Kaala Paani (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

The Switch

[factory siren blaring]
[LG Qadri] Every book
on the topic will say,
"A leader always makes
the right decision."
But "right decision" is a concept
that works only on paper.
In real life, all of you face problems
that can't be solved
by any right decision as such.
All right, let's consider
the classic trolley problem.
Five rail workers are working on a track.
They have their headphones on.
So they can't hear the sound
of a supersonic fast train
approaching them.
A collision can kill all of them.
But you're manning the control room.
[intriguing music playing]
And what lies before you is a switch.
If you flip the switch,
the train will turn
and move to another track.
But even then
there's one person working.
Fate had planned the death of five.
If you want to change that,
then you have to
voluntarily take one life.
So the question is
how many of you would flip the switch?
The gentleman in green.
What makes you think that taking
this one life is the right decision?
Because five lives
are more valuable than one life.
So I would flip the switch any day.
Okay. The young man next to you,
do you know each other?
Yes, sir. He's my son.
Hmm. So what happens
if you look out
of your control room and see
that on this other track,
it's your own son that's working.
What about that day?
Would you still flip the switch?
To save five lives,
would you kill your own child?
Come on, answer, he wants to know.
[audience laughing]
No, sir.
Please sit.
So when it comes to choosing
between human lives,
there are no right decisions.
There are wrong decisions
and lesser wrong decisions.
If this was your not just family,
maybe a favorite actor or cricketer,
or even Chief Secretary Bhowmik ji,
you wouldn't have touched that switch.
Come on, sir, why are you
throwing me on the track?
[audience laughing]
I know, I know. All that I'm saying is
real life problems are far more complex.
Unlike movies that have right or wrong,
good or bad, hero or villain,
there's nothing of that sort here.
[man] Excuse me, sir.
Sir, if you were in such a situation,
what would you do?
[chuckles softly]
-In that situation, I would
-The SP is here. He wants a word.
[cell phone ringing]
[audience murmuring]
[tense music playing]
[footsteps approaching]
[female doctor] Are you a doctor?
Uh yeah.
I'm a PhD,
but right now I'm researching on
I mean, do you work here?
Because Dr. Shashi has called
all the medical staff
for an emergency meeting.
[indistinct chatter]
I know, uh, a lot of you have
patients waiting, but, uh,
there's something I need to share.
[breathes deeply]
[tense music playing]
I've just been informed that Dr. Singh
-She's no more.
-[man 1] What?
-[staff murmuring]
-[man 2] What happened to her?
A few hours [clears throat]
[somber music playing]
A few hours ago,
her body was discovered near Jenkins Lake.
The autopsy is still due,
but it looks like an accident.
Since there is no immediate family,
the hospital will perform her last rites.
That's all.
[all murmuring]
[file thuds]
[tense music playing]
[Ritu] Sir? Sir, she knew it.
She knew it, sir. The mystery disease
that she was talking about,
-she knew what caused it.
-We have been through this.
-It is a case of alcohol poisoning.
-No, sir.
It's the water. It's the water, sir.
That's why she was there at Jenkins Lake.
It's a source of a water-borne infection.
Sir, check this out.
All her patients, all 11 of them,
came in contact with this lake.
One of them,
the one whom we discharged yesterday,
he was found dead this morning.
Couldn't reach the others,
but I have a feeling that
That that explains it.
Explains what?
Soudamini's body was found
lying next to a small settlement.
When the officials reached
the site for questioning,
they found the entire settlement dead.
[hesitates] How many?
Latest count says 22.
The window of these deaths
was 12 to 24 hours.
Which is why they weren't able
to inform anybody else.
Sir sir, the main source of water
in Jenkins is this lake.
We need to inform the people there.
400 lives are at risk.
Not 400.
Half a million.
[theme music playing]
Who's this new girl
in the middle of the year?
[teacher shushes]
What is this?
Sir, map of India.
You sure? This is the map of India?
That's what we learned in grade four.
[children chuckling]
Is there anyone in class who knows
what the complete map of India looks like?
[mellow music playing]
This 32 lakh-square-kilometer land mass
is not the only land that makes up India.
This plus this
plus this
And this is not a small mistake
because these little islands
are home to lakhs of Indians.
