Gogol (2019) s01e02 Episode Script

The Otherworld

The bodies of young women
have been found near Dikanka village.
The most impressive thing is that
there is no blood at all.
A horseman was always seen
not far from the crime scene.
- I can prove useful to you.
- Well, Gogol.
I am Alexey Danishevsky.
I see you've met my wife already.
Don't lie to me.
- Who are you?
- I'm Oksana, the miller's daughter.
I'm Alexander Binkh,
head of the local police.
Mr. Gogol's abilities can be
beyond your understanding.
You can see
what other people can't.
Mr. Guro!
Take Mr. Guro's body with you back home.
You've got no business here anymore.
I'm not going anywhere.
We must find the murderer.
Come here!
Over here, hurry!
And now, Khavronya
my heart desires something sweeter
than your puddings and pies.
I haven't the faintest idea
what you want from me.
Your love, of course.
Oh my, what a thought!
God forbid you try to kiss
We've been discovered.
Who's there?
Get dressed, quick!
Hurry, get up on the stove.
- Who was it? Who's there?
- No one, it seems.
What's that?
Looks like a jacket.
A red jacket!
Don't worry, Khavronya.
It's just some kids playing a trick.
God help us!
They'll tell your husband and then
Yakim, will you ever knock at the door?
Sorry, sir.
Mr. Guro's remainings are being
transported to St. Petersburg, sir.
You know, sir, I just think you'd better
come back to St. Petersburg,
write stories.
You don't need to stay here
as long as the murderer has been found.
So, you've already sniffed out
the incident with the priest's son.
I didn't sniff anything out.
I heard about it.
And now I'd like to know the details.
As you wish.
Last night a local woman, Khavronya,
was stabbed to death.
In her own home.
A mark was painted on the stove.
The same mark
as the one left by your horseman.
He's been identified as the keeper
of the neighboring church,
Afanasy Perebendya.
And here he is.
The murderer,
already waiting for you.
Question him, if you wish.
A jacket.
A red jacket.
On the doorstep.
- What jacket?
- Everyone knows.
It's a sign of the devil.
Unfaithful wives fear it
more than death.
If the devil leaves a jacket
at your door,
it's a sign that soon
he will surely appear.
God forbid!
The candle's smoke turned green.
Then came a pig's snout
from the fires of hell.
That cursed snout filled the room.
Mr. Binkh, do you really suppose
that this man is the horseman
who killed three girls,
an adult woman and Mr. Guro?
Now listen to me.
You're the investigator.
So investigate!
Find me the real killer.
And I'll make sure
he gets precisely what he deserves.
First, I need to inspect
the dead woman's house.
I will also need a sketcher.
- What?
- An artist.
Who will draw
whatever he's told to.
Of course.
And a sculptor who will sculpt it.
Mr. Investigator.
We have Vakula the smith here in Dikanka.
He's a great artist, he used
to paint churches, homes.
But now he's given it up.
So, he might refuse.
A witch!
He's in the smithy.
Good day, Vakula!
A good day to you.
This is Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol,
our new investigator.
He has come from St. Petersburg
to investigate the girls' murders.
Did you draw that?
I did.
I should have covered it up
long ago.
But I never found the time.
The police require your assistance.
Your artistic talent, to be precise.
I don't do that any more.
Find someone else.
You must understand.
This is important.
We are seeking a horseman
who is killing innocent girls.
and you have the opportunity
to help us!
Your horseman is evil itself.
The devil is his servant.
I'm not getting involved,
and I advise you don't either.
Good day!
- Good day!
- Good day.
Papa, Marushka wants
to say something, but she's shy.
Tell me, Marushka,
what is it you want from Papa?
Marushka wants earrings
like the stars in the sky.
Can you make her some?
Go inside, my child.
We will talk later.
Yes, Papa.
If we do not stop the horseman
then soon he might come
for your daughter.
Give rest, O Lord,
to the soul of Your servant Khavronya
in Your Kingdom, where there is no pain,
sorrow or suffering.
In Your goodness and love for all men,
pardon all the sins she committed.
Greetings, good people!
