Frenchie Shore (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Out of control

This programme contains sexual
language and scenes
not suitable for young viewers.
Tristan, you're mine.
I want you, I'll have you.
If a chick touches him,
I'll get rid of her.
I'm a little bee.
I need to go from flower to flower
Your man licked my tits earlier!
You're a hypocrite!
If I look at your guy and I want him,
I'll take him.
- Give me a kiss?
- Julie is hot. I'm really into her!
- My ex!
- Nice to meet you!
You weren't supposed to be here!
A sub is entering the field,
coming out of nowhere.
I thought you swam naked.
With Pépita,
I want to score a goal directly.
Melvin just wants to screw.
But he's not a guy
who'd turn my head on the street.
I hope Pépita didn't see me and that
Ouryel will keep her mouth shut.
Everything has a price.
Tomorrow morning, 10.30am,
we'll be expecting you
to come to work with a smile.
No way!
I don't want to work.
I'm so over it!
July Max!
I'm Ouryel,
very chic and very dick!
It's hot, chicks are hot,
I got guns, ciao!
I'm determined with Bébert,
so watch your backs!
I look like an angel,
but I'm a demon.
Irresistible, never disrespectful.
Enzo, on a mission
to convert all the straight boys!
I like chicks, I like sex.
No competition, I'm chill.
Girls like me are rare.
Nice to meet you, I'm Pépita.
No Nico, no party!
I'll let you wake up.
Today's forecast at the villa,
it is more of a body drought.
They've all sobered up
they're vitamin-deficient,
You can feel it in their pores
and on their long faces.
It's too funny to watch,
because they regret it, I swear.
They regret it so much.
Pépita, Julie,
get up!
In one hour, you have to be ready
to go to work.
We're out of apple juice?
- It's not possible.
- What do you want?
- I need apple juice.
- This is apple juice, I think.
- I was about to make a scene.
- I'll have some too.
It'll wake me up.
There's alcohol in it!
I'm so dead!
We have to go to work?
My usual love for work is minus 12,
so when drunk, it's zero.
I can't be bothered! Motivation?
- Zero!
- It's a pain.
What are you doing
with your empty glass?
Find me some juice.
- Hey you.
- What?
You spent the whole night
in the bedroom.
I know you just wanted to drive
Tristan mad.
Going back and forth
saying good night
- looking to see if he was watching.
- No!
Don't say "no",
I was sleeping next to Tristan!
No, honestly, I was tired.
This morning,
I'm a new woman.
Yesterday, I quickly
got my hooks into Tristan
but I also really like Melvin,
so when I see that Tristan
is a bit all over the place,
he might not necessarily be a guy
I'm going to have a good time with.
I'll get annoyed.
So I'm focusing on guys who are
much more interesting than Tristan.
- What is it? Are you frustrated?
- No, I'm not.
Can you give me a break for once?
- You're the one in my room.
- I'm always electric
You're the one in my room, so
He is always between my legs,
like balls.
Didn't know I had any.
We meet lots of people,
so look good.
I will, thanks.
- Would it make you jealous?
- No jealousy.
I think Pépita digs me a little.
She doesn't say it but I can tell
she's interested.
I want her to make a move
because she's taking things
too slowly for me.
Let's get to work!
I'm ready, I'm spruced up,
I'm radiant.
But I feel the others are dragging
their feet a bit.
You need to get 'em, pull 'em.
Here we go, guys.
I'm so pleased to see
you're feeling good.
Antonin is waiting for us,
to keep an eye on us
and tell us what to do.
No mistakes.
I'm going to need Julie and Nicolas.
You're going to take care
of setting up outside.
You'll clean the tables.
For the others, there's sand
on the sunbeds. You need to clean it.
I'm counting on you.
I hope you won't disappoint me.
I'll leave you in good hands
with Régis and Donovan
and I'll see you later.
My job is being Pépita, flirting,
being funny and that's enough for me.
Why do they want to add
to my workload? I'm exhausted.
- You ready?
- Ready!
So the losing team,
they'll clean the toilets.
- What's that?
- What do you mean?
Let's start right away.
I don't want to work.
So if they ask me to polish,
twerk on or even scrub toilets
it's going to piss me off fast.
I really don't want
to do all this
- Look at that,
- There, I like that!
I'm working, but being the twerker
that I am, I can't help it.
So I twerk, it motivates Nico,
it motivates me, it's fun
and at the same time,
we actually work.
- Nico? I'm cleaning the table.
- Yes, darling? Wow!
I don't know what kind of mood
Julie's in with me,
but we really have
this little chemistry.
She's like my mistress,
I her lover and I love this game.
They won't finish before us!
- You've got a break in ten minutes.
- Will you stop yelling at me!
I don't want to scrub the toilets
because of you two dicks!
Pépita and I had a great idea.
Sweat's pouring down our backs.
We go: 3, 2, 1
We start the sprint of our lives.
Usain Bolt is sweating seeing us,
Are you serious right now?
Screw you assholes!
They're a bunch of assholes
to go swimming
and leave me in the lurch.
On top of that,
we're in a competition
with Julie and Nicolas,
I don't want to lose.
Now you have to clean it again.
Go fuck yourself with a capital F.
We didn't ask you to work so much.
- That means at the end, we'll
- That's what I wanted to do.
- Here's what's happening!
- You see, you cleaned all the mats?
- I'm the one cleaning them anyway!
- You cleaned this one?
- Jackal. My mother's life, jackal!
- Did you clean this lounger?
Enzo! Come here, Enzo!
Iris is committed
like she's going to earn a bonus.
We're done, aren't we?
No. Come on, then.
Start here, then sweep up.
Come on, Pépita! Pépita, Pépita!
You're not a manager.
What are you playing at?
Bro, if I want to say "work",
you work!
Are you the boss around here?
You're zilch! Clean up
and keep your trap shut!
