Finding Ola (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Finding a plan for what is to come.

Is he looking younger
and hotter or am I just imagining things?
-Sorry I kept you waiting.
-No problem.
We had an issue, the system is down.
Anyway, we closed the joint bank account
and put Hisham's address in the system,
and opened a new account for Ola,
for monthly child support payments.
You did all that with the system down?
You're quite the miracle worker, Soha.
Always on top of it.
Not at all. This is just routine.
We deal with alimony and divorce
settlements all the time.
-And you've kept it pretty civil.
-And since Ola stays at home
and all her time is dedicated to the kids,
I also offered to pay
monthly alimony to her.
I mean, if she wants,
I'm more than happy to.
I told you I won't take your money
for looking after my own kids.
You can pay child support,
and that's the end of it.
But how will you afford that?
-I'll get a job.
-What are you talking about, Ola?
There's no entry level jobs.
How many times did I tell you?
Keep on working, don't quit.
He may be my cousin,
but no man is worth that.
Right. You were right.
Where do we sign? I have to go.
Are you coming to the dinner
at Rana and Sherif's?
Sorry, my bad. I didn't mean
I just I'm still not used
to the two of you being divorced.
Me neither.
Rana invited me,
it was nice of her, but
I can't make it.
Think he chased after me
because he's sorry about everything
and wants to get back together?
Nope, guess again.
-What now?
-Why won't Nadia pick up when I call?
Is she all right?
Yeah, she's fine.
It's just a lot to process.
How about you?
I'm still processing too.
You're really gonna work?
Yes, I'm getting a job.
You don't believe me?
The kids are in school now. I've been
just as bored as you, stuck at home.
So why not go after it? Or are you
the only one allowed to have a career?
-I didn't mean it that way.
Just, when it came to the house and kids,
you're used to doing everything yourself.
Now you'll need someone to help out.
Do you want me to find someone?
You don't get it.
Did I complain to you?
Have I ever complained to you?
Nice outfit, by the way.
-Thank you, Ola.
-Mm. I'll see you tomorrow morning at ten
in Sherif's office
for Salim's first session.
-First thing. No excuses!
-I know, I know!
-And don't be late, Hisham.
-Okay, I won't.
And you know what?
I think I will come tonight.
I screwed myself, didn't I?
Hey! It's rude to stare.
Hi, everybody.
Perfect timing.
-Have a good day? Mm?
-Mm-hm. Mm-hm.
What are you looking for, Salim?
No, Salim, put it away!
-We talked about your screen time. No.
-Mom, please, just five minutes?
-Just five minutes!
Did you meet with Dad today?
Uh-huh. We met each other today,
and it actually went super smooth.
We basically agreed on everything,
it was great. And he
he sent a big hug,
and asks you to call when you're ready.
-I wasn't asking how he's doing.
I just want to know how you're feeling.
Are you okay?
I'm okay. I'm good.
And I'm the mom here. I worry about you,
not the other way around.
I'm not lying. I'm being optimistic
and skipping the hard part.
'Cause I will be fine one day.
So, uhh by the way
uh I'll be signing you both up
for the school bus.
I don't think I'll have time
to drive you around when I start working.
-What are you gonna do?
-Not sure.
-What, are you serious?
How am I supposed
to come to your house, then?
Zeina, honey, I was not your mother
last time I checked.
I don't know! You should get your dad
to sign you up for the school bus too!
Of course, when you start working,
Grandma will move into my room.
And I'll be the one who's gonna have
to deal with her TV on full blast
and the smell of that oil she cooks with.
Mommy, please don't do this to me.
That's enough!
What did I tell you? It doesn't
matter if your mom dies or gets divorced.
-We're the ones who suffer.
-I heard that, Zeina!
But Shukreyya's recipe
is totally different!
We watch all these shows, and at the end
of the day,
-we still make spaghetti and meatballs.
-flour to thicken the soup.
-I like to toast the flour with butter.
-I don't add the stock right away
-Honey, didn't anyone teach you
it's rude to open someone else's fridge?
-Make sure you keep stirring the roux
-No, Soheir. No one ever did.
My poor mother died
before she had the chance.
-Now, time to add the stock
What part of "vegan" don't you understand,
Grandma Soheir?
-and consistency
-Sorry, what did you say, honey?
-Spoon in the stock
-I said I'm glad you're here, Grandma.
Thanks. Now, relax and enjoy it, because
I'll be sticking around for a while.
Great! More Instagram material for me!
Why can't I ever understand
a word you say?
So, Ola, tell me.
-Did you see Hisham? How did he look?
-Starving? Like he's falling apart?
-No, not at all, actually.
He looked healthier, younger
and better looking.
-Oh my God! Are you serious?
You idiot. I bet you
that there's another woman.
-for a few hours
-Oh, honey, I can't believe it.
This is terrible! He's marrying someone
else, after all these years you gave him?
And now your kids will have a wicked
-torturing them.
-Shhh! Shhh!
Poor things.
I just want to know why,
why, why would he do this?
I don't know, Mom. Can you drop it?
I don't have the energy
to care anymore at this point.
And honestly, he's being more than civil.
He basically offered to take care
of everything for the kids.
