Forecasting Love and Weather (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Sensible Temperature

I'm sorry.
Let's call off our marriage.
Did you just say, "Okay"?
There's nothing else I can say to you.
How could you do this to me?
I'm sorry, Ha-kyung.
I'm an asshole.
I checked the price and it went up a lot.
I think it's at least doubled.
As you already know, I have no money.
I poured my entire savings
into that apartment.
I don't care.
I know that. My wife said it was okay,
but that was before we got married.
I'm 36 and not getting any younger.
I should at least have some money, right?
But if that's difficult for you,
let's split it. Half and half.
You wish. You're being ridiculous.
You know I'll be staying
at Headquarters, right?
So what?
I really don't want us to be
on bad terms because of this.
I'm serious.
Would you want that? We're colleagues.
Don't you agree?
Give it some thought and let me know.
Hey, honey.
No, I'm out buying
your favorite snack, macarons.
I should hurry home too.
Make sure to dress warmly this morning.
The temperature in Gangwon Province
has reached sub-zero levels.
And the temperature in
the central region is also below average.
The morning temperature
will be similar to yesterday.
But due to cold wind from the East Sea,
sensible temperature may plummet…
Sensible temperature is
most affected by the wind.
The temperature that people feel differs
depending on the direction of the wind
even if they're in the same space.
Can you turn off the heater, please?
Oh, you must be hot because of the heat.
Can you turn on the heater, please?
It's cold here.
The wind is always the problem.
I said it's hot.
I said it's cold.
Damn it.
Look. Excuse me,
but could you please come to an agreement?
She said your ancestors helped you.
Mom, did you visit that shaman again?
What else did she say?
She said one day, you'll thank him greatly
and say, "Thank you for leaving me."
That's probably how you feel.
You never liked him,
so you're ecstatic
that he left on his own.
Am I wrong?
Ha-kyung, she's just upset.
I can't completely deny that.
Your dad was always chasing rainbows,
and I hated him for that.
But he always kept his promises.
-I knew something felt off
the moment I first met him.
How could anyone in their right mind
break off an engagement
a month before the wedding?
And he's so cheap.
I know splitting costs is
a trend these days,
but I never heard
of any bride who pitched in
for her own wedding gifts.
Did you see my credit card bill?
I didn't have to.
We used my card but he paid me back.
Don't make me laugh.
Come on.
Enough with the pity party.
Make sure you clarify
who owns the apartment.
There's no need for that. It's mine.
Make sure you clarify that on paper too,
or he'll pull one over on you.
Fine. I'll take care of it.
I said I'll handle it on my own.
He gave that house to her
when they separated
as alimony.
How can we trust him
when he even called off the wedding?
What did you say your name was?
Lee Si-woo.
We're not allowed to let you in
if you don't have your security pass.
I am an employee here.
I left both my ID card
and employee card at home.
Who do you think you are?
Si as in time and Woo as in rain.
Rain that falls at the right time.
I'm Lee Si-woo.
What's your employee number?
It's 1835081.
Zero, eight, one…
This doesn't look like you.
That is me. I was chubby
while preparing for the state exam.
-you look very different.
-It is me.
I lost some fat here and here. It's me.
He is an employee.
-Oh, do you know him?
-He's from the Metropolitan Office.
I see.
All right. You may enter.
You should stop by HR
and issue a new pass.
I will. Goodbye.
You saved me back there.
-Thank you.
-You can go about your day and leave.
-What is it?
-I'm going about my day.
I've been dispatched here
as a Severe Weather Forecaster
for Chief Team Two.
What did you say?
I'll be working here
for the next two weeks.
-Has it been seven years already?
I… What?
-I'm glad you're here.
Say hello.
You probably heard of Um from Gangneung.
He's the new Senior Forecaster
of Chief Team Two.
Our team?
-We look forward to working with you.
-Gosh. Likewise, sir.
I look forward
to working with you, Director Jin.
We need to talk.
You told me to think about it.
This is unfair.
You can think about it.
But I should also have
an alternative plan.
Soon, we'll have to prepare
for summer disaster prevention.
If we don't have a director by then,
I can't just appoint anyone.
I need an alternative.
I know you'll accept the offer
to go to Switzerland anyway.
Isn't that why you're here?
I'm here because of
that new forecaster on our team.
