Hollywood (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

Hooray for Hollywood: Part 2

Turn to your left.
- Listen
- To your right.
Stop talking.
Face forward.
Castello. You made bail.
What the fuck, Ernie?
I was in there all night.
Well, I had to make
a couple of phone calls
and hand-deliver $200
to the police superintendent.
I'm an actor, Ernie. I'm a serious actor.
I can't have a record.
Yeah, you can.
Ever heard of Frank Sinatra?
Look, I've been arrested a bunch of times.
Vice squads, they're just part of the gig.
The hypocrisy of it all
is what this town is built on.
The movies hawk an image
of wholesome American virtue, right?
The folks making those movies
rotten to the core.
What am I gonna tell my wife?
Hey, Jack.
Avis needs her tank filled again.
- Right now?
- This afternoon.
Avis has never been a quick lay.
I like that about her.
She's old-fashioned and romantic.
Sometimes she likes to be wined and dined,
even if she's paying.
Today's Bugsy Siegel's estate sale
in Beverly Hills.
Might even be the house he got shot in.
That'd be kind of neat.
You'll need a suit.
Uh, Ernie, I can't stay out all night.
Look, my wife is gonna kill me,
and I got that screen test, I got
Ernie! Fuck.
Thank you so much.
Do I hear seventeen-five?
- Seventeen-five right here for this
- Tell me I look pretty today, Jack.
You do.
You always look beautiful.
You always smell rich.
Maybe later you'll take me dancing.
Uh, yeah, maybe.
Sold right here for $17,500.
Thank you, sir.
Up next? Lot number 102,
a soup tureen in sterling silver
from Mr. Siegel's collection.
Now we will start the bidding for this
item at $500. Who will give me 500?
Two thousand!
Two thousand dollars to the lady.
Thank you so much, at $2,000.
Do I hear $2,100?
That's my soup tureen.
Bugsy borrowed it and never gave it back.
Listen, about the dancing,
I got a screen test in the morning,
so I really can't stay out all night.
This casting assistant's really
going out on a limb for me.
I've never had a screen test before.
Where is it?
Uh, Ace Studios.
My husband is Ace Studios.
He's in Paris,
wooing Gene Tierney back to Hollywood.
Home in the morning.
tonight you take care of mama.
Tomorrow she takes care of you.
Three thousand to the lady in the back!
Three thousand's going once.
Three thousand is going twice!
Sold for $3,000
to the lucky lady in lavender.
Who is it?
It's Raymond Ainsley.
I thought you were coming on Tuesday.
It is Tuesday, Miss Wong.
Should I come back some other time?
Please forgive my appearance.
Can I get you a Scotch?
No, thanks.
So, Mr. Ainsley,
what brings you to see the great ghost?
Well, I sent you a script
that I wrote a few weeks back.
- I'm not sure if you had the
- Yes.
Angel of Shanghai, I quite liked it.
That's that's wonderful!
I have to say, Miss Wong, that I've
admired you for many, many years.
I think what happened with
The Good Earth was just awful.
- Were you in the war?
- Yes, I was. Navy.
But I've been studying filmmaking
ever since I got home.
You see,
I didn't like the way Asian people
were treated during the war
in this country.
Vilified to boost morale, and
being half-Asian myself,
I resented that,
but I want to be making motion pictures
that put us in a different light.
You're Asian?
Half-Filipino, yes.
Asian lead. Half-Asian director.
Who do you think
would go see this picture?
A good story is a good story, Miss Wong.
My word! You're naive.
They don't want a leading lady
who looks like me.
That's the only thing
the audience cares about.
You need proof?
My entire career
oversexed, opium-addled courtesans,
dangerously exotic,
Far Eastern temptresses.
That's what they wanted to see
from someone who looks like me.
You have a good script,
and you're probably quite talented
but you'd do well if you asked yourself
the million-dollar question.
Who is ever going to make this movie?
Ace Pictures.
I sent the script to Dick Samuels and
his assistant called me and wants to meet.
Hey there, beautiful lady.
What are you doing?
Just saying hi before my big meeting.
What are you so afraid of? You're one
of Ace Pictures' newest contract players.
Please. They're paying me $25 a week
to take acting classes,
and they are not going to like
seeing a white man kissing me.
Well, you may feel like an outsider,
but when these folks look at you,
they don't see one.
Who's holding court over there?
