Gold Rush: Parker's Trail (2017) s01e02 Episode Script

Racing the Freeze

This is an unforgiving land.
One mistake,
And you're a dead man.
Rick, draw left.
Rick, draw left.
Rick, draw left.
Rick, draw left.
Brace yourselves!
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Hitting the rocks.
- Whoa!
In march, 2016,
John schnabel passed away.
He came to alaska with nothing.
He had 100 bucks in his pocket.
And bought a steamship
Ticket up to haines.
I miss him.
He taught me a huge amount.
I'm proud of you, parker.
What I have gone through
Is nothing.
Compared to what he went through
To be successful.
This is a tribute to him.
To honor
His gold-mining grandfather,
Parker and three friends
Are attempting to retrace.
The legendary klondike trail.
Just 40 years
Before john schnabel.
Came to the gold fields,
More than 100,000 people
Risked their lives.
Racing north on the last
Great gold rush.
To stake a claim and find gold.
70,000 never made it.
Now parker and his three friends.
Want to see if they can
Measure up to the pioneers.
- Watch out!
- Hey, whoa!
- Look out.
- Parker.
But after a long season
Of gold mining,
They're forced to go
At the worst possible time.
Is that ice?
The big freeze.
Threatens to slam shut
The route north
And the struggle
With food and cold
For sake.
The hunting-and-gathering
Program is failing us fast.
Will test their friendships
To the breaking point.
Chill out. Chill out.
Don't get so stressed.
Shut the up, James.
It's going to be damn tough,
And we have a long ways to go.
Parker and his friends.
Are 50 miles into
Their grueling trek north.
To complete the klondike trail
And find a gold claim.
You haven't Put fresh socks on?
Not this whole trip.
Yeah, disgusting.
But, yeah, They're quite crusty.
You look quite crusty.
I feel crusty.
This looks amazing.
Breakfast over An open fire?
Yeah, my favorite.
Good job yesterday, guys.
Last night was A hell of a push.
Carcross is not Too far away.
We should get there
In a few hours.
10 miles, that ain't so bad.
Let's do this.
Let's just get
This nightmare over with,
Get the boat in the water.
It's cold. It's chilly,
And it's getting even colder.
Boys, let's go.
Let's hit the road.
Ahead, the team faces
550 miles of yukon wilderness,
One of the most extreme places
On the planet.
Where temperatures can fall
As low as minus-81 degrees
Home to thousands
Of hostile predators
5,000 wolves and 20,000 bears.
Feeding up before
The winter freeze hits.
I'll find the biggest bear,
And I'll just punch him
Right in the face.
And then he'll go tell
All the other bears, like,
"Don't with that guy."
That's how nature works, right?
The klondike trail
Crosses the coastal mountains.
Then it's a chain of long lakes.
And all the way down
The mighty yukon river.
To dawson city
And the gold fields.
So far, parker
And his three friends
- Yeah.
- This is madness.
Have crossed The mountain range.
- Whoo.
- Yeah.
That was the toughest
Hike I've ever done.
Let's do it!
But when they got
To the lakes
This is right up there
On the list of dumb.
Disaster struck.
Turn around.
We ain't getting anywhere.
How did I get
Muddled up in this?
Their only option
Hijack a railroad wagon
- look what we found!
- Whoo!
We have a new plan.
And race north
Towards their goal.
Parker and his team
Are pushing their catamaran.
The last 10 miles to carcross,
Where they can transfer
To the water.
They then need to travel
160 miles this week.
To get to lake laberge
On schedule.
But the winter freeze could
Shut them down any time.
That'll get The blood pumping.
I see a light Up ahead.
- Hey, good morning.
- Good morning.
What are you guys
Doing out here?
We borrowed a trailer.
You borrowed a trailer?
Rick coined it The cart-amaran.
Yeah. Rick did An excellent job.
Thanks for not busting our balls
About taking the trailer.
Okay. Well, you should
Be busted for it, but
Thank you.
- See you.
- See you.
I'm glad they're Chill out here.
Yeah. No kidding. Anywhere else,
We probably had been
Thrown in cuffs.
We running?
- Yeah.
- Hop on.
Their catamaran weighs
Over 1,000 pounds.
