good luck. - Thanks.
Please breathe in and hold your breath.
Hi, guys!
Are you sure?
- Very sure.
- He's back.
Hey, Süle!
Welcome back! The May Bug.
Welcome back!
I was in the basement.
There's a glass door by the stairs, and
I was completely alone. - Really? Damn.
When we had lunch, I sat at a table
in the hallway in the basement.
My wife sat on the basement stairs,
waving at me through the glass door.
I have to go. You're trying to engage me
in conversation. I don't like it.
Good to have you back.
I had a look at the numbers yesterday.
Forget it!
Cut the crap.
Cough up some money,
we need new players.
You have to be of some use.
I suppose you're right …
My name is Oliver Kahn,
and I used to be a goalkeeper.
For 14 years.
And now …
I've had the glorious idea to come back.
Not as a goalkeeper but as a CEO.
We need balls!
Olli is a very relaxed person.
As a goalkeeper he was
somewhat explosive, even dangerous.
Here's Olli with an outstretched leg!
If you ran towards Oliver by yourself,
you either passed
or you took a shot quickly,
or he'd have eaten you alive!
There's practically nothing I need now
of my goalkeeper self.
May sound a bit schizophrenic, but …
These raging emotions, the loudness …
I just found that
I no longer achieved my objectives
in this world
by banging on the table or shouting.
On the contrary.
On the contrary. Who'd want to work
with someone like that nowadays?
I remember this so well.
I'm from Karlsruhe, and when I was about
ten or eleven, I was the only one
waving an FC Bayern Munich flag
in Block 1 of the Wildpark stadium.
It shows you that
I already had a bold sense of courage,
and that even as a child
I was deeply
fascinated by Bayern Munich.
Karlsruhe SC has an amateur
fill its most important position,
the goalkeeper.
It's Oliver Kahn, 18 years of age.
It's not like I've been losing sleep,
but I am somewhat tense.
With me it's always been a matter
of adjusting my objectives.
I wasn't all that talented.
It was always the next
realizable objective that I tackled.
And then, suddenly, I realized
maybe I could even join
FC Bayern. Why not?
A Bayern jersey weighs a bit more
because of all the legends
sitting on your shoulder.
You have to unburden yourself of that.
It requires loads of willpower,
but it's a great challenge.
Olli was obsessed with success
and hard work, but in a good way.
Just keep going. Always keep going!
Here's the championship shield!
Depression, burn-out …
all these things came together.
I was simply exhausted.
This was in the late nineties.
I think, if you're at home,
at the bottom of the stairs,
and you can't climb them
without falling over from exhaustion,
you start to worry.
Then you start to realize
where all this has gotten you,
always wanting more,
and more,
and even more,
and still not being satisfied.
If you're no longer able to find
a balance between tension and release,
that's the point where your body
tells you, "That's it, I can't go on."
Not everything
is doable.
For 40 years the club was shaped,
first by Uli Hoeneß,
then by Karl-Heinz Rummenigge
and Franz Beckenbauer,
all former players,
who made the club what it is today.
That's all true
and important.
But it's my job to look ahead
and make sure we'll be
just as successful in the future.
Ultimately, I'll be judged by that.
This match against Dortmund is crucial.
Normally it would be just a game
for the German championship.
But now we have Haaland to deal with.
The way he's been playing,
no single guy will be able to keep him
in check. We'll have to be clever.
If he's standing here,
you can no longer intervene.
You'd have to stand here. You know?
One-twos are especially dangerous.
Gather round.
In a situation like this …
Break through.
So if we win the ball at this point,
we're back in the game.
Leon …
Right defense: in front of Haaland,
or one of us attacks him from behind
and another one covers him.
The first one's better, right?
- Yeah?
We've always been doing it differently.
Can't the one behind him win the ball?
Let's just do what we always do.
It's always worked.
MARCH 6, 2021
I don't need a kick in the butt. It's my
goal to play well and help the team.
As I haven't won
the German Championship yet,
it'd be phenomenal for me
if we could win it together.
I don't really care about criticism,
because I'm totally focused on myself,
and I like to feel some pressure.
Playing for FC Bayern
means having to deal with pressure.
I get a kick out of that.
The match against Dortmund?
The kind of game you live for.
It's the highlight
of every Bundesliga season:
the clash between Bayern Munich
and Borussia Dortmund,
the biggest game of them all.
Can you hear me?
- Just fine.
I spoke to you three times,
you never said a word.
You're lying.
- But you can hear me now?
- Okay. Got it. Fine. Later!
I don't believe it!
What the heck?
When the pressure mounts
and you start struggling with yourself
and lose all confidence,
it gets even more difficult
to keep your head clear and play well.
