Frankly Speaking (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Park Jin-bok!
Have you lost your mind?
Hey! Forget about the shoot.
Get this psycho out of my sight!
Get your act together!
Everyone you see right now
is here to work.
No one came here to be harassed!
You rude bastard!
Mr. Song Ki-baek!
-What is this?
What… What's happening?
-This can't be happening. It can't be.
-Have you lost your mind?
No, no way.
Unbelievable. He just went
and bit his head off.
What is he, a shark?
This is all a lie!
Currently, the KOSPI stands
at 2,697.58 points,
marking a decrease of 9.44 points
from the previous trading session.
Meanwhile, the KOSDAQ
is showing a slight uptick,
rising by 0.66 points
to reach 923.62 points.
No, I'm not.
-Hey. You can't stand me, right?
I'll chew that jerk to pieces today…
Get your act together!
A non-soft cookie from the land
of non-soft cookies wanted to become
a soft cookie and traveled to the land
of soft cookies.
The gatekeeper of the soft cookie land
said, "Hey, kid, today…"
Just one slap in the face from me,
and you'll turn over a new leaf.
You rude bastard!
Why on earth did he do that?
It is truly hard to believe.
Let's hear from Mr. Song Ki-baek
who was at the scene.
Just why…
Why in God's name
did you speak your thoughts out loud?
Time to get to work
so Mr. Kim can tear me a new one.
What did I just say?
Man, what's wrong with me?
That Song Ki-baek. Song Ki-baek!
Let's recap. So what happened was--
Song Ki-baek tore into PN
with both verbal and non-verbal violence.
PN now claims to be suffering
from extremely severe PTSD as a result
and has provided a doctor's note stating
he can no longer be in our show.
What are the chances
of PN coming back after recovery?
He wants to gracefully leave the show.
Oh, yeah?
Then we should also
gracefully leave the show.
I'll go talk to PN.
We can't afford to be graceful like him.
We have to be pathetic
and beg him to stay.
-I'll come with you.
-No thanks.
You stay here
and take care of what you can.
Maybe I should go like this.
I've been crawling
and begging to so many people.
Don't try too hard.
How can I not?
The crew might lose their jobs.
I'll crawl if that's what it takes.
Hey, Song Ki-baek! Song…
Where is he? Where's that bastard?
Has he run away? Where's…
Where is Song Ki-baek?
Yoon Ji-hu! Where is that bastard?
I'm going to kill him and go to hell.
Bring him to me.
I've got a shoot
for Pyororong Witch School.
Huh? You have what?
A shoot, sir.
Hey, you little… Take that thing off.
Hey! Where's Song Ki-baek…
Tell me where he… Hey!
Mr. Kim is throwing a fit.
Don't come here. Hide somewhere for a bit.
"Don't come here"? "Hide somewhere"?
Oh, man. What am I going to do?
Oh, he's calling me. What do I do?
It's been a while. Taking a smoke break?
Hey, Ki-baek doesn't smoke.
He's doing the anti-smoking campaign.
Oh, wow.
It's only been a week or so
since I quit.
You smell like an ashtray.
Please take care of that.
No, I didn't mean that. I…
Wow. He's thoughtfully rude.
Hey, Ki-baek!
Mr. Kim is looking for you
with lasers shooting out of his eyes.
What's going on?
Hold on, wait. Are you free?
-Can you fill in for me for a dubbing job?
-Don't do that.
Oh, no, sir.
Don't worry, man.
-I'll talk to them and make sure--
All you do is talk trash about people.
Do you think I don't know how
you pass off tiresome tasks
to your juniors and then gripe
about them doing a crappy job.
Ki-baek, I have a favor to ask.
No favors.
No! No more favors!
And no more green juice!
Enjoying a cup of tea with my heart.
Happiness comes from these little moments.
I'm hungry.
Did you know? It's already corn season.
-The hairdresser downstairs gave me some.
Aren't they huge?
Come on, I don't want corn.
Let's order in, Mom.
-How about Yupdduk?
-Oh! Order a super spicy one!
You have no problem ordering delivery
when you don't even make a penny.
