Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Round Two: Fight Night

Y'all can breathe now, the
Black Adonis has arrived.
You will be Ali's personal bodyguard.
Chief, my caseload is piling up
Ali's safety is now your priority.
You're the only one I can
trust with this assignment.
CHICKEN MAN: As a matter of fact, look,
we can go down there to the Clermont,
- we gon' meet Silky there tonight.
- Silky in town?
You ain't gon' believe who
this nigga working for now.
- Who?
- CHICKEN MAN: Frank Moten.
VIVIAN: That gangster from the tabloids?
Black Godfather himself.
Frank's throwing a post-fight shindig.
CHICKEN MAN: I got everything you need.
I got the venue. I
got the goddamn women.
More importantly, I
got the goddamn vision.
FRANK: Why you squeezin' poor
Chicken Man so hard, Javi?
Chicken throw big party and
doesn't invite me. (LAUGHS)
Miami about 600 miles from Atlanta.
And you a long way from New York.
Fat Boy fucked us.
Throwing the party with one
of his country-ass friends.
EMERSON: Ah, no, no. This
makes the plan even better.
We got the perfect patsy now.
ANNOUNCER: Welcome, sports
fans around the world.
All the stars have shown up
tonight because we have a big show,
here at the Atlanta Municipal
Auditorium in beautiful Georgia.
CHICKEN MAN: Smalls. Smalls!
How the hell can you read
a paper at a time like this?
Well, Chickie, last I checked,
we're a cunt hair away from nuclear war.
Oh, come on, man. My
goddamn life on the line
and you worried about that bullshit?
- Come on.
- Are you sure this play gonna work?
Look, it's foolproof.
- Arresting officers never show up to these things.
- Mm.
Cops hate courthouses.
Just follow my lead, you'll
get out in six months.
Three with good behavior.
Yo, I got to be out in three.
I can't miss the birth of my child.
You worry too much.
WOMAN: Williams, Gordon.
My client was apprehended
by this racist officer,
along with three other white men
with lengthy criminal records.
Yet, Mr. Williams was
the only one charged.
It's all right there
in my brief, Your Honor.
Your Honor, if if I may?
Uh, now y'all done charged me
with possession with intent.
(CHUCKLES) Only intent
I've ever had, Your Honor,
is taking care of my family right there.
Now I can't say the
same about that white boy
that they done got me corralled up with.
Ain't Ain't the same now, is it?
I'm inclined to consider
these allegations,
especially since the arresting officer
- hasn't bothered showing up to defend himself.
JUDGE: And you are?
J.D. Hudson. Arresting
officer, Your Honor.
Uh, forgive my tardiness.
We were running nuclear
drills at the precinct.
Is this the "racist"
that you were referring to?
Your Honor, uh, there's
a lot more to the story
The defendant is sentenced to
two years at Forsythe Labor Camp.
Now get this hoodlum
out of my courtroom.
Your Honor, hold on, "hoodlum"?
Now I was wrongfully arrested.
Yo, what'd you just tell me?
- You told me I ain't got nothin' to worry about.
- What, you ain't know nothing?
- They never come to these things.
Hey, man, you've got
some nerve, you hear me?
- HUDSON: Get your hands off of me, man.
- Get off me!
Come on. You taking
me away from my family!
- You go to hell.
- After you, hoodlum.
ANNOUNCER: Good evening,
ladies, gentlemen,
and fight fans everywhere.
At this time, please rise
for the national anthem.
Oh, say, can you see ♪
By the dawn's early light ♪
MCKINLEY: Everybody, get
on the fucking ground!
- Get on the ground!
- MAN: Fuck!
BABY RAY: Lay down!
Get the fuck down, now!
- Hey!
Get all the motherfuckers
in the corner! Now!
Get down! Get down!
- Get the fuck up!
- Okay, okay, okay!
- WILLIE BLACK: Get your ass out of there!
- Now! Now! Now! Come here, bitch! Come here!
Get the fuck up!
Get your ass back! Now,
you fucked up, nigga!
Get back! Now, now, now!
- On the fucking floor!
- BOONE: Get down!
- Bitch-ass motherfucker!
MALE PARTYGOER: Ay, y'all, fuck that
MCKINLEY: You fucked up, nigga!
- Shit! Fuck!
- MCKINLEY: Get on the ground!
- Get behind!
MCKINLEY: Down! Down!
- Get the fuck on the floor!
Get on the floor, now!
Now, nigga!
- The fuck!
You, too, my boy.
