Fingersmith (2005) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

He said he was a member of parliament
so I trusted him.
He told me he wished me to
meet another member.
His member for love.
He locked the door,
I pleaded for my maidenhood, but
The words are common place
but they deserve the frontest piece.
Show them Maud.
The execution for the member of love.
The delicate rendering
of the crimson tip.
I don't have to borrow, very rare.
I had it as a young man,
it was sold in difficultly.
For a shilling.
I would not part with it now
for fifty pounds.
But having slipped the bolt off the door..
A curator of poisons,
as my uncle described himself to me.
I was twelve years old when he began
inoculating me with poison.
Grain by grain, scruple by scruple.
So I should be immune to what I read.
Be his librarian.
And when he lost his sight, his eyes.
So they came together.
The romance might have been
somewhat unusual,
but that gave it all the charm
of the unexpected.
And there, as the red sun tinges the sky,
and the chatter of birds
heralds the coming night,
we must leave them.
You don't care for your uncles subjects?
I'm his secretary, it's a matter of
total indifference to me.
I find it rather curious
to find a lady so cool
and unmoved by something designed
to stir the emotions.
Most ladies in those books and paintings
seem to me to be singularly unmoved by it.
You are very uncommon, Miss Lilly.
So I understand Sir.
Miss Lilly.
Dear Miss Lilly, we need to talk.
It's about your mother's will.
I know nothing of what I read from
those books, Sir.
I've not come for that, Miss Lilly.
I can get that in the street corner.
I'm here to help you.
How much do you think you'll
receive when you marry?
A few hundred.
Forty thousand pounds.
Who told you such nonsense?
You're the talk of the shady book shops
in London and in Paris.
Your readings
and the favors men imagine follow them.
Your uncle is a villain, Miss Lilly!
And you are not?
I came here to seduce you.
Secure your fortune.
But I saw what life has made of you
and I knew it wouldn't work.
To a woman like you
it would be an insult.
Instead I want to free you.
You are very gallant, Mr. Rivers.
Suppose I don't care to be freed.
I think you long for it.
Go please, go!
Good afternoon, Miss Lilly.
Good afternoon, Mr. Rivers.
Will you marry me?
How dare you?
He's lively today, ain't he Mr. Rivers?
Not as lively as me, Charles.
I swear I will not touch you
after the ceremony,
we will go our separate ways.
Why would you do such a thing?
For half your fortune.
I'd tell him his idea was nonsense.
My uncle would pursue me.
Not if he thinks you're in the
mad house he whispers.
But it would not be me who was locked up.
His plan is to install a new maid
a compliant chaperon. A thief
who will think she's cheating me.
Instead, we will cheat her.
She will take with her into the mad house
all the taint of my mothers madness,
my uncles filth,
my very name.
He is right.
I would be free.
I return to London in three days.
I must secure the maid when I go back.
We will never have this chance again!
Will you?
No. It would be foul.
Putting a girl in the mad house.
The girl's despicable, a thief.
She would do it to you.
My uncle will be here at any moment.
You must not open that.
You belong out there!
Not locked up here with this filth!
There was an obstacle to Mr. Rivers plan.
My maid Agnes.
The way he painted that fruit, Miss.
You could eat it.
He has an eye for it.
And for you Miss.
Are you all right, Miss Lilly?
I think she may have twisted her ankle, Sir.
Really, Agnes.
I have not.
Oh well, we must take no
chance of that, Miss Lilly.
It's treacherous ground here.
Allow me to assist you.
I cannot just dismiss Agnes.
Leave it to me.
Agnes, every time that I've looked
into her eyes,
I was thinking of you!
Mr. Way, Mr. Way!
I was shaken by what we had
done to Agnes.
But my uncle had trained me to well
to feel it for long.
Mr. Rivers returned to London.
Recommending the new maid,
whose character was as false
as her courtesy.
Here is the evil little fingersmith
who's going to make us rich.
Remember, she has to become you.
And you her.
You have one month until I return.
Is it all right, Miss?
Very satisfactory.
She has come to Briar to swallow me up.
Like clutch of eggs.
What do London ladies do this time of day?
Make visits, to other ladies like you Miss.
Ladies like me?
There are no ladies like me.
But I grew used to her,
to her life, her warmth.
She was not the gullible girl of
a villaineers plot.
But a girl with a history,
with hates and likings.
