Flipante Noa! (2018) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Mom! Dad! Today we watched
a really old movie in class.
It's called E.T., and it's about an alien
who befriends a boy
who helps him go back into outer space.
It's been a while since I enjoyed
watching a movie so much.
I laughed…
I cried…
I even laughed and cried at the same time!
I grew up a lot while watching it.
If I ever find an alien one day,
I'm gonna help it.
I was like an alien too, when I came here.
Awesome! I sure have grown up.
Awesome Noa
I'm from Antarctica
And everyone calls me Awesome Noa
Look around and you'll see
Everything's awesome
Awe-- awe-- awe-- awesome
Every single minute here deserves a party
Awesome Noa
Minerva, is that you?
Hello? Who's there?
Wow, you really scared me!
Who are you?
E.T.? Telephone?
Do you get it or should I draw you a map?
Is he… a DJ from a nightclub?
No, no, that can't be.
Are you an alien?
But like a real-life alien?
Don't worry. I am your friend.
Friend. Do you understand? It's okay.
I know exactly what to do
in these situations.
And first, we need to hide you. Let's go.
What are you hiding in the supply closet?
Who? Me?
Come on, you've been sneaking food
for two weeks.
And it's not the first time you've hidden
an animal in the supply closet.
-Well, I--
-What is it this time?
A rabbit? A ferret?
A fawn? An owl?
A snake? A family of possums?
A koala? A baboon!
-I give up.
-An alien.
An alien?
An alien? You're always pulling my leg.
And he loves croquettes.
Are you going to eat those?
Well, he doesn't look very alien to me.
Just watch this. E.T., I friend.
-What did I tell you? Just like the movie.
Anybody can say "telephone."
What about that?
It's just a foreign language.
From a galaxy far away.
Guys, open the door!
We want to see the alien.
How do you know we have an alien?
Charlie yelled it in the cafeteria
and you just confirmed it.
Where is everyone?
-I have no idea.
-I know that you have no idea.
Get moving, find out what's happening
and where everyone is!
You don't have to tell me twice.
I'm on it!
What should I do?
Find out what happened
and where everyone is.
Right! I'm on it!
Aliens love them.
-That's not proven.
Wow. He said "telephone."
That's very alien.
Oh, come on.
It's a language from a galaxy far away.
No. Don't jump to conclusions.
It's very unlikely that he's an alien.
He said "telephone."
Well, whoever he is,
he's someone who's lost,
who's far from home
and who needs our help.
And no matter how far away his planet is,
we're all born from the same stardust.
And we all like croquettes.
Oh, yeah.
Guys, promise me
that we'll help E.T. get back home.
-I'm in.
-Me too.
I'm in too.
But I still think he's not an alien.
Whatever you say.
Right now, it's important to keep him
a secret so that nobody finds out.
Guys, open the door.
-We brought croquettes.
For the alien.
No. We need to get him out of here.
Relax. I know exactly what to do
in these situations.
Do you know why nobody
has come to practice?
-Noa did something.
-Why am I not surprised?
It seems like she's hiding something
in the broom closet.
And what is she hiding?
-It's what?
If I tell you, you'll yell at me.
I won't yell at you. Spit it out!
Noa's hiding an alien in the broom closet.
What? An alien? What are you saying?
It's true.
Noa's playing a trick on the school.
If that is true,
Noa's days at this school are numbered.
Luckily, I know exactly what to do
in these situations.
Are you sure about what Raquel told you?
Absolutely, Mrs. Principal.
And please put these on.
-It's exciting.
Noa, we know you're in there.
Come out immediately.
Noa, we know you're with somebody.
Can you introduce us?
Yeah. Show us the alien.
let me introduce my neighbor, Coral.
She's a… a foreigner.
-She came from Antarctica.
She's touring around and paid us a visit.
Thanks. Likewise.
Why is she in the broom closet?
Well, it's because
she's a neat freak.
Now she wants to see the dishwasher
in the cafeteria.
You're going to love it, Mrs. Coral.
To your office?
I can't do this.
Since Noa arrived, nothing goes right.
Do you think I stink at being a baddie?
What are you saying?
You're the best baddie there is.
-Don't try to console me.
-Yell at me. You'll get over it.
No, Ruby. One must know when to retire.
We're going to become… good!
And we'll start an NGO to do good things.
What do you think?
I'll do whatever you say.
Look. We can start here.
This was posted on the bulletin board.
It's a boy who is missing.
We can look for him and help him.
-He must be scared.
-Let's do that.
We'll find him.
We'll bring him to his parents,
and when they want to give us a medal,
we'll refuse.
And we'll be anonymous heroines.
We'll go unnoticed!
Just a second. Cardboard.
Scissors. Felt.
Pencil crayons and yarn.
What do you think?
You do crafting when you're sad?
-I like to eat carrots.
-That's not it.
Then I think about the bunnies
who have no carrots
and I get sadder,
then I eat even more carrots.
Then my teeth turn orange.
I look in the mirror,
and I get even sadder.
It's him! Noa is hiding him!
Being good can wait.
Hi, hello.
Guys, bad news.
Raquel called the police
and they're on their way to take E.T.
Well, we knew sooner or later
that this would happen,
but we also know what to do.
It's not telephone time, E.T.
It's time to fly.
I'll distract them.
-Lovely day, isn't it?
-Yeah, kid, give me that bike.
Now it's time to fly.
Those dumb wheels! What happened?
Eric! Eric!
Mom! Dad!
Yes, I solved the whole case.
But, please, I'd like to remain unnoticed.
Hi, my name is Raquel and I'm thirteen.
My good side? The left.
This is Eric Torbe,
from the well-known Torbe family.
They're on vacation.
And Eric got lost when he left the hotel
to look for croquettes.
He loves them.
Thanks, Noa,
for taking care of our son Eric.
We'll always be grateful to you.
Whenever you want,
you can come and visit us.
You have a place to stay in Norway!
-You. Friend.
-You. Friend.
Because no matter how far away you live,
we're all born from the same stardust.
-And we all like croquettes.
-Oh, yeah!
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