Oh, Lee Si-woo?
He's just impossible.
He's reckless and has no respect
for the system--
-I know. He's a bit immature.
But he has good intuition.
He has intuitive power.
People like him are practical.
No, sir. I beg to differ.
Please withdraw his dispatch.
What's it to you who joins the team
if you're going to leave anyway?
I never said I was leaving.
Then will you stay?
You know I'll be staying
at Headquarters, right?
I'm not sure yet.
You have one week.
You know many people have lined up
to join WMO's program, right?
I need to reply to
the International Cooperation Division.
One week.
-You were dispatched here?
-For how long?
-Two weeks.
What are you doing here?
I was dispatched here.
Then what about you?
You should be at the Gangwon Office.
I was appointed here.
Have you finally become a director?
I'm so happy for you.
-It was long overdue.
No, it's not what you think.
Which team?
Team Two.
-Team Two.
Is this the Senior Forecaster's desk?
Wait. Hold on.
Are you here as the Senior Forecaster
of Chief Team Two?
Yes. That's right.
So you'll be working
under Director Jin Ha-kyung?
Under her.
-You've lost so much weight.
You've lost a ton.
So how's your marriage life?
Does Deputy Director Han treat you well?
He may seem cold on the outside,
but he's really caring.
He cleans and does everything
around the house.
Gosh. I didn't think he'd be like that.
You're head over heels for him.
Gosh, lucky you.
You're so lucky.
I feel so left out as a single woman.
-I'll get married first.
-Catch my bouquet.
-I will.
Okay. Yu-jin became so much prettier.
I'll get married first.
Sure, you can go first.
So getting married makes you prettier?
Why did I avoid her?
Why? What for?
This is exactly why
you should never date a colleague.
If you don't get married and break up,
you'll only become a laughing stock.
She's in Chief Team Two,
and he's a spokesperson.
They're bound to meet each other
at least once a day.
Just the thought of it is terrible.
Don't you think so?
The Siberian air mass
has nothing to do with this.
Still, the Okhotsk Sea air mass
is not strong enough
to affect the west.
It's the Okhotsk Sea air mass.
The wind is blowing from that direction.
It's possible if it's blowing
from the northwest.
But the sea alone
can't drop the temperature this low.
-Look at this.
-What are they talking about?
About why the temperature
is continuously dropping.
Senior Forecaster Um thinks
it's due to the Siberian air mass,
and Forecaster Lee thinks
it's because of the Okhotsk Sea air mass.
There's nothing we can do.
They're talking
about two opposite air masses.
It's the Siberian air mass.
The Okhotsk Sea air mass
is more plausible.
You might as well drag
the North Pacific air mass into this.
What? Are you kidding me?
That's absurd.
That's a summertime air mass.
It's just as absurd that the temperature
has dropped to 5°C in May.
Still, what you said was just ridiculous.
What I mean is,
we should consider all variables.
Isn't the atmosphere in here terrifying?
The Siberian air mass,
the Okhotsk Sea air mass,
as well as the North Pacific air mass…
This is the worst weather anomaly.
In a way, this is the end.
Are we getting disbanded?
I'm not sure.
But I think
Director Jin will get replaced soon.
-No way.
Or else,
why would they appoint
Senior Forecaster Um to our team?
I heard Director Jin
was going to Switzerland.
-I guess it's true.
-Really? Why all of a sudden?
Deputy Director Han's transfer
was canceled.
So he'll be staying here?
Gosh. I bet she feels uneasy about that.
Don't you think so?
Of course.
That's why she's going to leave instead.
Why is it always the woman who leaves?
They both work here and he cheated on her.
The world doesn't care
about who's right or wrong.
It's all about who's more brazen.
I don't think it's bad
to just leave it all behind.
Is Director Jin going somewhere?
You don't need to know.
Just do your job
for the next two weeks and leave.
Hello, this is Oh Myung-ju
of Chief Team Two speaking.
It's freezing over here.
Didn't you say the temperature
would rise in the evening?
Yes, sir.
Then what's going on? What's the reason?
Judging by the wind's direction alone,
we could say
the Okhotsk Sea air mass impacted this.
But we've yet to find out
why the temperature dropped.
Really? And the latest
average in sunlight?
It's 73, similar to the average.
Then that's not it either.
-Senior Forecaster Um.