The corn is nice and chewy.
I'm in pain, so Yupdduk?
-Come on, Yupdduk.
-Knock it off.
I'm going to the gym.
Didn't you say today was your day off?
You teach people how to work out,
and you want to work out
on your day off too?
Oh, stop it.
I've got to work out myself
because it's my day off.
Come on, Mom. Let's have Yupdduk.
I'll make you rice cake soup for dinner.
It isn't the same.
See you later.
You're taking all the eggs again?
I peeled them to make jangjorim.
Goodness! Let me get you some cold water.
Oh, forget it.
Didn't you notice it's steaming hot?
Maybe you need glasses.
Oh, please.
You good-for-nothing.
You're staring at your phone
when your mom's tongue is on fire?
No way. Mom, Dad. Look at this.
It's not too bad, right?
This works best when you want to hide.
So what happened anyway?
Why'd you do something so wild that it
made the news and made Mr. Kim flip out?
Why do you keep making the news
instead of reporting it?
Oh, whatever. Stop asking questions.
How do you film in this thing?
I can't breathe.
You get used to it.
I even ran around in the hospital
with Sol yesterday wearing this.
-She's back in the hospital?
-Just for a few days for some tests.
Sol is fine.
You should worry about yourself.
Are you planning on going freelance?
Trying to leave
while you're in the limelight?
That's ridiculous!
It's not that.
All right then.
I'd better get to the shoot
for "Pororong."
What's your problem?
It's "pyororong"
as in Pyororong Witch School,
not "pororong"
as in Pororo the Little Penguin.
Can't you say "pyo" instead of "po"?
I'm off to shoot Pyororong Witch School.
I'll take this with me.
This is obviously me.
Oh, she…
Why won't you answer your phone?
Because I don't want to.
Mr. Song Ki-baek, please come with me.
All I can do is just beg PN to stay,
but you're the one who caused all this.
If we lose PN,
it'll be the end of our show.
The jerk is the one who should apologize.
Are you really going to be like this?
I understand your logic, Ms. On.
Considering his influence,
I agree that this is an issue
that must be solved.
So you get it.
The hell I do!
Did you not know PN was a horrible person
who treats people like crap?
There's no way you didn't.
You just pretended not to and enjoyed
the free stuff and advertisers he brought.
Is it okay to be an ass if you're a star?
What else can we do?
You think we can just be like,
"Well, he got what he deserved."
Look, the entire crew's livelihood
is at stake here.
Don't talk like this is a simple matter.
I'm not. It's hard for me to say this.
But I can't apologize to him.
Mr. Song Ki-baek.
You're really not going to apologize?
It's not that I won't. I really can't.
Right now, I'm in a state…
-What do you mean?
-Back off!
The doors are closing.
What am I going to do?
What do I do about this?
Wow. Was I wrong about you?
Ki-baek, seriously!
Hey, is something going on with you?
I never thought you, of all people,
would do something like this.
Have you always had trouble
controlling your emotions?
Say something!
Don't break the absolute rules
Don't let go of my hand
Unity is my weapon
Walk towards the wilderness
I know that's your home ground
Stand up to the threat
Push past it, push past it!
I'm listening, sir.
Get it together, man.
Just go for now.
Hey, Song Ki-baek.
That's him, guys.
Hey, you're the one who attacked
my sweet PN, right?
Let's kick his ass!
-You, apologize to him!
-Come on, guys!
-There he is!
That's Ki-baek. Hi, Ki-baek.
-We meet again.
-Come out here.
-Get out of the car!
-Watch out, guys.
Man, seriously.
You've got to have
strawberry milk with soju.
Jesus. I have better things to do
than fetch you milk, you know.
Those jerks.
They wouldn't even let you see him?
I waited two hours in front of PN's agency
and three hours in front of his house.
You should've known
when to give up and leave.
Man, you're an idiot.
Think our show will be canceled?
It's already been canceled.
They made the final decision just now.
We need to leave the office.
To be honest, I've always felt guilty.
Every time we heard PN yelling
at the staff and saw them crying,
we pretended like we didn't see it.
