GG Precinct (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

-Don't move!
-Don't move!
Don't move!
-Don't move!
-Don't move!
Hsu Shui-yuan!
You are under arrest for murder.
Do not resist.
They're coming.
Excuse me.
Hey, no. Hey, no comment.
No comment. Alright.
Excuse me.
The body found
in CUA High School two nights ago
is confirmed to be
a PE teacher named Liao Shan-tai.
The body was found tied up
with all teeth extracted
and kneeling in front of
a statue of Confucius,
as if seeking advice.
Some people speculate
that the killer might be trying to
convey some kind of message.
On the morning of the 21st,
the body of security guard
Cheng Pai-hsiang
was found in the parking lot
of the complex where he worked.
Family members revealed that his body
was covered in chicken feathers
and fish scales.
The reoccurrence
of these horrific ritualistic murders
is reminiscent
of the Idiom Murders 20 years ago.
Is the Gia Gun Precinct
leading the investigation
really capable
of preventing another murder?
I live in Lungyin Building.
If news of the murder gets out,
the property value will fall.
Why would I kill someone?
Tell me.
Who else uses your back door?
Back door?
Lots of people.
Delivery people, couriers.
Carts aren't allowed
through the main entrance.
Management says
that we can't come down from the driveway.
Management says that it's unsightly.
Residents prefer using the back door
because the trash bins are out back.
Why isn't CCTV installed
if so many people use it?
Actually, CCTV cameras
are like swimming trunks.
How so?
I mean, one day, you pass a beach
and you think, "Wow, the weather's good."
Then you think, "The water looks good,"
and you want to take a dip.
Then you realize
you haven't got your trunks.
Annoying, right?
It's the same with CCTV.
You usually don't use it.
-Only when someone dies
His personality is ESFP,
a performer.
This kind of person craves attention.
I see.
No wonder he insists
on this killing ritual.
No way.
What lousy analysis is this?
You can't suspect I'm the killer?
Hey, you've been watching too many movies.
Playing good cop, bad cop?
We only have bad cops and worse cops.
Only you have a key.
Who else should we suspect?
I told you already, officer.
When I found Mr. Cheng's body,
the back door wasn't locked.
You found the body and you reported it.
Who knows if the door
was locked or not? Huh?
Besides, you live just upstairs.
You wouldn't need the back door
to kill someone
outside the camera's view.
Ah, I remember now. I went home that day.
I went home after swapping shifts
with Mr. Cheng. I have an alibi.
You live alone, right? Can you prove that?
I didn't go back upstairs.
I went to my home on Anping Road.
You can check the address.
There must be footage
of me coming home.
Anping Road?
Real estate prices are very high there.
After my studies in France,
my mom insisted on
buying me a house on Anping Road.
I told her not to.
I don't need so many properties.
She got mad.
That's emotional blackmail, right?
You're a psychologist,
you must know, right?
Would your mom do that?
Who do you live with
at the Anping Road property?
Three bedrooms, two living rooms,
with front and back balconies.
-Oh, I live alone.
Do you have a parking space?
I have two.
But they're so small.
My Lamborghini doesn't fit.
Why do you have an extra property?
As a love shack?
That's why I want to
sell my place in Lungyin.
I wouldn't kill anyone.
So your mom gave you the money
and properties, right?
Actually, I was, as they say these days,
born with a silver spoon.
Fuck you!
Why would anyone rich
work in security? Hilarious!
Quit playing dumb. Arrest him!
Hey, wait up.
Why can't I work in security?
I love wearing this uniform, okay?
Being a security guard is my dream!
I earn way more than you police.
-What did you say? Huh?
Hey. Janitor Kuo.
-Damn, is a gangster here?
-Janitor Kuo.
Come here.
I'm from Gia Gun Precinct.
I've got a question.
Come here, don't go.
Hey. Janitor Kuo.
I'm not a gangster, I'm a police officer.
How long have you worked
at the CUA high school?
Twenty years.
Twenty years?
I read your statement.
On the night Liao Shan-tai was killed,
did you see him leave?
I didn't.
-Really? Did you or didn't you?
-I didn't.
I did.
Ah, then just say so.
Give me a break, okay?
Liao Shan-tai was the PE teacher.
He would go to the gym
almost every day after school
to work out after everyone had left.
Then he'd leave around dusk.
He said the money he saved
on a gym membership
was enough for a decent
low-calorie meal box delivery.
What time was that?
Around five o'clock in the afternoon.
Same as usual.
-Then what happened?
-I thought he'd left already,
so I went to lock the main gate.
Then I saw that he he
He was tied up
in front of the statue of Confucius.
His mouth was full of blood.
All his teeth had been pulled out!
Help! Murder! Help! Murder!