And one of them is here today
in class with us.
Beta, please introduce yourself.
Hi, everyone.
My name is Jyotsna Dey.
And I'm from Port Blair.
[school bell ringing]
GNM? You want to do GNM after 12th grade?
Yeah, and after that DNP.
No, it's just that,
as far as ambitions go,
IIT, IAS or MBA are the ones
that people pick.
In fact, I too want to be a doctor,
but, uh
But who wants to be a nurse, right?
[children chattering]
Uh, yeah.
Actually in healthcare,
it's the care part that interests me more.
What I feel is that
doctors diagnose diseases,
suggest a treatment
and quickly move on to the next patient.
But a nurse continues
to stay with the patient
until the patient
is completely recovered and well.
Maybe that's why when someone is sick,
you don't doctor them,
you nurse them back to health.
And that's who I want to be.
Your wish has been granted.
Anni's blessings are bestowed.
What's bestowed?
Anni. Anni's blessings.
They will make
all of your dreams come true.
And in return, you must promise
you will always be a true friend to Anni.
And if someone
breaks the friendship, then?
Then Anni's curse be upon them.
[both giggle]
[Vinayak] Jyotsna?
[wind chimes tinkling]
You conked off at four in the morning.
It's hot.
I can't believe why you're selling
your family heritage to some stranger.
You'll find my broker's card
in the back section.
Just call him and make a better offer
and keep my heritage.
You know, right?
I can't afford to pay for your bathroom.
Huh, but
if I had a stable job as a head nurse
at a private hospital, maybe.
[Jyotsna slurping]
Hey, wait. Your card is expired.
Why haven't you renewed it?
It's been quite a while.
Yeah, 'cause a few years ago, I quit.
I'm no longer in healthcare.
Yeah, but this was your dream
since kindergarten.
Why'd you quit nursing?
Because Anni's curse took over.
[emotional music playing]
Sir, Port Blair gets 70% of its water
from this pipeline.
We have a potential epidemic on our hands.
And the most qualified person
to stop this outbreak,
uh, is no longer with us.
[Bhowmik] Listen.
Whatever happened with Dr. Singh,
it was really very tragic.
But, you know,
this turning into a major health crisis,
how confident are you about that?
Meaning, this panic needs
some logic, right?
You said there's bacteria in the water.
I trust you.
But if there is bacteria in it,
antibiotics can remove it all.
Sir, that's exactly
what I'm trying to explain to you.
This is a superbug.
It has developed antibiotic resistance.
We have the reports of all the patients
that Soudamini was treating.
Not a single
broad-spectrum antibiotic that we tried
had any kind of effect
on this bacteria at all.
But then the patients
were getting better, how come?
Sir, that's because this disease
mimics the pattern of leptospirosis.
But it also has pulmonary manifestations.
[Bhowmik] Wait, one second.
Hindi, English, Bangla,
these three languages I know.
Use one of those please.
[Shashi sighs]
we definitely need to do more tests.
[pensive music playing]
But it looks like this ailment
has two stages.
Stage one,
apart from the black patches on the neck,
patients get fever, headache,
dry throat as early symptoms.
In a short while,
all these symptoms start to subside,
and the patient starts to get the feeling
that they're recovering.
But the bacteria
is still there in the system.
Hiding, waiting.
Waiting for
-Um, waiting for
-An ambush.
An ambush.
Stage two,
the immune system is completely
ambushed by the bacteria.
Patients get hiccups at this stage,
and then lungs, liver, kidneys,
multiple organ failure.
And in most of the cases,
in a matter of hours,
This disease can be spread not just
by water, but even the water droplets
from an infected person.
And, sir, this tourist festival,
we have no estimate as to
how many people are infected right now.
[knocking at door]
[tense music playing]
[music stops]
-[clock ticking]
[door creaks, closes]
What caused this?
[pensive music playing]
Why now?
We don't know, sir.
All we know is
Soudamini's hunch was right.
And at least someone
decided to follow up on it.
She has done all the research, sir.
Who are you?
Um, sir, Ritu Gagra.
I'm a research fellow at NICD, Bangalore.
See, this is the problem, Dr. Mahajan.
You want us to cancel everything
because some junior fellow
has read four online articles?