Well, what could we have done?
Fly at his throat like Song Ki-baek did?
We might not have been able
to fly at his throat,
but if this is how
things were going to turn out,
perhaps I shouldn't have lashed out
at Song Ki-baek to make him apologize.
We're human, just like them.
If they play dirty, we have the right
to defend ourselves.
But still…
Don't worry. I'll take care of the rest.
My goodness.
Sweetheart. What on earth is going on?
Did you get my text?
You're not hurt anywhere, are you?
You won't even say hello to your brother?
Hey, man.
What's this?
It may be uncomfortable,
but you'll have to make do.
I'll clear out the room in the morning.
What's up with Ki-baek?
What do you think?
You saw the news, didn't you?
"Mr. S who assaulted an idol." That's him.
People may not know,
but I recognized him right away.
Because they did a crappy job
blurring out his face.
My poor Ki-baek.
He just went in there
without saying a word.
He must be feeling terrible.
Oh, boy.
But he's supposed to give me
my allowance today.
Can I ask for just another 100,000 won?
Are you kidding?
Don't you dare say a word.
I have to ask him for money
for our living expenses today.
Ki-baek, wake up.
Hey. Come out here for a second.
What are you doing?
I know you're going through
something at work,
but why would you just drop in like this?
You're making everyone tiptoe around you.
What are you doing? Stop it.
Huh? For God's sake,
take off the mask!
What the heck?
Have you gone crazy?
Ki-baek. What's going on with you?
Ouch! That must hurt.
I don't know what happened,
but let's sit down and talk.
Oh, for God's sake!
Just leave me alone, will you?
I don't need your consolation. Okay?
Don't treat me any differently.
You wouldn't even care if I died.
All you care about
is the money I give you.
Ki-baek! If that's how you're going to be,
go back in there.
Just leave me the hell alone!
Damn it.
You've never bothered to visit us before.
You're only here
because you've got nowhere to go.
And you don't pay
for everything around here.
Don't be so patronizing about--
What? Patronizing?
What? Am I wrong?
You've always acted like
you're the only adult!
You're a 30-year-old man
who's barely making ends meet,
so don't you preach to me!
What? You little…
Stop it. That's enough.
You actually came.
You told me to.
Still, I didn't think you'd show up,
especially after bolting
like that earlier.
So did you meet with PN?
He wouldn't see me.
I waited five hours.
Listen, Ms. On Woo-ju.
Thank you.
I've wished at least a hundred times
that I could punch PN.
I knew all about how he only bullied
the young and powerless staff members.
I'm the head writer,
but all I did was tell them to let it go
and I'd talk to him later.
Anyway, thanks for beating him up
when I couldn't.
"Beat him up"? I didn't…
You totally beat him up with your words,
and it felt great to see that.
Are you always like that?
I mean, is that okay? You're an anchor.
No, I'm not always like that.
It's been driving me totally crazy
since yesterday.
Hey, hang on.
Wash it down with this.
Oh, I'm good.
Just try it.
Bitter and sweet,
they're a perfect pair. Here.
I'm not drunk, you know.
I hope not.
I'm telling you. I'm not drunk.
You're going to sleep out here?
Come on, you'll get in a lot of trouble.
Listen. Give me your address.
I'll call you a cab.
Okay? Your address.
Oh, boy.
She'll be all right.
She can't expect me
to stay with her all night.
I'll be going then.
Excuse me.
Shouldn't we film a final episode?
The show's been on for two years.
We should say goodbye to the viewers.
People don't do that anymore.
Our ratings have been down
for a while now.
Let's just accept
that this is the end of it.
Let's start on the next one.
-Your greenroom is this way.
See? My greenroom is upstairs. Come here.
What is it?
What's up with them?
One of their cast screwed up,
and their show is being canceled.
No way.
-It's true.
I hear this was their first show.
They probably won't get another chance.
You should be careful too. Okay?
-I'll see you upstairs.
-Yeah, yeah.
I respect you…
No, I don't.
Let's try one syllable at a time.
This is
so damn stressful.