And the home ♪
Of the ♪
Brave ♪
MCKINLEY: Now I'm sorry
y'all had to go through that.
But I assure you, we
ain't here to hurt nobody.
We just here for the money.
Do you see any money here?
This just a house party.
That's a whole lot of diamonds
for a simple house party.
In fact
this a flashing "rob me" sign.
Ain't that right, Vivian?
You must have me confused
with somebody else.
- MCKINLEY: Vivian Thomas.
Down Woman to Gordon
"Chicken Man" Williams,
proprietor of this house.
Small-time numbers
man turned party host.
Now I suggest you stop fucking with me.
'Cause I ain't as dumb as I look,
and these here guns, they do work.
Now for the rest of y'all,
we know there's plenty more
big shots headed our way.
So y'all got one job.
To make this here look
like the foxiest party
all year.
Y'all hear me? I said, y'all hear me!
Man, what kind of fucking
clown operation is this?
The fuck you say?
How the fuck we 'posed
to act like we partying?
And your name is, sugar?
- Nigga, don't act like
You a sharp one, ain't ya?
- MAXINE: W-Wait.
- Wait!
We're gon' get that music back on.
Then I want a guy and
girl at each window,
shaking what they mama gave them
like they life depends on it.
Sit yo' ass down!
Vivian, Maxine
What's your name, darling?
You three gonna be acting
like our distinguished hosts.
Now, everybody rest up.
It's gon' be a long night.
So many days ♪
Since you went away ♪
I often think of you ♪
Night and day ♪
But I know that someday ♪
Someday, darling ♪
I won't be ♪
Trouble no more ♪
Yeah, I see you.
Negro communion?
EMERSON: Man, how the hell
was I supposed to know that
them little niggas was Viet Cong?
MCKINLEY: Motherfuckers running
around shooting everybody.
- Shit! Your ass! "Yo, shoot 'em, shoot 'em!"
- (LAUGHING) Get on the ground!
- Get on the ground!
- Shoot! Nigga, they got guns, shoot back!
I caught his ass tripping.
Shoot back at the (CHUCKLING)
It's good to see you, Emerson.
Man, if it weren't for you,
I'd have come home in a box.
Saved my ass more times
than I care to mention.
just doing my job, soldier.
Oh, fuck that.
Fuck all that, man, you
You wasn't like the rest of us,
scared out of our minds.
Shittin' water, pissin' blood.
I was shittin' and pissin'.
Now, how your little girl doing?
She'll be nine her next birthday.
- Nine?
- Nah.
- Yeah, man.
Where time?
Please tell me you ain't brought
this beautiful child in here.
Now you know Charmaine
ain't gon' allow that shit.
(SIGHING) So what you doing
for work these days, hmm?
- I'm a solid citizen now.
You know, I, uh (CLEARS THROAT)
I got a line on something.
If you're looking for some extra bread.
Y'know, I got an early
morning tomorrow, Dorsey.
All right.
All right, soldier, I can dig it.
I can dig it.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
You a solid citizen now.
How much?
Who we robbin'?
MCKINLEY: How you come upon this?
Found 'em circulating in the city.
- Can't knock his hustle.
- Hmm.
- Your man's late.
- Willie Black will be here.
Well, if he ain't here by the
time I finish this here cup of Joe,
- I'm out.
Come on, man.
What ain't you telling me, soldier?
- Fuck, man!
Ah, goddamn.
You motherfuckers almost
pissed yourself, didn't you?
Willie Black, this is Mac. Mac
this Willie Black.
Mac, huh?
Your mama ain't love you, nigga?
She named you after the hamburger stand?
You can get your simple ass in this van.
(LAUGHS) Look at these niggas.
It's gonna be fun.
Now where's this party
at, motherfuckers?
- Meat delivery.
- What kind of meat is that?
I got chicken cutlets. I got prime rib.
That's going to Charlene in
the kitchen. Come this way.
- Charlene! He got the cutlets.
You can't throw no party
for niggas with no seafood.
Don't do it now. Don't do it now.
- Mr. Williams!
- Don't do it with the grass, then.
- WOMAN: Chicken!
- CHICKEN MAN: Peaches, hey, baby. You look good.
One second. Uh, where y'all going?
MCKINLEY: We're the painters, ma'am.
We just came in here
to drop off some paint.
Keep that shit in the basement.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Thanks, Mama.
I ain't your mama, Jack.
Bit of advice when
you're casing a joint,
best idea not to be noticed.
Thanks, Pops.
But don't you ever put your
fucking hands on me again.
