Insomnia (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

There is only one monster in this house.
And do you know who it is?
It's me.
I'm not sleeping and it's getting worse.
[PHOEBE] Your husband doesn't
know what happened to us
when we were kids. That isn't healthy.
You know I'd never hurt our children.
[ROBERT] That's not even a question.
[PHOEBE] Do you know,
you do look exhausted.
So who knows,
maybe you are going fucking mad
just like she did.
I will never be you.
[RADIO]Yes, left, right, and center
from Westminster
Your sister called a couple of times.
Oh, thanks.
Oh, and just a heads-up,
Mrs. Morgan wasn't happy.
She didn't wanna sign anything
without you there.
Right, yeah.
Um, are you okay
to rearrange for tomorrow?
- [ROSEMARY] Yeah, sure.
- Thank you.
Oh, fuck. Sorry.
[ROSEMARY] It's fine.
Everything okay?
Just a bit tired.
Didn't get a great night's sleep.
[ROSEMARY] Is there anything I can do?
I'm gonna call Mrs. Morgan now
to smooth things over.
- Sure.
- [EMMA] Thanks.
[ROBERT] Oh, my God.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
You're a lifesaver.
It's the first indoor nets this season.
They'll kill me if I don't make it.
It's not the first time
that Chloe's been MIA
when she's supposed to be babysitting,
which is hilarious,
considering her mobile phone
is super glued
to her hands at all times.
Hey, Will! Guess who's here?
I've tried Emma as well,
but she's, you know, not answering.
But I'll message her and
let her know that you're here.
Forewarned is forearmed.
Yeah, I'm never gonna
understand you two.
Hey, dude,
- guess who's here.
- [PHOEBE] Hi.
[ROBERT] Auntie Phoebe's babysitting.
How lucky are you?
Where's my big cuddle? Oh! [KISSING]
Listen, as soon as Dad goes out,
we're gonna get some ice cream. Yeah?
Is he all right?
Yeah, he's a bit
under the weather, I think.
He's such a beautiful little soul.
Ah, yeah.
Are you okay?
It's just a lot going on.
And I'm a bit hormonal.
Hey, between Chloe and Emma,
I've become an unwitting expert
dealing with hormones, so
It's all right. Mostly
I am pregnant.
I'm gonna have a baby.
Holy shit.
That's amazing.
Um, before you ask,
don't know who the dad is.
- [ROBERT] Okay. All right.
- Not like that.
I got a donor, did IVF.
I am
Oh, I always wanted
to do it on my own, anyway.
Just have my own little family.
I figured it was probably about time.
Fuck. Good for you.
I haven't told anybody else yet.
- Okay.
- Emma doesn't know.
I just, I wanna get past the 12 weeks
and then I can just tell
everybody when I'm ready.
Of course. I'm so happy for you.
And Emma will be as well, hey.
Hey, bring on those sexy swollen ankles.
Such a weirdo, Rob.
Right, come on. It's cricket time.
Hey, come here. Thank you
for coming to the rescue.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God, oh, my God.
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! A baby, Pheebs.
Does the world know what's coming?
Oh, piss off, Rob.
Hey, "Uncle Rob."
You're gonna be a great mum.
- [ROBERT] All right.
- Bye.
[ROBERT] See you later.
Right, come on, Will! Ice cream!
[EMMA]One, five, five, two,
one, zero, two,
two, nine, two, three, three,
one, zero, one,
one, one, three, one, two,
three, one, five, five, two
[PATRICIA] Two, one, zero, two,
two, nine, two, three, three,
one, zero, one, one, one, three,
one, two
[EMMA]One, zero, two, two,
nine, two, three,
three, one, zero, one, one, one,
three, one, two, three,
one, five, five, two,
one, zero, two, two,
nine, two, three, three, one,
zero, one, one, one,
three, one, two, three,
one, five, five, two, one,
zero, two, two.
I'm gonna head off.
Do you need anything?
No, I'm good, thanks.
Have a nice evening.
Oh, shit.
[ROBERT]Uh, look, I can't
get ahold of Chloe,
so I've had to ask Phoebe to babysit.
Um, try and be nice to her.
Remember, you're
the only family she's got.