Man. I'm sorry.
Everything was
not my fault.
That's right. It wasn't all my fault.
It seems I can't bring myself
to say what I don't mean,
which is just ridiculous.
Don't be so upset about it, all right?
You were going to leave News at Noon
to audition for the main news show anyway.
Just think of this as a little break.
Here, you want candy?
By the way, I just don't understand
no matter how hard I try.
Why did you do that?
This isn't your first day on the job.
With your experience,
I'm sure you know better than
to cause a scene in public.
You're not like the other guys
who get into trouble for their temper.
I wouldn't be so curious
if it was anybody else.
I just can't help wondering.
Oh! Hey, the brand awards.
You should host it.
Park Jin-u was supposed to do it,
but he was in a car accident.
They wanted me
to get back to them by today,
and you're not busy.
You'll be taking a long break.
Since you're taking a break,
do this for me.
Okay! Good.
Take a nice, long break, okay?
Just take a break and think.
Use this break to reflect on yourself
and really use your brain, you know.
Why do you keep calling it a break?
I'll still have to come to work
where you breathe down my neck.
It's a punishment.
You'll dump all the menial jobs on me.
Excuse me?
Also, did you step in poop
on your way here?
-Don't you know your feet stink?
Mr. Kim, hello. Oh.
Lastly, I know this is a bad time,
but I really want to audition
for the main news show.
The main news show? Are you kidding?
Your name was taken off
the list ages ago.
Are you dense or just thoughtless?
Get out, you moron!
I'll make you pay for this.
I swear.
Make me pay?
What are you doing?
Hey, let him talk. Keep going.
Say what? You swear you'll what?
I swear…
I'm sorry. Oh?
I'm sorry. Oh.
-I'm sorry.
He's been acting like a lunatic
since he went on your show.
What happened to him over there?
Well, I'm not really sure,
but he certainly seems a little weird…
Mr. Song Ki-baek.
I got home very safely last night,
thanks to you.
Right, I'm glad.
Hey, listen.
Did you see a doctor
after the electric shock?
You said you've been feeling weird.
Shouldn't you go see
a psychiatrist or a neurologist?
People know who I am,
and I'm a little self-conscious.
What kind of nonsense is that?
This may be a serious problem.
Let's go to the hospital.
-No, I'm not going.
-For God's sake.
Come on. I'll buy you tonkatsu.
He's the doctor
I tried to get on our show.
He promised to keep things
as private as possible.
Hello, doctor.
Have a seat.
Didn't we say we'd meet
at the outpatient clinic after lunchtime?
I'm sorry. I'm trying not to be seen
by many people.
Please go on and eat. There's no rush.
Oh, right. Yeah.
Can someone's personality change
after being electrocuted?
Like I said on the phone,
I'll have to run some tests to be sure.
Don't worry about it until we know more.
I got myself in trouble
before I could even start to worry.
Wait a minute. You look familiar.
Is he… He is, right?
See? I told you he'd still recognize me.
-Yes, I'm--
-A singer.
A news anchor.
Wow, I'm embarrassed for you.
That's why you looked so familiar.
I'm a fan.
One plus one is…
Five. Oh!
I did it.
Oh, I did it.
I did it.
This is all because of stress.
Stress is the cause.
I'm okay. I'm okay now.
Good morning, everyone.
It's Wednesday, May 3rd,
and you're watching JBC Morning News.
For the holidays in May, the Ministry
of Culture, Sports and Tourism…
I see a future full of hope ahead of me.
I did it.
I'm rich. I'm the best anchor there is.
I'm okay.
I'm back to normal.
Ladies and gentlemen. Good
-Hello. Oh, hi.
-Jeong-heon, stay healthy.
-Thank you.
Please hold my hand! Over here!
Oh, my God. This is insane.
Thanks to you, Jeong-heon,
our sales have gone up.
Those mom fans are so generous.
They even give you deer antler extract?
They are devoted fans.
You should have one.
Would that be okay? It looks so fancy.
Oh, of course.
My, look who it is.
Hello, Mr. Jang.
I'm surprised to see you here.