EMERSON: What's the
word, man. How'd it go?
Well, that shit open, E.
That shit wide fucking open.
- What about you, Mac?
- It's risky.
Lotta nooks and
crannies. Not to mention,
we don't know shit about security.
A lotta unknown variables.
Can we ditch this jive motherfucker
- and get some niggas who know how to fucking work?
- Nigga, for once in your life,
will you shut the fuck up?
Okay, soldier, enough fucking around.
Are you in, or you out?
It's crazy
but doable.
We gon' need about five other
motherfuckers just as crazy.
Y'all motherfuckers get
home safe now, you hear?
You still benching 250?
I'm up to 325 now, motherfucker.
Get some, brother.
- WANDA: Oh, yes, Andre, oh!
- ANDRE: Oh, yeah, baby. Oh, yeah.
- ANDRE: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Right on.
Boy got stamina.
ANDRE: Sheesh!
- ANDRE: Mm!
What y'all want?
Looking for a wheelman.
WILLIE: That li'l motherfucker
look young as fuck.
How you know this motherfucker, man?
I know his mama from high school.
That's your baby?
Don't tell me you the pappy.
MCKINLEY: Baby Ray can
spot the fuzz from the moon.
- BABY RAY: Cops!
- DRUG DEALER: Li'l help!
Nice move.
What's shaking, youngblood?
What's good, Mac? Y'know just working.
Who this ashy nigga with you?
Mean muggin'. He the
mean mug oh shit!
- Hey, hey, hey!
- All right, all right. Relax.
- You keep talking all that shit
- Ow, I'm joking!
I'm gonna smack all the teeth
out your motherfucking mouth, boy.
- Relax. Hey. Hey.
- Goddamn!
What the fuck we even need this
li'l orphan-looking motherfucker for?
Give it back.
Give what back? I ain't
take nothin' from this nigga.
Give it back, now.
What the fuck?
Nigga, you trying to see Jesus?
How long you been running with Emerson?
I don't run with nobody.
I'm what they call a free agent.
How'd you get brought into this score?
Why you asking so many damn
questions? You 60 Minutes or something?
MCKINLEY: Nigga, I like
making conversation, brother.
Make somethin' else.
What you want, Mac?
Two minutes. That's all I need.
I wouldn't brag about that.
Look now, the job's pretty clean.
An inside woman puts us over the top.
Just get some broad off the street.
Come on, this ain't "some broad
off the street" kind of gig.
And you certainly ain't that, baby.
My name Willie Black.
I helped put all this
shit here together.
- Listen here
- Hmm.
When you get off, maybe me and
you should discuss some things.
Talk about some money.
- Yeah?
- You look like you like money.
- I do.
- I got money. We can do that shit together, baby.
Put your greasy hands on me again,
you gonna get the
business end of my blade.
We clear, bitch?
Crystal, baby.
No, thank you.
TOMMY: Yeah, ashy-ass nigga. (CHUCKLES)
- He out, too.
- What?
No, Lena, you don't speak for me.
- I'm grown.
- Excuse me?
Man, I told y'all, she not finna go
for it. Now she finna tell my mama.
You damn right. I'm gonna
call Auntie on my next break.
- TOMMY: Yeah, you been a snitch. Ooh!
- LENA: Yeah.
All right.
You know he can't even go inside?
He been stealing so
much, they got his picture
plastered up on the back wall.
You know how embarrassing
that is? At my place of work?
MCKINLEY: Look, Tommy
ain't a boy no more.
This way, we can keep eyes on him.
Keep him with us. It'll stop him
from snatching wallets anymore.
What time is the meetin'?
MCKINLEY: All right, now the street
dead ends into a cul-de-sac.
So there's only one
way in and one way out.
Andre, that's where you come in.
You gonna be posted right
here with the walkies,
acting as our eyes and ears.
- So if you see anything go south
- Over.
I'mma need you to hop on that radio
and be ready to drive
like Richard Petty, man.
That cracker can't hold
a candle to me, Jack.
Boone. Me and you gonna
be on the front door.
The partygoers come in
through the front door,
they get a front row
seat to the gun show.
But we shuttle them into
the basement until midnight.
Willie Black, Tommy, and Baby Ray,
y'all gonna be with the hostages.
Whoa, whoa, hostages
Ain't nobody said
nothin' about no hostages.
Letting people leave is not
exactly the brightest idea, kid.
MCKINLEY: Chicken Man is one of
the smartest hustlers in Atlanta.
But he has a weakness.
- Hot women.
- Hey, girl!