But in the spirit of the
Original klondike stampeders,
Parker is determined not to use
Any motors on this journey.
- Whoo!
- There it is.
- Carcross.
- -carcross, you sexy.
It's been 26, 27 miles,
So a long afternoon and morning.
Carcross is the end
Of the rail line.
And with no fierce head winds,
The crew can finally
Get on the water.
I'm so glad
The hike part is over.
At least, I hope it is.
I mean, I never once thought
In the world.
That I'd ever say this,
But I can't wait to sit
In that canoe.
My great grandfather passed
Through these hills.
In the 1900s on his way.
To stake a claim
In the klondike.
So let's go stake our own claim.
- This the tent?
- Yeah.
I notice we're starting
To lack food a bit.
So I really think we should
Put some time into fishing.
Winner, winner, Fish dinner.
Yeah, rick. Nice fish. Whoo!
Hi, buddy. You're dinner.
I think that's that.
The crew is racing the winter,
And ice is already
Starting to form.
Time to get the boats
In the water.
And get a bloody move on.
To make up lost time,
Parker has set an ambitious
Target of 40 miles a day.
So they have to cross
Tagish lake.
To get to the beaches halfway up
Marsh lake before nightfall.
- You ready? You guys in?
- Everybody ready?
- Here we go.
- Yeah.
We're on the water.
Dawson city, here we come.
- Yee-haw!
- -let's go.
Did grandpa have
Any canoeing stories?
- Nope.
- More of an engine man?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
That's how you get Anywhere.
He'd be like, "Why the
Would you want to do that?"
What's wrong with a motor,
Looking down on us now,
Just imagining what that
Flotilla must have been like.
When the stampeders
Came through.
At the height of the stampede,
Over 7,000 boats
Sailed through these lakes,
Racing each other
To stake the best claims.
In the gold fields
Of the klondike.
Sailing could
Double their speed.
So just like the pioneers,
Parker's crew really
Needs a good tailwind.
It's so sluggish
Traveling like this.
Is it sail time?
We going to give this a go?
Yeah. Let's try The sail out.
Come on, guys.
Let's put the sail up.
- Yeah.
- I like that.
We're sailing!
We could use
A little more breeze.
Yeah, we just need
To keep paddling,
See if we can find
Some more wind.
Let's just keep paddling.
Come on, wind.
I think we're paddling faster
Than the wind is blowing.
Thout a decent wind
To propel them,
Parker and his crew
Will never hit their target.
Of 40 miles a day.
With no wind, this is
Pretty pointless trying to sail.
- So just take it down.
- Ready.
Parker, next time
You have an idea,
Don't even talk to me About it.
You, rick.
We're behind schedule.
Does this mean we got to paddle
All the way to dawson city?
James, put down
Your camera and paddle.
- This is marsh lake?
- Yeah.
Five hours later,
They've made it to marsh lake,
But the shoreline is boggy
And covered in thick brush.
They're still 10 miles short
Of a safe location to camp.
We've got to put
As many miles on as we can.
So let's just push hard today
And into the dark.
Who needs to see where
They're going anyway?
I really don't want to
Be on the water in the dark.
I think it's time we start
Looking for a camp.
In these freezing conditions.
Can kill within minutes.
We need to get to the beach.
And find somewhere
Decent to camp.
No. It's pretty dangerous
To travel at night.
Into the unknown.
Is that ice?
Up ahead
Just leave me alone.
- Rick, look out!
- Draw left! Draw left!
Holy - whoa!
I think we should Pull in.
Parker schnabel and his crew.
Are attempting to paddle
All the way.
To the klondike gold fields
Before winter sets in,
But they've just hit ice.
That's definitely ice.
Now, we've got to camp
In this hole.
I mean, we're going to have
To cut down some trees here.
It's not boggy, Though, is it?
No. It's dry. There's just
I haven't found.
A piece of ground that's flat
That's as big as our tent,
Even if we're cutting trees.
This is an interesting spot.
We've picked tonight.
I think this is the definition
Of living in the bush.
I'm mentally ready
For this journey
'cause I've just spent
Two months in the wilderness.
But theses boys, people break
Down all the time out there.
For dinner tonight, Rick's fish.
And the last Of our pasta, boys.
Well, I got the fire going.
Watch out! Watch out!
