Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Betsuni mahô janakutatte...

Let's see Long-range magic
is made by combining three factors
that are required of all mages.
One is your supply of mana,
another is the power to shoot it,
and then the power to control it.
You know this much, right?
Earlier, your magic dispersed midway.
That indicates that you don't have enough
mana and shooting power.
That isn't something
you can resolve overnight.
Regardless of your talent,
you have to work on it over several years.
But it seems you have a strong ability
to control your mana.
People usually have a hard time with it,
but I don't think
you have to worry about that.
Just take your time.
How is Fern's training going?
In four years, she reached a level
that would normally take ten years.
She's too engrossed in it.
It's not a very good thing.
Nowadays, she's cooped up
in the forest the whole time.
She must love magic for sure.
But she's still not even close
to becoming a full-fledged mage.
I'll finish deciphering
this grimoire before that.
Is that so?
Hey, Heiter
This grimoire probably
Don't look like that.
It was a miracle that I was even able to
move normally up until now.
I'll hurry up and decipher the grimoire.
Thank you.
Fern, put a pause on training.
Heiter collapsed. Go and stay by his side.
I still haven't pierced through the rock.
That's something you'll be able to do
one day for sure. Right now
It can't be "one day"!
If I wait until that day,
Master Heiter will die.
He saved my life.
It would be a waste for you to die now.
A waste?
It's been quite a while now,
but I lost an old friend.
Unlike me, he was always so upstanding.
He was the kind of person
who could never ignore someone in need.
If he was still alive, instead of me,
he could've saved many people.
I am not like him,
so I planned to live
the rest of my life in peace.
But one day, I realized something.
If I die like this,
everything he taught me about
courage, determination, and friendship,
and even our precious memories
might disappear from this world as well.
If you also have
precious memories,
I believe it'd be a waste for you to die.
Master Heiter was always worried
about dying and leaving me behind.
He did what was right.
I don't want him to regret saving me.
Whether I become
a mage or not doesn't matter.
Finding a way to survive on my own
is my way of repaying him.
I want him to be glad that he saved me
and know that I'll be fine.
You remember everything
I taught you, right?
Then do as you please.
There was nothing about spells
for resurrecting the dead or immortality.
Is that right?
You knew?
The fear of death is unfathomable.
If such a thing existed,
Ewig would've used it on himself.
Then why?
How is Fern?
She's still rough around the edges,
but you can call her a fully-fledged mage.
Is that right. So I made it in time.
She is no longer a burden is she, Frieren?
Will you take her along with you
on your travels?
Sorry, Heiter. I can't do that.
She'll just be a burden.
You tricked me, Heiter?
The fee for deciphering it
is in the desk drawer.
Please leave by tonight.
What do you mean?
As you can see,
I don't have much time left.
I don't want her to go through
the experience of losing someone again.
Frieren, I leave Fern in your care.
Trying to act cool again, Heiter?
Fern has already been prepared
to say goodbye for a while now.
What you need to do before you die,
is give her a proper farewell
and make as many memories
with her as you can.
you really are such a kind girl.
Hey, why did you save Fern?
Himmel the Hero would have done so.
That's true.
Well then,
I guess I'll do the same.
Thank you very much.
Because of you,
I was able to repay Master Heiter.
I was just tricked into it.
By this corrupt priest.
Okay, let's go.
That's enough, Fern.
We're done.
What a lifesaver.
This is the reward I promised.
They're all very unassuming tasks
This is what being an adventurer is like.
What was the reward?
A folk spell.
It's a spell that produces hot tea.
Let's test it out later.
Last time was a spell that removes
rust from bronze statues.
Before that it was another spell.
-For turning sweet grapes sour.
-It's sour.
You keep collecting such strange spells.
It's my hobby.
Mistress Frieren,
you must really love magic.
To a moderate degree, just like you.
I think we're a little different.
We're the same.
Are you sure you want to accept my offer?
I'm just an herbalist,
so I don't think I can
teach you any new magic.
That's fine.
I'd be happy if you'd just tell me about
the vegetation of this region.
Here it is.
It's a statue of Himmel the Hero.
It's in terrible shape, isn't it?
There's only so much
an old lady like me can do on my own.
The people of the village
don't care anymore.