Now you sitting on the
right car at the wrong time.
MCKINLEY: Lena. That's
where you come in.
LENA: Mmm-hmm.
- Excuse me, boss.
- Goddammit. Watch yourself, youngblood.
It's a jungle out here, you hear me?
MCKINLEY: You and Tommy
gon' figure out a way
to land you at that party,
and into Chicken Man's good graces.
LENA: Your name Gordon?
Who asking?
LENA: Department of Motor Vehicles.
This you?
- Where you get that at?
I found it in this. You must
have dropped it back there.
Damn, now you got me at a loss.
- 'Cause I don't know your name.
- Lena.
MCKINLEY: Now there's gonna be
more of them than there are of us.
So we're gonna need
a woman on the inside.
- What's your name, darling?
- Lena.
MCKINLEY: Someone to
tip us off to any danger
with the hosts and hostages.
If this party is as live
as you say it's gonna be,
how we gonna fit 'em
all in the basement?
MCKINLEY: 'Cause it's
a big-ass basement.
- Now the cut's 20K each.
- 20K.
More money than we all
pulled in in a year.
So we in?
Afternoon, Charmaine.
How you doing?
I expressly remember telling you
about showing up here, unannounced.
Yeah, no, I know. Um
I got this for Shelly. You know,
I figured I'd come drop it off.
I was in the neighborhood.
She's playing at her friend's house.
- I'll take it.
- Oh, but you can't call over there
and tell her her Daddy
here, got a present for her?
No, Mac. I'm not disrupting her day
for some paint-stained,
dime-store teddy bear.
This is why I told you to call first.
Well, look, I got a right to
see my daughter, Charmaine.
Well, you can take it up with a judge,
and I'm sure he'll have a good
laugh when he see your record.
Joe's gonna be home any minute.
- Give me the bear.
Find a decent place in
a decent part of town,
and we can talk about
you being in her life.
EMERSON: So, how we looking?
- Crew's all in place.
- Mmm-hmm.
Got everything planned
down to the minute.
Right on. Right on.
All right, brother.
I am on the last
flight out to LaGuardia.
Oh. What, you ain't
staying for the fight?
No, my work here is done.
For now.
I'll, uh (INHALES)
I'll reach out after.
Hip you where to meet my fence.
Come on, give me some.
Why me?
'Cause you earned this, soldier.
I'll see you when we rich, huh?
ANNOUNCER: And now, for the main event
scheduled for 15 rounds.
- Introducing
from Bellflower, California,
he weighs 197.5 pounds,
Jerry Quarry.
Congratulations, Detective.
You got him to the ring.
Yeah. Well, I hope you remember
that when the proper time comes.
you, getting political.
I'm proud, but it ain't over yet.
They say it's getting unwieldy outside.
- I'm going to my seat.
- Mm.
The return of the champion,
Muhammad Ali!
Ali! Ali! Ali! Ali!
OFFICER: Hey you. I
told you, back up, boy!
- SULLY: Hey, Chicken!
- Hey.
- I hit the number.
- Get out of here.
Two hundred and fifty smackeroos.
Okay, now. All right,
here's what I want you to do.
I want you to come by the
house in a couple of days.
I'm gonna have Vivian
settle up with you.
(SPLUTTERING) A few days?
How come I can't get my money now?
- 'Cause we at the fight, Sully.
- But, Chicken!
- Come on now, I got you.
- I'm gonna come back at you.
- Sully, I got you, brother.
- I'll be there.
- Silky.
Big night tonight, huh?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Hey, man, when you gonna get me
some face time with Frank, Silky?
Black Godfather ain't got time
- for your country jive.
- Okay.
Bet he'll have a lot of
time for me when I put
all this fine country ass on his lap.
Here's what I'm thinking,
man. I'm thinking maybe
I'll go and ride over
to the party with him.
That way, I can get some
face time. One on one.
Talk to him about our
future, strategize. You know?
- Man, Frank ain't coming.
- What you mean, Frank ain't coming?
- Hold on now.
- He in a mood, a bad mood.
He just received bad news.
There's some land deal he
had going on the West Side,
- just went belly up.
- What?
These pencil-pushing
motherfuckers in the State House
blocked him from buying some property,
something about some bullshit
in the Zoning and
Development Department.
- Zoning and Development?
- Yeah.
Hold on, wait a minute
Now what if that's my way in?
Right? What if I could
help him land this thing?
Maybe go talk to the right
people, make the right moves?
Me and you come out smelling like roses.
Man, that's above my pay grade.