Dumbass! Was he made with piss
or what?
I see Pépita, Enzo, they do fuck all.
Enzo's mug is full of sand,
I don't know why.
Pépita does everything but work.
So I say to myself, this is
a godsend for Julie and I.
It's in the bag, we've won.
All right, guys.
I see the sun lounger team has lost.
- Did you go swimming?
- No!
- It's an optical illusion.
- You can't see it at all!
Well now time to go
clean the toilets.
Bingo! Enzo has to clean the toilets.
I'm following him because
I'm ready to laugh at his face.
The toilets are disgusting.
- It smells of ass too!
- Oh fuck! Yes.
- Oh fuck!
- But less than at the villa!
Not on me bro!
it's disgusting!
Well done, it's getting cleaner.
That's good, isn't it?
Iris is being the cheerleader,
without pompoms.
She's doing stuff like that
with her boobs.
She's committed.
But Pépita is not here.
She's gone for another run on
the beach, turning her back on me,
she's with Julie and Nicolas.
She's crazy!
Come on, it's okay, it's clean.
- Come on, let's go!
- Where's Pépita?
There, I see lifeguards.
Are they hot? I don't know.
They can't see how beautiful I am.
- They can't even see her!
- She's drowning!
I do everything. Waving,
screaming. They don't give a fuck.
I would have drowned 15 times.
So in the end,
Nicolas saved me.
It was like: gently, gently
Nicolas,que calor.
- The boss is coming.
- To tell me to keep working?
How did it go?
Congrats, you did great.
Well, there's one group that
did a bit better at the beginning.
Otherwise, you did a great job,
that's cool.
The boss was really pleased with us,
we worked well. Back to the villa
to see what the others are doing.
I hope I don't have to work again
today, because I've done my part.
She's got a great ass.
- You know you're gonna fuck her too.
- No!
Come on, bro, you're crazy.
You're gonna fuck her.
We do her together?
- You're hot!
- I'm extra hot!
I'm so glad Tristan's
on the same wavelength as me.
We're going to have fun
and do stupid things together.
- Kara, I really want to
- It's those tits
- Did you see her nipples?
- I did. I just want to grab them
and rip them off her off.
Make her scream.
I want to suckle her. I wanted to put
her milk in the cereals.
Oh fuck!
Ideally, I'd sleep with Ouryel first,
because she's the hottest.
So that's done, we're moving on.
After that, I'll move on to Kara,
the deal, the real deal.
What happened with Pépita yesterday?
There was just a bit of kissing,
a bit of excitement,
a bit of touching.
- You know Bébert? Yeah, Bébert.
- Bébert?
- Who's that?
- It's the name I gave my bro.
Ah, your anaconda?
Come, don't worry.
- What?
- A kiss.
Sleep well.
All good things come
to those who wait.
I spent a crazy night
between making out with Ouryel
and getting closer with Pépita.
I really want to finish
what I started with Pépita.
- I'll miss her.
- Do you miss her now?
We should have destroyed them
Julie and Theo have some
"lease", but she's my kind of girl.
I'm waiting. There's always an end of
lease and I'll be the one to sign it.
- So how was it?
- I'm exhausted now.
We're back at the villa.
I can't wait to recount everything
that's happened, to be with my Théo.
Pépita, Iris and Enzo had to tidy
the mattresses, remove the sand.
Were there hotties?
- Only gays.
- Shit.
Pépita noticed the lifeguards.
She tried to be rescued,
but they wouldn't, so Nico did.
- Who wants to save you?
- He did.
There's nothing to save.
Are you jealous? Mad?
Melvin, I don't know his problem.
We've known each other two days.
. I'm not looking for a husband,
I'm going to do what I want,
so give me drama. But I'm not
gonna give a damn about it.
It won't stop me,
I'm even going to do worse.
- Who are you looking for?
- Kara.
- She's not here.
- She's in my room, on my bed.
- You know the way, right?
- What?
- Nothing.
- Talk to me, I'm here.
- He said you knew the way to his bed.
- He wishes.
You're riled up!
You're so mad.
Because you're taunting, like "I had
a good time with the bodyguard."
So you're jealous?
It's not jealousy. You provoke me,
- I provoke you.
- It's not my fault you're in love.
You just get on my nerves.
I didn't promise,
I don't have a ring
you fell in love with me,
it doesn't mean you have to handcuff
me. Nobody tells me what to do.
You want to argue
but no thanks, sweetheart.
Yes, I want to argue
and I'm proud of it.
Fine. But that hurts a bit,
what I told you earlier.
- No, it hurts you,
- See your reaction? Me, I'm smiling.
- I don't care.
- You're cute when you're mad.
I don't want you anymore.
I already got you.
- You didn't get me.
- I kissed you
- I'm not interested anymore.
- You haven't tasted the beast.
You wanted to fuck me,
I told you no, you liar.
Pépita and I were off
to a great start
I was sure we'd make it to the end,
but she kind of turned me off.
Her weird phases
with her provocation
when I wasn't even provoking her.
She wants to play, OK,
but I'm ignoring her right now.
- Guys, are you hungry?
- Yes
- Théo, your girl is cooking for you.
- You've got something on your dress.
It's to know what to cook,
you don't eat pork, right?
- Ah you're
- I see Kara with her big butt.
I want to eat it.
If I want something,
I don't hold back,
even if it pisses off Ouryel,
she'll have to get used to it.
I've got a big appetite
and there's plenty to eat here.
I'll stop meddling. I get his vibe,
I get what he's after.
I can't be bothered
to chase after the wind.
Everyone's doing their thing, When
I go out, I hope I'll find good guys,
even if we don't fuck,
even if I don't bring them back.
At least, I'll see other people.
Tristan is getting dangerously close
sexually to Kara
and I'm starting to
feel extreme hate for Tristan.
- I
- What about you?
- I don't know.
- Why do you?
Why do you always want
to show your dick?