-What's your take on this?
-Maybe the cold air in the northwest
temporarily became stronger.
Like May of 1978?
The phenomenon is similar
to April of 2010 too.
At that time, it was also due
to the cold air from the northwest.
By the way,
what's that over Okhotsk?
We're analyzing it.
Gosh, we're always analyzing.
What do you think?
Feel free to tell me your opinion.
I think it's sea fog
caused by the temperature difference
on the sea surface.
Sea fogs are often spotted in that area.
Any other opinions?
All right. We'll tell the press
that it's only temporary.
How about you go down
and explain the situation?
It's an odd phenomenon.
What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?
-No, sir. It's okay.
-All right.
I'll go tell them.
-I'll see you guys later.
-Yes, sir.
-Good work.
-Good work.
-Good work.
-Good work.
We believe this odd phenomenon
isn't a simple case
of capricious weather,
but a result of climate change worldwide.
To handle this climate crisis,
we will strengthen
the relationship between the departments
and do our best to protect everyone
from meteorological disasters.
He's good at responding to the press.
So the Administrator
wants to keep him around
because he thinks highly of that.
He's all talk.
Any questions?
I'm Chae Yu-jin from Munmin Daily.
How long will this cold spell last?
The Chief Forecaster
can answer that question.
For now, we believe this is temporary.
We believe it'll be cold
for another one or two days.
Will it get warmer in two days?
We hope so. That's what we predict.
I hope your prediction
will come true this time around.
It's too soon
to pull out our winter clothes.
If you have no more questions,
I will end the briefing.
Thank you.
Wait outside for a minute.
Please look into that.
Congratulations, Director Jin.
I heard you were promoted.
Aren't you the youngest person
to become a director?
Good work, Deputy Director Han.
Have you thought about what to do?
What? What do I need to think about?
Come on, Ha-kyung.
It's not your loss
even if we split the money.
Split the money?
You sure love to split.
I wasn't going to say this.
But if you're so precise,
why did you take the TV?
I told you.
I thought I could take whatever I needed.
And come to think of it,
didn't I buy the TV?
Don't you remember asking me to pay half?
Did I?
Did we use your card
because I maxed out mine?
Exactly. I wired you 1,240,000 won.
We paid in cash, so they installed it
for free and gave us a gift.
Right… I remember now.
Return the TV, induction stove,
and workout equipment.
If you don't,
I won't even consider halving it.
Jin Ha-kyung, are you serious?
Address me formally and lower your voice.
-This is our workplace.
I told you before.
I don't want to argue
with you at work either.
But if you act like this,
I have no choice.
So what? Do you want to fight?
-Do you?
-Do you?
-No, thanks.
-Me neither.
Director Jin,
the Director General is looking for you.
I called you but your phone was off.
-Let's go.
Haven't we met before?
-You and me?
-At my wedding.
It was you, right?
-The bouquet.
You got the wrong person.
What's wrong?
Isn't he that psycho from our wedding?
No. I think you're mistaken.
Are you sure?
It was definitely not him.
I should get going.
-See you at home.
Where are you going?
I thought the Director General
wanted to see me.
I was making up an excuse.
You seemed to be in a pickle.
-What happened down there--
I didn't see anything.
That's scarier than saying you did.
You should get some fresh air.
I'll go in first.
Can we talk downstairs?
-Why are you here?
-It's my workplace.
Why aren't you at the Metropolitan Office?
I was dispatched here.
Must you go this far?
Was humiliating me
at my own wedding not enough?
Why did you follow me here?
I'm not here to see you.
I was sent here for two weeks.
Is this okay for you?
What if he sees us together?
He doesn't know.
He doesn't know
that you and I lived together.
And I hope he never will.
-I'll be leaving now.
-Oh, hello.
-It's freezing out.
I know.
Look at this.
The temperature keeps dropping.
I don't think this is temporary.
Hello. Gosh, it's freezing.
-How long has it been?
You saw me on a screen every day.
Don't overreact.
You look much better on the monitor.
-Good work.
-Thank you.
Look at this.
How about we have dinner together?
We have two new members now
and you guys should chat too.
I need to check into the place
I'm staying at by 8 p.m.
Maybe next time.
I need to go home too.
-See you tomorrow.
See? I told you they'd decline.
Teamwork is crucial for our team.