Yet to escape from Briar
I must despise her.
Must deceive her.
It's not bad news, is it Miss?
Mr. Rivers is coming tomorrow.
Oh lord!
I must change our dresses.
This one for sure.
I want you to have that.
Me Miss? But this is your best dress?
I want to show Mr. Rivers that
That I do so much approve of you.
Of his choice.
Oh Miss!
That's one of the nicest things
any one's ever said to me.
But really, I can't.
I can't, really, Sue.
She looked so beautiful.
I had to keep telling myself, over and
over again, what she planned to do to me.
To go on.
Oh my goodness, Miss!
I look like a real lady.
She changed even my uncles books for me.
I thought them dead
but the words came suddenly alive.
Full of meaning.
She must think we love one another!
Oh damn it, Maud!
There's another hour gone.
In two days I will leave.
And I will never see you again.
Wake her up, she'll burn.
Let go of me.
I've lost half for this.
Lost it to a wretched little fingersmith.
Let me..
She'd laugh in your face if she knew.
If I told her.
You mustn't.
I agree.
Do you want to stay here forever?
Appear to love me. Marry me!
I can't.
- Miss Maud?
- Please.
Miss Maud?
She's coming.
Tell me..
Tell me a way..
Tell you what, Miss?
Tell me,
on her wedding night,
what must a wife do?
Aren't you a pearl.
Everything I say to myself is changed.
She has touched the life of me.
The quake of me.
But she is ashamed.
He'll be leaving here tonight Miss.
She didn't love me.
her feelings were false,
part of a trap.
Why should I not trap her
to escape from this foul place.
The night I escaped,
I needed to do one last thing.
How fast your heart beats Maud.
I told you I don't want to hurt you.
But we must show the marks of true love.
Are you by any chance bleeding
to save me the pain?
Do you mean to insult me
in every possible way?
Hold out the sheet.
The fashionable couple
on their wedding night.
Sit down here Susan.
Miss Smith.
Were you ever a maid with
Lady Stonely of Mayfair?
No Sir.
That's one of poor Mrs. Rivers fantasies.
Ever since the wedding night she's
made up these stories.
Fiction Yes.
Does she read books?
Her passion is books.
There you have it Graves.
The over exposure of women to
literature breeds unnatural fantasies.
- Indeed.
- Unnatural?
Oh Sir, you don't know the worst of it.
It's not your shame, Susan, your guilt.
You did nothing to invite
the gross intentions
my wife and her madness tried
to force upon you.
Is this true?
Please, these tears speak themselves.
Come on Susan!
You are not to blame.
I'm so sorry you were exposed
to such horrible things.
Speak, damn you, speak!
Oh my own poor Mistress.
My heart was breaking.
That is my story.
That is what brought me here.
You were very convincing Maud.
Don't speak to me or I shall kill you.
I have betrayed her.
Mrs. Rivers.
Sit Mrs. Rivers over there, if you will.
You see, they tricked me.
She's fit, can't do it.
Hold her steady, man!
She may pull off her joints!
We will not have you lying here,
Mrs. Rivers.
You can choke yourself and
it's no business of ours.
Chew off your tongue if you like.
We prefer them quite here.
Welcome to London.
How could we have done this to her?
Believe me,
she'll be better taken care of than
where she came from.
Are we here?
Is this our house?
I thought for a moment that was
the Briar bell.
We're near the river.
Not quite.
Lant Street.
Come on or I shall leave you here.
We cannot live grandly, Maud,
until we have your money.
We'll just wait for the lawyers
to release it.
Do you want to stay out here and freeze?
Mr. Ibbs.
Mrs. Maud Rivers.
Very pleased to meet you, Mrs. Rivers.
Do come in, make yourself at home.
Couldn't you imagine a better
night than this, Mr. Ibbs?
This is a very good night, gentleman.
A very good night indeed.
Let me take the ladies cloak.
Do beg me a pardon.
Who's she?
How much are you going to
pop that for, Mr. Ibbs.
Richard, Richard?
Good boy!
Marry him, Miss.
Mr. Rivers loves you.
What kept me alive was the thought
that Mrs. Sucksby would find me.
And then I would find Maud.
And kill her.
She lived here, Sue, didn't she?
Will you stop touching me!
What a fool I've been.
What an idiot.
This is Sue's house of thieves, isn't it?
