Geek Girl (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

[electronic pop music]
[alarm beeping]
[beeping stops]
[birds chirping]
[pop music playing on radio]
Ah got it!
Morning, Hats.
Hats. Don't remind me.
Morning, Dad.
Care for a taste
of my world-renowned "baffles"?
I'm not sure that combining words
is always entirely necessary.
It's a lot snappier than saying
"waffles with berries",
isn't it?
[whispering] Morning.
Any particular reason for the particularly
smiley face this morning?
Not that I'm complaining.
I'm just thinking about chemistry.
It's not an outright lie.
Oh, yes!
[rock music playing]
- [He turns up the radio.]
- Richard?
What are you doing?
I'm on a call.
Yes, sorry about that
interruption, I'm listening.
[Harriet] Don't stalk Nick
Park, don't stalk Nick Park.
Oh look I'm stalking him.
Sorry, can you repeat that?
I don't think I can have
heard you properly.
- I'm going to need it.
- Give me one second.
No, no, no, no, no. I need it.
Do you know that they named themselves
after that character in Grease?
Mm-hmm. Well, Kenickie
was the best character.
Right, that's what I thought
I heard you say.
Yes, I do appreciate
that most people wouldn't assume
the "skull and bones" emoji
is a death threat.
Yes, no, I'd say death threats
are normally a lot more direct!
Do you think this one should make
the birthday playlist or?
Yeah, but it's not in my top ten
favourite tracks of theirs.
You got "Scared of Spiders"
on there, right?
Please. What do you take me for,
some kind of amateur?
Of course I have.
[heels clacking]
So have we finally achieved
"dress nirvana", Ms Lee?
That's Poppy Hepple-Cartwright.
You were very specific
about wanting her to be
the one to wear it.
I believe your precise words were,
"It's Poppy or no one."
Am I to take it
that is no longer the case?
We'll need a new model.
Poppy will still walk the show.
But not in this dress.
The show's on Saturday.
Models fly out on Thurs
You can take care of the details,
once you have found me
the right model to close my show.
And the right model would be?
Someone with the essence of Yuji Lee.
[electronic dance music]
The essence of your self?
[doorbell ringing]
Don't worry, it's fine, I'll get that.
- [doorbell ringing]
- Well, I'll file a complaint
with the Equal Opportunities Commission.
What did I do wrong?!
Not you!
They'll see if they can find
any more evidence
of wrongful termination
in the company.
[phone chiming]
- Hello?
- [man] Sign here please.
[Annabel] Oh. Thank you.
[man on phone] Richard, my man!
How are you?
Just checking in again,
for the third time.
How're you getting on with the pitch?
We really need to get it done
and submitted ASAP.
Right. Uh raisins or grapes?
They're basically the same thing,
just one's a bit more shrivelled.
[Annabel] Harriet?
A quick word in the hall?
[indistinct chatter on video]
[woman on video] I'm so sorry,
I'm so sorry.
[Annabel] Harriet?
[ominous music]
Everything alright, Hats?
[Harriet] Just wishing we lived
in an earthquake zone,
so that the ground might open up
and swallow me whole.
[Annabel] Harriet!
A quick word in the hall?
Yeah. Fine. Uh
[laughter on video]
[indistinct chatter on video]
[rock music plays]
[indistinct chatter]
- It's Lapsang.
- Thank you, Betty.
Wilbur! Finally.
And what, may I ask, is so urgent
that I had to abandon my eggs benedict?
They just demoted Poppy.
- Why?
- Oh, I don't know.
Some last minute
"thunderbolt of design" inspiration.
You know, it took Yuji an entire season
to land on Poppy.
And she's already gone out
to every other agent in London.
So we need to find her a replacement
before one of them does.
And even more bafflingly,
they need to have
the "essence of Yuji Lee".
Whatever that is.
My knots are back.
The essence of Yuji?
Oh, God.
Raisins. Turkey and cheese roll-up.
Granola yogurt and two
of your favourite chocolate bars.
None of them touching,
- Thanks, Dad.
- [Annabel] Harriet?
[music playing on radio]
[door closing]
I already got you that vinyl
that you wanted to give your dad.
And I wrapped it.
What? Um, I
I just thought this was more "him".
That's slightly terrifying?
He'll love it.
Um, Annabel.