I ask you once again,
how confident are you?
Sir, junior or otherwise,
primarily, she's a scientist.
She has presented her research
and scientific evidence to you.
Technically, that's a question
I should be asking you.
How confident are you?
[tense music playing]
Okay. Shiva,
kill the Jenkins pipeline immediately.
How soon can we start
the health emergency protocol?
Within the hour, sir. All health workers
in Port Blair active or retired,
will receive a medical emergency SOS.
Okay. Next, shut down the airport
and the docks.
And as soon as you can,
enforce pocket lockdowns.
Dr. Mahajan, can this disease
be rapid-tested here?
Now that we know what we're looking for,
we might be able to.
Also, the black patches on the neck,
they're the obvious symptoms.
Bhowmik ji. Work with Dr. Mahajan.
And start isolating
as many non-infected as you can.
And, gentlemen, most importantly,
whatever we discussed here today
should not get out of here.
Tell your subordinates
all this is just a drill.
But, sir, people need to know
that there's a crisis
One last thing, Dr. Mahajan.
This disease. What do we call it?
Sir, uh, it looks like a variant of
Leptospiral Hemorrhagic Fever.
So we can call it LHF.
I hate it when disease names
have numbers in them.
You don't seem to understand,
crocodiles are leaving.
-Yeah, but why are you leaving?
-Because crocodiles are leaving.
Saltwater crocodiles
don't abandon their habitat and leave.
Something's off at Tulip Island.
My agency is sending me to document it.
I'll chop your head off.
Because of you I even missed my flight.
-Now you're leaving?
-Listen, I'll be back by tomorrow.
And you can stay an extra day, right?
What the hell?
If you will tell me the truth, I won't go.
Tell me, why'd you quit nursing?
[clicks tongue] Don't start that again.
I told you there wasn't
any reason as such.
I just got bored, that's it.
Aunty, tell him, please.
God knows what pain
he thinks I have in me.
Veenu, don't harass her. Go have a bath.
Water has stopped. Take a bucket
from Krishnan's tube-well. Go.
-I will find out.
-Go [chuckles]
What's this?
His papa used to be a forest guard.
And thanks to him, I got to meet
some of the Oraka tribals.
One day, one of them entrusted this to me.
The totem of the Oraka tribe.
It's their symbol.
You know, in the year 2004,
the tsunami wreaked
so much havoc on the Andamans,
but not a single Oraka got even a scratch.
Really? How come?
Just a few days before the tsunami,
the entire clan
left the jungle, all of them.
It was almost as if they found out
something bad was going to happen.
But how did they find out?
When I asked the chief
the very same question,
he answered me with one single word,
[Jyotsna] Tinnotu?
No known language
has the precise translation.
But what it means is
you need to understand things so deeply,
that even its slightest pain
can be felt by you completely.
[gentle music playing]
To be able to sense someone's pain,
we don't need to use any words, beta.
The ones who truly love you
can feel it anyway.
[cell phone beeping]
Aunty, this Marine Hill
is how far from here?
Each of you is individually accountable
for your area lockdowns.
I'll need hourly updates
from each one of you.
Hmm. You heard what sir just said?
You'll give him updates every hour.
And me every half hour, okay?
Sorry, sir, please continue.
And please remember,
this might just be a drill,
-but we cannot afford any lapses.
-I don't want any slacking off.
The public should not face
any inconvenience.
Sir, you want to add anything?
Jai Hind. Quick, quick. We're in a hurry.
Sir? Sir?
What happened, sir?
You had a meeting with the LG
without me today.
These days since you're busy,
with tall-tower meetings
-I thought for a change I'd do field work.
Good call, sir.
In fact, I was longing for it.
But, sir, I'm confused,
why this lockdown drill
in the middle off Swaraj Mahotsav?
Just two months ago,
we had the very same drill.
If you have a problem following
direct orders, Ketan, let me know.
I'll get someone else to cover your area.
No, sir, I'm fully committed.
But, uh, in these instructions here,
you haven't mentioned the end time
of the drill anywhere.
Must be an oversight, right?
you and I both know this is not a drill.
Maybe the LG
is trying to keep it under wraps.
But at the end of the day,
he's just a politician sitting on a chair.