When our village was attacked by monsters,
Master Himmel fought for us
with all his might.
Treating him like this is just too cruel.
He's getting what he deserves.
It's Himmel's fault for wanting fame.
He should've said no when
the villagers said they'd erect a statue.
Are you sure?
-Isn't this pose too handsome?
-Who cares
He spent 18 hours picking a pose.
-And he pissed off the artist.
-I'm hungry!
In the end, he settled with
a ridiculously standard pose.
What a strange story.
Now that I think about it, there was
an elf mage in the party of heroes.
Well then, let's clean it up.
What a lifesaver.
Magic is so amazing, isn't it?
There's not a speck of rust on the statue!
It needs a bit of color.
Maybe I'll plant some flowers later.
Mistress Frieren, you know the spell
to create a field of flowers, right?
Yeah, maybe I'll plant
some random flowers
No, it should be Blue Moon Weeds.
What kind of flower is that?
I don't know. I've never seen it before.
Then why
It grows in Himmel's hometown.
But you can't recreate flowers
you've never seen.
Blue Moon Weed
That name brings back memories.
A long time ago,
there used to be a colony of them
deep in that forest.
They don't grow around here anymore?
They've gone extinct.
I haven't heard of anyone spotting them
on this continent for decades.
I see.
Fern, let's go.
You hid something.
I won't get mad, so show me.
Seed rats?
They're pests that eat seeds.
I'll return them to the forest.
Okay, Fern, let's go search for
Blue Moon Weeds.
Are you serious?
Until just recently,
there was a colony of them
That was decades ago.
It's still worth looking for.
If we find the real one and analyze it,
we'll acquire a spell
that grows Blue Moon Weeds.
Is it for Master Himmel?
It's probably for myself.
Mistress Frieren,
it has been half a year since we began
searching for the Blue Moon Weed.
Yes, it has.
It's about time we widened our search.
it's rare to see you by yourself.
It's been quite a while
since you two came to this village.
Did you find the Blue Moon Weed?
Do you think we will find it?
Mistress Frieren has
an abnormal obsession toward magic.
At this rate, she will keep searching
for years, maybe decades.
Mistress Frieren is a mage with the power
to help many people.
Spending time searching for something
that doesn't exist
is just unacceptable.
You're so young.
Is my way of thinking wrong?
I don't think so.
But Ms. Frieren must think differently.
she is much older than both of us,
so if you tell her your honest feelings,
I'm sure she'll understand.
These seeds are of
a related species that were
stored for medicinal use.
How about we plant these
around Master Himmel's statue instead?
I understand, Fern.
Sorry to make you worry.
I'm not on my own anymore.
It's about time to stop.
I'll wrap things up in a little bit.
When you say "a little"
how many years is that?
Just a little.
You really can't give up can you
Let's follow it.
Mistress Frieren,
why do you collect spells?
-It's just a hobby.
-It doesn't seem that way.
It's really just a hobby.
Before, I used to be apathetic
and lived without purpose.
There was an idiot who praised me
for the spells I collected.
That's all.
That is a silly reason.
It is.
It's a petal.
Apparently, seed rats hide their food
in a safe place, away from their enemies.
They're smart animals.
Not really.
They hide them in so many places,
so they forget where they hid them.
Blue Moon Weeds?
It's a flower from my hometown.
It's really beautiful.
Well, not as beautiful as me, though.
We should get going.
One day, I want to show you.
Yeah? Maybe someday.
I knew I'd find it,
but I didn't expect so many.
Sorry it took so long, Himmel.
Who knew you would actually find them?
Now I can make
a spell for Blue Moon Weeds.
Why are you so committed to magic?
I don't understand.
You should know.
You didn't give up
on becoming a mage yourself.
That's not true.
As long as I could
acquire the strength to live on my own,
it could've been anything.
It didn't have to be magic.
But you chose magic.
That's true.
Who would have thought
that I could see Blue Moon Weeds again?
They're so beautiful.
Thank you, Ms. Frieren.
I'm sure this statue will not be
forgotten anymore.
I almost forgot
Oh my, how cute.
All right, let's go now.
That's too powerful.
Qual, the Elder Sage of Corruption.
Okay, let's practice it.
Does this journey have a purpose?
"Killing magic."
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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