Get Even (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

Get in Deep

Every girl dreams of a prince ♪
And here you stand ♪
The perfect man ♪
I'll push you away ♪
Every girl dreams of a prince ♪
I didn't need a lift.
I'm basically at school already.
This looks better.
And what matters is how things look?
Your boyfriend left the party
with another girl.
It was tragic.
You need to correct that visual.
Don't be amateur.
..You believe what you want to believe ♪
And there's no other way
Cos I'm not afraid ♪
To be alone ♪
To be alone. ♪
There's Donte.
Not going to talk to him?
I was thinking no.
Cos then, if I don't
He never gets a chance to dump you?
Yeah! Yeah, that's the theory, yeah.
Be realistic.
He can still end things, if he wants.
He's got a phone.
Yes, OK, yep, you're right.
I heard they made you basketball captain.
That's great.
-Hey, Mika!
Hey, Mika!
Loving your grandma underwear.
The little girl's all grown up now!
Poor Mika.
Yeah, Ronny's at it again.
Again? What do you mean, again?
Hey, do you want to get
some burgers later?
I've got a game, but maybe after
Say 5-ishat Sam's?
Yeah, we haven't done that inages,
-So, yeah.
-See you then.
Do you like Kitty Wei?
Just cos, if you do,
I don't want burgers.
I just want the painful part
over with.
I like her as a person.
You're my girlfriend.
I don't even know what
you like about me any more.
It's cos, on the surface,
you're this pretty, popular girl.
But underneath, there's so much more.
And I like that.
I like it a lot.
So, burgers later, yeah?
I know all your secrets ♪
I know all your lies ♪
Oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
Oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
Your secrets and lies ♪
Hey, John.
Are you skipping PE again?
Won't Mr Harrington
summon your dad now?
Yeah, good luck getting hold of him.
Hey, I can't do what we planned.
I can't risk messing things up with Donte.
We need you to distract Ronny
for half an hour.
Step one of any DGM job is
information gathering.
OK, but isn't it someone else's turn
to fake laugh and smile?
I don't see Ronny agreeing to date Bree
or Margot. Hardly his scene.
OK, and you?
-He knows I'm friends with Mika.
-Pick it up!
OK, so, basically I have no choice?
-Of course you have a choice.
But if you choose not to do this,
our plan is ruined.
Kitty, knees up!
-OK, OK, I'll let you know.
-Girls, stop talking.
What was that about?
I was telling her to stay away
from my boyfriend.
Faster, girls, come on.
It is so cute that you and Donte
are going for a date night.
Does Sam still do those
double-tower cheeseburgers?
Rex, you're not going.
Seeing you devour half a pound of meat
would kill their vibe.
- Does it kill our vibe?
- Hey.
Hmm. Hey.
Miks, do you want to sit with us?
Rex, really?
It's his sister.
She's going through a hard time.
But she still wears those shoes.
It's OK, I'm not staying.
There's something I need to do.
Hey, Ronny, I want to talk to you.
-Sorry, Miks. The answer's still no.
-I don't want to go out with you.
-So why did you send me the photo?
-I didn't. You
Look, you need to learn
how to take rejection.
Because, trust me,
cup size that low,
it's going to happen again and again.
Whoa, quit talking to my sister like that.
Dude, come on.
Don't tell me you think she's hot!
That's messed up.
You just
You just shut up.
OK. But, Mika me a favour.
Don't send me any more
of those photos.
I've thrown up enough
for one lifetime.
-No, you're all right, mate.
-Rex, stop, please.
We appreciate power ♪
We appreciate power ♪
We appreciate power, power. ♪
- Did you at least bring the cookies?
- Of course.
Debate club isn't debate club
without cookies.
Did you bring the mascot?
It would be if Ed hadn't invited
that loser Margot.
Chris. Christopher!
Mate, you can't let him get to you.
He's acting like it meant nothing, Logan.
Come here, man. Come here.
-It's OK, I'm out of here.
-I'm sorry.
How am I supposed to steal your lunch
if I can't even find you?
Except you just did find me.
Yes, but you didn't wait for me
after English,
which means I have to kill you.
Ah, can you make it quick and painless?
No, it's going to hurt.
So, come on, then, spill the beans.