- I don't, you've never seen it.
- No.
- There's chemistry
- An urge.
There's a tension between us.
While Kara and Tristan
are doing their thing,
it's very hot with Melvin, we know
there's a huge sexual tension.
When we look into each other's eyes,
I can see "doggy style".
I love Melvin so much, I love his sex
appeal, I love his bad boy side.
- Let's go and join the others or
- Anyway
- We can
- We know each other.
I don't waste time.
Pépita wanted to play, it's over.
I really want to be the first one
to fuck.
It's starting to heat up with Ouryel.
I'm turned on.
It's getting boring, no?
- I have a game.
- What game?
Truth or Consequences.
We're all sitting down
And I'm thinking,
why not play a little game,
add a little spice to the day?
People don't say
what they really think,
and with this game,
the truths will come out.
For all to see.
Come on, baby,
give us an example.
Truth or consequence?
- Truth.
- If you had to choose in this villa,
who would you take for a night?
And who would you take for life?
Is it for her, to position herself
in relation to Tristan?
Or herself in relation to Melvin?
Is it to screw up all my plans?
More you for the night and him
for life, in terms of character
- Melvin is more by the book.
- Tristan's a good lay,
and you're a good person
She doesn't know but if she
tastes me, she'll want me for life.
Théo, truth or dare?
- Dare.
- We put 3 ice cubes in his shorts.
Three large ice cubes.
So "dare" and I suffer, for free?
I'll go to jail!
I'll put them in myself.
For real, put them all in.
There you go.
My balls are freezing. I think I'm
a few steps away from hypothermia,
but I know how to make
the most of every situation.
So truth or consequence?
Please remove the ice cubes.
Thank you!
I take out the ice, I feel nothing.
So, I hope he doesn't have
a micropenis and it's the cold.
- Tristan. Consequence or truth?
- Truth.
- If you were gay, who would you bang?
- Enzo.
Don't say that to please me.
I don't care all the girls are
into him. I'm the one in his room,
I know there's a way to do it,
after a couple of drinks.
- Iris wants some action.
- A funny one.
Take your top off over there,
and stay like that for 2 turns.
- Let's go!
- They're huge!
And they don't pollute.
They're real.
- Frankly, there's room for two.
- For four.
It had to be me. I'm asked
to go topless. It's nothing.
They're boobs. There's a good vibe,
we're having fun.
- Hey!
- You come at the right time!
- My timing is perfect.
- Pépita, come here, darling.
We talked about who we liked best
and least, and why.
I've fallen for Nico.
Yesterday, I couldn't stand him.
Vice versa, yesterday Melvin,
today he got on my tits.
Can you give some examples?
- You make jealous comments and I
- Not true.
I said one thing.
Stop interrupting me.
I don't understand what's going on.
Out of nowhere, Pépita is here
screaming at Melvin
and starts messing with him
for no reason at all.
That's new.
I'm going over there.
You're deflecting.
- What did I tell you today?
- Always prickly.
You're gutted
that I'm interested in other girls.
- I would never look at you.
- Then why do you react like that?
Here we go again. She's starting
to disrespect me. But, honey
I wouldn't look at you either.
You were lucky.
That stops here.
- You can't say that.
- I kissed you
and didn't want more, you were
annoying. You wanted to fuck me,
I didn't even touch you.
- We could have gone further.
- Well no. I said no.
Who are you?
I barely know your first name.
A minute ago,
I didn't know who you were.
I look up, I can't see him with
his 1,60m. Don't start anything.
My shorts!
With Tristan,
I'm in my own little mood.
I'm fine, we're laughing,
teasing each other.
His girlfriend's not around.
That's great,
the coast is clear.
Mission accomplished.
We start kissing in the pool
and I hope we go further.
- You saw they got closer in the pool?
- Kara and Tristan?
- Yeah.
- No, I didn't, what's up?
No, nothing.
I'm not a snitch, he's my bro.
For real, I don't care.
I saw the kiss.
She doesn't know I've seen it,
If she finds out,
I'll be there to comfort her.
Every time there's something
with Tristan, everyone looks at me.
- I really don't care.
- It's not even about Tristan,
I think, it's about
your life in general.
- You get attached.
- I get attached very quickly.
Don't get attached to me.
Well, I like you.
Is he telling me this
so that I'll let go of Tristan
and focus more on him,
give him more attention?
If so, I like it a lot.
I'm liking Melvin more and more.
He's really starting to eject
Tristan from the number one spot.
It's on the cheek.
Because you think on the mouth
I'll back off?
I don't know. Do you want to try?
- No.
- Not yet? We'll wait?
It's not as we haven't done it
- Ah, yes.
- You admit it, you'd forgotten
Melvin, he's a bad boy,
it turns me on, makes me so horny.
I just want him to slam me
against a wall, turn me over in bed
and have the best sex of my life
with this guy.
Why are you touching your dick?
- Because I like it.
- Are you hard?
You're half hard?
- You have no idea
- You have a half-boner, for sure.
Do you think something
could happen between us?
- Do you think?
- I'm thinking why not?
Like, honestly, you know
I'll wait until you're with a chick
before I come and pick you up.
If you get close to someone,
I'll come get you.
Julie will always be
my little sweetie from the South.
When I see her with her little smile,
all I want to do is kiss her.
Julie will always be Julie.
We're this close
and she'll always be here.
We've been broken up for two years.
- I've never found a partner like you.
- Never in my life.
You want to hear
something sincere?
In everyday life, sometimes,
it's crazy
- I start laughing like an idiot.
- Thinking about stuff.
- We were completely crazy.
- Mad.
That's why Pépita isn't ready yet.
She's not ready.
- But go tease her, then I'll come.
- Don't worry.
If Nicolas got close to a girl,
I wouldn't care in the sense that
she'd have to hang on tight.
Because, I was here before.
I'll be here during
and I'll be here after.
