Furies (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Broken heart > Bullet in the head

["Hammer Into Anvil"
by Ikebe Shakedown playing]
[Lyna] Officially, of the five greenhouses
in Jardin des Plantes,
only four are accessible to the public.
"Officially" is a concept
without relevance in The Fury's world.
This fifth greenhouse is where
The Godfathers of the six families
who rule organized crime meet.
People call them "The Olympus."
And The Fury works for them.
[distorted, echoing footsteps]
[song continues]
The Godfathers all hate each other,
but still work together.
Business above all.
And among them,
is the one they call The Jelly.
The man who killed my father.
[distorted, echoing gun blast]
And you stay here with The Fixer.
[song stops]
Hey, hey, where you going?
Just observe and keep your mouth shut.
Kids like you get eaten alive here.
Don't trust their fancy suits
and their manners.
If they're here, it's because
they've stolen, betrayed and killed.
And I mean lots of killing.
[tense, dramatic music playing]
Joseph de la Brenne
d'Otrante, aka, "The Duke."
There's not a single park or a garden
in Paris where he doesn't grow his drugs.
They are The Trans. They run games.
They're the ones you stole the truck from.
That's The Californian.
He's into tech.
Market scams, digital blackmail
Pickpocketing and purse snatching,
that's Fehim's thing.
No one pays much attention
to him, and he likes it that way.
He only works with kids,
but he's not sentimental.
Mama, she's in charge of prostitution.
High-class, low class
or downright disgusting.
She's got some damn twisted clients.
The K Brothers. They handle robberies.
They break into safes and cops' skulls.
Those three definitely have a screw loose.
- Karl, Fraco and
- The Jelly?
He's late, you know him.
So, Selma, my angel,
since when can you summon us like this?
[quiet, tense music playing]
I have new information
on the death of Darius Guerrab.
[echoing gun blast]
[exhales deeply]
The fucker who killed my father
is in there. She left me with servants.
Keep your voice down.
The servants are lieutenants
of the six families.
They're having a good time now,
but things can get ugly.
Ever heard of nitroglycerin?
Well, the underworld's
a thousand times more volatile.
Fortunately, they have The Fury
to fix things before they get out of hand.
Paris would be a battlefield without her.
She's been doing it for years.
Her mother before her, her grandmother
I don't give a damn about family stories.
She's your boss now too. Shut the fuck up
and keep your ass on that chair.
- [thud]
- [footsteps]
What the fuck is he doing here?
Mr. Parques,
the head of the underworld assassins.
[ominous music playing]
A real piece of shit.
Don't ever go near him.
[glass shattering]
Oh, sorry. I'm sorry, sir.
- [bones crunch]
- [groans]
[waiter screams]
- What are you doing?
- [bones crunch]
[Lyna] Let him go!
[gasps loudly]
So, after months
without a single piece of evidence,
you finally found a lead.
- Huh?
- [scoffs]
People who said you were useless
probably feel stupid now.
[tense, dramatic music playing]
Darius is dead
because he stole money from you,
but before he died, he left a message.
Pointing to the culprit?
Pointing to The Jelly.
[music becomes ominous]
- [Karl] The fuck are you talking about?
- Hey. Whoa, calm down.
- What? You got a problem?
- Hey!
[loud thud]
[music stops]
A delivery for The Fury.
[tense, dramatic music playing]
It's from The Jelly.
What is it, Selma?
[music intensifies]
What is it?
It's The Jelly.
Oh, fuck.
[music stops]
- [gasps painfully]
- [bones cracking]
[tense music playing]
The Fury can't help
but pick up stray dogs, apparently.
And stray dogs need to be trained.
Ain't that right?
Go ahead, bark.
[music fades out]
- Bark.
- Let go of her.
[Lyna groans]
[grunts and gasps]
Another crisis?
Let me know if you need help.
Oh, sure, you can help me, yeah.
[quiet, tense music playing]
Just go ahead and lay your head down
on the subway tracks.
[both chuckle]
[music becomes intense and then quiet]
You're finished, Selma.
In times of war,
The Olympus needs soldiers,
not a vigilante.