[WOMAN] Welcome to St. Agnes.
Would you like to go in?
[EMMA] Pheebs?
- Hi. Is Will okay?
- [PHOEBE] Yeah, he's all right.
He's a bit quiet.
Well, God knows
what's happened to Chloe.
It's probably a boy, isn't it?
I need to talk to you, Em.
Did you not get my missed calls?
Listen, yesterday got
a little bit out of hand.
- I'm sorry.
- It's not about that.
What's up?
Mum's dead.
This morning.
I went to get coffee
and when I got back to her room,
she was gone.
It was horrible, Emma.
She didn't look peaceful.
Don't know what you want me to say.
Our mum died.
Don't you want to talk about it?
What is there to talk about?
Do you know, from the day
that they put us
in the children's home, it was you
that decided
that she didn't exist anymore.
And if you won't talk about her,
it means that I can't.
I'm sorry.
It was just a shock.
The doctor said that she was improving.
And then she was just gone.
She wasn't there anymore.
I held her hand for a bit.
It felt like she was filling up
with cold water.
I tried to think
of something nice to say, but
I couldn't think of anything.
She tried to suffocate you as a child.
I can never forgive her for that.
But that's it. It happened to me.
So if I can forgive her,
I don't understand why you can't.
It was easier for you.
It was always easier for you.
Even when we were at St. Agnes,
families wanted you.
Just because I was younger.
I was five. I was cuter.
Still am.
[PHOEBE] Just look at your life, Em.
You've got Robert. You've got the kids.
You've got your job.
You never wanted any of that, Phoebe.
Thanks for looking after Will.
I need to find out
where the hell Chloe is.
All right.
And, look, the hospital have said
I can collect her things tomorrow.
I would really like it
if we could do that together.
I'll think about it.
I'll see you in a bit.
Yeah. Bye.
We never have to see her again.
autumn's ache ♪
What says dunnick, drush, or dove? ♪
tender Tender love ♪
Hear the grinding wheel-bird grieve ♪
[PATRICIA] Two, two, nine,
two, three, three,
one, zero, one, one, one,
three, one, two
One, five, five, two one, zero,
two, two, nine, two, three, three,
one, zero, one, one, one, three,
one, two three,
one, five, five, two, one, zero,
two, two, nine, two, three,
one, zero, one
- [ROBERT] Hey. Morning.
- Hey.
You and Will looked
very cute last night.
I didn't wanna disturb you.
Did he have a bad dream or something?
No, I just dozed off
while I was giving him a cuddle.
Does he seem off to you?
I haven't noticed.
Em, there's some
There's something that I wanted
to talk to you about.
Um, it's Julian's bar, um
He was talking to me about
maybe doing some furniture.
He's put me in contact
with the designer.
[EMMA] I think this is 'round
the corner from my office.
I knew you wouldn't like it.
Look, I understand the impact
this is gonna have on us,
on you, but I need this.
Rob, I think it's a great idea.
And, yes, we should
definitely discuss it.
It's just there's something that
I need to talk to you about.
Chloe, come here, please.
Have you been out all night?
Yeah, uh, just up, revising with Amy.
Right, you've been working all night,
dressed like that.
- Hey, Dad.
- [ROBERT] Hey.
[EMMA] You know, revision's pointless
if you're gonna be shattered
in your exam?
Okay, Mum.
I'm getting in the shower.
I haven't finished talking
to you, Chloe.
She's clearly been partying, right,
which is fine. It's natural.
But we need to get on top of this.
We need to meet
this Amy girl at least, right?
And, Em,
you need to spend
some quality time with Chloe.
She needs that.
- I know. I will.
- [ROBERT] I know.
And what did you wanna talk about?
Oh, it can wait. I've gotta go to work.
- [EMMA] See you later.
- See you later.
Thanks for doing this.
Of course. You okay?
It's like some crazy dream. I
I don't really know how to feel.
Come on, then.
[LAURA] Here you are.
This is all she had with her.
[PHOEBE] Thanks.
Eh, can I go and see her?
Could I do that, please?
[LAURA] I can go and find out.
Wait here.
Why the hell would you want
to go and see her?
I don't know. Maybe I need closure.