Julie and Nico's relationship
isn't really over.
Will that stop me?
Definitely not!
Everyone does what
they have to do.
I'm not competitive.
Our routes are different,
even if we drive the same car.
You make me laugh with your scar.
- Harry Potter without the magic.
- You do have magic in real life.
You have the power of seduction.
Pépita, I want to get
to know her better.
I want to break through
this shell
because I know that deep down,
she's a wonderful person.
Things are going pretty well
for us and that's what I like.
- We'll have fun tonight.
- I hope.
- Good vibes, just like today.
- We'll be in a club, I live in clubs.
- We'll be at home tonight.
- In our universe.
I can't wait.
With Nico, I feel so good.
I feel a bit like
I've found a partner in crime.
He's like a male Pépita.
He's a character and I love crazy
people. I don't like normal people.
- You're my favourite in the house.
- Me too, my little Pépita.
So nice. It's a good thing
you showed up.
Can you imagine if you hadn't
And it was just the rest of us.
I would have been bored.
Pépita is someone who's
very sentimental and so am I.
Bang, it clicked
and then it all came together.
I can see she's really attached
and I think that's really sweet.
She's earned a little place
in my heart.
Bored, like something
would have been missing.
- Where's your bed?
- At the back, on the right.
The biggest.
- Show your dick.
- You're messing with me.
But right now, it's just a baby bird.
- Can I touch it?
- Of course you can.
Me, I'm a player,
I mean Whether it's Théo,
Melvin, Nico or Tristan.
I put them all in the same bag.
We can tease each other or more.
I like to have fun with the boys
in the house.
Hmmm. I feel it's got character.
- But it can hurt.
- You've got character too.
- But you can hurt too.
- I know I can.
I know but you haven't told me.
That I can hurt?
I don't need to say.
Some things are
Like the sun, you know what it is.
- I was taught.
- You want me to teach you?
- What does the sun do?
- It burns.
Careful, Kara.
Guys, I need to talk to you about
I've decided to get everyone
together to make an announcement.
I'm getting close to the guys
so before it goes any further,
I need to be honest
about something related to myself.
Maybe some of you suspected it,
or not,
but if I'm here today is because
I am who I am,
sometimes you see chicks
who got a lot of plastic surgery
they're bombshells but on pictures
from 10 or 15 years ago
they're physically a bit different.
It's the same for me,
except that it is a bit
I'm a trans woman.
I'm a bit shocked,
because I wasn't expecting it,
but I'm happy she's saying it
because many people wouldn't have.
A lot of people around me
didn't know, so today,
my whole life is clearly
going to change
because all the peace I've had
will be gone.
I'm going to have to face criticism
like never before.
I'm proud of who I am. I don't want
to talk about it for ages.
You're beautiful.
I'm impressed with this girl.
She's so brave. I admire her,
because so many people are still
close-minded in 2023.
To do that, you really have
to have a strong backbone.
It's incredible, I'm so happy!
Give me a kiss.
Come on, give me a kiss!
I think it's really brave
what Ouryel is telling us.
It doesn't change the attraction
I feel for her,
I still want to fuck her.
It adds a little spice, I love it.
- It was so beautiful.
- I didn't want to ramble forever.
I've been a woman
since the dawn of time,
but physically, I've had to fix
what Mother Nature didn't give me.
I've had nothing but positive
reactions. I'm really relieved,
it's taken a huge weight off
my shoulders.
I think that Tristan and I
really hit it off.
I think there's a real connection
between Tristan and me,
whether it's friendly,
sentimental or whatever.
I didn't want to tell you like that,
but I don't feel like
Even if it doesn't change anything,
I swear I fucked hundreds of guys,
my pussy is undetectable.
Even physically,
if we'd slept together,
you wouldn't have noticed.
And I thought "I've got to say it,
so at least everyone's aware".
- Everyone has a past.
- You're a beautiful woman.
Otherwise I wouldn't have come
to you.
- I believe you.
- I wouldn't have kissed you.
Her speech doesn't change a thing,
because I'm still attracted to her.
Since I entered the villa, I was
attracted to her. She's a real woman.
What she said is in the past.
We live and have fun in the present.
Can I tell you something?
Girl, first of all,
you're really brave.
If I could go back, I wouldn't
have said things about your looks
Show off your flat ass, you tramp!
My face costs more than your little
toe, you piece of shit!
You tramp!
You've got a big disgusting pussy!
- I don't want anything to change.
- I didn't think you'd had surgery.
Which is a nice compliment.
Everything looks natural.
I'm very moved here,
Kara is very much like me.
We have the same personality.
We started out strongly,
because we needed to gauge
each other.
I see her positive reaction,
she tells me that I'm brave,
that she understands
my overreactions towards men,
I think to myself:
"Kara is a girl that I can count on."
I have a lot of affection for her.
OnFrenchie Shore,
it's sex we adore!
Let's go baby,
one shot, two shots, door,
let's go to the fun fair.
We're going to do it all.
Let's go!
Frenchie Shore!
Frenchie Shore!
It's on, we're all so hot,
we get on the first ride we see,
there's lots of stuff,
it's a mess, we love it.
Colourful slides everywhere.
We're having the time of our lives!
We're a big crazy group,
and I love it!
Everyone's having a great time,
we're really enjoying it.
When Ouryel is horny,
Melvin comes back into her head
and we exchanged little kisses
at the funfair,
it's very romantic.
The Palace of Laughter was nice,
but if it could have been
the palace of sex, with giant dildos,
I'd have enjoyed it more.
- Not rides that go up.
- It's not very high.
You want the lollipop? Come!
We're going for more serious rides.
And in the group,
some have cold feet and no balls.
That means
we're getting everyone fired up.
They're screaming and making faces.
I'm laughing my head off.
Worst idea ever.
I said I wanted violent,
quick and enjoyable fun,
but not that kind of wild fun,
I wanted something more horizontal.
