Jake and the Fatman (1987) s01e02 Episode Script

Fatal Attraction

I'll say this about the Fatman:
he's a sweet guy.
Listen, creep, I'm going to
take you apart like a clock.
JAKE: He can be
tough when he has to be.
Jake Styles?
Don't ask me
how he can live the way
he does on a cop's salary.
Some people do seem
to like him, however.
But he's a damn good
investigator, and he's mine.
(theme playing)
He's a good guy.
Don't you forget it.
(slow, romantic love song plays)
Where are you? ♪
Every moment of
my life I'm waiting ♪
Spend the hours anticipating ♪
The sweetness of your kiss ♪
The feel of heaven's bliss ♪
Where are you? ♪
When will these
empty days be over? ♪
I'm waiting here, my love ♪
For you ♪
I'm waiting here, my love ♪
For you. ♪
(song ends)
Close your eyes.
(closet doors squeaking)
(gun cocking)
MAN: Now, then,
what exactly happened
when you exited Joe's Cafe?
I was heading for my car
when I heard
someone call my name.
(voice breaking):
I turned around,
and there was this
gun stuck in my face.
Is this the gun?
I believe so, yes.
Witness has identified
People's Exhibit G.
Now, then, what did you do then?
I grabbed the gun.
(quiet sob)
It went off,
and I saw John
fall to the ground.
So you acted instinctively
to protect yourself.
It all happened so fast.
It took a moment to
even realize it was John.
No further questions.
Thank you.
Mr. McCabe?
Mr. McCabe!
Oh, yes.
(laughing): Yes, Your Honor.
Is the prosecution
ready to cross-examine?
Ah. Oh, yes.
Uh, I-I was deep in thought
about the very precise testimony
that we've just heard.
I think it's quite remarkable.
Would you bide with me
for just a moment here?
Got to get something
Out of here.
Excuse me.
(clears throat)
Um, Mr. Mandel,
it seems the deceased,
John Richards,
had fired you from his employ
ten days
before his untimely death.
Is that correct?
Yes, sir.
(clears throat)
(humming quietly)
Why did he fire you?
It was a misunderstanding.
Well, we've heard testimony
that he fired you
because you embezzled
$50,000 from him, huh?
And that he was in the process
of putting liens
on all your assets.
Now, tell me
how do you figure
he would collect if
you were dead, huh?
(chuckling) ATTORNEY: Objection.
Eh, I withdraw the question.
(wry laugh)
Mr. Mandel
were you ever a police officer?
No, sir.
Serve in the military?
No, sir.
Consider yourself an
exceptionally brave man?
Not particularly.
Mr. Mandel, I think you're
being unduly modest.
Now, there you
were, late at night,
alone and unarmed,
in a poorly-lit parking lot,
and all of a sudden,
somebody calls your name,
and you turn, and you find
a gun thrust into your face,
and without a
moment's hesitation,
you grab that gun.
Now, that is the
exact truth, is it not?
Yes, sir.
Not one moment's hesitation.
You didn't jump back,
and throw up your hands
and yell, "Don't shoot!"
No, sir.
(soft chuckle)
Mr. Mandel, you have no idea
how impressive a feat that is.
You're not only an
incredibly brave man,
but obviously, you have
lightning-fast reactions.
Hey! Hey, what the hell
do you think you're
doing, buddy?
(gavel banging) Your
Honor! Your Honor!
(gallery clamoring)
Order! Order in the court!
Order! That's not
fair, Your Honor!
Order in the court! Not fair!
He has no right
to do that, Judge!
Sit down, Mr. Mandel!
He has no right!
(gavel banging) JUDGE:
Order! Order in the court!
Here, you can put it back
on the evidence table, Charlie.
(gallery murmuring)
No further questions.
Hey, John!
Are you stopping
by to see the wife?
John, are you all right?
I've been better.
You know, just because
you married the deputy mayor
doesn't mean you
have to be a stranger.
I'll tell you what Why
don't you give me a couple
of minutes in my office
when you're through upstairs?
Will you do that?
Maybe some other time.
John, are you sure
everything's okay?
(elevator bell dings)
J.L.? Yeah?
Nothing. Never mind.
MAN: He's interested
in a plea bargain.
Where's Derek?
The P.D. wants to plead
manslaughter in the Levine case.
No deal. Tell him I
got a chair reserved
in the gas chamber
for him. Derek!
J.L., the defense has moved
to suppress the gun
in the Morgan case,
and I think Judge
Newton's going to allow it.
You mean that
killer's going to go free
because of an illegal search?
Damn it to hell! Find
some other way to nail him!
Did you hear? They
just busted Floyd Metcalf.
Oh, Floyd. One of my favorites.
Well, let's see if we
can't put him away
for good this time. Derek!
I got the papers
on the Cribs case
and the Roberts case, and,
uh, oh, we had a witness
on the D'Angelo case,
but she skipped on us.
How's Max? He's still the same.
I'm worried about him.
Well, where is he?
I-I don't know.
He was here when I left.
Oh, God.
Got to call Security.
Hello. Get me Security.
Oh, never mind.
Hey, Max.
How are you, boy?
Oh, look at that face.
Have you ever seen anything
so beautiful in your life?
Uh, here, I got
something for you, Max.
(laughing): Have I
got something for you.
Yes, sir, I have.
You're going to love it.
Here we go.
It's your favorite.
Oh, come on, Max.
Come on, Max.
Oh, it's bad enough
he's half deaf.
Now he's gone
on a hunger strike.
No, this could be serious.
(dog barking)
(flames crackling)
(glass breaking)
Mr. Warfield,
are you all right?
Leave me alone, please.
(crickets chirping)
(gun chamber clicking)
Yes. Yes.
what happened to the cigarettes?
Sir, you threw them
all out after the doctor
told you you couldn't
smoke anymore.
Go out and buy me some.
But, sir, you've been so
good about your health.
