Four Lives (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

I might have a gig.
There's a young boy, he's collapsed.
How did he die?
That's an ongoing investigation.
I'm not convinced you're telling
the truth. He's been charged
with Perverting the Course
Of Justice and bailed.
He told me he never felt loved
by you or the slag that was his mum.
I find another place.
A guy in Barking.
Just me and my couch surfer.
There's been that other lad found
in Barking, in the graveyard.
I think my son has been murdered.
You can't start saying that.
Yes, I can. I can and I will.
Hello? Mrs Sak. DC Slaymaker.
Look, what's happening?
We're still waiting
on toxicology results.
Erm, that's why I'm calling.
In order to run the tests,
some body parts had to be removed.
Do you want them disposed of or
have them put back with the body?
It's a question we have to ask.
It's entirely up to you.
Oh, my God. What the bloody hell's
going on? What? What happened?
Hello? It's Sarah's sister.
What is it? What's going on?
I need to know what she
wants to do with the parts
which were removed from
Anthony's body for the tests.
The The lab can dispose of them,
but some cultures require
them to be put back with the body
before being returned to the relatives.
It's a question we have to ask.
There's a way of asking.
Tell him I don't care what he does
with them, I just want my son home.
I hope you heard that.
Yes, I did. Thank you.
All right, neighbour?
Yeah, late finish, but I saw you were in.
I did want a quick word actually.
I still can't get my head round it.
Around what?
Gabriel going back to Slovakia,
just taking ill, dying.
I mean, I know he looked in need of
a good meal but he didn't look sick.
Or a case of what he wasn't
he telling us, I think.
Well, how do you mean?
Well, could have been
incubating something nasty,
didn't want us to know about.
And if he was, he should have told me
instead of bringing his germs into my flat.
Did you and he get on?
Why would you ask that?
Well, that time you brought him round.
He let on he found you intimidating.
That's a first.
Do I intimidate you?
Well, no, but I know you, Stephen.
Yeah. Know what a complete knob I am, eh?
Did you and he ever?
He looked fit on the website
but in person, no chemistry.
One time, I said erm,
I thought like he needed a cuddle
but he wouldn't get into bed.
Some of these are all right.
Not really my scene.
What's that?
What's what?
On there.
Didn't know you were into that shit.
Only when I inject a bit
of extra fun into the action.
What's Seville got that Gravesend hasn't?
Erm, well, sunshine.
We've got sunshine.
You mean fog and drizzle.
What else?
It's got nightlife.
Clubs, bars, restaurants.
We've got bars and restaurants.
Stinking boozers and greasy
kebab shops don't count.
When we've bought a
place of our own, married,
then we can save up for
a little hideaway in Seville.
Or Barcelona, or Lisbon, or Paris.
The world's our lobster, isn't it?
Oi. Give it back!
I still think we should look in Sevenoaks.
Be handy for my work and if your
boss does open his place there
What you doing?
I'm trying to talk to you about
something that's important.
That's if buying a place together
is still important to you?
Yeah. Course it is.
More than messaging other people?
I'm not, I'm not messaging other people.
What are you doing, then?
Just texting work to see if he
needs me evenings next week.
Is that OK?
Why are you being touchy?
I'm not touchy.
I just want to make sure
you're still committed.
To buying a place together?
To us.
Of course I am.
Hey Hey, of course I am, you idiot.
Come on. Your train's in 20 minutes.
Hate this.
You here. Me Essex.
Not for much longer, yeah?
I can't move now, Sami.
I've changed my mind.
I want to stay.
Stay till when?
Well, I dunno.
Can't even think about moving
till I get Anthony home.
But if you here, I Essex
I'm your husband,
my job is to take care of you.
Yeah, I understand, love,
but it feels wrong.
Anthony bloody hated Hull
but it was his home.
Anyway, I need to I need to be
here to look after him too.
He doesn't speak to you.
Act like you don't exist.
Come round from work,
eat meal, sit miserable by TV.
No "thanks", no nothing.
I'm just taking Sami
to the station, love.