Honest thieves, dear.
Get me a cab.
Handsome or haggeny?
Don't you dare talk to me like that!
Oh she's got a dander, ain't she?
If you don't get me a cab
I shall walk.
I shall find a policeman.
Never there when you want them, my dear.
Not in this fog.
Come on.
- John.
- Give us the bag.
Gentleman, throw it.
- Get her!
- That's enough!
If you don't let me go
I will kill your baby.
I have come too far for this.
I mean it.
I will.
Get me a cab.
I will do it.
My dear.
I've been caring for
unwanted babies for years.
At the moment I'm looking after
seven babies.
Now you can make it six if you like.
Or five.
No one would miss them.
Come on, come on.
Go see to the fire, John.
Make some tea, Dainty.
Strengthen her up a bit.
Go on with the mark there, Betty.
My poor hands have suffered
so much recently.
Mrs. Furbisher, Mrs. Furbisher?
Do you want the kirk?
Where you from?
I'm a little out of touch.
And the season's only just beginning.
Are you out?
No I ain't.
So young.
I'm not much in.
That is the first two word I've
heard you say, Mrs. Rivers.
Keep telling the truth like that,
Mrs. Rivers,
and you may well be out.
Before the end of the season.
In! In! In!
I couldn't bare to wake you, dear.
Feed the babies upstairs, Dainty.
Now Oh Come on now.
I can see you're a spirited girl.
But you can't imagine we
mean you any harm.
I can't imagine you mean me
any kind of good
when you insist on keeping me here
when I so clearly wish to leave!
Just hear the grammar in that, Mr. Ibbs.
Here, let me take your glove.
Her uncle taught her to be very
particular about her fingers.
Made you read a lot of filthy
French books.
Did he touch dear,
were he oughtn't?
Oh never mind.
Better your own
than a stranger I always say.
I'll get you a nice cup of tea.
You plan to kill me, don't you?
It would mean nothing to me,
but she would not allow it.
But has she got to do with this?
She sent me to Briar.
This is her plan,
she controls everything.
How does she know about my fortune?
From some servant?
From her.
You're liars. You're cheats.
How could you know my mother?
I was born in an asylum.
Dear, oh dear.
We're not going to put
that together again, are we?
No you weren't born
in the asylum dear.
You was born here.
Marianne, that was the ladies name,
wasn't it dear?
She ran away from Briar just like you did
only her gentleman didn't do the
decent thing, not like your husband.
She got my name from a woman in the
Borough that did the girls in their complaints.
Did she ever have complaints, Mr. Ibbs?
Too far gone to get rid
of the poor creature.
She was terrified, poor lamb.
It was her father and her brother,
your uncle Lilly, they were after her.
It's why I made up a bed in front
of the fire, like I did for you.
And she had her baby right here.
Oh! How Marianne
loved her little baby girl!
Poor little scrap!
Then we heard it, didn't we?
- The carriage.
- Your uncle had found her.
He was hammering at the door.
And Marianne, she was sobbing.
I must name her, I must!
But not with a name like I've
been cursed with
But a plain name.
I shall call her..
As God as my witness.
She cried
I don't want to put my baby
through what I've been through.
Take my baby Susie
and bring her up yourself, Mrs. Sucksby.
Poor, and honest.
She begged and pleaded and
It would have tightened her heart
to stone to refuse her so
before Mr. Ibbs opened the door
I gave her the baby that I was holding.
Because she was born on the same day.
Take her, quick!
That's it.
So your brother thinks she's yours.
She has the name of a lady after all.
Her name is Maud.
My name is Ethel.
My name is
You must believe me!
I believe you,
Thank you!
That's a lot of comfort, Mrs. Rivers.
Miss Wilson believes
there are creatures on the moon.
Damn you!
I told you that in strict confidence!
I'm not Maud Rivers,
I'm Susan Smith!
There you are, back with us.
I hope you don't oppose this sherry;
miss Lilly, sherry in a ladies chamber
I could never agree to it but,
a bit of honest brandy is a bracer.
She's got a good mouth for spirits.
I know you are lying.
No, you haven't heard
anything yet, Maud.
I'm an orphan.
My mother was mad.
And her pa and brother
preferred the madhouse to shame.
She went mad when
they put her in there.
I'll say..
I knew then I was mad
only the maddest
who's brains were over heated
were given the plunge.