If if someone got a video of them
put online, and
and they didn't want it there,
how how would they go about
getting rid of that?
Has someone posted something of you?
No, no, no, not me.
Just someone else.
Report it.
Get all their friends to report it.
It's hard to get stuff off now.
- Okay, thanks.
- Wait!
Where do you expect me to hide this?
Yeah, okay. I'll just
Sure, okay, see you later!
I didn't mean take it to school.
[Richard] My love?
Your "baffles" await!
["In a Room" by Dodgy plays]
If we are together again ♪
Surely this will never end ♪♪
[phone ringing]
[phone ringing]
Woah, seriously?
[phone ringing]
Jeez, Filip.
[phone continues ringing]
Morning, Park.
You know I have a phone?
Well, even when you're away from home,
there's no avoiding leg day!
Thought I'd be nice and just,
you know, gently coax you onto the bike.
Consider me coaxed.
Alright, I'm up, what else is on?
Right, today, we've got biology,
inheritance and genetic crosses,
and he'll be expecting you to have
Are you eating while talking to me?
I'm going up a hill. I need energy.
Well, I'd argue,
but my day has just gone nuclear.
- So, enjoy.
- [call beeps off]
[elevator dings]
[upbeat electronic music]
Morning, Nicky.
Nice pad.
Infinity really do go all out
for their star boy, don't they?
Hey. Do we have a post booked?
No, Sweetie,
I'm here for cuddle time.
Oh yes, my daily dose of bobafun.
Wait! Post first, boba later.
Hey, gorgeous followers!
So, my boy and I are about to chug down
our morning matcha boba tea.
[together] Boba Match!
- Do you have yours?
- I can't function
without my morning matcha.
And I'm lucky to have my Boba Match.
Have you met yours?
Ugh, these get worse every day!
Six months won't kill you.
And I'm sure it'd still make us
money without #Noppy though.
Well, how would that work?
"I've just met my bobafriend?"
Come on, Nick,
you know the world loves a love story.
Even a fake one.
[rock music plays]
I'll see you later!
[indistinct chatter]
[Liv] Oh wow, you guys, look!
- [dramatic music from video]
- [laughing]
Oh! This is genius!
Apparently, sometimes,
it only takes one report
for a video to be taken down.
But I think, that to be safe,
we should definitely do
a few more than just one.
Wait, just, Harriet, take me through
why you brought this to school again?
It just happened.
You know, I bet we could
make a fake account,
and then, if we did
Oh, watch it!
Guitar Geek!
It's my Dad's. For his birthday.
Well, that's not weird at all.
Oh no, I touched it!
I think I might have caught something.
Yup, yup.
Liv, I can feel it.
Suddenly, my dad's my best friend!
No, it's happening.
I've turned into a a geek!
- [laughing]
- Get a life, Ollie, seriously.
Guys! These reel edits, ugh!
Keep them coming, they're so good!
They're making my morning.
Oh, uh, look! We got the star here.
Miss Spanners,
do you want to give us a little tune
on your weird guitar?!
For the fans?
Yup. We are definitely,
definitely making fake accounts now.
[indistinct chatter]
Nope. Nope.
Absolutely not. Horror, horror!
Um, Erin Lacey?
I've seen her look about 1000 times
in the last hour. No.
- Wilbur.
- [chuckling]
What have you got for me?
Getting closer, firefly of my heart.
Great. Get your picks on my desk
by the end of the day,
and then Yuji
can pick their top five
at the casting day.
What is Erin doing on the no's?
We need to stand out.
Standing out doesn't mean
sacrificing class, Wilbur.
Might as well put Betty down.
Why are you smiling?
Uh, Jude Paignton knows my name?
Any luck with Harriet Manners?
Uh, I found her school.
I left a message for her parents,
but there's nothing yet.
Only the weak surrender.
Get me a car, my little spider plant.
["Let Down"
by Smudge Mason & Wolfgang Black plays]
Does it get any easier ♪
Lying through your teeth ♪
Do you just get used to it ♪
And the way it feels ♪
[music playing in headphones]
Oh, I thought you were sewing up the hem?
I did that already, and then I found this.
- How cool?
- Uh, do you think King Arthur
would wear a blue faux fur?
Well, actually blue dye originally comes
from the indigo plant,
which was really expensive
and mostly reserved for royalty.
And imagine how much it would make him
stand out in the battlefield!
