Generation Z (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

I want you to control the flow of
information from that town
till we work out what we are dealing
with. What was on the truck?
We don't know.
What's that smell?
We're missing 15 residents!
Patrols are out searching for the
missing residents.
Well, we'd better hope that your
troops pick up
the remaining stragglers, then.
Can I ask her out? What, Finn?
No, Kelly.
Argh! Get off! Get Ow! Ow!
There's blood all over the patio.
There's one who's gone berserk,
screaming about the great
Help me! Hurry up!
I don't know what to do!
Happy birthday! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!
Just leave it!
Have you had an accident at work?
Crypto, flipto, apocalypto!
I bought a house, flipped it,
bought another one.
You may be liable for compensation.
Jealousy's bad vibes Losers.
It ain't going to make you rich.
Go be a loser.
I've had surgery on my
Yes, you've reached Morgan.
So you leave a message,
or better still,
come and see me, you antisocial
little f-
How many calls are on hold? The
Ambulance Service is shut down!
We need to get them back online.
I need you to get on top of this.
Find out where these calls are
coming from. Come on!
Shut it down. Isolate the town.
It was a fully blown chemical weapon
being transported across
the country.
It's not procedure.
We're looking into it.
What the hell is this thing?
It looks like it's moving fast.
Behaving like a nerve agent.
So much for the vapour dispersing
after a kilometre.
It must have gotten into the water
table somehow. It's too soon.
Well, maybe a resident got into
and spread it through contact.
This can't get out of Dambury.
OK. Let's seed a few cover stories.
Foot and mouth, paint spill, some
contradictory stories about 5G,
the usual stuff.
Well, how's that going to help?
It's not going to help,
but it will confuse the real
message if this gets out.
What I don't want to see is
biological weapons spill,
and if I do, I want it diluted with
enough other mad information
that this looks like conspiracy,
Keep up, Wrollen!
You contain the spill,
and I'll contain the people.
I shot her.
She was going to kill me.
I shot your nan!
It's right through her heart.
I'm sorry, Kelly.
I don't feel anything.
I thought I'd be more cut up.
I've never seen anything like it.
Was it an allergic reaction?
Like, some kind of medical thing
or something?
She was sick and then she
went berserk.
I don't know. It was so quick.
I was trying to go for a warning
Yousaved me, Stef.
I did?
I did!
Yeah. But, you know's not good, you know,
unnecessary force.
What's unnecessary force?
Like, you bust in and shoot someone
with a crossbow!
Well, I didn't know what to do.
Can't do anything about it now!
Going to need stitches.
I hate stitches.
I'll go get tablets, or something.
You good?
Yeah, just numb.
Is it a really bad time to say that
I really like you, Kelly?
Right? Y-Yeah, right, bad timing.
I-I was just thinking because of the
Shutting up Oh, be quiet Stef!
We have to hide her.
What, move the body?
That's a proper crime, isn't it?
I mean, it's a minor one on top of
murder, to be fair.
M-Murder? I'm no lawyer.
More self-defence. It's not a thing.
What's self-defence for someone else?
Stef, it's not a thing.
Self-defence, defence. It's not a
thing. Get her out of here
and I'll tell them she attacked me
and ran off.
This is the only way.
My nan loved those curtains.
Bye, Janine.
Yeah, we can use Tina's car.
She's always been a bitch
to my nan.
All right. All right.
You sure about this?
Let's go.
VOICE OVER TV: Our top story tonight
is the reported outbreak of foot
and mouth disease
in the town of Dambury.
Authorities have reported
a surge in cases
and response teams have started
..across the country.
What are you doing here, you maniac?
Several major roads are closed
and locals
Kelly? Oh, baby
Fuck me.
I don't know what happened,
I've never seen anything like it.
Your nan did this? Yeah. She went
crazy, Mum.
What happened? She was all, like,
manic and
Manic? I come over with the lasagne.
And I And I brought it over and,
like Yeah.
..and she Mum, she didn't even
get a fork or nothing.
She just, like, went at it! How did
this happen?
Well, she got a knife. What? Yeah.
For fuck's sake, Jay. No.