Okay, look, well,
Silky. Do this, then
Get him to the party. Get
him to the party. Let me talk.
- Let me handle it.
- It ain't happening, Chicken.
What you talking
You ain't got shit
nobody wants, all right?
Ain't no pitch, ain't no
party, ain't no future.
Frank's out.
Ooh, goddamn! This gotta be the spot.
Welcome to the party, sugar.
Come on in.
- Tell me twice.
- I know!
- Ain't got to tell me twice.
- MCKINLEY: This a robbery!
- Oh, shit.
Move, motherfucker. I said, move! Move!
Get your ass in the basement.
You next, motherfucker.
Where do you think they taking 'em?
I don't know.
You think they gonna kill 'em?
Cut the chit-chat.
Y'all motherfuckers keep dancing.
is Muhammad Ali's big comeback,
and the question everyone wonders is
- WILLIE: Fucking hungry, man.
- does Ali have anything left?
BABY RAY: Shoot, me, too.
- COMMENTATOR: Former Champ comes in
- WILLIE: You, come here.
Hey, you!
Come here.
Just come on.
- What's your name?
- Barbara Smith.
All right, Barbara Smith, I want
you to take your ass upstairs
Look at me.
I want you to take your ass upstairs,
go and get me and my nigga a
couple of pieces of chicken.
All right?
Heat that shit up. I want it hot.
I want to see the steam coming
up off that motherfucker.
All right, Barbara? Go.
Go, Barbara.
Two pieces, Barbara. Thighs, bitch.
ANNOUNCER: We're here in Atlanta
ANNOUNCER: And we're ready,
ladies and gentlemen. Round one.
Ali in the white trunks.
Jerry Quarry is in the blue.
Getting ready
- There's the bell!
Here we go.
Whoop that ass!
- Whoo!
MAN: Yeah, yeah!
WOMAN: It's Sidney Poitier. And Coretta!
Hey, hey, Mama, you mind if
I borrow your eyes, please?
Sure, but I'm gonna need 'em back.
This is exciting!
Cheating Uncle Tom motherfucker.
SILKY: Man, Frank ain't coming.
He in a mood. Somethin' about some.
The land deal he had going on
the West Side just went belly up.
- This is a personal gift from Leroy Johnson
- CHICKEN MAN: Okay. Okay.
BOTH: the first Black senator
in the State House since Reconstruction.
Okay, Sully, I know that.
MAN: (ON RADIO) Quarry's
left is finding his target.
Paul, Colt, break that up! Get in there!
Shut it down, right here, right here.
Break it up!
Get him outta there.
I see you got Colt and
Romel on your shitty detail.
Why didn't you ask me to be
part of the team, Detective?
What you want, Mason?
Maybe I should have asked
your social worker wife
to speak on my behalf.
You like to beat on people, huh?
Kids. Women, too, probably.
You ever tried with a grown man,
who wasn't wearing handcuffs?
You want to?
Enjoy the fight, Detective.
Thank you. You, too.
Piece of shit.
Okay, now, tell me one more time
why I got to be wearing this suit?
'Cause it's a bit long for my taste.
- Well, next time I'll go and I'll call Gucci and 'em.
- Well
Okay? It ain't nothin' but
a little window dressing.
- That's all it is, all right?
- Okay, okay. All right.
- Look. Hey!
- Yeah?
Like I said, I'mma get your threads
back to you inside of two rounds.
Like I said, brother, each
round's another 50 bucks.
All right, I got you, I got
you. All right, look here now.
- Okay.
- Let's go over the plan again.
Now you're gonna walk
out there with me, okay?
When I introduce you,
what you gonna say?
- Uh, I'm the Senator's right-hand man.
- Sully Nah!
- And you know I am, in a way,
'cause anything he need
- Come on, now. Hey!
- What?
- How come?
- No! I said you're the chief of staff.
- Okay.
- You're the big dog. Now, the office I need you
Sully. Sully, is you listening?
- I'm listening.
- Sully, are you listening?
Look what you're doing. You're fiddling.
- You're fiddling yourself.
- Okay, okay!
Okay, listen to me.
You've got to remember,
the Office of Zoning and Development.
- Zoning and Development.
- That's right.
COMMENTATOR: None of these
punches by Ali are landing.
No, not looking good for Ali
You gotta say no. Just say no.
Just follow my lead,
Sully. You ain't got
Ain't this about a bitch?
Hey, I wonder if the Champ know
how hard you go for the white man.
I ain't got time for your
bullshit right now, Chicken.
Go on, get outta my face hoodlum.