Oh, Mr. Jang.
Are you here to get your hair… Whoa.
What brings you here?
I'm here to cast you.
Jeong-heon, I'd love to have you
on my new show.
I told you to talk to Ms. Ma
about these things.
I'm not an idiot. You always have her
turn people down for you.
Who's your head writer?
Oh, our head writer?
She's really good.
-It's Kim--
-No. Do you know Ms. On Woo-ju?
She's great at her job.
Of course I know her.
I hear she really messed up her last show,
and now she's planning a new one.
She's planning a new show?
Yeah, but it's literally just planning.
Who knows if it will get off the ground?
I doubt that it will,
seeing how incompetent she is.
Our head writer, though,
always gets amazing ratings--
Mr. Jang.
-Are you close with Ms. On?
So you're just rude then.
You talk about people behind their backs.
I don't want to work with someone rude.
-Hyeong-taek, Mr. Jang is leaving.
-Mr. Jang, let me walk you out.
-Wait, but…
Have some deer antler extract.
I'll call you.
-Oh, thanks.
-I hope you enjoy it. Bye!
You know a lot of scriptwriters?
This is actually better.
We're in a corner room,
so we can focus.
And the talent managers don't come here,
so we'll be left alone to focus.
Those are all talent managers.
I love how it's next to the smoking area
and there are no bugs.
We're so close to the bathroom too.
I'll make sure we move somewhere far away
from cigarette smoke and bathrooms.
-Let's make our next show a hit, okay?
I suddenly had an idea yesterday.
All right, check this out.
Lots of celebrities live on Jeju Island.
We could get some to Seoul
and compare their lives in the two places.
Like coming back to the city.
What do you think?
Seoul Check-In.
I think Director Kim Tae-ho
already did that with Lee Hyo-ri.
Hey, mine would feature more people.
He only had Lee Hyo-ri.
Oh, it looked like Kim Jeong-heon
was looking for a new show to host.
He wants to try something new.
Oh, Kim Jeong-heon?
If we could cast him,
the show would be a hit for sure.
He's not even that funny.
No, he's really hot right now.
I actually know his manager.
Should I ask about his schedule?
I have an awards ceremony today.
Oh. Did you win an award?
I'm going so I win one in the future.
All the celebs will be there.
I'll go hook them all in. Sparta!
Ooh, ooh!
I-na, you said you'd say it together.
Ooh, ooh.
No freaking way.
Oh, my gosh.
Hello? Hi, Mr. Kang.
You know, we were just talking
about Mr. Kim Jeong-heon.
Here she comes. You look fabulous!
All right. Thank you. Thank you, GVAN.
Now, please welcome Kim Jeong-heon.
It's like the David statue
has come to life.
Doesn't he look dashing?
Look over here, please.
Please look to your left too.
-That's cute.
-Over here!
-Okay. Thank you, Jeong-heon.
-Thank you.
All right.
This is a gift from Chairman Park Pil-gu
of Joa Tasty Rice.
Jeong-heon, I'm a big fan.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you for the gift.
Come on.
A rice cooker?
Hang on.
Please take some pictures!
-I love Joa Tasty Rice!
-He looks stunning holding a rice cooker.
Over here, please!
-Please look over here.
-I love it!
Isn't he the best? All right.
And look, he's very strong too.
Of course. Thank you, Jeong-heon.
Thank you.
You're not here to shoot an ad.
How embarrassing.
Isn't embarrassment
better than losing a commercial?
I lost my old rice cooker commercial,
so I just got myself a new one.
Joa Tasty Rice!
Hey, Hyeong-taek. Did you find out?
A different show?
No, it's nothing.
I'll call you later. Bye.
Was that Mr. Kang? What is it?
Well, kind of.
"Kind of"?
You're acting suspiciously again.
Can I go in now?
-Yes, go ahead.
-Thank you.
No, I haven't met Hey Meeny Miny Poe yet.
You still haven't met her yet?
-All right.
That's Lee Jeong-un.
Sol, I just saw Lee Jeong-un.
You don't know him?
Anyway, I'll go inside
and look for her, okay?