But the director and forecasters…
They're all quite feisty.
They'll sort themselves out.
Then let's focus on our teamwork.
-Shall we?
-Isn't it tasty?
-Yes, it is.
Who's that?
I'm not expecting anyone right now.
-Who is it?
-It's me. Open up.
It's freezing.
How's it freezing in May?
Why are you here all of a sudden?
I texted you.
I said I'd go to Headquarters
and come home right away.
-You texted me?
-Come on.
Hey. You've grown so…
Were you having dinner?
What should I do? We have no rice left.
That's okay. I already had dinner.
Eat up.
You were assigned to Headquarters?
Yes. I sent my belongings by parcel.
They'll probably arrive tomorrow.
How could you just text
about such an important matter?
What's wrong? I've always been like that.
But… Gosh.
You should have told me beforehand.
We have no space for your stuff.
There's not much.
Only two bags.
You're unbelievable.
That's it.
-Thank you.
Thank you.
What's all this?
Did you get them?
I took them
since I thought you wouldn't need them.
Check if they're all there.
Why wouldn't I need them?
Are you kidding me?
All right.
Selling a latest model TV.
Selling a rice cooker.
Selling a speaker that hasn't been opened.
Selling suitcases that haven't been used.
Are we doing it right?
Shouldn't we work up?
Are you okay?
-Let me see.
Stop it.
Gosh! What is this?
Hey, if you don't want to do it,
just say so.
-I give up.
-You're crumpling it.
This was expensive. Move.
What should we do? Gosh.
-Let's eat first.
Let's eat first.
How much is the TV?
It's 800,000 won.
No way. How much did you buy it for?
It was 2,480,000 won.
I used it for less than three months.
-Where did you get it?
-Yongsan Electronics Market.
-Come on. You're a fraud.
-What is he talking about?
Hey, who are you calling a fraud?
That's an overseas shipping serial number.
Overseas shipping?
$1,044 = 1,221,480 WON
Didn't I buy the TV?
Don't you remember asking me to pay half?
-Did I?
-Exactly. I wired you 1,240,000 won.
AMOUNT I WIRED = 1,240,000 WON
-It's a million--
-You should be smart
if you want to scam others.
Han Ki-jun, you asshole…
It's not this one either.
You're here early.
-Why are you here at this hour?
-I often come to work at this hour.
Gosh, Headquarters sure is different.
The archive here is huge.
You can't finish this
before our morning meeting.
I'll read these.
You don't need to do this.
You're only dispatched here.
Actually, it's not the Director General
who asked me to come here.
I was curious about how you were doing.
What do you mean?
After calling off the wedding,
you do know that you guys
were the talk of the town, right?
That's when I found out
that Han Ki-jun was the one
who stole my girlfriend
and that the woman
who was supposed to marry him
was you.
This is why
you shouldn't date a colleague.
I bet even dogs around here know
who I dated and what happened between us.
How was it to see them in person?
It wasn't that bad.
-Who? Ki-jun?
I thought it'd break my heart.
But strangely, I was okay.
Once I accepted the fact
that he was the man she fell for,
I felt at ease.
He really is a loser.
That's a fact.
That enrages me even more.
I was dumped by a loser.
Are you going to take up on the offer
and go to Switzerland?
How did you know?
Everyone already knows that you're going.
But personally, I hope you don't go.
And if it's to avoid them,
then you really shouldn't.
I don't think that's any of your concern.
Like the wind,
an affair is invisible
but it always leaves a trace.
No matter how big or small.
It's nice and sunny.
What are you doing?
Don't you smell that?
I definitely smell ice.
You smell ice?
During the previous cold wave,
the only place that had it
worse than Korea was Siberia.
Right. Their ocean was completely frozen.
What do you think happened
to all that ice?
Let's find out.
The cold air from
the Okhotsk Sea and Sakhalin
are flowing toward the east.
After observing it this morning,
we found out that the Okhotsk Sea
that was frozen last winter
hadn't thawed yet
and thus sent more cold air to the north.
What? Are you saying
those were all blocks of ice?
Correct, sir.
It wasn't sea fog.
So the ice hadn't thawed yet?
No wonder.
What's the water temperature there?
The Kamchatka Peninsula is 5°C to 8°C,
and Sakhalin is 3°C to 7°C.
This is truly unprecedented.
