Fungus the Bogeyman (2015) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

1 - You get 'em screaming? - I had a nice bit of vicar.
It's possible that the Devil walks in Daventry, in the form of a monster.
You've got a law degree, you can't be a gardener.
I do not want to be a solicitor, ever again.
I'm Dry Curious.
That's right.
Your son is a daisy-sniffer.
If we don't go now, we will lose him.
Welcome to the surface, Bogeyman.
Take me to Daventry or you are not the Bogey I picked! We need to face-fold.
Ta-da! It's a work in progress.
- Your monster.
- Look, I did not use the word monster.
A whole family has defected, ma'am.
It's Fungus.
I'm staying here with her.
- Let's be off.
- He can stay if he wants.
Snotsoup's had you all excombogeycated.
I need you, Eve.
Good trip? Thought I was going to have a prolapse.
Thought you'd like it.
Oh, there he is.
Are you Troy? You look like a Troy.
You must be the Greens! I had to give you a Drycleaner surname.
But he will want first names, so have some ready.
Hello, hello! I'm Troy.
And who do we have here? I'm - Bunny.
- Good to meet you, Bunny.
Er Van.
Van Morrisons.
My friends are new to Everything.
- Shall we have a dekko? - All right.
Great little property I've got for you today.
Very special place.
I've bogied this house.
Brand new retro style carpets, curtains, soft furnishings All included.
You smell that fresh new smell? Rub a bit of dog poo into the fabrics, my drear, be as right as rain.
Right, who's Delia? I'm Bunny and he's Van Morrisons.
No, he means, who does the cooking? Oh! Me, of course.
In case you haven't noticed, my husband is a perfectly ordinary human man.
All right.
Well, as you can see, the kitchen is a very special space.
State of the art.
All the surfaces, you see, completely flush for ease of cleaning.
Fresh water doesn't come out of that affair, does it? Oh, yes.
High pressure tap.
Blast that dirt.
Maybe a bit less clapping, Troy.
Let's have a squint at the bathroom.
How am I supposed to drink out of that? What's this? That That's for washing your bits.
Bits of what? Rinsing your botty when you've done a number two.
Oh, drear bog.
And on to the master bedroom.
All right.
Sorry about the old flypaper.
Previous people really should have taken them down.
I don't remember.
Does this come with the house? "Fully furnished" means "fully furnished", so yes.
We haven't done the deal yet.
Last but not least.
Junior bedroom.
Get a grip.
Both of you.
No Bogey should be expected to live in conditions like this.
Not a whiff of rot.
Fresh water everywhere.
Abominable device in the bathroom.
It's Well, it's disgusting.
Listen to me.
That jelly-haired imbecile is about to have a mental breakdown - and run away screaming.
- Oh, really? I Which in this instance is not what you want.
You have a responsibility to your son, and this is what he needs.
So, do you want my help, and my money, or don't you? Make your mind up, because I'm getting a migraine.
- We'll take it.
- Yes! Howdy.
I'm Daryl.
Daryl Hedge.
That's a strange name.
Is it? All right, well, I live here.
Oh, I'm, um Bunny.
And this is my son, Runny.
And that perfectly ordinary human man there, with the jelly-haired imbecile, that's my husband, Van Morrisons.
We're all Green.
And we live there.
Where've you come from? - Her house.
- Eve, family friend.
Well, this is great.
Proper family in the road.
You must come round for a cuppa and a nibble.
Meet my ghastly spawn.
- Say 5:00? - Five.
I love spawn.
All right, well, I hope you'll come as well? Probably best if I do.
Direling That is Daryldaryl Hedge.
Our neighbour.
He sounds ever so slimebags.
He's invited us round for spawn.
Right, back in the van, Van.
All of you.
We're going back to mine for a master class in knives and forks, milk-in-last and not getting over-stimulated if they offer you toad in the hole.
There's no toad, there's no hole.
There you go.
All done, Mrs B.
Thank you so much, Mr Hedge.
- Please.
- Oh, what's this? Let's have a look at this one here, shall I? Oh! - They're different.
- Is this what you're going to be doing now, dear? You're going to be a plumber? Plumbing's a fine art, Mrs B, but it's a little bit out of my league.
I'm Just a humble grasping oddjobberer.
Excuse me.
Grasping Oddjobberations Ltd, that's a joke.
I love you, don't be cross.
