From Here on OUT (2014) s01e02 Episode Script

Aloha Guy!

1 FROM HERE ON OU [PREVIOUSLY: Guy Dubai, International Gay Spy is a go! – What! My little baby's making a TV show.
I'm Guy Dubai.
I am Devina Dubai! Who's the guy in the picture? The pool boy! You're bribing me with a free place to film And the owners won't mind if wee Never home, always travelling! I'm Guy Dubai International Gay Spy.
I found our Guy Dubai! I don't care who you cast.
As long as he is willing to do three sex scenes an episode, and openly gay.
No problem being openly gay.
You're me Guy Dubai!.]
(Hawaiian music) This is fantastic! We can shoot an entire Hawaiian scene right here! Oh uh, Devina, you know that you can't wear your uniform under your hulla outfit, right? What? You think I am naked, skanky, hoochy mama whore-slut? Who shake her pineapples for the pleasure of horny gays? No! Of course not No, your character is a welcoming native Hawaiian in authentic costume! - If you want me to dress like the devil's sister you can go home right now.
But let's not mention our little deal in front of… Taylor! uh, what do you think? – Impressive.
Very impressive.
Um, this is Devina Sunghe, uh, she represents the owner clearing throat And is a versatile character actress! - Aloha.
- Oh, oh, Aloha.
- How's this? Oh, perfect, oh, Sam, this is Taylor Nukem, president of Here TV and you've met Brad This is Sam, our Guy Dubai! Pleasure to meet you.
Tighter shorts.
And, uh unbutton the shirt.
(music) (Lyrics: From here on out There is no more second best Erase all doubt I'm better than the rest! I used to stand aside, While others plowed ahead But now I'm taking charge My wings are gonna spread.
Don't underestimate me So listen, here's the deal.
To those who think I'm broken Look out! I'm at the wheel From here on out Everybody cheer! scream and shout! Get used to it.
I'm here!) I can't wait to see the pool! Yes.
So here is where we have a big dramatic action scene where I saving somebody life.
And then I… Yeah, yeah, yeah, but I just, where's the pool? And then I floating in the pool is just over here.
Ah! It's the poolboy from the picture! Oh Em Gee! He's even hotter in real life I tell the temperature from his little bathing suit.
When it's cold he wears speedo, when it's warm he wear a thong.
– Well, let's definitely keep that boy in the tropics! Rico, meet the television man! Hola, Mr.
TV Man.
Its Jimmy, but you can just call ooh, ah listen! Heh, uh, there might be a part for you in my TV show.
Are you interesting in acting? No… I'm very very shy.
Yeah, I can uh, I can see that, uh, well uh, you know.
Think about it.
Heh! Hey, hey.
Hi! So, so yeah so I've almost read the whole script.
And uh, it says that I'm the stiff in the pool.
Should I tell you that I… I can't swim? Yep.
Definitely good to know ahehe… okay.
Have you got your three words memorized? Oh, yeah, yeah.
I'm feeling totally good about two of them.
Still working out the third one through! Well, I've got faith in you! Oh… ah Okay, we're gonna do that, alright.
How's this? Great.
Let's uh lose the shirt… - Oh, okay.
Uhhh, do I look like a native Hawaiian? Oh, for sures.
Jimmy, this is Derreck, that guest star I was promising you.
Oh, nice to meet you, Derreck, uh, Welcome to the show.
– Thanks! Derreck has a recurring role as male nurse in General Hospital.
I was the first male actor to give comatose Sonny a sponge ba.
– Oh Oh wow.
Anxious to hear more, but we're still checking out location so, uh, Devina! Where's the Koi Pond? What! I am trying to prepare for my performance! If I stink in my close up, we know whose fault it is! Brad, I wanna check out that Koi Pond Ooh! Boi Pond.
Recurring role! Impressive.
I know! Three episodes.
– Yeah, I mean some people say reoccurring roll when they're being interviewed.
But I think it needs to be multiple episodes before you can throw that around Good boy.
Listen, uh, I have a boyfriend, so uh.
No tongue in the sex scenes: okay? You got it.
Woooh! Has anyone seen the director? We should get started.
Someone said you're Jimmy Randell? I am.
– Call sheet says you're the director.
What? Yeah, we had to trim some gat off the budget.
So, I cut him.
It's really more your vision anyway, and, if it makes you feel any better, I did cut Brad's vacation pay.
– But I've never directed before! – Oh, you'll be fine! But let's, uh, let's hurry up, alright? Time is money.
Okay, everybody! Let's get started! (Spy music) squirting sounds airplane flying sound Oof! Damn, that was a close one.
Aloha! Welcome for Hotel Mileu on the biiig island of Hawaii! Ung! Is a white man hurt? I'll be alright.
I was on a plane to Russia when the engine blew.
I had to jump out using my shirt as a parachute.
I landed on the rim of a large lava-filled volcano in the parking lot.
– Me wish me could have seen that.
We wish we could afford to show you.
You want a lay and a cocktail? Sure.
But cocktail first, let's save the lay for later.
Bottoms up.
Oh! I volunteer! car screeching Whatchoo do in show? I'm the stiff.
Hm! I see! (kissing, heavy breathing) Oh, I seee.
There might be Tiki Torches in here! record needle scratch Rico! - Sean! This is not a porn set! – I know, I have three words, real ones.
I'm sorry! I pray every single day, God, please, make Rico not have sex today! It's not my fault! To be friendly, I asked, "Whatcoo do in show?" and he says "I'm a stiff!" But then I go back to work.
But then he showed me and it was.
- And it was what? - Very very stiff.
I know how hard it is to work with a stiff, I was only trying to help.
Damn you, come out! scary music No, no! Don't touch.
Guy Dubai.
Hawaii, take one.