What do you think we should do?
We'll have to record this
as the most unprecedented
and lowest temperature
in the weather observation for May.
We predict the weather
in Taebaek and Bonghwa
to go down as much as
0.5°C and 1.2°C respectively.
The most unprecedented and lowest.
-Let's do that.
-Yes, sir.
Not bad.
All right then.
Let's find out how long it'll last.
Yes, sir.
Are you having lunch?
-What if I am?
-Then I'll tag along.
Mr. Lee.
Cafeteria or outside?
-How did you do it?
The smell. You smelled ice.
How did you smell the ice
from the Okhotsk Sea?
How is that possible?
I'm not a dog.
How could I have smelled it?
I doubt there's any dog
that can smell that.
Then what was that this morning?
I found out after seeing some data.
You're here early.
Why are you here at this hour?
I often come to work at this hour.
You're more naive than I thought.
-Hey, Tae-kyung.
-I thought the apartment was yours.
-It is. Why?
You received a certification of contents.
What? What did you say?
How could he be so brazen?
How dare he demand half!
Mom is seeing red right now.
She wanted to go there this instant
and grab him by the collar.
I told her that you'd be too mortified
to go to work and managed to dissuade her.
Hey, Ha-kyung. Darn it.
Han Ki-jun!
Come out.
She's calling for you.
What do you think you're doing?
Hey, don't forget where we are.
So you're worried about others?
Then you shouldn't have done it.
What did I do?
A certification of contents?
How dare you?
Did you forget what you did to me?
That has nothing to do with the apartment.
Are you even sorry for what you did?
I already apologized.
How many times must I say it?
You apologized just once.
In any case, I did apologize.
Hey. We spent ten years together.
Ten years.
And you're the one who ruined everything.
Fine. As you said, let's say
you couldn't help falling for her.
But you should have at least
apologized sincerely when we broke up.
You said the apartment
was alimony, not me.
Why? Because you wanted
to hurry and end things. Am I wrong?
But still,
I thought I was also to blame
for what had happened.
I was too busy and irritable
that I was cold toward you.
And I was a fool
who didn't notice how lonely you were.
So yes, I thought I played a part.
And you dare to come after me like this?
What did you say?
You're right.
We were together for ten years.
Should I tell you how tough
and exhausting those years were for me?
You looked down on me
because you had a higher position.
You'd always say,
"Deputy Director Han, some water.
Some coffee, please."
"Get me some sweets."
You expected me
to be at your beck and call.
And those wallpapers.
We could have just hired someone
but you wanted us to do it
and made me work on my day off.
And what happened?
They suddenly needed you at work,
so I had to do it all by myself…
Do you know how exhausting that was?
Then you should have told me so.
What if I did?
You would have sulked over it.
Thinking back on
how I curried favor with you every time
still gives me goosebumps.
Do you even know that?
Did all those years
mean nothing to us?
I don't want to hear it.
Tell me how much you'll give me.
Having dated for ten years,
don't you think
it's selfish of you to take it all?
I already sold the apartment.
You sold it? When?
I already got the deposit, and the rest
will be paid at the end of the month.
Then how much do I get?
Out of the 20 million-won savings,
you deposited 5 million.
I paid the rest.
And I paid the deposit,
intermediate payment, and the loan.
Then what does that mean?
Your share of the house
is only seven percent.
After deducting the money you scammed me
after purchasing the TV overseas,
I'll wire you the rest.
So Ha-kyung--
Let's halve it? Don't be ridiculous.
You can't get any more brazen than that.
But you're going to Switzerland anyway.
That means you don't need that house.
Who said I was going?
Everyone did.
Are you not going?
I just became a director.
I'm not going anywhere.
Are you not uncomfortable
seeing me like this?
Oh, are you?
Then you should leave instead.
Be my guest and go to Geneva, you asshole.
-I agree.
-That was refreshing.
I admire her.
A certification of contents? Seriously?
He's unbelievable.
-He's so brazen.
You better not talk to me ever again.
Got that?
The show's over.
Let's go.
I'll decline the offer.
Seriously? Do you mean that?
Yes. I'll do my best
to lead Chief Team Two.
-Let's have a get-together today.
-No, I'm going home.
I'll go by the rules.
I'm clocking out right away.
Director Jin.
-What is it?
-Care for a drink?