- Right. Thanks, Hats.
- Anytime!
Miss Lord?
Do you uh, have any books
on textural techniques?
Yes, yeah, quite a few. How come?
Um, as much as I love this,
like, costume-making stuff,
I saw this really cool design
at Fashion Week.
It was, like,
this clash of concepts and materials.
Super embellished.
And I was wondering
if maybe I could try it out,
maybe, please?
I think that's a brilliant idea, Nat!
I'm so glad that the Showcase
got your creative juices flowing.
I'll get you those books at lunch, okay?
Thank you!
Oh, Nat, I think the blue fur
is a magnificent addition!
Although against the neutral tones
of a battlefield,
it would essentially be like
wearing a sign saying "Please Kill Me".
Or at least "Please Kidnap Me
and Hold Me For Ransom".
But still, striking!
This is definitely the best one.
It's like watching Bambi on ice.
Look at this.
I'm I'm really sorry.
[sad trombone melody]
Another video?
It's like a hydra.
No matter how many heads I chop off,
it just keeps growing more.
Hey girls, you should be proud.
Not all reels go viral,
so you should be proud of yourselves
- [gasps]
- [phone clattering]
If you have cracked that,
you are paying for it.
Pick it up!
Sorry, sorry, sorry
- It's fine. It's fine.
- Rude. Rude, Nat. Rude.
♪It's every decision you make ♪
We are the first ones you let down ♪
- Car's here!
- Betty
Why do you look like Harry Potter?
Because, sugarpuff,
Granny always says true style
is dressing appropriately
for every occasion.
We've got three days to put together
the most important casting of the year.
On it! Give me a mere few hours.
Got to nail this one, Wilbur.
Can't afford to lose out
to another agency.
We are the first ones you let down ♪♪
Stop thinking about it. Okay?
Heavy period?
Used that last week.
- Twisted ankle?
- Uh, week before.
Migraine. Migraine?
Perfect! I'll use that one then.
Why don't you just put it somewhere?
What, and wait for the Olives
to use it as a hockey stick?
Go on,
pop off to your cupboard monitoring,
you have important work to do.
[whistle blowing]
[techno music plays]
[clears throat]
We're here for Harriet Manners.
And who may I ask are you?
Well, this is Betty.
And I'm
Harriet's Fairy Godmother.
At your service.
["Get Into My Hideaway"
by Kit Cornell & Richard Mead plays]
I feel reconnected ♪
This luck has levelled up ♪
So good, reinvented ♪
I just can't get enough ♪
Lightning in the system ♪
Popped up, ready to go ♪
Face up, okay let's go ♪
I love the way it works ♪
As I've repeatedly said, sir.
I can't give you that information.
Yeah, the look, the look.
Darling, this is Fash-un!
Yes, darling, and this is educa-shun!
I like that.
Sally, was it?
Hmm. Look
Harriet could really fly in this industry.
Didn't you ever have a dream
as a teenager?
Something bigger,
more exciting than these
interestingly decorated walls?
Here are my IDs.
[indistinct chatter]
National Insurance Number.
Oh, Net-a-Porter black card,
ah-ha, baby!
Fashion Week pass
Fashion Week?
Oh. Uh
Well, hi, hello there!
Julian Fiennes, head teacher.
Mr Fiennes, I know that's right.
- Taken! Hmm!
- [awkward laugh]
Now I hear
there was a small mishap on Saturday?
More than happy
to talk about covering damages.
Sally, give this man whatever he needs.
- Oh
- Ah
Whatever he needs.
["IKD" by Phoebe Green plays]
Um Harriet Manners, please.
[Harriet] Oh. So beautiful.
And taken. Of course he is.
[Mr Fiennes, over intercom]
Harriet Manners,
make your way to my office.
Harriet Manners to my office please.
[Harriet] Very very, very taken.
And he wrestles sharks.
I think too much,
but I don't think at all ♪
[Mr Fiennes, over intercom]
Harriet Manners,
make your way to my office.
Harriet Manners to my office please.
[door closing]
- [music playing over headphones]
- Oh. Um Hey.
Did you not get the call?
Fiennes wants to see you.
Oh my gosh,
he's seen the video, hasn't he?
He knows about the hat
and he's going to expel me!
Can you come with me?
Fine, just let me get changed first.
- Okay.
- Cool. Okay.
