Follow Kar Lo Yaar (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Let's get it
Let's get it
I am the queen
All eyes on me
We arrived at the venue,
and we were told to go downstairs.
And, I was like,
"Why are we going downstairs?"
And then I see some
influencers walking in.
I lost it.
-You guys lied to me!
-There are only three people there.
Just shut up!
What did you tell me?
-No other influencer will be there, right?
-Right, there aren't any.
Why are those four girls there?
Do I look like an idiot?
What did you tell me?
I was waiting there!
-No, you weren't waiting
-I don't like doing any of this!
I felt cheated.
Shraddha, don't you guys
feel any shame lying to my face?
Before making me do this?
What happened?
You said there won't be
any other influencers at the venue.
But nobody's going to do the reel!
I'll decide whether
I want to do it or not.
Am I clear to both of you?
-Yes, very much
-First, I agree that I was lied to.
-But, we're already at the location
-I don't care about that.
-And since you are ready,
it doesn't look good to leave like this.
-They are calling me right now.
-I don't
You cannot lie and get me to work.
-Fine, take a U-turn, Imran.
-The event will have its
-Do not!
-Do not!
-Yes, we're coming
Just Listen to me!
Do not ever lie to me again.
I don't know, I felt that yes,
my team lied to me
but the international artist's
team doesn't know what I know.
Whoever is involved
will think I'm in the wrong.
I thought it would look
very unprofessional, Uorfi.
Swallow it.
Swallow your anger and fall in line.
Once we're done here, let's do a meeting
tomorrow with PR, Shraddha, and me.
So that we don't run into
such problems in the future, okay?
-I'll wait.
Next, I'm the next.
Don't touch me!
I am the next.
I went, and I greeted the
international artist very nicely.
I said, okay fine. Let's make the reel.
And the team was like,
"Reel? Sorry, there is no reel.
I was like, "Picture?"
Then I realized
that this was a fan meet-and-greet.
You you guys are the
best team I've ever had.
You know that, right?
You guys lied to me about everything.
About the reel.
I also didn't know this was
a meet-and-greet/picture event.
Several people screwed up
in this whole scenario.
Some things weren't communicated like
this was a meet-and-greet/picture event.
So she was under the impression
that she was going to make a reel.
But that wasn't going to happen.
Let's go.
-Shraddha, you liar!
You guys are liars!
You said we were making a reel!
Uorfi, we have a confirmation via email!
I should have listened to my gut feeling.
I felt so humiliated.
I stood in line with normal influencers
and waited for my turn
to get a picture taken.
I had to wait for my turn to go inside,
for only a picture.
I am sorry.
My eyes
I feel like crying,
but I am controlling myself.
Such humiliation
I would have felt this way two years ago.
In the last couple of years, I've
been treated with respect wherever I go.
I am used to that fucking respect.
And I was treated like a nobody.
From today,
whenever I say no to something,
-do not force me.
-We won't force you.
I am her business agent.
I am not supposed to
listen to her gut feeling.
And I did not.
But I realized that probably
I should have given it a thought.
Because all these years Uorfi has garnered
success because of her gut feeling.
You explain.
You tell me what's right and what's not.
You can guide, you can advise.
But the final decision,
I think, should be mine.
I want respect.
When it comes to respect, no compromises.
With money, I can compromise.
This life I chose for myself, it's been
tough for the past two years, honestly.
There have been numerous situations.
I'm afraid to start
feeling suicidal again.
But I did feel that way recently.
People will say it's the
peak of my career or whatever,
I'm doing well. But I
still felt how I shouldn't have felt.
That's why I recently started counseling.
And Varkha Chulani is my counselor.
I discuss my feelings with her,
to an extent.
Sometimes I think I
go overboard with my temper
And later it makes me feel guilty.
So that needs to be controlled.
Mostly, you are not what you seem to be.
You don't have a short temper.
No, I just feel sometimes
I feel it's been suppressed
somewhere since my childhood.
There are certain situations where
You feel you were
forced in your childhood.
-Where I don't have a voice.
So, in those situations, I feel
-You feel suffocated.
-Suffocated, yes.
And I don't like anyone
looking down on me.
So, when I get angry,
for those ten minutes, I lose it.
-Right. You are not able to control it.
-I am not able to control it.
I might make wrong decisions,
but let me make those decisions.