I'm her husband,
she'll do as I tell her!
Leave it to me, gentleman.
We'll do it my way.
She'll do it, believe me.
I always say brandy
is the best sleeping draft
If Marianne wasn't my mother
then who was?
God alone knows, dear.
I took foundlings you see,
I have the goodness of my heart
and you was one of them.
is Sue's mother.
how do I have a fortune?
Sit down.
Marianne took pity on you,
a poor foundling
came to a lonely old place like Briar.
There was plenty for both she said.
Poor woman might have needed it,
wouldn't change her mind.
She left half to you
and half to her own daughter Susan.
twenty-first birthdays
in one month's time.
And you planned to get all of it?
Oh, no no, it's Mrs. Sucksbys scheme.
She gets the major share,
I get a mere three thousand pounds.
Did Sue know what you've planned?
No dear.
You're not any villains,
you're fools!
I won't sign anything
and Susan's in no position to.
No, you're right.
Sue, or should I say your poor mistress
my wife Mrs. Rivers
is in no condition to sign for her, is she?
I'll be forced to sign for her.
Thanks to your help.
What have I done?
Damn you, I told you
to keep away from me!
Leave her!
And what do you want with me?
Well, we still have to collect
You want me to be Sue.
Oh, she's sharp Mr. Ibbs.
I don't believe you.
It's because I'm nothing.
I don't even know my name.
After I've signed
you're planning to kill me,
don't you?
No dear.
You're one of us now.
And you're a lady.
You would be my companion.
Because I need a real lady like you
to show me how to become one.
When you have the money.
You are ridiculous.
You should both be in the mad house.
Pass me off as Sue?
Mr. Ibbs will tell the lawyer
he's know you all his life.
She is your legal guardian.
The doctors knows you was a maid,
you have no friends in London,
no money, no name even.
You, as you say, are nothing.
And you will do as I say.
I will tell the lawyer.
How you plotted to swindle
an innocent girl?
Are you truly so wicked?
So vile?
That is vile!
You think life is hard with money?
Well, you should try it without.
It is one month before
your twenty-first birthday
one week of barely living
will help you make up your mind.
Two weeks after the plunge
I was prepared to be anyone
they wanted me to be.
Only the thought
of Mrs. Sucksby kept me going.
Mrs. Sucksby used to say
people ain't never interested
in the truth, Sue.
But in what they want to hear.
I am Mrs. Maud Rivers.
This is truly remarkable.
I've got you to thank, doctor.
You've looked after me so well.
You would like to see Mr. Rivers?
I need to see him,
oh, my poor husband,
and my maid.
Who has put up with so much.
How I long to see them both again!
And so you shall.
Dr Graves
A little test, Mrs. Rivers.
write your name.
I think it begins with
a different letter, doesn't it?
the delusion even extends
to her motor functions,
it is there we will break her.
Once your own writing
comes back to you,
your husband will be here
to sign you out.
He has to sign me out?
I thought about Sue every day,
as Mrs. Sucksby stroke off the days
to my twenty first birthday.
If only I could escape and get to Sue.
There you are, Mrs?
Well done.
Did you like her?
She turned out bad, didn't she, but?
I don't know.
I miss her sometimes.
She was fun.
We used to have a good laugh.
Here, you do it.
What is it?
I don't feel very well.
You never do!
Is that what they call
a ladies constitution?
I suppose it must.
I need to go to the privy.
I don't want to bother you.
It's no bother, madam.
It will be if you're not here
when Mrs. S gets back.
Dainty, I'm really not well.
Come out then.
It's my time of the
It rushes!
I can't leave you.
Open the door.
The men might come.
But Mrs. Sucksby told me
not to leave you.
Please help me!
What's happened?
I need to go to a hotel.
Come on.
Rotner Street!
O dear, just look at you!
Such pretty little feet.
And such finely turned ankles.
- Let me go.
- Now, now.
- Don't be silly.
- Help!
I'm only trying to..
Don't think that I wasn't
only trying to help you!
I walked through the night.
Running away if anyone approached me.
My thin slippers tore,
and my feet were cut and bleeding
before I found what I was looking for.
The only street that I had
heard of in London.
The one my uncle's
books came from.
Miss! Miss!
You can't go in there!
Mr. Halltree!
Please help me.
What are you doing here?