I'll call you later, honey. Bye.
Hey. This event is hosted by our company,
and the higher-ups are paying attention.
If you do a good job here, I'm sure
Mr. Kim will give you another chance.
Try not to be nervous.
God, I'm so nervous. Aren't you nervous?
Not at all.
Wow, impressive.
On Woo-ju.
It's been a long time.
You're right.
You look good.
-Are you--
-Ms. On Woo-ju?
This is Director Ma Mi-ra.
I'm Ma Mi-ra.
Are you close with Jeong-heon?
Please excuse me.
Mr. Song Ki-baek.
What are you doing here?
Oh, I am hosting the ceremony.
Song Ki-baek?
I heard you became an anchor.
Good to see you. How have you been?
Ji-hu, I've got to go change.
I'll catch you later.
All right.
Wait, Woo-ju.
Jeong-heon. I'm a fan.
Can we take a picture?
-Thank you.
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
I thank you for your creation
and cultivation of world-leading brands
that represent Korea
in various fields of business.
It's such an honor to host
the first Korea Brand Awards.
I am Anchor Song Ki-baek of JBC.
And now, we move on to the award
for the Hottest Icon of the Year.
Here to present is Chairman Park Seong-jae
of Toto Olleh Chicken.
Please welcome him with a big hand.
Now, let's find out
who the nominees are.
Ki-baek, your face looks a bit oily,
so let's put some powder on it.
You guys are doing this because
I'm nice to you and do what you ask me to.
Today, I'm a bit…
These are the nominees
for the Hottest Icon of the Year.
With the rise of K-content
to new heights this year,
the competition is expected
to be extremely fierce.
Who will win this award?
It's pretty obvious.
Who will win this fierce competition
and claim this honorable award?
Only one of the nominees
is here tonight.
For a small awards show like this,
only the winners show up.
The winner is Park Se-mi. Congratulations.
Park Se-mi is a comedian
who's widely known as Seo-jun's mom,
who is a character she plays
on her beloved YouTube channel.
Congratulations on your award again.
I'm sure you didn't give me this award
just because I'm the only one present.
Ki-baek, what are you doing?
You're ad-libbing too much.
Ad-libbing? Are you kidding?
What did you just say?
No, no.
Mr. Song, are you all right?
I don't think I can do this anymore.
Mr. Song. Please go back up onstage.
I'm in no condition
to host the show right now.
Stop talking nonsense and get up there.
-No, but--
-Just go.
-Get up there.
-No, I really--
Ki-baek is going back onstage.
Stand by.
This is insulting.
-Oh, my word.
All right. Let's move on
to the next award.
The next category is
Best Sports-Entertainer of the Year.
Boy, this is the 19th award already.
I'll be presenting the award myself.
This is not a major award, so…
Kim Seung-hyeon, congratulations.
Let's give him a big round of applause.
I have a lot of people to thank.
-Heo Su-min of Ungok Entertainment.
-Tell him to keep it short.
Lee Jae-yong--
Oh, the staff just asked to make
the speech short and straightforward,
but you're the ones
who decided to present 19 awards.
Feel free to finish.
Director Kim Hong-jun,
Manager Choi Ja-yeong,
Director Kim Geun-u, Director Lee Eun-ha,
Manager Kim Seon-jun, CEO Jang Ji-yeon
of Hair Boutique Gangnam--
That's going to take forever.
Why does everyone thank
such a long list of people?
If you want to thank someone,
do it whenever you can.
I'll keep working hard. Thank you.
Carry on.
There's still an award left.
Best Actor of the Year.
Presenting the award is
Chairman Park Pil-gu of Joa Tasty Rice.
Let's welcome him with a big hand.
Greetings. Well, may I announce…
Right, okay.
I'll announce the winner then.
The first Korea Brand Awards.
Best Actor of the Year goes
to Lee Jeong-un. Congratulations.
Let's give it up for him. Congratulations.
Lee Jeong-un came back from
a long hiatus to play Kim Man-ho,
the drug king who dominates the world
of darkness, in last year's film Junkers.
