Feels Like Ishq (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

Quaranteen Crush

You don't know…
Maninder! Lunch is served!
I'm practicing for the competition!
I'll eat later.
You don't know…
You don't know… you…
You are so
No. You…
-Maninder, lunch! Now!
-God help me!
Coronavirus cases
are increasing every day.
The news from Chandigarh is…
It's been ages since you cooked pumpkin,
Mom! When was the last time?
Oh, yes. The day before!
This is from the day before.
…only you can save yourself.
Not only yourself,
but by being responsible, you can save…
…your family and society…
Mom, please get me a phone.
I'll happily eat pumpkin my whole life.
All my friends have one.
Please get me one.
I have told you, once you turn 18,
and score 85% in board exams, then…
-My phone will be all yours.
-What? All this for a second-hand phone?
Now eat quickly,
you have to shoot my video.
I don't have the time, I have to practice.
If we win tomorrow, they'll take us to
the "Groove Indigo Festival" in Mumbai.
Hey, Dad, you are home early?
-No customers today?
-We have to stay home now, son.
I went to the shop with new stock
but they've imposed curfew.
Corona has arrived in full force.
-All the shops have been closed.
-Oh, gosh, it's bad news.
I mean, your competition,
that "Guru India Go," all cancelled, son.
Well, don't worry.
Now you can make my videos.
All these videos! I am not eating
this pumpkin, you carry on!
-You stay here, let me see.
-You'll see something different?
-They had moved to Sunrise Enclave.
-What are you two up to?
It's a big bungalow, must have come
to check for illegal occupation.
Manjeet, my dear!
Hey, Manjeet!
Yes, I am coming!
My granddaughter
has just arrived from Canada.
I am coming down.
Come on, dear.
I'll give you her number also.
Sethi's granddaughter
has come from Canada.
She'll have to quarantine for 14 days.
She could be carrying corona.
I am warning you both,
don't you dare go near that house.
Or else you'll face my wrath.
Near that house?
I'm not even stepping out of my room.
Social distancing is essential.
It's important to talk about it.
But if we maintain distance
from each other,
when will we do the other essential tasks?
Hey, Mom…
-…today I'll tell you…
-Mom, let me.
You'll get a backache.
…things that you can do
while maintaining social distance.
You can take a walk on your terrace,
you can do a workout,
you can use this time
to bond with your family.
You can read books all day,
you can learn to play an instrument,
you can try cooking.
You can eat whatever you wish.
Do whatever you want, just don't
roam around outside in groups.
Don't gather in crowded places,
don't celebrate festivals with relatives.
And keep on maintaining
social distancing as much as possible.
Corona, go, go, go…
Mom, you should keep your phone charged.
You never know
when there will be a blackout.
Yes, tell me, what do you want?
I'll show you a fabulous product.
See this, the sky blue one.
It's a new design.
There's a promo on it.
Buy two, get one free.
You talk about bras all day long.
Should I serve you food in a bra?
Oh, no,
I wasn't saying this to you, ma'am.
-See this? It's a brand new pattern.
-"New pattern"! Never got one for me.
This one is a new color.
The price won't differ.
It's the same price. Yes.
Isn't the battery getting drained now?
I'll show you another.
I'll eat in my room from now on
while studying.
-I have to score 85%, right?
-They are similar.
By the way,
the squash tastes delicious.
It's the same. The same quality.
Hello? From…
I am Maninder. Pleased to meet you.
Don't touch it!
I'll have to sanitize it.
sent you some lunch.
Aunty is so sweet.
I really got lucky with you guys.
Come on. It's nothing! I'll bring you
food at this time every day.
Is that okay?
Could you just tell aunty that I don't eat
garlic, soya and yellow lentils.
Everything else is cool.
It's all good.
Yellow lentils are the worst food.
You can sit here and eat.
I have plenty of time.
-I'll wait.
-No, no. Please don't wait for me.
I have some work. I'll eat later.
This plate, I'll give it to you.
Right now.
You don't have any symptoms, right?
No. But for safety's sake,
go wash your hands immediately.
And wash the plate also, okay?
