From Darkness (2015) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

1 I'm on a case.
Two bodies.
Girls, women, found in what was the red light district.
Why are you telling me this? 16 years since I left the police force.
They just dragged you down to Manchester for a laugh? I didn't think we had any secrets.
- Who found it? - The security guard.
- How long ago? - 30 minutes.
See the arms.
Trussed like meat.
It's my old shoulder number.
Officer A9645, can you please come in? Turn out the light I shall escape Free at last But how can I slip away When the future becomes my past? - See ya.
- Yeah.
Wait! She dropped these.
- Let's go.
- Yeah? - Aye, yeah, yeah.
Come in.
Please, sit.
I'd like you to look at this.
That's me when I was in uniform.
And the number on your lapel? It's my shoulder number.
Now these.
CLAIRE INHALES SHARPLY She was found in a warehouse yesterday half a mile from where Sally Fisher was buried.
You've seen the hands, the way they're tied.
I'm sorry, I can't.
We found this in the dead girl's hands.
It can't That must be a coincidence.
Those numbers are recycled.
They're not unique, can't have anything to do with me.
You're one of the few people who know the details of the murders in the nineties.
The way they were tied, positioned You're the last known person to have had contact with - the one identified victim.
- So, what are you going to do -- arrest me? No, of course we're not going to arrest you - So, am I a murder suspect now? - If you'd let us speak.
Of course you're not a suspect.
We want you to work with us on this.
As a consultant.
I've already told John no.
It's 16 years since I was in the police.
We found a dead girl with your shoulder number clasped between her hands.
He's killing again.
This time -- stop him.
We should leave you to think about it.
Three women, murdered, buried approximately 16 years ago.
Sally Fisher, our one identified victim, we know worked as a prostitute, and was reported missing in March 1999.
Around the same time, two other prostitutes were also reported missing.
Mimi Fenton, Caz Jenkins.
- 'Hi' - Hey.
'This is Norrie.
Sorry I can't take your call.
Leave me a message.
' Two days ago, we found this.
This was ten hours after the first public appeal.
Note the characteristic bindings, the ritualistic treatment.
The victim -- Agota Calgys -- arrived in the UK a year ago.
This is Norrie.
Sorry I can't take your call.
Leave me a message.
' It's me.
I I'll call you later We need to speak.
Forensics are still compiling a full report, but there is one obvious additional detail.
This, placed between her hands.
The numbers, we believe, are significant.
May I introduce you all to Claire Church.
Formerly Constable Claire Church, shoulder number A9645.
She'll be working with us on this.
So that's four bodies, four lines of investigation.
I want the evidence combed through, I want the victims ID'd.
A fresh murder brings a fresh threat, we now have to assume the killer is still out there and willing to kill again, but it also brings fresh evidence.
Let's catch him.
Where are we going? The mortuary.
Calgys' parents have flown in.
Boss, an ex-classmate of Mimi Fenton's saw the appeal.
She's given us an address for her family.
- Take Weir.
- No.
I'll go.
Really, I'd prefer it.
All right.
DC Weir, you're with me.
Can I have a word? - Don't undermine me in front of my team.
- What? Whatever happened between us in the past, I'm the boss in here.
This has nothing to do with us.
It's the bodies.
I don't want to see the bodies.
This is a murder investigation.
For your information, the only reason I put you with me was for protection purposes.
Call that a coincidence if you want, but we have a duty of care to you.
It's not the dead I'd be scared of.
- Weir, are you ready? Let's go.
- Yes, boss.
HE SIGHS I've been up 48 hours.
Land registry, tenancy records? All the CCTV coverage from the original case.
Although it wasn't a case.
You must know him? DCI Hind.
I mean, you worked with him -- under him like me.
Um, this is going to sound pathetic, but, any tips? To make him like me.
He likes you.
You know, you can see it.
He values your opinion.
Whereas me He has this default reaction -- Oxbridge, overeducated, under-experienced, bit of a tit.
A bit? You wait here.
But why would they talk to you? You're not even in the police.
- No, he said - It'll be fine.
I promise.