Ironically, the reason he went on hiatus
was because of his alleged drug use.
Drugs became his downfall
and his redemption.
He's the true drug king of our time.
I'm sorry!
Song Ki-baek!
-Hey, are you okay?
Oh, Mr. Kim.
Things could've gone
a lot worse, you know.
Mr. Kim. I'm sorry.
Come on, it's okay.
You just messed up
a stupid awards show. It's not a big deal.
Don't let something like this
get you down.
Go back to how you were earlier.
You had a lot of nerve
running your mouth like that.
-Go ahead and say whatever you want.
-No, I…
I can always find another news anchor.
What's the point of good qualifications,
a good family, and a nice image?
It's all meaningless.
They're all fake.
What are you doing here?
What does it look like?
I'm working, of course.
I've got to earn every penny I can.
Am I right?
Sweetheart, I know you've had a long day.
My perfect son.
You did nothing wrong, okay?
It's not like you hit or killed someone.
You said a few things
that were on your mind.
What's wrong with that?
Just lie to people again, honey.
You're good at that.
You have to keep pretending
like we don't exist
and continue living a facade
as the perfect Song Ki-baek
so we can sponge off you forever. Right?
I thought his family was well-off.
I heard you'd make the finance section
if your house were to be revealed.
They say he comes
from a powerful family.
So he's not the prince but the pauper.
Says who?
You're the ones who created my image.
It takes skills to build a good image!
He's been acting like he's got it all
and like he's a good person.
Man, it's unbelievable.
It's all been complete lies.
I have to ask him for money today.
Can I ask for just another 100,000 won?
Let's sit down and talk.
Huh? What… What's that?
What happened?
Song Ki-baek is being penalized.
You know, I'm worried.
About what?
About Song Ki-baek.
What if something really
happened to him in that accident?
What accident?
On Woo-ju.
Oh, Ms. Chae. It's been a while.
What's going on?
Well, I was just in the neighborhood,
and I thought I'd stop by
your mom's hair salon.
Go play with your grandma, okay?
Go ahead, Yeon.
Want to grab a coffee?
I sent Yeon away
because I thought you'd do this.
Let's go.
Just leave. I have somewhere to be.
I sent her away
because I didn't want to embarrass you.
What's going on?
Don't you get clingy too, Beep Beep.
God, this is embarrassing.
Embarrassing? I love this car.
Why is it embarrassing?
It's a used car for one thing,
and I spent the money
I saved for your birthday gift.
That's what makes it more meaningful.
That means I own a small part of it.
Oh, this is great.
Now you don't have to stay all night
at bus terminals to make morning shoots,
and you have a place to be
when you're on standby.
And we can go somewhere far together.
That's right.
Please keep him safe, Beep Beep. Okay?
You named it Beep Beep?
Yeah, Beep Beep.
It's the assistant director.
Hello, sir.
Oh, I'm on my way now. Yes.
Sorry? Liquid painkiller?
I don't have a liquid painkiller.
Oh, no. I'll get you one.
Yes. Don't worry. Bye.
We're in the middle of nowhere.
How are we going to find a pharmacy?
There's a pharmacy right here.
How do you…
What, never been bitten
by mosquitoes at a shoot?
Oh, Jeong-heon. Stop!
What? Oh!
Hello. Could I have a box of steamed buns?
-All right.
-Thank you.
Sure, please enjoy.
Are you hungry?
The FDs accidentally sat on a bag of buns
they were going to use,
and Yeong-gyu saw it.
He's refusing to eat them.
But how did you even catch that?
Wow. It's insane how quickly you think.
They call me the super rookie
for a reason.
Let's go.
Come on, let's go.
It can be described as disinhibition.
The lesion in your brain has caused
emotional dysregulation
and personality changes
similar to symptoms of dementia.
But there's no danger to your life.
Nonetheless, considering your job,
being unable to control the things you say
could be a challenging issue for you.
Hey. How are you?
Move out of the apartment?
It's a little unexpected.
You're moving back next month?
You said I could stay
as long as I wanted.
I mean…
I don't have money
to get a place right now.