You were always saying
That was at Briar
before what happened.
You mustn't come here.
You came through the shop,
did the police see you?
I won't faint. I promise you.
Your feet!
Good God!
Mrs. Rivers!
You have a visitor.
Are you here today or not?
Don't you recognize him?
We didn't know each other from Adam.
it was the little boot boy from Briar.
It was that look what saved me.
He recognized me!
He knew who I was.
And I knew what I must do
in that instant.
Oh Charles!
Charles, how wonderful to see you!
Don't say who I am,
and don't go.
Oh Miss!
I'm not Miss Lilly anymore.
This is a mad house, ain't it?
Do you know who I am?
It's Miss Smith, ain't it?
Bless you!
Miss Smith who's..
You mustn't call me that here!
That was Briar, Charles..
Mr. Lilly had a stroke
after what happened.
I'm so sorry to hear that.
Gave me the creeps, he did.
Mr. Wader Stuart beat me
so much I ran away.
I've got no job, no character.
I wanted to find Mr. Rivers
who was so kind to me also.
He said I polished his boots better
than anyone else in the whole world.
And my auntie told me that
Mrs. Rivers was living here
and I thought this was a grand house.
Your auntie?
Mrs. Cream.
Where Mr. and Mrs. Rivers
stayed after their wedding.
Five minutes to tea ladies!
Do you want to see Mr. Rivers?
- More than anything.
- Anything else in the world?
So do I.
And Mrs. Rivers.
Ladies, ladies, ladies!
Have you money?
Five shillings and..
Get one inch black key. And a file.
Bring it when you next visit.
And I do hope Mr. Lilly improves.
I must go in file now.
Do come again soon, Charles.
Thank you.
Rivers keeps you without shoes?
So I should not have run away.
You cannot run away from your husband.
There is someone here
he's done a great wrong too.
I must save her!
I thought if I can stay at your house..
My house?
That is impossible, my dear.
I have wife and children.
I see.
Not now!
Rivers is entirely to blame.
Having taken you he might
at least have kept you close.
He saw what you were.
And what am I?
Mr. Halltree?
Ah, Thomas.
Really, you must not.
You seem to forget.
I've seen much worse at Briar.
Whip your backside until
the blood runs down your
Second part down wrong font.
They set it in Clarandon,
and the rest is in Garamond I think.
You're right, so it is.
I could work here for you.
You have been kind.
I think you are kind.
I beg you, if you could
find me some room, at a hotel.
- Anywhere.
- It's out of the question.
Lant street was foul,
it was the last place I wanted to go.
But I had nowhere else.
Mrs. Sucksby!
Nobody say a word,
but a word.
Find gentleman,
tell him she's been found.
Mr. Ibbs, kettle.
Oh my!
Dear girl, come on. Come in!
Come in get warm.
Get gentleman! Be quick!
Come here.
I knew you'd come home.
Please don't touch me,
stifle me, smother me
pretend to love me.
mother came here
People will tell you that
that I had a baby
of my own which died.
At least
that's the story around here.
Nobody questioned it.
Babies do die in Lant Street in particular.
Many of time I've sat here
thinking how I last held you
when you was a few days old.
Imagining how you'd grown.
Your eyes.
The shape of your nose
I'd pictured exact.
The paleness of the skin
but the hair
the hair I
I always thought
would be fairer.
Dear girl.
My own
My own dear girl.
To have you back
after all these years.
Ladies, ladies!
Remember, meet me at the wall
and don't be late.
Of all the burglars' mates
God could have sent me
Charles was the worse
by a long chalk.
Here we are,
people want to get to sleep.
She said your hands are like poor jobes.
- I never!
- That makes it swell or what?
I never!
After all my kindness, Betty.
I never, nurse Bacon.
She did!
Oh God help us,
look at what you've done now!
And my flesh's blazing.
I'll put the cream on your hands,
nurse Bacon.
I'll do it, I will.
It's a small key.
Shut up Betty!
You'll hurt, Mrs. Wittshire,
if you sing another bleeding verse!..
Where are you hurrying?
Charles, Charles, Charles!
You said two o'clock!
Come on!
What kept me going
was the thought of Mrs. Sucksbys face
when I turned up at Lant Street.
And then I thought of Maud
wherever she was.
I must go on Miss,
or your luck will desert you
A journey of the heart.
Oh! Sue, forgive me!