- Hey!
- Whoa!
Parker, you nearly
Hit me with that.
I just want To cook us dinner.
I didn't think that was
Coming down like that.
We might have a little
Forest fire here.
There's a lot of Dead around.
We got to put This out.
Paddling in the dark turned
Into a bit of a show.
Getting all of
Our stuff together.
Just trying to cook
Dinner here for the boys.
And not burn down the yukon.
Again. Yeah.
Is it go time for food?
Yeah, bud.
You've got your bowls?
Come on over.
How's the fish?
Fish is killer.
It's good to be providing
For ourselves.
Can you hear that?
That's a long ways.
That was our last bit
Of good food.
This was it right here?
It's a good last meal.
That's the end of it.
That's the end of it.
So far, the pasta
Has provided the energy.
They need to power on.
But now, they'll have to hunt
And fish to stay alive.
Do we have oatmeal
For breakfast?
No. We have tree bark.
One fish between the four of us
Just isn't going to cut it.
I just cooked the end
Of our pasta.
We're going to have
To start getting serious.
About hunting and fishing.
We got to catch fish.
We got to shoot at ducks.
We've got to
We've got to focus on
Keeping ourselves fed.
Because I'll probably
Eat james levelle.
If I get hungry enough.
Why do you Have a camera on me.
At this time in the morning?
Up, up, up. Up, up, up!
Up, up, up, up, up.
I kind of expected to see
This ice. I'm not going to lie.
And it's gonna get worse
As we travel north.
And, yeah, we're on a real
Tight time schedule now.
So a little scary.
Parker and his crew
Face a dilemma.
They need to race north before
The water around them freezes.
But unless they take the time
To hunt and fish,
They won't have
The energy to make it.
What's the plan today?
Are we going to get
Some food or what?
Rick, shut up.
Whoo! Here we go!
How much further?
Rick, shut up.
The team needs to get
To the start of the yukon river.
By nightfall, but all they
Can think about is food.
- Wow.
- What?
Can we shoot beavers?
I wonder what that beaver
Would taste like.
Rick's got beaver fever.
Give me that beaver!
I'm starving.
Look for fish.
This looks like
A nice little creek.
I know. I'm looking,
But I'm not seeing.
If a caught a fish right now,
I'd eat it on the spot.
I'm so hungry,
I could eat this oar.
I might try.
What happened?
I hate fishing.
The fish are laughing At us.
I need food.
I want to go hunting.
Look at this fancy Rock beach.
Wow. We need to figure this out.
- Yep.
- Like, the drifting.
And the fishing
Ain't working too well.
To keep
This expedition moving forward,
Parker needs to find food
And fast.
His hunting license allows him
To shoot rabbits,
Duck, and grouse
At this time of year.
Grouse are quite stupid birds.
And their only hope
Is that you don't see them.
So they just sit still.
Most of the time,
They sit on the ground.
But if they're spooked,
They'll sit in the trees.
See, the problem with grouse is
You can just walk right by them.
Because they just sit
There like an idiot.
Rabbit tracks.
You know, like, I bet
We've already walked by one.
- You reckon?
- Probably.
- They're hard to see.
- I've got one.
I've got one, mate. Hang on.
Shh, right here.
It's in that tree.
Can you see? Stand where I am.
Right there.
Good call.
That's teamwork.
Can't believe you
Spotted it before me.
- Nice bird.
- Yeah.
All right. Grouse time.
Let's do it.
Yeah. That'll eat good.
Yes, number five.
Number five. That's a meal.
He's got something.
- Grouse!
- Grouse?!
Looks like parker's
Got some grouse, man.
They're not huge,
But they're a meal.
- Yeah.
- Dude, that's sweet.
How do you like grouse, Rick?
Dude, I'll eat the
Out of that grouse.
Yeah. It's some meat.
That looks like Some meat to me.
Love my meat.
Good spotting, james.
- Right on, boys.
- Boom and unh! Dinner.
- Delish.
- Whoa, hey.
Those breasts are bigger than
I actually might have imagined.
So many jokes To be made there.
So excited to have A good meal.
- Me, too.
- Yeah. That looks so good.
These, I mean, these
Might be pretty ready to roll.
All right.
His was looking Pretty good.