Thank you so much, Jaswinder.
Greetings, friends!
Welcome to YouTube channel
"The Queen of Taste, Manjeet!"
You must subscribe to this channel.
Today, I'll teach you
to cook a carrot and pea dish.
Here are the ingredients.
We need…
Thanks for lunch, Aunty.
Tasty? My food?
My dear, don't tell such lies.
…and your dish is ready!
You can also send requests
in the comments.
"Sister Manjeet, how do you make pumpkin?"
"Or bell peppers or yellow lentils?"
Okay, Mom. Stop making
yellow lentils altogether.
After eating your lentils,
Dad gets so bloated,
one has to maintain
social distancing from him.
And repeat the last line.
There was a dog barking at the same time.
I'll smack a carrot across your face!
Excuse me, please.
-You play guitar, right?
-Well, you don't have any symptoms, right?
I am so sorry. I am practicing a tune
and I'm almost getting there. Okay?
This smells really good.
Thank you.
You don't know…
You don't know…
You don't have anything to do?
Gonna spend the whole day
strumming the guitar?
You don't know how pretty you are!
You don't know how pretty you are!
With very tiny feet
With very tiny feet
When you walk across
When you walk away
You leave a void
You don't know how pretty you are!
I am a little lonely
My freedom is denied
I want to move on
And see the other side
Is it really love?
Freakin' stupid love
No, no, no, no
Sitting on the roof alone
I am going mad
I talk about you
With myself
What do you eat at night?
When do you go to bed?
Ask me anything
I know it all
My mind is reeling
I've got a feeling
And it's deep down inside
What to do and where'd it go
Now really feeling low
But something stuck inside
Hey, listen, you pretty girl
You have stolen my heart
Hey, listen, you pretty one
You have stolen my heart
I make a million excuses
Wait for my parents to sleep
And wait for you in your yard
You don't know how pretty you are!
Is it really love?
Freakin' stupid love
Oh, I see. You are trying out my lines?
My English is a bit weak.
-"Freaking" isn't a cuss word, is it?
-So what if it is?
Can't girls use cuss words?
-No, it's not like that. They can.
It also matches your style.
And you can cuss as much as you want.
Everything is allowed.
I am not wearing a mask.
That's fine. Don't worry.
One minute, I won't cross this line.
Well, did you plant something new?
Yes, jasmine. I really hope it grows well.
There's a girl in our school
called Jasmine.
Everyone says she blooms at night.
That's terrible!
-I'll tell everyone to shut up.
-Is that so?
Why didn't you tell me
that you play guitar?
And you sing so well, too.
You're pulling my leg, right?
My English must sound like
some alien language.
Not alien, but it sounded like Punjabi.
When you said, "Baby," it sounded
like you were calling your mom.
While speaking English,
I do think of my mom.
Because of English, I can't get 85% marks.
And Mom won't get me a phone.
Why is everyone so obsessed with English?
Like if you don't know English,
you are not smart. Rubbish.
I can be smart too?
I didn't knew.
I have given you
enough compliments for a day.
Okay, okay. Thanks a lot.
-Ask aunty to…
You know what? I'll just text her.
No. Text her in 15 minutes.
She's sleeping right now.
Sleeping time, do not disturb.
Afternoon time.
Come on, Mom.
Give me the phone. Let's shoot.
Let me put on some lipstick.
Mom, keep your natural look.
Or all the ladies will get jealous
and unsubscribe.
-Okay, let's start.
Greetings, friends!
Welcome to the YouTube channel,
"The Queen of Taste, Manjeet."
Today, I'll teach you
a cabbage and potato dish.
For this, you need
one cabbage and six boiled potatoes.
Forgot to bring my undergarments
I only have 2 bras left
Slice the cabbage and potatoes
and grab some thinly-sliced garlic.
The strap on one just broke
Can you give me 2 bra straps?
Then you just have to garnish it.
And once it's cooked,
it will smell so good
that you will say, "Thank you, Manjeet!"
Please don't tell Maninder
Oh, God, help me.
Bra strap?
Very good, son.
You should have knowledge
about your business.