Thought you said
you spent ages with her.
Well, maybe I wanna see her again.
You know, I'm surprised you
don't wanna go and sit with her,
proof that she's actually gone.
You know, you didn't come
and see her at all and
I did, actually. I came yesterday.
Why wouldn't you tell me that?
I don't know, but I wish I hadn't come
because it didn't give me
any bloody closure.
All I can think about is bad blood.
Oh, my See, this bad blood thing,
it's bullshit, Em!
This second child curse,
I don't know why you keep going
- on and on about
Right, can I go
and see my mum now, please?
[MORRIS] I'm afraid that's not possible.
Your mother's body isn't here anymore.
It's been taken to another facility.
Is she at the funeral home?
No, there needs to be a postmortem.
[PHOEBE] I'm sorry, what,
why would you do that?
[MORRIS] It looks as though
she didn't die
from her brain bleed.
So the cause of death
and the circumstances
around that need to be established.
Are you suggesting her death
was suspicious?
Well, that's what needs
to be determined.
Now, someone will be in touch with you
when they can release the body.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
That's gotta be a mistake, right?
I'm going to work.
[WOMAN] Fuck!
[EMMA] Oh, my God, I'm so, so sorry!
I didn't see you. Just hang on
Don't you know to look at a crossing?
Are you okay?
I'm fine. Whatever.
Sorry. Sorry.
[ROSEMARY] I told Buckley
you are running 10 minutes late.
Great, thank you.
We'll go through my notes during lunch.
[ANGUS] Come in.
- Hi.
- Ah, hi.
Well, help yourself.
I'm afraid I'm down to the eclairs
Okay, thanks.
So two things,
partnership's looking good,
although, obviously,
I can't promise anything.
Faisal is definitely in your corner
and I am too.
Baxter needs some work.
Okay, what do I need to do
to get him on side?
Well, more of what you're doing,
thinking like a partner
and keeping the best interest
of the firm as your focus.
Which leads me to the second thing.
Legal aid.
We can't afford
to spend so much time on it.
That's the bottom line.
We've gotta keep the numbers up.
We'll have to let the Stockwell case go.
I've been building a great case
for parental alienation.
You can pass it on to
a colleague at another firm.
If you've done the legwork,
someone will be happy to pick it up.
Angus, he trusts me.
Baxter's been courting Richard Davies,
the property developer who built
those new complexes at Canary Warf.
He's, um,
he's Amanda Stockwell's brother-in-law.
And she works for him.
Your case makes that a potential
conflict of interest.
If you don't drop it and we lose Davies,
well, it's unlikely
you'll get the partnership.
Baxter's organized a dinner tonight
at Boundary to seal the deal.
You should come too.
Amanda will be there.
If you are helping schmooze her,
that'll show Baxter you're serious
about putting the firm first.
Let Stockwell know
you can't represent him anymore.
Do it today.
Da-da-da-daa-da da-daa ♪
Da-da-da-da ♪
Da-da-da-da-daa daa-daa-da ♪
You must realize ♪
The trees, they help us breathe ♪
Come on, Will. Join in.
Good, guys.
Help us breathe Help us breathe ♪
Let's come together now ♪
- Hey. Will.
- [ROBERT] Will. Will.
Benny, are you okay? Can I help you up?
- [BENNY] Yeah, I'm okay.
- [ROBERT] All right.
Will, are you gonna say sorry to Ben?
Hey. Okay. Can we take five?
[TEACHER] Yes, of course.
Right, everybody
Come on, man. Let's have a chat.
[ROSEMARY] Here you go.
Oh, lifesaver.
Thanks so much for picking those up.
- Pleasure.
- Okay.
I would make you partner,
if I do say so myself.
Yeah? Great.
Oh, shit. I nearly forgot.
Can you book an appointment
with Pete Stockwell for tomorrow,
- but not in the office?
- [ROSEMARY] Of course.
- And I've booked you a cab.
- Great.
[EMMA] Uh, Rosemary?
I'm gonna send you an address.
I just need to make a quick detour.
Thanks, are you okay
to wait here for two minutes?
[MAN] Yeah, all right, luv.
I have something I need to give
to, um, Coraline Mitchell.