Just leave a message
and I'll get back to you soon as I can.
Hey, it's me. Where are you?
Have you missed the last train or what?
Just let me know, will you?
Just leave a message and I'll get
back to you soon as I can.
ON PHONE: Police. How can I help?
I'd like to report someone
as missing, please.
Off you go, Max.
Ricky Waumsley?
I'm sorry to tell you,
we've received information
Daniel was found dead earlier this morning.
He's been found hanged in
a churchyard in Barking.
It would appear so.
We don't really have any more detail.
Because of where it happened
it's being dealt with by the Met,
Barking and Dagenham.
You all right?
Yeah, you?
Have you got time for a coffee?
I got a call from Slaymaker.
I chased him again,
about the malicious texts.
I says to him, you must have ways
of tracing telephone numbers?
But he said he's passed
it on to Hull police.
So I've just been down there now.
They just seem to think
that it's some weirdo,
nowt to do with this Joe Dean
or anybody who even knew
what happened to Anth.
Maybe they're right, Tom.
I just keep thinking that if
Well, if that's what he really
thought about us before he died,
you know, have we really fucked him up?
We can't let ourselves think like that.
You know when we got back
together that second time,
when he was 14, he were, he was made up.
I mean, if we'd have stayed a family,
he might not even have left Hull
That's bollocks
got involved in that daft Uni stuff,
messing around with lads.
Oh, bloody hell. What?
You think that turned him gay?
I don't know. That is bullshit.
Is it?
It's absolute bullshit.
And it takes two people
to screw up a marriage.
So don't you lay what happened
to Anthony at my door.
Ricky Waumsley?
My name's DC Slaymaker.
I'm calling from Barking and Dagenham CID.
Erm, I believe you had
a visit from the local police?
Yeah, they were just here.
Right, so you're aware of
the situation regarding Daniel?
All they told me was
that he'd hung himself.
Hung himself?
In a churchyard in Barking.
There's obviously been some crossed
wires here. He wasn't found hanged.
Investigations are still ongoing
but it appears to be an overdose.
An overdose?
Yes. Drugs.
Then why tell me that,
that he'd been found hanged?
I have no idea how that
misunderstanding has arisen.
Rafael, hi.
Erm, listen, I'm sorry to bother you again.
But I just wanted to check,
have you heard about Gabriel? Yeah.
The police spoke to his brother.
He had to fly to London to identify him.
Do you have any idea how he died?
No. His brother said that the police
are still investigating, erm
But I did find this friend on
Gabe's Facebook called John Luck.
John Luck? I messaged him.
I think he's the guy that
Gabe went to stay
with after he left you.
He didn't know that Gabe had died.
He said that they spent two nights together
and then he left with some guy called Dan.
And then yesterday,
the police called to say
that another body had been found
in the cemetery. Fuck.
And the dead guy's name is Daniel.
Barking and Dagenham CID.
How can I help?
Hello, my name is John Pape.
Is this the office dealing with
the death of Gabriel Kovari?
It is.
Yes. I understand another body's
been found in the graveyard
in Barking.
Erm, a guy called Daniel.
Can you tell me any more about it?
Are you next-of-kin?
No. But I knew Gabriel Kovari.
He stayed at my flat for a while.
Sorry, I can't give details
unless you're next of kin.
Just hold on. Hold on.
There was another death, last June.
Anthony Walgate.
He was found in a nearby street.
Now, three young men found
dead so close together,
it, it just seems very suspicious.
I can assure you none of these
are being investigated
as suspicious deaths.
Thank you for your call, sir. Goodbye.
You've been friends with
Daniel for some years, then?
Erm, we're
We were a long-term relationship.
Was it an open relationship?
No way.
You weren't aware of
Daniel seeing other men?
Why are you asking me that?
We're trying to establish
why he might have chosen
to take his own life.
You said there was a suicide note.
We're still examining it.
So, as far as you're concerned, it
was a monogamous relationship?
He didn't use, erm, gay dating apps at all?
Grindr, Bender and so on?
Not that I know.
Was he into more extreme sexual practices?
I'm not being judgmental.