An investigator has come
from St. Petersburg.
So, Father, the funeral will
have to be postponed.
Until the investigator
has investigated.
Tell me,
where was the body found?
Right where you're standing.
Gritsko and I were out drinking.
He asked to marry my daughter.
Then I came back and
Thank God my daughter Paraska
was out with friends
and did not see this villainy.
Excuse me.
Where is the mark
the murderer painted on the stove?
Right where you're standing.
We covered up that devilish thing.
Why did you do that?
Whatever's covered can be uncovered.
Do you have any vinegar?
With God's help this may work.
God save us.
Mr. Gogol!
Easy now, easy!
What kind of tree is this?
I see you draw even worse
than you investigate.
It looks like an oak.
But it might not be an oak.
That is a linden tree.
Just like the one on our estate.
You liked to sit under it
when you were little.
Where are you taking that?
Why are you ransacking
Solopy Cherevik's house?
Because the horseman
is not the killer.
- What about the mark?
- The mark proves nothing.
The inner symbol was
painted upside-down.
The horseman targets young girls,
so why kill Khavronya?
He killed the girls in the forest,
not at home.
Get to the point.
My point is that it's all a fabrication.
Somebody killed Khavronya
and tried to blame the horseman.
- So it was Cherevik?
- Yes, precisely.
He wanted revenge
on his unfaithful wife.
So while his daughter was out
he came home, left a red jacket,
and then killed Khavronya.
He tried to throw us off the chase.
That seems too clever for Cherevik.
Mr. Binkh!
This was under a barrel.
Got you now, haven't we?
You painted the mark on the stove.
How clever of you!
I didn't kill her!
I was at the inn!
Gritsko will back me up.
If he does,
it means he's covering for you.
So he'll be sent away with you.
You'll have no son-in-law
and no grandchildren.
- Have mercy, please!
- I will not!
But there is hope for Gritsko.
If you confess to everything,
you will go to the labor camp alone.
Think, Solopy.
Think of your daughter.
Don't take away her husband.
There is no use denying it.
I killed her.
I grew tired of that snake,
and I killed her.
Leave Gritsko out of it.
He didn't know.
There we go.
Write it down.
What about the candle?
Paraska bought it
from some gypsies in Poltava.
To decorate the house.
Mr. Gogol,
you're not really helping.
Perhaps you should go.
Hear my one request!
Before you send me away to the camp
let me celebrate
Paraska's wedding today.
It's my only chance
to see her get married.
And today we celebrate
the autumn equinox.
Could I attend the wedding,
under your supervision?
It's all over.
He has signed and confessed.
It wasn't him.
We need to conduct an autopsy.
What do you mean?
You yourself said
that it was Cherevik.
And that the horseman
had nothing to do with the murder.
Get back to your investigation.
This is my case.
Come on, hurry up!
Work together, now!
Put it over there.
Mr. Investigator,
where should we put the doctor?
What do you mean, "put"?
Well, you asked for a doctor.
Here he is.
Leopold Leopoldovich Bomgart.
- Is he drunk?
- Well, yes.
Bring him in.
He's not too steady on his feet,
but he can still do surgery.
Here. Give him some
if he starts to drift off.
But don't overdo it.
Have a drink, son.
You look awful.
Drink! It will help.
Trust me, I'm a doctor.
Thank you.
The wound is trivial.
Her lung is punctured.
She could have lived
for another day or two.
So what killed her?
There it is.
Her little heart.
Here, take a look.
The capillaries have burst.
Poor thing.
Her eyes opened wide before she died.
Her throat ligaments are torn,
as if she gave a long, loud scream.
Her heart ruptured.
Do you mean to say
that she died of fear?
I'm impressed.
You know
a thing or two about medicine.
Believe it or not,
I was the best at my university.
I even wrote a doctoral thesis.
That's why they sent me
here into exile.
I'm wasting away here.
All alone.
Do let me know
if you find any more bodies.
I greatly prefer this
to sitting idle at home.
Mr. Gogol listen to me!
- You're a real master of your trade.
- I'm at your service.
Must close the door
or the goats and chickens
will come and make a mess again.
