Frikjent (2015) s01e02 Episode Script


No business wants to take in us with seaweed! -Hello? Who is it? -William Hansteen.
Don't you ever dream of coming home, Aksel? It's been 20 years.
Things have changed.
-You say you're going bankrupt? -No, I'm saying I belive in miracles.
Eva! You have no right to be here Lifjord! Start preparing the documents.
We're buying.
No No, I can not.
-You can't do this! Not again! -Don't touch me! -How will you convince people? -Raise the price.
That's not the way it works here.
People will want to have a job to go to.
It's been a while since you've been here, huh? Lookclimbing the mountains in your dancing shoes.
Eva's worked hard for the people for 20 years.
It'll be a fight about who to trust: you or her.
-Then you need Lars and his 3%.
-Lars I can control.
-Oh yeah? -He has fiddled with the company's books.
I would naturally prefer not to use it.
Akselyou have a chance to show people who you are.
Is this what you show off? -I need to win.
-You won't win anything like that.
-The entire board is in favour of the sale! -We're working on alternative options, Svein.
-Laying off 200 people is not an option! -What should I say to the bank? He will have to wait.
Say that I call.
Do not panic.
I'll take care of this.
-Two minutes, Mom.
-We're not done, Lars.
Svein, this is only temporary.
Trust me.
Okay? They run around like dizzy hens.
Not everybody understands why you changed your mind.
Go for it! People are saying that you put your feelings ahead of everyone else's.
What if he turns everyone against us? -Mother.
-People Support us, Lars.
The municipality also.
They're not selling.
-I talked to Rasmus yesterday.
-But the department? You and Svein are good friends? Talk to him, then! Go out and have a beer or something.
Lars This I have to take.
- Eva Hansteen.
There are lot of shareholders and they all have different priorities.
I just need time to win them over.
-Just make them an offer they can't refuse.
-How much? -They usually come cheap.
We're talk later.
-Found it? -Good.
-Yours? -Yeah.
-We'll offer a good price.
-It's not that easy.
-The company wouldn't have survived without Eva.
-Eva will still be the boss.
The point is that everything will be as before.
The Chinese won't protect local jobs.
We guarantee production in Norway for 2 years.
Lars, when? Remember when we sent him to the store? He'd do anything for a piece of gum.
It will probably be fine.
Best friends again.
For how long? Five minutes? -He's the one show can save our jobs.
-He's always just thought of himself.
Give it a rest! I have a bad feeling.
Very impressive, Tonje.
Not very readable, but still impressive.
I'm confident that we can achieve something together.
But the way it is now, I can't do anything.
-I would need your shares.
-Obviously You can buy them back again later.
Just like everybody else.
-Tonje? -Why didn't I ever hear from you? I stood in the witness box and let them shit on me for your sake.
Did you expect a thank you or something? -I sat in a jail cell fro a year.
-And that was my fault? -Had you told the truththat wouldn't have happened.
-Youtake my shares and go to hell.
People shouldn't lose their jobs for something that happened 20 years ago! No, but Eva's decisions are 100% business, you can be assured.
Yes, youdon't take me for -Eva Hansteen -Eva Hansteen has nothing.
You are the reason the port is more than just a crossroads and a petrol station for five years.
You'll have fled the country before anyone can say chop suey.
Chop suey? Ok.
-You live dangerously.
-Think about it? Yes You stir up old dirt.
It's dangerous.
For whom? Are you afraid of losing the next election? A testimony.
That's the only reason you're standing here.
From a lying I'm not the mayor, but if I were you, I'd think about my legacy.
I'll let you know.
-Erik? -You were scared.
You were scared shitless, I saw you.
Yeah, so Come here.
Look at you.
Did it hurt? Hoppa in.
I'll give you a ride.
-Yeah? -Go ahead.
-Still boarding? -On and off during the season.
But right now, it's mostly business.
I have exciting stuff going on.
In which industry? Devices.
I have some prototypes thatI'll manufacture.
Damn exciting.
You must show me the prospectus.
Maybe it's something I can put money into.
Prospectus? Ok.
-I mean it.
I saw you in the newspaper.
I didn't recognize you.
-I looked in on mom.
-Yeah, I heard.
-She seemed a little strange.
-What do you mean? She wouldn't let me in.
-Buy some flowers.