[music becomes ominous]
[inhaling] She won't be there next time.
[receding footsteps]
Would you have let him break your arm?
[music becomes tense and dramatic]
So, did you see The Jelly?
[Selma] The K Brothers' black sheep.
A creative, but unlucky robber.
That's from when
he closed a safe on his finger.
[Mud Man] Here you go.
Prone to lousy deals.
Addicted to gambling.
That is something a family
from Manila gives to deadbeats.
Ah, this is more recent. A dog.
This and your father's death
amount to a declaration of war.
We just have to find out who it's from.
He was the only one who could tell me
why my father was killed.
I've got nothing else to do here.
Nothing else to do with people like you.
Don't you wanna know
why your father died? I do.
The sooner you forget your old life,
the better. No one leaves the underworld.
- That's all.
- [Lyna retches faintly]
- Well, that's all we have.
- [quiet dramatic music playing]
What about his head?
[inhales] Why is there no head?
[retches, coughs]
Not feeling well, kiddo?
Is this your first dead body?
Well, in this state, I mean?
Anyway, go get some rest.
Rendezvous tomorrow
at nine at this address.
You know what happens if you're not there.
Where are you sleeping?
In my mother's bedroom.
- [knocking]
- [music stops]
No questions, please.
[baby crying in distance]
[door slams]
[gentle, moody music playing]
[Elie] Lyna?
Can I come in?
[water splashing]
Do you want a t-shirt for tonight?
This all right?
Yeah, thanks.
[door shuts]
[exhales deeply]
I'll show you something sexy!
[Elie chuckles]
[gentle, moody music fades]
[groans faintly]
[gasps] Oh, shit!
[dramatic action music playing]
- [groans]
- [music stops]
- This is the last time you're late.
- I'm only a minute late.
Free yourself.
- [Lyna] No.
- Try.
Okay, shift to the right
and hit him with your elbow.
Not bad.
- [Lyna sighs]
- [tense, dramatic music playing]
By the way, you can't keep sleeping
at your mother's. You work for me.
You deserve better.
That building belongs to the underworld.
You can go there tonight
if you're still alive.
[dramatic music becomes lively]
[animal sounds echo]
[bear roar echoes]
[Mud Man] Hey, boss. I have news.
[music fades]
I found out what The Jelly did
with the money Darius embezzled.
That he was forced to embezzle.
Cut it out, cut it out, all right?
That's my mug.
He's right, that's his mug.
He's very fond of it.
- He's sentimental. He keeps breaking it
- Hey, whoa, whoa.
- Can you focus?
- Sorry, excuse me.
[doors creaking]
The Jelly hijacked
one of Mama's containers.
It was full of girls for her brothels.
But he left with only one girl.
- Weird, right?
- [Selma] Who is that girl?
- Simon, do you recognize her?
- [The Fixer] No.
But for The Jelly
to go after another godfather,
she has to be someone important,
someone who knows something.
Mama has to know what it is.
Let's go see her, what are we waiting for?
Shit, she is so dumb, it's unbelievable.
Why did you bring her here, anyway?
[inhaling] Mama won't talk.
And she'll dig her heels in
if she knows I'm snooping, so, no.
On the other hand, she's a maniac.
She archives it all.
We should check.
And we need someone she doesn't know.
[tense, dramatic music playing]
[traffic drones]
A luxury store in the heart of Paris.
What better place to sell her girls?
Mama stays behind the scenes.
She has everything planned
so that her luxury clientele
can indulge in all of their fantasies.
Follow me.
- You'll sneak in with her next delivery
- Come on. Hurry up.
and search her office.
This way, come on.
If Mama kept quiet
after The Jelly stole one of her girls,
it means she's hiding something.
Something that could explain
The Jelly's death,
and that of your father.
[tense, dramatic music continues]
[Mama] Turn.
Yeah, that's good.
[Mama gasps]
I love it. You're beautiful.
Such a beautiful bride.
I love it.
[distorted musical flourishes]
- Oh, here they are, my little birds.
- [music becomes quiet]
[screaming continues]
Take it easy on them.