I got your message.
Who are these people? Our new neighbours.
They're lovely, possibly on a witness protection scheme.
They're a little bit weird.
Hmm, sound like our kind of people.
And fat.
Call me an opportunist, I just thought that might be useful.
Daryl, if I slaughter my employees, will you come and visit me in prison? Hmm.
Sounds like you need a lawyer.
Hmm, I was once married to one.
See you.
How much do I owe you, dear? Well I It's on the house, Mrs B.
No, I couldn't possibly charge a lady who makes such epic sweeties.
Oh, thank you.
No, thank you.
I'll just get my tool box.
What a nice man! - Complimenting your hosts? - Do.
- Sipping politely from the cup? - Do.
Sipping politely from the lavatory? Do Not do.
I knew that.
- Just keep your head.
- Where? Fungus, when in doubt, mouth shut.
Try not to fart, burp, pick your bum, nose or feet or show excessive interest in the bums, noses and feet of your hosts.
On no account pick them for them.
Ah! Welcome Van and the full fleet.
Daryl Daryl May I compliment you on your soft dry human skin.
Is that all right? Thank you very much.
Monstrous regiment aren't back yet, I'm afraid, it's just me.
But come in, come in.
I make a disgusting pot of tea, but, hey, we'll manage.
Bunny, please, come through.
Come through.
Watch the step.
Come in, come in, come in.
This is it.
Excuse the mess, but we live here.
Tea, everyone.
Tea? What about you, Runny? - Eh? Something fizzy? - Yes, please.
Okay, lovely.
Put them over there.
All right, so, tell me about yourselves.
What do you do for a living? Well, mostly, we eat and keep breathing.
How wise you are.
How wise you are.
We should all remember that.
No, I mean how do you spend your days? I sleep a lot.
Especially after a skinful of slime.
And I do little jobs around the house.
Van, you're a man after my own heart.
We have a lavatory, of course, but it's so much more refreshing for the ambience.
The little jobs around the house.
Kettle's boiling.
Milk, everyone? He wants to milk everyone? You're welcome to milk my wife, but I'm not, erm For naughty odd job Mr Hedge, who will take no payment for correcting my tap.
Dinky Bharaj.
Oh, here she is.
Hello, hi.
Welcome to Newcroft Way.
I'm so sorry I'm late.
I had to eviscerate some members of staff.
Van, Bunny, Runny, this is Wendy, my favourite wife.
Oh, just ignore him! There's also Eve, but she's got a headache.
Right Well Uh, Bunny, I simply must talk to you about Bums and Tums.
But, erm Would you just help me with the shopping? - From the car? - Hmm.
Straight away? Cancer in a can.
Eviscerations? Bums? You're not drinking anything that makes that amount of noise.
Pretty talk for Drycleaners.
She had no money.
I didn't know that when I started the job, did I? Okay, okay, it was a mistake.
A pathetic mistake.
It was the charitable thing to do Oh, you're a charity now, are you? Lucy's gonna be so proud.
You won't even try it.
How are we going to survive, if you won't even try it? Oh, for pissy's sake.
I'm not afraid of new experiences, Mould.
Now you show your father and me some good manners.
Oh, muck.
It was very stressful.
And you think my job isn't stressful? Darling, we get great waves of passive stress just being in the same room as you.
Oh, yeah? Well, why don't you scoot down to Dinky Bharaj, whoever she is, and correct her tap? Because I did it properly the first time.
It doesn't need doing again.
Sorry, folks, one more load.
What the hell is going on? Mildew.
I leave you alone for one minute.
I'm trying! And who exactly are these bloody care-in-the-community people that you've brought into my house? He looks like a bicycle-seat sniffer, and she's clearly on medication.
They can't afford a gym membership.
You don't know that.
I can smell a lack of money on people and I can smell it on us.
Biscuit, Bunny? Oh, God! Are you all right? My wife is quite well, thank you.
She just farted.
Quite a big one.
Oh, good.
This is Eve.
Lovely kitchen, Wendy.
Bum and Tums, drear, do go on.
I'm fascinated.
I tell you, if they don't follow through on this party I am so totally going to kill myself.
Can I have Dean? No.
I get Dean, even if I'm dead.
Guys worth having don't grow on trees.
Not in this town.
I'm Runny.
What are you doing to our curtains? Stroking them.