I know a perfect place to go
in this situation.
-Thank you.
I rarely drink with others.
I know. You met him
over some drinks, didn't you?
Gosh. What do you take me for?
We dated back in university.
Then we both started working here.
My senior colleagues told me
that I shouldn't date a colleague.
So we agreed to keep it a secret.
But during our welcoming party,
I got drunk and told everyone
that he was mine.
-What about you?
What was that bouquet about?
Oh, that.
One last photo.
Give me a big smile.
Okay. One, two, three.
Who's catching the bouquet?
I ran away just like that.
That's insane.
There are men who steal girlfriends.
That was nothing.
You're a lunatic. I have to drink to this.
I really liked Yu-jin.
after the mess I caused,
I felt pretty relieved.
But you know what?
She's all thumbs.
All thumbs?
She picks the most terrible things.
Did you not know that?
Perhaps, that could be the reason
why she picked him.
That makes sense.
He acts like a total baby.
If he gets sick,
he wants the entire world to know.
She'll have a tough time.
I have a high pain tolerance.
He's terrible with directions.
And it took him five tries
to get his driver's license.
I got it on the first try.
Really? Here.
And he cares a ton about his appearance.
It takes him ages to dress,
so he's always late.
He's afraid of insects
and can't eat spicy food.
On top of that, he's so cheap.
You heard how he asked me
for money, right?
Then why did you want to marry him?
I'm not sure.
I didn't mind those things.
I didn't mind how he acted
like a baby when he was sick.
And his stinginess made him seem cautious,
so I liked it.
But most of all,
I thought he was proud of me.
I was just a fool.
But I'm glad I finally know now.
-Know what?
-You said
it always leaves a trace. Big or small.
After realizing that
I was the one who got hurt,
I finally know how to treat him now.
It's all thanks to you.
My pleasure.
Isn't it hot today?
You're right.
It's a bit hot.
Excuse me.
Are you sure you're both feeling hot?
-Would you like another bottle?
-I'd love that.
Sir, can we get one more?
I'm never going to date
a colleague ever again.
Come on. You never know.
I do. I will never date
another colleague ever again.
-Come on.
-Here you go.
-Thank you.
-No problem.
Are you sure you didn't spot that ice?
It still looks like sea fog to me.
Director Jin and Si-woo
found it themselves.
People like you seem cold
but are actually warmhearted.
Please focus.
Darn it. I didn't see that. Hold on.
I missed that. Darn it.
What is it? Why are you so happy?
It's not much.
Director Jin decided to stay.
She said she'll do her best
to lead Chief Team Two.
I see.
I'm sorry.
I'm afraid it'll take some time
for you to become a director.
I told you this many times already,
but I'm not here for that position.
Things will get a bit noisy, right?
Darn it. Whatever.
Are you up?
First, I'd like to sincerely apologize
for what happened.
I thought we both agreed on it.
And it was nice.
-Thank you.
Hey, Timely Rain.
You were quite cool today.
Then can I kiss you because I was cool?
-Here I go then.
Right. We're adults, right?
What happened last night
was just an incident.
It was something
that shouldn't have happened.
Like a natural disaster.
Two air currents that shouldn't have met.
Like lightning, if you will.
What I'm saying is…
Let's just forget it happened.
Let's be mature. Let's be cool about it.
After all, you'll be returning to
the Metropolitan Office next week.
And I'll be managing Chief Team Two
and focusing solely on my work.
I don't have time for anything else.
And dating a colleague…
You know how I feel about that.
Do you understand?
Of course, I do.
Okay. I'm glad you understand.
Okay, then.
I'm not going back.
Actually, I've been appointed
to Chief Team Two of Headquarters
starting next week.
What do you mean?
We'll be on the same team.
I hope we get along.
Let's be mature. Let's be cool about it.
Okay, then.
This is crazy.
Where is Director Jin? Is she always late?
I'm sorry.
Satellite center…
Please lift the fishing ban!
What are you doing?
We'll do our best.
When there's severe weather,
an accident leads straight to casualties.
Don't you know that?
You're withholding it on purpose
because of your personal feelings.
Don't worry. I won't ask you out
just because we slept together once.
-This place is nice.
-They're coming this way.
-Oh, no.
-Do we have something
to hide from the others?
That's a bit too close.
Do you have feelings for me?
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
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