What would Mrs. Warfield say?
Marie, I don't need a lecture.
Just get me the cigarettes.
And turn out the lights.
(door closes)
(engine starts)
(sighs heavily)
(body thuds)
The maid's not here.
Let's hit the safe and get out.
(mellow jazz playing)
I can be lonely
out in a crowd ♪
I can be humble ♪
I can be proud ♪
It all depends on you ♪
I can save money ♪
Or spend it ♪
Go right on living ♪
Or end it ♪
You're to blame, honey ♪
For what I do ♪
I know that I can be beggar ♪
I can be king ♪
I can be almost
any old thing ♪
It all depends on you. ♪
Like hell.
(applause) Thank you.
Hi, Phil. How you doing?
Good to see you.
Margaret, Sarah,
thanks for coming by.
Hello, handsome.
So you talking to me or my dog?
The dog. He dresses better.
He looks depressed.
Well, I thought a
night on the town
might snap him out of it.
Hey, Dixie, is
business all right?
It seems awfully slow here.
Well, I'm glad the
mortgage is paid.
(Max grumbles)
So, why is handsome here, huh?
I think he's fed up
with my cooking.
Well, I'm a pretty
good cook, you know.
Oh, don't I know.
It's 20 years since you
got divorced, McCabe.
You ever get tired
of living alone?
Almost every night.
(phone rings)
Excuse me.
Yeah. McCabe.
Oh, no.
All right, I'll be right there.
That bad, huh?
A friend of mine just
got himself killed tonight.
As soon as the maid calms
down, I want to talk to her.
What's the story, Charlie?
Looks like a burglary.
The maid went out
and whoever came in
probably thought
the place was empty,
saw Warfield over
there, killed him.
Shotgun, hit him
maybe three times.
Where's the wife?
Oh, the mayor called her
office. She's on the way.
I can see it now:
"Deputy Mayor's Husband
Murdered in Brutal Slaying."
There's going to be a
lot of heat on this one.
Yeah. The mayor's on the phone.
Here we go. I'm not here.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
Well, hello there, McCabe.
This hasn't been fired recently.
You will check it for
fingerprints, of course?
So glad you mentioned it.
What happened here?
Killed his dog.
Shotgun? Yeah.
Got in this way?
Looks like it.
Getting anything usable?
Not yet.
You really like
playing cop, don't you?
If I did, I'd still
be on the force.
CHARLIE: Tell me what happened.
MARIE: Oh, Mr. Warfield
was so unhappy tonight.
I haven't seen him like that
since he married Mrs. Warfield.
Drinking and smoking
and smashing things in the den.
What time did you leave?
A little after 9:00.
What time did you return?
About 20 minutes later.
That's when you
called the police?
Yes, sir, I did.
He was on the floor.
The blood, it was horrible.
You didn't touch
anything, did you?
No, sir, I didn't
touch anything.
(garbled radio transmission)
Has Warfield's
son been notified?
Yeah, we finally tracked
him down at some private
Where's John?
On the phone they
said Wait a minute.
Wait a minute! I'm
sorry, Mrs. Warfield,
but your husband is dead.
Thank you.
Has my stepson been notified?
He'll be here any moment.
Do you have any idea
who might want to
kill your husband?
He was the sweetest,
gentlest man that I ever knew.
this is difficult.
You can continue.
Your safe was robbed.
Does anyone besides
yourself have the combination?
No one at all?
There might be someone.
"Might be someone"?
We had a chauffeur
for six months.
We had to let him go when
we found some jewelry missing.
What was his name?
Todd Carter.
We questioned him
about the missing jewelry,
but, uh, he denied it.
Later, we found out he'd been
convicted of burglary twice.
Mrs. Warfield, do you
know why your husband
was so upset today?
Who said that?
CHARLIE: The maid.
Oh, her.
John came by the office
today. He was very happy.
We talked about a
vacation we'd been planning.
I'd like to know
why she was so
conveniently (door opens)
absent from the house
just before somebody broke in.
Who killed my father?
That's what the police
are trying to find out.
All right, Rebecca?
Lieutenant, is that
Is there anything else?
Not for now.
We'll leave you alone.
Thank you, Lieutenant.
Thank you, Mr. McCabe.
I've known John
Warfield for over 30 years.
He was a good man.
You have my word.
We're going to get
whoever did this.
Charlie? Yeah?
MARIE: Mrs. Warfield?
I'm so sorry.
I know how fond you
were of Mr. Warfield.
You mustn't blame yourself.
I shouldn't have left.
Aw, I know you
must feel terrible.
You don't have to stay
here while you're this upset.
maybe I could go to my sister's.
Would it be all right?
I'll be fine.
Just go on.
Thank you, Mrs. Warfield.
Why don't I tuck you in?
Listen, Todd, you're
only making things
more difficult on yourself.
I told you, I
didn't do anything.
We found the stolen
jewelry in your closet.
I don't know how they got there.
And the shotgun
used to kill Warfield.
And this piece of paper we
found in your address book.
It's the combination
to the Warfield safe.
What about Leon Banks?
You talk to him, man?
He'll tell you I was
with him all night.
Driving around, looking
for houses to burglarize.
Yeah, yeah, ask
him. Man, ask him.
We did.
We have a statement from him.
What's it say?
He said he hadn't seen
you that whole night.
TODD: He's lying.
Well, looks like we got our man.
Is that your
professional opinion?
Yes. Hmm.
Based on what?
Based on what I've heard.
I see.
You want to be D.A. someday?
Yes, sir.
So that you can be governor
like your old man, right?
Yes, sir, I wouldn't mind.
Then stop having opinions
before you know what
the facts are, hmm?
Hmm? Yes, sir.
Now get me Jake Styles.
Easy to love, you
know how I need you ♪
Easy to love ♪
I'd like to make a toast.
To what?
To your beauty, Oh.
Your charm,
your intelligence,
your good fortune in
meeting someone like myself.