Did you say your name was Runny? Mmm, I'd love to see your Leather Centre, please, Wendy.
Oh, leisure.
Well, that's great.
What about tomorrow morning? Introductory session.
Say 9:00? 9:00.
Lucy, these are the Greens.
They just moved in next door.
Nice T-shirt.
Oh, they're selling them around town.
I'm having a Daventry monster party See.
For my birthday.
It was the tea.
As you rightly said, it was disgusting.
Can we go now? We have keys.
Let's move you in.
Listen, humans are an okay crew till we get scared.
If you go Bogey form again in front of someone, well, if you're lucky, you'll all end up in a zoo.
- What? - It'll be all right, love.
Definitely for you.
You're special.
We cannot go on like this.
One slip of the fold, and the Drys will be onto us like that.
I must converse with Eve.
Bactoria! Be silent.
You impetuous fool.
Do you want your flibbetygibbet little wife to know you once loved a Bogey woman with a bit of spunk? The occasional hand.
That's all that's left of her, Fungus The girl you once swore to follow.
Hang on, I never loved you.
You said you wanted to go topside, I said I'd come with you.
Yeah, and you were too stinking scared.
I was.
And aren't you? That they'll find out who you are? "Eve?" Are you threatening to expose me? I don't think that's a very good idea, do you? If you think about it, Fungus, you can't really do without me, can you? Imagine being up here without my protection.
You'd be crushed.
All three of you.
Like that.
Which you can't even do.
Mildew She doesn't know.
About you and me.
She must never know.
You're not very good at negotiation, are you? Mr Fungus, the scaredy-cat Bogeyman.
Direling! I'm just bogeying up this tin bed so you can have a nice farty sleep.
Secrets, Fungus.
You keep mine.
And I'll keep yours.
But let's be very clear.
I wear the brains.
You betray me, and I will simply talk my way out of it.
But then I will hit you so hard, my direling, it will kill your whole family.
What do you want from me, Bactoria? Hmm Some fun.
You must indulge me, Fungus.
I have been very, very angry with you for a very long time.
And now I'm going to have to punish you.
Until I feel better.
It's only fair.
Ooh! You should see this, drearest.
It's got a really nice skin on it.
Your amusing little wife is calling you, my pukepot.
Trot along.
Oh! What in the name of God? First gear's a bit of a challenge, but then so are all the rest, so what the hell.
If I were to ask you to explain this, would I get an even vaguely intelligible response? She's an investment in the future.
Don't go.
Don't go! Listen.
Bigger jobs need bigger kit.
- You've got to speculate - Do you know what? I hate this kind of conversation.
- What kind of conversation? - The kind of conversation where you talk and I listen.
My job My job is grim, my boss doesn't trust me, my staff are morons, and I'm not paid enough for the hours that I do.
And yet I'm leaving for work early just to get away from this.
Morning! Didn't you promise Bunny Bums and Tums? - What? - Sorry.
It just does that.
Not bad.
Not bad, not bad.
Mother, what are you doing? Making the place all nice before your father comes down.
Do I smell putrid pineapple? Well, it just perfumes the place up a bit.
Makes it more like home.
That's a handsome load of festering filth.
Plenty more where that came from.
Was the tin bed comfortable? Poxtuberous, my smear.
You slept in the bath? What else can you do with it? There's a massive bedroom! Oh, uh, Eve's using it.
Yes Um Will Eve be living with us? Why should she? She's got her own house.
I don't know.
She might do.
It's up to her really.
My morning has been ruined, and now it's your turn.
Your father says we have to be nice, so let's go and be nice.
Imagine if the neighbours saw this? The neighbours aren't here, drear.
What's that? That's probably the neighbours.
Oh! Morning! We're here to take you to Bums and Tums.
- The Leather Centre.
- Exactly.
I've got you one of these, on the house.
Er, Lucy here was wondering if Runny wanted to hang out for a bit, - weren't you? - Yeah.
Go out.
Show him around.
Show him a round what? Right, why don't you pop that on? Hmm.
The favourite wife is here with the small painted child who wants Mould to go and look at circles and I've got leather Bums and Tums.
This is getting out of hand.
Oh, don't be ridiculous.
Of course the boy must go.
And so must Bunny.
Put it on.
Not here.
For God's sake, I haven't had my breakfast.
Please can I have some money? I don't know how much circles cost.