Oh, she started talking about how
What the fuck?, you have to seize
So that's it? You've not had mates
Jay No. I mean, I know
Why's she going to lie? Hang on.
Her mates done that to her, did
they? She can't get her arse
out the chair to go to the shops!
You think she's going to do this?
Where's she gone? Listen to me.
She's got the energy to do this?
Where is she, Kelly? My mum doesn't
have the energy!
I think she went to the woods.
The woods?! You think she went to
the woods?
You're telling us the truth? Just
calm down, Jay.
Cos if you're lying
All right, babe. Love.
Eh, these are ugly children.
Don't be so bloody rude. They're my
OK, so how did they shut down
the internet? Uh-uh.
Not how, who.
Hmm. Who, then?
Watch this. I got this off the
traffic feeds.
Mm. Very James Bond of you.
It's publicly available.
Right, so here comes the truck, OK,
into Dambury.
It doesn't come out the other side.
Hmm. Parked?
Or crashed.
Hmm. I feel an investigation coming
on. What was in the truck?
Something that needed cleaning up.
Oh, spill! A secret weapons spill.
Look, I want you to be careful.
Do not go anywhere near that truck.
You know something.
Won't they miss you?
What, at the sheltered accommodation?
I don't think they miss anyone.
Plus, I'm 18. I can do what I like.
Doesn't mean you should.
FAINT VOICE OVER TV: ..investigation.
There's a twinkle in your eye.
You're enjoying this.
No, not at all!
I'm a concerned citizen keeping
a tabs on the authorities.
It's our duty. Mm.
Yeah, all right.
Eh, what they rely on is the death
of curiosity.
Don't ever stop questioning things.
Mm, conspiracies.
Those are the first things you
need to question.
OK. You take feet, I'll take head?
Sorry, Janine.
How deep do we have to dig
the hole?
Deep enough so a fox doesn't dig it
That's the rule. Up there.
We need shovels.
Oh, shit. OK.
Let's dump it in the kissing hut
for now.
It's OK, Janine.
We're going to get you in, OK?
We're going to get you in.
Nearly there. You're OK.
Over here. Shall we say a prayer?
That'll have to do. OK.
WHISPERING: Let's go. Let's get out
of here.
QUIETLY: Somebody help me.
SHOUTING: Get off! Arghhhhh!
She's going into shock!
Help over here, please!
Quick, get pressure on her.
Hold her down!
This is the woman with the dog?
It's the cockapoo lady!
I've heard about it.
Who would kill a cockapoo?
They've declared a major emergency.
Arghhhhhh!Stop it!
Keep her restrained.
Come here! Ms Tailor, you're going to
hurt yourself! It won't hurt!
My arm!
Argh! Not again. Shit.
Stop her!
NEWSREADER: This is the paint spill
on the edge of town.
The clean-up operation is still
under way
and locals are being encouraged
to avoid the area.
A 30-year-old admin assistant
is missing.
Jane Tailor was last seen at
Dambury Hospital last night.
Police are appealing for any
information Stef, breakfast. to her whereabouts.
International news now
Do you know anyone that's a psycho
It's not funny, Terry. It's serious.
A what?
It was on the news.
It's going to be the jabs,
the vaccines, isn't it?
They never tested that stuff
Give the conspiracy shit a
break, Terry.
The last thing we need is
another virus.
You have to just sort out that tie.
Hey, I'm sorry, OK? I never
You never do.
Um, I-I-I need I need to go to the
Come out now. It's me, Michael.
Are you the kid I'm meeting
about the drugs?
Kofi? Yeah.
Welcome to Dambury. Glad you could
make it. Great.
Right, um
..come on. Great. Yeah, let's go.
Right. How was the train?
Yeah, it was all right.
All right? So the county lines,
thing. How long you been at it?
Listen, there's been a little bit of
a problem.
A problem? What do you mean?
What kind of a problem?
A problem!
Are you OK?
I should be out looking for her
Please don't go back out again.
Anything could've happened.
She might have collapsed. She could
be Hey, listen.
I got the money to fix the car.
Where'd this come from?Saving up
for holiday.
How'd you do it?
I can barely function andyou're
doing so much for the family
and you're managing to save, as
Don't deserve you.