That's awesome.
Five grouse Is only enough food.
To feed one of the team
For a day.
But this meal should
Keep hunger from the door.
There's nothing better
Than eating a meal.
That you just killed yourself.
The only problem is
If we spend three hours a day.
Hunting or fishing or whatever,
We're never gonna make it
To dawson before the freeze.
Yukon or bust!
To honor his pioneering grandpa,
Parker schnabel and his friends.
Are attempting
The klondike trail.
But the big freeze threatens
To stop them in their tracks.
They've made it
Through marsh lake.
Now, they need to paddle
20 miles to whitehorse,
Where they'll camp
For the night.
Okay, boys, let's get through
Our next obstacle here.
We've got to figure out
The lock system.
The louis dam marks
The start of the yukon river.
To continue their journey,
They need to get
Through this lock.
- This is the sluice gate.
- I don't know what this is.
I think this fills the water
Up in there.
That's right.
It opens little gates.
And the water Rushes through.
Yeah, it's coming up.
The water in the river
On the far side of the lock.
Is 10 feet lower than the lake.
They must first fill
The lock with water,
Open the upper gate,
Enter the lock,
Then let the water out
In order to continue downriver.
After 10 minutes,
The lock is full.
Doesn't appear
To be coming up any higher.
Rick, we need some muscle.
You can take the outside.
You got the leverage.
- It's not even trying to move.
- No.
One, two, three.
It's like this thing's up.
Parker needs
A solution, and fast.
So what are you
Thinking with this, then?
Well, it's all
About leverage, right?
So we stick this
In the end of that pole.
And we've got
A little more leverage.
Well, my concern is that
If there's a difference.
In water level, you're not
Opening those gates.
Well, have you ever tried
To do it when there was?
I've had a gate that won't open
Simply because the water levels.
So what'd you do?
You had to basically find out
What the problem was,
Whether it was A sluice gate
And have we found
What the problem is?
And have we found the solution
To that problem?
We haven't yet, no.
No. So we're going to try
Something else.
All right.
If it doesn't work,
We're just
Standing around anyway.
One thing I'm not Is a city boy.
I like to be outdoors.
I like to be getting muddy.
I don't like to be cooped up.
It's actually the reason why
I've ended up living on a boat.
Parker's plan Use the branch.
To double the length
And double the leverage.
Parker, nice one.
- Good one.
- Yeah, dude.
Parker's crew
Has made it 140 miles.
To the start of the yukon river.
But they still have another
460 miles to dawson city.
The pressure is on as every day,
The winter freeze
Creeps further south.
We're on The real river now.
We've got the current now
To help us haul ass.
We're here to make miles.
Let's get on it.
I think we should
Catch fish for tonight.
It. We don't have Time for that.
So do you guys want to
Shutter down for the night?
It's 4:20.
Parker, what do you Want to do?
I think we should keep going.
We're losing light.
We still have to hunt
And set up camp, so
I don't want to go in.
Well, we're going in.
It's getting dark.
After a hard day's paddling,
The crew desperately Needs food.
My tummy's rumbling.
Use your super
Hunting skills, parker.
- We're coming in hot.
- We're coming in hot.
- Yee-haw!
- Boom.
I can't even stand.
Let's go see if we can find
Another grouse.
Grouse tracks everywhere
And rabbit tracks everywhere.
So they're in here Somewhere.
The little buggers are doing
A very good job of hiding.
I'm absolutely starving.
We're working on it, All right?
Talking about being hungry
Isn't going to help.
The hunting-and-gathering
Program is failing us fast.
I mean, this thing may
As well be a stick.
Well, listen, you can get
In a tizz about it,
Or we can just Go hunt a grouse.
There ain't anything
To kill out here.
All right. No need to
Get so upset about it.
Hey, chill out. Chill out.
Chill out. Chill out.
Don't get so stressed.
Just leave me alone.
A bit of a temper tantrum
Here, just relax.
Shut up, levelle.
It's november,
And it's not the time
To live off the land.
This trip is
A major calorie burner,
And we need the power to be able.
To continue this trip
With some sanity.
In one.
Almost took My foot off.
You just put
A hole in your boot?
Are you serious?
Yeah, I did. Yeah, did.
Did you cut your foot?