-The whole world was saying,
"What is she doing? She's crazy."
But I only listened to myself.
Only my opinion mattered.
-You've improved a lot.
Take better care of yourself.
Be forgiving,
and you'll see your temper receding.
I can't forgive myself.
At times it gets difficult.
I get into a lot of guilt.
I start having this guilt
about what I have done.
Does it sometimes remind you of
how people treated you as a child?
All of who Uorfi Javed is,
I think, is all her childhood trauma.
"Don't do this. Don't dress like that."
Having an opinion on everything.
I think that is why she
cannot give up that control.
That's what I feel.
Everyone can only see the rebel
and the Uorfi who talks nonsense.
But I see that. That is very evident.
Forgiveness lets people move on.
I don't want to be
labeled as a bad person.
You are not a bad person.
At that moment, I don't realize.
I say very bad things.
Tell me, when you swear
I swear a lot. Too much.
-What rewards did you get by swearing?
-Don't know
-Were they scared?
Were people scared of you?
Yes, they are a bit scared of me.
I want people to fear me.
I want people to have that fear.
-You mean respect.
-Respect, yes. Sorry. Respect.
They should respect me.
I want that respect.
And how does one get respect?
What is your opinion about respect?
You only feel good when you spend money?
-That's dangerous.
No, no, I'll buy it.
I'll buy everyone's respect and
-Let's meet next week.
The event people clearly said
that this was a meet-and-greet,
a picture event.
And a major fuck up, you know what,
no one from Aakanksha's
team was present there.
We have to take this as a
learning lesson and figure out a way
because it's an event.
Things go wrong even
more horribly in an event.
There has to be a way
to handle it in a certain way.
This is non-negotiable.
-Hi, how are you?
-What's up?
-Welcome to the office.
-Welcome, Sahel.
-So, can we address the
I can't tell you how mad I was.
Remember what we had discussed, Shraddha?
There won't be anyone
else at the event, only me.
-I had to stand in a queue,
Which I didn't.
Because I ran away in the car.
But all of them were standing in a queue.
And then, I was like, "I don't do this."
I know. I know.
You can guide me, and reason with me,
but the end decision should be mine.
Don't force me.
-I am sorry.
-Do not force me.
-Okay, whoever is at fault here
-We all are sorry, in fact
Yeah, but my reaction was wrong.
Sometimes what happens is
it's a totally different scenario
when we reach the location for work.
But don't lose your mind
over it and behave unprofessionally.
-Yeah, I agree. I shouldn't lose my mind.
-It's just one thing.
Nobody will care about me or Ruslaan
at the event, right?
Because we are not the face.
-People don't know us.
-Personally, I don't care.
-No, Uorfi.
-No, but we have to care.
If even one guy had made a
reel of you screaming and posted it
You know your reels
go viral in an instant.
-Okay, yeah. You are right.
I should have been careful.
I should have been I agree. I agree.
Why didn't this happen?
It would have been such viral content.
It would have been amazing.
I would have benefited in some way
from that "international" artist.
I would have gotten something out of it.
But nothing happened.
As an agency, we've to work towards
how to reach your next goal.
And secondly, how to avoid such fuck ups.
Next time,
we're not doing anything for free.
-Done. Okay, so moving on.
Your dream project.
Your future planning, for which you are
In the meeting scheduled for the brand,
two people from their office
are physically coming here.
And Vinav and Mansi are on-call.
Hi, guys.
"Revurge" is basically helping
us in setting up Uorfi's brand.
Their responsibility is
almost everything in
terms of setting up the brand
and putting the business together.
Over to you, Mansi.
Hello. We're already working
extensively for the brand,
and done a lot of sampling already.
We've done a lot of
sampling abroad as well.
But I think since the
samples are closer to you right now
What will stand out is
the quality that we are giving.
-Hold on, show me the product.
Gen-Z girls wear all kinds of clothes.
Backless, front-less, everything-less.
But existing lingerie doesn't
suit the needs of such clothing.
And that's why there is a need
for good brands in women's solution wear.
Nipple covers, boob tapes
which are not available in the market.
So I just thought I could
have a monopoly over the market.
What I am wearing right now,
I bought this from abroad.
You can hardly see anything inside.
I am wearing white.
But honestly,
I didn't like this nipple pasty.
The glue is not strong enough.
-You can see it's peeling from the sides.