Easy to love, the
timing is so right ♪
Easy to love, this
could be our love night ♪
Easy to love, I know ♪
I, uh
I've got a surprise
for you. For me?
What? You have
to close your eyes.
What are we doing?
Keep your eyes closed.
Open them.
(chuckling): What?
Easy to love ♪
I dreamt of this moment ♪
Easy to love, let's
end all the torment ♪
Easy to love ♪
It's good stuff.
Mmm, it is great stuff.
And it's just a sample
of what I can deliver
if you buy from
me instead of Harry.
Won't Harry be upset?
Harry will never know.
I think you're terrific,
you know that?
And I think you're swell.
So, are you in?
Yeah, I'm in.
I've got a surprise for you.
It's a surprise. Now
close your eyes,
'cause if you don't,
it's not a surprise.
Close your eyes. They're
closed. They're closed.
They're closed. Okay. Okay.
All right.
Now, give me your hand,
okay? Okay.
It's a bracelet.
Jake, is this some kind of joke?
It's no joke.
Would you, uh, read
the lady her rights?
Take her downtown and book her.
Have fun, sweetheart.
You have the right
to remain silent.
Hey, I see you made
yourself comfortable.
Did you get my message?
Yeah, I got it.
I've been downtown getting a
statement from Claudia Hart.
Oh? And how is
your dear Claudia?
Well, among her many talents
And she has many (chuckles)
Claudia can sing,
which is what she's
been doing all afternoon.
I think she'll cut
whatever deal you want.
Nice work, Jake.
Are you aware
that your ten-dollar
dog is drooling
all over my $1,400
Italian chair?
Max is not
a ten-dollar dog.
I gave the pound $15 for him.
Well, maybe it was $12.50.
I don't remember.
I guess you, uh, want to talk
about the Warfield case, right?
Mm. You want a drink?
I already helped myself.
If you don't mind
my asking you,
with your salary, how the hell
can you afford all of this junk?
It's so awful that it's
got to be expensive.
I'm going to pass on the
inflammatory part of that remark
and just say that, uh,
people like to give me things.
I like to think it's
because of my personality.
When I was a cop, we
called that being on the arm.
Well, it's better than
being on the take,
although having a reputation
for being just a little crooked
sometimes comes in handy.
Tell me what is this thing?
It looks like a neon
marquee on a
nonsectarian whorehouse.
It's a phone.
They make this kind of
stuff in the 20th century.
You're heard of the
20th century, haven't you?
Oh, yes, yes.
But phones should be like
the original Ford automobile.
You can get any
color you want
BOTH: As long as it's black.
I know.
Did you read the
department's report
on the Warfield murder?
Cover to cover.
What's the problem?
Oh, I'm not sure.
It's all a little
too neat for me.
One this professional
burglar leaves the stolen jewelry
and the murder weapon in his
apartment, where we can find it.
Two I see the victim that
day and he seems depressed.
His maid says the same thing.
His wife tells a
different story.
So then the wife
fingers Todd Carter.
Oh, and another thing, the
same night he was killed,
Warfield smashes all the
personal mementos in his den.
All in all, it sounds like
John Warfield had a bad day.
I know it could
be all coincidental,
but it sure as hell
is eating at me.
There's something wrong, Jake.
Something really wrong.
Where do I start?
Well, Carter seems sure
that this Leon Banks character
would give him an alibi,
before he heard that Banks
left him hung out to dry.
I'll go have a talk with Leon.
You know, J.L.,
Max looks a little under
the weather, doesn't he?
He's not eating.
Maybe he's tired
of looking like you.
It's a joke. It's just a joke.
I'll be in touch.
(knocking on door)
Could-could you, uh
I rang the doorbell, but, uh,
but nobody answered.
I figured that your maid was
watching the idiot box too loud
Ah. And didn't hear me.
Well, actually, the maid's
away for a few days.
That maid's away for a few days?
Well, you wouldn't
mind if I just
take a look at your den
one more time, would you?
Well, no, of course not.
Is there anything wrong?
Oh, no, no. Nothing.
Are you looking for
anything in particular?
No, no, no. No, no.
I'm just-just looking.
May I ask why?
Mrs. Warfield,
I'm going to tell you the truth.
There is something about
the night of the murder
that bothers me.
Why would your husband
destroy all of these things?
They must've been
most precious to him.
I don't know.
If I tell you something,
can you treat it confidentially?
That depends
entirely on what it is.
John had been drinking,
recently, more and more,
and when he drank,
he became depressed,
and that could
explain all of this.
that certainly could.
But it wouldn't explain
why he was so cheerful
that afternoon, would it?
He wasn't drinking then.
But this doesn't have anything
to do with Todd Carter, does it?
Or does it?
No, no.
Not at all.
CARSON: Who was at the
Excuse me.
Hello, Carson.
I haven't had a chance
to talk to you in years,
and I'm sorry that it's
under these circumstances.
I thought you were
living in Miami.
No. My father gave
me an opportunity
to work with him and
Oh, well, I was always
under the impression
that you didn't really care
for the lumber business.
Well, it was time
to settle down.
My goodness.
You're beginning to even
sound like your father.
Good for you!
I better be going.
I'll find my way out. Oh.
Good-bye. Yes, good-bye.
So good to see you again.
Good evening. You, too. Bye-bye.
You better get Leon
Banks out of town.
(knocking on door)
Come on in.
I'll be ready in a minute.
Ready for what, Leon?
You, uh
taking a little vacation, huh?
Nothing formal, I see.
Who are you?
I'm an acquaintance
of Todd Carter.
He suggested I come
by and see you today.
You know, he's very, uh,
very upset about
being framed for murder.
What do you want?
Me? I-I don't want anything.
Todd would like
you to be his friend
and tell the police
where you really were
the night Warfield was
Nice collection.
This yours?
I think you better
get out of here.
You were with Todd
that night, weren't you?
Who are you?