Let's see.
- Ooh.
- You got lucky, dude.
A little
Yeah, you got lucky, man.
Yeah. I did get lucky.
Keeping that
From getting infected.
Is going to be Pretty tough.
This reminds me of a story
My grandpa told me.
And I guess the reason
Why he only had four toes.
On one of his feet.
When he was my age,
He swung an axe.
And it glanced off a branch
And went into his foot.
And cut the toe right next
To his big toe clean off.
And he had to walk 5 miles
Out of the bush.
But he was just like,
"I just remember the squish,
Squish, squish
Of all the blood in my boot."
I could imagine.
Now we're about to go through
A rough part of the river, man.
It's latched together Like this.
With the catamaran, I don't
Know if it's a good idea.
But you know, we
It's worked so far.
So we're going to Give it a try.
Miles canyon, here we come.
Miles canyon was one
Of the most dangerous parts.
Of the klondike trail.
Over 150 boats were smashed
Apart in the yukon rapids.
And may would-be miners
Drowned right here.
That is really narrow.
- Here we go!
- Paddle, boys.
- Whoa! Whoa!
- -I'm soaked.
This is rough.
Dude, parker, watch it.
Draw left! Draw left!
I'm trying.
Rick, draw left!
Rick, draw left!
Rick, draw left!
Rick, draw left!
- Brace yourselves!
- No.
- Hitting the rock.
- Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.
Rick, draw left.
Parker and his crew
Are running miles canyon.
Rick, draw left!
But the inexperienced canoeists.
Are unable to beat the current.
- Brace yourselves!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
The rocks!
It ain't over.
Another crash
Could sink their canoe.
They need to get clear
Of the canyon walls.
Well done.
- Holy
- we're almost out.
Wow! Whoo.
They survive miles canyon,
But they still have
Another 440 miles to dawson.
And the gold fields
Of the klondike.
Civilization, guys,
The first we've seen in a while.
At whitehorse,
The river is blocked.
By a modern hydroelectric dam.
So now we get To haul all our.
Around this dam? Yeah.
The crew
Now has to carry their canoes.
And all their gear a half a mile
Around the dam.
To the next stretch of river.
Well, I guess we
Start carrying stuff?
Fun. There goes the old sail.
But as they begin
Their first load
The support crew makes
A medical intervention.
- You're kidding me.
- No.
Untreated in the wild,
Rick's cut from the axe
Could lead to sepsis.
And organ failure
In as little as 24 hours.
We're trying to get to dawson.
We've got gold to find.
And I don't know, If it were me,
I'd just wrap it in duct tape
And go, but I'm being forced.
Visiting the city,
Karla's home town,
Was not part of the plan.
But with rick sidelined
At the hospital,
Parker decides it's time
For some traditional r&r.
Historical accuracy, you would
Have gone out to the tent bar.
And ate your fill Of salted pork.
And drank a bunch Of whiskey.
For sake Of historical accuracy,
We have to go drink Some beer.
- Yeah.
- Yep.
And eat a pizza.
Back in 1897,
Boomtowns formed all along the
Trail north to the gold fields.
Here, the stampeders
Spent small fortunes.
On food, whiskey, and women.
Donald trump's
Pioneering grandpa.
Started the family fortune
Right here.
Rick's treatment over,
It's time to party
Like the pioneers.
A family that
Eats together stays together.
We've got to get
Our salt pork and beans.
Let's go.
Take one, a pepperoni,
Sausage pizza,
Put it on top of the other.
Yeah. I'm all over it.
- No, seriously.
- We could do that.
- We'll eat that.
- Okay.
Where's the beer?
To making it to whitehorse
And to our health.
And to the whiskey
We would have been drinking
120 years ago
And the salted pork.
We're headed back to our camp.
- We're not here to stay.
- Let's go.
Turn this off. Bye.
- What do you mean?
- How come it's still rolling?
I just don't want to
Turn it off. That's why.
- It's easy.
- James, this is your decision.
- It's not my decision at all.
- Nope.
So we almost lived up
To our historical accuracy.
Let's go.
What time we meet
In the morning?
8:00. 8:00.
That's nice.
I was here at 7:30.
I had coffee for the boys,
Breakfast for the boys.
I get here in the dark
With my head lamp,
And no boys.