Of course, pet.
This is the fun, is it? Now you're getting the idea.
By the way, I want you out of the house as well, so just go somewhere else.
Why? None of your business.
I am so never forgiving you for this.
The important thing about childhood, darling, is to have something interesting to tell your therapist about when you grow up.
That'll do.
Look at you.
All ready for action.
You're wearing a tie.
We're going out.
Come on then.
Have fun, kids! Shall we? Does your motor vehicle vibrate? Let's find out.
Look at you.
Even veiled in the fleshly envelope of a Drycleaner, you are thick in thigh with a fine forward waistline.
Eh? Yet what purpose do you serve? You are no longer captain of your destiny.
Life, ultimately, is like a banana.
One minute it's in your hand.
Next minute, it's up your steam hole.
Lovely morning.
Or not.
Shh! So who was he Van? Who was Mr Cheekychops? I don't know, Daryldaryl.
But he had the most repulsive smell.
Really? What did he smell of? Someone pretending to be someone that he wasn't.
And neither of the someones was pleasant.
If you don't mind my asking, are you on a witness scheme? Have you been relocated? I have.
Okay, I'm not going to ask you what you did.
What did you do? I used to Let myself into people's houses at night.
- Did you hurt them? - Never.
Have you stopped doing that? I'm very different now.
I don't know what to do with myself.
So they haven't given you a job? Gentleman of leisure.
Lucky you.
The objective merits fail to persuade the inner Bogey.
Look, if you'll let me, I'd like to help.
Do you want to work for me? You don't hurt people, do you? Well, I try I try very hard not to do that.
All right, then.
If you think I can be of help to you.
You make me feel calm, Van.
That's more use than anything.
You all right there, Bunny? Yes, just your stretchy hat has crept right up my bogeyslice.
Do you want to sort that out? No, no, I quite like it.
Carlies? Potential new member.
I thought we were going to work? We shall be.
I just haven't got any work for us to go to right this minute.
Hello, Eve.
Hello, boys.
Did I hear you say, Daryl, you haven't got a job? Speaking as one of this country's leading entrepreneurs, can I tell you why that is? Your presentation's all cocked.
Look at the state of your van.
Your vehicle.
It's a mess.
Here's what you ought to do.
There you go.
It's not to everybody's taste.
Extract us from this terrible predicament.
- Now! - Hold on! Hold on! My fault.
My bad, my bad.
Just pulled out.
Oh, that's okay.
No, that's okay.
I think you should know that I am actually a lawyer.
Ow! Okay.
On we get.
Is that good? It's good, Bunny, in that we have a target.
You know, get some of that weight off you, eh? Oh.
I'm not sure I want to lose any of this.
I've worked really hard for this figure.
Actually, I could lose this one.
My husband's not sure about it.
Well, that's something to consider.
Shall we? That's it, that's it.
I know how to swing.
Come on, Lucy Hedge.
Oh, could you stop saying my name, please? Sorry, Lucy Hedge.
So what do we do now? When you're ready, just jump off.
Oh, my God! All right, Lucy Hedge? Texting my posse, yeah? About your party, and that.
You cool if I bring a few mates? Yeah.
He's still there, isn't he? Is there any part of this expression you do not understand? Everything.
Please teach me.
I'm trying to plan my party.
- Can I come? - No.
Why not? Because you're dressed like a Mormon.
You have a mental age of six and quite frankly, Runny, you are one creepy dude.
Ooh Rinsed! That's not fair.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Let's call the Fairness Police.
I'll never be a Drycleaner! I'm just a disgusting Bogeyman.
What was that, erm, bad word, you said, that upset him so? Lawyer.
I must remember not to say that.
Come on.
Let's go and plan the future over a nice cup of tea.
Your tea is undrinkable.
Van, you do cheer me up.
I know where you live.
Fungus the Bogeytraitor.
I literally thought I was gonna like burst into tears laughing! six, seven, eight and lunge! Together! Lunge! Together! Star jumps! One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! And kick! Down! Kick! Down! Bunny? Bunny.
Mustn't stop now, favourite Wendy.
I think we might have been a bit over ambitious.
Down and squat.
- Again! - Ugh! And three! And four! Five! Six! - I mustn't fold! - What? I mustn't fold! Okay! Oh, yes! Clever old Eve.
There you go.