Shall I come with you? No.
No, stay here in case she turns up.
Right. OK?
I could do that.
Despite this, you need to go to
Thank you, love. Come here.
I am so sorry that I doubted you.
It's all right to cry, love.
I'm sorry.
No, if the car weren't knackered,
I wouldn't have sent you.
It's my fault.
I should've gone meself.
So let me get this straight.
You don't have the drugs, right?
There were two bags, they took one of
them, it's gone. Correct?
They attacked me in the woods.
Right. They attacked you, they took
one bag.
But they left this bag with all your
shit in it,
with your pants and your socks or
They didn't take that. They just took
the bag
with all the drugs in it.
I say it's an inside job.
Would ya?
Telling me the truth? Yes.
You didn't leave it on the train,
or anything?
What? No.
Do you realise how much shit we are
in right now?
It's supposed to be safe and simple
this, man.
Jesus Christ.
I'm going to phone your pals in
That's what I'm going to have to do.
I'm going to have to phone your pals
in London.
So just stay there and do not move.
Not my pals.
There's 15 people missing from
Sunny Rise Retirement. Mm-hm.
Can't have all disappeared.
Well, did you see that place?
I'd have run a mile.
What is it?I can see someone.
What are the rules of engagement on
Poor fucker is infected but also
so we hit them with old less-lethal
Unless you want to wrestle him
to the ground?
Well, we could try talking to him.
Yeah, or we could follow orders.
Jesus, what was in that stuff
they're transporting?
If it was so bloody dangerous,
why was it being transported without
an escort?
Why was it being transported at all?
WHISPERING: Soldiers! Get down!
Oh, brilliant. What? It was a good
shot. Broke his neck.
Certainly smells bad. Malc, it's
not funny. I know.
That's why I'm trying to make it
You know, it's a coping
mechanism. Psychology.
It's in the town already, isn't it?
Aren't you from there?
My mum, brother and little sister
They're all in Dambury.
When he came off, I met him.
I met him off the train.
Well Is that necessary?
VOICE OVER PHONE: Yeah, look. We'll
come up today, mate. Sort this out.
You Right. You want to come up,
you want to come here?
Yeah. Dambury's not so far away,
mate. We could drive up in an hour.
Well, you come here and you have
a You speak to him.
Well, we'll speak to both of you,
mate. Right.
The important thing is, we've got to
straighten this out ASAP. Yeah.
We'll see you up The Dumplings,
yeah? OK.
All right, mate, later.
We should probably have respirators
for this.
Yeah. Well, they didn't arrive in
time, did they?
Could've worn a Mopp suit, though.
Jerome Harris. Yeah.
He's on the list.
Come in, Command. This is two-one.
VOICE OVER RADIO: Two-one, copy.
We've got Jerome Harris. Yeah. Over.
Shoot him! Hold his head up! Don't
shoot me. Malcolm! Do something!
Lift his fucking head up!
Argh! Are you OK?
That is exactly what they told us
not to do.
Agh. Oh, shut up. You got my eyes!
Oh, God. Gah.
Can we just keep this between us,
yeah? Why?
Once you go into isolation on
a job like this, you don't come out.
Quieten down.
It's going to be about last night.
Oh, yeah?
Um, w-what happened?
Look. What? I don't want to see it!
Is it that old paedo you know in
the nursing home?
He's not a paedo, Stef! Fuck!
Come on.
You start saying stuff like that
and people end up
with their houses burnt. Really?
We have been warned by
the police to watch out
for undesirables on
the school grounds.
It's just perverts again.
That's all you can ever talk about.
We're here for your safety, yeah,
just listen up. Put your phone away,
please. You're not going to know
what's going on There's been
a chemical spill. ..if you can't
hear what's. On a paint truck?
It was not a paint truck, unless the
colour is fucking death. Shut up.
WHISPERING: Look, with an axe!
There have been several incidents
in the town over the last 24 hours
involving violent reactions to
a particularly vicious strain
of Covid.
But if you see an elderly person
acting in
an agitated way, contact the police.
The gates are locked.
We have Kelly?
We're here to keep you safe.
What's going on between you two?
What do you mean?
Is she pregnant?
No! No. Where'd you get that from?
