Flames (2018) s01e02 Episode Script

Dil To Baccha Hai Ji

If you paid attention in the last class
then you would have understood
that the electron inside this metal
is ready to make a bond.
I sent her a friend request.
That's my boy!
She'll accept it immediately.
But will this bond be
ionic or covalent
or will it stay metallic forever?
This depends on the receiving electron.
- Hello!
- Hi!
Get everything checked.
Hello everybody!
Hello, how are you?
I'm doing great, what about you?
- Alright, bye!
- Bye!
Let's get some snacks!
Hi! Bye!
Hi guys!
Just trying them out.
Let's get some snacks!
Hi! How are you?
I'm good! Bye.
Today's class is about
Bro, it's a love marriage for you!
What's up?
Just trying it out.
- Okay, bye!
- Bye.
Let's get some snacks!
I haven't spoken to her once!
There's not enough cream in the rolls.
That friend request
There's no cherry either!
Idiot! Keep quiet for two minutes!
There's not enough cherry in this!
That's what I said..
Some things are better left unsaid.
Like I don't have to tell you
to take out your notebooks
and put down today's date.
Now write down, Chapter 2.
The Heart Is Innocent.
Will you give fees on time?
Yeah, yeah.
That's why you changed your hairstyle!
It didn't have any affect.
She still hasn't accepted my friend request.
She loved the dog momo joke that day.
She really didn't accept it?
Why would I lie?
She didn't accept.
She doesn't want to be friends.
Take her number from the tuition group!
I checked. It wasn't there.
Maybe the group was already full.
Hike has a limit of a thousand people per group.
Even if I had her number,
I can't just text her directly.
I would look like I'm desperate.
How does that matter?
Our Rajjo is a fully desperate boy.
Don't act so innocent.
Weren't you caught behind the auditorium?
Dude, come on.
I was just sitting with Ashwin.
Don't make it a big deal like Praveen Sir.
Nobody is making it a big deal.
You really didn't do anything that day?
I didn't.
But I will today.
You know our senior, Mayank Sethi?
He's taking me to McDonald's after the tuition class.
What are you saying?
Good for her!
Our crazy friend got a date!
That just leaves us, Pandu.
The configuration value for these is
I'm not meant for Delhi any longer.
- Pandu?
- Tell me something.
Do you like Anusha?
Why do girls find seniors attractive?
Since when have been hiding it?
That Mayank fellow isn't
even that good of a catch.
He's got buck teeth.
You fucker, Anusha?
Our Anusha, out of all the people?
Have I asked why you like Ishita?
I've been helping you out for a week.
Go on! Say something!
Pandey ji!
Sir, he was actually clearing a doubt.
I was just helping him out.
I don't think I can teach today.
The P - Block isn't headed anywhere.
Any doubts?
Ask now.
I don't see any doubts.
We should continue tomorrow.
Enjoy your day off.
They just don't taste that good today.
Do you want some mayonnaise or oregano?
He isn't talking about the momos.
Of course!
At least Anusha's your friend.
She talks to you.
Ishita still hasn't accepted my friend request.
What is with her DPS attitude?
Bro, I've figured out how
the concept works for women.
They eat momos with friends.
But they flirt while having McDonalds.
You're right.
Bro, I've decided something.
I'm not going to speak to them.
I'll show them my attitude now.
You'll ignore her too.
Remember that!
I won't say a word to her!
Don't pick up her calls.
Don't talk to her.
She must want to talk about Mayank.
Put it on speaker.
Rajjo, listen up.
Sir has scheduled a PnC test tomorrow
and I am totally in the dark
about what to study.
Please help me out!
Don't talk to her, say no.
I was just heading outside.
Please do something.
Ishita and I will both fail.
Hold on.
Dude, Anusha has treated us to
momos so many times.
No! Attitude, remember?
Anusha, don't worry!
Come to the Mr. Momos stall.
I'll tutor you. Don't worry. Come.
Are you mad?
Do you value my friendship at all?