-Flowers? I promise.
-Hi! Now I lost count.
-I bought pastires.
-Storebought? -You never know what they put in them.
-I told him you'd go for flowers.
Hi, mom.
-How iis here, then? -I don't complain.
Erik takes care of me.
Well, it's true.
You do, of course.
-He got a job in Chermonix.
but he chose to stay with me.
Chermonix, was that right? -Tell me if you need anything.
We need nothing.
-Some people to renovate or -People? -Finish making the coffee.
-I can't have people here! -He's been approved.
-Approved? Finish making the coffee.
You have cream cones? Go get some.
You just look for something good.
There always something sweet in the cupboards.
SheIt's alright.
She gets nervous when she's stressed.
Has she Has she been like this long? Yes, well.
-It's fine.
I've got a few tricks.
-You have to do something.
She seems pretty sick.
Are you an expert too, now? OK? -Twist.
-You found them? I said you would have something.
-Thaks for last time.
-Come in! Aksel Nilsen You were right to say no, Eva, and I would've done the same thing, but For others There will be nothing else.
You disappoint me, Rasmus.
Thatthat I really regret, for I consider you a friend.
I made you the mayor.
-Yes Let us call a spade a spade.
What do you want? My blessing? You should tell the municipal council that to sell is the only way.
They'll do ask you ask.
PWG will pump life back into Solar Tech and you will retain your shares.
Everyone will profit from it.
Should I turn a murderer into a folk hero? It is okay.
I'll talk to the council.
Was there something more? No -See you then.
With such a combination, we would be in a unique position.
It's just that we have a problem or a challenge with this resort.
-What Do you mean? -The situation with Solar Tech.
Pernille, it's actually on time -the Sleeps leadership comes here, sees our potential and invest.
Without Solar Tech, the whole community will die.
That means the hotel too.
I don't know if he's got a girlfriend.
He's 16.
Let him have a few secrets.
-I hate secrets.
-I know.
-Have you seen your mother? -Yes.
-And when is that? -Aksel? - We'll talk when I get home.
There's a man staring at you .
You want something, or what? -Are you Lars' daughter? -Yeah.
Lets go.
Splitting image.
Crazy! Sorry.
I don't know what I know it was hard for you too.
I met Rasmus.
Damn, what a character! How did he become mayor after After? No, thenafter that we fucked? Rasmus and I were like rabbits that night Karine died? -How was it at Aksel's Castle? -What do you mean? Has he asked you to sell? Not yet.
And if he asks? -Hello? -Hey, Lars.
It's Aksel.
-You're busy -The union is in.
The presidency is crumbling.
With your stake, we'll be over 50%.
Everything will be as before.
Just the same.
The Hansteen family retains its position.
People keep their jobs.
Everyone is happy.
Why are you here - really? -To save jobs -Bullshit! You could've sent others.
You could've shown some consideration.
I saw you with Karine.
You were pissed off, you ran after her.
That doesn't ID me.
-Was it you who killed her? -Forget it.
Mum's presenting an alternative plan to the council tomorrow.
Don't count on them.
I'll be honest.
Solar Tech is in a critical situation.
Will there be more layoffs? Only temporary.
The important thing now is to safeguard jobs in the long term.
I know right? Aksel Nilsen - or Castle now - want to come across as our savior.
But what he and the Chinese want to achieve is a hostile takeover.
They want to slaughter Solar Tech, and we must make sure it does not happen.
It's clear, Eva.
We actually have to bring in fresh capital -and investors are not exactly queuing up.
No, but the mayor might want us to sell out ? No? No.
I mean the opposite.
When Lifjords interests are threatened, then the municipality should set up.
The should go in and invest? Yes.
Investing again.
We have always been together here.
Therefore, we have survived.
I invite Lifjordin network to "volunteer", so we avoid the issuance of shares.
All must invest in the future if it is SEK 500 or 500 000th I expect that the municipality takes its responsibility.
The municipality should certainly take responsibility- -but now we'll take it slow and keep our wits about us.
This Aksel Nilsen, it's It's difficult.
It's difficult for us all, especially for Eva.
My feelings has nothing to do here.
We can not bless a total reflagging to China.
What we have to guarantee that they do not move abroad when all is done? Me.
I'm the guarantee.
Who invited him? In such an important matter, should everyone present their views? Of course.