My competition.
Christ. I gotta go.
Good luck.
So why do you think you're here,
Mr. Ainsley?
I presume you saw my film reel
and read my script.
You wouldn't be here if I hadn't.
Well, guess who I got to play the lead.
Anna May Wong.
She'd be a tough sell to Mr. Amberg.
We hear she's a bit of a drinker.
Well, the industry did that to her,
but make no mistake, she is still a star.
We could resurrect her career,
get her the Oscar she should have gotten
for The Good Earth.
Are you familiar with the story?
Kid, I was there.
Irving Thalberg produced that picture.
I was his number two.
You don't have to make me look Asian.
I already am Asian.
Best screen test I'd ever seen.
Anna May was the only
Asian movie star in town,
and here, finally,
was a role she could shine in.
It was her big moment.
Ready when you are, Mr. Franklin.
She took it.
Head and shoulders above
every other girl we tested.
The Good Earth, Anna May Wong,
screen test, take one.
you're holding the body
of your newborn child
and you hear the men in the other room
and you enter
and action.
"Twelve pieces for all my land.
I paid a hundred times that much.
Thieves. Thieves.
And well you know I must sell."
Not the land.
We will not sell the land.
We'll keep it.
We'll go south
and when we return,
we'll still have the land.
"I've brought these men here.
You must sell."
Is it your land?
Did you buy it bit by bit?
The land is our life,
and it's better to go south or die walking
than to give it to you for nothing.
And they exit.
Your husband Wong walks over to you.
"How could you walk anywhere
with a child?"
The child is dead.
But I heard him crying."
The child is dead.
I was the one who had to tell her
we were giving the role to Luise.
And the Academy Award goes to
Luise Rainer for The Good Earth!
This is Luise Rainer's second Oscar
in as many years,
the first actress to achieve such a feat.
Wow. What a night for Miss Rainer.
She looks over the moon!
Thank you so much.
I'd like to dedicate this Oscar to the
late Irving Thalberg, whose dedication
That's the saddest story I've ever heard.
What's so sad about it?
Picture was a hit. Thalberg was right.
You can't open a picture
with a Chinese lead or a colored one.
- A number of theaters won't run it.
- But you said she deserved the part.
Yes, but the hard fact is
had she gotten it,
picture's not a hit.
How do you know that?
Excuse me?
Well, you never made the movie, so
how do you know it's not a hit?
I gotta say, Mr. Samuels,
sometimes I think folks in this town don't
really understand the power they have.
Movies don't just show us
how the world is,
they show us how the world can be,
and if we change the way
that movies are made,
you take a chance
and you make a different kind of story,
I think you can change the world.
Here are some scripts that I'm, um
that Mr. Amberg is excited about.
Read them.
If you find something you like,
come back and let's talk.
All of them?
All of them.
Let's have the actors on their marks.
Jack Castello screen test.
Take one.
If you don't mind, Mr. Alexander,
I'd prefer to be left alone.
Why? So you can sit out here
and feel sorry for yourself?
I should think you'd be happy
your sister married him
and took him off your hands.
Clay was pretending to love me.
There's nothing left.
Oh, stop that sniveling
before you drown yourself.
Your sister's the one to feel sorry for,
but now you've got a wonderful excuse
to bog down in a lot of self-pity!
MacIvor was smarter than I thought he was.
I don't blame him in the least.
- Take me into the house.
- You bet I'll take you in.
You can stay flat on your back
till the world falls down!
Well, that was just about the worst
screen test I've ever seen.
He just yelled at her the whole time.
The poor girl was terrified.
He's raw,
but he sure as hell's got the right look.
The camera loves him.
The camera might love him more
if he actually turned towards it.
I don't know, Dick.
I've got a feeling about this one.
The boy is handsome. He's young.
This one has got "it." That thing.
Star power. Whatever you want to call it.
I don't always see it and neither do you.
I am telling you, I see it in him.
All I see is a kid who can't act his way
out of a very loosely-cinched paper bag.
Oh, Richard! Let me remind you
of our old MGM days.
- Oh, here we go.
- William Powell.
- You said he couldn't act.
- I still say that.
Oh, Dick. What can I tell you?
I found Lana Turner.
I found Judy Garland.
I found Vivien Leigh. I win.
What can I say?
I've just got a feeling about this kid.
You got to give me this one.