I will send you a sample of such quality
that it doesn't peel from the sides,
and there isn't any paper-like
stuff attached to it.
I can't just give anything
to the customer.
Unless and until I am 100% satisfied
with the quality, I won't sell it.
Do we have any investor right now?
Has anyone shown any interest?
Not so far,
but there are a few more lined up.
Meetings are lined up.
It's a work in progress.
-It's going to happen.
Right now this is the only
thing on my priority list.
Like number one.
I want to start my own business.
As soon as possible.
And I feel the respect I demand,
this is the most effective
way to gain that respect
I don't really believe in networking,
but I have only a few
friends in the industry.
And Munawar Faruqui is one of them.
He invited me to his trial show.
It had been a while since I last
met him, so I went to his trial show.
Let's talk about relatives.
Do you have relatives?
-Everyone does.
-Yeah. Yes, we do.
And men have it worse
when it comes to these "terms".
Husband of a paternal aunt.
Uncle. Paternal uncle. Maternal uncle.
If someone's husband dies,
they show respect to her.
Like she is a widow.
But guys are called horn dogs
aka widowers.
And that is the only term.
There are no other terms for them.
You can look it up.
Friends, Uorfi is here.
Uorfi, meet people who've
paid for their tickets.
I think if there's anyone more
controversial than me at the moment,
I think Munawar can
definitely come second.
She is famous for something
she doesn't do. Clothing.
If Uorfi opens her mouth,
we'd expect something like
Swear words.
Not swear words.
-You are too cute for that.
Who just tsked?
He is disappointed
to see you fully dressed.
I would call Uorfi a free bird.
And the word crazy is perfect for Uorfi.
I think she is crazy.
I just did something with Munawar.
Not in that way!
I meant a project.
Please explain, Uorfi!
No, I mean we did something together,
like work.
-Amazing show.
-Thank you for coming.
It was free, right?
I had to come since I
didn't have to pay for tickets.
How is it going? All good?
You know how it is.
I've signed up with an agency.
It's India's biggest agency.
They are very good.
But still, we all have our own struggles.
For what?
I thought after signing
up with such a big agency,
money would pour in.
I will bathe in money.
And the money would rain on me.
Remember that Sridevi movie
where she sleeps on money?
I thought I was going to do that.
She sells her husband for that.
Sells her husband!
Doesn't matter to me.
Even I would sell my husband.
I would rather marry money.
These were my dreams.
-But it didn't
-But it's okay, right?
You are doing good.
And while doing good,
you are struggling to do better.
I thought I'd have my
own penthouse in two years.
I thought of Rolls Royce, but then
I would have settled for a Range Rover.
-Adjust, basically.
-I will adjust.
But it's not happening.
And, I'm like "Where am I going wrong?"
Very heartbreaking.
-Isn't it?
-What is your source?
What is that one thing you want
to do with which you can buy a penthouse?
I am still discovering that source.
Honestly, two
years ago if you had told anyone,
that a girl who wore weird
outfits publicly would become famous.
No one would have believed you.
Did you think you'd be
more famous than a Bollywood celebrity?
That's the unreal part, right?
Even I am meeting many
people from the industry,
who we never imagined we could meet.
Yeah, that happens sometimes.
"Oh, you know my name?"
I was shocked with Arjun Kapoor.
Arjun Kapoor knew my name.
-I was like Arjun Kapoor
-Who is Arjun Kapoor?
See, since I am also a comedian, please.
I love being famous.
I love it when people notice me.
I love making head turns.
But you are all of that.
But how do you stay relevant? How?
Whatever your art form is,
you have to work on that.
I can post a video every four months,
but now I wait for at least a year.
I won't do stand-up for almost a year.
But when I do it after a year,
they will be like Okay.
Like you've delivered something good.
-Something worthwhile.
-Worthwhile. Crazy.
Because your audience
also wants to see you grow.
He has that hunger.
Those who have greed
fall flat on their face.
But if you have hunger,
you can do better in life,
because then money isn't
the only thing you crave for.
But I have greed. I am very greedy.
Another advice would be for your phone.
-Come on.
-Get it insured or buy a new one.
Don't blame me if your
phone goes missing now.
But what is this, Uorfi?
They break. It's not a big deal.
And you never use a cover.
-You're like me.
It's the mark of rich people.
No cover for the phone.
This is what shows your wealth.