I'm a cop,
so why don't you tell me
the whole story?
Save you a trip downtown.
Won't have to fight the traffic.
Find a parking space.
What do you think?
I'm very disappointed
in you, Leon.
(tires squealing)
Hey, hey, over here!
Come on, come on, let's go!
(tires squealing)
What about Leon?
Leon's dead.
We were, uh
we were having a talk.
Leon tried to get away.
What happened? Car comes
pumping down the street,
hits him dead-on,
at 60 miles an hour.
An accident? No way.
I checked. The car's stolen.
Could you see the driver?
I could see it was a man.
That was about it.
This guy could drive,
too. He was good.
He made a couple of
moves to get out of there
that I couldn't believe.
I'd like to meet up
with this character.
He made me look bad.
We can't have that, can we?
You think you could get
close to Carson Warfield?
The son?
He was a champion
stock car driver.
That's why.
I don't understand why McCabe
isn't going forward
with this prosecution.
Well, I hadn't felt that
McCabe was delaying.
The evidence against
Todd Carter is overwhelming.
People keep asking me why
he hasn't even been arraigned.
The man killed my husband.
One of your dearest friends.
If it weren't for John, you
wouldn't have appointed me
to this job.
I look at John's picture
on my desk every day.
And it's all that I can do
to just handle the job.
Rebecca, you have
performed admirably
under the circumstances.
John would've been
very proud of you.
Thank you.
What are we going to do?
I want you to check all
of the Warfield
business dealings.
Now, come on, Max.
Max, this stuff
costs $9.00 a pound.
Should I ask Mrs.
Warfield for that?
No, she's the last
one I want you to ask.
(intercom buzzes)
COLLINS (over intercom):
The Mayor's here to see you.
Well, send him in.
Check with me later, will you?
J.L.: Come on in, Frank.
It's good to see you.
What the hell can I do for you?
Well, I was just wondering
what's happening with
the Carter prosecution.
Oh, just checking
out a few details.
What are you waiting for?
You're got more than
enough to convict him.
Well, you know me,
Frank When I go to court,
I like to be certain
there are no loose ends.
Well, I just left Rebecca.
I tell you, the girl's
just falling apart.
All this hanging
about in the air.
It just doesn't seem right.
Yes, I'll bet the
wait must be killing
Jason, I want the
man prosecuted,
and this is not a suggestion.
Oh, Frank?
I'll get right on it sir.
Thank you.
Whoo! Yeah! ♪
I want to look at you, baby ♪
I want to feast my eyes ♪
I want to look at you, baby ♪
I know you're
one big surprise ♪
I want to look at you baby ♪
Remember me?
Hi, Tina.
I'm sorry about your dad.
Yeah, it was quite a shock.
I've missed you.
Look, it's over
between us, kiddo.
Look at you, baby ♪
With the way we
felt about each other?
It's over.
Do us both a favor
and find somebody else.
Have you found somebody new?
Then I think I'll hang in
there just a little longer.
I'm just like you, Carson.
I hate to lose.
The more I see ♪
The more I like ♪
The more I like,
the more I love ♪
To look at you, baby ♪
This is for you.
For me?
Yeah. Why?
Why not?

I don't believe I got your name.
Carson Warfield.
Jake Styles.
I prefer to be on
a first-name basis
with someone when
I'm planning to take
all their money.
You seem pretty
sure of yourself.
Are you?
There's something
familiar about you.
You drove stock cars, right?
That's right. See, I thought so.
You were pretty good.
I was better
than pretty good.
But just a little better.
You gonna call or fold?
I'm gonna raise.
What's the deal, cowboy?
You in or not?
Does that answer your question?
You know what I think?
I think I'm going to
have to take your money.
Maybe you'd better think again.
We'll have to do
this again real soon.
You have over $20,000 here, sir.
You prefer cash or a check?
What's your favorite charity?
I don't know.
Children's Hospital, I suppose.
Make the check out to
the Children's Hospital,
courtesy of Carson Warfield.
You're right.
We will have to do this again.
I don't know.
Maybe cards aren't your thing.
You still know how
to drive, don't you?
Well, that's kind of like sex.
You never really forget how.
I've got this bathtub Porsche.
No one's ever been
able to take me.
There's always a first time.
You want a drink?
Yeah, sure.
You're buying. Okay.
You were out late last night.
Yeah. Why, did I wake you?
No, I took a sleeping pill.
Those things are bad for you.
I know. Where were you?
Hanging out.
Really? Where?
At the club.
Now, look, we agreed.
Business as usual, right?
I know.
I just wanted you here.
(doorbell rings)
I'll get it.
Mrs. Warfield, I'm sorry to
have to bother you again,
but I have a couple of
things I have to check out.
Of course.
Let's see, here
in the living room
is the first thing.
Is there something wrong?
Hmm? Oh, no.
No, no, nothing at all.
Well, I well,
I don't think so.
Excuse me.
Good morning. Morning.
Mr. McCabe? Yes?
Why are you here?
Well, we're getting ready
to prosecute Todd Carter,
and I had to make sure
of my facts, that's all.
Oh. Oh, I just wish
we could prosecute
the both of them.
Yes, two people committed
this murder, not one.
Why do you say that?
Well, we know that, initially,
John was sitting in the
living room with his dog.
And we also know that the
intruders broke in through
the kitchen door, and I think
that one of them stayed
in there to check out
the maid's room while the other
one came through the hallway
and into the living room.
What makes you think that?
Well, the dog
went to the kitchen
to investigate a noise
and was killed.
But when your
husband heard that shot,
he still didn't have time
to get to his desk drawer
and take out his revolver,
because the second intruder was
already in the living room
and killed him.
That's quite a theory.
How are you going to prove it?
(laughing): I don't know.
It won't be easy.
What about Leon Banks?
Could he be the other one?
Well, why didn't he back
up Todd Carter's story?
I don't know.