- CHICKEN MAN: Come on, Sully.
- Oh, okay, okay. I'm coming.
CHICKEN MAN: Hey, Frank!
What d'you think? Think Ali
got this one here in the bag?
- Or you think the fix is in?
- One punch can change everything.
Yeah, I know you're right on that one.
Hey, Frank! Frank!
Do me a favor, man. I gotta
have you meet somebody.
Good friend of mine.
Come on in. Come here.
Hey, Frank. Really,
really good friend of mine.
This is my man here. Uh, Sullivan Coles.
He work down at the State
Department for Senator Leroy Johnson.
- I'm the chief of staff
- CHICKEN MAN: Mmm-hmm.
- for Senator Leroy Johnson.
- Yeah.
I take care of everything he need.
Whatever he need, I can get it.
Now, Frank, Frank,
what he mean by that is,
this man damn near basically
running that whole department.
You need it, he can get it. I'm
talking sanitation, public safety
You need things, uh Uh, what is it?
Uh, real estate zoning. This your man.
- What's that department, Sully? What is it?
- Uh, it's the
- CHICKEN MAN: Come on now.
- Zoning and Development Department.
You the man in Zoning and Development?
Well, me and you need to rap.
I'm having some issues with them.
- Maybe you can help me.
- I'm Sully.
And I work for Senator Johnson.
- CHICKEN MAN: Yeah, he do.
- SULLY: And you know what?
- He is the first Black senator
- Yeah.
- in the State House
- Since Reconstruction! Yes!
- CHICKEN MAN: Frank know all that shit!
CHICKEN MAN: Frank, Frank!
I'm the man that can connect you
to whatever, whenever, you hear me?
A man like myself is doing
a lot of moving in this town,
which means I've got to have my fingers
in all types of pies, you understand me?
- SULLY: There he go! Senator Johnson!
- CHICKEN MAN: Hold on.
- Senator Johnson!
- Hey, come on.
LEROY: Hey, Sully, look at you!
You got your fancy threads on.
You got your front row seats.
This man been with me for 10 years,
I ain't never seen him
look this sharp. Whoo!
- Ain't I clean?
- You are clean.
Oh, uh, this here is
Frank, and he's a good man.
Frank Moten. Pleasure
to meet you, Senator.
Oh, the pleasure's all mine.
The pleasure's all mine, Frank.
- What's going on, Senator?
- Hey Oh, oh! I know you.
- What
- I know you!
- You got that funny nickname, what is it, um
- Come on.
- Barbecue Jones? That's what he is, Barbecue Jones!
- No, come on now. No, no.
Hey, hey, he always getting me mixed.
- No, it's Chicken Man. You know that.
- Oh, I see this man
down at the State House more
than I see the damn Governor!
Got his fingers in all
of my staff's pockets.
Hey, come on now. Frank,
what I tell you now?
Got to have your fingers in
all types of pies. You hear me?
- That's what I'm tryin' to do for you, Frank.
Oh, shit! My good I got to go.
Oh, shit, I got to get back.
Frank, very nice to meet you.
- See you again.
- LEROY: Yes, sir.
- Look, I'll connect y'all, Frank.
- Please do.
- I'll get y'all together.
- LEROY: Please do.
Sully, I'm gonna see you first
thing Monday morning, okay?
- Yes, sir.
- Yep.
- CHICKEN MAN: Frank, let me tell you something
- You know what? Real quick.
I want y'all to take care of my man
Sully. Let me tell you something.
This is the best damn janitor
in the whole state of Georgia.
Right? Oh, I see the pin.
- (LAUGHS) See you, Sully.
Time to go.
ANNOUNCER: Round two is in the books.
Quarry appears a little
worse for the wear,
with redness and a little swelling
beneath both eyes and around his nose.
MAN 1: You good, Champ?
Hmm? Hmm? You good?
MAN 2: Listen, get inside
his jab and you got this.
Keep playing around with this
brute, and it's good night.
COMMENTATOR: If Ali doesn't start
putting together some good rounds,
he's going to lose this, his
first fight in three years.
Whoa! Yeah!
a big left from Quarry.
It staggers Ali.
The former champion is stunned.
Let's go! Get him! Get him!
COMMENTATOR: Referee is not moving in.
There is no standing eight count,
but Ali is hurt. He is really hurt.
COMMENTATOR: Ali is in the corner now,
and it's not looking good for the Champ.
Dance. Dance!
COMMENTATOR: Ali's jab is like a piston.
His best weapon all night against
the shorter fighter in Quarry.