All their expenses.
What about us?
-Remember to season carefully.
-What about us?
-You can put salt in
-Our expenses.
-but you can't take it back.
-Who'll pay those?
-a salty ingredient, okay?
So, I added just a little cayenne
Well, you have your pension, don't you?
And the money Hazem sends you every month,
from Dubai.
I'll be fine, I can support myself.
I have a plan.
I'll work.
Oh, dear!
But if you're going back to work,
you'll need me to move in for good,
-to help take care of the house and kids.
-What? Say no!
I don't know,,
I don't think it's a great idea
to have you move in permanently.
I love having you here, Mom!
Of course you'll stay.
It's a no-brainer. How would I be able
to take care of the kids
if I didn't have you to help?
Mommy! Daddy's calling!
-Thank you so much, Doctor!
-No problem.
God bless you. I mean it, I mean it.
Don't worry, I've got you covered.
I'm your eyes and ears here, huh?
You can go now.
How have you been?
I'm fine. Can I ride it?
Are you kidding?
Your mother would kill me.
But I wanna ride it!
Put your foot there, like that.
Your foot can barely reach!
-And right here.
-That's not true, look!
Did you think it would be that easy
to get rid of me? I miss you.
-How about we go get dinner somewhere?
-No, we can't.
Grandma's making dinner.
She wouldn't let us go out.
And there's three of us,
so we wouldn't fit on your bike.
All right, smartypants.
Okay, but remember.
You're spending next weekend at my place.
-Are our rooms ready?
He's already got your rooms set up? Hmm.
You know what, Nounou?
This'll be the first time
we sleep in different houses.
Okay. All right.
Black or beige?
Mommy, are you sure you really wanna
put yourself in this position?
Hmm. Well, I'm not letting him
take my friends from me.
None of them have called you,
or even checked in.
When you grow up a little,
you're gonna stop being so quick to judge.
Maybe they feel awkward. Or weird.
They don't know how to deal
with this whole thing either.
And your father as well, dear.
You need to cut him some slack.
Because you're his daughter.
Not his wife or his ex-wife.
Nadia, I know I probably shouldn't
be this honest.
But I also know you're mature enough.
You'll understand.
Your dad didn't leave the family.
The only one he left was me.
Sure, I'm glad you're teaching him
a lesson. Let him suffer.
But not for very long. Okay?
What is that? Ola's Miracle Cream?
That's the last of it.
I didn't have time to buy them a gift,
so I'm going to take the
I'm giving them this batch.
Why don't you make a new batch
when you have some time?
Maybe something for me and Zeina.
-Like an acne cream.
Right. I'm sorry, I know
you girls have been waiting for so long.
I just haven't been in the mood.
-Is this okay?
-You don't think it's too much?
Yeah! How are you?
The bike's great.
-I try not to take it on the freeway.
-Absolutely right.
-Tarek, I made this for you.
-I love that.
-Cheese with tomatoes, the way you like!
You have to try this chicken.
I don't usually make it,
-but it's a special occasion.
-This fish pasta is delicious.
-You want some? It's so good.
-It's so nice to be back.
-Little more.
-How are you?
-I haven't seen you in a long time.
-Oh, good.
-Good for you, really.
I'm so impressed that you came.
-Have you met Ola over there?
-Hmm? Mm-mm.
She's married to Hisham. Oh
I mean she was married to Hisham.
-I'll get used to it, eventually!
Tarek Zohni. You've definitely heard of
him. He used to work with me at the bank.
He's one of the most famous
business coaches in the Middle East.
-Dawarli, Zoomi, Tayara,
-all these startups
-You haven't changed a bit, Soha!
-You always loved to exaggerate.
-Okay, a little.
-But those startups have worked with him.
-Hi, Ola.
Nice to meet you, Tarek.
That's very impressive.
Why don't we see him more often?
You never invited him.
-I live in Dubai.
It's just a short visit, a recharge.
And I missed my mom's cooking.
I haven't seen her in ages,
by the way.
You should come by.
How have you been doing, Ola?
Oh, I'm doing pretty well, thanks.
The kids, the house
Nothing new.
Mm That's not true.
Didn't you say you have a plan
to go back to work?
-That's right.
-What plan?
The Miracle Cream.
Yes! Right!
It's my Miracle Cream.
-So, um
-those creams you make for us sometimes?
-To sell?
-Yup, that's the plan.
Mmm I mean
That's a hard job, Ola.
It's for someone who wants
to work full-time.
Who doesn't use their kids
as an excuse to avoid work.
-Stop what?
-You're not funny.
-Not funny at all.
Ignore everything she said.
In one ear, right out the other.
You know, if Bill Gates had listened
to Soha before starting Microsoft
he'd be selling hot dogs and pretzels
on the New York sidewalks.
Nice one!
-What's with you? I'm telling the truth.
-Did you have to embarrass her?
Completely unnecessary.
-The food was amazing, Rana.
-I'm glad you liked it, Tarek.
I ate nothing but cheese.
Any time.
Tell me about your home-made skincare.
-What is it that sets it apart?
You're really interested?
Why not?
Well, you see,
I was originally a pharmacist.