Sometimes thieves fall out.
Kind of a pleasant
thought, isn't it?
Well, good-bye.
Good-bye. (J.L. whistling)
We have to do
something about him.
That's everything on
Warfield's business
Real estate, investments
All looks pretty clean to me.
This is good work, Derek.
Very good.
Thank you, Mr. McCabe. Yeah.
(doorbell rings)
Answer the door, will you?
Hey, Jake. Hey.
How are you?
Good. How are you? Good.
So what brings us together
in these low-class
surroundings here, huh?
Hey, you got
your doorbell fixed.
I'm impressed. Yeah.
Thank you very much.
Oh, don't sit so
close to Max, will you?
Why? You know,
he gets lint on him
from that cheap Italian suit.
Okay. All right.
All right.
Any luck with Carson?
Well, we had a
little fun last night.
I took him for over
$20,000 in a card game.
That boy and I are gonna
get to know each other yet.
what I'm about
to say
should get no
further than this room.
Don't ask me how
I know, but I know
that Carson and Rebecca
killed John Warfield.
It wasn't for money,
and it wasn't for power, so
guess what the motive was?
Mama Bear is
sleeping with Baby Bear.
Mrs. Warfield?
They murdered him, all right.
We're going to have to prove it.
First step is to prove
that they're lovers.
Derek, that's gonna be your job.
Yes, sir.
How do I do that?
I want you to follow
our dear deputy mayor.
I want details of everywhere
she goes and everything she does.
Now, get going.
Thank you, sir. I'm on the case.
Thanks for the confidence in me.
Uh, boy, my arm is not a pump.
Excuse me, sir. Good-bye.
He's enthusiastic.
Yeah, but he's
gonna be all right,
one of these days.
I hope.
So, what's next?
Jake, if I'm right,
we've got an older
woman and a younger man
with a fatal attraction
for each other.
Tell me about Carson.
He's egotistic.
He's rich.
He hates to lose
and he's very smart.
He's got an old
girlfriend to die for,
who'd give anything
to get him back.
Really? Yeah.
You know, it wouldn't hurt
to drive a wedge between
Carson and Rebecca.
And I guess that's your job.
J.L.: Your Honor,
the defendant is a man
who has twice been
convicted on burglary charges.
He has no other means of support
other than what he has managed
to pilfer from
unguarded households.
He has no friends,
which is to be expected.
He has no family.
He has no ties to this city,
except for his parole officer.
So, with the charges
brought against him,
it would be very hard to imagine
that he would do anything
Anything But
flee jurisdiction.
Bail is denied.
Trial is set for 10:00 the 28th.
Oh, Carter.
I want you to get this straight.
As far as I'm concerned,
you're a two-bit hood
who's never given
anyone anything but grief,
but I just did you a favor.
The safest place for
you right now is in jail,
so mind your manners in there
and you may come
out of this all right.
However, I doubt it.
I thought that was you.
How are you?
Hey. Good to see you.
Who is this lovely lady?
This is my stepmother.
Your stepmother? You
got to be kidding me.
She looks more
like your girlfriend.
So, are you going to
introduce us or what?
Rebecca Warfield,
Jake Styles.
Hi, Rebecca.
It's nice to meet one
of Carson's friends.
Thank you. It's my pleasure.
Actually, I just stopped
by to see if your stepson
was avoiding me.
Why would he want to do that?
Well, we were
supposed to have a race.
Like a marathon?
No, I think he means a car race.
You do remember.
Now, see, I was starting
to think you got cold feet.
Styles, you amuse me.
I like you.
That could be a big mistake.
I'll tell you what.
Why don't you be
at the club tonight?
Nice meeting you.
Hm. A pleasure.
Why two checks?
The lady said to give you hers.
REBECCA: I recognized the man.
I know that he works for you,
and when I realized
that he was following me,
I was shocked;
I was insulted. How
dare you do such a thing!
Mrs. Warfield, this all
sounds like a terrible mistake,
Believe me.
Now, this fellow
you say followed you.
What-what did he look like?
Young, blond,
obviously incompetent.
Oh, no.
Get Derek Mitchell in here now!
There, you see?
We'll get to the bottom
of this, Mrs. Warfield.
You'd better.
Yes, come in.
WARFIELD: That's him.
did you follow this woman?
Did you?! You
answer my question!
You better speak up, boy,
or I'm gonna stick
your butt in a sling
and shoot you
across the state line!
Yeah, I
You just took it upon
yourself, is that it?
You think that anyone connected
with a murder is some kind
of a suspect?
Well, this is the deputy mayor!
Now you apologize to this woman!
I'm sorry.
Now get out of here
before I lose my temper!
So you didn't authorize this?
Mrs. Warfield, please.
Have you followed?
Now, why should I do that, huh?
I can't imagine.
I'm really sorry.
I didn't think she caught me.
I tried to be so
(chuckling): Lighten up, kid.
I knew you'd get caught.
I was counting on it.
You knew I'd get caught?!
We all do the first time.
Even you? Especially me.
I was never any good.
And I just don't
understand that.
I guess I just didn't blend
into the woodwork somehow.
And I still don't
understand that.
I'm a sentimental
sap, that's all ♪
What's the use
of trying not to fall ♪
I have no will,
you've made your kill ♪
'Cause you took
advantage of me ♪
I'm just an apple ♪
Mr. McCabe?
Who are you?
I think we might be able
to do a little business
together, Mr. McCabe.
What kind of business?
I have some information on
who really killed John Warfield.
How old are you, kid?
What's it to you?
Where you from,
upstate New York? Ohio?
Look, for $5,000,
I could help you out a lot.
Lana, let me tell
you what I think.
Underneath that dreadful
makeup you're wearing,
you look like a very sweet girl.
I guess you're a runaway,
and probably are working
the streets by now, right?
That's my problem.
I'd like to help.
I want that
information you've got,
so I'll tell you what I'll do.
