Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Never Feed Them After Midnight

- Oh.
- Okay.
I see why we don't wanna
get them wet.
please tell me
that's the only rule.
You wish.
Mogwai rule number two.
No bright light.
What? How? How?
Questions later.
Rule number three.
Never feed them after midnight.
Hey, I didn't make the rules.
Dad, I always thought
your stories were made up.
Just excuses for why
you were always away from home.
But they're not, are they?
Oh, some were.
But not the mogwai,
which is why Sam
and I were about to leave for Fengdong.
Once it was a thriving city
to rival Shanghai.
Then came the mogwai.
Now it's a ghost city,
but also the key
through the homeland,
the Valley of Jade.
So that's where we need to go.
Oh, you can come too, huh?
- I'll pack snacks.
- A two-legged rat shows up.
So we have to take it home
to Danger Valley.
And I'm the only one
not on board.
Nobody else has concerns?
Our only concern
should be the mogwai
falling into the wrong hands.
Who's that?
The wrong hands.
Please. You're in my employ.
What you do reflects on me,
so act like
you've used a door before.
I slept on the street
before sleeping
in your warehouse.
Doors are still new to me.
Always with a clever quip.
I only hope today
isn't when we find
the limit to your cleverness.
- That scary girl is back.
- Of course, yes.
Everybody who knows
of the mogwai,
wants a mogwai.
Hmm, but only
the purest of heart
can be trusted to care for one.
And that's you, Sam.
- Me?
- Huh?
Yes, him.
Stay close to my grandson.
He will protect you.
I know this is a lot,
but you are
the most responsible
and kind hearted person I know.
You can keep them safe.
I promise that I'll try.
Good enough.
Keep packing.
We'll leave
once I scare off
these wrong hands.
Sorry, we're closed.
Nothing in Shanghai
is closed to me, old man.
Then look, I would love
to take your money,
but our shop,
it's incessant with fire and
It was the best way
to get rid of the bedbugs.
- Ouch!
- An interesting shop.
You're a medicine man?
No, my daughter's place.
She's a genius with the cures.
It's too bad she's out
until the morning
and can't help your guessing
but, but
So not a medicine man. Hmm.
No, I see it now.
Knobby knees.
Sun scorched skin.
The terrible posture of a man
who wasted his peak years
crouched in caves.
You were a treasure hunter.
And based on the holes
in your attire,
not a successful one.
I'm always curious about my opponent.
Do you even know the value
of what you stole from me?
You must have traveled
near and far.
But where are my manners?
My name is Riley Greene
and I too am something
of a treasure hunter.
So as a professional courtesy,
I offer you this.
Give me the mogwai and I leave.
You've got me,
Mr. Treasure Hunter.
I do have the mogwai.
However, while I never found
the fortune,
I never came home empty handed.
Grandpa knows magic?
Take this.
I learned that trick
as a child.
Here's something I mastered
as an adult.
Pearl magic.
Yeah. I freed you of your frail human shell.
You're welcome.
Let's see if you know anything
I don't.
- Oh!
- No, no stepping out this time.
I want you to witness
what happens
when cleverness fails.
Back there. The mogwai!
Back there!
Elle, find my mogwai!
Fong, Sam, go!
They must have
run out the back!
Do I need to know
who your are?
He went through there.
I saw them go that way.
Ah! Watch where you're going.
Quit running, lady!
You too, kid!
They're too heavy.
Come on, this way.
I know it shouldn't bother me,
but I think Greene
likes that girl more than us.
Hey, you, with the basket.
What's inside?
No. No, no, no.
I don't need a rug.
Hey, what's inside your basket?
Sam, new plan.
- Step one, you're going to hide.
- What?
Step two. I'm going to run somewhere
these goons will follow.
- No, we can hide together.
- And both get caught?
You saw what that man did
to Grandpa.
He would do anything
to get these mogwai.
No. I don't wanna buy one!
Sam, you must keep your promise
and take them safely
to the Valley of Jade.
- Ma.
- I love you.
Elle, what're you doing?
Get over here!
I'm sorry.
I know, you want to get back
to them.
And I know my grandpa
and my mom,
and at this point,
probably even my dad want me to do it,
I don't think I can.
I don't even know how.
Oh, no. The other mogwai.
Get back here.