Really picking up here in round three.
Do your dance!
MAN: Come on, Quarry!
COMMENTATOR: Ali is starting
to show some of the skills
we've known so well in the past.
Come on, man! Come on!
Get him.
Get him, get him.
Get him, get him, get him.
Get him.
Let's go, Champ! Let's go, Champ!
COMMENTATOR: There goes the
bell, closing out round three.
I got you now, man!
- COMMENTATOR: Jerry Quarry retreating to his corner.
- Get off me!
MAN ON RADIO: Quarry's gonna
need help with that cut.
It looks like a bad one.
The ref is calling for the doctor.
That's a bad cut. A bloody one.
This could be it for him.
- They're taking a close look.
- ALI: He's done, man.
Come on.
- It's over. It's over.
- ALI: Come on!
MAN ON RADIO: And that's
it. The referee has signaled
the fight is over.
- Muhammad Ali has won
by a technical knockout
at the end of the third round.
The former Champ is back!
Ali! Ali! Ali! Ali!
Ali! Ali! Ali! Ali!
ALI: Man, I'll tell you
I don't know what I was waiting
for, but it wasn't that punchline.
Right, yeah. Hey, I tried.
But I mean it, guys.
Frazier's next, Angie.
- BUNDINI: Yes, sir.
- ALI: I'll fight him on Peachtree Street.
I'll fight him at the Hyatt.
Actually, from now on,
all Muhammad Ali's fights
is happening in Atlanta.
- How you feel about that?
- BUNDINI: Yes, sir, fine by me.
- These foxy women out here, man!
- What a night.
ALI: Well, let me introduce you to some.
I get to tell my grandkids I
walked Muhammad Ali to the ring.
You all right, boss?
Just thinking about
high school, (SCOFFS)
of all things.
Grady High School football team.
It was good. Yeah. It was a powerhouse.
We wasn't no slouches
over in Washington,
but Grady was an
all-white school back then,
so they wasn't on our schedule,
we really couldn't test 'em.
Until one day, junior year,
somebody had the bright idea
of putting a scrimmage together.
Mostly supposed to be
a tune-up game for them.
Well, we tuned 'em up, all right.
Ran those boys up and down that
field like they stole somethin'.
Our folks in those stands were so happy.
They were so proud.
I mean, they really couldn't
show it back then, but
you could see it in their eyes.
You could feel it, you know?
ROMEL: Mmm-hmm.
And that second half rolled around,
them refs found their whistle, started
throwing flags on damn near every play.
Holding, offside
Whatever. They was making
shit up as they went.
Turned the damn scoreboard off.
By the end of the
game, you know, we lost.
That's what they said anyway.
They wasn't never gonna let
us have that taste of victory.
I never
I never imagined how much
that might have meant.
'Til this moment, right here.
HANDLER: Let's all
get a picture here now.
- ALI: Now look, I was sayin' to somebody
Why don't you go and make sure
they're ready to go, Romel?
I I'm gonna be right behind you.
ROMEL: Yes, sir.
ROMEL: Hey, Champ. Think
we best get out of here.
ALI: Yes, sir.
- Yeah, should I follow you?
ALI: You gotta take me someplace
to get something to eat, though.
ROMEL: Oh, y'know, we got
plenty of spots in Atlanta.
- ALI: They got good food?
- ROMEL: Oh, we got good food.
ALI: All right. I heard the
wings is good, 'cause I'm hungry.
ROMEL: We got wings, we got thighs,
- we got legs, we got
- ALI: Anything. Whatever they got
Cock-a-doodle-doo, Chicken Man.
Let's take a ride.
CHICKEN MAN: Hey, if I-if I
could take a second to just
- Now, hold on, hold on, man. Listen, listen, man.
- LAMAR: Get yo ass up.
If I can just explain,
then you'd understand.
Let me say what I gotta say and
you'll see I ain't meant no harm.
- I ain't meant no harm or nothing, now!
- Sit down, nigga.
You know, when I was a kid,
I used to get such a kick
when my mama'd get ready
to kill one of them yard
birds for our supper.
She'd grab it by the neck,
and swing it around her
head like a helicopter,
to pop its neck.
And then, us kids, we'd just watch
as this broke-neck
bird run around the yard
with its head hanging off its neck.
It would go (IMITATING
That's the same shit that's about
to happen to your ass, nigga.
CHICKEN MAN: Oh, shit, Javi.
What'd you do, man? Oh, shit, Javi.
What the hell you do? Huh?
What the fuck you done did, man?