They've come a long way.
Yes, that's tasty. [chuckles]
[gasps faintly]
Aren't you hungry, my dear?
After such a long journey.
[inhales sharply]
That's strange.
- [chuckles] You feel a little lost, right?
- [music tension builds]
There's one too many.
- [Mama] What?
- [music intensifies, softens]
[Selma] There's a guy who owes me a favor.
He's going to hack their IT system.
Once inside, you're on your own.
No, it's fine. It was just a bug.
[Mama and woman chuckles]
Go on, prepare my girls
to be presented to the world!
[tense, dramatic music playing]
[Selma] You'll have to go
to the top floor.
That's where Mama's quarters are.
But be careful.
Some of her clients are really twisted.
[music intensifies]
[woman moans loudly]
[moaning and screaming]
[door creaking]
[music fades out]
[music box music playing]
[intense chilling music playing]
- [gasps]
- [bottles rattle]
[camera motor whirring]
You are gonna be my mommy.
And mommy will feed me.
Uh, you you want me to make you a bottle?
I like my milk fresh.
Uh, I don't have any milk.
Well, it won't be my fault if I hurt you.
[quiet, creepy music playing]
[man gasps]
No! No! [screaming]
[electrical zapping]
[music fades]
[electrical droning]
[quiet, ominous music playing]
[music becomes dramatic and tense]
[Selma] Mama has an archive.
She puts every arrival on record.
The girl's name has to be in there.
[distant laughter]
[music becomes quiet and tense]
[Mama] I've got a mission for you,
but I want it to remain confidential.
[Mr. Parques]
All of my missions are confidential.
[Mama] This one even more so.
- One of my containers was stolen.
- [music fades out]
Is that why you took The Jelly out?
[mysterious music playing]
[music becomes quiet and tense]
[music fades out]
The Gypsy Godfather who doesn't have
a trailer. Feels wrong, doesn't it?
For 30 years, The Jelly never moved
his trailer from the K Brothers' camp.
Never did. Now it's nowhere to be found.
What do you think, Simon?
Hello, gentlemen.
Yeah, I don't know.
Word is it that he fell out with
his brothers and was preparing a hold-up.
But I guess the plan was never set
in motion, much like his trailer.
That means someone else
was involved in this, though,
an accomplice who has turned.
[The Fixer] Right.
[cell phone vibrates]
What is that? Is that your phone?
It's the kid's.
[Selma] Oh well, forget it then.
- Tell me, Selma.
- [voicemail alert]
What's your deal
with this kid, anyway? I don't get it.
You take her in,
you train her without telling us,
without me looking into her
- We're not used to working like this.
- [quiet, intriguing music playing]
You know what, Simon? Stay out of it.
Okay. I'll stay out of it.
I didn't kill The Jelly.
I wouldn't go after another family
for a container
with only one girl missing.
And you figure if his brothers
find out about the container
They'll think I'm the one
who killed him. Just like you.
Isn't proving your innocence
The Fury's job?
[Mama] The Fury wants to shed light.
Me? I like the dark.
[closes filing cabinet]
Which is your department.
The Jelly organized this whole thing
for one woman? Who is she?
A poor, unimportant girl. [inhaling]
She came to join her father,
an illegal immigrant, after ten years.
Well, I mean,
you can ask them about it yourself.
Her address is in there,
as well as any other
information about them.
After you're all done,
get rid of them both
and anyone linked to that container.
[Mr. Parques inhales deeply]
Do your clients like that?
Me, I prefer to feel a pulse
beating under my fingers, you know?
[music becomes ominous]
I'll help you with this.
But, if the time comes
when I happen to ask The Olympus
to choose between The Fury and me,
can I count on you?
[man] Come on!
Quick, quick! Come on, move it!
[suspenseful music playing]
[door opens and closes]
Who did this to him?
I don't know. I found him like this. Hey.
Hey. Come on, wake up.
[alarm blaring]
[dramatic action music playing]
[woman screams]
- Run! Let's go!
- [women scream]
Let's go, hurry up!
Come on, come on, come on!