But, obviously, I'm aware that some gay men
like to explore their sexuality
beyond normal limits.
I'm not discussing our sex life.
I don't want to pry.
Then don't. It's private.
What about drugs? Did he use them?
We shared a spliff once in Amsterdam.
It made us both feel sick.
You weren't aware of him using G?
What's G? GHB.
You must know what that is?
Sorry, I don't.
A drug that's commonly used by gay men.
I'm sorry, gay men aren't all the same.
I've never heard of it.
It's used to heighten sexual experience.
Also it suppresses inhibitions,
but it's also dangerous.
It's very, very easy to overdose.
Are you saying
..that Daniel used
this drug to kill himself?
It's certainly looking that way, yes.
We'll have to wait on
toxicology results to be sure.
Have you got a sample
of Daniel's handwriting?
So we can compare it to the suicide note.
Will that do?
Yeah, thanks.
Erm, one more thing,
did Daniel have a friend called Gabriel?
What was he doing in Barking?
Maybe he wasn't as happy
with me as I thought.
He was here apparently.
Leaning against this wall.
Is this where he took the overdose?
That's our working assumption.
How did he get here?
Walked I assume.
Can't you check CCTV?
I'm not sure there's any that'll
help us with what happened here.
And we do have other indicators,
such as the suicide note.
So, can we see it?
I'm afraid it's not possible
for you to see it, Mr Waumsley.
Why not?
We can only show it to the next of kin.
Fuck's sake, I'm Daniel's partner.
Nonetheless, that's the
protocol we have to abide by.
You have no idea what Daniel meant to me.
If you'd like to come with us,
Mr Whitworth, we'll show you the note.
No, no.
Can't I?
You're a stepmother to the deceased?
Seeing as you're, as you're not next
of kin, I'm afraid the answer's no.
His birth mother's dead,
Mandy was a mother to Daniel.
You have to let me.
Adam can't possibly do
something like that on his own.
SHE READS: I am sorry to everyone,
mainly my family,
but I can't go on any more.
I took the life of my friend Gabriel.
We was just having
some fun at a mate's place
and I got carried away and
gave him another shot of G.
I didn't notice while we was having
sex that he had stopped breathing.
I blame myself for what happened.
I hope he will forgive me.
BTW, please do not blame
the guy I was with last night,
we only had sex then I left.
He knows nothing of what I have done.
I have taken what G
I have left with sleeping pills,
so if it does kill me, it's what I deserve.
Feeling dizzy now as took ten min ago
so hoping you understand my writing.
I dropped my phone on way here
so it should be in the grass somewhere.
Sorry to everyone.
Love always. Daniel P W.
Let's get this clear.
Daniel gave a friend some drug
..had sex with him
but it was too much and he died.
That's correct.
The body of the young man
in question, Gabriel Kovari,
was found in exactly the same spot
as Daniel around three weeks ago.
And then Daniel felt so guilty he's,
he's come here and taken his own life?
Apparently using the same drug.
A bottle of GHB was found beside him.
And what's that?
Erm, it's a, it's a sedative drug.
Ask Ricky, he'll know.
That note, doesn't sound like Daniel.
The, the words he'd use.
Yeah, he doesn't mention any of us.
Adam, Ricky.
I've already told them,
I'd never heard of GHB.
I still couldn't tell if that
handwriting was his. Could you?
And that thing about, "don't blame
the guy I was with last night",
well who was that?
What's it matter, Mandy?
He's dead.
All these questions aren't
going to bring him back.
We'll just have to try and accept it.
How am I ever going to do that?
It's one thing to be told
that he's killed himself,
another to find out he's been
meeting some random guy for sex.
But to hear
But to hear that he could be responsible
for killing someone else
Can I help, sir?
I'm on bail.
Need to report monthly.
Okey dokey. I'll need some
details and an autograph.
No worries.
Got a date for trial yet?
Not yet. Said it could be months.
So, name and address please.
Leave it, love.
Stop torturing yourself.
I can't help it, Kate.
I still haven't told Tom
about Anth doing escort work.