One day, you'll have to manage the shop.
Look at it!
Son, in our business,
you must know the ABCDs of bras.
A means?
Ladies must feel freedom in a bra.
B means… Sister like.
Note it down.
You must address everyone as "Sister."
A lady's life is full of trouble.
Someone is checking them out,
someone is harassing, someone is stalking.
But after entering our shop,
they should feel secure.
Dad, are there any bras
which have detachable straps?
Of course. One minute.
There you go. It's off…
and now it's on.
Okay, thank you, Dad.
We'll continue this bra course next week.
Okay. Well done.
It's good.
Mom sent you something.
You didn't open it, right?
Just your one look
Left me mesmerized
My heart is now yours
I just dream of you
I have now conceded silently
Even the moon's beauty pales before you
Slowly, I have become like you
I am now all yours, all yours
All yours
I have lost all sense of time
I am all yours
The closed windows of my heart
Are now wide open
All the troubles, all the sorrows
I have left them behind
One tune of love
The strumming of your guitar
Whenever I hear it
It takes my breath away
I'll keep flying in your breeze
I want to pour my heart out before you
Your one look is now my cure
I am now all yours, all yours
All yours
I have lost all sense of time
All yours
I am now all yours, all yours
I am now all yours
I have lost all sense of time
I am now all yours
Hey, Jaswinder!
What happened? Why this face?
My quarantine ends tomorrow.
Back to the grandparents.
I have to tell you something
before you leave.
My mom is not aware that we meet.
I sent you the messages from her phone.
I heard you playing the guitar,
I wanted to meet you. You are very nice.
So, the package that you brought that day?
How can you do that, Maninder? I thought…
I thought I was talking to your mother.
-No, I…
-You should have told me, man!
I thought you were decent.
Different from everyone else…
Since when have you been coughing?
-Since last evening. So?
-Oh, no! You have symptoms!
One minute!
Sit, quick!
-You know how to drive this thing?
Come on, do the sit-ups!
Hey, you! Stop!
Hey, where's your mask?
Damn you! Hey!
Even during this Corona pandemic,
you guys are roaming around.
People like you are the real virus.
Hey, watch it! Are you blind?
Nimi! We'll reach
the hospital in two minutes!
So aunty didn't know
that you were getting me lunch?
No, Nimi! I am super sorry!
I am really innocent!
I didn't know that it was stalking.
Hey, what are you doing?
Please, I'll be dead!
Hello, Uncle? Can I speak to Aunty?
This is Nimi here.
We'll sort it out later.
Don't tell my mom.
Hello, Aunty, did you put soy
in the dish yesterday?
Sorry! I didn't know you were allergic,
or I would've told Mom properly.
If I had corona,
you could have gotten it, too.
Don't worry about me.
I'd have quarantined myself
for 14 days
after dropping you at the hospital.
Wouldn't have infected my parents.
Sorry. I feel guilty.
If you don't want to forgive me,
you don't have to.
But please forgive me in your heart.
When is your birthday?
-When is it?
-In two months.
-And board exams?
They have been postponed.
They will be held later,
when the curfew is lifted.
So, if you score 85%,
text me from your own phone
in a couple of months.
No, I won't…
The closed windows of my heart
Are now wide open
I'll definitely get 85%.
I'll study the whole English dictionary!
All the troubles, all the sorrows
I have left them behind
Best deal!
One tune of love
The strumming of your guitar
Whenever I hear it
It takes my breath away
I'll keep flying in your breeze
Hey, listen! Keep watering the jasmine.
Your one look is now my cure
I am now all yours, all yours
All yours
I have lost all sense of time
I am now all yours
I am now all yours, all yours
All yours
I have lost all sense of time
I am now all yours
The vaccine for the coronavirus is being
discussed not just in our country,
but the whole world.
When will that vaccine come?
People are very concerned
with this question.
But today, we have good news.
The vaccine for the coronavirus will soon
be available for citizens in India.
The leading
medical institute of the country
has announced
that by the beginning of next year,
we will be vaccinated.
This is big news
for those people and for all of us
who are facing hardships
due to the lockdown.
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