Firebuds (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Hubcap Heist/Food Truck Fiasco

[alarm ringing]
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
If you need a helping hand
Or need a helping wheel ♪
The Firebuds are here for you ♪
Just listen to our sirens squeal ♪
On your block or on the town
There's nothin' we won't do ♪
To help our friends and neighbors out ♪
We're coming through, our rescue crew! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're grabbin' our gear
We're hittin' the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're savin' the day ♪
We're crackin'the code ♪
If someone gets into a fix ♪
That's when we get into the mix ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Bo and Flash, Jayden, Piston ♪
Violet, Axl Yeah, that's our team! ♪
We're best Firebuds forever ♪
Here we come
And here's our theme! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're grabbin' our gear
We're hittin' the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're savin' the day
We're crackin' the code ♪
When trouble comes around the bend ♪
On us, you know you can depend ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
[Bo] "Hubcap Heist."
Here we are, Firebuds!
The Motopolis Automotive
Museum of Art! MAMA!
So, Jayden, why'd your mom
want us to meet her here?
The Motopolis P.D.
Office of Community Support
is presenting an exhibit
of my favorite painter,
Car-Cel DuChamp.
And since Jayden's mom is Deputy Chief,
she's helping put on the art show.
-Jay-Jay. Over here!
-Heya, kiddos.
-So colorful!
Check it out, buds. This is Car-Cel's
most well-known painting, Hubcap Sunrise.
It's beautiful.
Huh. I've never seen a painting
on a hubcap before.
The exhibit opens to the public tonight,
but Pete and I thought
y'all would want to get
a sneak preview and meet
the "car-tiste" himself,
Car-Cel Duchamp.
Bonjour! Hello, children!
No way! Mr. Duchamp, I gotta tell you,
the Hubcap Sunrise is like
my favorite painting of all time!
But why'd you paint it on a hubcap?
Ha. To say the truth,
that was not my original plan.
-It wasn't?
My original plan was a regular painting
on the canvas, like you see,
but then, I spilled
all my paints on my hubcap.
So my plan, poof! It had to change.
And I created my greatest masterpiece.
Ho-ho, yes, you are.
Uh, Mr. Duchamp, we're ready
to test the security system.
Oh, yes. I wouldn't want
anything to happen
to my Hubcap Sunrise.
-[system humming]
I've just turned on the floor sensors.
If a thief sets a single
foot or wheel in that room,
a small cage drops over the hubcap
and a thick glass dome traps
the thief, just like that.
I hope it's good enough.
Some thieves are very sneaky.
No need to worry, Mr. Duchamp.
'Cause we have a great plan
for catching bad guys.
Say this cart of delicious snacks
is a thief driving away with stolen art.
-Come on, man. Do we have to?
Firebuds, let's show 'em
how we catch a thief.
First, Violet and I
chase 'em down the street.
Then we guide the thief towards Piston.
And I pop their tires with my spike strip.
[air hissing]
And we catch the thief.
I call it my "Spike Strip Plan"!
Ah, solid plan, kiddos.
Yes. But if there's one thing I learned
from painting the Hubcap Sunrise,
your plans don't always work out
the way you think they will.
They do, if you have a great plan.
[engine revving]
Grant! I told you not to go so fast.
You just blew our entrance.
They're all looking at us, dude.
Greetings, art lovers!
It is I, master thief Wayne Riley,
and my getaway car, Grant,
here to steal your precious
Hubcap Sunrise.
Those floor sensors are still on, right?
Doesn't matter. Your floor sensors
are no match for my latest invention -
-Wayne's Wall Wheels!
[suction cups popping]
Ha-ha-ha! If you could see
the looks on your faces!
Totally! Ha-ha!
-Uh, Wayne?
Shoulda made those Wall Wheels
-wider, Wayne.
Pete, radio the station to come pick up
these "master thieves."
You got it, Jenna.
And we got you, Wayne.
Grant, give me a beat.
-[bass-heavy music playing]
-Aw, yeah!
Why is he doing that?!
[music continues]
Oh, that's why.
[engine revving]
See ya next crime!
-Call it in, Pete!
we are in pursuit
of art thieves at the museum.