We have canoes to move.
This is very true.
I don't think it's going
To be a very paddle-y day.
But we have to make it
To lake laberge.
There he is.
We've got a long, long, long,
Long way to go still.
We're going to have
To buck ourselves up.
And get moving fast
And just put this behind us.
My name's rick ness,
And I like to party.
I have no regrets.
James is very overly sensitive
About the whole spirit.
Of this whole thing
And all that.
So you know, he can be upset.
That we stayed in a hotel
Last night, but I'm not.
What happened?
We got drunk.
Did anyone fight Or anything?
Did you guys get laid?
- No.
- What?
- No.
- Did you?
I picked up some antibiotics
For my foot and a hangover.
Is it save to split The boats?
Maybe it's a little less safe.
But it's about speed, right?
I know.
We've just got to
Make miles every day.
After their Unscheduled resupply.
In whitehorse, the crew
Has lost precious time.
They have another
440 miles to paddle,
And the temperature
Is dropping fast.
Up ahead
Is that ice?!
We hike over a mountain,
We paddle across all them
Stupid lakes,
And we get this.
Just north of whitehorse,
The yukon river picks up speed.
With hazardous eddies
Between lethal rocks.
Draw left. Draw left. Draw left.
Paddle strong. Paddle strong.
Paddle. Pull hard.
That was sketchy.
We're moving good.
This is awesome.
- Let's do this, richard.
- Yep.
Parker's crew
Are testing themselves.
Against his grandpa
And the pioneers.
Who came before him
On the gold rush trail.
But the yukon winter threatens
To freeze the water.
Around their canoes.
We've got some miles to make.
It's getting cold Out here.
So far,
They've paddled 120 miles.
They are approaching where the
Takhini river meets the yukon.
Another 10 miles further on
Is lake laberge,
Which should be
The last obstacle.
Between them and gold country.
Is that ice?!
Like, some of that's
Pretty solid.
Huge chunks of this stuff.
Let's pull over
On the shore here.
This is not a good sign, Chaps.
Yeah, it's not good.
The ice is flowing
Down into the yukon.
From the takhini river.
- If this river's doing this
- all the way up here
Then what's the kelly river
And the white river.
And stewart river and all
Of them going to send in?
Getting to dawson
May not be happening.
I had a pretty good
Feeling we'd run into ice,
But not this soon. This is bad.
Well, Maybe I can go home now.
- Man.
- We hike over a mountain,
We paddle across all them
Stupid lakes,
We finally get some miles
Started on the river,
And we get this.
Okay. So I don't know
What to do about this.
Except to just Go try it out.
Let's get out of here,
Boys. We got to roll.
- Ready?
- Ready.
Well, here goes nothing!
Holy Boy.
Lake laberge, Here we come.
Up ahead,
Lake laberge is icing up.
30 miles from end to end,
It's the largest lake yet.
And is notorious for violent
Winds and dangerous waves.
If parker and his crew capsize,
Hypothermia will kill them
Before they can get to shore.
Pretty Rough out here.
These waves will really
Push you around.
This kind of feels
Like the ocean.
It's a big Lake, isn't it?
Big lake, And it's rough.
If there's winds like this
And waves like this,
We need to be Lashed together.
To have any chance
Of crossing lake laberge safely,
They need to rebuild
The catamaran.
They dubbed the golden edna.
Yeah. So I guess
Let's start collecting material.
Once we put
the golden edna back together,
It'll be safer
For this ocean crossing.
For the first time,
They have a strong wind
In the right direction.
And a chance to make up
For lost time.
- Sail time.
- Let's put that beast up.
- Wow. We're definitely moving.
- We're sailing!
- Yeah.
- Whoo!
Parker and his friends
Have finally beaten the lakes.
Like, it looks like
We're going pretty fast to me.
Yes. Whoa.
Ahead lie the mighty
Yukon river,
Dawson, and the gold fields.
Yeah! Another mile
Closer to dawson.
Next time,
On the season finale
Let's try our first pan Of dirt.
There's a flake of gold.
You know me well enough to know
I'm not gonna relax.
It's one thing I don't do.
- Parker.
- What?
Whoa! Whoa, whoa,
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Dude, get to shore!
Get to shore!
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