INDISTINCT CONVERSATION Stop acting like his lackey.
DOOR CLANGS DOOR CLOSES DOORBELL RINGS Put your hands up, punk, or I'll blow out your brains! Liam.
What have I told you?! Get here.
Who is it? My name is Claire Church.
I'd like to speak to Kath Fenton.
It's about her daughter, Mimi.
Journalist or police? Either way, you're wasting your time.
I don't have a daughter called Mimi.
DOOR SLAMS Mrs Fenton, you've seen the news, the appeals.
We have reason to believe that Mimi's bo She's dead.
You think I don't know that? Look, I just want a sample of your DNA for identification purposes.
Who is it? Mimi died the day I kicked her out.
She stopped being my daughter long before any of this.
Look, if you change your mind She won't.
DOOR SLAMS Another girl's been killed, Mrs Fenton.
Help me catch him.
Help me stop this.
I think your cover's blown.
Ah, shit! The boy's a disgrace.
You kept him up for 48 hours solid.
You never complained.
MOBILE PHONE RINGS You know, that's the third time I've seen you ignore him.
He could have come up with a new biscuit.
Flipping hell! Don't laugh, it's a possible spinal herniation.
Stiff back.
Agota? Studying English.
"Dancing" to pay the rent.
Come on.
Boyce's search unearthed a multitude of rapists, paedophiles and sex offenders, all resident in the area the girls were found.
Have a look at that.
In the nineties, there were four streets backing onto the area the girls were buried in.
It's a strip of wasteland left over from slum clearances, now a prime development opportunity.
There's nothing here to link any of them to the case.
We haul them in.
Four murders, and your only plan is to question every freak with a criminal record who happened to live close by? Why not? It'll buy us some time.
They're going to put you up in a hotel.
I hope that's OK.
When were you going to tell me? Norrie.
It's OK.
I'm not I'm not angry.
I'm just sad you hadn't said anything.
I thought things were good between us.
They are.
'Then what is it? This case?' Think how far you've come How hard you've worked to get over this shit.
They've found a new body.
'Not your business.
Don't let them draw you back in.
'We can beat this.
' We've done it before.
We can do it again.
You've been off the pills for years.
And you've always been so against them.
If they help, I don't see why I should be made to feel bad about it.
That's not fair! You know I've never judged you.
I'm not about to start now.
'Look, you've ignored me since yesterday.
'I only want to help.
' I never stopped taking them.
I never missed a tablet.
I just lied about stopping to make you happy.
DOOR CREAKS Norrie? 'Ask them how much longer they need you.
' Megan's missing you.
SHE SIGHS So, of the five potential suspects resident or working on Boundary Way between '95 and 2005, three of them, all deceased.
The fourth, Matthew Kilmlee, convicted rapist, now born again Christian, has been saved by Jesus and the fact that on the night of Calgys' murder his probation worker was with him.
That leaves us with Roy Marsh.
He rented on Boundary Way in the nineties and we have CCTV footage of him in the area on the night Agota was killed.
Now runs a dog rescue in Chorley.
Check over there.
DOGS BARK Mr Marsh! Mr Marsh! Dogs.
- Kick the door in.
- Yeah, well, we haven't tried the bell yet Kick the door in now! Kick it in! Go on, kick it! Mr Marsh, Manchester Police.
BARKING CONTINUES Can you tell us what you were doing on the night of Monday the 5th of October 2015? What are you going to do about my door? Monday the 5th of October.
My door.
We have CCTV footage of you in your car on Boundary Way, between 8 and 8.
Can you tell us what you were doing there? It was a rescue.
He's a Pomeranian cross.
Is Digger the only witness to this? You can ask the woman who called me out.
Got her details at home somewhere, if the burglars haven't taken it all.
It's criminal damage.
If any of my dogs escape, I'll hold you responsible.
Between 1996 and 1999, you rented a flat on Boundary Way.
I did shift work at the clinic.
Clinic? Fordbank Green.
I was a porter there.
Two years.
Plenty of witnesses.
Not many who'd own up.
It wer' a woman's clinic.
A place girls went, get themselves sorted.
Now, about my door.