I want to eat your mouth.
I feel sexual tension with Nicolas.
He kisses me in front of everyone.
I just love it! It's so me.
Look at us!
Look at the show we're putting on.
Take a good look
and feel insecure in silence.
She's got a lot of nerve,
that girl.
Don't be jealous,
you'll get over it.
I like your look.
- See, your eyes say a lot.
- All right, Melvin.
After what Pépita did to me, I don't
pay attention when she's with Nico.
They both seem fake, but we'll see.
- Thanks!
- You'll remember this one.
I'm so happy. I wanted this heart
that says "I love you".
It's so sentimental. I love it.
It's all over at the funfair. We had
a great time.
But let's face it,
we'reFrenchie Shore
and what we like
is booze and nightclubs.
So now we just want to go out,
party hard, get wasted.
And above all, we want cock.
Cock, cock, cock.
I'm going out. I'm ready for action.
I want to hook up.
We're gonna party hard!
Party, booze, dance, chill, twerk.
We're all gonna love it together.
We know the Julie Max.
I'm gonna set things on fire!
Tonight, it's gonna twerk.
I don't know how many people are
in the cage, we're starting to move.
I'm clinging to the cage. I look like
a crazed bat. It's ridiculous.
We get into the swing of things.
I start dancing with Théo.
It's really hot.
He's really thrusting against me.
All I want to do is
"sexplain" things to him.
She moves her tush,
I move my hips
it's a match made in heaven.
It's time to exchange saliva,
It's fusion.
We're dancing, drinking,
singing, flirting.
Total pleasure.
I really liked giving him a kiss.
I like Nicolas.
It's pretty cool, it was funny.
It was all in good fun.
- I really love your personality.
- Same.
- Do you live in Paris?
- Non
Nicolas, I don't understand
his behaviour.
You spent the evening kissing me,
declaring that I'm your crush,
like a lover,
kissing me in front of everyone,
and then you do this.
I don't get it
Come, let's go for a walk around.
I'm not in the mindset of seducing
the girls from the villa.
I'm a hunter and I think that soon,
I will have nabbed my prey.
I'm not here for nothing.
I get one girl in the club
Then I see another beautiful girl
and I can't stop here.
I'm off on the hunt
for my second prey.
- I love your kisses so much!
- I love yours too!
Tristan's pissing me off.
After kissing a doormat,
he goes to kiss
the doormat's toilet brush.
Anyway, go on, enjoy. I hope
she has big, purulent canker sores.
- I want to sweep those girls away!
- Which girls?
I get the feeling that Ouryel
is really sentimentally involved.
Sometimes, I feel like shaking her
and saying:
"Girl, he's a fuck boy.
Stop wasting your time".
Forget him,
you're way too beautiful.
Who's your target?
When I go out clubbing,
it's for one purpose:
to get home with a girl.
I don't ask questions,
I just go for it.
I realise that Melvin
is out of control too.
The guys don't know
how to behave when they're out
I'm this close to hanging myself
on the ceiling.
I'm over it.
Come on, let's go!
Ouryel is angry at me, but I'm
so over it, I didn't do anything.
Do you really want me to answer that,
love? Listen to me.
She's pissed, baby. She doesn't want
anything to do with you.
We're in the van, coming back
from the club, we're all happy
but me, I'm starting to think
that when I get home,
I'm going to get destroyed.
- She's scared.
- I kissed two.
- No, three, I think, darling.
- He can't count to three.
You're a player, I love it.
Personally, I'm not too sure
where to stand on this situation.
I can understand Ouryel,
she likes him and he's her crush.
I understand Tristan because
I wouldn't give a damn
and I'd enjoy my life just as much,
so I understand them both.
- I feel like partying again.
- I'm going to go to sleep.
At the villa,
I'm going to wash up. I'm upset.
I'm gonna wash off everything
that happened tonight.
Tristan starts a talk in the shower.
I've got nothing against you,
I'm chill. But I know myself,
when I say this is really not
the moment, really don't talk to me.
Ouryel slices me up
like a small tomato
I'm getting a roasting.
I'm used to screwing up my plans,
I always land on my feet.
- Can I have a kiss?
- No.
Why are you like this,
craving attention from chicks?
- I want attention?
- You want attention too much.
- Why are you doing this?
- I want your attention.
Honestly, it was a great night
I had fun, it was great,
we drank a lot, we twerked a lot,
we partied a lot,
but right now,
I'm completely wiped out.
- Kiss, my baby.
- Stay a bit more.
- What for?
- I want to kiss you.
- Guess what we could do?
- I can guess.
- Don't close the door.
- I'm not closing the door on you,
but I'm not opening it.
That sentence hurts.
Kara, I have no doubt about her,
I'm sure it must be something crazy.
I bet a lot on her.
She's the best horse in the villa.
I can't wait to find out and give
my opinion. But there's still time.
Do you want to see
what you've done to my dick?
- Show me.
- Look, you've made me hard.
- Is it bigger than this banana?
- Come and touch.
- Touch it a little.
- Let me see it again.
Tristan is living his best life,
he's got it all figured out.
He does his thing with anyone he can,
he's having fun.
All the guys in this house
play several games.
Except, we can play too.
Aren't you dressed up yet?
- I don't get it.
- Wait, show me.
- Nice.
- We can see your pussy.
- Yeah. You don't like it?
- I love it.
Julie decided to give us
a little surprise.
She has on skimpy underwear,
you can see her pussy.
Julie's got a great pussy.
I just want to eat it.
The evening
couldn't end better.
- This is for the bumper cars.
- I get it!
It's in!
I love it!
Tristan is drooling, like:
who is this bombshell? I love it!
All the guys are giving
me compliments.
Except who?
Except Théo, who is clearly sleeping.
I didn't understand,
it pissed me off.
Where are the others?
Are they in bed?
They've gone to bed?