[tense, action music playing]
[women screaming]
[echoing gunfire]
- [gunfire continues]
- [women screaming]
[gun clatters]
[women screaming]
[alarm blaring]
[women screaming, shouting]
[Elie] Hey, hey, hey, hey! No one goes out
before we check them, okay?
[sighs] It had to be you.
[dramatic action music continues]
[both] Huh?
- [alarm continues blaring]
- [people screaming]
Stop, stop running.
Slow down. Calm down, calm down.
- Where have you been? Slow down.
- I'm just the IT guy, okay?
Hey, we're here to help you, okay?
Hey, slow down.
[Elie grunts and groans painfully]
- [dramatic action music continues]
- [people continue screaming]
[dramatic action halts]
- [groans weakly]
- [car engine humming]
I almost bought your story
of the innocent girl who knows nothing
about her parents' business.
Let me out.
Apparently, you're involved
in every goddamn mess in the underworld.
So, you know what I'm thinking?
You've been involved in some shit,
so if The Fury didn't kill you,
you must be working for her.
Go ahead, jump.
And say goodbye to this right here.
Is this Mama's?
It must be really important for you
to risk stealing it from her place, so
I'll give it back to you, but
you work for me now.
Do you hear me?
[Lyna sighs]
[quiet, mystical electronic music playing]
We're going to be friends, you and I.
Did The Fury put you up here?
Boy, it sure pays
to work in the underworld.
["Dora" by Tierra Whack playing]
Hey, get this outta here.
Yeah, we from the streets
You get a beat down ♪
Skin tanned
'Cause we livin' on the beach now ♪
Shinin' like a diamond, fine dinin' ♪
Forty thousand
Turn that shit to 50 thousand ♪
Bitch, I'm wildin'
Stranded on an island ♪
Money pilin'
Rolex 'cause I put that time in ♪
Put the time in ♪
Yeah, open the door ♪
Tell 'em you got money but need more ♪
Yeah, in a Porsche ♪
Call me a gold digger, yes, of course
I'm in Dior ♪
I think I just might buy me a horse ♪
Bitch, I'm wildin'
Stranded on a island ♪
Money pilin'
Rolex 'cause I put that time in ♪
[cell phone ringing]
Put the time in ♪
- [Lyna] It's me. How are you?
- I'm all right, where are you?
I'm staying with Mom tonight,
she needs me here.
- You sure? I really wanna see you, y'know?
- Mm.
- Sorry, she really needs me right now.
- Okay, sure, I understand.
- I love you, sweetheart.
- Me too.
- Good night.
- Kisses.
- [disconnects call]
- [song ends]
[cell phone clatters]
[quiet, tense music playing]
[music becomes dreamy and upbeat]
- You know I can see you too, right?
- Huh?
Oh, it's you.
[rock music playing on ear buds]
[door lock clicks]
[quiet, tense music playing]
[Ellie hums to music on ear buds]
Tell me, Selma.
Stay out of it.
[music intensifies, softens]
[continues humming to rock music]
[suspenseful music playing]
[chair clatters]
[suspenseful music fades]
I don't know, I don't see her, I mean,
that playful, clever, fearless girl
I saw at the casino, that's not you.
You look pretty scared to me.
Yeah, well, I get cold easily.
I'm not the type to walk
around naked on my balcony.
Aw man, there we go, now I see her.
You're observant, huh?
See, I recognized your sarcasm.
And your urge to hit me.
Why, what is it? You wanna try?
[clicks teeth] Want me to teach you?
I'd love that.
But you work out too much,
you won't fit through this.
[gate creaks]
- Magic.
- [quiet, contemplative music playing]
Your guard.
Like this.
I throw a punch, you block like this.
- [gasps]
- [chuckles]
[Lyna grunts]
- You're slow, but you're cute.
- [grunts]
Who the hell are you?
Someone discrete.
A neighbor who doesn't ask many questions.
Here, nobody likes questions.
Your shoes.
They're expensive.
Your suit.
- Very fancy. Tailor-made.
- [snickers]
If you're asking if I can take you
to fancy restaurants, the answer's yes.