But when I had my first baby,
I quit my job.
Then my daughter started getting
Our daughter.
She started getting rashes
and eczema when she was a baby,
and we tried everything,
but none of it worked.
Then I started worrying
about all the chemicals
in the store-bought stuff we used,
because she was so young.
So, I decided to try this ancient Egyptian
treatment I found out about in college.
It worked! Like magic.
So I started playing around at home with
different ingredients and formulations,
and the results were amazing
every time, right?
Yeah, I remember,
I tried a bunch of your creams.
I've been thinking about doing this
for ages, actrually.
But then I had Salim,
and somehow I forgot about it.
But now I'm ready. Mmm.
And I'm ready.
To offer you free coaching.
-But I don't waste time.
You've wasted enough time already.
-You're being serious?
Well, that was fast.
You must have a lot of spare time
if you jump in on small projects
so quickly.
You know, every single project
starts out small, Hisham.
When I find a small project I like,
I help it grow.
There any ice?
-You got it.
Tarek Zohni is just amazing.
His charisma sold me the project
in, like, three sentences.
You're the one who's amazing.
Two cubes, please.
And that's what I call poetic justice.
Hi, baby!
Some doctors treat ADHD with medication.
Personally, I'm not a fan.
Neither are we.
I mean, neither am I. Neither am I.
Plan B will be trickier.
I'll need to see him more often,
since we'll use CBT.
-What the hell does CBT mean?
It means cognitive behavioral therapy.
See, Salim feels as if the virtual world
he escapes to
is better than his current reality,
more interesting.
That's why I believe that we need to make
reality desirable for him again.
He needs to be more involved
in your lives, emotionally.
You two might be divorced,
but you can still share your daily
ups and downs with your children.
It's a bit late for that now,
don't you think, Sherif?
-And his online gaming?
-We'll reduce it to two hours a week.
-Maybe three if his grades improve.
And you two hold on to his consoles
the rest of the time.
Ola, you should go and see Selim when
he's at Hisham's, to get some context.
And so Salim doesn't get the impression
you ran away from him.
-Is that an issue for you two?
-Of course not, it's fine.
-Not at all.
I would do anything for my son.
Just what I need.
-It's not like you have it.
There you go. And count your change, okay?
I'm so glad I've never had kids,
and God knows I never will.
-A disorder? Poor baby!
-Shut up, Nesrine, it's not funny.
Stop exaggerating all this.
But isn't Hisham
supposed to be a psychiatrist?
How come he didn't diagnose this sooner?
I suppose
we were both too wrapped up
in our stupid selves to notice it.
-Hisham was right.
-Read my lips.
You never admit that a man was right.
Never, no matter what! You got that, Ola?
But listen, that's not the reason
why I wanted to see you.
-It's because I have some good news.
-What is it? Tell me!
I'm gonna sell the skincare
that I've been making at home.
Make it a real business.
Get out!
-Good for you! That's amazing.
-Did you make a business plan?
Not yet.
But last night at a dinner party,
I met this guy named Tarek Zohni.
And he told me he wants to help me grow.
-Tarek Zohni?
The Tarek Zohni?
You just, like, met him
at dinner or something?
You know who he is?
He's really that famous? And that good?
Of course he's good! I follow him
everywhere, all his social media.
But his courses are crazy expensive!
I don't know anything about classes,
he just said he'd help for free.
For free? Tarek Zohni's
going to help you for free? Uh-huh.
He must be flirting with you!
Oooh! And Hisham had to sit there
and watch everything?
Damn it! How could I have missed all this?
Ooh, I wish I was there too!
Tarek Zohni was definitely not
flirting with me.
Look at me, what is there to flirt with?
Don't be ridiculous!
Of course he wants to flirt with you!
A beautiful woman,
who's divorced and already has kids,
so you're not looking for anything
serious, you just want to have fun.
The perfect woman.
Of course he wants to flirt with you.
Maybe you're right,
but my radar's totally off.
I've been out of the game
so long I've gotten rusty.
I was so confused.
I couldn't tell what he wants from me.
Damn! I can't believe this.
-I'll be late for our first meeting.
I don't have time to drop off Salim!
Can you take him home?
I can't believe you.
-Here's what I can do.
Since Tarek Zohni really believes
in what you have to offer
and the great potential
that might be in your project,
I'd like to invest, be your partner.
-Are you serious?
-I swear to God.
-For real?
But because you trust him,
not because you believe in my potential?
What's the return on potential?
I need guarantees, contracts, money.
Keep your potential for yourself.
And I'm not interested
in the value of sacrifice either.
Haven't you sacrificed enough
for your husband?
You gave everything up, even me.
And what are you left with?
What did you get?
Go help Salim before he drops something.
I'm coming, baby!
-Uh Hi. I'm sorry!
-Next time you're late, you won't find me.
Yes, I'm sorry.
I just had a thing with my son,
-I didn't have time to drop him
-Not my problem.
Hi. Tarek Zohni. What's your name?
-Nice to meet you, Selim.
Salim, fine. Look.
This is a business meeting.
Mommy wasn't supposed
to bring you with her.
So you're gonna walk behind us, okay?
It's okay, baby. Just stay behind us.