I'll pay you five grand,
but I'll send it back to
your family in your name.
You want the information,
you give me the money.
Here's my card.
Call me tomorrow.
it's worth thinking about.
You still have a chance
to get out of this kind of life.
I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Rebecca Warfield?
I'm one of your
greatest admirers.
I was so sorry to hear
about your husband.
Oh, thank you.
I-I really hope you
run for Mayor one day.
I think this city could
use somebody like you.
Thank you. You're very kind.
(elevator bell dings)
Anybody follow you?
How about you?
Nobody could.
(engine starts)
(whistling happily)
You know what I was thinking
I was think
Where you going?
To the club.
My new best friend, remember?
You weren't serious.
Yeah, I was.
No. It's not safe.
In fact, it's childish.
It's fun.
Carson, stay here.
Be a good girl
and wait up for me.
(whistling happily)
(door opening)
(dance music playing)
I'm supposed to
meet a friend here,
but he's not here yet.
You mind if I keep you
company until he shows up?
Not at all. Thank you.
It won't cost you
a flower this time.
I'm Jake Styles.
Tina Robbins.
Hi, Tina.
Has anyone ever told you
that you have beautiful eyes?
A few times. Good.
I just wanted to make
sure that I wasn't the first.
Oh, here he is. Hey,
Carson, how are you?
Listen, I'd like you
to meet someone.
This is Hello, Tina.
Hi, Carson. Oh, you
guys know each other.
A little. JAKE: Oh.
Are we going to do this or what?
Oh, you're anxious. I like that.
Anxious about what?
Well, we've got this
little race planned.
Oh, by the way, what are,
uh what are the stakes?
My car against
yours for pink slips.
I don't know.
My car's real special to me.
You can't handle the action?
(wry, quiet laugh)
You're on.
I would love to see this.
You can with me.
Come on.
(engines revving)
(tires squealing)
(tires squealing)
(engine revving)
(tires squealing)
(horn honking)
(engine roaring)
(engine revs)
(tires squealing)
(horn honking)
(engine revving,
tires screeching)
(truck horn blasting)
(horn honking)
(engine revving)
(horn honking)
(tires squealing)
Do you really think
you can beat him?
Hold on.
(tires squealing)
(horn honking)
(engine revving)
(engine revs, tires squeal)
(tires squeal)
(tires squealing)
It's all yours, Jake.
Oh, come on.
I don't want your
car. I really don't.
It's your car. Here,
take the keys.
I'm just messing with you. Cute.
No, I'm not cute.
I thank you, but I'm
really not that cute.
Here, take your keys.
Take the keys. Look,
I tell you something.
You want to talk about
cute? This girl here
is she's too much.
You guys got a
thing going or what?
We're friends, yeah.
You're just friends? Yeah.
Maybe you could tell
me a little bit about her.
I bet she goes from zero to
60 in about six seconds, right?
Why don't you ask her?
Oh, no, I couldn't do that.
No. That's
That's a little forward,
don't you think?
I don't know, maybe one day
I'll take her out on a test drive.
No, go ahead, ask her.
Hey, hey, what's
the matter with you?
Are you upset about this race?
Hey, come on, it's just a race.
What are you upset about?
It's just a dumb race.
Look, I tell you what.
Why don't the three of
us go and do something?
I don't know. We'll do
some Are you hungry?
I'm starving. We'll go get
something to eat, okay?
What do you think?
It's on me.
All right, let's go.
Yeah, come on. We'll
have a good time.
I'll see you back at
the club, all right? Yeah.
Where the hell were you?!
Oh, baby.
You know where I was.
I was out racing with
that guy, with Styles
and then him and me
and Tina went Tina?
You were with
Tina? No, I wasn't.
Styles was with her.
Oh, yeah, really.
Rebecca It was nothing.
It was nothing?!
You didn't come
home I waited!
You, you didn't call!
What was I supposed to think?
You could've been hurt.
You could've been killed.
Come here.
Now, listen to me.
There's two things
you can count on.
One, I'm a real good driver.
And two, I'm faithful to you.
Hello, Mr. McCabe.
I see you have your
devious little protégé
with you. I never
leave home without him.
Oh, I have some news
that might interest you.
I may have a surprise witness
in your husband's murder case.
Is that good or bad?
Oh, it's very good.
For our side.
(tense laughter)
(elevator bell dings,
doors slide open)
Devious, huh?
You know, it would
be my pleasure
to personally
lock her cell door.
Derek, such animosity
towards a public official.
I'm shocked.
But I will recover.
(briefcase clunks onto floor)
Who the hell
straightened up my desk?
Mrs. Collins, I know
you're new here,
but did you
straighten up my desk?
Well, don't ever do
it again, you hear?!
Oh, all right, put her on.
Mr. McCabe?
I'll take you up on your offer.
Meet me tonight at
8:00 at Third and Willard.
Okay, 8:00.
(hangs up phone)
We may have a
surprise witness after all.
(turns off engine)
(dog barking in distance)
They'll be here soon.
Let's get undressed and
we'll get some pictures
of you and the Fatman.
I'm not sure that
I want to do this.
Don't turn virgin on me.
Get undressed.

Yes, this is McCabe.
I want to report a homicide.
This is just wonderful.
What do you expect me to do?
Stand by me.
I'm sorry.
I'm going to have to suggest
that you take a vacation.
Frank, I was set up.
I know that,
but you've got to
understand the situation.
The powers that
be don't like you.
They have never liked you.
They're delighted to find
a reason to get rid of you.
Do yourself a favor.
Take a vacation or
take the suspension.
Do you have any idea
who'd want to do this to you?
I sure as hell do.
I'll let you know.
You know, Styles, I
can't quite figure you out.
I'm your favorite
enigma, aren't I?
You take my money
from me in a card game
and give it to charity.
And then you win my car from me
and give it back.
I'm a soft touch.
Or a hustler.