In that case,
did you notice anything strange
-after you found the body?
No again?
Yes, I did.
Yes again now?
Yes, let me think.
I think I heard a motorcycle engine start.
But there's a road outside the school
and motorcycles often pass.
We arrived immediately
at the murder scene with the police.
The deceased is said to be
foreign underground idol Mogi Yumi.
This is the third murder case
in just a week
Hey, what are you doing? Get out!
Hey, no photos. Stop recording!
Ming-han, this will protect you.
You'll be safer at the crime scene.
-Shao-nien, talk to the residents.
-Chubby, check the CCTV footage.
Ming-han, what about me?
You? Just keep quiet.
The hotel owner said
CCTV cameras are installed,
but he doesn't turn them on,
they're just for show.
Taking holiday snaps?
No. The captain said
if we're having difficulties,
we should keep her updated with photos.
What difficulties? What update?
Are we stuck right now?
Then what's the saying this time?
It's obviously "tie the knot," right?
Ming-han, how'd you know that?
Simple deduction.
That can't be right.
"Tie the knot?"
The captain just
sent us a photo from Shui-yuan.
Here, take a look.
Yes, that's more like it.
He thought it was "tie the knot."
Eat shit. Where's the jab on her butt?
that word means thigh, not butt.
You should have studied more
when you were little.
Shut it, you ugly assholes.
You're the ugly asshole.
What the heck?
Why is he crying like that?
Gee, Doc,
was the autopsy that disturbing?
You're such a sensitive guy, right?
I I'm not.
I see.
I'm just a bit sad.
-I see.
-Because I'm a Mogi-ista.
-A what-ista?
A Mo Mogi-ista.
It's what
what Mogi Yumi's fans call themselves.
You You're her fan?
So she's a celeb?
Not exactly.
She was an under
Underground idol.
She was so real.
She gave us Mogi-istas
a different kind of love.
It's okay now.
Hey, sorry.
So, aside from hanging
Mogi Yumi with a rope,
did the killer also
put a knife through her hand?
Yes, the knife went through
her right metacarpal.
It went right through.
I see.
I can answer all your questions.
-He's okay now.
Are you okay now?
He didn't stutter?
Is he better now?
He seems much better.
Mogi Yumi's assistant
reported the crime.
He said she had an event today,
but she didn't show up.
And she wasn't answering her phone,
so he came to find her.
This assistant often ran errands for her,
so he had a key to her place.
Where's this assistant now?
He was really shaken up
and got taken to hospital.
Chubby, did you get the video
from the forensic doctor?
I'll AirDrop it to you.
The video is from the forensic doctor.
He was at Mogi Yumi's show that day.
What's AirDrop?
Hi, Mogi-istas.
I'm Yumi.
Let's have fun together.
I'll use love arrows to pierce your heart.
-Such a virgin.
-Such a big fan.
Hey, she kept saying "desu."
What does "desu" mean?
The doc said her pronunciation is bad,
so she inserted some Japanese.
That's why she has so many fans.
Her fans call this Yumi language.
Deputy Director General!
So was the scene really consistent with
"hair tied to beam and thigh jabbed?"
It seems so.
The rope was connected to her hair.
It had hair follicles on it.
I think the rope
was originally tied to her hair.
but the head slipped free.
Next, her right hand
was stabbed through the bone.
Maybe the killer was referring
to the miswritten word "bone."
But the problem is,
how did Shui-yuan know that?
Shui-yuan was certain
we'd be back to see him.
I think he must know something.
Damn, is he the Mad Monk?
You always run to him for answers.
Should Chia-fen run a person profile?
Ming-han, I'm Shu-fen.
It's personality profile,
not person profile.
How exactly did you graduate from college?
So what have you got so far?
I saw lots of cosmetics at
the crime scene, but all different styles.
Some were cheap skincare products
that young girls use,
others were high-end products
for more mature women.
I'm wondering if she had a roommate.
I don't think so.
In that photo, there was only
one toothbrush in the bathroom.
I see.
Could she have
dissociative identity disorder?
Forget what I said.
I think we should go back
and ask Shui-yuan.
Maybe he knows the killer.
Or maybe
he has something to do with this case.
Don't tell me he can control the killer?
Could he be using psychokinesis?
-Deputy Director General.
-Deputy Director General.
Deputy Director General,
I made you Oriental Beauty tea today.
It's good stuff.
How's it going, Yung-kang?
These cases are causing so much fuss.
I came to see if I could help.
After all, you've only just been promoted.
Hey, it's not that I don't trust you.
The tea's a bit bland.
Deputy Director General,
we're doing our best.
Did some of you actually visit
that Idiom Murder Monster in prison?
Deputy Director General,
his nickname is Idiom Monster.