I want you to take a good look around.
Pay attention. Check out every store.
Every detail's important to us.
I want it all etched in your brain.
Uh, I Hmm.
Good evening, how are you today?
Doing well, thank you for asking!
-Always good to see you, Tarek!
-You too, Saeed.
God bless you, not like you need it.
-I bet you're wondering
why I brought you here.
-You're right.
-I have an important question for you.
What's the difference between
your clientele and Saeed's?
Consider that he has cheaper products,
and his clients are loyal.
The difference is that I
The difference is that
all of my products are precise
scientific formulations, and tested.
I mean, I know the potency
of every oil and active ingedient.
If, uhSaeed?
And if Saeed ends up using
a little too much lemon essence,
or a little too much cinnamon,
or not enough yeast,
then the whole compound is useless,
or could even trigger the reverse effect.
Most women don't have the time
to come all the way here
and pick out oils and botanicals
-to mix themselves.
-Very good.
-I'm saving them time too.
So that means
most of your clients are women
-who appreciate science.
Who want organic products
for their whole family.
-Right, yeah.
So, your homework for next time
is to start a focus group.
Don't use any of your friends
or family in the group.
They can't help. You need to find women
who don't really like you,
that you don't like either.
Got it? Those opinions matter.
I know where to find these women.
Have your homework done
for our next meeting.
-Start thinking of a name for the brand.
Something short
and easy to remember in every language.
-Mm. Mm.
-And personal.
So people connect to it right away.
Personal. Okay. Personal.
That color looks good on you.
-Really good.
-No doubt, that is your color.
Sometimes, you remind me of the phoenix.
The the what?
The phoenix. The bird.
It dies, then rises from the ashes reborn.
Oh, and next time,
you'll introduce me to your suppliers.
I need to know
where you get your raw materials from.
Okay. See you next time.
It was very nice to meet you.
What happened?
What did you do to yourself, hmm?
Who could it be at this hour?
Ah! Mom! Wait, I'll get it!
That's Nesrine. I'll get it.
-Your old friend, that Nesrine?
-The obnoxious one I always hated? Oh God!
-She'll hear you!
-With her huge frizzy hair!
She always looked crazy.
Hello, darling! How are you doing?
-Soheir, hi!
-Good to see you, sweetie.
-You look great!
-Look at her beautiful hair!
-How's everything?
-Good. You?
-How are you doing, honey?
-I'm fine!
Good. So sorry for being under-dressed.
-I mean, I wasn't expecting anyone
Nesrine is my business partner now, Mom.
Congratulations, honey! How exciting.
Welcome, dear, good to see you. Welcome.
-Hi, ma'am!
Come here.
I'm Nadia.
Hi, Nadia! Don't you dare call me ma'am.
I'm not that old.
You're kidding, she's already a grown up.
Call me Sue.
And FYI, I'm cooler than you
and the rest of your family.
Especially Hisham!
What's my name?
-You guys need a little fun in this house.
-No, we need a man in this house.
That's me!
And this is Leemo,
whom you've already met.
How are you, Selim?
Salim! What's up, Salim? Salim!
So, what's going on? What's the emergency?
We need your help
finding a name for the company.
-Tell us, what have you got so far, Nadia?
-There's, uh
Pardon? What?
Nefertem! Nefertem!
He's an ancient Egyptian god
who brought the dead back to life
using the fragrance of fresh flowers.
-Like us, he's the creator of beauty.
We're not doing that.
Why name our brand after a male god?
-Ola, seriously.
-Okay, we'll find a goddess instead.
But right now, I can't stop to think.
I need to make a big batch
of the Miracle Cream for the focus group.
And Salim needs to study
because he has an exam tomorrow,
and Nadia's busy
with the school play
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. It's okay.
Now breathe. Easy, that's it
-Just relax.
-Yeah, yeah.
-Are you an actress, Nounou?
-I'm helping with the set design.
-I'm not going to perform.
Dream big, just like your mom, right?
And who are gonna be the unsuspecting
guinea pigs of your focus group?
-My besties.
The mom group.
Now watch and learn. Hmm?
-It's work.
Hi, ladies!
First of all, I wanted to thank you
for letting me back in the WhatsApp group.
So I got you a little thank you gift.
An amazing new product
that just came in from Dubai.
My brother sent me some samples.
It's not even available here yet.
It's an anti wrinkle cream.
Everyone who's tried it
stopped using Botox completely!
I tell you, this cream has the same effect
of Botox, for a tenth of the price!
If you're interested, let me know and I'll
bring some tomorrow at school drop-off.
That won't work.
This is so embarrassing!
Trust me. I said three little magic words.
and gift.
-I have to tell you something.
-Tell me!
I'm starting to think that Tarek Zohni
might really be flirting with me.
Now, hold on a second.
You think he is or you know he is?
You need to answer carefully.
If you know he's flirting, then this is
all an elaborate plan to get you in bed,
which means
he doesn't care about your idea.
If so, I only have one choice,
take my money and go home.
-So, do you think, or do you know?
Are you for real?
-Can you even hear what you're saying?
I told you this, my radar is rusty.
I don't know.