Who are you going to see?
- Nico and Iris, I need to talk.
- Go ahead.
- Nico, what the..
- What kind of behaviour is that?
- Girl
- He gives me a teddy,
- pretends to be in love with me
- Guys are all the same.
I'm disappointed, because
I really enjoyed his vibe.
I wasn't planning
on hooking up with him,
He's the one who heated things up
by kissing me,
he's the one who played
the lover all evening.
Go talk to him.
I'm upset and I'm hurt,
I really put him on a pedestal.
I adored him, a crazy crush.
And he's fucking with me.
And nobody fucks with me.
I don't understand,
you're not honest.
I told you in the club,
we do what we want,
Preferably not with someone from
the villa. You could have said no.
- Why did you say yes?
- I'm getting to know everyone.
There's getting to know,
and then there's kissing.
- It's not the same thing.
- Who did I kiss?
- Well, Iris.
- It was just a peck.
I'm all about sharing,
you shouldn't be jealous with me.
We didn't promise anything to
the other. I like to play with fire.
I played with fire with Pépita.
I accept the consequences.
- You want some M&M's?
- Yes.
I'm can't calm down.
I'm disgusted, really.
I feel betrayed.
I feel sad, the tears
won't stop and I tell myself
that tomorrow,
we'll see what it's like.
I'm not looking forward to
this adventure with my partner gone.
It's my birthday,
I'm the king of this day.
I take my bell and wake everyone up
saying "It's my birthday!"
I've lost my voice.
It's time to wake up.
My God, Nico ringing the bell
early in the morning,
I'm going to kill him.
I'll be there for you, he's gonna be
doing this all day long.
Wake up, come on!
You've got to contribute
to the country's economy!
I'm in love mode. I'm with Julie.
Nico's coming in like a madman,
I want to slam him against the wall.
Come on, guys, get up!
Nicolas, I've got a question for you:
Do you want people to hate you?
- I'm "endear-ritating". That's me.
- You're more irritating than dear.
Today's my birthday, so I want
someone to make me breakfast.
- I want a massage too.
- I'll take the breakfast.
Go ahead, make me breakfast.
How sweet!
I suggest you go ask Pépita
for the massage.
Pépita, I'm going to ask her.
We got into a bit of a tiff
the day before,
Now I'm really going to go get her
and tease her with my bell.
I know she's disappointed in me
It's morning and you're making it
worse for yourself.
Stop it!
Nico's looking for me because
he knows he pissed me off yesterday
and he can't do without me
Who could
do without Pépita?
So I hide because I don't feel
like talking to him.
Pépita, there's no point in hiding.
I want a massage from you.
You could have had it all from me,
but not after last night.
See how she is.
I want to be mad, but I can't.
He's too funny and cute.
He's not mean, he really digs me,
we have great fun together.
I want to make peace with you.
- When it suits you.
- Why?
Don't hold a grudge when literally
nothing happened yesterday.
It's the bell of happiness.
I would have laughed, but right now,
I don't feel like laughing.
At first, she's not receptive,
she's annoyed,
the bell hurts her ears.
She's pissed off from the day before.
I'm easing the tension,
Let's make up, my little Pépita,
because today's my birthday!
We're off to work with
Melvin, Théo, Ouryel and Kara.
We're going to be awesome,
the boss isn't ready.
Let's go to work, guys!
Hey kids, how's it going?
I'm Régis.
Today you'll be waitressing.
- Has anyone done this before?
- I've been a barmaid.
I'll put you behind the bar.
No, I'm just kidding.
- No?
- No.
Behind or under the bar?
Basically, we'll be waiters today.
I'd rather be behind the bar
serving shots.
But I'm not complaining.
We'll have fun.
Hey girls. How are you?
- Good.
- Beautiful eyes.
Thank you. You too.
You have the two best waiters
in the area.
- Two or three?
- You don't count yourself?
It's like she wants to count you.
Basically, I came here to work,
I was full of good will,
but as soon as I go out, I see
two cuties, I go straight to them.
And that's my job.
I don't work.
They're working for me.
- Are you the boss here?
- Yeah! I have been for years.
You know the only thing I want
to acquire? Your heart.
- That pick-up line?
- It's not a line!
I look into her eyes,
I'm drowning in it.
I flirt with her. I give her
pick-up line after pick-up line.
I won't let go even if I get fired,
it doesn't matter.
- The weather's not very nice.
- Yeah.
- It's true, but it's warm.
- But you're my sunny spell.
You're my sunshine.
He's got the dictionary
of pick-up lines.
I forget my problems
when I'm with you.
Hello, Tristan?
At work, we don't hit on
the customers.
- That's right.
- So, you get to work and off you go.
You put Tristan on Mars and
he'll be hitting on Martian girls,
So at work, in a beach club,
you won't stop him.
We had the same idea.
Any place is good for twerking.
We'll set the mood.
This restaurant is going to be
a striptease bar.
- I really want to try it.
- Are we ready?
Take a look, so the girls know
how it works.
Matthieu gives us a ticket.
We've got an IPA pint.
Here it is.
We've got two Sunset Kiss, here.
The strawberry's missing.
Let's scold Matthieu.
He's been distracted by the girls.
And a Bora-Bora.
Me, as usual, I want to get wasted.
So I'll have to go to plan B,
drink the customers' cocktails
without anyone seeing me.
- Mistakes happen.
- Cheers!
Cheers! It tastes very good.
- Thanks girls.
- Our pleasure.
Girls, it's forbidden to drink
from a customer's glass.
Who drank from a customer's glass?
You did?
I swear I haven't.
That's forbidden.
Okay, I'll explain.
Your floor has micro-holes.
- I just did that.
- Make sure it doesn't happen again.
- We're professionals.
- We're good?
- You're a very angry daddy, Régis.
- Is that so?
Go on now.
The boss, who is hot,
even though he's short,
I really want to do a good job.