If I'm looking
for a big score
Bigger than $20,000 and
bigger than your Ferrari,
then what is it?
I haven't figured that out yet.
Okay. I'll make
it easier for you.
There's only one thing
that you've got that I want.
And I promise you
I won't give it back.
I'm not that soft a touch.
She'll be over here in a minute.
Keep her safe for me,
will you, till I get back?
Where's Jake?
Off gloating somewhere.
Look, you told me
to find somebody else.
He kind of reminds me of you.
Let's get out of here.
What do you mean?
I mean do you want
the original or a copy?
Let's go.
(phone ringing)
WOMAN: Is Carson there?
No. Who's this?
Oh, just a friend. Who's this?
His stepmother.
Oh, I'm sorry. I thought
Listen, I'm supposed to meet
him over at his apartment,
but I'm going
to be a little late.
Who is this?
I'm tired.
You're never tired.
Then let's go to bed.
I don't think so.
Then why did you
bring me up here?
Because I didn't want Styles
to have you.
I'm sorry.
Well, there's got to
be more to it than that.
Who is she?
What makes you say that?
Carson, you were
never faithful to me,
so there's only one
explanation for this.
You must be in love.
You don't know her.
Does she make you happy?
Well, I love you enough to
want to see you happy, too.
How about a drink,
just between friends.
What are you doing here?
What is she doing here?
I'm having a
drink with a friend.
Tell your friend to leave.
She's not finished.
She is now.
I think I'd better go.
No, no, no, wait, wait.
Not yet.
I want you to know, Carson,
what your friend is up to.
She called me to
make sure that I knew
that she was spending
the night with you.
I didn't make any phone calls.
She's lying.
Good night, Carson.
What is the matter with you?
You don't own me.
You can't treat me
like this Like what?
I'm faithful to you.
It's like I'm married to you.
There was nothing
going on, I swear.
You call that nothing?
(door opens, closes)
For over 15 years, District
Attorney J.L. McCabe,
who was one of our
favorite local dinosaurs,
has been a vigilante
running loose
within our judicial system.
Now, McCabe's
attitude has always been
get a conviction at any price.
He has consistently
sidestepped, ignored,
and simply taken
the law into his hands
whenever they
suited his purpose.
Do you believe that
miserable son of a?
But, this time, he may
finally have gone too far.
Whether or not the death
of this young homeless girl
Hey, Derek, sit down.
Was the result
of his professional
or personal excesses,
remains to be seen.
What the hell are
you doing here?
I just thought I'd stop by
and see how you were doing.
They're really tearing
me apart, aren't they?
Is there anything I can do?
Yeah pass me the steak sauce.
I mean about the case.
No, I don't think so.
Thank you, Derek.
It's very kind of you,
but I don't think so at all.
There we go.
You want something to eat?
You can have one
of these, you know.
No. I'm sorry, sir.
Under the circumstances,
I don't seem to have
much of an appetite.
Derek, this may come
as a surprise to you,
but I've been through
a lot worse than this.
Now, if it doesn't
ruin my appetite,
I don't know why
it should yours.
There we go.
JAKE: Hello, boys.
Hey, Jake.
Well, I've got some
good news, boys.
Like what?
Carson Warfield just took
the night flight to Brazil.
(utensil clatters)
(clock chiming)
He left town.
He took the night
flight to Sao Paulo
with some girl I think
her name was Tina.
How do you know that?
It's my job to know.
And who are you?
Jake Styles.
We've met. You remember?
Why is it your job to know?
He's my personal investigator,
that's why.
I was wondering when
you were going to get here.
I was thinking maybe you
weren't going to make it.
Did you get
stuck in the traffic?
Mrs. Warfield, good luck.
I'll talk with you later.
Would you like to explain
to me why you're here?
She must've been
a hell of a woman
for Carson to walk out on you.
Well, if you'll excuse me
In answer to your question,
I'm here to see you
to say a few things to you now
that I won't be
able to say in court.
Don't make threats, Mr. McCabe.
I don't make threats.
This is a subpoena.
I'm putting you on the stand
and I want you to know why.
Mrs. Warfield, I've spent most
of my life as a cop and a D.A.
chasing killers and thieves,
and as despicable as they were,
most of them were
forced into crime by poverty
and desperation,
but that's no excuse
for someone like you.
You've had it handed
to you all the way,
and you turned out to
be the worst of the lot.
You're a calculating,
cold-blooded killer.
You murdered a good man,
a man you professed to love.
I have no sympathy for you,
so I'm going to take
you apart like a clock,
expose you to the world,
and let everybody see
exactly what you are
and just how you tick.
Are you through?
Yes, until I see you in court.
You're forgetting
something, Mr. McCabe.
You're not District
Attorney anymore,
so you won't be in court.
Uh, Mrs. Warfield,
you do realize that
you're all alone now.
And Mrs. Warfield,
have you noticed
that strange smell in the air?
Do you know what it is?
It's fear.
I can't believe it.
Carson Warfield and Rebecca?
I just can't believe it.
I want to be reinstated
as District Attorney.
I want to go back
on the Carter case.
Here. What is this?
Well, that's my letter of
you know, I'm
agreeing to resign.
I just don't know
if I can do this.
Frank, I've done a
pretty good job for this city
for the last 20 years,
but if I can't bring Rebecca
Warfield down, I'm through.
You're rid of me.
Now reinstate me!
Do you swear to tell
the truth, the whole truth,
and nothing but the
truth, so help you God?
I do. Be seated.
We have a lot to
talk about today,
haven't we, Deputy
Mayor Warfield?
Mr. McCabe, I'm here to
do anything I can to help.
(clears throat)
Now, these jewels which were
found in Todd Carter's apartment
and marked People's
Exhibit Number 27,
do you recognize them?
Yes, they belong to John,
my late husband and me.
We kept them in
the safe at our home.
Huh. Good. Thank you.