Is she working today?
[MAN] She's in the dayroom
just over there.
Through here?
Okay, thanks.
[WOMAN] Do you want another biscuit?
I knocked you off your bike today.
I, I wanted to check if you were okay
and say I'm sorry.
Uh, also, you've dropped that.
Well, this is awkward.
I spent the whole day
plotting some terrible revenge.
No, I'd forgotten about it already.
It's a drop in the ocean with
what I've got to deal with here.
Well, it's completely my fault.
I was distracted.
My mother was in hospital.
It's fine.
There's no harm done.
I know how stressful
hospital visits can be.
My mum's in and out of there
at the minute.
Yeah, awful places.
Um, if you need any repairs on the bike,
- let me know.
- Mmm.
Can I use you to sue you?
Um, I'm in family law.
So certainly not.
But if something comes up,
then, yeah, let me know.
Ah, I thought I was gonna be
the one who was gonna be late.
You think you ready
to smile through this?
[EXHALING] I'm just gonna lie back,
think of the partnership.
[FAISAL] That sounds smart. After you.
[EMMA] Thank you.
Oh, Faisal Ahmed, partner.
- Great to meet you.
- And this is Emma Averill,
Senior Associate, Family Law.
Nice to meet you.
[MAN] We want you to get
a feel for the whole firm.
Not just the commercial arm.
[DAVIES] Great to meet you, Emma.
Amanda says you're very sharp.
[FAISAL] Oh, Emma's doing
fantastic work,
giving our family law division
a human face in the field.
Well said.
Right, there's some drinks over
there that need our attention.
I think that's gonna happen.
I know this must be awkward,
but no hard feelings?
No. No hard feelings.
Angus says you've got a little boy too.
Yeah, Will, he's six.
[AMANDA] Oh, God, so adorable
at that age, aren't they?
Full of questions.
- [MAN] Well, cheers.
- Cheers.
Nathan's growing up too fast.
Blink and you miss it.
[PETE] Amanda.
What's going on?
[AMANDA] What are you doing here?
I thought we were having dinner
to discuss Nathan.
God, sorry, my assistant
must've crossed wires.
Our dinner's tomorrow.
She's given you the wrong details.
Bullshit. This is not
one of your games, isn't it?
The fuck are you doing here?
You're my lawyer.
[EMMA] I'm sorry.
I was meant to call you.
To tell me you were having
drinks with my wife?
Pete, I'm sorry.
I can't represent you anymore.
There's a conflict of interest.
- Let me explain
- I know what's a conflict of interest.
I'm not stupid.
You're just like the rest of them.
You don't care
unless we're paying you to.
That's not fair, Pete. I do care.
I told you it had to be done by tonight.
What were you thinking?
There is no way there was a mix-up.
She is fucking with him.
I don't care about Pete Stockwell
- and neither should you.
- But I do care.
I care about all of my clients.
This isn't about lining your pockets.
Legal aid won't pay your mortgage, Emma.
Go home.
am I doing right now?
You brushed them teeth?
Good boy. All right, let's get you
nice and snuggled.
You wanna talk about it?
[ROBERT] Come on, bud.
What happened with you and Ben?
Not like you, hey?
You could've really hurt him.
Did you guys fall out?
I don't know.
Buddy, buddy, what's going on?
Hey, what's going on with you?
Would you rather talk to Mummy about it?
I don't want to talk to Mummy.
I thought I recognized
that graffiti from somewhere.
What you doing, wondering these parts?
You know, just walking the streets,
eating a kebab
after a pretty shitty day.
So this is the new bar?
Much bigger than it looks
in the brochure.
Yeah, I'd show you around,
but it's a bit of a health hazard.
Do you need a ride home?
Yes, that would be great, thank you.
Come on, then, pitch it to me.
Uh, okay, it's, uh, designer cocktails,
small plates,
uh, for young, ambitious professionals.
You know, the kind of poor sods
who'll never own their own homes,
but still want oat milk
in their White Russians.
And that is our children's futures.
Yeah, Robert's furniture's
gonna look fucking great.
I've been telling him for ages
it's good enough to sell.
Oh, just an anniversary gift
for Michelle.