This job probably
has lots of interesting tasks.
- Who ordered a "Porn star"?
- Who wants a "Mussel musk"?
- The "Porn star"?
- The "Mussel musk"?
- Did you taste the cocktails?
- It's not professional.
The best porn star bringing you
the "Porn star".
- Oh, thank you.
- You're welcome, beautiful.
I see Tristan doing his usual job
of being a thirsty caveman.
He thinks he's on a date.
I've had it.
- Can't you tell I'm working?
- You put the tray on the table.
It's not very professional.
You can tell I'm working!
- Maybe if you stood up.
- There you go.
You want to see?
- And you, you want to see?
- There you go!
There's an older experienced lady,
I've got to make her dream a little.
I lift up my T-shirt, get my abs up.
She's lost her appetite,
she wants me,
I'm happy and I hope
she'll divorce soon.
- He doesn't bother you too much?
- No, it's OK.
He's French boorishness incarnate.
- But baby
- Move.
- Here you are, my love.
- Something's missing. You.
I'm here. Do you want to put
tartare on my breast and eat it?
It's an unusual service,
since they have Ouryel as waitress.
He's not going to eat
like everyone else.
I feed him on the two big tits
I got from Santa
The customers are eating off
of Ouryel's tits,
we ate half before serving them,
we drank, we did it all.
It's a total mess. It's nonsense.
06 or 07? And after?
- Is everything OK?
- It's a bit of a mess.
I hope you got me a big order.
Let me see it.
Look, I've redone the table plan.
- Table 06 is here, 67 over there.
- You're messing with me, aren't you?
The boss comes to see me, he's not
too happy. He yells at me, but I say:
look at your customers, they're wet,
like they were swimming
and honestly, I think I did my job.
Let's have a little debriefing.
I admit that you're very nice,
you're always smiling
with the customers.
On the other hand,
you guys are incompetent.
It's work, but we like to combine
pleasure with pleasure.
The business comes in third,
I'd like to say.
Apart from that, your good mood
is great, don't change a thing.
One shot! One shot! One shot!
The job's over, I'm relieved,
it's cool to be a waitress,
but not for too long.
You go with Nico so that he doesn't
find out we're setting up a party.
You go with him, you stay with him.
We've got balloons and stuff too.
Back at the villa,
it's Nico's birthday.
We're planning it just right, bro.
We know he's completely crazy,
so we're throwing in
some big surprises.
- I'm ready for a massage.
- Here, I'll give you your massage.
OK, lie down, I'll get the oil.
The strategy is that I grab Nico
straight away
and keep him occupied
while the guys are preparing.
I start applying the oil
all over his body,
I can feel that he's relaxed.
I think he'll be pleased,
at least I hope so.
Really, I'm so
Yes, go on!
Yes! Come one!
I'll put on my swimsuit.
Look, I'm putting it in the crack,
Despite everything Tristan did
last night, his chicks in the club,
we end up there together.
It's annoying,
because I realise that no matter
what that little prick does,
I can't help but be drawn to him
like a magnet.
Why am I starting to flirt with you?
I hate myself.
You know what? It's because
you have the same energy as me.
When I see you, I can't stop
bantering with you.
But you're such a dog!
You're a smooth talker.
She says I'm a dog,
I'm likeAnimal Planet,
I'm a big dog
but everyone loves me.
I'm horny for you and I hate you.
- But that's not bad.
- It is.
I don't think you know me well yet,
it's not nothing to be crazy
about someone.
In my head I've decided you're
my Tristan, no matter what.
- You do what you want.
- I'm OK being your Tristan,
if I do what I want, that's fine.
Yesterday I kissed some girls
and you didn't say anything.
You don't get it, do you?
I'm not a jealous guy,
I'm a sharer.
I've got my heart in my hand
and my hand on my dick.
Let's make a deal.
The day I meet someone I really like,
- I know I'll easily pass you over.
- Go ahead, let's make a bet.
You're hesitating anyway.
- Wait a minute.
- I won't get out of your head.
It's easier to get into your head
than in your ass.
I know I'll keep running after
Tristan's little ass, I can't stop.
I don't know if it's sexual
or emotional.
I just want to spread open my anus
so that he can stick it in me.
- Why are you naked? Go get dressed.
- Put some oil on.
- Your hands are lubed up.
- Ew, don't say that.
Tristan likes to show me his dick.
I don't mind though.
He likes to show his dick too much.
- Why don't you want to do that?
- Because I don't.
- I'm in a different mood right now.
- Look at that.
Look, look!
Ah, you looked!
She's looking at my cock
like it's a popsicle on a hot day.
She just wants to suck it
and leave nothing.
- It's aesthetically pleasing, right?
- Yeah, it's rather
Yeah, it's got a nice shape.
Do you think it'd look good
in your pussy?
Oh, fuck.
The temperature's rising.
We're here, teasing each other.
I think he has a really nice dick.
How do you like it, aesthetically?
It looks like the trunk
of a baby elephant.
What? Yes, it's true.
Thank you, Iris. You've really
lowered the temperature,
but that's good. I don't really feel
like rushing things with him.
He turns me on, I turn him on.
I want to continue
this little game with him.
We're off! Let's launch
the surprise for Nico.
Pool Party, let's have fun, let's go!
I've lost my voice, but thanks bro!
I'm so happy.
We're going to have a great afternoon
and we're off to war!
I'm in a frenzy, boobs in the air,
ass in the air.
Happy birthday my little Nicolas.
Happy birthday to you!
They bring me the cakes,
I blow out my candles,
Melvin shoves the cake
right into my face.
So funny. I just love it.
We're soFrenchie Shorehere,
I start a champagne shower,
it's crazy. I love this atmosphere.
Nico's so lucky.
After the pool party,
we decide to get ready
and get all dressed up
to go clubbing,
since the evening is far from over.
We're going to have a lot of fun.