Occam's razor.
There's only so many things it can
There's nothing to worry ab- Hey!
There's nothing to worry about.
Oi! What? Shhhh. Just get in
here. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
My dad is having a nervous
breakdown. Yeah.
And I don't know how long
I can carry on lying to
the pair of them.
What did you do with my nan?
I sorted it.
We hid her. We
What do you mean hid her?!
Did you bury her?
We didn't have the shovels
to bury her.
You didn't even bury her?!
What the fuck?!
Is she just laying around somewhere?
She's cosy.
Yeah, well, you better tell
the police where she is.
But you said
Come on, Charlie.
I covered for you and Stef.
Yeah, thank you so much.
I shouldn't have done that.
My dad is in pieces, and
Well, of course he is.
It's his mum. What do you expect?
..searching for her,
and it's killing me cos I know
he can't find her.
I'm a monster.
You're not a monster.
I feel awful now.
It won't go away.
So you want me to call
the police, then, yeah?
No. Not yet. What, then?
Just take me to her now. What? Yeah.
I just need to see her
and then I'll know what to do.
Are you sure?
And where are you going, Stefan?
Over the wall? No. Come here.
Charlie, you dumped her here?
Well, I didn't know what to do,
all right?
At the kissing hut?!
Gah, Charlie!
It stinks! Oh, my God.
Wait, what the?
I swear, I left her right here.
Someone's taken her.
What was that?
Did you just hear something?
She moved.
She's breathing.
Oh, shit!
She's alive.
Ugh I don't know what happened.
Could someone get this arrow thing
out of my chest?
It's really sticking in me.
Let's do a little wiggle.
Agh! Ah, yes! Aghhhh!
I think maybe a doctor
No, no. I can get it.
Pull, pull! Charlie, you're hurting
Agh! Aghhhhh!
Don't put your foot on her!
Ugh! Ohhh.
Nan you remember what happened
last night?
I need something
to eat!
It's like the shit Breakfast Club.
I don't know what that is.
It's a film!
About a boy who's a dick, like you.
Right. What are you doing here?
It's quiet.
And I like reading.
Got caught on the wall.
Saw Kelly and Charlie heading off.
I was too slow to catch them up.
Nolby gave me a detention.
Can she even do that?
I mean, we're sixth formers.
What's going on with Kelly
and Charlie?
Why you asking me? I don't know!
All right! You're a bit touchy.
You know stuff, don't you, Finn?
What, like, secret stuff?
Birds and bees?
I know a guy that might have
a video of something.
Really? Is it slimy? Nasty? Kinky?
No Not really.
That arrow thing went right through
her heart and she's OK!
You know, people are tough, so
Really? Weren't she dead?
HIGH-PITCHED: Kelllllly!
I'm hungryyy.
Let's just let her go.
I mean, this is good, right?
Good? Fucking hell, Kelly.
Me and Stef could go to prison!
Stef shot her. I moved her.
She can't remember anything.
Yeah, but she might.
People do, years later.
It all comes rushing back, don't it?
I mean, let's just get her
comfortable. She seems all right.
Let this virus thing just run
its course.
Right. You just stay here,
Nan, and we'll be right back, OK?
ECHOING: Bye, Janine.
Yo, if I get bad,
will you do the right thing?
Get bad what?
Y'know, like, get infected.
Will you get me to the hospital,
I'm not gonna lose you, Malc.
You're my best mate.
Should we leave him?
No, we carry him.
Hold it.
Stay back. I will shoot.
Please help us, we're lost.
What will we do?
Shut it! Don't you move.
OVER RADIO: We've made contact here.
We're very hungry.
I can't get a shot!
Oh, where have you been?
Lost, without you my love.
Oh, Frank.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
Malcolm, you OK?
Are you OK?
I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm fine.
Will you just promise me,
I'm not going to the secure
unit, please?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Come on, let's get you to hospital.
Oh, my God.
Are you OK? Come on.
I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine.
Are you OK?
What's wrong with him?
Sick, Sarge.
I'm fine, I'm fine.
You need to stop there, Billy.
I'm just trying to help my mate.
Well, there's a procedure for that.
Containment squad to the front gate.