It were bad enough him
finding out Anth was gay.
Bloody hell.
What? What is it?
They've found another body.
Look, same place.
Daniel Whitworth.
Police have said
enquiries are still ongoing
but there appear to be no
suspicious circumstances.
Wondered why you hadn't dropped by lately.
Oh, no special reason.
Thought maybe it was after
you'd spotted that gear in my gaff.
Thought you might be a bit miffed.
Well, listen, what other people get up to,
is their own business.
I'm justnot into any of that.
Totally respect you for it.
It's just, erm
It's just occasional use.
You're not dealing, then?
There was a fair bit of it.
No, no, no, I never deal.
If I had a guy with me
and he wanted to, then I'll share.
It sort of enhances
the experience, you know.
Still mates, then?
I haven't got many.
They're all homophobes at work.
Wouldn't like to think
that I'd driven you away.
Are we still good?
Yeah, still good.
Look what I picked up in Argos.
Another one for the collection.
Mrs. Sak, it's DC Slaymaker.
We've finally got the toxicology
results back for Anthony.
How many fucking times? It's Anthony.
He's lost everything else,
at least give him his name.
The tests do confirm the
presence of GHB in his body.
So, he has been murdered then,
hasn't he? Mrs Sak
Look, I told you, Anthony
doesn't do drugs, only poppers.
So someone has given him that drug,
haven't they?
All the evidence suggests
he's taken this drug,
he's misjudged the amount
and died as a consequence.
He wouldn't do that.
And since he died, there's been two
more bodies found in the same area.
One of which was a suspected drug overdose,
the other is a, is a probable suicide.
We've found nothing to link
those deaths to that of your son.
And I haven't rung you
to argue the toss, Mrs Sak.
I'm calling to give you the results.
So, does this mean I can
finally get Anthony home?
Yes. Yes, it does.
I'll get someone to call
with the arrangements.
Right. Gentlemen.
Come on lad. Hey.
MUSIC: Intro to All About You by McFly
It's all about you It's about you
It's all about you, baby It's about you
It's all about you It's about you
It's all about you
Yesterday you asked me
something I thought you knew
So I told you with a smile
"It's all about you"
Then you whispered in my ear
And you told me too
Said, "You make my life worthwhile
It's all about you". ♪
You all knew Anthony,
so you'll not need to ask
why I chose that song to open this service.
You already know that, for Anthony,
life really was all about him.
He was an opinionated, impetuous,
impulsive, outrageous, little sod.
He could start an argument
in an empty room.
He was a prince of fashion,
in his opinion anyway.
A hypochondriac,
hater of flowers, lover of bees,
an all-round nuisance
and a walking disaster.
But I wouldn't have had him any other way.
Some people might want
to make moral judgments
about the way he lived his life.
But I never did, and I never would.
Nothing he did could
ever stop me loving him.
I loved him with all my heart.
And I know you all did too.
So sorry.
And if the sorry.
And if the way he has left us
has left pain and grief,
let's not allow that to take
away from the memories
that we will keep in our hearts forever.
At least he's home now.
I wanted grandkids.
Well, Anth would never have
given you them, would he?
It's all right for you,
you've still got a son.
Don't, Tom.
Paul thinks of you like a dad.
I know.
I'm not proud of how I'm feeling.
Well, don't say it, then.
Come on, love.
Come on, eh?
This one?
Go on.
So, at last, we can put a face to a name.
How long have you been our Liaison Officer?
Hull's a long way from Barking.
What? And our son's life's
not worth the train fare?
So, what's all this about?
There have been some developments.
A 29-year-old man is due to appear in court
over matters relating to Anthony's death.
Erm, his name's, his name's Stephen Port.
He lived in the flat outside
which Anthony's body was found.
This is the fella you
told us had lied to you?
He's the man Anthony met for sex.
So is this that Joe Dean?
Yes. He says Anthony
brought drugs with him,
died of an accidental overdose in his bed
and that he panicked and
moved his body outside the flat.
So this Port's basically pulled
the wool over your eyes?
It wasn't me that took
that first statement.