And the ground situation
is what we handle, right, sir?
Don't you think we deserve
to see the full picture?
Must be pinching you, right, Ketan?
That it is easier for me
to trust a politician than to trust you.
[tense music playing]
[chuckles softly]
Sir, you don't need to trust me
to agree with me.
I heard about Dr. Singh. [clicks tongue]
[sighs] Such sad news.
But without informing her team,
she shouldn't have taken
such a huge risk on her own, no?
I just hope that this lack of trust
or lack of information on our part
doesn't lead to another
accident taking place.
Parvez, start the car.
[gripping music playing]
-Where to?
-[engine starts]
Marine Hill.
-Where in Marine Hill?
-Just get on with it.
-[folk music playing]
-[announcer] Ladies and gentlemen,
here, at the heart of Marine Hill,
ATOM welcomes you
to Swaraj Mahotsav, 2027!
Experience a potpourri of cultures
of all Indian states
backed on the other side of Bay of Bengal.
[children chattering excitedly]
[Paul] Yeah, you buy whatever you want.
Yeah, yeah. Okay. Okay.
Yeah, yeah, talk to you later.
So, kiddos, who wants popcorn?
I'll have whatever Parth Bhaiya is having.
[Paul] Okay, Parth, what will you have?
-[Parth] I'll have cheese caramel.
-[Paul] One cheese caramel please.
[announcer] The grand carnival extends
all the way to Netaji Indoor Stadium,
where the festival
is just about to conclude.
For any queries, please talk
to your nearby ATOM coordinator.
All of you can enjoy different delicacies
in this Swaraj Mahotsav, 2027.
We have it all here.
From kids to grandparents,
everybody can enjoy this Mahotsav.
[man coughing]
[foreboding music playing]
[coughing continues]
-[Parth] There you are.
-[man coughing]
[announcer] The grand carnival extends
all the way to Netaji Indoor Stadium
What are you doing? Why did you move away?
-I was trying to do my homework.
-You can do your homework later.
-Here, hold this.
-[cell phone ringing]
[announcer] all of you can enjoy
different delicacies
Yeah, Papa, we are both fine.
Please don't call every 15 minutes.
[Santosh] Fifteen minutes?
It's been two hours, beta.
I told you, Gargi, we shouldn't disturb
I'm asking you, come on ask.
Mummy's asking, beta,
did you give Kaddu her medicine?
Yeah, Papa, I did.
You know what, Guchhu?
You really missed such scenic beauty.
These guys showed us
so many beautiful beaches.
First, they showed us Bharatpur Beach,
now we're at Lakshmanpur
and then to Sitapur.
Only your mom's brand-new shoes
got filled with sand.
-[announcer] Here at Marine Hill
-Papa, I'll call you later.
[announcer] ATOM welcomes you
to Swaraj Mahotsav 2027!
[Paul] Yeah, same
Do you want anything else?
Huh? Huh, beta, you want something?
-[Kaddu] No.
-Uh, Uncle
Uh, you guys carry on ahead.
I need to go inside.
We'd just come from there.
Yeah, but Papa said
there's that, uh, Ruby Rhino mascot.
I need to get Kaddu's picture with that.
-Yeah, Bhaiya, let's go quickly.
-So Yeah, so,
-we'll meet here in half an hour?
-Bhaiya, come! Let's go.
-[Parth] Okay, right?
-Yay, yay
Okay. But if you need anything,
call me, okay?
-Yes, yes, Uncle.
-Come on. Let's go.
-[Paul] Hold her hand tight.
Yeah, but if you've already quit your job,
why are you going?
Post-COVID guidelines say
that I have to report.
-And also out of curiosity,
I wanted to see
why they suddenly sent the SOS.
[tense music playing]
This is Chiru's other taxi.
More than tourists, it carries vegetables.
-Get in.
-[breathing heavily] Uh
No, I can't.
It's a second-hand car,
but it's not that bad. Come on.
What happened?
-[breathing heavily]
Jyo Jyotsna!
Are you okay? Jyotsna?
I'll get some water.
[man] I have a feeling you finished it.
[nurse] That's not fair, sir.
[man] I don't care.
I'm paying full price here.
I must have malpua for lunch.