I'll turn off the security system
and get this mess cleaned up right away.
[system hums]
Well, the security system
might not have caught the bad guys
but at least it saved the painting.
Guess again!
-My brother tricked you
into thinking you stopped the thief,
so I could swoop in and finish the job.
-Wiley Riley, out!
-And Gauge, out, too!
Is it really that hard
to remember your vroom-mate?
Now that was a great plan.
Well, we've got a better one.
OK, time for the Spike Strip Plan!
Let's roll, Firebuds!
[engines revving]
First, we chase 'em.
Then we guide 'em to Piston!
[engine revving]
Where I pop their tires
with my trusty spike strip!
[engines revving]
No way!
Way! [laughs]
[engine revving]
I can't believe your plan
didn't work. Ugh!
After 'em, Firebuds!
-[sirens sounding]
-[horns honking]
[Axl] We're gainin' on 'em!
But what do we do when we catch up?
Yeah, they got all those
slick gadgets and stuff.
What's the plan, Bo?
Simple. We chase 'em to Piston,
and he pops their tires
with his spike strip.
Uh that sounds a lot
like your last plan.
I know. My Spike Strip Plan can't fail.
-But it just did.
-[Bo scoffs] Sure,
because there was
a ceiling they could swing on.
But now we're outside.
What could they possibly
swing on out here?
-That bridge.
-That building.
-Street sign.
Just about anything, really.
OK, OK, but, uh
None of that stuff is in the park!
Piston, get your spike strip ready.
We'll catch 'em by the Snack & Fuel Shack.
Let's roll!
Uh-oh. We got company.
Not for long. Take a left!
[Gauge] I can't!
OK go right!
We gotta go through the park. Hang on!
It seems like they wanted us
to go into the park. But why?
Oh! That's why.
Yes! I told ya my
Spike Strip Plan would work.
Bring it in, Flash.
[both] Wee-oo!
Aw, did you think you caught us?
-Wiley and Gauge, out!
Happy now?
Come on, let's get 'em!
Come on, Bo! Hop on!
Aw, what's the use?
What're you doin'?
We need you to come up with a plan
to catch Wiley and Gauge.
I already came up
with the perfect plan, Flash.
And it failed - twice!
Ugh! Grease!
So you're gonna give up,
just 'cause one plan didn't work out?
It wasn't one plan, Flash.
It was the best plan
I've ever come up with.
Until you come up
with your next one, buddy.
So your plan didn't land, Bo
It's not a crime ♪
My plans crash, they get smashed ♪
Whoa, like, all the time ♪
But I know how to flow
When a plan goes wrong ♪
So don't sweat it, you'll get it ♪
Just sing this song ♪
Bounce back
When your plan falls through ♪
Bounce back
Dream up something new ♪
Bounce back?
But what am I supposed to do? ♪
Just kick back
And I'll spell it out for you ♪
When Carl-Cel spilled his yellow ♪
Did it break his heart? ♪
No, he changed up his game ♪
And made some hubcap art ♪
So be bold, drop your old plan ♪
Use your mind ♪
Sit down, look around ♪
See what you can find ♪
-Ah! This grease!
-Yeah, it's slippery.
It sure is. Wait a minute!
Flash, grab that can ♪
I just hatched a new plan ♪
I am gonna ♪
Bounce back
When my plan fell through ♪
Bounce back
I dreamt up something new ♪
Bounce back
Let's go tell our crew ♪
Bounce back
That's what we're gonna do ♪
Bo, we can't catch 'em.
I've got a new plan! Axl, try to chase
Wiley and Gauge toward the duck pond.
Piston, come over here
and get your spike strip ready.
[Firebuds over radio]
Come on! Again?!
This time, it's different. You'll see.
If you say so.
When they show up,
toss the spike strip there.
-You got it!
-[Violet over radio] Comin' your way!
Get ready, Piston
Again with the spike strip?
Ha! These kids only have one plan,
and it's not a good one.
Let's show 'em how bad
that plan is, again!
You can't stop the Rileys!
Whoa! Where'd this grease come from?!
Got it!
[both exclaiming]
-We got 'em!
Slick plan!
Now, let's clean up this mess.