But, yes, he certainly gave us
a misleading account.
A misleading account?
He's lied through his fucking teeth.
How do you know he's telling the truth now?
If from what you've told us,
Port's saying that Anthony
took his own drugs.
He would never do that.
Port has given him it.
That's not what he told us.
I don't give a shit what he told you.
Have you asked him
about those malicious texts?
We've found nothing to link him to those.
Well, it seems bloody dodgy to me.
Anthony's been forced to
take this drug and then raped.
He's been given too much and he's died.
And that in my book says murder.
That's not what we're saying.
Yeah, well, I am, and I'll go on saying it
while there's a hole in my arse.
That's what's happened.
Look, at the end of the day,
there were two people involved,
and one of them's dead.
We're never going to know
exactly what happened.
Well, I bloody need to.
And if it was your son, you'd need to.
And why has it taken you
so long to tell us all this?
It's taken this long to get to court.
You mean, because you
know it'll all come out in court.
That's why you're here.
So when's he in court?
I want to be there.
This Monday?
It's Friday afternoon.
And I've got an assessment on Monday,
I'll get sacked if I didn't turn up.
I'm a supervisor,
I can't take time off work like that,
at a moment's notice.
Look, I wouldn't worry.
The outcome's not in doubt.
He's pleading guilty.
The only question is,
is what sentence he gets.
And we'll inform you of that.
Like you've kept us informed
on everything else, so far?
That's him.
That's the bastard, I tell you.
Oh, God it is.
Looks nothing like his photo.
So, did he wear a wig, then?
I just seen the bastard.
The police tell you he's 29.
He is more like 40.
They tell you shit all time.
OK, just keep calm and
concentrate on what they say.
OK, OK. I call you.
Mr Port fully acknowledges
that he was wrong
not to have told the truth
about the circumstances
of Anthony Walgate's
death in the first place.
Your honour, Mr Port has led an
industrious, law abiding life.
He represents a low risk of reoffending.
He was obviously very
shocked when he realised
that Anthony Walgate had passed away
and committed the offence
through utter panic.
Can you explain why he panicked?
Well, he was afraid that he might be blamed
for what had happened to Mr Walgate.
Just as importantly, he was
concerned that others might learn
of his sexuality.
He works in a bus garage.
It's an environment where homosexuality
isn't readily tolerated.
He was afraid of his workmates,
and indeed the wider community,
finding out and being
bullied in consequence.
So he did the only thing,
Your Honour, that he could think of
to protect himself from public
exposure and vilification,
by moving the body outside of his premises.
Which clearly misled and
impeded the police investigation.
But, Your Honour,
my client did nothing else
to impede the investigation.
He didn't cause suspicion
to fall on anybody else,
or seek to prevent the body
from being discovered.
In view of his previous
exemplary good character,
I hope Your Honour will not
feel it necessary
to impose a custodial sentence today.
Eight month.
Eight fucking month.
You're kidding?
Port is liar. I tell you this.
I listen to bullshit he say
and I think he killed our Anthony for sure.
This not justice. It's a joke.
In Turkey, a man like this
wouldn't even make it to court.
Someone kill him first.
I tell you this, when he gets out of prison
I find him and I deal with him.
Don't say things like that Sami.
Why not?
Because it doesn't help me.
Haven't I got enough to deal with
without you making threats like that?
The interested persons to this
inquest are the family of Mr Kovari.
Unfortunately, they reside overseas
and haven't been able to
attend the inquest hearing.
We will however hear from
Mr John Pape, who was his landlord
for a few weeks before his death.
Madam, my name is Rolf Shamberger.
At the time of the investigation
I was an Acting Detective Inspector.
I also was an investigating officer
who had oversight of the case.
Could you tell me what was found
when police officers
first attended the scene?
As with any death,
the officers would have looked
for signs of a struggle.
But the officers found no sign of that,
no injuries or suspicious circumstances.
And what about CCTV checks?
CCTV enquiries were carried out.
So, Barking town centre does have
a fair amount of CCTV,
as does the church.