He needs to go to hospital. I'm not
going, I'm not going. I'm not.
You should've followed
the containment orders. I'm sorry.
No, no, no.
Oh, no, do you know what? Fuck it.
Fuck, I'm hungry!
What you?
Get out and get your family
before it's too late.
Come on, then!
Malcolm! Put it down!
Billy! Get back here now!
We need to get to shelter
and then push forward into the town
before we run out of food.
By food, you mean people.
Yeah, people. Meat.
Does it worry you at all, Frank,
what we're doing, what we've done?
I know in the back of my mind
that this is wrong.
Really insanely wrong.
But I can't help myself,
I can't.
It's like love.
And you know what that feels like,
We're monsters, Frank.
Yes. And I can't see anything wrong
with that.
You're being very mysterious.
Well, what is it you wanna show me?
I hope it's nothing
I have to report to school base.
It's not like that.
OK, someone's being touchy.
Right, come on.
I'm not gonna lie, I did not think
this was gonna be your vibe.
This is my parents' bedroom.
Ah. Cute.
Yeah, I mean, can we go now? Like,
I've got something to show you.
Yeah, sure.
Oh, my mum's got those glasses.
Huh. No way.
What a coincidence. Weird.
Did you eat the steak?
But it was right here.
Where's my steak, Karen?
Oh, shit.
OK, here it is.
ON VIDEO:Oh, my God!
Can you see?
Don't just stand there!
Help me!
Get off!
Holy fuck. Oh, my God.
Is that up his arse?
Wow. You guys are, like,
out of your minds here, right?
No. We were We were scared.
It was scary.
Oh, I get it, I get it, I get it.
He does stuff and you film it.
Well, I'm a content creator.
It's a thing.
Right, right, right,
sure, sure.
You ever had a girlfriend?
Yeah. Course.
Uh, yeah, course.
Strong return, Serena.
Well, it may look like
I'm following him about.
But I'm not.
See, I'm the one saying yes.
Have you been listening
to Clarance Chutt, by chance?
The misogynist internet overlord.
Thought you were better than that.
You should watch Macy Ping's
takedown of him.
Macy Ping?
You know you should really send
this in to
It's like proper proof.
Proof of what?
Well, this, is it?
It's here. The plague.
Oh, fuck.
Yeah, fuck indeed.
Question is,
what are we gonna do about it?
What can we do?
Well, that's the woman from
the news, right?
What, yeah. Jane Tailor.
We need to find this Jane.
This is our responsibility now.
Responsibility for what?
Really, I should tell the police.
No. I don't trust the Met.
We're 100 miles from London.
We need to find out more
and then post it up on Red Pillage,
and then let the internet
sort it out.
Let's start at her house.
I bet all of her shit's on there.
We're gonna cyber douche her.
She looks older than her photo.
That's not her. It's her mum.
Or, her lover.
Oh. I know.
What's she up to?
It's not that unusual,
is it?
Why is everything
so suspicious to you?
Why did Kelly and Charlie go off
together and why do you care?
Oh, because Because
Why? Because they're back together?
Or because you love Kelly
Oh, you ..or Charlie, or both.
You don't know what's going on.
I do. It's obvious.
Why is it obvious?
It's obvious to me, but then I am
more advanced than you emotionally.
Oh, yeah, OK. Oh, of course.
Stop Sherlocking me,
it's irritating.
You asked her out and she said no.
Fuck. How'd you know that?
I didn't, but I guess I do now.
What you doing?
Get down.
You spill your guts so easily, Stef.
Keep up.
I'm trying to.
But you're all off at angles.
Yeah. It's called conversation.
No, that's more,
"How was your holidays?" "Did you
sleep all right last night?"
Well, go on, baby talk.
You don't know me.
Maybe it takes someone outside
your group
to see through your very poorly
drawn veil.
Oh, so you're a big edgy outsider,
are you? Yeah, a maverick.
You're an outsider for a reason.
You're weird.
Because I'm an orphan
in sheltered accommodation?
You are triggering me, Stef.
Whoa. I didn't say that.
Are you orphanist?
No. What's that?
You think I'm Harry Potter and I'm
forced to live under some stairs?