And, Mr. Gogol
Mr. Gogol
What are you doing here?
Ms. Danishevskaya, forgive me
I just wanted to
It's very late to be visiting
but we can call it an evening reception.
What did you want to talk about?
Forgive me for asking a stupid question.
Did you happen to
visit me?
The night before last.
I don't have a habit
of paying visits at night.
Least of all to young men.
I am re-reading
your poem, "Kuchelgarten".
Why would you read that nonsense?
Why are you so ashamed
of your own work?
Ashamed is too soft a word.
When I was in St. Petersburg,
I went to visit Mr. Pushkin.
I wanted to show that great poet
this piece of trash.
And what did Mr. Pushkin say
about your poem?
He said nothing, thank God.
He had been gambling all night
and was not accepting any visitors.
Sometimes I imagine,
what if he had seen me that day?
And do you know what?
That is my worst nightmare.
Here you write about Germany,
and you write very beautifully.
But perhaps you should write
about something you know well?
Take this place, for instance.
You feel this place like no one else.
You were born in Ukraine.
It's your home.
So write about it.
Please, forgive me for my late visit.
I should go.
Wait! You shouldn't walk
through the woods so late.
I will call for a carriage.
Please don't worry.
I will find my way.
Take care!
You are a good person.
Mr. Guro.
Mr. Guro!
It's the devil!
Let's go.
- Have you seen in these woods
- Seen what?
There you are!
I've been looking everywhere.
Paraska, what were you doing
in the woods with this foreigner?
Gritsko, it's not what you think.
I can explain.
Go on then, explain.
- You see
- Oh, I see.
You should stop.
You have no money left.
- Mr. Pushkin, my dear
- Calm down, gentlemen.
I'll borrow 500 rubles from Pyotr here,
and win it all back.
Mr. Pushkin,
you should borrow it from me.
You will lose it back to me, anyway.
Who's there?
you're dead!
What's going on?
How is this possible?
Don't you know how it works?
You're having a bad dream.
You try to wake up, but instead,
you fall into an even worse nightmare.
Your world is not the only one.
There is another world.
A dark, hidden one.
Where evil does as it wills.
You are able to enter this world,
for you are somehow bound
with evil, with its power.
It is your gift.
If you do not learn to control it,
you will never find the horseman.
Will you help me?
I can only guide you.
The rest is up to you.
There is someone in your way.
Why her?
She has taken your heart.
And she is leading you astray.
Tell me about that night.
You, Lisa and I
what was that?
Which one of you came to me?
Does it matter?
You enjoyed it, didn't you?
Tell me, which one of us was better?
So it was you, then?
How dare you pretend to be her!
Do not go near her, understand?
Mr. Gogol,
you certainly live life to the full.
Who gave you that shiner?
Do you remember?
No, I don't.
Yakim, bring me some kvas to drink.
I'm thirsty.
And I have a headache.
- It must be the bruise.
- No, it's the booze.
Kvas won't help you.
I've made you something else.
By the way, the blacksmith came by.
He brought some drawings.
He said you asked him
to draw the dead girls.
Thank you.
Drink it down with brine.
It'll help.
Are you trying to kill me, Yakim?
Why would you give me that poison?
I can't even bear to think of booze.
But the headache's gone, right?
There's no need to curse.
But don't drink any more
or you'll end up the same way.
- Oh dear, I splashed the drawings.
- No need to worry.
We'll put them up to dry.
What's that?
Oh sorry, sir, I forgot.
It's Mr. Guro's trunk.
When we packed his things
for St. Petersburg,
we found a note attached to it.
Here it is.
"In the event
of unforeseen circumstances,
please give this trunk to Mr. Gogol."
But there's no key.
It can't be opened.
To the bride and groom!
Come on, come on!
You will not find happiness!
- Go home, I tell you!
- Let go of me!
Doctor Bomgart!
Ah, the investigator!
Please, join me.
I'm sitting here all lonely
with no one to talk to.
Doctor Bomgart
You're a doctor,
so you must know chemistry.
Of course.
Medicine and chemistry
are sister disciplines.