-I don't know if it's a fact or feeling
-I'm sorry. I get it.
-So you're feeling it? Feeling something?
So where did that feeling come from?
Did he say something?
I was wearing something pretty boring,
and he said,
"That color looks good on you.
It's is your color."
-"It's your color."
Excuse me?
-"That's your color."
-"That's your color?"
Seriously? What's wrong with you?
I thought he asked you out
-or sent a dirty joke, at least.
-It was a dirty joke, then?
Okay. Did he say something else?
He called me a phoenix.
A phoenix?
A phoenix.
You know, the
-He called you a
He did?
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
-Enough, Ola. I'm leaving. Good night.
I'll go this way so I don't see
your mother. You guys are too much.
-I'm jumping off the balcony to get away.
-Where are you going?
Why do you wanna jump?
The door is right there.
-Hi, Zeina!
-Good morning.
-Hi, Nadia.
-Bye. Bye.
-Bye. Good luck.
-Bye. Concentrate, Salim!
Wait for me!
I'm glad I bumped into you.
Marwan, I've been wanting to apologize
for what happened on parents' day.
I'm really sorry.
Zeina must have told you that
-me and Hisham are getting separated.
-No need to apologize.
I wanted to check in with you and see
-if Zeina's staying over too often.
-No way. Come on, Zeina?
-I can tell her to spend time at home.
-She's like my second daughter!
She just likes your place
more than her grandma's.
We love having her. She's got so much
energy, she brightens the place up.
It's just what we need, especially Nadia.
Please, tell her to come by any time.
Actually, I was thinking
Let me see, are they here yet?
I was thinking we should sign the kids up
to take the school bus.
I just started a new business,
so I won't have time to drop them off
and pick them up anymore.
Here, let me show you.
This is my Miracle Cream.
-It's organic, natural
chemical-free, 100% home-made, Egyptian.
-And I'm trying to
-Hi, Ola!
-Hi! Hi!
-How are you? Is this it?
-Yes, here it is, just like I promised.
Ola wants to get back on our good side.
She's bribing us with expensive skincare,
fresh from Dubai!
Ahhhh! Dubai. Dubai!
I've actually heard a lot about it.
-Mm. Really!
-They say it'll revolutionize cosmetics.
Something about how it's very pure.
That's lovely to hear!
I have to run to the hospital.
Come on! Show us!
Okay, all right. Let me show you here.
It's obviously not labeled yet,
because it's still in trial phase,
and the brand wants to make sure
no one steals the formula.
They need the right kind of women,
with taste, to try the product
and help promote it before the launch.
I told them you'd be perfect.
-You guys are lucky, so lucky.
And all you need to do, all you need to do
is to fill out these surveys
after you've tried the moisturizer
-and the hand cream.
I put samples of both in there.
So bring back the surveys tomorrow.
-Well, so
-I finally signed up Salim for soccer.
-What? No way! That's great to hear.
Keep this up,
we'll have to make you admin of the group.
Me, an admin already?
I don't believe it.
-Of course!
-I'm not worthy.
-Don't say that. Bye!
-Okay, bye!
-Have a lovely day.
-See you!
-That's better, right?
-Yes, but
-And what's this?
Huh? Go, Leemo! Where is he?
-Can you see him? Why are you cheering?
-Pass the ball!
He can hear me.
Good job, Leemo! Whooo!
-Cover him!
-Faster! Move it!
Hey, sir! He's moving!
Besides, his name is Salim, not Selim!
We don't know him.
We can't make him say it.
-He needs to say it right.
-I don't like this coach.
-Come here!
-Maybe another one.
I want you to play goalkeeper,
so go and change.
Not goalkeeper! Why? Why? Hang on.
Why should he be the goalkeeper?
Let him play a little,
or he'll hate the game!
-Doesn't he hate it already?
Because he makes it pretty clear.
Take my advice and find him
something else to do.
-He asked for it. I'll kick his butt.
-Get back here! Don't walk away!
-No violence! There are moms here!
There's other moms, we're not alone!
-I don't want trouble!
-Did you see how he talked to Salim?
-Please, calm down. I don't want
-Hey, Ola!
-Is this some sick joke?
Look what your fancy moisturizer did
to this poor woman's face! Here.
-No, it couldn't
-Oh my God!
-Look at her! It's your fault!
-See what you did to my face?
There's no way this was caused
by my skincare.
-I can't believe it!
-In Dubai, they only use organic extracts
which never cause allergic reactions,
except in very rare cases
What's this, then? What happened?
Is there any chance
you have a mint allergy?
How should I know? I never even tried it.
You should've done a test patch
on a small area first. I'm sorry.
-What are you talking about?
-We can't be like that.
-I need this, I'll apologize.
Yes. I'm really sorry. I should've told
you all to do an allergy test.
It's my fault. I was just so exhausted.
I'm really sorry.
I promise I'll take care of all of this.
-We'll find a treatment
I told you I don't like soccer!
I really miss nature.
My life has been nothing but numbers.
Thanks for bringing me back to basics.
Oh, you forgot the allergy test.
You need get your priorities straight.
But your business plan is good.
Do you have a name?
Uh I'm not sure.