All right. All right, fine.
I know when I'm beat.
Prove me wrong.
Show me he's a star,
I will consider him your personal project.
We'll put him under contract,
see how he does.
Thank you, Richard, darling!
Jack Castello.
I'm Ellen Kincaid.
Ms. Kincaid, I'm so sorry.
I know I'm not supposed to be here.
I just wanted to see the place,
so I got a cup of coffee.
We watched your screen test,
and it was terrible,
but I like your look, and with some
training, you might have something.
So, Ace would like to put you on contract,
$25 a week.
You're kidding me. Thank you!
Thank you, Ms. Kinkaid.
I won't disappoint you.
You still might, Mr. Castello.
Only time will tell.
I have a duty, Mr. Wainwright,
to God and country.
It's not I have a "doody."
It's duty. Liquid "u."
And the article "a" is pronounced "ah."
I have a duty, Mr. Wainwright.
I have a duty, Mr. Wainwright,
to God and country.
Not coun-try.
I have a duty, Mr. Wainwright
To God and country.
Claire, where does
the mid-Atlantic accent come from?
The middle of the Atlantic.
And who lives
in the middle of the Atlantic?
- No one.
- Very good, Camille.
Mid-Atlantic is a made-up accent.
No one actually speaks this way naturally,
but it takes on some British inflections
that add some refinement
to the otherwise flat
and grating American dialect.
You ladies would do very well to speak
in this dialect at all times.
Do you concur, Camille?
Concur, I do, Ms. Kincaid.
Oh, very well.
Camille, will you come with me?
I will be back presently.
They're putting her in a picture.
I knew it.
That girl's a movie star.
She's the prettiest girl in here.
I've said it all along.
She's not the prettiest, Betsy.
Not by a long shot.
Is this for the swashbuckling picture
on Stage 12?
No, no, no.
You're not right for that film.
Today, you'll be playing opposite
Jeanne Crandall.
I don't care what my husband told you.
I care what he told me.
I will inherit all of his assets
and control of his business interests
will be my responsibility.
Coffee, Ms. Delilah?
I'll take it in my chambers.
Let's do a pick-up.
I just wanna do one more.
Can we do the line a little more funny?
Is it a joke?
Just think, what would Hattie McDaniel do?
- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.
Back to one. Everybody take your places.
Mr. Cooper's Widow, scene 63, pickup.
just pick it up from your last line.
Yes, sir.
I don't care what my husband said to you.
I care what he said to me.
I will inherit all of his assets
and control of his business interests
will be my responsibility.
Coffee, Ms. Delilah?
I'll take it in my chambers.
Cut. Check the gate.
- Moving on.
- Moving on to scene nine!
Very good, dear.
Nice adjustment.
Hi, I'm in here.
How was the shoot?
Not much of a part. A servant.
It was humiliating, actually,
but Jeanne Crandall was complimentary.
- Huh.
- So, I officially got my foot in the door.
How was the meeting?
They gave me 25 scripts to read,
and only one of them's any good.
It's called Peg.
It's about, uh, Peg Entwistle,
the girl who killed herself
jumping off the Hollywood sign.
Well, what about Anna May Wong?
Well, if I can make Peg into a hit,
maybe they'll let me do
Angel of Shanghai next.
You know how it is.
The way to be successful
- is to have a success.
- That's right.
Sang a lullabye ♪
- What are you doing?
- Getting ready to celebrate.
That's what I'm doing.
This was quite a big day.
You are about to direct
a major motion picture
and I just had my first role on camera.
You did.
Burning above ♪
You'd be so nice ♪
You'd be paradise ♪
All right.
To come home to ♪
You are
And love ♪
so sexy.
Under stars chilled by the winter ♪
Let me get that for you.
Oh, my God.
Okay. Get over here.
You'd be paradise ♪
To come home to ♪
I don't think I could love you any more
than I do right this second.
Hi, baby.
I'm sorry that went so long.
We shot till dawn.
Did you get any sleep?
What what are you doing?
Being pregnant's
got me real hot and bothered.
Oh. Listen, baby, uh
I'm so tired, it was such a long night.
- But listen
- Oh! I can smell her!
Twice this week you've been out all night.
What is she, rich? Because you reek
like Amarone, Jack. Get out!
- Hang on, calm
- Get out!
Calm down, it's
Are you all right?
What's the matter?