What's with your new lunchtime plans?
Is this supposed to be band practice?
You realise you're missing a band?
No, because I'm the band.
He means he's in the band.
He is in our band.
So, you're, like, in a band with
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Hey, I'm Bree.
Like the cheese?
I like cheese.
Yeah, me too.
And we actually have French together.
I've never noticed.
Of course you didn't.
Cool. Well, if you want to watch me play,
I know all the chords.
Do you know what?
Maybe another time.
I've got to go get me
some disappointing grades.
Oh, God, I forgot my calculator.
I'll catch you up, OK?
Ronny! Hey! I heard what you said
about Mika earlier.
Oh Is Rex still bugging out over it?
Because he just needs to chill.
Like, it's just funny.
Yeah, that's what I told him.
I mean, it's not your fault
you're not interested.
You can't help who you like.
How are things with you and Donte?
Hey, do you want to maybe grab
an ice cream after school?
Yeah, OK.
OK, meet me at Cafe Beyond, yeah?
You're leaving?
I don't care if I get detention,
I can't be here right now.
-What about practice?
-What about it?
You can't let what's happened
control your life.
I'm not letting it. It just is.
Low ♪
A part of me now ♪
A palm to my mouth ♪
♪I said it, almost ♪
Snow ♪
Brother, I'll bet it all gold ♪
Shudder with blood in my nose ♪
I had it, almost ♪
Margot Rivers.
Is it ego or apathy that means
you haven't yet chosen
an extracurricular?
II was going to. I
You've ignored my colleagues' requests
to make a decision.
So it's either ego - in that
you think you're too good for it -
or apathy -
in that you simply don't care.
I'm just not a group activity person.
When you first arrived,
you signed up for Model UN,
school council, extended bio
and environmental physics. Mm?
Now, an extra curricular
is a requirement.
You may be clever,
but if you can't socialise,
how is anyone going to know?
Hey! I've been looking for you.
I just wanted to say thank you.
Why? I didn't do anything.
Well, most people would have
posted the hell
out of Christopher's meltdown, so.
I like being able to sleep at night.
-That's rare in these parts.
Being stood up by you
is going to seriously damage
my reputation for not caring.
I'm sure you managed to find
a nonchalant comment to save the day.
That's not the point. I thought
you were going to join debate club.
-What changed?
-I heard what they said about me.
But I still have to pick something.
Pick drama club.
Because I'm so gregarious
I'd make a natural actor?
Little-known fact about drama club -
you don't actually have to be an actor.
In fact, we're looking for
a stage manager at the moment.
You're in drama club?
Hey, I'm not just in drama club.
I played Romeo last term.
It was pretty moving.
I'm actually kind of surprised you
don't know who I am, but
Seriously, though, think about it.
You won't regret that.
Hey, Chris?
Where's a nonchalant comment
when you need one?
Yeah, but you still could have told me.
I was trying to save you
from embarrassing yourself.
Hey, just because I think a guy's hot
doesn't mean I can't string
a sentence together.
Yet the guy in question can't.
He must have
even a tiny bit of a brain.
You don't like stupid people.
Well, he does know all the chords, so
Right, tonight's movie marathon,
I'm thinking films with dogs.
-A solid genre.
Yeah, but another night.
It's my turn to have a thing.
See, I'm waiting for you to tell me
what the thing is.
A girl's got to have some secrets.
Hello, hello, hello.
-How are we?
-Very good. How are you?
Oh, good to get out of this.
You look stunning.
That dress is just gorgeous.
-Is it a special occasion?
Coast is clear.
-Bree, are you ready?
-Yeah, I'm at Ronny's house.
You don't want any ice cream?
You see this?
It's basically a temple.
OK. Um
So, we've been in the same social circle
for a while now,
but still I don't really know
anything about you.
-I'm at the door.
-Stay quiet and alert.
I've disabled the alarm,
but they might have backup.
OK, I'm in.
I'll pump some iron,
and then I'll have the oat-based
protein drink for dinner.
Right. Um
And do you ever have just, like,
a normal meal?
I've got to look after the guns.
His fridge is literally
full of protein shakes.
You're meant to be looking for his laptop,
not a snack.
Yeah, but know your enemy, right?