Eva says her feelings don't have anything to do with it.
Of course, they do.
Here I stand and I remind her of the tragedy.
I remind you of something you want to forget.
I have also tried to forget how I was chased away.
Forget where I came from.
As a boy, I used to play in the yards.
I watched the ship building.
It was forbidden to play there, but that just made it more exciting.
I came here because I we thought Solar Tech would be a good bargain.
I admit it.
But nowit's not just about business anymore.
I've come home.
And I will fight with them all for this place.
I saw him today.
He stared at me insanely.
-Super creepy.
-Hush, Helene, don't say that.
He wanted to buy my shares.
Not exactly a bombshell You said no, surely.
What is it then? Are you going to sell them? Of course not.
Not that it matters, but I think you should consider it.
Are you stupid or what? The man was acquitted.
It's puts the entire resort at risk because of an old suspicion.
This is a family matter.
It happened long before your time.
But many families are affected, not just ours.
There's not sauce left.
I will replenish.
I do not trust her.
She shattered the marriage.
We don't know.
It worked less than a year in between.
She married for money, obviously.
A lot would say that you did the same.
I requested no common ownership.
But you got it.
And more.
My God.
And and I had a meeting with Pernille Odegard.
Sleep-chain is squeezing us because they think you're going bankrupt.
-Inger -Yes.
Karine was my siser.
I know how he was when he drank.
If he did it, would you still want us to sell? No, Lars.
Of course not.
That's exactly it.
I do not know.
Lars, about If your mother had not believed it was him, would you have believe it anyway? I don't know.
It's impossible for me to answer.
That's precisely it -You keep yourself in shape.
You were right.
I could've been more considerate.
I thought or I was hoping we'd gotten further along, but I get that there will always be I also loved her.
Invitation to the shareholders' meeting.
Wait! Yes? The company inspection Do you think we're amateurs? You've fiddled with the numbers.
I'llmake it easy for you.
Either you sell, and we forget that.
Or you don't sell, so we'll see what happens.
Cynical bastard.
We sell.
What? We have no choice.
I think that's absolutely right.
I agree.
-Everyone wants the same thing here in Lifjord.
-It feels good ? -Have you prepared a long time? -20 years, you could say.
We will see how the meeting goes, but I'm very confident rebuilding -that Everyone votes for his heart and that the company will stop.
-I have misgivings.
-End of argument! This is the way.
-Lars hasn't arrived.
-No? We'll wait for him, then.
-Lars isn't with you? -He's coming straight from work.
-Lars is loyal.
-No, Eva.
Lars and I are in agreement on this.
Odd that he's not here then.
PWG must have a total over 50% in order to take over.
Eva Hansteen is still the biggest shareholder in a possible sale.
Sale There you are, Lars.
The sale means minimal changes in the operation.
That Akselor PWGguarantees.
Yes, we We have all gone through a process.
All of us.
Now, I ask everyone to look forward.
Little Lifjord has fared well.
-but we can't ignore the fact that the world is knocking at our door.
Now it's time to let it in.
Eva, would you like to say something before? No, everyone here probably know where I stand.
We go directly to the vote.
Let's do it.
Let's vote.
Who is in favour of selling to PWG? Thanks.
I'm sorry.
Then we have Then we have 49%.
So then Now any questions I have 1,5.
Legally, I have 1,5%, so if I sell them You can not do! Yes.
Lars? Then Then we actually end up at 50,5%.
-50,5% -Yes.
So it can go.
Then I'll let you discuss the matter peacefully.
Thank you for your confidence, everyone.
Thanks for that.
This means, therefore, ladies and gentlemen - that PWG can perform a takeover by a majority of 50,5%.
Thank you! Lars! I had no choice.
Don't be mad at me.
What should I say? I'm a coward? That you did what I didn't dare to? There, I've said it.
Are you happy? Do you really think that's what I think of you? You know what? You're not a coward.
You are anything but.
Now let's go home.
Come on.
Solar Tech survives.
Isn't that the most important thing? Are not they beautiful? They symbolize innocence, did you know that? Eva You should know that I have great respect for you.
For all you've done and for all you've been through.
And I hope that one day you might be able to Forgive? I go back to Malaysia as soon as we finish the formalities.
I'm glad it's over This is not over.
Not until they've got to know who you are.

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