Sweetheart, what is it?
Ow. Oh.
Doc, what the hell's going on?
- I'm going to lose the babies.
- Just try to relax, ma'am.
Waiting room's down the hall.
- Mr. Castello.
- Yes.
- How is she? Are the babies okay?
- They're fine,
for the moment.
Mr. Castello,
as a father of three myself,
I'm going to ask:
do you want your twins
to survive to full term?
What kind of a question is that?
Of course I do.
Then your job for the rest of
this pregnancy is to keep your wife calm.
If you're fucking around, stop it.
Keep it in your pants.
Women always find out.
At this point,
she's a drinker, you know?
- Yeah.
- It's her big weakness.
So Hollywood has completely destroyed her,
it has tarnished her shine.
So that scene in the, um,
- the casting director's office, right?
- Yeah.
So we start the shot
and we pull back
to reveal Peg sitting there,
trying to hold it together.
'Cause that's our context now.
The drinking. Her drinking.
She's no longer
the woman she was when we met her.
What can I say? I'm sold.
Can I ask you something?
How does a black man end up
writing a picture
about a white girl
who jumps off the Hollywood sign?
When I think of Peg Entwistle,
I see myself.
I understand her rage.
Talented as the next gal,
but never appreciated.
Never accepted.
Time ticked by while she watched
her whole life,
everything she ever wanted
slowly dripped away.
That crushes me.
So writing her story,
I feel like I'm telling her,
"Peg, somebody's finally gonna
break you into this business.
You and me both."
Well, I'll tell you something, Archie,
I'm gonna change the way
they make movies in this town.
I'm gonna make sure that people like us
aren't on the outside looking in anymore.
What do you mean, "people like us"?
Folks who aren't white.
- You ain't white?
- Asian.
- You're shitting me.
- No.
My whole life I feel like I've been living
in a really convincing costume.
But you could pass.
That ain't like being black.
- You sound like my girlfriend.
- Hold up.
You're dating a sister?
It's gotta be tough, though.
- Can you go out together?
- Some places they don't mind.
The world's changing.
But it ain't changing fast.
So, Dick Samuels.
You think he knows?
Knows what?
That I'm black.
- He doesn't already know?
- I never met anybody in person.
I mailed him my script,
he called me on the telephone,
and I told him,
"Golly, Mr. Samuels, I'm just
over the moon you like my script."
- You did not do that.
- I said, "Golly, Mr. Samuels." I did.
I hate to break it to you, buster, but
I'm pretty sure
he's gonna find out pretty soon.
You do that voice or not, he's gonna know.
I'm glad I'm doing this with you, Raymond.
I think you and I want the same thing.
See, I wanna take the story of Hollywood
and give it a rewrite.
So, maybe someday soon,
when you ain't a half-Asian director,
who feels he has to hide it.
You'll just be a director.
I won't be a black writer writing about
some white lady.
I'll just be a writer.
Wouldn't that be something?
To Peg.
To Peg.
Let's misbehave ♪
Looky, looky, looky.
Came back for more, huh?
Can't stop thinking about you.
Let's misbehave ♪
- That was nice.
- Yeah.
I'm glad you liked it.
- I did too.
- Yeah.
Can I ask you something?
Why haven't you asked me to pay you yet?
You don't pay me. You pay Ernie.
Okay, well,
why hasn't Ernie told me to pay him?
Because I haven't asked him to.
Well, why is that?
You like being with me, don't you?
Yeah, I suppose I do.
So what are we then?
You're somebody I tricked twice
and didn't charge.
Can folks like you and me
even have a boyfriend?
- I don't know. I'd hope so.
- Yeah?
Well, I haven't seen it.
A boyfriend's somebody you take out
on the town,
show him off on your arm.
You and I can't do that.
In a molly house, maybe, sure,
a couple queens clucking to each other,
hanging off the bar. Whee!
But are they boyfriends?
I wouldn't call it that.
That just ain't our destiny.
- Yeah, but wouldn't it be nice?
- Would it?
What's so nice about it?
I don't know. Growing old with somebody.
Not just someone to depend on
if you don't make it in this town,
but even when you do,
someone to share it with.
This place can get real lonely, Archie.
I know. I wrote a whole script about it.
That's what Peg's about,
and how being surrounded by people
somehow makes the loneliness worse.
That's what I'm saying.