And action! spy music Prince Ahwanalaeu, what's wrong? Have you been poisoned? Lips! like Rosebud (dramatic music) Splash! Prince Ahwanalaeu! It's too late, he's dead.
The impact of the fall must have knocked off his swimsuit.
sniffs Almonds.
Cyanide! Aloha Prince Ahwanalaeu.
Lips Like Rosebud… What does it mean? Cut! Great.
Nice, Sam.
Don't move everyone.
Actually, you know what, just, take five.
Sean? Was it good? – Terrific.
Actually, you can stop being dead for a minute.
Oh! hehe… this lay tickles my junk.
Let's try it with you, uh, dying the other way, that way we have options heads or tails, uh, flip over for me.
Oh, yeah, uh.
Oh, no, actually, you know, scoot over a little more.
No, no, no.
The other way, to your left the other left, the other left! splash No! I don't need you to pretend to drown, you're already dead, remember? Oh, crap! He can't swim! Oh, no!!! Don't worry! I'll save you! splash Okay, yeah.
Lunch! Back in 30… Mind if I join you? – Please.
How do you think it's going so far? Surprisingly well! You know, especially if you factor in that you're the only one that can act and, I've never directed before.
How are you? Great.
I'm just a little worried about one thing.
What's that? Sex scenes.
– Oh, stop.
You'll be fine.
I dunno.
I've never done anything like this before.
It's acting, like any other scene, only with less wardrobe! I just want it to be done tastefully.
Don't worry about the thing, I only write sex scenes that are a natural part of the story.
There is nothing on the page for meer titillation.
And Here TV is with me on this one.
I feel better.
So, when are we shooting all the super nasty raunchy stuff? (spy music) (squirting sounds) Room service! Complimentary cocktail for two.
But I'm all alone.
(Hawaiian music) Not if I join you.
If you don't mind that I'm not wearing pants.
So, it's the old "my pants are in the cleaners" Exactly.
I don't mind.
Ooh! Something wrong with your shoulder? I bumped it on a volcano.
Want me to give it a rub? I'm very good at rubbing things.
If you don't mind touching a man's naked body.
Oh, I don't mind.
How's that? Bitchin'.
How's this…? Your lips remind me of something.
Let me jog my memory again.
Oh, no.
My sarong! How could it be so wrong, when it's oh-so-right? Lips like RRRose Bud! What the hell are you doin! He said no tongue! He's got his so far down my throat.
I can't even breathe! Okay, calm down, okay, you know what, take fine, everyone.
Sam, you come with me.
He said no tongue! Plus, he had a woody, poking me in the side, too! So? That happens, it's normal! Well, to me it's not! I've never had to kiss a dude before, so you gotta cut me some slack here.
You're… a virgin? No! I'm straight! What! You're not gay?! No! You told me you were gay! I stretched the truth a little.
You lied! – Stretched.
I actually said I had no problem being gay in public, not that I WAS gay! And it's true! I have no problem being perceived as gay.
– Un-believable.
Come on, dude! You can't blame me! I wanted the role! - Seriously! You're straight? – Big time definitely a boob man.
Oh, my God! This is bad! This is very, very bad! Here TV said I absolutely must have an openly gay actor as Guy Dubai.
Is that even legal? – Why do you keep going there? Well, I don't wanna lose my job! I don't wanna lose my job! Do you have any idea how hard I've worked for this opportunity? Same here! – Well, what are we going do if Taylor finds out you're straight, they will pull the plug.
At least I have a whole nother episode season to shoot! Gay actor or no Gay Spy Show.
He SO said that.
Then don't tell anyone.
Everyone here thinks I'm gay! Well just, lemme think for a minute.
Oh! Do you have a girlfriend? God! Are you married? Never married, depends on your definition of girlfriend.
I've got some regulars, but I'm mostly a free agent.
I don't know… If I have to say I came out of the closet to keep my job, I'll do it.
Okay! That might work.
But, okay, we have GOT to make a pact.
You have come out of the closet and you are GAY! Everything okay in here? Oh! oh, I'm… I'm sorry I didn't know you two were… it's fine, I left my inhaler, but I will I will, I will come off come back.
I… I'm sorry.
Sorry, sorry.
door closes He thinks we're foolin' around.
Well, that's good! That's it! – What? If people think you and I are a couple they're not gonna hit on me! You're the director.
I can fire their ass! – Exactly! You and I are dating.
– Oh.
Ohh… yeah… (bed squeaking loudly) almost there! Oh, my God! Ohhh! Oh, this is it! Crew's waiting! Where's Jimmy? – Oh, my God! Jimmy and Sam are in there.
He'll be out in a couple minutes.
Oh yeah, that's the spot! Oh! Yeah! It's happening!!! - Ohhhh yeah.
Jimmyyy! Take that all over your breasts.
Ew, gross! – Sam, you mean my sexy man boobs? Stop being straight! Ohhhh, here's some more for your hairy chest.
He's coming! Yeah!!! Oh, yeahhhh.
Everyone's buying that you and I are a couple.
Congratulations on dating Sam.
It's unbelievable.
We may have to work on our public affection.
Spank me hard! I would love somebody to rub my little corns.
The Kilt Inspector coming straight for us! He's wearing knickers! I am cutting your budget by 10%.
That table costs 12 thousand dollars! What! If you could just get us two thousand dollars more, I could make this work.
Just what do you think you're doing? Tell me why I shouldn't have you two boys arrested? From here on out There is no more second best Erase all doubt I'm better than the rest! I used to stand aside, While others plowed ahead, But now I'm taking charge My wings are gonna spread.
Don't underestimate me So listen, here's the deal.
To those who think I'm broken Look out! I'm at the wheel From here on out Everybody cheer! scream and shout! Get used to it.
I'm here!
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