Stay here.
Miss. Come back Miss!
Hoy, you there! Stop, thief!
What are you doing?
Come back here!
What's going on?
Turn around.
You took them clothes
without asking.
I had to, didn't I?
Would you rather I got picked up?
And never saw Mr. Rivers again?
Don't look at me like that.
I've never done anything
like that before in my life.
Don't you think I feel terrible?
Stealing from poor people like that?
Oh! damn her!
Damn her!
I don't suppose you want a piece
of this pie, then?
There are times in this life when we have to
do things that we don't want to do.
I'll ask Mr. Rivers to go
back to that very cottage
and pay back every penny
for the things we've taken and more.
Will you?
Yeah, that's just the sort of thing
that Mr. Rivers would do.
Can't believe that in a few days time
you will be twenty one years old.
I'll make myself a cup..
Oh thank you. Thank you dear.
Who was my father?
Mr. Ibbs?
No dear.
Your father was a sailor
lost at sea, well,
lost to me, dear.
Smell it!
Smell it, Miss?
Oh, the rotten, horrible,
bleeding, stink of it.
- Miss Smith?
- I ain't Miss Smith.
I ain't Miss bleeding Rivers.
I'm Susan Trinder!
I thought you said that we were
going to see Mr. Rivers?
This is horrible!
This isn't horrible,
the country is horrible.
- This is where I live.
- This place? Where does Mr
Tommy Joslin.
Conindrent, always a good poke.
Go on, get in.
What is it?
Miss Trinder, what is it?
Don't cry, Miss.
Happy birthday!
Did you take that from the cottage?
Why did you take it?
It's because that's what I am.
You're kind, you're a ladies maid.
I'm a fingersmith, you stupid idiot!
A thief!
Well, I don't want to be a thief.
I want to be with Mr Rivers.
You said you promised.
Mr. Rivers?
Mr. Rivers is the biggest prick unhung!
Mr. Rivers,
Mr. Rivers got me put in a mad house.
Happy birthday Maud!
And to our absent friend Sue,
might the day bring
good fortune to us all.
Leave her alone, can't you?
Stop beating her.
Get out.
I will order madam's carriage.
Dear Mrs. Sucksby,
gentleman and that
bitch has cheated me
and put me in the mad house.
Send a signal with this boy
and help me.
Go on, remember what
you've got selling.
Wait, wait. Put
I love you
as I always will
like a daughter.
Half a sovereign, son.
No, it's got to be the works.
I'll open it up, hang on.
She took it.
Mrs. Sucksby?
Miss Maud.
And she gave me this.
She's mocking me.
What is it? The two of hearts?
I'll mock her.
Well, he gave me a pound for the watch.
Come on.
Look who's here.
Mrs. Sucksby, visitor.
Someone who's fingersmithing
cutlery and jewellery!
Is that what you've told him?
That I stole your jewellery?
You've got some bleeding cheek!
You nearly broke Mrs. Sucksbys heart!
Give me the knife!
Give it to me!
I've got no argue with you John,
or you Dainty.
Sue, dear, you ain't yourself.
I ain't Mrs. Sucksby,
not after what they did to me.
Sue, leave now.
You'd like me to do that,
wouldn't you?
Before the gentleman gets back.
You don't know what's really happened.
I know you've got my clothes.
Even got my bleeding bangles!
Why? Isn't your fortune enough?
Isn't what you did to me enough?
Please go!
You put me in the mad house.
You planned to put me there!
I wish I had!
To cheat me, to kill me!
I will, I will kill you!
You old cow! You've been down on me
ever since the day I was born!
Touch me again and you'll know it.
I never, I never
I never believed you cut
with the jewellery.
I went along with the others
because they'd thought me
a sentimental old fool,
But I knew deep down..
Give me the knife.
- Did you?
- I did, I did!
I thought no, not my Sue.
You brought me up as your own daughter.
I thought I'd never see you again.
But I had a man out looking for you.
I knew you would!
Your carriage awaits.
Hello Charles.
My boots have never been the same.
She's just told me
what you've done to her.
So you'd better go.
You found me out,
I'm a villain Charles.
Honest to god, Mr. Rivers,
I never meant to.
Get out.
Don't let him go.
He'll only go to Dr Christie!
Stay, stay.
Stay, stay.
There, there. You're alright now.