You should come and sit over here.
Next to me.
Well, it might be harder to talk
if I was going to sit over there.
Isn't the talking part
of this date over with?
Well, it's not really a date.
I'm with Donte.
Who are you trying to kid?
I get it.
You're trying to kid yourself,
telling yourself you're not that into me.
No. I just think, you know,
boys and girls can be friends.
It doesn't always have to be
Ah, come and sit next to me.
Come and sit next to me
orI'm leaving.
I'm serious.
OK, I've got it.
OK, Margot. Please tell me
you know his password.
His laptop is ron, dash,
the, dash, total, dash, bomb.
I can't wait to bring this guy down.
Get the whole hard drive.
OK, so, the whole hard drive, yeah?
You know
..I'm not an idiot.
I never said you were.
You didn't need to. It's obvious.
You thought you could just
string me along,
just enough to make Donte jealous.
Bree, update?
46% downloaded.
I know you're using me.
Then why say yes?
Kicks and giggles.
This will entertain the masses.
Do you spend your whole life
being a dirtbag
or is it just in your free time?
It's a pretty full-time commitment.
..I can just think of one way
you can stop me
from sharing this photo with, hmm
..all of Bannerman.
I gave you a choice.
Bree, are you OK?
What's happening?
I could not spend one more second
with him, OK? All right?
I just could not do it.
Did you hear that?
Ronny's on the move. Get out.
Except, Margot, what time did you say
his parents are back?
His dad works in London, so late,
and his mum has yoga till six.
OK, so who can I hear downstairs?
If you can hear someone,
you need to get out of there.
Yeah, I will, I just
I wasn't sure you'd be here.
Cos of this?
Guess I was curious to see
how you'd explain it.
It's just a stupid mistake.
And it wasn't even a kiss -
he just made it look like one.
Doesn't matter.
We're still done.
Wait Wait!
I didn't even do anything, all I did was
go and get ice cream with him.
You left the party with Kitty!
Don't put them in the same category.
Kitty is a decent person.
I don't know why anyone with a soul
would spend time with Ronny.
Well, I
Well, I can't explain.
I wish I could. I just I can't.
I don't even know you, Olivia.
Yes, you do.
-You said, under the surface
-I was wrong.
I've been wrong for months.
-Thinking that there's more to you.
-There is!
On the surface,
you're this popular rich girl.
And underneath,
you're exactly the same.
I thought I saw smoke run down ♪
And colour the sea ♪
There's great difference
in the movement now ♪
Fallen asleep ♪
My head heavy with the ♪
You pull me out of the dark ♪
Into another light ♪
Oh, hey, how was school?
Oh, also, can you just take over here?
Cos I'm going to be late.
-Of course.
-Thanks. And save me some.
Nah, I think I'll eat it all.
So, er, what job is it tonight?
-King's Arms.
-Is that the one with working song on the jukebox.
Yeah, that's the one.
Oh, don't forget to call your gran.
-Oh, can I skip tonight?
-No, afraid not.
She pays your fees. You get to tell her
just how great your life is.
That's the deal.
See you later.
Remember how sociable
she used to be?
I was a kid!
Of course I said hi
to every person I met.
But you can quit worrying.
I joined the drama club.
And that's pretty much
the most social one there is.
What happened?
You look terrible.
I justfell.
Also, hi, Dad.
Hello, Bree.
I thought you weren't back until tomorrow.
I had to cut my trip short.
Harrington wants to see me first thing
about your absences from PE.
In my defence,
PE really isn't that important.
It is to him.
Are you going out?
Constituency heard I was back,
asked for a meeting.
-Seemed silly to say no.
-Yeah, silly.
-There's, er
-Money on the table, I know.
Ronny! Ronny!
Let me through! That's my son!
You should've got a better bed ♪
Better for your head ♪
Better heads need shut-eye ♪
You should've got out of the red ♪
In the red you're better off dead ♪
Deader than the red dead sea ♪
Promise it to me ♪
Promise me the sea ♪
People, all the people
with big bellies ♪
Banging bigger drums ♪
They beat down on you ♪
They beat the pulse
into your shoes ♪
You should've got a better bed ♪
Better for your head ♪
Better heads need shut-eye. ♪
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