Four girls are dead, Mr Marsh.
Do you seriously think we give a shit about your door?! (You've got to control yourself.
) I know this is difficult for you, but showing suspects photos of a crime scene before we've anything on them? Jesus Christ! Let's see how his story stands up.
Without shifts and times of death, the clinic's no alibi.
I know the clinic.
Fordbank Green.
It was used by some of the girls.
Sally, definitely.
She gave me their card once.
- DCI Hind? - Yeah.
This is about the murder investigation? We believe that some of the victims may be former patients of yours.
Perhaps you recognise these names? Perhaps you still have their medical records? I don't know without checking the archive, but the files are strictly confidential.
I'm sorry not to be of more help.
What is it you do here exactly? We help women make choices.
Abort their babies.
Terminations are one of the services we offer.
Also counselling, sexual health Free, no questions asked, for anyone who needs them? I'm not sure I understand the question.
Hookers, addicts, prostitutes.
If you're asking if any of our patients work - in the sex industry then the answer is yes, of course.
- John.
Sally Fisher, Mimi Fenton, Carol Jenkins.
Did any of those girls receive treatment here? Maintaining patients' privacy is of paramount Even when those patients are dead, - left to rot in the ground, slaughtered? - John! There is a killer out there right now.
This is no time to be keeping girlie secrets.
Get out now! Please.
I'm very sorry.
He's been under a lot of pressure.
They're all here on file.
Agota -- no, but we've got CCTV footage of Marsh in the area on the night she was killed.
His alibi stands.
Boyce checked.
Still, Sally, Caz, Mimi.
This links him to all three victims in the nineties.
Him and every other member of staff who worked here at the time.
Well, haul them all in.
Isn't that your usual method? And only one of those girls was positively ID'd.
What is your problem? You asked me to help you solve this crime.
That's exactly what I'm doing.
Why did she give you their card? Sally Fisher, a card for an abortion clinic? What's that? Were you pregnant? Were you ill? Were you sleeping with someone - Someone else I mean? - Oh, fuck right off! What do you expect? You can't just drop a bombshell like that and then Did you have an abortion here? MOBILE PHONE RINGS Do you want to get that? Where are you going? I'll see you at the station.
So, what have you found for me? - Sally.
- She was a prostitute.
She jumped into a lot of cars.
17th of March 1999, two days before she was reported missing.
She could have taken other jobs in that time.
She did, I've got three other pick-ups on film, but this one's different.
Every other job, she bobs down, checks out the punter before getting in.
This time, she just opens the door and climbs straight in, smiles even.
The last time I saw Sally she told me she'd met someone, someone special.
He'd given her a bracelet.
She knows him.
Let's run those plates.
The car was registered to Lexington Hearts -- a jewellery company.
The driver, Gareth Harding, was a sales rep, now Mr Big in property development.
I don't want this one to get too personal.
So you'd better leave it to me.
Mr Harding? Have you ever picked up prostitutes on Boundary Way in Manchester? That's you sat behind the wheel.
We can prove that this is your car, the one you drove in the spring of 1999.
If it is, if I did .
I can assure I had no idea this woman was a prostitute.
I was merely offering her a lift.
You made something of a habit of that, offering women lifts.
You will appreciate that my client is a very busy man and has come out of his way to be of assistance.
He has a right to know where this is headed.
This woman in particular.
Do you intend on pressing charges? Do you remember her? Sally Fisher.
We recently exhumed her body from a shallow grave.
You'll have read about it.
I don't remember anything.
I don't pick up prostitutes.
Don't or didn't? At the time, you were working for a jewellery company.
Was this one of your pieces? That bracelet was found on Sally Fisher's body.
Did you give this to Sally Fisher, Mr Harding? Is that you picking her up on the street? Not picking her up, offering her someone a lift.
I was never on first-name terms with her, I never gave her anything.
You can check the catalogues, this is not a piece of jewellery I ever sold or traded.
'Our mission -- to allow our partners to harness the power of 'the private sector, to marry best practice 'in business and philanthropy 'to build a stronger, smarter public sector 'for the benefit of everybody.
