Fireworks of My Heart (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Under the Same Roof

(Fireworks of My Heart)
(Adapted from the novel "A City, Waiting for You" by Jiuyuexi)
(Episode 2)
Still can't forget her?
Long forgotten.
I didn't even say who.
Why so eager to answer?
Is it that female doctor?
I don't believe you.
I saw you two chatting.
I don't know her.
You say one thing but mean another.
What are you laughing about?
I'm happy.
It's good that you're taken.
Now that you're taken,
I can set my wedding date.
What the heck?
Get married if you want.
Why wait for me?
How come that sounded a bit depressing?
An ex-girlfriend?
I guess that means yes.
She looks quite pretty
and has a good aura.
So why did you two break up?
Time for patrol.
Wait up.
I'll go with you.
Try it.
It's sour.
Yet sweet.
This taste
It's amazing.
Try one.
If you don't like it, I'll give you my life.
Isn't it?
"Song Yan"
(China Fire and Rescue)
(Detachment Captain's Office)
Come in.
You put out the fire at Wufang Street.
You did a deed of merit.
These tea leaves look pretty good.
How come I haven't seen it before?
Put it down.
Get over here!
Forget tea leaves.
Commendation awards and whatnots
can all get lost.
I just received three complaints.
The first one,
the associate organizations complained that
you were uncooperative.
You were brusque and rough.
The public made a complaint
regarding your bad attitude
and damage to their car.
Your peers complained
that you disregarded the instructor's orders.
You were uncooperative, had a bad attitude,
and you didn't obey your instructor.
Aren't you
Aren't you going to explain yourself?
The car should be removed.
That person should be beaten.
Inability deserves a reprimand.
If you don't like me,
just reassign me elsewhere.
You think I don't dare?
You keep making trouble for me.
Every month, there's something new.
Chief Gao.
You speak.
Sir, don't get worked up.
I've looked into the situation.
The situation was dire.
Comrade Song Yan
and the comrades from Wufang Fire Station
had a bit of a disagreement on the plan of action.
They went ahead with Song Yan's method
and managed to prevent the fire from spreading.
Regarding the car removal,
as they couldn't reach the owner of the car
parked on a fire route,
Song Yan did what he did
to ensure they got to the fire as quickly as possible
and minimize damages to the public's well-being and property, am I right?
You always come up with all sorts of reasons
to cover him.
Sir, you always say this.
The scene of a fire is like a battlefield.
There are many variables working on the frontline.
It's hard to please everyone.
If Song Yan hadn't insisted on going ahead with his team,
the little boy and girl
wouldn't have been saved.
I won't pursue the other two complaints.
As for the removal of the car,
that's clearly a bad rep.
It has to be resolved.
Make him write a report.
I already submitted one. You want me to write another?
That means it was not good enough.
Do it over.
Write it.
3000 words.
Not even a word less.
Every word you miss
will be fined 1000 yuan.
Song Yan.
Song Yan.
I heard that a couple of gas tanks had exploded at the scene.
It was precarious.
I'm not trying to nag.
But can you not be so rash when something happens?
Saving lives is important,
but don't neglect your own safety.
Now, I get anxiety whenever your team goes on a mission.
Thanks for your concern, Madam.
I'm leaving.
That new doctor, Xu Qin, is pretty good.
I heard she would be getting the spot on the research team.
Based on what?
Just because she studied in the US?
She's still a rookie.
Does she have the experience?
That's why she was assigned to the ER.
After some time, she'd be put on the research team.
It may not seem justified,
but you can't really name any problems.
Guess it's a special admission.
In my opinion,
you should get the spot.
You're older than her,
more experienced.
But unfortunately,
she has backing.
Anyone can find support if it's about connections.
Who doesn't have connections and backgrounds?
Her background is special though.
I heard her surname was Meng.
She changed it in order to keep a low profile.
What about Meng?
Guo Kun Group.
For real?
Her dad is Meng Huai Jin?
That's what her profile said.
I saw it when I was processing her onboarding.
So the handsome and aristocratic guy
who picks her up from work every day
is the young master of Guo Kun Group?
So she's untouchable,
has someone to pick her up.
The thought of having to work with a person who relies on connections
frustrates me.
If you don't want to work with me,
I can talk to the head for you.
Should I?
Yan Chen.
You got a new car?
It's your car.
I got it for you.
Do you like it?
Your taste has improved.
What can I do?
You won't go home
and you have no driver to drive you.
Mum worries about your ease of commute.
Try it.
I'll change it if you don't like it.
The road ahead is closed due to an accident.
Please take another route.
Okay. Is anyone hurt?
The car got badly smashed.
I presume the driver is hurt bad.
The ambulance will be here soon.
Please don't block the road.
Got it.
Thanks for your cooperation.
You're off duty.
But I'm still a doctor.
The ambulance will be here soon.
The longer we wait, the more dangerous it is for the victim.
Yan Chen.
Stay safe.
Hey there.
I'm a doctor.
Do you need assistance?
I have a doctor here who can help.