How many times, this season?
So often, right?
But today it's against Dortmund.
How good is this Haaland?
The guy's a machine, man!
I'm calling his agent tomorrow.
But have him get a haircut first.
It's okay to have fun on the bench.
Stonily watching the game
is definitely not for us. On our bench
things are no different
than in a district league.
Guys, go! Go!
Back to a line of five.
Stop it!
Kiss my ass!
- I think he's giving a penalty. Look.
Right on!
Very good!
We're almost there, man. Almost there!
- Yes, yes!
Very good, Jo.
That was good, Leroy.
- Yeah.
If we have room, we've got to focus!
Niki, the way you trapped the ball …
Come on, Lewa, two more!
Then I'll be satisfied.
Anything else?
- Two will be enough.
Let's turn this match around!
Come on, guys!
Wait as long as you can. If you move too
soon, they'll know what you're planning.
As long as I'm standing around,
they don't notice me.
It's only when I start running
that they know where I am.
Dortmund kick off the second half
in the Allianz Arena.
They'll try to start as well as they did
in the first half. They're pushing hard.
They're looking to start this
second half on the front foot as well.
Super, Leroy!
Something's up with Jérôme.
- Jérôme!
Twisted knee. Substitute!
Kathleen? Javi!
- Send Javi in.
Javi, come on!
Just lean on us, Jérôme!
Is that okay?
Only twelve minutes remain on the clock.
They will seem never-ending
for Dortmund's defense.
Yes, super, Leroy.
It's in! Goretzka!
And it's just a few minutes to go!
Go on, go on!
One minute plus extra time.
Here come Bayern.
Lewandowski takes a shot … he scores!
He decides the game
in favor of Bayern Munich.
They are performing
on a true championship level.
Derby winners, men!
- Derby winners.
FC Hollywood!
FC Hollywood!
Last time we won this derby was 2011.
Listen up. Everyone here?
First of all, congratulations.
A great performance.
To come back from 2-0, well done.
Take two days off. See you on Tuesday.
Bought it myself.
No one needs to know.
- What settings does it have? Pressure?
The speed of the wheels.
You have to know how many yards, so you
just have to try it out? - Of course.
Choupo, this is at maximum setting.
- Okay.
Too fast, Choupo?
- A little.
So step on it!
I've raised the aim a little, hang on.
Maybe a little bit more in my direction.
Sorry. No speculating!
Did you see that?
I just changed the setting.
Oh, Choupo!
We'll have to do some more testing.
I was always a Bayern fan,
my brother was a Gladbach fan.
They were the two top teams at the time.
And I really wanted to play for Bayern,
that's true. That was my great ambition.
Here's Hansi Flick,
the player with his socks down.
At first I used to be a goal getter,
people told me I was good.
But in the Bundesliga I was
usually given a defensive position,
because there I didn't score enough.
One day I heard
a scout for Bayern had come
to look at me.
We lost 4-1.
Great promotion.
Then Uli Hoeneß called.
I remember as if it was yesterday.
And we made a deal.
A great time. I came here when I was 20.
We were just …
a real team.
He was very diligent, very involved.
He wasn't always a regular player,
but his behavior was always exemplary.
He was assistant coach
at the 2014 World Cup
and for several years under Jogi Löw,
where he did a great job too.
The world champion's
assistant coach, Hansi Flick!
Hansi has ideas about soccer
that suit FC Bayern
and the National Team very well.
And he has bags of empathy.
He is a communicator. The players
listened to him as well as to me.
It's always nicest
to prepare a squad
for a common objective.
The only downside is that you're
always at the center of attention.
You have to get used to
a lot of press conferences.
That's cost me loads of energy,
especially over the past few weeks.
Because you have to be
really careful what you say.
A head coach has to face
challenges in several other areas too,
like answering the media.
That takes away some time
from the regular work.
Hansi's problem was
that he'd shot from zero to a hundred.
He had no experience
in these other areas,
like handling the pressure,
the media, and the club bosses.
He hadn't learned that over the course
of the years, like other top coaches.
Let's go.
David is a kind of fixed point
for everyone in the squad.
He brings together the little groups
that every squad has.
I don't know of any player
who doesn't get along with him.
I've never seen this in anyone else.
He contributes so much
in order to keep the squad together.
I hope we pick this up from him,
and that we
can pass it on over the years.
We welcome our colleagues
and our viewers
to a media conference
with David Alaba. First off,
you have made a decision
that we will be discussing.
So tell us, what have you decided?
Well, I have decided
to do something new once this season
is over, and to leave this club.