You may have gotten the painting back,
but if you think a bunch of kids
can catch the Rileys, you're wrong.
-[engine revving]
-It's Wayne and Grant!
[siren wailing]
-And Mom!
-And Dad!
-[both] Aw!
Jayden?! What are you doing here?
Wayne's sister stole the Hubcap Sunrise!
But we got it back!
Thanks to Bo's Grease Puddle Plan!
Looks like we caught you after all.
And we're not just a bunch of kids.
We're the Firebuds!
Merci, Firebuds.
Thank you for bringing back
my precious hubcap.
I gotta say, Bo. Your Spike Strip Plan
may have been good,
but your Grease Puddle Plan
was a masterpiece.
Thanks, Flash.
[both] Wee-oo!
[Flash] "Food Truck Fiasco."
There's no time like lunch time!
I know you're hungry, Flash,
but maybe we should let
everybody catch up.
[engines revving]
Sorry, Buds, but you know
the Overdrive Café is my jam!
Of course, you love it.
The chefs named a drink after you.
Mmm. The Flash Fresca.
Best tasting fuel in the city.
My moms say their food tastes so good
'cause Chef Fernando and Chef Al
put in something special
a secret ingredient!
You should ask him what it is,
right after I get my Flash Fresca.
Chef Al! I'd like
one Flash Fresca, please.
Flash, Bo. I don't know what to do.
Chef Fernando is missing!
-Maybe he's just running late.
Heh. He's never been this late before.
I hope he's OK. [sighs]
Excuse me, Chef Al? We're ready to order.
-Tacos! Now!
-Fresca! Now!
-[both] Now, please!
Yes, one moment.
Everyone's coming for lunch.
And Fernando's a food truck.
He's our kitchen!
How am I supposed to cook
without a kitchen?
It's a food truck fiasco!
Bo, we gotta find Chef Fernando.
You're right, Flash.
Firebuds, time to organize a search party.
But where do we search?
I gotcha covered, V.
OK. Where on this map
did you last see Chef Fernando?
-At home, this morning.
But I tried calling, and no one's there.
He must be on the road, then.
The fastest route from their house
to the café is Cogglen Avenue.
Then that's where we gotta search.
-Let's go, Firebuds!
-[siren whoops]
Hold your horsepower, Flash.
We don't have all the facts yet.
Is that the route Chef Fernando
usually takes to work?
Hmm. Well, heh, now that you mention it,
Fernando sometimes takes
Hatchback Hill Highway.
Heh. He likes the pretty views.
[Jayden] That road
sure is steep and twisty.
[both] Awesome!
Not if Chef Fernando got in an accident.
We better start searching.
I've got my emergency mechanic toolkit
in case he needs help.
We're ready to repair!
Oof. More customers. What do I do?
Hey, Jayden, can you and Piston
help Chef Al with the lunch crowd?
-I'm good with that.
Don't worry, Chef Al. We'll find him.
Let's roll, Fire Whoa!
Hey, wait for us!
[engine revving]
Hmm. Anybody see anything?
-Chef Fernando!
Oh, I am so happy to see you kids.
Are you OK?
He appears to be suffering from a
-flat tire.
-Si, es verdad.
And my lug wrench broke
when I tried to change it.
So, I decided I might as well
enjoy the view
while I wait for help.
It's beautiful!
Axl, focus. Now that we know he's OK,
we've got to get him back
in time for lunch.
Just think of the starving customers!
Right. Don't worry, Chef.
My dad's a trambulance,
and Violet's mom is an Emergency Mechanic
for Vehicles, so we can
patch you right up.
Your mom's an EMV? Oh-ho-ho!
Must be my lucky day.
Can you go any faster?
[chuckles] Pump the brakes, Flash.
She shouldn't rush her work.
But what about your customers?
They're all waiting.
Eh. You can't rush good cooking,
and you can't rush changing a tire.
Come on, come on!
[slow creaking]
Here, let me help, Violet.
I can go quicker.
Uh, Flash
There, all done! Let's go!
Maybe we should check and make sure
they're on tight enough.
Hoo-hoo! Gracias!
-Let's get movin'!
-Whoa! [grunts]
Flash, wait for the others!