Should I let her in?
(Let her through.)
Got it.
Come with me.
The ambulance is here.
We won't trouble you then.
It's no trouble.
Thank you.
Move it away.
is the vice captain not here?
No, he's on station duty.
Good work, guys.
Come grab some food.
Five minutes.
Take turns to eat.
You can't eat because of your toothache.
Then drink some soup.
How is it?
Feel better?
You went back and came out again?
I just want you to eat up and go back to rest early.
"Yuan Yuan"
I've eaten.
We had a mission to carry out today.
I know.
I'll get it done.
The approval for the detachment has to follow procedure.
Give me a bit more time, okay?
Talk later.
Are you hiding something from me?
No, nothing.
We sleep and eat together every day.
Do you think
I won't notice something is wrong?
I think you're thinking too much.
I won't nag.
You can tell me when you're ready.
(Emergency Department)
For the Emergency Department,
there has to be at least one professional training a week.
We will focus on
the treatment of critically ill patients.
For example,
basic rescue techniques in treating
acute myocardial infarction,
cerebrovascular accident,
shock, and others.
So while you are expected
to carry out your responsibilities,
we have to establish strong teamwork.
In order to increase
the success rate of emergency care
by administering precise treatment,
the department has decided
to separate the Red Zone
into A and B,
two emergency response teams.
Triage will be carried out
according to the patient's condition.
Yellow Zone and Green Zone are dismissed.
Conduct your rounds.
Red Zone, stay back.
We have decided
to separate Red Zone into two teams.
For Team A,
Yang Si Jia will be in charge.
For Team B,
Xu Qin will be in charge.
You're free to choose your own team.
I'll leave that to you.
That should smoothen operations.
Sir, I'll go to Team A.
I'll join Team A too.
Sir, I'll go to Team A too.
Count me in, sir.
Sir, that means my team is full.
Let's go with that then.
Dr Xu.
Dr Xu.
-Let's do the best we can. -Do our best.
Get to work.
Get to work.
Get working.
Gear up.
Sir, I'm done!
Sir, complete!
-Done, sir. -Done!
Zhan Da Peng.
Pi Shao Jie.
Tang Jie.
You're no good.
You three.
Take everything off and start over.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Ready. Focus.
-Done, sir! -Done!
No good.
I put everything on according to the squad leader's instructions.
Did you put it on tightly?
In a fire,
your breathing apparatus might get snatched.
somebody's going to steal my breathing apparatus?
Have you not heard of people trying to save someone from drowning
but ended up drowning themselves due to being dragged by victims?
Firefighters had lost their lives because of that.
Make sure you wear your breathing apparatus securely.
There's something called instinct
in human nature.
Gather around.
If your dream is to become a firefighter,
step forward.
Break rank.
I want to hear the truth.
Why do you want to be a firefighter?
because I want to save lives.
I want to save the common people.
I think firefighters are great.
I think being a firefighter is an honourable occupation.
Is that what you really think?
A few days ago,
in the Wufang Street fire,
I received complaints.
The fire station got complaints, too.
Some people said
that our attitude was bad while maintaining order at the scene.
Last month,
Yang Chi and his team
saved a kid in the sewer.
They were covered in filth.
The stench lingered even after three days.
Jiang Yi.
He is away from home where his mother is.
he hasn't gone home to see her in two years.
After hearing these stories,
do you still wish to be here?
Are you happy to put on this gear?
The firefighting gear
is not as comfortable as you think.
No one understands the efforts you put in.
It's part and parcel of being a firefighter.
But why are there still hundreds of thousands of firefighters
who dash out at the first sound of alarm,
365 days a year,
24 hours a day?
Take a look.
Tell me.
What do you see?
I see the bustling streets of the city.
I see towering buildings
and parks.
I see residential buildings filled with warmth.
I hope
you have a clear view
and a clear understanding.
Why do we train so hard every day?
It is
to protect the people's everyday lives.
Hurry up, will you?
Wait up.
Song Yan, this is vandalism.
It's fine.
This wall is part of the cultural spot on Wufang Street.
Graffiti is fine.
Well? How is it?
Look at what you wrote.
You don't get it?
"If you smile,"
"the son city."
If you smile,
the sun fills the city.
(You must be dumb.)
It's not "o", but "u".
You wrote "sun" as "son".
So how are you going to explain this?
If you smile,
sons fill the city.
(Zhai Residence)
Who is it?
Who is it?
What are you doing here?
Zhai Miao?
You've grown up.
Why did you come here?
I came to find Song Yan.
Song Yan?
What for?
Such audacity.
Have you forgotten what you did?
Whatever. I don't want to talk to you.
He's not here.
Zhao Miao.
When will he be back?
Why does that concern you?
Ms Xu,
Yan is living a good life right now.
He might even get married next year.
So leave him alone, will you?
I'll thank you for that.
Zhai Miao.
Song Yan doesn't live here.
Then where does he live?
Could you tell me?
He's usually at the station.
He doesn't come back often.
Mum, what's the matter?