But the first thing you do
when you get home is take it off.
- [chuckles faintly]
- So I realized something.
Your beautiful suit [inhales]
your handsome face,
and your perfect figure
Thank you.
You're just playing a role.
You're scared someone will notice
that you hate what you do.
Okay, sweet dreams.
[gate creaks]
[contemplative music continues]
[distant siren blaring]
[music fades]
[approaching footsteps]
[alarm blares on cell phone]
- Wake up, turkey. It's already midday.
- [groans]
You scared the shit outta me, dude.
I can do worse.
[mocking] Oooh, I'm shaking.
Not as much as you.
What, am I the only one who noticed?
Do you see anyone shaking?
Don't ever speak of this again.
By the way, you did well yesterday.
You made a mess, but you did well.
Now we know more about the girl
The Jelly was interested in.
I asked Mud Man to go search
her father's house. He won't be long.
- [door knocks, opens]
- Oh. See?
[door slams]
So, I didn't find Asma's father,
but what I found is some croissants,
and most importantly, his daughter, Asma.
Lyna, the boss. Boss, Lyna, Asma.
Come on in, have a seat.
[quiet, contemplative music playing]
Do you know why The Jelly
was interested in you?
Not in me.
In my father.
He's a craftsman, my father.
A real genius.
Everything he touches turns to gold.
The Jelly wanted him to make a
[sighs]a key.
But my father refused
to work for a criminal,
so The Jelly used me as a bargaining chip.
But a key for what exactly?
I don't know.
And have you been in touch
with him since then?
[in wavering voice]
Just one message three days ago.
[music becomes quiet and mysterious]
[father] Don't worry, sweetie.
They're treating me well.
I'll be back home soon.
[Selma] Wait, play it again.
Don't worry, sweetie.
They're treating me well.
I'll be back home soon.
He's in The Jelly's trailer.
- [Mud Man] Mm.
- [Selma] Play it back.
- [Mud Man] That's an elevated railway.
- [Selma] No.
That's the RER.
I can hear the machinery. Play it.
Don't worry, sweetie.
They're treating me well.
- It's a junkyard?
- [dog barking]
Yeah. Doesn't help much, but yeah.
I heard dogs too.
- Didn't you hear them?
- No.
Oh, but don't feel bad, we start losing
our hearing once we turn 25.
There were several dog bites
on The Jelly's leg.
I don't think he was running dogfights.
Don't worry, sweetie.
They're treating me well.
The junkyard. With the fat guy.
What's his name? Tony?
It's right behind the C line,
and he's got a kennel.
- Well, let's go there.
- Okay.
You'll handle the dogs.
They're aggressive.
I'm worried I won't hear them.
Where's Simon?
[Mud Man] I don't know.
[music becomes intriguing]
[cell phone vibrates]
[music becomes dramatic]
[music becomes ominous]
Are you okay, my little darling?
[music becomes quiet and dramatic]
[distant footsteps]
Well, actually, I'm not.
Not at all.
[henchman] Move.
Stay here.
[music becomes mysterious]
[masked man]
Put him in the back. Destroy all this.
[henchman] Come on, move. Move.
[Selma] The fuck is this mess?
[car doors close]
You go. We'll keep them busy.
- [dog growling]
- [gasps]
- ["Línea" by Ashe 22 playing]
- [panting]
- [growling]
- Son of a
- [barking]
- bitch!
[French rap continues]
[distant barking]
[gun blasts and cocks]
[man grunting]
[grunting painfully]
[machine engine humming]
[Darius] Now that we have the money,
we can start working on the safe.
- Ask him for instructions.
- [sighing]
[Lyna] Please tell me
you didn't do that, Dad.
[loud crashing]
["Línea" stops playing]
[gun blast]
[tense music playing]
[music fades]
[Mud Man] That's a key to a safe.
But this is goldsmith work.
Only geniuses can do it.
That's why they snatched Asma's father.
My father wouldn't have betrayed
his code for a mere safe.
It's not a mere safe. Six pieces.
The Godfathers' safe.