I don't know why, I have a feeling
this evening is going to be epic.
- Are you still tense?
- As always.
What about your escape plan?
I don't have a
predefined plan. In fact,
every time I feel like
getting together with you,
like tonight, I'm going to fuck.
- But no, actually.
What do you mean, no?
What do you mean, no?
Just tell me.
Like yesterday,
if we had an after party,
we would have fucked.
Théo's starting to annoy me,
because he's much too slow.
He's like an old man,
but I know that when he touches me,
it'll be hot, so just go for it!
- Understand?
- We're together 24 hours a day
- We could fuck 20 hours a day?
- Well, of course.
She's teasing me. And I'm just a man.
What do you want me to say?
We don't know when, but we know
we're going to see each other naked.
And we're off to the club!
Tonight, we're going back
to the club.
For me, who goes out 7 days a week,
it's the perfect schedule.
I want to meet some hotties.
The night before, Nico was kissing
everybody he met. Now, it's my turn.
It's Nico's birthday,
even if he's got no voice.
We're gonna have a good time!
In the club, toasting,
enjoying ourselves,
twerking, dancing, singing.
It's one hell of a party.
We're the real family.
We're going to enjoy our night.
We're all dancing,
twerking and kissing.
We're really going wild,
pussy on fire. Let's go!
I kiss Ouryel so hard,
destroying her mouth
Dental care at its peak.
My little Ouryel,
I'm ready for more.
Pépita and I are dancing
and having a ball.
It's my birthday,
I feel at my best.
And then I start to get a little
closer to Enzo.
So with Nico,
what's got to happen happens.
I love it, it's so languorous.
You'd need a shovel to separate us.
Finally I'm making out. Wake up!
Everyone's fired up. I can't take it
anymore, I can't breathe.
Julie, I'm going to destroy her.
This is it, this isFrenchie Shore.
The icing on the cake.
Tonight, TTM will get everything.
Tristan, Théo, Melvin.
Me and Melvin are at the market,
looking left and right
to see what we're going to pick.
I hope we'll find something,
if we don't, I'll be gutted.
When I go to a nightclub,
it's to discover new horizons.
If there are women I fancy,
no hesitation, I'm here to screw.
I hope you're hot tonight, girls,
'cause I'm ready to ride.
Melvin came out of nowhere,
picks up my girl, kisses her.
I'm thinking: what about TTM?
That's what we want in the TTM team,
Only crazy people. We're real
players, and he proved it tonight.
I kiss her, she kisses you,
you kiss me.
Do you agree or not? You're on.
My turn!
Tristan and I, we don't
pay attention to each other.
He's talking to chicks, wandering
around, doing his own thing.
Me, I'm so over it, I'm angry.
I'm frustrated, I feel terrible.
I come up with a plan.
I go tell her:
"Darling, he just wants to fuck.
You're nothing to him."
And then her face crumples.
She says: "Ah no, I don't want that".
All done, it's sorted.
- Come with me.
- Afterwards.
- Are you sticking with her?
- She is.
Ouryel, every time I talk to a chick,
she's here.
I don't know what her problem is,
but I've had it.
Tristan comes in all fired up
I don't know what's going on.
My brain, my bitch aura takes over
and Ouryel from the ghetto
wakes up and it's over.
- What do you want?
- Ouryel, it's okay.
Go fuck yourself!
Here we go again
just like the first day.
Tornado Ouryel is coming.
We've got to get away from Tristan.
Yes, it's going to blow.
Give me back my glasses!
They're mine!
Give them back! My glasses! Now!
And then, to top it all off,
Ouryel spits on me.
I put my brain
on the table.
I'm completely crazy,
I'm spinning.
I think that's a lack of respect.
Words and gestures are fine,
but spitting on me is too much.
And now, despite the general
positive mood
it's always the same people
coming to bother us.
Beat it!
Oh fuck, they made me mad.
I'll come talk to you.
We get into the cars.
I leave Théo with his buds.
Me and the girls are going to talk
Ouryel is really pissed off,
everyone is,
it's a shitty atmosphere.
That's it,
the evening's totally ruined.
It's my birthday,
can't you control yourselves?
Without that, we'd be having
a good night. We'd all be fucking.
- Now there's nobody left.
- Nope.
Enzo's in a bad mood, we were happy
and now he's pissed.
It's ruined everything for me
I swear, bro. It was a fight.
Everyone saw it.
So we're not going to start
having secrets.
- No.
- No?
- What's your goal?
- Don't talk to me.
- What do you mean?
- Do not talk to me.
You spit on him!
Where do you think we are?
On my mother's life! If it had been
the other way around,
I'd have done the same thing for you.
It's driving me mad
Ouryel spits on him
and he's the one who has to shut up.
Who does crazy stuff
like that?
"I spit on people, I'm a llama,
nobody's shocked."
We're at the zoo.
Did you just lose it?
- Enzo, no. Enzo, bro.
- There's no "Enzo".
What's going on is insane!
Enzo's coming down on me.
He's really my partner in crime.
I love him so much,
and when he starts yelling at me,
I realise that
I may have gone too far
that it wasn't Tristan's fault.
And now I feel so bad,
it really hurts.
I'm leaving.
Why is she so obsessed with him?
I'm sad, empty.
I'm exhausted.
The truth is,
I screwed up big time.
Are you sure you want to go?
You're an adult, you do you.
But, are you sure you want to go?
I don't want to be here anymore.
- That's a lamb.
- We're all hungover.
Stop following me!
Get out of the bar now!
- I don't like kissing.
- You prefer sucking?
That turns me on.
I've got a big hard-on.
I want to keep your mouth.
You probably give good head.
I've lost my voice. What can I do?
Show my ass!
We're on fire!
Others touched his dick too.
- Your nose is in my pussy!
- Nobody scares me.
That's great!
I thought we were mates,
- but actually we are not!
- Hello?
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