You think it has to be
an ancient Egyptian name?
No, there are no rules.
-Use your intuition.
Follow your gut feeling.
My what? Gut
Your gut feeling. It's like, uh
"Follow your heart."
-You know this one?
-That one I've heard.
-It's the same.
I'm starting
to recognize everything!
-Starting to?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's it, Um Reham?
Take it, just take it.
Where's the old Um Reham?
What happened to your productivity!
Oh, well.
-All these women Hello.
-Here, Um Reham.
-There's the rest of your pay.
-I'm looking for Um Sayyed.
-Now find a smaller, easier farm to work.
-Um Sayyed
As the old saying goes
-Move your feet, lose your seat!
-How can I find her? Hi.
-I was looking for Um Sayyed
-Who are these people?
-She works here, on the farm.
How come you don't know Um Sayyed? She's
-Excuse me!
-Hi, there.
Right back at you.
A Garden of the Nile.
That's right. Damn, wow!
Sauvage, Dior.
That's right. Impressive.
Excuse me.
-Come here.
-Uh That's
Musk, rose, patchouli, neroli
-Things that should never be mixed.
Oh my God. It's terrible.
It's not working.
Enough! Hurry up,
let's find that woman and get out of here!
Hold on, just a minute. Uh
We're looking for a woman who worked here.
Um Sayyed.
My mom?
Hmm? Uh Mmm.
Ah. My mom
passed away.
Oh, God Almighty! I'm so sorry to hear.
We belong to Allah,
and to Allah we shall return.
Rest in peace.
You probably don't even remember me.
Unless you are Sayyed?
No, I'm Montasser.
Montasser. Okay.
It's nice to meet you, Montasser.
Um, I'm Ola.
I used to come here to buy perfume
and flowers, lotus, roses, jasmine
Did you change your perfume?
Since then, of course!
Then I definitely won't remember.
So how do we, uh What's his name?
-So, Montasser.
We want to buy a bunch of flowers.
Can we do that?
This entire harvest you see before you,
all of it was sold ten years ago in euros.
And here's some advice.
Get some new perfume.
That's a fake one.
Who the hell are you calling fake?
You're so rude!
Try me. Don't get fooled by my style.
I'm from Zefta!
-I'm so scared.
-Try me!
You two are welcome any time, as you knew
my late mother, may she rest in peace.
But every product harvested here is
So, if you two plan to visit us again,
and you want a warm reception,
leave her at home.
-I'll teach
-No, no
-Stop it!
-You're behaving like a child.
-Let me talk to him.
-Go back to the car.
-We'll see you there! Go!
-Exit's that way. Ciao.
I'm so sorry, Montasser. It's just that
what you have here is so special.
and I'll never find anything else like it.
I've looked everywhere. No one even
comes close to what you produce.
I make skincare,
and I brought you a sample,
to show you what we can make right here,
in our own country.
So we can be the ones
to enjoy our local goods.
-Made locally?
-Yes, in Egypt.
It's all local, certified organic,
just like the imported products.
Good texture.
Good consistency.
-Thank you.
I must say, packaging's very cheap.
I mean, we're still
Well, I'd love to help you.
-But my family doesn't own the farm.
My mother sold the farm years ago.
I just work here.
Really? What do you do?
I'm an accountant. Bookkeeper.
-It's temporary.
What's temporary?
Are you buying back the farm?
No, uh
I'm studyiing to become
a professoinal sniffer. Nez.
-A what?
Nose, nariz, schnoz.
I just need a certificate from Grasse,
at the École Supérieure du Parfum.
-Mmm. Wow!
The new owner promised me that
he'd do everything to help me get a visa.
-Well, good luck to you, then! Okay
You're too smart to buy that, Montasser.
-You know the owner will never let you go.
He needs you here.
As long as you stay here,
he's making profit.
He just needs to dangle the dream
in front of you.
That magic visa.
Even though that dream
will never come true.
Exactly how much do you need?
Oh no, you're worth far more than that.
I can find suppliers anywhere.
I'm gonna make you an offer.
Un offre.
I'll be waiting for your call.
This one is clever.
-Now, that's a negotiation!
Not like your friend back there!
-See you soon.
-This is your guy.
-He'll be your partner.
-Who's my partner? Montasser?
Uh, but Nesrine hates him so much.
-Who's Nesrine?
Uh But didn't you see what happened?
How are we gonna tell her?
-There's no "we".
You're going to tell her.
It's your company. None of my business.
You're walking on a tightrope here.
You want the best ingredients
for the lowest price.
-How do you do it?
-Trust me.
Your gut feeling.
Sunglasses off.
-Close your eyes.
-Close your eyes.
-Yeah, yeah.
Feel it.
Sweat equity worth 10%,
And he'll be handling your finances.
Well done.
Oh! I love my job.
-Let's celebrate!
I'm taking you out! Alone!
Uh Huh
Hot, cold, then cold and hot again!
I'll catch pneumonia.
Mom, what are you doing? Stop.
-He won't even notice.
-Grandma Soheir, how are you?
-How are you, dear?
-Is something wrong?
-No, not at all.
Hey! Nadia! I'm so glad you came.
I just came along with them to say hi.