She looked like a tortured soul.
Do you think
I was too harsh on her?
You call that being harsh?
If it were me, I'd say worse things to her.
Why would I do that?
Did you forget what she did to Yan?
I've never met anyone more evil than her.
How dare she come here.
Didn't she go overseas to study?
How come she's suddenly back?
Why do you think she looked for Yan?
Maybe she feels bad.
With that cold and aloof attitude of hers,
it'd be hard not to dislike her.
Only my dumb brother thinks of her as a gem.
Now that she's realised no one likes her,
she's reminded of Yan's goodness.
I was just wondering about Yan's weird behaviour lately.
Do you think he still likes her?
No way.
Yan must hate her to the core.
How could he still like her?
You have no idea.
These past years, I've tried to set him up on many blind dates.
He either said he was too busy to go,
or he wasn't interested after meeting them.
There's no way.
Even if Yan had to be single forever,
she's a no-no.
Did he forget how much he suffered because of her?
This is
This won't do.
I'm going to talk some sense into him.
He likes being tortured, huh?
I won't have
My lady.
Stay out of Yan's business.
Stop shaking your leg. Go and read.
Doctor, my baby got burned.
Please treat her quickly.
Did you get a number?
You need a number for emergency care?
Yes, you need to register for emergency care too.
What a stupid hospital. I got burned!
Sir, please register her.
Or else the system cannot dispense medication.
Wait for me.
Please wait outside. Thanks.
Please wait outside.
Get the medicine first
and then get her an injection.
Next time you get bitten by a dog,
you can go to the CDC.
No need to come to the general hospital.
Okay, thanks.
Doctor, quick!
Please take a look.
I've got a big, red patch from the burn.
How did it happen?
I accidentally burned my arm while taking hot water.
Did it just happen?
I registered. Here.
It's all right. Let me give it a blow.
Will it leave a scar?
Don't worry. Relax.
Here, this is the prescription.
Go take the medicine as prescribed.
That's it? That's all?
Your wound is not serious.
Use the topical cream for three days.
But it's a huge red patch.
-Dr Xu. -Yes?
This firefighter is injured quite badly.
-Please take a look. -Check him.
Go to the debridement room and get ready for sutures.
Doctor! What about my wife?
I gave you the prescription, didn't I?
Just get the medicine stated there.
You barely checked for a minute.
Your injury is nothing serious.
Use the prescribed medicine and it'll be fine.
Did you really treat my wife's condition?
It was barely 10 seconds.
I don't have time to argue with you right now. Let's go.
Stop right there!
You're leaving my wife to suffer?
Are you being rough on a woman?
Didn't your parents teach you better?
Who are you? I'm looking for her.
Are you done?
Let go of my husband!
Remember your job.
Don't just stand here and ogle.
Go and get your medicine.
Let's hurry.
I'll wait here.
Hang in there.
I'll inject the anaesthetic soon.
Thanks, Doctor.
Let me clean you up.
Lift your arm.
Don't move around.
This hand is fine.
I can do it myself.
No, this hand looks swollen.
It's dirty.
I can't let you do it yourself.
What happened to your arm?
Someone tried to jump off a bridge.
Thank goodness nothing bad happened.
We saved him.
Wasn't there any ambulance on the scene?
I didn't see one.
My colleague
just bundled me up and brought me here.
You should make a complaint if no ambulance went there.
Wait a minute, Dr Xu.
The ambulance and us are under the same roof.
When calamity strikes,
we're all on the same boat.
No reason to point fingers.
You doctors
and us firefighters,
we're all family, right?
It's tough for all of us.
I'm injecting the anaesthetic.
Please be gentle.
I don't like needles.
Did you die just now?
That man was being unreasonable
and was about to hit the doctor. Didn't you see?
It wasn't like that. I was
If I hadn't come,
would you just let her get beaten up?
No way, Boss.
Anyway, nothing happened.
I'm not your boss.
You're my boss.
Hang on.
Do you know that doctor?
No, I don't.
If you don't, why are you so worried about her?
How is it, Jiang?
I'm all right.
Thanks, Doctor.
Pay the fees and then get anti-inflammatory medication.
Got it. Thanks, Miss, Doctor.
Looking for someone?
Our captain just left. He went that way.
Go get your medication.
Thank you.
We'll be off then. Thanks, Miss.
Are you okay?
I'm taking over, Dr Xu.
Song Yan!
Song Yan.
Long time no see.
Yes, pretty long.
Have you been well
the past years?
Not too bad.
And you?
Not good.
Is there anything else?
Thanks for just now.
I did it for my brother.
And the last time
Xu Qin,
what do you wish to say?
Do you have time to have a cup of coffee?
Do you?
Many people want to treat me to coffee.
Get in line.
I'll call you when it's your turn.
(Together We Eliminate Fire Hazards, Join Hands to Build a Safe Society)
I hope you will think of me
every time you want to smoke.
Song Yan,
I don't like you to smoke.
My mum won't like you smoking, too.
I'll stop.
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