You won't be getting any malpua.
Come on, lift up your shirt.
[monitor beeping]
You need a heavy daily dose of insulin,
but you can't stay away from sweets, huh?
Listen, a life with no sweet in it
is no life at all.
now I'm feeling absolutely fine.
The elections are around the corner.
Why don't you ask Dr. Aniruddh
to discharge me soon?
Jagtap ji, when your reports
say that your fine,
I will discharge you at once.
I promise. Okay?
[chuckles] Purva,
please serve him his lunch, okay?
Jyotsna, one second, please.
I need 20 minutes of your time.
Anni, don't tell me you forgot
your anniversary again.
-Now I have to select a gift for Preeti?
-It's not that.
You're needed downstairs.
[pleasant music playing]
[Jyotsna] Oh, my God.
Oh, my God!
-Oh, my God!
-[Aniruddh laughs]
-When did you
-It was delivered last night.
-Why didn't you tell me?
-Hey, Sherlock,
if I told you, would it be a surprise?
-Okay, one second.
-[car lock chirps, unlocks]
Now get in.
[grunts softly]
-[Aniruddh laughs]
-Congratulations, yaar, Anni.
Thank you.
I wanted to show it
to my best friend first.
[yawns] Yeah.
You haven't slept.
Don't stress so much over hospital beds
or you will need one soon.
-Do you get me?
-We are understaffed over here.
Someone has to work overtime, right?
-Cool, time is up.
-Hey, come on, we have five minutes.
And, look, driving around the hospital
block won't take more than that.
[upbeat music playing]
[tires screeching]
[Aniruddh] Take it easy.
It's a parking lot, not a race track.
Arey, don't worry, Anni.
If anything happens,
-the entire responsibility is yours.
-[brakes screeching]
[vehicles honking]
[indistinct chatter]
[man retching]
How much further is Marine Hill?
Oh, it's close by, just the next left.
[honking continues]
[clicks tongue]
-So you carry on. I'll walk from here.
-Huh? Sure? Wh
I'd like to drop you there,
but I'm getting back-to-back messages,
and all the evening ferries
have been canceled. I mean
So go, I can manage.
[scooter engine starts]
-Sir ji?
Could you please move a little?
[Jyotsna] Veenu?
That thing that happened
outside your house today
It's okay. You don't have to explain
if you don't want to.
I want to.
A few years ago,
something happened.
[solemn music playing]
[breath trembling]
From that day onwards, never mind driving,
even getting into a car,
I won't dare to do.
[Jyotsna's breath trembling]
[crying] Everything's not really perfect
at all, Veenu.
I'm neither engaged nor working.
Veenu, I haven't told this to anyone else.
But I will tell you only.
Maybe you might even judge me.
-But I'll tell you anyway
-Look, look
I'll be back tomorrow.
I'll listen to everything then,
and after that we'll play
our badminton match as usual.
And the only thing I'll judge
will be your poor badminton skills.
[both chuckle]
Veenu, don't be late this time.
[melancholic music playing]
I was looking for you.
-Are you okay?
-Uh, yes, sir.
I just wanted to see her once.
Come, let's go.
I wanted to know
Soudamini ma'am, she
died trying to find the truth.
Then why are we hiding the truth
from the people at large, sir?
Ritu, LG sir's doing
everything that is possible.
Medical camps have been set up.
Even testing has begun.
We're restricting the movements of
Shouldn't public awareness
be our top priority right now.
People deserve to know
that their lives are at risk.
Dr. Khare, my professor at NICD,
he's very well connected,
both with the media and the government.
We should be informing the mainland
as soon as we possibly can.
We need as much help as we can get.
[Shashi sighs]
Know this about me, Ritu.
I stand by the orders
that are given to me.
And I expect all my teammates
to do the same.
[sighs] You know,
in this week, you're the second person
I'm saying this to.
[solemn music playing]
Work with me.
[cell phone ringing]
[automated voice] The person
you are trying to call is not answering
Hey, sand artist.
Did Jameel bhai say anything
about where to deliver it?
-[man] Come close.
-[woman] If you say so.
Okay, now
You son of a camel, there's no water left,
you finished 11 bottles.
[woman] I must have closed it. It'll come.