Come on in.
Hey. Congratulations.
It's beautiful.
Actually, this is mostly
-the interior designer's taste.
-Daddy, where's the ball? I want to play!
-Later, buddy.
-Cool! There's a yard!
Interior designer.
Not bad, not bad at all.
Remember, Ola, when you kept asking him
to hire a handyman
to repaint your living room,
and he wouldn't do it?
-Look at him now!
-Of course I remember!
He wanted to save money back then.
But he won't need to do that now,
with his expenses cut in half.
It's very nice. Good for you.
Sit down, sweetie.
Hmm You're clean, too.
There's no dust. Good job.
Hey, why don't we go check out your room?
-Come on.
-Yay! Your new room!
If there's anything you wanna change
in there, just tell me.
-Now's my chance.
-I'm going to snoop.
-No, come on!
-What? Let go of me.
-It's inappropriate! Mom, no!
-Oh, come on.
-I'll just take a look around.
-It's rude!
-I'm just looking.
As if what he did was polite.
Good point.
It's still so clean.
You love a play literally called
"The Miserable Ones."
How could I forget?
For how long are you gonna stay mad at me?
I'm not mad at you, Dad.
I'm mad at the man who married a woman,
had kids, got bored and threw her away.
When I grow up, is that the way
you'd want me to be treated?
No, sweetie, of course not.
Sit down, so we can talk.
You're young and it seems so simple.
But as you grow up, you'll see
that life's not that black and white.
I haven't changed at all.
Some details are different,
but I'm the same on the inside.
The one thing that will never change
is how I feel about you and your brother.
Never forget that.
Sp take your time.
I'll be here.
I got that for myself!
Salim can play when here on weekends.
Letting him play for an hour sometimes
won't do any harm.
Oh! On weekends!
Nadia, honey, please go check on Salim?
What? Hmm?
So, you've decided what roles we'll play,
and everyone's happy?
You'll be the fun cool dad on weekends,
I'll be the monster mom making them
do homework and go to bed on time?
You get to spoil them,
and I'm stuck paying for your actions?
"Make Nadia forgive me
and help Salim!" "Okay!"
On top of starting a business!
And here you are with your PlayStation!
I told you a hundred times,
if you need help, I'll find someone.
If you need money, it's yours.
I'm not psychic!
If you want something,
you have to ask for it!
Well. Why would she need anyone
to help her, Hisham? I'm right here!
And to be totally honest, I don't love
this whole business idea thing either.
Why would you invest all this time
and all this energy
in something so high-risk?
Then case closed, I guess.
You decided it's too high-risk
and I shouldn't work.
I'm done thinking your decisions
are more important than mine.
And I'm done hiding in a corner
instead of living my life.
And my business is going to succeed!
To thrive, Mother! You know why?
'Cause I'm a phoenix!
That's right! My inner voice, right here.
The voice of my intuition.
My gut tells me I'll succeed!
I will succeed!
Let's go! Congratulations again!
On to more pressing matters.
What should we name the brand?
We caused a severe allergic reaction
somehow, and then a public meltdown.
What name is gonna fix that?
You think there was an ancient Egyptian
goddess of allergies?
Or maybe a god of divorce?
I'm not even sure I wanna go through
with this anymore, to be honest.
I just don't want my kids getting used
to not having their mom around, and
You're probably right.
Instead, you should waste
more of your time crying over Hisham.
and spend the insulting amount of money
he throws you every month
on advanced antidepressants.
That's exactly the way to keep your kids
happy and make them proud!
-Isn't that right?
-Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Tarek Zohni would love that!
You'd become the dark spot
on his perfect track record!
-Okay, speaking of Tarek Zohni
-Hold this.
I'm just still so confused., because
He said he's gonna take me out,
and that he wants us to be alone,
that it's a surprise,
and we're gonna celebrate
Is that normal? Is that what people do?
What if my name was Muhammad instead?
What would happen then?
Would he still take me out?
Would he surprise me? Would he
-I'm so confused!
-Why is it such a big deal? Just ask him.
What are you talking about?
Why would I do that?
-Why not?
-What if he says he likes me?
-You go for it! Problem solved.
-Go for it?
-Go for it? What? It's so soon!
I'm barely over my grieving period.
"Go for it"!
I'm just so sick
of this whole game of cat and mouse.
Everything he says, I'm like,
"Did he mean this? Or that?"
And for what? I can't take it anymore!
Marriage, on the other hand,
is so crystal clear!
It's simple.
It's straightforward. Laid out.
Being single is awful!
How do you live like this?
You've got it all wrong.
The long, slow build and all that suspense
is what makes it hot.
-Hmm. Hot?
-What's up?
There's something I wanna tell you,
except I'm scared of you.
-Just spill it. Come on. I'm not that bad.
Remember Montasser?
Who? Who?
He accepted our offer to come on board
with the brand, as a partner.
-Mm-hm. Yeah. He said he's in.
What do you mean? He accepted what?
Who even asked him to begin with?
I did. Me and Tarek.
-We need him. Really.
-Over my dead body.
-Over my dead body, Ola!
-It's not going to happen!
Drop it right now, so I can just eat
in peace! Don't say another word to me!