I really need to see
yesterday's obituaries.
I get wanting
to find your kids?
What are they to you?
But your sibling-kids
could be anywhere and scary people
are looking for you.
Plus, there's a lot
of dripping water
and bright light in the city,
not to mention stuff
that's dangerous to every creature.
And I promised grandpa
I'd keep all of you safe.
Um, my urchins got, um,
a lead on the mogwai.
Oh, um, your sleep writing?
I was digesting
that old man's knowledge.
I expected a mere appetizer
but received a full meal.
However, I can finish later.
A treasure like the mogwai
waits for no one.
How about that?
Since this critter's
so valuable,
I'm thinking it should
cover the rest of my debt.
I mean, I'm so close
to being paid off already,
I sense you're still unsettled
from what you saw last night.
If my actions seemed extreme,
that's only because
of your ignorance.
Everything I do
is about far more
than merely one mogwai.
That creature is the key
to leading us
to the untold treasure
of the Valley of Jade.
Untold treasure?
Wait, us?
I was serious
about having my debt paid.
I mean, after I get you
this mogwai,
I kinda say
we're even, right?
Please, Elle.
After all you've learned
and seen about me during your employ,
do you really think
we could ever be even?
That I would ever
let you leave alive?
Look, I didn't want to say this
in front of the other henchmen.
You know how jealous they get.
But you, you shall forever
be my left hand.
Don't you mean your right hand?
No, you're my left hand.
Useful, but not essential.
Still, it is an honor
and your best option.
Now, take me to my mogwai.
You hired me
to get rid of rats.
Those things ain't rats.
The other mogwai did this?
What are those?
That's what happens
when you eat after midnight?
No wonder there's a rule
against it.
Hello, Sam Wing.
You know my name?
Chinese black magic
knows everything.
And I know Chinese black magic.
Now, further demonstrate
your intelligence
by allowing me
to take the mogwai
without a struggle.
No! You ate my grandpa.
Well, actually,
I swallowed your grandfather.
Please respect semantics.
Gizmo stays with me.
Of course he named it.
No, Gizmo already had a name
because he is a living creature
who's staying far away
from you.
My grandpa told me
I know exactly
what your grandfather told you.
"And only the purest of heart
can be trusted to care for one,
and that's you, Sam."
Good impression, yes?
You see, when I ingest someone,
I learn everything they knew.
That includes
your grandfather's plan
to travel with the mogwai
to the Valley of Jade.
If I may be candid,
it's a good plan
for me.
But not for you, Sam Wing.
You're far too scared
to go it alone.
Deep down, your grandfather
wasn't really sure you could do
what he asked of you.
In fact, that doubt
was his second to last thought.
His last being
"What is
this monster doing to me?"
So, now that we've found
the limit to your cleverness
I'm coming with you.
I'm still coming
with you.
But you're Greene's daughter.
No, I'm his employee.
And I'm pretty sure
you just saw me quit.
You brought him to my home.
He killed my grandpa.
You helped him capture
my parents.
Look, I didn't know
he was going to do any of those things.
I swear.
I hear your home
has tons of treasure.
Is that true?
Then, when I get you there,
I want enough gold
or jewels or whatever
to make sure I can outrun Greene
for the rest of my life.
How do I know you're not
going to knock me out first chance you get?
Because Greene is going to
come after us both. Okay?
Like it or not,
we are on the same side now,
and I can get us
to this valley of Jade place.
So if you're done worrying,
I'm not done worrying,
but deal.
And I can get a message
to your parents.
No, I can't free them.
Greene's got your folks trapped
in some magic nonsense.
But I can send word to them
that you're okay.
Stupid magic.
It's from Sam.
Dear Mom and Dad,
I'm abandoning my 21-year-plan
to do what you both
told me to do.
Keep my promise to Grandpa.
So I'm a embarking
on my new two month plan.
Travel to the Ghost city,
find the Valley of Jade
and safely return Gizmo
to his home to save humanity.
And I will be back for you
Your loving son, Sam Wing.
So where to?
We need to go to Fengdong.
The city of Fengdong.
Are you crazy?
We need to get there alive.
All aboard!
- Wow. Your plan worked.
- Yeah, that's what my plans do.
So, Gizmo,
what happens to those mogwai
in the cocoons?
What have we here?
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