It shows that you are rolling in money.
But I think your phones break because
Uorfi's clothes don't have pockets.
I am shooting for something.
What? Are you making a vlog?
It's going to be a huge vlog?
What is this? Is it Uorfi's vlog?
It's not Uorfi's vlog,
it's Follow Kar Lo Yaar .
"Follow Kar Lo Yaar"
is the name of the show?!
Yes, that's what it's called.
-That's desperate.
-Yes, it's desperate!
-So desperate, I mean
-You didn't like the name?
Follow Kar Lo Yaar ,
it sounds more like a request.
But we can only request the audience.
We can't say follow me fuckers.
Won't that sound terrible?
Follow me fuckers.
Follow Uorfi for what?
Because you cannot ignore me.
So that's why you should follow me.
All the best for whatever you are doing.
Thank you, Munawar,
for inviting me.
Munawar and I have
a lot of things in common.
Coming from zero, we
both made it to the top.
And that struggle, from a no one
to sudden fame.
-Bye, take care.
I don't think we have any similarities.
But, yeah, we can connect with each other.
-May I come in?
-Come in.
Your salary was credited.
Really amazing.
I saw there were some deductions,
-and we'll talk about that later
-Those were TDS deductions.
Tax was deducted.
-You deducted tax.
In fact, I gave you an increment.
What am I doing differently
to get this increment?
You are not doing anything different,
I am just being generous.
-Shraddha called by the way.
-What did she say?
I guess they are arranging
for a bodyguard from some agency.
So now you'll be fully protected
on the go.
Till now I was fulfilling
both these roles,
-You were not.
-I used to hire a bodyguard.
-But now we want it to be permanent.
-Fine, call him.
-Let's do it.
You never know,
whether you are walking on the streets,
or someone's trying to get a selfie,
and they might harm you.
So, security is important
for this kind of personality.
Hello, Yasin. Sahel. Uorfi's manager.
Finally, the main guy has entered
the picture which I think is Yasin.
He comes and sits down.
And the Rani, the cat, was also there.
And she starts meowing
because she's in heat.
He looks at her and asks
"She doesn't bite, right?"
I thought,
"He's going to handle security?"
When I first saw Yasin,
I was like "Oh, my God. He's so tall.
I would look so short in front of him."
But it's a good thing,
if he walks in front of me, I'll be safe.
So basically, I was in the army.
I've retired from the army.
From now on, you'll be secured 24/7
-with security.
-Are you serious? 24/7?
-Even when you are sleeping.
-Not while sleeping surely?
You would be sleeping inside,
and I'll stand guard outside.
Have you ever received calls,
messages, or letters?
Tell us what type of
threats you have received.
I got calls and emails.
"I'll rape you, kill you."
She gets insulted for being a Muslim.
She gets insulted for her fashion sense.
According to me, everyone
in this industry is getting insulted,
because people in India
are so jobless,
they are not doing anything themselves,
they start insulting and making threats.
If you ignore this,
they can become serious issues later.
When I got my first-ever threat,
honestly, it made me feel like a star.
Only celebrities get threats.
"Are you serious? Am I a celebrity now?"
But ten minutes later, I was like,
"Oh shit, is he really going kill me?".
What is this band, Yasin?
It's a tactical wristband.
It's actually made of para-cord.
It's a non-breakable thread.
This thing you see here is
Oh, my God!
It's a part of a survival kit, actually.
-It also has a screwdriver.
-That's really amazing.
It also has a small knife.
Do you realize what I asked him?
Look at my observation skills!
Don't take me lightly.
Yeah, good catch.
Carry a nunchuck.
He's like the embodiment of John Wick.
I was expecting a pistol or something.
Something with style.
He pulled out a torch
and said he could kill with this.
John Wick could kill with a pencil.
Honestly speaking, I
don't know who John Wick is.
So I thought,
he's like Akshay Kumar.
Being from India, I'll say Akshay Kumar.
These past few days, I've
been very busy with work,
so we've planned a lunch with my friends.
I am really excited
to meet them after so long.
Hi, what's up?
Oh, my God.
First I thought some ballerina was coming.
I thought you were introducing
us to your boyfriend.
He's my security.
Oh, my God.
He's like two Uorfis.
Two times Uorfi.
He's very skilled.
He was wearing a band or something
and lit a fire from it.