I can tell you, it was
definitely not an easy decision to make.
It was very hard.
First of all, I've been
with this club for 13 years now,
and secondly,
this club is very close to my heart
and I'm thankful to it for so very much.
Right. Your questions, please.
What tipped the scales after so long?
- Was it the way things were handled?
It has been rumored that it was
a matter of money. - No.
Was that okay? Yeah?
- Ciao! - Thanks!
Peter, ciao!
FC Bayern shaped me in several ways.
We're very much like a family.
The club and the squad losing
a player like him, is devastating to me.
He will be sorely missed as a player,
but what hurts most
is that the person David Alaba
will no longer be with us next season.
David is my baby brother.
We talk a lot on the pitch.
He came a long way by my side.
It's unbelievable
what he's done for Bayern. We have to
understand and accept his decision.
I love this guy.
Right, Franckie?
I was fortunate enough
to enjoy a great career here
and celebrate incredible moments.
You really want to leave? In that case,
all the best. - Cut it out!
It was very important to me
that I could say a few words to my fans.
Especially after the last few months,
where so much
nonsense has been said.
It was no easy time, I must say.
His achievements over the last
year and a half speak for themselves.
He threw himself into the game,
even when it hurt.
He just went out there, trying to do
his bit for the success of our team.
He definitely helped shape an era
here at Bayern, and now it's over.
I'll read you my favorite verse.
It's Philippians 4:13.
"I can do all things through Christ
who strengthens me."
We've tried everything to keep David,
and it hurts to lose this player.
At some point
you have to accept it, though.
But it was tough.
We don't need a player at that position.
Tell Damir not to call him.
He called the coach again.
Okay, we'll speak again soon.
I was born in Mostar,
where that wonderful bridge is.
I had a totally carefree childhood.
My dad was a police officer,
my mom was a teacher.
I always wanted to be a soccer player.
worked perfectly as a country.
We all lived together very well
with each other.
Our family lived a good
but also
very simple life.
I started playing soccer at age eight.
My dad was my first coach.
He'd played in the second division.
So that's when it all started.
I played for the Yugoslav National Team.
Every republic,
Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, and so on,
had their own national youth teams.
But the U-16 national team
was the first Yugoslav National
you could join.
When I was 15, Red Star Belgrade
played against Bayern Munich.
Our national team happened to be
in Belgrade,
so we could watch the game.
When Red Star played against Bayern,
I saw all the Bayern players.
All these big names.
That was so cool!
a young Effenberg.
And from then on
I couldn't get FC Bayern out of my head.
Then I had to go home,
but all direct flights from Belgrade to
Sarajevo were cancelled, so I knew …
things back home
were serious.
The front was only six miles away,
and after about two months
my Dad came to me.
We used to have a Kalashnikov at home,
and a pistol. He said,
"Look, that's the two guns."
Then we drove to where
I was to take my mom and my sister
if things got tough,
if the front line should fall.
A 15-year-old boy
with a Kalashnikov under his bed,
that's just not normal.
One morning my sister came into my room.
"Get dressed, you're going to Germany."
I said, "No, I'm not going to Germany."
I was really close
to my parents and my sister.
It came as a huge surprise to me
that I had to leave.
I traveled to Dortmund
and from there by train to Hamburg,
where I lived for six months, and then I
entered the HSV soccer boarding school.
Felix Magath was head coach there,
and with him things took off.
But I have to say,
this is really true about Germany,
if you do your best and
give it your all, you will get a chance.
And I got this chance.
Maybe I demanded it, but I got it,
and I did everything to embrace it.
Then … the move to FC Bayern.
And the dream I had dreamt
as a little boy came true.
FC Bayern became my home.
And that's why I will always
give everything for this club.
One in July and one in January.
If they reject it, we'll just have to
accept it, won't we? But … yes, okay.
Hang on a sec, I'll be right back.
Yes. He wrote me something
totally different, namely
5 percent this year,
10 percent next year …
You do that and I'll get back to you.
Too far.
We're now entering a decade
in which many changes await us.
Cool shot!
- Nice, right?
The world goes on developing,
so soccer can't stay behind.
Don't forget, this club was shaped
over the course of decades.
I started a major
strategy project called "AHEAD".
These are the questions.
"Where do I see
FC Bayern in the future?"
"What will we represent?"
"What developments will we have made?"
And of course,
"What will we initiate
and what will we have left behind?"
I'd like you all to come forward
and grab a few pictures
that in your opinion best convey
where FC Bayern will be in the future.
What led to success in the past,
doesn't necessarily
lead to success in the future.
And we will have to submit to
this thought process
as FC Bayern with our new leadership,
and we do that with our project AHEAD.