Well, brownie points for remembering.
He just pushed him?
No reason, just out of the blue?
Like I said, he hasn't been himself.
I can't get more than one word from him.
He stopped telling his jokes.
Maybe he's coming down with something.
How is Michelle? Was she okay?
Yeah, yeah, she was absolutely fine.
Ben was too, thankfully.
But, Em,
Michelle gave me a prescription for you.
Sleeping pills.
Is it that bad?
When we got together,
I told you that my mum died
when I was a kid.
That's not true.
She died a couple of days ago.
Right, okay, um
Sorry, um
So if she wasn't dead, where was she?
She was in a psychiatric facility.
Why? What happened?
Um, okay, so just before
her 40th birthday,
she stopped sleeping
and was acting
Two, one, zero, two.
I was five. Phoebe was seven.
[PATRICIA] Two, one, three,
one, two, three, one, five, two.
And then the night of her 40th birthday,
I found her trying to suffocate Phoebe.
And then we went into care.
And the rest is as you know it,
foster homes and so on.
That's awful. That's
Which is why I think
I'm struggling to sleep.
You know, 40 seemed such a long way away
and now it's here.
It's all I can think about.
She always used to say
I'd end up like her
and that I had what she called
bad blood.
Apparently, every second child
in our family had it.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.
I haven't told anybody.
Just don't want it
to be a part of my life.
It's my shit.
Not anyone else's.
[ROBERT] It's okay. I get it.
But, Em, I love you.
And your shit is my shit, okay?
And I'm so sorry.
That's, that's a lot to carry around.
Thank you.
Hopefully I'll sleep tonight.
grinding wheel-bird grieve ♪
Grief unknits ♪
My raveled sleeve ♪
Death of summer ♪
Death of play ♪
Waxing night ♪
[EMMA] You okay?
[ROBERT] I just found that
in Chloe's washing.
Oh, my God.
Em, we need to talk to her, now.
I'm absolutely sick of this.
[ROBERT] Em, don't go through her bag.
We should talk to her. Chloe,
can you come here, please?
Emma. Emma, stop!
Am I gonna find
any more drugs in your bag?
Jesus fucking Christ, Mum,
you're going through my bag now?
Do not talk to me like that.
That is the least of your worries.
The least of my worries?
Are you kidding?
That's an invasion of my privacy.
- [ROBERT] Listen, Chloe.
- Dad!
Weed is one thing. This? Not okay.
It's just a bit of coke.
- [ROBERT] Fucking hell!
Which I'm guessing came
from this friend of yours, Amy,
because you can't afford
things like that.
- Amy has nothing to do with it.
- She's
- Of course she doesn't.
You think I was born yesterday, Chloe?
Okay, this conversation isn't finished.
Uh, Mrs. Averill.
Uh, DI Hildreth and DS Caine.
Sorry to disturb you this early.
Do you mind if we come in?
Yeah, of course.
It's the police.
You called the police?
Of course not.
We need to ask you some questions
about the recent death of your mother.
Yeah, that's fine.
Um, come into the living room.
What is going on?
Nothing to worry about. It's okay.
Can you do Will's breakfast? Okay.
[EMMA]I thought there was
an error with the postmortem.
So she didn't die of a head injury?
Uh, you saw your mother
last Sunday morning
after she was admitted
to hospital, correct?
Um, my sister called me.
Thought something was wrong with her.
And when I got there, it was my mother.
And I walked out.
So not really a visit at all.
I hadn't seen my mother for 35 years.
I still didn't want to.
But she was seriously injured.
That didn't change your mind?
Then you went back on Tuesday morning?
Um, yes.
I stood by her bed. That was all.
What time was this?
[EMMA] 10:00, 10:30.
Did you notice anything unusual
or anyone?
No, not that I can recall.
Did you notice any change
in your mother's condition?
Why didn't you tell your sister
that you were gonna go
see Patricia for a second time?
You've spoken to Phoebe?
Blood from a pressure nose bleed
was found on your mother's pillow.
And fibers from the pillow case
were found in her nasal cavity
and throat.
The results of the postmortem show
that your mother was suffocated.
We'll need you to make a
formal statement at some point.
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