' It's a charity dinner in Camberley.
His alibi stands.
He's lying.
We have video evidence of him 200 miles away on the night Agota was killed.
It's not right.
We've missed something.
Did you see the way he looked at me? Where are you going? TYRES SCREECH What the fu? You were right, I had no right to say anything, I'm sorry! Show me the bodies.
Agota Calgys? SHE BREATHES SHAKILY Thank you.
No, no.
So far our investigation has focused on the similarities between the killings.
What about the differences? The differences? They had all been strangled, ritualistically positioned acid applied to the corpses, in an attempt to aid decomposition.
Agota wasn't even buried.
Maybe the killer was disturbed? The land he used to bury his victims in is now entirely different.
It's not so easy to dig a grave in the midst of an executive housing development.
She wasn't just above ground, she was raised, shown off.
He's running high, his work is finally getting recognition.
This is his 15 minutes of fame.
Well, compared to the others, I'd say Agota's murder was poorly executed, hesitant.
What do you want to give him -- marks out of ten? The ties are exactly the same.
Give me your tie.
Hold out your hands.
Seriously? Watch carefully.
I want you to memorise this.
Now get out of it.
Your turn.
Do it to me.
Exactly the same knot.
- Are you done? - Yep.
It's a mirror image, nearly.
An inverted copy.
The ties on Agota are copies of the ties carried out on the other girls.
They are identical -- hers are not the same.
So the guy got rusty.
It's been 16 years.
Whoever murdered Sally and the others was ritualistic, meticulous, you said so yourself.
Agota's murder was different.
Maybe her killer was too.
Two killers.
One in the nineties, one in the present day.
It brings Harding and Marsh back into frame.
It's only on Agota that we lost our cases against them.
We had no case.
They're only as guilty as any other pervert or freak who lived in the area.
It is possible, in theory It's not a theory, it's a hunch.
I'm sorry, Claire, someone's out there right now preparing to kill again, laughing at us.
We can't allow ourselves to get distracted now.
You hated Harding, but you can't make the crime fit the suspect.
We have to stick to the evidence.
If there were two killers, forensics would have picked it up.
Is that your answer to everything these days? Just send it off to the lab, job done.
That's what all this is all about, isn't it? Your dragging me back here, a last ditch attempt at resurrecting your failing career? They've found prints in the warehouse, a cigarette butt, a colleague said that Agota was with someone when she left the club.
These are the concrete lines of inquiry I intend to pursue.
The only place I see evidence of difference is you.
What happened to you? (OK.
) (Go on.
) Mum! Mum! Hello, gorgeous.
Oh, my God, I am so glad you persuaded him.
This is so cool! CLAIRE LAUGHS Hey.
Come on.
Why do people like these places? Heh.
They don't.
Not all.
Some of us are too old.
So Is this really the place? I don't know.
I don't know, I mean, I had thought we could talk about anything, anywhere, but evidently that's not true.
I know it's taking a while.
I'm more involved than I'd previously imagined.
How involved? Four girls, Norrie.
- Years ago.
- Not all.
There was a message left on the most recent.
Hang, hang on, go back a step.
My shoulder number.
What? On a corpse? What the f? I'm not hearing this.
I'm not hearing this, at least I don't want to Shit, Claire! - (Please, calm down! Please.
) - Calm down? You've just told me there's a psychopath coming after you.
You're getting out of here, you're coming home.
Think of the danger you could be putting yourself in, not just you! What if he's trying to tell me I'm the only one who can stop him? I failed them before.
What do you think? How do I look? Like a prostitute.
Get changed.
Ditch the heels, try it with a cardigan.
MOBILE PHONE RINGS Hello? - WOMAN: 'Are you Claire Church?' - Yes speaking, who's this? 'You came to see my mum about my sister, Mimi.
'I'll do the test.
' Is that it? Yep, that's it.
All done.
SHE EXHALES This is all Jason's fault.
Is that your dad? He's not my dad.
My mum's boyfriend.
He'd try it on Mimi told Mum, but she wouldn't listen.
Instead she kicked her out for being a bad influence.