Is it a condition of my employment? Do whatever you have to do to make it drinkable for you.
First off, you really have to know where to look.
Take this room.
At first glance, a nightmare.
All the nutritious goodness scrubbed away.
A criminal waste of natural resources.
For example Full of spoiled plates.
Everything ruined.
Are you with me so far? Yep.
But What About this? Now, this is the good stuff.
Even the most inhospitable of environments yield really slug-bucket delicacies.
That's how you make a cup of tea.
May the hairs up your steam hole never fail to congeal.
Please don't actually drink that.
Not bing-bong - Has he gone? - Has who gone? What can we do you for, love? - Um.
- What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? Seems to have had the rest of your face.
Well, I'm sure his mother loves him.
I've been reading in the paper about this bloke suffering from monsters.
They've wrecked his pond and he's got a gnome all covered in snot.
Can you imagine who would do such a thing? Anyway, I reckon it's a job for you.
There's the address.
Fixing a pond? De-snotting a gnome? We're the boys, aren't we, Van? Well, I thought it might be fun.
Look at them.
I don't think anyone noticed, do you? No, no, not at all.
Would you just jump back up on the scales for me? Bunny.
You've lost four stones.
No! But that's incredible.
Carlies! Carlies! I must go back and look for them.
I've got a very particular bit of coprolite on my engagement ring.
You don't wear a ring.
- Well, not on my hand.
But - Oh.
Come here! We've got a press release.
Now take this down.
Mrs Bunny Green, aged How old are you? 513 this Sepsistember.
This lady, in a single Davwell Leisure Bums and Tums introductory session, has lost four stone in weight.
Why aren't you breathing? Lager? Oh, I am really going to punish you.
Bunny, I'm not sure that you should be doing that at all, but if you must, do it in a cubicle.
Bactoria Gonoraria Snotsoup, you are one clever, twisted little girl.
Go easy on the Funk.
I'm glad, favourite Wendy, that my uncontrollable farting gave you so much pleasure.
It's not so much that.
It's more the way all that fat just went pouf! Yes.
But it wasn't so much the fat, was it? It was more the Well, people don't need to know about that.
The noxious gases that had been fermenting in my colon.
You know we might get a magazine article out of this.
Picture of you in your kitchen.
Weight-loss goddess Bunny Green, at home.
It's exciting, isn't it? Shall we pop into yours and have a chat? Welcome to my lovely home.
Biscuit, favourite Favourite Wendy? All right, Wendy? Unusual d馗or, isn't it? Where they come from, this is all they have.
Breaks your heart, doesn't it? Runny says you're going to throw up.
Oh, really, drear, you don't need to come outside to do that.
Oh, Bunny.
Bunny, there is a A cultural problem here that has to be addressed.
You cannot take people's bins and tip them out in your kitchen.
Health and Safety will condemn your house.
And then they'll condemn my house for being next door to yours.
Are you hearing this? That stuff That stuff has to be put back into the bins, and then the bins have to be returned to their owners.
And I know just the people for the job.
I have found your monster.
But he has a powerful friend.
Well, so do I.
Your friend is a window? No wonder nobody believes a word you people say.
Do you have a gun? I'm a vicar.
We can acquire some weapons on the way.
Chop, chop! Erm, what use can I possibly be? The Bogeyman is protected.
I need you to help me flush him out.
Wear this.
Get on! Let's ride.
No, no, no.
The client's watching.
I was only going to lick the soggies out.
Please don't, it will freak him out and we'll get sacked.
I don't understand.
You seem to throw all the good stuff away.
It's as if you don't value it.
Well, I'm afraid we don't.
I'm beginning to doubt the whole social contract.
All those luxury items in the bins.
What happens to them? All of that gets buried in the ground.
As far away from us as possible.
So they're not gifts? For services rendered? Van.
Where are you from? The pond? Across the pond.
Underground? You're from underground? What are you, a dissident? A refusenik? Persona non grata? So, Mr Cheekychops with the scars.
He's watching you? But you don't know who he is? Are there others who mean you harm? Erm.
Excuse me.
I'm looking for some gardeners.
- I know this human.
- So do I.
Yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, we're gardeners.
In which case, would you mind getting on with some gardening? Hundreds of satisfied clients.
What can we do for you? My churchyard, St Erconwald's, needs a bit of attention.
Say tomorrow? Tomorrow.