Wouldn't it be nice to have somebody to
fall back on when it's all said and done?
Someone to look back on it with.
But we oughta be thinking
about making it first.
Yeah, well, in that case, what are you
What are you, in a hurry?
I don't make much
spending time with you.
Hold on a sec.
I got I got an audition tomorrow.
It's just one line,
and I don't think I got it yet.
Can I can I run it with you?
Yeah, so, Andrea McCloud,
that's Barbara Stanwyck,
she's trying to get in the club,
but I'm the bouncer
and Joe's told me specifically
not to let her in.
Okay. Let me see.
I'm here to see Joe.
The name's Andrea McCloud.
No dice, lady.
Mr. Cotton ain't takin' no visitors!
Ooh. Okay.
Maybe just throw it away
a little bit more, you know?
- Throw it away.
- Yeah.
Like, you're not angry.
It's your job, throwing people out.
So, try it more relaxed, you know,
like you're saying,
"Kick rocks, toots.
I know Mr. Cotton,
and he don't like no dames like you."
That's better!
I should do it like that.
No, no, that's your subtext.
That's what you're thinking
but not saying.
Okay? So think that, relax.
I'm here to see Joe.
The name's Andrea McCloud.
No dice, lady.
Mr. Cotton ain't taking no visitors.
That's good.
- That felt good!
- Yeah.
- Yeah!
- That was good. Much better.
- Can we do it again?
- Wanna do it again?
- Yeah. One more.
- All right, again.
- Okay.
- One more.
All right, you relaxed?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
I'm here to see Joe.
The name's Andrea McCloud.
No dice, lady.
Mr. Cotton ain't taking no visitors.
You're so good.
- Yeah?
- Again. Again.
I'm here to see Joe.
The name's Andrea McCloud.
No dice, lady.
Mr. Cotton ain't taking no visitors.
Mrs. Ryman? I'm sorry to bother you.
I'm Camille Washington,
- one of your contract players.
- Mm-hmm?
I know that Alfred Zeisler is casting
a new crime drama, Parole, Inc.,
and there's a role for someone
my age in it.
I was wondering
if I might be considered for it.
That's a white role, honey.
The music's still playing.
We're a crane shot,
we're looking down now,
and as they roll the body away,
we push in.
The little rag doll's just lying there
on the hillside in the dirt,
and we tilt up
to the view from the Hollywood sign,
the city stretching
as far as the eye can see.
The music, it surges
the end.
So, how does it feel?
What do you mean?
You just got your first picture green-lit,
Oh, oh, oh
Mr. Samuels.
Well, you're not gonna be sorry, sir.
You don't know that, and neither do I,
but let's roll the dice.
Can I just, uh
Let's say Peg is a hit,
do you think that Angel of Shanghai
could be my next picture?
Come on, Raymond.
I just changed your life.
Don't spoil it.
Cheers, kid.
Jack Castello?
Claire Wood.
A little birdie told me
you just got offered a contract.
Yeah, how did? Uh
Still can't quite believe it myself.
My screen test was terrible.
I gotta take classes and everything.
Well, this is Hollywood, Jack Castello.
If you want something,
you have to declare it.
And it'll fall right in your lap.
Don't say, "I gotta take classes."
You say, "Yes, Claire Wood.
I'm going to be a star."
I'm going to be a star, Claire Wood.
That's more like it.
You know,
they're about to green-light
a picture about Peg Entwistle,
the nutcase who jumped off
the Hollywood sign.
I'm perfect for it,
and I'm going to get an audition.
They're casting her love interest,
just so you know.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Fitzgerald?
Roy Fitzgerald, this is Henry Willson.
Don't sit.
Where are you from, Roy?
Winnetka, a small town in Illinois.
You have any acting experience?
Do you know something?
In all my years as an agent,
you're the first one to ever admit that.
Now sit.
Today is your lucky day, Roy Fitzgerald.
I just decided
to sign you.
How is that possible?
You haven't seen any of my work.
What work?
You just said you haven't done anything.
You read for Anne Rogers last week.
She's casting the Barbara Stanwyck picture
at MGM.
Yeah, well, I wasn't sure it had gone
all that well
It didn't. She said you were terrible.
You know what my talent is?
I know in the first 30 seconds if
somebody's got what it takes to be a star,
and you,
believe it or not, you got it.
You got picture potential.