Whose idea was that?
So, Deputy Director General,
Idiom Murder Monster
is the correct way of saying it.
We just call him Idiom Monster for short.
Just like
Wu Ming-han.
He's an average-looking guy,
but full of confidence.
So we call him peacock guy.
I'm asking whose idea it was
to visit Shui-yuan in prison.
Deputy Director General!
It was me.
That was a great idea.
This killer clearly wants
to imitate that monster.
You actually thought
of looking to him for inspiration.
Someone else used to handle cases
in the same unconventional
and direct style.
No comment. Alright.
It was me.
Ah, that's right.
That's how you used to handle cases.
My wife told me to take ginkgo,
but I always forget. No wonder
Promotion takes me so long.
So what exactly do you plan to do now?
Deputy Director General.
I will go and ask Shui-yuan again.
Maybe he knows the killer
or maybe he has something
to do with this case.
Running back and forth like this
isn't the way.
Besides, if he really
is connected with this case,
put him on full-time watch.
-Hey, Wu Ming-han.
You stay in the prison tomorrow.
There's no need.
I have a
bold idea.
Sir, this is the music you requested.
We'll talk when it's over.
Officer Lin.
I told you we'd meet again.
This is a special circumstance.
I hope for mutual respect between us
and for your cooperation.
If you help us,
I'll talk to the Agency of Corrections.
And say what?
What will talking to them do?
What else do you want?
A certificate of commendation?
Lucky you'd even get out a bit.
Don't be so damn arrogant, okay?
If one's heart isn't free,
he won't feel free anywhere.
Even if I were outside,
I'd just be in an even bigger prison.
Officer Lin,
can you do me a favor?
What do you want?
Help me get a change of clothes.
You didn't give us
enough time to prepare properly.
We asked the staff
to buy this at the last minute.
Wait. Then where are the clothes
he came in with?
We can't get it in out of hours.
Then we'll all just wait here, okay?
You like listening to music. Here.
Let's all listen to "Maltese", okay?
Mal one, Mal two, Mal three, Mal four
I'm not a Chow Chow
I'm a Maltese, don't
Wu Ming-han, get out.
Where's this mutual respect
we agreed on, Officer Lin?
You can't be serious?
Can't I?
Did anyone order Chingshin?
Aren't you going to collect it?
This is the office area.
Unauthorized people can't enter.
No one came for the drinks.
I wouldn't have come in here otherwise.
Chubby, the drinks.
Oh, the drinks.
Isn't time of arrival shown on the app?
-Can't you pay more attention?
-You're not my only customer.
I'm sorry.
I've had strict police training
to swiftly enter a deep sleep.
I don't care.
You wasted five minutes of my time.
Add a ten percent tip.
A police officer sleeping on duty
is a waste of taxpayers' money.
Bunch of salary thieves.
-The drinks are here.
-And doing a facial at work.
-That girl is so intimidating.
-Super scary.
Hey, there's popcorn chicken too.
That's mine.
Shao-nien, your drink is here.
Hello, this is Gia Gun Precinct.
All our officers are busy right now.
Please hold.
I'm Mogi Yumi's manager, Lin Pai-sheng.
I know who killed her.
Is this necessary?
Of course it is.
It's for protection.
What if someone tries to kill you?
This is hard enough.
Who would want to kill an eternal paragon?
The line of people
waiting to kill you is endless.
I'd happily line up too.
Officer Wu,
I think there
Thinking about it, it's been pretty hot.
Isn't this more comfortable? Huh?
I think you have a problem.
Am I more problematic than you?
When you worked hard
to become a famous tutor
to help every student
get admitted to their ideal university,
and you had students everywhere,
did you ever imagine
things would turn out this way?
Could this be
how your life ends?
How did you feel
dismembering your students?
What was your motive?
Was it against
the rigid education system?
Was your poor teaching to blame?
Isn't a teacher
harming students a disgrace?
Have you no conscience?
-Go to hell!
The broad and profound Chinese language
is the most precious gift
our ancestors left us.
And idioms
contain the wisdom and lessons
our people accumulated
over thousands of years.
If one doesn't
respect national treasures,
they are disloyal.
If they scorn the wisdom
our ancestors bestow on us,
they are unfaithful.
How can a disloyal and unfaithful person
hold their head up high in this world?
Today's society
cannot accept an employee
writing an extra zero on a check.
How can we allow a student
to casually
miswrite a word?
By taking two lives
I saved two ignorant souls
and wiped away
two drops of the nation's tears.
I'm your student!
Sir, I believe in you!
Mogi Yumi's manager just called.
He said that before Mogi Yumi died,
she clashed with a fan.
His name is Hsieh Cheng-ta.
Love you!
I'll use love arrows to pierce your heart.
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