We mustn't go.
We'll be there, vicar.
We must.
We've got to flush them out.
All of them.
If you're only going to work half the time, I'm only going to give you half the fee.
Look at that.
That's your half of the half.
No, no.
I have no use for that.
It tastes of nothing.
I liked standing in the pond and talking to you.
And today, it was most agreeable.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Hello, drears.
Welcome, direling, to our lovely home.
Sourheart? Did Mum do that? Yes, she did.
Anthony is very happy.
"Great swathes of fatties signing up.
" "Fatties?" Technical term.
- Are you off? - Yeah.
Taps to correct, gnomes to de-snot.
I love you, sweetheart.
Did you give Dad that bloody nose yesterday? - Did he say that I did? - Mmm-hmm.
Well, then, yes, I did.
Oh, how was it with Runny, by the way? I was horrible to him.
I'm horrible to your father all the time.
And then he's horrible to me.
We feel terrible about it, then we apologise, we have a little kiss and a cuddle and - Too much information.
then we make up and everything's fine.
Such is the great cycle of marriage, my darling.
I'm not going to marry Runny Green.
I'm pleased to hear it.
His mother steals other people's rubbish and his father is your father's odd job assistant, I mean it doesn't get much lower than that.
It's good to hear, isn't it? It's not much fun, but it's very educational.
Weapons check.
Ear defenders and for you, a stick.
But, Daryldaryl, I don't fight.
Neither do I, I'm just trying to cheer us up a little bit.
- Here he is.
- Good, good.
You're punctual.
I'd like you - What's your name? - Daryl Hedge.
To do strimbling right, right, right, right, right over there.
Uh Van Morrisons.
I'd like you to stay just here, okay? Just here.
Weed that grave.
I'm going back to the church to do my vicary things.
Now they're trying to separate us.
So be vigilant.
Drop the plant.
Not a word, Fungus.
How do you know my name? That's six words.
I won't warn you again.
Now move.
Oi! That lad really doesn't like me.
He tried to take me away, Eve.
Well, we can't have that.
I haven't finished with you yet.
You're shelling soggies.
I am, my drear.
I didn't think we were eating proper food in this house any more.
I'm sorry.
I went too far.
Favourite Wendy excited me.
But I was trying to be Dry, like you told me to.
For our son.
Are you trying? Am I trying my best to fit into this hideous new world? I am not.
But must I surrender my Bogeysoul for the sake of the charade? I said, "Psst.
" Wallow? Wallow! I'm on a local run.
So, you know.
Obviously, I can't go out with you looking like that, but Do you want to, Fung, or don't you? I brought your things.
One last shake of the centipede.
After you, my drear stink spleen.
Three seconds.
You're out of practise, old scum.
More like 15.
Look and learn.
It's a small thing.
But the detail Without your keeper at last, Fungus! I'm so sorry, Wallow.
You hate running.
Run! Smells' bells.
No way out.
Caught, like a cat in the crap.
Careful with that.
I've been wondering why it is you're so scared of me.
And I think it's because you know who I am.
Then you will know that I am exacting an appropriate punishment.
That may What was that? Say it.
That may or may not be considered satisfactory.
Oh, really? Do you want to fight about it? Get out of here, pretty boy.
Sling your hook.
Is this the way back to town? Safe route.
What was that? I don't know.
Bet you know what this is? Great.
I know just what you mean.
Gets the gases going, doesn't it? Bit of a run-around.
I tell you what, Wallow.
I love this job.
I wouldn't swap being a Bogeyman for all the pee in China.
Same time next week? Next week? Are you mad? Tomorrow night.
Argh! Daryldaryl! Only me, old wart.
Oh, muck, I'm Bogey form.
Look at it this way.
He is actually a monster.
Van Morrisons.
He's not human.
He's the Daventry monster.
Where are we going? There's only one place we can go.
You have severely inconvenienced me Look at her hand.
Do you believe that things that are dead, can be brought back to life? Normal's finished.
There is no more normal.
I need fresh Funk.
So I must have the boy.
Haven't exactly tried, have they? Well, he has.
It's Mouldy, he's gone Bogey form! If I can smell him, so can Bactoria.
When I kill my sister, he'll fart so much, he'll die.
It's your sister, Your Horror.
She is devastating Bogeydom.
Are you planning to stick up top or come with me and rescue Mould?
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