He was saying his band
can turn into a proper rope.
He can use it to go pow-wow!
Bruce Lee, Uorfi Lee.
Uorfi hasn't given anyone any Lee-way. And
I have no interest in giving any either.
You've been going on shoots.
You've been traveling.
-And you haven't done anything?
-I've not had sex in three years.
I've not even kissed a man in three years.
I've not even spoken to
a man romantically in three years.
She said she hadn't touched or kissed
anyone for three years, I was like
But why am I not having sex?
There is a reason.
I took an oath three years ago.
"Until Uorfi doesn't own a private jet,
no man can get her wet."
I think I've been very
hyper-independent all my life.
I've done everything on my own.
And so I don't want to be vulnerable
even in front of my partner.
We were thinking,
we might want to set you up on a date.
I want you to feel some random romance.
But don't be the person who goes to sleep
at 10:00 p.m. and leaves them hanging.
No tantrums for one day.
And no need to pay his bill. It's okay.
If she has a partner,
there will be some thrill in her life.
I mean what is this,
playing only with cats?
She has become this cat lady.
I mean three cats and one Uorfi.
She needs to find someone.
-What's happening in your life?
-Yeah, you tell us.
-How is Sahel?
-He's like fine.
Break up if you don't like him.
There is no need to
My relationship with Sahel will
remain even if you're not his girlfriend.
That I know, even if we break up,
you two share a different bond altogether.
But we're at that stage where
we both need a little space for ourselves.
So he can focus on his
career and I can focus on mine.
We go way back in time.
We've been friends since school.
We've been in a relationship
for seven or eight years.
Mom, Dad, and Asfi have become friends.
I've never imagined a life
without them in the future.
It's like that.
-I have to tell you something.
-Go ahead.
So, I'm getting a boob job.
-But, if they
-They look just fine.
They don't look fine.
They are very small.
It's a no from me.
Yes, but who's listening to you?
Everyone will.
I think it's a no from Uruusa as well.
Let me tell you what happens
when I wear my clothes.
It fits properly here.
Fits properly over here too.
But they are very loose over here.
Will we recognize you after a month,
or do we need pictures before and after?
That shouldn't be the question.
The question should be, will
I recognize you guys after my boob job?
I'll be like,
"I'm too beautiful for this.
Who are they? Flat-chested girls,
get away from my sight."
I am not flat-chested, okay?
Yours aren't special either.
Go for it.
Yours aren't special,
that's why you are getting them done!
-Mine may not be like 36D,
but 34B is just fine.
I am not flat-chested, okay?
For sure. For sure.
I have a great figure.
I'm the right size.
And I got the curves, okay?
-Here's to
-Here's to
My breast implants.
Whatever Uorfi does, she does it in style.
"Yeah, guys.
I am getting breast implants!"
I am very shocked,
but also, this is Uorfi.
This is not done.
You can't just do anything to your body.
Tomorrow you will say
I want to get my lips cut.
I want to become a lizard.
That's not cool.
So, Asfi said that she
would not be okay with it.
Uruusa will also not be okay with it.
But she forgot these are my boobs.
I'm okay with it.
-Why did you call me?
-Have a seat.
-What happened?
Our mom isn't here,
so let's call Uruusa.
Maybe Uruusa can put
some sense into Uorfi.
-You called her for this?!
Are you out of your mind?!
-Well, are you out of your mind?
-I think this is important.
-Why do you want to get it done?
-My choice.
The choice is fine,
but there has to be a reason.
Because I've got small boobs.
I want bigger boobs.
I want to get big boobs.
There was a time when you
used to make fun of my big boobs.
-You'd say, they pop out of my outfits.
Your outfits are similar,
so what are you going to do?
Are you going to tone
down your own clothes?
No, my clothes will
stay the same way. So what?
What is the need?
Since I've lost weight, my boob size
They are gone.
They are not there.
They have left the chat.
When they implant those silicone chunks,
they will be heavy.
Your shoulder won't
be able to take the weight.
-I am not
-She is right. She is right.
I am not implanting stones.
You weigh two kilos yourself, why
do you want to implant another 200 grams?
Like 200 grams was never a part of my
body. I used to weigh 50 kg at a point.
You used to, but you are not.
-Thirty-nine kgs is too low, Uorfi.
-I am not 39.
-I am 40-something.
-39.5 kgs. I am sorry.