Take a look at this candle.
There's something strange about it.
What it is made of?
Apart from wax.
belladonna, wormwood,
and something else.
- Where did you get it?
- From the crime scene.
Cherevik's daughter Paraska
bought it from a gypsy.
Gypsies know much of chemistry,
I tell you.
The priest's son said
it burned with a green flame.
So it must contain copper oxides.
What else did he see?
A pig's head came into his house.
Its eyes shone and
Mr. Pushkin!
And you are Gogol, correct?
How do you feel, young man?
Good. I feel fine.
Then allow me to inquire:
what are you currently working on?
I'm working as a clerk
in the secret police,
writing a report
about a pig's head
and a red jacket.
Are you being serious?
Do you really think
that is going to sell?
Good heavens, Mr. Gogol.
What happened to you?
How you frightened me!
Forgive me
for lighting that horrid candle.
I was expecting a little hallucination,
but you fell over as if you had died.
Oh Lord.
Tell me, what did you see?
A nightmare!
And it was all so
so real.
Heavens, who would have thought
they would put so much nastiness
in that little candle.
You mean
when the flame reached that substance,
the candle started to smoke,
and when they breathed it in,
they started to
Well, yes.
It's like the proverb -
fear is the mind's creation.
So someone
gave Khavronya the candle.
When the priest's son arrived she
lit it, and they started hallucinating.
Then the killer came,
in a pig mask
She died of fear
before she was stabbed.
Who could have done it, Mr. Gogol?
Perhaps it was
the man who gave Khavronya
the candle.
the woman.
Why did you take the blame for her?
You know who I mean.
Your daughter.
I know she killed Khavronya.
- What is this nonsense?
- Don't, Gritsko.
When Gritsko fell asleep
drunk at the inn,
you went back home.
Because you knew
your wife was with the priest's son,
and you wanted to catch them.
But when you arrived,
you were met by a terrible sight.
I know that you love your daughter,
and want to protect her.
But she has committed murder.
She should bear the punishment, not you.
Why did you take the blame?
is this true?
I am the only one to blame.
My child suffered
because of that wicked crone.
I should have sent her
to the grave long ago.
It's a shame I realized too late.
Forgive me, my daughter.
Forgive me for letting that snake
into our house.
I should have killed
that dirty beast long ago.
Run, kids, run!
Run, now!
Stop this at once!
Up you get, Mr. Gogol.
Are you all right?
Where's Paraska?
If we just get to the river
Damned root!
They can't have gone far.
- Tesak?
- This way.
They're probably escaping by the river.
And if they are
we can catch them
at the bend in the river.
Can you guide us there?
Yes, I know the way.
Time to warm myself up.
Don't look at me like that.
It makes me shiver.
If I hadn't killed that witch,
we couldn't have married.
She forbade Father
from giving his blessing, remember?
My beloved,
we'll go far away from here.
Peace and happiness await us.
We will pray for our sin
in a new place.
There will be no forgiveness,
Where's your bride?
Did you think killing me
would make you happy, you swine?
No, you will not find happiness!
You'll follow me
to the fires of hell!
Here's your new husband!
Take her, she's yours!
She's not far.
The living may go no further.
I have all the symptoms:
delirium tremens, barrel fever
Where am I?
Why is it so dark?
Stay away from me,
dark one!
Good heavens, sir.
How did you scare that witch away?
I don't know.
Witches don't exist!
One just has to warm up
a little less often.
God be my witness, you're the only men
in Dikanka in whom I can trust.
Please, help me
find the horseman.
I am confident
that together we can stop him.
you are doing God's work.
I'm with you.
Unlike the others here,
I believe in neither the Devil nor God.
But I must admit your arrival here
has rid me of my boredom.
Sir, I am at your disposal.
But sir, we'll never escape
from this hellhole.
Stop complaining, Yakim.
This is Mr. Guro's trunk.
I am sure that its contents will
prove useful to our investigation.
Can you open it, Vakula?
He who makes locks
can break them too.
You're welcome.
Mr. Gogol, my dear,
don't frighten us like that!
Lisa is in danger.
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