Then came the drugs.
She got this look.
She'd have done anything.
She didn't have a choice.
Did you ever see any of her clients? This one guy -- a proper pervert, into some really twisted stuff.
Mimi wer' terrified of him, but he'd pay double, so Could have been younger then.
But, Jackie, if you could identify him, we could catch him, and make him stop.
MOBILE PHONE RINGS Oh, God, I told him we were only nipping out for fags.
Jason? If he ever tries anything with you That's your lot.
I can't I can't.
Liam! We need to go.
Come on, baby.
DOOR OPENS You want to get them to rent you an apartment if you're staying so long.
(I'm sorry I'm so late.
) We had a great night.
Disney Store, Hard Rock.
Plenty of signs of her still being a kid, thank God.
We missed you.
I promise I'll make it up to you.
We catch the train at one, so I've been thinking.
- I've been thinking a lot.
- Norrie Just, just let me talk.
You've been lying to me now for how long? - Look - And maybe Maybe I misunderstood, underestimated how bad things were for you.
But I honestly don't think these are the answer to anything.
You've been through my stuff.
I've been there, Claire, rock bottom worse the constant fall.
You need to fight your way back up.
You can't just numb the pain.
You have to face your demons head-on.
By running away to some tiny island? Maybe that worked for you, but I know how important it is for you to feel you made me well.
But there are things I can't escape.
Things I did.
If this is about you confronting your past, I'll stand by you, but I'm not doing this just for you.
This is for us, as a family, we can't go on being haunted by this.
- It has to stop.
- It will.
And you're right, these are They're useless, the hangover the habit.
The dose is negligible.
TEARFUL: I promise I'll stop.
It's you.
It's you I need.
Are you sure? Or are you just saying that to make me happy? SIREN WAILS IN DISTANCE MUSIC IN HEADPHONES FOOTSTEPS APPROACH What are you doing? I could ask you the same thing.
Normal people are eating their dinner now, or sat on the sofa, but then you did spend all Saturday identifying Mimi Fenton, so You got the lab results? A clear match.
I just wanted to know Agota more.
I've got a torch in the car.
Wait here.
) (Shush!) (Look, look.
) - Ah! - Argh! Claire, wait! Claire! This is DCI Hind, we're chasing a suspect down Merrivale Gardens, we need immediate backup.
I didn't fall.
I wasn't pushed.
To the coward and the has-been.
Lola's not that bad, you know.
I thought we wasn't going to talk about work.
The case.
That's different.
Anyway, it's good to see for once.
Because she's a woman? Or because she's black? Either.
It could have been you, should have been.
No, I think I've now quite categorically proved that You've just identified a second victim, proved the case you opened in 1998 was real.
If we'd listened to you back then if I'D listened to you You were right, I have hit a dead end, career-wise.
No hope of promotion.
Quite the opposite, in fact.
An internal inquiry into potential professional misconduct.
She's big on all that, our new Detective Superintendant, the rules.
Back in the good old days I know, not allowed.
But it was good, wasn't it? We were.
Or at least, we put on a good show.
The man I saw He could run, really run.
If he was responsible for the deaths of Sally, Mimi, he'd have to have been at least 40.
You're back on your hunch.
Two killers.
It would bring Harding back into frame.
I just know he's hiding something.
The master and his apprentice.
You think I'm mad? Fixating.
We all know how that feels.
I didn't use the clinic.
She just gave me the card.
Thanks for a lovely evening.
HE SIGHS You're back.
Julie HE SIGHS MOBILE PHONE RINGS 'Hello?' You had him.
The one with the dark suit and the beard.
- 'That's the bastard our Mimi was scared of.
- Mum' 'Jackie.
Where are you?' DOOR OPENS Goodnight.
Who else could have been there? HEAVY BREATHING PHONE VIBRATES 'Detective Chief Inspector John Hind.
Please leave me a message.
'What if it wasn't a man who killed Agota?' It would explain the difference in strength, execution.
What if it was a woman copying, re-enacting the crimes that had been perpetrated against her 16 years ago? A victim would have been present at the scene of the crime.
A victim would know.
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