[mysterious music playing]
There's nearly nothing else
that valuable in the underworld.
The Trans are the ones who look after it.
[telephone ringing]
[ringing on cell phone]
What the fuck?
The Trans aren't picking up.
I'll have to go there.
[mysterious music plays quietly]
The note you found proves that your father
and The Jelly came up with the plan.
[Selma] It mostly proves
that they were working for somebody.
When a three-man job ends up
with two corpses like this,
then surely there's betrayal.
The guy from the junkyard
is the third man.
We have to find him.
You knew my father, isn't that right?
He was a good man.
He wouldn't betray my mom and I
for money, that's impossible.
That's not him.
I don't recognize him.
I don't recognize him either.
He wasn't stupid enough
to go after The Olympus.
He lied to everybody.
[Selma] You're lying too.
[music becomes tense]
Unless you just forgot to mention him.
What's his name again?
That's a nice name.
Your little secrets
are forcing us to eliminate a cop.
It's complicated, but it can be done.
Not the first time for us.
I thought maybe a car accident.
Does Elie like to drink?
[scoffs] Of course he does. He's a cop.
[tense music continues]
Oh, a pint.
For all we know, it's not the first one.
Another three or four, we put him behind
the wheel, and we do it Lady Di style.
Unless you have another idea?
I have an idea.
I had your phone, so I took the liberty
of setting up a little date.
You'll break up.
A break up that doesn't leave any hope.
So I don't have
to get my hands dirty. Okay?
This is your final chance.
[people chattering]
[tense music fades]
[Elie] You okay?
What happened?
Oh, I fell in the subway.
- I have something to tell you
- I have something
- [Lyna chuckles faintly]
- Um
We used to say that once
you got your diploma, we'd leave.
Elie, it's
It doesn't matter.
A gift.
[Lyna exhales deeply]
I booked us a suite at the Gritti Hotel.
- [with accent] At Hotel Gritti.
- [chuckles]
Suite 102. Apparently, it was Hemingway's.
Facing the lagoon, obviously.
- With a small No, wait, wait, wait.
- Elie.
I know what you're gonna say.
You'll say this is not reasonable.
That it's six months' salary.
It's eight months' salary.
[breathing deeply]
But you deserve it.
Let me give this to you, please.
I thought that being away from Paris
for a bit could be good for you.
It could be good for us.
[tense music playing]
- You have it all planned out.
- I have it all planned out.
Check this out. Stuff we could visit,
stuff you might appreciate
- Shall I read it to you?
- [inhaling]
Uh, that one's for me.
Check this out.
Let me find you the good plans.
- Wait, I'm gonna get something to drink.
- This
- I'll order it for you.
- I don't mind.
- You sure?
- Yeah.
[tense music continues]
So? Not done yet?
Yeah. No.
I need a bit more time.
[music becomes melancholic]
I'll do it.
Just not here, not like that.
Hey, please.
You can't put this off.
A broken heart is always better
than a bullet to the head.
[music becomes tense]
- Did something happen?
- [inhaling]
I should've checked
with you beforehand, right?
I'm sorry, I didn't think it through. Uh
I can't leave anymore, Elie.
I'm stuck here.
I'm stuck in the past.
You have no future with me.
- What are you talking about?
- I can't do that to you.
You deserve better.
You deserve so much better.
The two of us, we're
- The two of us is all that matters.
- Mm
- As long as we have each other
- It's over.
Wait, Lyna, I
[tense music continues]
I know you're scared, okay?
I know you're scared.
But when I look at us, I do see a future.
It's just, trust me. Trust me.
- I have to go.
- No, wait, please.
Are you fucking deaf?!
Your stupid smile,
and your shitty ass jokes, I [inhales]
Just, I can't take it anymore, I just
- Your gestures, I feel
- Lyna, please, listen to me.
I feel suffocated! Suffocated!
We're done, you hear me?
[music becomes dramatic and intensifies]
[music fades]
[ominous music playing]
[approaching footsteps]
[music intensifies]
1995- 1998
[melodic, dramatic music playing]
[music fades]
[ominous music builds]
[music fades]
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