[indistinct chatter]
- [knocking on door]
- Ah Come in!
[clears throat]
My A-Star student.
And Natalie.
It's Wilbur Evans.
Natalie, if you could wait outside
No. Anything you have to say to me
you can say in front of my best friend.
[school bell ringing]
The floor is all yours, Mr Evans.
Betty and I are here to offer you
the biggest opportunity of your life.
We'd love you
to come to a casting day
at Infinity Models London.
I'm sure there have been
much bigger opportunities.
Actually, I'm sure that the man
who passed up on The Beatles
would probably agree with me on that.
You have quite an interesting style,
Got pictures be coming out my head!
- [laughing]
- Sorry, interesting
in this context is a good thing?
Yes. Um fire!
Trust me.
"Alien tree frog", some might say.
Well, uh, I said no. So
You said no to what?
Sorry, what's going on?!
Why don't you come down,
do some trial shots?
If you hate it, walk away.
But what about Nat?
I mean, she's perfect.
- Look at her.
- So come together.
Both of you.
Does that work?
Does that work?! Yes!
Oh, Wilbur, always bringing the joy,
ain't ya, duck?
Love it.
Speaking of joy
Can you imagine?
Dazzle of fashion.
Thrill of the runway.
The sea of eyes, all looking at you.
[electronic music plays]
[indistinct chatter]
[Harriet] I don't think I need
any more eyes on me.
I'd rather be shot out of a cannon.
Ah, uh, I can't.
I'm sorry. But I'm sorry.
I can't.
Oh, wait.
Thank you.
[clears throat]
If you change your mind.
Laertes is introduced in Hamlet
as a loyal citizen.
- [phone vibrating]
- Although he serves the crown,
well, he's protective
towards his sister Ophelia.
And family is clearly a priority for him.
In thematic terms, though
what do we know?
[phone vibrating]
Care to share your thoughts,
Miss Manners?
Um What was the question, sorry?
The significance of Laertes.
- [gasps]
- Removed?
Well, might you have the answer, Lexi?
Ooh, um
Laertes. Yeah.
He is Ophelia's brother?
Yes, but what is his significance?
Oh significance.
His significance is that she
has someone to hang with?
[students chuckling]
I think that Laertes
is a literary mirror for Hamlet.
Interesting. Go on.
Well, the play is ostensibly about Hamlet
avenging the murder of his father, but
it's about Hamlet procrastinating.
When Hamlet murders his father,
Laertes takes revenge
and really pushes the play
to its conclusion.
So I think he's there
to show that our stories
are driven by who we are
and what we do,
and not by the events
that happen to us.
Very good, Harriet.
Possibly a degree-level answer.
Well done.
Right, we have a couple of minutes.
But I'm going to get more textbooks,
because it appears at least three of you
are reading Romeo and Juliet.
[door opening]
[door closing]
[Harriet] Ostensibly?!
Why did I use the word "ostensibly"?
Did you actually
use the word "ostensibly"?!
[indistinct chatter]
It means something
that appears to be true
I know what it means!
Are you trying
to make me look stupid?
What is wrong with you?!
Lexi, come on, leave her out.
I honestly don't know.
Lexi, sit down.
You don't have any idea
how much of a loser you are, do you?
[Harriet] Don't "think" there's
a right answer here?
I probably should stay quiet,
like what happened with ostensibly.
Lex, that's so unnecessary
Come on.
You're an actual embarrassment.
Who here hates Harriet Manners?
Put your hands up.
That's it. Go on Arthur, hands up.
Hands up, or I will make you!
Hands up!
[Harriet] Okay, I take it back.
Ostensibly was a drop in the ocean.
Oh look.
Oh, is she gonna cry?
[soft dramatic music]
[Harriet] Why does
this keep happening?
[school bell ringing]
[students' laughters echo]
[Lexi, echoing]
What are you even wearing?
[tense music]
[indistinct chatter]
[breathing heavily]
Breathe. Just breathe.
Leave me alone, Toby!
Leave me
[Harriet] It's like no matter
how hard I try,
it's never enough.
I'm never enough.
[dramatic music]
Nothing is going to change unless I do.
So if our stories are driven
by who we are,
and what we do,
that means there's finally something
I can do about it.
[electronic music plays]
[phone chimes]
Nat, we're doing the casting.
[phone chimes]
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