Is that what happens in
Harry Potter?
I know you're dying to ask.
They were both spies
and they died in a car chase.
Did they?
Look, I like you Stef,
but things are moving fast.
What you doing?!
Having a look!
Look we're just two pals going on an
adventure. Lean into it.
WHISPERS: I can't see anything.
We get on, right?
Sure, I mean,
what are you saying?
Is this The Breakfast Club now?
No. Breakfast Club is you
fancying Kelly,
when it's clearly not gonna happen.
Well, why not?
Why's that not a thing?
Because, this
This is Nancy Drew.
Nancy who?
You know, like Scooby-Doo?
But for tweens.
OK, I think
Stop using references.
Oh, you're seriously not following
me, are you?
Usually you're so good at that.
Good at what?
Let's get out of here.
No. No.
We have to help.
OK, well, call the police.
No, it's too late for that!
Let me go!
Sorry man, I don't wanna
I'm sick of everyone.
Jane, no, no.
Oh, what are we doing?
This is dangerous.
Get your phone out. Film it.
What have you done to my mother?
She just fell in her. You did that.
Get back.
Go! Go, Finn.
I'm burning. I'm burning.
I'm burning. I'm burning!
Where has she gone now?
The bathroom.
Let's just go.
We need to get out of here.
We need to call the police.
Now you wanna call the police?
Now we're totally fucking involved.
Why not?
What are you not telling me?
Come clean!
Here he comes.
All right, lads.
Take a pew, mate.
Can't say we're thrilled
to be here, mate?
No, well, I said I-I-I was happy to
do a Zoom call, you know.
Yeah, we're more of a face-to-face
kind of business.
Yeah, I get that.
People are a little bit less bold
when you're in the room with 'em.
Yeah, there's no manners anymore
is there?
It's the internet's done that,
if you ask me.
Yeah, I don't use it.
Oh, well Mm-hm.
With, that in mind
As a token of trust, you know. £120.
What's that?
It's a token of my trust, y'know,
and er
No, mate. You can
You can keep your pocket money,
Fucking hell.
This drug-dealing game, it's simple.
Lose it, steal it, whatever.
You have bought it.
Right, erm
It's all gonna be fine.
It'll be It's gonna be great.
And we're fine, right?
Yeah, let's cheer up.
It's a business of change.
Payment's tomorrow. Five grand.
What? It was due in a month.
Yeah, that's before you
fucking lost it, mate.
If you even lost it.
Yeah, well, it's Schrodinger's ket,
Oh, that's very trusting, innit.
Five K in one day.
Yeah, take your shrapnel.
We have to get my dad down here.
He'll know what to do.
Oh, you
Oh, shit.
Oh, fuck. Where is she now?
What's that noise?
It's her.
What the fuck.
I couldn't find the way in.
What's she doing here?
I had to tell her.
You couldn't keep your mouth shut
for ten minutes?
Well, look, he really didn't
want to tell me,
but he was basically defenceless.
Are you covered in blood?
You're a real piece of work, Stef.
You know that?
Look, where Where is my nan?
We can help you find her.
But we need to stick together.
What they're saying on
the news is only half the story.
I'm so tired of your stories Finn,
It's not a new strain of Covid.
It's much worse.
We just saw a woman eat
her own mother.
Yeah, that happened.
There was a fight.
She fell in the old woman's brains.
OK. All right. Urgh.
It's a chemical weapon, or
something. There was a crash and
Wait, in her brains?
Yeah. Yeah, well, they were all out.
Stop. What crash?
A paint truck.
It wasn't a paint truck.
It's a military transporter
and a leaked chemical weapon
and we are fucked.
What the fuck?
Nothing. No sign.
What am I supposed to do?
You've done your best.
Have I? Yeah. Come on, I ain't been
much of a son to her, have I?
Yeah, well, she's no saint.
I mean, shit, love.
There's soldiers out there.
They're rounding people up.
What for?
I don't know, I don't
Fucking lockdown, or something.
Where's Kelly?
Well, I-I've been phoning her
but the fucking mobile doesn't work.
Ah, that piece of shit.
I've told ya to
Fucking get off!
Ah, God!
Fuck off, Janine!
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