But unfortunately, none of these cameras
that were viewed
provided us with any footage
that could help us in this case.
Were you able to examine the
clothes that Gabriel was wearing
to see if there was any DNA on Daniel?
Unfortunately, not.
By the time I took overall
charge of the enquiry,
Gabriel's body had been
repatriated to Slovakia
and his clothing had been lost.
Thank you.
Mr Pape, as Gabriel's family are not here
and you are a friend of his,
I regard you as an interested person.
Do you have any questions
for the police officer?
Yes, I do.
In the June preceding Gabriel
and Daniel Whitworth's death,
a 23-year-old male was found
dead quite close to the cemetery.
Was it even considered that
there might be a link to that?
Surely, it's too coincidental,
three unexplained deaths
in such close proximity?
I wasn't involved in that
investigation but, erm,
I don't believe there was any
connection made.
But if what I'm saying is
more than coincidental,
surely there's cause for serious concern
because it might happen again.
Since the only possible witness is dead,
I do not have any reliable evidence
upon which to determine
the events which lead to Gabriel's death.
On that basis,
the only conclusion I can
reach is an open verdict.
This inquest is now concluded.
We'll take a short break
now and then I will open
the inquest into the death
of Daniel Whitworth.
Was the note that was found
on Daniel's person
shown to family members?
Yes, it was.
And did they recognise
the writing as being Daniel's?
Yes, they did. It was done
by the family liaison officer.
Daniel says in the note that
there was someone he was with
the previous night.
Were you able to trace that person?
Yes. We carried out some work
around Daniel's mobile phone.
We didn't have the physical phone,
that was never found.
But there was cell site analysis
carried out which did not provide
any leads as to who that person was.
There weren't any unrecognised numbers?
None that helped us
to identify exactly who
Daniel was with that night.
The pathologist noted some
bruising in the armpit regions
of Daniel's chest.
And he commented this may
have occurred as a result of
manual handling of the deceased,
most likely prior to death.
Were you able to exclude
any suspicious circumstances
around this bruising?
Well, with no witnesses and no CCTV
we've not been able to establish
exactly how Daniel ended up there.
So, you weren't able to
exclude the possibility
of him having been moved to
the place he was found?
No, we couldn't.
The pathologist also commented
that examination of the bedsheet
he was wrapped in should be made.
Was that done?
No, it wasn't.
And why was that?
The circumstances indicated that
no other parties were involved.
I do have concerns
surrounding Daniel's death
which have not been answered
by the police investigation.
I therefore cannot say beyond
reasonable doubt
that he voluntarily took his own life.
I also cannot say that I am
satisfied he was unlawfully killed.
So the only conclusion left
available to me is an open verdict.
I am sorry to the family that
I haven't been able to reach
a firm conclusion around Daniel's death.
Is this supposed to make us feel better?
Just more and more
questions and no answers.
If you lot had done your job
properly in the first place,
we might have had some.
And some of it was just wrong.
We never said we recognised
Daniel's handwriting.
We said it might be his,
but we couldn't be sure.
Why didn't you get it
professionally analysed?
Why did you never ask why the
note was in a plastic sleeve?
I mean, if someone's
going to kill themselves,
why would they bother to do that?
Look, the Coroner's reached her conclusion.
Which is that she can't say
if Daniel killed himself,
or if someone else killed him.
How do you think that leaves us feeling?
Not great, I'm sure.
But I'm afraid that's the end of the story.
There's no way my governors would
sanction any further investigation.
It's just a joke.
You're all a fucking joke.
Come on.
Kate, where is Sarah?
She's having a shower.
I text her from train, six times.
No answer.
I told you I had a late finish
and to get a taxi home.
Don't care about that.
But you should answer my text.
I can't answer every single one.
Oh, this is crazy.
You here. Me Essex.
Like, this is not a way for our life.
Don't, don't start on all that again.
I'm not leaving Hull.
You need care, protection.
There's nothing you can do
to protect me, Sami.
The worst has already happened to
me, hasn't it? I've lost my child.
If you want to know the truth,
I don't care,
I don't fucking care what happens to me.