It's your apartment.
You can do whatever you want with it.
Your car is fine too.
Listen, I have to go.
Min-gu, all the locations
on your list looked great.
The Fishermen and the Country shot there.
They said it was amazing.
I should've come with you.
I'm really sorry, Woo-ju.
Don't worry about it.
I can check out these locations by myself.
I'll talk to you later. Bye.
Wow, this place looks fantastic.
Hey, isn't this nice?
Aren't you glad you came?
It's nice.
It took me a lot of effort to join
The Fishermen and the Country, you know.
I should practice my fishing technique.
That rock is a good fishing spot.
There are a lot of things I want to ask,
but we're here to have fun today,
so let's do that.
Talk to me when you're ready.
I'll catch you some black sea bream.
Oh, you're adorable.
This is supposed to be a good spot,
so why can't I catch a single minnow?
Even the god of the sea
couldn't get you one.
Minnows live in freshwater,
not in the ocean.
Touché. Fishing is all about waiting.
Aren't you supposed to be
the symbol of patience?
Don't be ridiculous.
Symbol of patience, my ass.
You've been acting strange!
You've changed. You know that?
I'm going to go get something to drink.
My butt's too sore to sit here.
He's so touchy these days.
-Thank you.
Seriously, I'm not getting any bites.
Hi, honey.
What? But she was fine until this morning.
Damn it. Okay.
I'll be there as soon as I can.
Good God.
Damn it, I should've worn sneakers.
Thank you for your cooperation.
I'll be in touch.
Huh? What?
Isn't that Song Ki-baek?
What's he doing over there alone?
Everything isn't over yet, right?
Maybe it's already over.
What is the matter with you, Ki-baek?
What did I do
to deserve something like this?
I've worked so hard to get here.
Man, it's so damn beautiful.
I'm really scared here.
What's he doing up there?
Mr. Song Ki-baek!
Boy, now I'm even hearing things.
Hey, stop! Stop!
Huh? Ms. On?
Just calm down and get down here.
I know it's hard, but don't do this!
Wait, what are you doing here?
Everything is going to be okay.
Come down here. Come on!
Did you follow me here? Why?
Why are you coming up here?
I know you're stronger
than this, Mr. Song!
Don't come up here! It's dangerous!
If you're feeling upset about something,
talk to me.
I'll listen, okay?
Listen to what? I told you.
I'm not entirely fine!
This is driving me crazy.
Why are you doing this?
Stop talking to me!
This wouldn't have happened
if I hadn't met you.
Why do you keep showing up in front of me?
I said, don't come up here!
Don't! Oh.
Don't come near me. Just don't, okay?
Look, Mr. Song. Calm down. It's dangerous!
-Get out of my sight!
-You'll fall!
Oh, for God's sake.
Why would you follow me here?
Oh, no! Don't move!
Don't come near me!
Get out of my sight!
You'll fall!
Have you gone totally insane? Get a grip!
When I see your face,
I get this strong feeling of…
I feel better now.
Ms. On, I hear you're having a hard time.
Hey. Could you help me, please?
I'm genuinely interested
in your new show as a show host.
Just go. I'm not interested.
I have a problem staying calm.
Who invited Song Ki-baek here?
This is just embarrassing.
What if the switch turns on
when I'm at work?
You came to work? You've got thick skin.
The switch is turned on, isn't it?
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to JBC News.
Aren't you scared?
My mom said there's a shark in there.
There's no shark.
Your mom lied so you wouldn't spend
too much time in cold water.
Also, when you grow up,
things like sharks don't scare you.
What scares you is life.
-Cold, isn't it?
-No, it's not cold at all.
You're lying.
I'm not lying.
Aren't you cold?
Are you the kind of grown-up
who never lies?
Somehow, that's what I've become.
Oh, it's really quiet.
That's cool.
It's not cool. It's ruining me.
People might say it's cool.
Or that it's satisfying without realizing
how it's completely messing up my life.
Hey, can we be friends?
I have a feeling something fun will happen
if I'm with you.
I'm not sure.
Subtitle translation by: Yoon-jung Song
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