What are you eating?
Pass it over here.
She eats one day, and then
she's like I am going on a liquid diet.
I think you are out of your mind.
-She doesn't eat at all.
-Be satisfied with what you have.
I am not going Pamela Anderson.
-I am going normal.
-You shouldn't go!
Don't do it. Why are you going at all?
Your body is way too
petite to handle the surgery.
-Are you mad or what?
-You are too weak,
you are constantly sick.
Even now, her shoulders are hurting.
If you really want to get them,
For practice, why don't you
add two kilos and see how that feels?
Yeah, you should try this.
You think it's going to help
you professionally? What is the benefit?
I'll have an hourglass figure,
and I'll dance like Janhvi and Nora.
For an hourglass figure,
you'll have to get your ass done as well.
I am also getting a butt-job.
My point of view is,
if she has bigger boobs or an ass,
the kind of fashion she
showcases shouldn't look vulgar.
That was my concern,
and my second concern was Uorfi's health.
I will be India's next Kim Kardashian.
Many actresses are so flat-chested
and they look very pretty, Uorfi.
They don't look pretty to me.
I think she wants someone
who agrees with her.
But if that's the case,
she is asking the wrong people.
Uruusa and I aren't yes men.
We give our honest opinion.
For years, I've never blamed
anyone for the decisions that I've made.
-Because I don't let anyone
-You did it once. In our childhood
-Don't bring up childhood memories!
-It's a very small and funny story.
Don't bring up childhood memories.
There's a difference
between that Uorfi and present Uorfi.
Why do you have to
get triggered over this?
-I'm asking you to not bring it up.
-But this was a funny story.
Uorfi, how can one have a healthy
conversation with you if you keep yelling?
Why are you comparing
me with the childhood Uorfi?
-So what?
-What is this split personality,
childhood Uorfi versus present Uorfi?
-What is this split personality, Uorfi?
-Yes, I have a split personality.
You were innocent as a child,
but now you've become rude.
Yeah, that's the difference.
I have a 20% set of good
memories of my childhood.
If we can't speak about that,
then who are we to each other?
If we can't share those good memories,
then what sisters?
Why are you comparing
me with the childhood Uorfi?
But why do you have to get triggered?
It is a trigger for me.
No, I don't talk about my childhood.
It's just our childhood, not an insult.
-It is an insult for me.
-Are you out of your mind?
We were never allowed to
speak freely in our childhood.
So today, when we are together,
we are unable to explain how our
point of view arises from concern for her.
I think this conversation is over.
Don't come to me to chat anymore.
It's our job to reason with you.
It's not your job.
Then whose job is it?
It's not like you took care of me,
to date.
Don't talk nonsense
I did take care of you.
-Don't push me Uorfi.
-You never took care of me.
Uorfi, don't do this. Don't be like this.
When Uorfi said you never took care of me,
it felt terrible.
We all took care of each
other at one point in time,
be it emotionally or any other way.
It's not always about giving money.
I am going to my room,
I think you guys can leave.
Uorfi, this is not right.
-You guys can leave.
-I didn't come here for this.
You can leave.
I don't come here to get humiliated.
"You can leave."
I didn't come here by choice.
Yeah, seriously.
You are crazy.
My mood always gets spoiled
when I come to your house, Uorfi.
You genuinely spoil my mood.
Even you were being very irritable.
You are triggered. She is triggered.
I don't know why.
Even you started yelling
during the conversation.
I chilled a lot with her.
-And she's abused me for no reason.
-So why does the mood get spoiled
after you guys chill?
When Uruusa and Uorfi get
into arguments and fights like this,
I get really stuck in the middle.
Because Uruusa can fend
for herself properly,
and once her mind is
cleared she will yell at me.
"You need to be quiet,
stay calm, not start screaming."
I mean seconds ago you
were cursing inside the room, bro.
Even yesterday you
were bitching about her
-I cannot.
-Now you are behaving like this.
I will not lie. I felt amazing.
Like, first they were ganging up on me,
and now they are fighting themselves.
I felt
You go then I will go.
No way I'm going with you.
You're in Lucknow.
You're not some timid cow
who was sitting tongue-tied.
If I treat them how they treat me,
both of them won't be able to endure it.
Whenever I come here,
only bad things happen to me.
She has so many exes in Lucknow,
what can we do? Not invite anyone?
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