You're a big fella, but you're vulnerable,
so men won't find you threatening,
and women and sissy boys will fantasize
about you fucking 'em.
You're wholesome, you don't perspire.
No pimples.
I mean, you smell like milk
and you got secrets churning
beneath the surface.
That's good.
Everything else we gotta work on.
We're gonna beef you up,
and I don't mean eating hot dogs all day.
I'm talking about calisthenics.
Charles Atlas kind of stuff.
You gotta tan every day.
Quit picking at your fingernails.
We'll get you drama lessons,
we'll fix your posture,
and then that voice of yours
That's tinny.
So next time you get a cold,
I want you to drive up into the mountains
and holler like a banshee.
That'll break your vocal cords,
and when they heal,
you'll have a nice, low baritone.
I should maybe write this all down.
Then there's the name.
Roy Fitzgerald, that ain't gonna work.
Something like
Rock Hudson.
- Rock Hudson?
- Yeah.
Rock Hudson's a movie star.
- Strong like the Rock of Gibraltar.
- Ooh, uh
You don't like what you're hearing?
You can get the fuck out of my office.
Farm boys don't just roll into Hollywood
and stumble into pictures.
They need somebody
to show 'em the ropes,
to give them a real life character
that's every bit as scripted as any role
you'll ever play on screen.
I won't just be your agent.
I'll be your godfather.
I tell you what to do.
You do it and pay me ten percent.
If that sounds agreeable to you,
you can just sign this contract
right here.
Uh, okay, I like the sound of that.
Yeah, I thought you might,
but before we do that
there is just one thing
that we gotta get outta the way.
I need to suck your cock.
Ex excuse me?
It's my thing.
I got to do it.
Look, Mr. Willson
Don't sit there and pretend
to be all offended, sissy boy.
You're a fruitcake, just like me.
Saw it the moment you swished through
those doors.
You can't hide it yet,
but I'll teach you how.
You won't be a homosexual
once I'm through with you.
So, in return,
you're gonna drop your drawers
and let me suck you dry
until your eyes cross, got it?
I'm not going to ask again.
Mr. Ainsley, do come in.
I spoke to my agent.
He still thinks I'm delusional
because no one at the studio
seems to know anything
about Angel of Shanghai.
They're not making the picture.
I'm obliged to direct another film first,
but if it's a hit, then
The movie's not getting made.
N not right now. Not yet, but
I'm going to insist.
I'm telling you.
The movie's not getting made.
Not ever.
This town will never give that
to someone like me.
Someone who can't pass.
I'm going to change that.
Good luck with your movie.
In your wildest dreams,
did you ever think you'd have
your own parking spot on the studio lot?
I don't know
what it says about me, but, uh,
actually, yes, I did.
What the heck are you doing here?
They're making my picture!
You gotta be shitting me,
that's incredible!
Yeah, this is Raymond Ainsley.
He's the director.
Raymond, Jack Castello.
Mr. Ainsley,
it's a real pleasure to meet you.
- I just got put on a contract.
- Lying son of a bitch.
No fooling,
I can hardly believe it myself.
- So what's this picture?
- It's called Peg.
Wow. Oh, wow.
Listen, I don't know
if I'm supposed to do this, fellas,
but could I walk you to lunch?
I hear there's the part
of a love interest.
Folks are telling me
I would be perfect for it.
- Yeah, sure. Why not?
- Well, okay. Terrific!
- Well, after you, Mr. Ainsley.
- Thanks kindly, Mr. Castello.
Archie, it's so great to see you.
Wow! The three of us together, huh?
So how do you fellas know each other?
Jack pumps gas with me
down at the station.
He got me hired, as a matter of fact.
You don't say. I can't imagine you'll be
pumping gas much longer.
I don't know,
turned out to be a good gig.
- Isn't that right, Archie?
- Best job I ever had.
- I beg your pardon.
- Why, hello, Jack Castello.
Let me introduce you to Avis Amberg.
Mrs. Amberg's husband runs Ace Pictures.
How do you do, Mrs. Amberg?
May I introduce Raymond Ainsley?
He's directing Peg.
Very nice to meet you.
I've got some great casting ideas,
whenever you want to hear them.
I can't wait.
This is our screenwriter, Archie Coleman.
Pleasure to meet you both.
You're colored.
I love it.
You be good, Jack.
Well, boys
lunch is on me.
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