What'd you do, huh? What'd you do?
This man was gonna rob us, Chicken.
Just gangster half the
money from my party.
Even when he found out
the party was for me,
he still talked all slick
out the side of his neck,
trying to send a message to old Frank.
long way from New York, Frank."
See, motherfuckers like this,
they never give up, do you, Javi?
- JAVIER: (MUFFLED) Fuck you!
- Stealin' from me.
Lyin' to me.
A man in my position
just can't have that.
(IN SPANISH) Burn in hell, bitch.
Fuck! Shit, man.
- Ooh, good shot.
- FRANK: Shit!
Your turn, Mr. Yardbird.
(SOBBING) Come on, man.
While you was running your little
hustle with your janitor friend,
what did you think was
gonna happen tomorrow?
When we found out that
you was 100% bullshit.
Ain't nobody bullshit, man.
I've been trying to get to
you to bend your ear, man.
That's all I've been trying
to do. I'm just trying to
I'm trying to bend your ear.
I'm trying to get to you, and,
and, and get a second with you, man.
Get a second with you
to give you my pitch.
That's all I'm trying to do, Frank.
All right, go ahead.
Make your pitch.
Throw your best shit.
I see Atlanta as a Black Vegas.
I know everybody else look at
us as a goddamn country town
that ain't worth the da
damn dirt that we standing on.
I don't see it like
that, I see greatness.
'Cause we got something to say.
See, Atlanta niggas got a vision.
Just like you, Frank.
And all I want, all I want is to
be of service to your vision, man.
I want to be your man. I want
to be your guy on the ground.
I want to work. I wanna work for you.
Got something you
needed done? I'll do it.
I can get it done. You
need a a building permit?
Well, guess what, Frank? My aunt
know the goddamn city supervisor,
'cause she used to be
a babysitter for him.
You want a liquor
license? Well, guess what?
Alvin Harris and his driver
I play pool with his
driver on Wednesday.
- I know folk.
You hear me? I know folk.
What I'm trying to say to
you is I collect them, man.
I collect them like I collect numbers.
Black Vegas.
No, no, no, no, see
- Come on, come on, man. (GRUNTS)
- Get up, nigga.
- Come on.
- CADILLAC: Supper time.
You know, I I see
Atlanta as a Black Mecca.
An empire.
Like the Mali Empire in Africa.
We take back our land.
The 40 million acres and
all the goddamn mules.
We build our houses,
we build our businesses,
put Black folk in seats of power.
Mayor's office, courts, police.
We start our own TV stations,
our own radio stations.
We build movie studios bigger,
realer and blacker than Hollywood.
But most importantly,
we build Black wealth.
With Black money.
And we become kings.
Like Mansa Musa.
The richest man that ever lived.
See, I feel like letting my hair down.
Shit, my hair already down.
So, so where the hotspot at, man?
I want to slip into something moist.
I want to do something
a little more private.
Your town? So where are we going?
I think I know a place.
know I know a place.
CHICKEN MAN: I got you, Mr. Moten.
- FRANK: Where we going?
- Uh, we gonna go right up here.
Uh, just a couple of
houses up to the left.
- FRANK: All right.
- Watch yourself.
I got you.
Go on. Hey, come on.
- This it right here.
- WOMAN: Hey, baby.
- FRANK: Oh!
- Ready to have some fun? All right then.
- Of course.
- CHICKEN MAN: Yeah, yeah, yeah, right this way.
- Let's go, let's go!
Watch your step, Mr. Moten.
You can love me when
you want to, babe ♪
This is such a groovy party, baby ♪
Fresh fish on the line.
Everybody's swingin' ♪
This is such a groovy place ♪
Okay. That go for you and all your boys.
FRANK: All right, all right, ladies.
CHICKEN MAN: Hey, now.
- Hey, baby. What's goin' on? Where everybody at?
- MAXINE: Hey, baby.
- We early?
- No, they here.
- Huh?
- They here, baby.
FRANK: Now, this don't feel
like no motherfuckin' party.
- CHICKEN: Hold on, hold on now. I guarantee
MCKINLEY: This is a fucking robbery!
Move and you're fucking dead!
Now hold on, nigga, now wait a minute!
- Get on the ground!
- Get down, baby, get down.
- MCKINLEY: You too, motherfucker, on the ground!
- It's okay, Daddy Long Stroke.
CHICKEN MAN: Hey, hey, listen
to me now. Hey, okay! All right.
- All right. Settle down.
- All the way down.
this about a bitch!
Further down.
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