There, there
Oh damn it, tell the poor bitch
how we used her.
Richard don't say any more.
Oh my dear wife.
Have you no feelings at all?
Not that I know of.
But I know you have.
Damn it Maud,
what does it matter to you?
You're a fully fledged villain now,
you don't have to care
about either of them!
Gentleman, enough!
Will you
Now I see the resemblance.
No, you see nothing. Nothing.
Why did I never suspect it?
No wonder you kicked and cursed
and she let you.
Oh, this is rich!
Did you know Mr. Ibbs?
No he knows nothing.
Stop it. Stop it!
My heart!
Your heart?
You have a heart Mrs. Sucksby?
Feel it here!
I should get your daughter to do that.
Grace! Grace!
She hit me.
Get me a surgeon!
No surgeons!
God damn you!
Murder, murder! Help, help me!
Stop the boy!
He's gone.
Who did this?
She's done it. I saw her.
What happened was the knife
was on the table
Maud started to say something else.
But nobody heard her.
I've done it.
Lord knows I'm sorry for it right now.
But I've done it.
And these girls here,
they're innocent girls
that never harmed no one.
Maud said she'd killed him.
But nobody believed her.
Because she was a lady.
And a lunatic.
But a draper's son.
Frederick Bunt.
The papers said he had been
brutally cut down in his manhood.
And girls put his picture
next to their hearts.
I didn't see Maud
before she disappeared.
Good job.
Or I had probably ended up
with Mrs. Sucksby.
Mrs. Sucksby was so game
when the judge put on the black cap,
and sentenced her to death.
She always looked behind me.
As if she was expecting
someone else to be with me.
But I wanted her for myself.
Quite alone.
That's good.
Just you and me
as it used to be.
Oh! Mrs. Sucksby!
How shall I do without you?
Better dear girl.
How can you say that?
Watch me tomorrow.
Don't cover your eyes.
And Sue,
should you ever hear hard things
of me when I am gone,
think back too.
We had a collection.
It's not very much but
Thank you.
How is she?
Thanks Tommy.
A lady to see you.
She won't give me her name.
No one will listen to me.
You must tell them.
If you only came to say that,
then go.
I've done what I've done
and that's the end of it.
You must tell them I killed him.
I was wrong to send you away.
And I was wrong to do that
to a girl like Sue,
a jewel.
I hope she never finds out.
I will never tell her.
I came to see you as well as
Did you?
Of course I did.
Oh dear.
Mother, mother.
I wish
Never mind.
Just is.
Mrs. Sucksby's daughter, isn't it?
Sue Sue?
S - U
I, Marianne Lilly of Bear Court
Briar Court
sound of mind though feeble of body
commit my infant daughter Susan
to the guardianship of
Mrs. Grace Sucksby.
In exchange for which
Mrs. Sucksby commits into my care
her dear daughter Maud.
Get some water Dainty!
Bit of a shock, is it, Sue?
I should says so, Tommy.
I should say so.
Look at me, Sue.
Come here.
I heard that Mr. Lilly had died.
And so I returned to Briar,
to see if I could find something
to show me where Maud had gone.
Have you come to kill me?
No Maud!
How could I harm you?
I know everything.
you know nothing.
You don't know me at all.
How delicious was the glow on
her ivory shoulders,
as I forced her back on the couch.
I scarcely knew what I was about
everything, now, was in active exertion.
Tongues, lips, bellies, thighs,
arms, legs, bottom.
Every part in a voluptuous motion
Are they all like that?
Every single one.
I'm at it myself now.
I must earn a living some how.
I'm not the good, sweet girl
you thought I was.
This is what I am.
I know you must hate me
hate me.
I don't hate you.
I'm so sorry for what
I did to you, Sue!
I'm sorry
True to us both then.
I found this in her dress.
Someone read it out to me.
The money is yours.
Did you know who my mother was
from the very beginning?
No. Not till I got to London.
And Mrs. Sucksby never
wanted you to find out.
She loved you.
She did, Sue, she
She said
how wrong she was to try and turn
a jewel like you and
A jewel?
Turn a girl like you
into a common place girl.
I killed her.
I pleaded with Mrs. Sucksby
to tell the truth
but all she would say was
that she had done it and
and that was the end.
I know.
What a mess you're making
of yourself, ay?
What does it say?
They're full of words saying
How I want you.
I love you.
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