There will be
different opinions.
Some people have been here for ages
and want to hold on to the status quo.
Whereas the youngsters say,
"Hey, let's change everything!"
I came to this club ten years ago.
If you open a paper today,
Bayern is everywhere.
Women's soccer,
men's soccer, basketball.
Which means the brand "Bayern Munich"
is more than just men's soccer.
I think that's very important.
We do it all for the fans,
for the people who support us.
It's a balancing act
to connect the past with the future.
It's a wonderful area of conflict,
but one thing unites all nine of us:
we want to ensure Bayern's success
in the future, which isn't easy.
We were always
proud of our success,
and that we managed it
without outside help.
For instance,
some owner pimping up the club
by pumping his own money into it.
I hope this independence
can be maintained in the future.
If we want
to present our fans
with such events in the future,
like winning the Champion's League,
not just once,
but maybe two or three times
in ten years, we'll also need the funds.
Which is why I added
"business development".
I think it could be
very exciting to ruminate
about other areas in which we could
expand the brand "Bayern Munich".
I realize the subject of diversification
is often met with skepticism.
So this … - It's time.
- You only have two minutes.
Two minutes.
- Am I overrunning my time? Well …
These are some of the thoughts I've had,
that I wanted to share in this setting.
Okay, right …
See this handsome guy?
Some very handsome guys.
When I turned 17
all I saw was, Bayern interested in you,
this one interested in you …
so I thought to myself, like,
"Is this really happening?" Like,
"Bayern really wants me
to go play for them?"
I went home
and I just couldn't stop smiling.
I'm telling you, you could've, like,
punched me out, I'd keep smiling.
And when it was time to sign,
I met with Hasan and Marko,
and they told me, "You could play here,
you could play there." And I was, like,
"I could play there? You do know
who plays at that position?"
I mean, life is too short to be frowning
all the time and to be angry.
If you look at my story, the things
my parents have told me are devastating.
They fled from the war in Liberia
and went to Ghana, to a refugee camp.
They said I shouldn't have been there.
It was loud, people running, screaming.
My parents told me how
they were walking over bodies.
They had me.
They were there for five years.
I don't remember any of it.
It was a blurry time for me.
Luckily they could leave
and go to Canada. Edmonton, Alberta.
When we were growing up, our family
was the only support we had. My parents
worked two jobs, night shifts, and I
was at home with my brother and sister,
helping, changing diapers
and all that stuff.
So for me my childhood was taking care
of my brother and growing up quickly.
The earliest I played soccer
was when I was nine or ten years old.
I met this one friend
whose team was doing a tryout.
I was a little nervous. So we went up
and the coach came and said,
"Okay, you all made the team!" It was
really exciting. It was the first time
I was on an actual football team.
My goal is to reach a professional level
and probably play with some of the pros.
The Barcelona game was amazing!
Obviously, Messi was the first guy
I got past, then Arturo came in hard.
I was looking for a pass, but then I
overheard Thomas, going, "Go, go, go!"
And I'm like, "Let me try something!"
So I kept running.
I spotted Joshua Kimmich come flying in
and I played it on top of him.
He tapped it in. It was an amazing goal.
Amazing goal.
Just like I was shaped by my history,
he was shaped by his. That's not
always easy, but it makes him stronger.
And I think here with us
he'll have a sensational career.
Today I'm a little nervous,
because I think
this can be a tricky match.
I'm looking forward to the game, yes,
but today I am a little bit tense.
March 20, 2021
It's my job, of course,
that we stay within a sensible budget.
in these difficult times of Covid-19.
Each of us has good ideas,
but at Bayern Munich the group decides.
- Fine, you? - Good.
And once a decision has been made,
every one of us has to accept it.
That's enough.
And it's always only about the club.
Before the game I don't really
try to think about too much.
You just have to be loose.
You have to be free in the mind.
Play the game,
and enjoy football.
Okay, men, focus.
Today we won't allow a single goal.
Then, when you go out on the pitch,
you remember the fans, the sounds,
their chants, their cheering.
You hear the fans inside.
Will you look at this crap!
You idiot!
I knew I'd hit him hard,
and I felt I was too late.
That's going to be a red card
for Alphonso Davies …
Ref, that's ridiculous!
- … after 12 minutes!
And I knew at that moment
I'd let the team down.
It's nothing to lose sleep over.
Just hope we win the game now, even
though it's gonna be tough for the team,
with one man down.
Oh, come on!
Once you're out of the game,
you have no control.
You just hope the team stays alive.
Well done, boys!
One man down and 4-0 at halftime!
Creative Supervisor: D. Mark Skibo
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