-Now eat!
Easy to get here?
Uh Oh, I just followed the GPS.
-I have no idea where we are.
-Don't worry. Come on.
These raspberries are from this tree.
Oh. This tree?
-Thanks. Uh Are we
-Are you comfortable like that?
-Then take your shoes off.
-Are you sure?
-Why not? I mean
I'm sorry, I'm just not used to this. I
-I haven't gone out in 13 years.
So, is this what people do now?
That's what we do.
How do you like your meat?
Well done.
-Well done?
Meat should always be eaten rare.
Maybe even medium rare.
Today, you'll try it my way.
Uh Tarek, I'm sorry, but I have to ask
Fire away.
Are you, by any chance
Why did you bring me here?
I read good reviews about the place.
No, seriously,
I I'm actually being serious.
-This is mine. It's my land, you know?
I haven't been here
since I left for Dubai.
-A long time.
Today, we're here because of you.
Right, exactly. I mean, why why
Why did you put all this together for me?
I mean, you invited me to your land,
we're cooking a beautiful dinner.
-Why are you so interested in me, Tarek?
-Because you're an underdog.
I'm a dog?
What's that? What you just said?
Pass me the plates, please?
Hm. Um What does it mean?
Someone who doesn't
stand a chance at succeeding.
And if they succeed it's because of you?
No, it's because I show them
they already have what it takes.
This is yours.
So, you're not attracted to me.
I didn't say that.
Look, seriously, Tarek.
I'm tired of all these mixed signals.
I already have enough on my plate.
And you know perfectly well
what I'm talking about.
You know what your problem is, dear Ola?
You see everything in life
as black and white.
But it's not one or the other.
"Should I stay home with the kids,
or have a career?"
"What does he want?
Is this meeting for business or pleasure?"
Well, you see that's not how it works.
Now that you're back on the field,
you see, it's all about give and receive.
It doesn't need to happen all at once.
I admit it, I did give you mixed signals.
Yeah. You did.
Yes. I'm a man, after all.
And you're a beautiful woman.
But actually,
that's not why I'm here right now.
Maybe some other time
maybe on some other occasion
or another place.
The question is, why are you here?
Hmm? Hmm.
I missed you guys! Mmm!
Really? Not a single phone call?
You were having so much fun
you forgot about me?
I missed you!
Nadia, baby, can you take
the bags to the car, please?
I need a moment to talk to Daddy.
I missed you!
It's unlocked, okay?
I'm sorry, I overreacted the other day.
You're right.
I can't do everything myself,
so we need a few ground rules
we should discuss.
You got it. Okay.
Okay. We need to take turns
driving the kids to school and back.
Okay, but that'll be tough with work.
Fine, we'll sign them up
for the school bus. And you'll pay for it.
-Yep. Not a problem.
Easy peasy!
Well, uh
You can't have all the weekends
to yourself. I want to be fun too.
-You should spend some weekdays with them.
-I will, but I can't help with homework.
-Okay, what about vacations?
-One for me, one for you. Settled.
And maybe sometimes
we can take them out together.
Okay, but without your mother.
Or yours!
Deal. Bye-bye.
I missed you so much, guys!
Now, tell me everything you did
with Daddy. Every detail.
Salim, I bet you spent
the whole night in the pool.
I missed you!
-Ten percent.
-No, five percent.
7.5. Hmm?
Khamas Khamsat?
I think I should congratulate you.
-You just bought yourself a bloodhound.
Thank you, Soheir.
You remind me of my mom so much.
I created the account, guys.
-Now we just need to shoot the video.
-Are you ready?
-Let's do it.
-Yeah! Our first video!
-Go ahead.
Fingers crossed.
I can't believe it!
-Leemo, are you ready?
-God help me!
-I can't do it without you. Stay with me.
It's a commercial for the ointment
she invented.
-We're on.
My name is Ola Abdel Sabour.
I'm a mom, and a pharmacist.
A month ago,
I was leading a totally different life.
What changed in a month?
I got divorced.
And like many women,
I thought my life was over.
But then, I realized
that when a woman gets divorced
there's a part of her that dies, true.
But something new grows in its place.
A part that belongs to her.
And I came alive again,
when I focused on doing
exactly what I love.
Inside every jar, there's
the experience of a pharmacist,
the love of a mom,
and the warmth of a woman.
The products I've been making
at home for years
gave me my second chance.
Because we all deserve a second chance.
And that's why I decided to name my brand
Second Chance.
-So? Was it good?
-Good job!
-That was wonderful!
-Great job!
-He can come out now!
-Good job, sweetie.
That was amazing.
-Good job.
-Really, Mom? You like it?
-You looked beautiful.
-Love you! Good job!
Love you. Thank you, Zeina!
You were amazing!
-Thank you, Zeina!
-That was perfect.
Good job, girl!
-We have creams! We have everything!
Oh, we made a commercial!
-Got some flowers for you, ma'am.
But not from Salim's dad.
How do you know?
Did you read the card already?
You know I can't read, Ma'am. I
You don't need me anymore."
"I'll catch you later
for our second chance."
"Tarek Zohni."
Hmm. Mm-hm.
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