Cuidado, be careful, niños!
These curves are sharp!
Flash, slow down!
[all] Whoa!
[all] Oh!
[Fernando grunting]
Uh-oh! [exclaiming]
-[gasps] No!
-Your tire!
-Oh. [sighs]
Told ya the tire needed
to be put on tighter.
This is a disaster! The tables
are full, and we have no food.
Technically, we have food.
We just can't cook it.
So let's make a little somethin'
that doesn't need to be cooked.
Like what?
I got it!
[Chef Al] Bread, berries,
and peanut butter?
We'll serve peanut butter
and berry sandwiches!
Bam! Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Was that Fernando's tire?
I don't suppose you have more spare tires?
Afraid not.
We could call a mechanic
to come and change your tire.
It would take forever for a trambulance
to bring an EMV up here.
But we could be his spare tires.
If Axl and I link arms,
we can lift Chef Fernando onto them.
And tow him back to the café.
Ha! Genius! I'll get the jack.
Hey, hey, Violeta, do you mind
checking my kitchen first?
I'm hoping the Flash Fresca didn't spill.
Me, too!
You got it!
The Flash Fresca's OK.
[both sigh]
OK, we're ready to roll!
I'll ride back here to make sure not
Hit it, Axl!
Whoa! What are you doing?!
We're almost there,
and the place is packed
with hungry customers.
Come on, Axl.
I know you can go faster.
-Excuse me!
Pardon me! Excuse me!
-Sorry about that!
Excuse me, but we're
still waiting for our order.
Sandwich, please!
We need a faster way to do this.
[sirens and horns approaching]
I know those sirens!
-[sirens sounding]
-[horn honking]
-OK, we're here.
-We are?!
Well, that's not good.
[sirens approaching]
-[engines revving]
-[all exclaiming]
[gasps] The Fresca!
No! Not the Flash Fresca!
I tried to tell you to slow down.
That was way too fast. Even for me.
I'm so sorry, Chef Fernando.
I just wanted to get you back in time
so you could feed
all your hungry customers,
but I made us even later.
Hey, it's OK. We're only
a few blocks away.
But all the Flash Fresca's gone.
And there's no time to make more.
Well, we'll see about that.
Many years ago, my autolita taught me
a secret ingredient that would make
all my food taste delicious.
[gasps] What was
your grandmother's secret?
[Fernando] The secret
to cooking and to life
is to take your time.
When I was young
I zipped around the place ♪
I sliced and diced
Like cooking was a race ♪
My autolita calmed my reckless mood ♪
She said, "Despacito, mijo, ♪
Slow down to make good food" ♪
And take your time, time time ♪
To do it right ♪
That's how you make the perfect bite ♪
My grandma left me all her recipes ♪
Her auto-fresca's now my specialty ♪
"What's your secret?" everybody asks ♪
I say, "Despacito, mijos ♪
Slow down, don't go so fast" ♪
And take your time, time, time ♪
To do it right ♪
That's how you make the perfect bite ♪
Just take your time, time time ♪
Don't rush around ♪
You won't mess up if you slow down ♪
Don't want to make any more mistakes ♪
I'll slow my roll and pump my brakes ♪
Take your time, time, time ♪
Don't run the light ♪
Then you'll be sure to get it right ♪
Just take your time, time, time ♪
Don't rush around ♪
You won't mess up if you slow down ♪
I won't mess up if I slow down ♪
You'll be just fine ♪
If you take your time ♪
Slow down and take your time ♪
-Excuse me!
-Where's our tacos?
Any idea when our sandwiches
will be ready?
-I know it took a minute,
but we built the perfect invention
to dish out your food.
I call it the Super Server 5000.
So y'all, get ready to get served.
-Oh, ha!
Chef Fernando's back! [chuckles, sighs]
[excited chatter]
It's OK, vroomie. Now the Super Server
can serve something even more delicious.
Table 12, boom!
Thank you for your help, Firebuds.
Yes. Gracias, muchachitos.
Thank you for looking out for me, Flash.
Now you can just cool your wheels
and enjoy your fresca.
But remember
I know. Take my time.
That's the spirit, mijo.
[closing theme plays]
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