(whistling quietly)
Now, this piece of paper,
also taken from Todd
Carter's apartment
People's Exhibit Number 14
Do you recognize the
combination that's written on it?
It's the combination to
the safe at our house.
You told the authorities
that you were in your office
the complete day and evening
uh, evening of the 28th.
Is that correct?
The mayor called to tell
you of your husband's death.
Is that right? Yes, it is.
You told the authorities
that you didn't see
Carson Warfield all that day.
Isn't that right?
That's accurate.
Carson rented
apartment number 21
at the Amsterdam Apartments
at 319 Sycamore Street.
Is that right?
Yes, I believe so.
It says he rented the apartment
ten days before the murder.
Is that right?
I don't know when he rented it.
Well, I have a copy
of his lease right here,
and interestingly enough,
when you rent one
of these apartments,
you can have maid
service, if you want it,
and Carson didn't
want to take it.
Now, don't you think that odd?
If you say so.
Oh, no.
No, no, no, no. I don't say so.
What do you say?
I say not particularly.
Not particularly.
Thank you.
You see if he had
taken maid service
then I wouldn't have in
my hand, here, a receipt
for shotgun shells
bought just a few days
before the murder
Shells loaded with
double-aught buckshot,
just like the buckshot
that killed your husband.
Miss Grant, will
you please stand?
Do you recognize this woman?
I'm not sure.
Well, this woman, Katie Grant,
resides at the
Amsterdam Apartments,
in apartment 35.
Oh, yes.
I remember. We spoke once.
Well, Miss Grant is prepared
to go on the stand and testify
that she saw you
and Carson on the
evening of the murder
at the Amsterdam Apartments,
yet you've told us that you were
working throughout that evening
and that you didn't see
Carson at all that day.
Now, you lied, didn't you?
I lied.
You lied because you
had something to hide.
You had a fatal attraction,
you and Carson Warfield.
You were lovers.
Isn't that correct?
No, that's not true!
You both killed your
husband because he found out,
and then you robbed the safe and
planted evidence on Todd Carter.
Isn't that correct?
No! That's not true!
You lied about where
you were that day,
you lied about seeing Carson
and your relationship with him,
and you're lying now!
You killed your
husband, didn't you?
I didn't kill him.
Carson did.
(gallery clamoring)
I was with Carson
that night.
He called me to come over.
He was very upset.
He'd had a fight with John.
Things had been strained
between them for some time.
He asked me to speak
to John on his behalf,
and of course I agreed
He's my stepson.
But you lied to the police.
Yes to me, this was a private
family matter.
Carson and his
father fought, yes.
Yes, there'd been threats,
but this happens at
some time in most families.
Mr. McCabe, I
didn't think at the time
that Carson had murdered John.
The safe
had been robbed!
Everyone assumed that
it was Todd Carter I did.
So Carson killed your husband?
He robbed the safe
and planted the
evidence on Todd Carter?
And Leon Banks, what about him?
Carson hired him to keep
Todd occupied that night.
Later, he paid him off
to say he wasn't with him.
Leon Banks was later killed.
By Carson.
And the prostitute Lana Kent?
He killed her to discredit you.
Well, why didn't
you come forward
with this evidence before?
You have to believe me.
I only found out this morning.
And how was that?
Carson called. I don't know
where he was calling from.
He was very upset.
He said he'd run away.
He was crying, and then
he told me everything.
It was awful.
I begged him to turn himself in.
He said he couldn't face that.
I said if he didn't,
that I would have to go
to the police myself,
which I did this morning.
I made a complete
statement to Lieutenant Peters.
And you had no part in this?
No. I have sworn to the truth.
Ask Carson.
Find him. Ask him.
Help him to confess.
No further questions.
No questions, Your Honor.
You may step down.
J.L.: Your Honor, I call
Carson Warfield to the stand.
(gallery murmuring)
J.L.: Mr. Warfield,
you haven't been
traveling abroad for the
last 24 hours, have you?
What does that mean?
You guys picked me up for
some outstanding traffic violations.
You've been herding me
around from jail to jail all night.
What is this?
J.L.: Your Honor, I would like
to have Rebecca
Warfield's testimony
read back to this
witness, please.
Start with, uh
(speaking quietly, indistinctly)
Question: "So Carson
Warfield killed your husband?"
Answer: "Yes."
Question. "He robbed the safe
and planted the
evidence on Todd Carter?"
Answer: "Yes."
Question: "And Leon
Banks? What about him?"
Answer: "Carson hired him to
keep Todd Carter occupied that night,
then Leon was paid off
to say he wasn't with him."
Question: "Leon
Banks was later killed?"
Answer: "By Carson."
Question: "And the
prostitute Lana Kent?"
Answer: "He killed
her to discredit you."
Question: "And you
had no part in this?"
Answer: "No."
Mr. Warfield, your stepmother
has seen fit to come forward
with the truth about
your father's murder.
Well, she left out one detail.
And what was that?
She pulled the
trigger on my old man.
(gallery clamoring,
gavel banging)
JUDGE: Order!
Well done.
Mr. McCabe, you
were brilliant in court.
Finding that surprise witness
blew the case wide open.
JAKE: You mean this witness?
JAKE: This is Katie Grant.
I planted her in the building.
She works undercover
downtown at Division One.
Please have a seat.
J.L.: And as of
now, she's all yours.
Well, I mean, your own
personal investigator.
Hey, Max.
So, J.L., how's Max
doing? Is he eating yet?
Neither J.L. nor I have
had any luck so far.
Well, I bet I can make him eat.
What's the bet?
One week's vacation.
You got it.
One week. One week.
Don't move.
I won't move.
What the hell is he doing?
I have no idea.
DIXIE & J.L.: Cheers.
DIXIE: Oh, my God, what is it?
What is that? Max Max
Oh, my God! Meet Maxine.
(all laughing)
J.L.: Go on, Max.
What we have here
is a fatal attraction.
DEREK: Cheers.
And to you, too.
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