Have you become an asshole in love?
This entire situation is pointless!
Should I add gravy, Pandu ji?
I don't want to eat the momos!
The 8 factorial can be written
as a 8x7 factorial as well.
The 7 and 7 cancel out each other.
And your answer will be 4.
Solve the 14th example now.
Come with me.
Why can't she see the attitude?
Bro, these girls are cunning.
They're seeing our attitude
and giving it back.
Maybe they're genuinely worried.
Maybe they really want to study.
To hell with studying!
If Mayank called up right now
she'd be gone in fifteen minutes.
Should we go now?
We should go.
I'm not going. You go.
Let's not go then.
Should we go?
I think we should go.
Listen, you go.
I'm not moving from here.
Attitude, fuckers!
Dude, you actually went.
Are you sure?
Just be ready, okay?
Look, he's coming.
Can you come here?
What is it?
I just want to talk. Come, please?
I'm not coming, I have to study.
I'll help you, but just come.
You'll help me study?
Listen, idiot.
I'm not that desperate yet.
Just come for a minute
and I'll help you figure.
I'll take two minutes then you can study.
What do you want?
Just sit for two minutes!
Hurry up, I don't have time.
I have to study for tomorrow's test.
So, the thing is..
Let it go, you leave.
Dude, why are you going?
I've told you already!
I have a test, I have to study.
Not this! Why are you going to McDonald's?
To have a burger with Mayank!
I'll take you out..
..for the burger.
Not at all.
This has to be multiplied.
4C3 into 7C2.
How do you know PnC so well?
My mother.
Is she strict?
That she is.
She's a maths teacher.
Oh! I see.
I don't get full marks, still.
I always rank 3rd or 4th in class.
3rd or 4th rank isn't bad.
Most kids can't achieve that.
Yes, that too.
Your mother must be proud of you.
You get 20 out of 20 each time.
She's not here.
She passed away.
Your dad must be really proud, though.
A lot!
He took me to Promenade Mall
last week, as a treat.
Wow, a treat?
When I got full marks
my dad asked
"Will you get the same result again?"
I said, "Yes, I'll get the same marks."
Did you?
Obviously not!
What did your dad do?
He asked me again.
"Will you get the same result?"
I said, "Yes, I'll get them", once again.
I didn't get the same result.
By the way
Did you check your friend requests
in the past week?
I'm not that active on social media.
How come?
I think it's a waste of time.
Good, good, very good!
I'd sent you a request.
So I thought
So take my number!
So take my number!
Did you solve the question?
Why is the answer 301?
Oh, we didn't consider the
4 boys and 1 girl
situation over here.
Look over here.
If we take 7C4 and
add 4C1
then we should get 441!
Of course, you're right!
Have you solved this before?
Yeah, I've solved the entire R.S
Why do you need me to tutor you?
Well, actually..
You'll take me out for a burger?
Yes, I can take you for a burger.
You're going to pay?
Yes, I'm going to pay.
And a KD as well?
You can take a ride.
I have a bike.
And a mango bar?
Anusha liked him too?
All of this to get Pandu to propose?
There's no Mayank Sethi?
Was all of this your plan?
Since when are you and Anusha so close?
We sit together every maths class.
So you know PnC?
Yes, I know it.
This is really embarrassing.
You're a smart one.
Still, thank you for the tutoring!
♪How deep and lovely♪
♪are the colours of this evening.♪
So take my number!
♪These beautiful clouds descend from the skies♪
♪the way your love descends upon me.♪
♪In this beautiful moment♪
♪that we share by ourselves.♪
♪Today, there is just me♪
♪and there is your love.♪
♪Let this silence stay♪
♪let our silents moments stay forever.♪
So students, sometimes
there are difficulties in the
process of creating bonds.
That is why these bonds
require a catalyst
to get started with the process.
They come and create
the bond that was awaited.
What was the real catalyst
in this situation?
That's your homework.
See you in the next class.
Did you remember the fees?
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