Don't swear at me, woman.
Don't tell me what to do.
It's not respectful to your husband.
Do I look like I've got a fucking
tea-towel on me head? What?
I'm not Muslim. We don't have to
obey our husbands in this country.
You never say this before.
You always say it make
no difference I Muslim.
You just need to let me find
my own way through this, Sami.
And if you can't do that, then's best we go our separate ways.
That honestly what you think?
There you are, ladies. Lunchtime.
There you are.
Cappuccino with chocolate, one sugar.
So I called round a few times, no sign.
Texted, no answer.
Must have wondered why?
Well, I did hear a rumour.
Oh, yeah?
That you'd gone to prison.
Little mistake that cost me dear.
What kind of mistake? Drugs?
Sort of.
You wouldn't have got
prison just for possession.
I got done, yeah.
But you told me you didn't deal.
I know.
Look, I've learned my lesson.
They gave me eight months.
Locked me up with a Scotsman.
That was tricky.
But, erm, behaved myself.
Here I am, out after four.
Lost my job but I'll get another one.
Can't wait to get back in the old routine.
You're not supposed to be doing that.
I don't give a shit.
I've lost me son.
I've lost me husband.
No wonder Anthony hated me,
I hate my fucking self.
He didn't hate you.
How do you know?
Those texts, they were lies.
Oh, so you say.
I'll never know, will I?
Sarah, this isn't you.
How do you know what's me?
I don't even fucking know
what's me any more.
I feel like I'm going mad.
You're not going mad.
Well, I feel like I am.
Either I'm right and
Anthony's been murdered,
or they're right and I'm fucking crackers.
Right, it's time you got to bed.
Fuck off trying to mother me,
will you? Just fuck off home!
I will not leave you here,
like this, do you hear me?
I will not.
Come here. Come here.
I'm sorry.
Hello, beautiful.
How's my gorgeous little dwarf?
I'm great, Jack.
And how is my gorgeous little fellow dwarf?
Still hurting deep down inside.
Oh, yeah? What's that about, then?
That night in Frankie & Benny's.
You're not still on about that?
Too right I am.
I told you, I misread the signals.
Misread the signals?
How long have you known me?
Yeah, and your signals
have always been crap.
Look, when a bloke invites
a bird out to romantic dinner,
he don't expect her to just
rock up with one of her mates.
How was I meant to know
it was a romantic dinner?
I said just me and you.
Yeah, well, I didn't know
you meant it in that way.
What other way could I have meant it?
Look, Janie, was famished
so I just said,
"Come along, Jack won't mind."
And you broke my heart.
Fuck off.
Anyway, I forgive you.
We can start again, can't we?
We've been starting again
since we were practically kids.
It's not my fault the
timing's never right, is it?
Well, I'm free now.
Are you?
Free as a bird.
So, let's do Frankie & Benny's again.
On our own.
You're on.
Oi, Jack.
Right, I'll text you.
Well, you better.
I love you, Jack.
I love you too, Dem.
How heavy am I, Mum?
How would I know?
What would you say, Dad?
About the weight of two sacks of spuds.
Come on, you're supposed to be helping me.
We might if we knew why on earth
you want to be a security guard.
I don't. I told you, I want to be a copper.
So why don't you apply to be a copper?
Cos a security guard
qualification is a good route
into being a copper.
I know a few who've done it.
Still think you're too much of
a short arse to be a copper.
There's no minimum height
requirement, same as the army,
which I'd have been in by now
if I didn't have two witches
for sisters who wouldn't let me.
I'm glad they didn't.
I didn't want you risking life
and limb in Afghanistan.
Anyway, what sort of soldier would
you have been with legs like that?
What's wrong with these legs?
Nothing. They're be great legs.
Yeah, on a chicken.
Right. Done.
Check that for me will you?
Where you off?
Curry with Dan and Gemma
down the Trades Club more than likely.
Don't wait up.
Bye my darling.
Going to be a late one.
Love you. Have fun.
Love ya loads, etc, etc.
Bye. See you, Jack.
Bye, darling.
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