-[man] Look up and now smile.
-[woman] This should
-[man] Don't let it come on you.
-[woman] Okay. [chuckles]
This should be seen.
[man] I am. I'm looking at it.
[announcer] Spectators making their way
to the Netaji Indoor Stadium
are requested to move
towards the main stage.
[Indian classical music
playing over speakers]
[lively chatter]
[cell phone chimes]
[Ketan] Don't you get it?
[Kaddu] Bhaiya, look, Ruby Rhino!
-Bhaiya, look here!
-Yeah, okay.
Look, Kanchan,
I have to meet Wani any which way.
What's your problem with me, Kanchan?
That is the problem.
My name is Rajbir.
That's the name your parents gave you.
But that smile of yours,
and your flowing hair,
they remind me of my ex-girlfriend.
That's why Kanchan. [kisses]
Let me go na, baby. Hmm?
[tense music playing]
Look, Kanchan, I'm on duty here.
If you touch me, it won't be good for you.
[audience cheering in distance]
[announcer] Spectators making their way
to the Netaji Indoor Stadium
are requested to move
towards the main stage.
-Because in the next few minutes
the children of
Nirmala International School
will present before you the tale of
the Cellular Jail of the Andamans,
Dastaan-e-Kaala Paani!
Okay. So he's playing Gandhi ji. And you?
-[boy] Veer Savarkar.
-[indistinct chatter]
[woman] Two lines, quickly!
[kids] Okay, ma'am.
-In line.
-Excuse me.
-Excuse me?
-Do you work for ATOM?
Ketan Kamat, SDPO, South Andaman.
I need to talk to your boss Saurabh Wani
on an urgent basis.
I want you to go inside
and ask him to call me right away.
And what's this about?
He would know.
-[grunts] Oh, oops.
-[woman gasps]
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
So sorry. Can I buy you Uh, I mean,
let me pay for your coffee. Sorry. Please.
[announcer] The tale of the Cellular Jail
of the Andamans, Dastaan-e-Kaala Paani!
-You are, uh, from the Singapore office?
Your CEO, Mr. Brandon Shaw,
also works from there, right?
I thought he was planning to come
and inaugurate the festival himself.
Yeah, but something came up on priority.
-[announcer continues indistinctly]
-Of course.
If I had $62 billion, why would
Dastaan-e-Kaala Paani
be on my list of priorities? [scoffs]
Well, Brandon's net worth
isn't 62, it's 64.7 billion now.
I know because a wife knows
where her husband's money's at.
Then you must be
Swasti Shaw.
Director of ATOM,
South-East Asia Division.
And I was offering
to pay you for the coffee.
[Ketan scoffs]
-Bit to the right.
-Yeah, Bhaiya.
Nandan beta, this is not a tourist spot.
We're here on behalf of the NGO
to help the Orakas.
-Not to take pictures.
-Sorry, ma'am.
It's the first time for both of you
so you shouldn't be
[intriguing percussive music playing]
[crows cawing]
Madam, the entire colony is empty.
[in Oraka] Stop! Where is everyone?
A great curse
has been unleashed by the earth.
Run away or you shall all perish!
How do you know this?
-[in English] Yes.
I want you to go back immediately
and tell the Tribal Welfare folks
that Orakas are abandoning their colony.
Are you not coming?
No. There's a debt to the Orakas
I have to pay.
And if a disaster
is about to happen, then I
I cannot leave them on their own. Now go.
I don't understand.
If such a disaster is expected,
then why is LG keeping it a secret?
Because things change, Mr. Wani.
[pensive music playing]
Look, Admiral Qadri
was an Indian Navy war hero then.
Now it's not about the country.
It's about saving his image.
And I would suggest
that you also save yourselves.
The evacuation aircraft
will land in the next half hour.
If you miss that aircraft,
then you'll be in the Andamans
for a long holiday.
But if the mainland guys don't seem
to have any information about this,
then why are they sending rescue flights?
Well, our LG is a master wordsmith.
Earthquake, tsunami,
possible Chinese infiltration.
He must have presented
an imaginary threat to the center.
All we know is the mainland
knows nothing about the disease
nor it's severity.
[man] And what about Swaraj Mahotsav?
We have made a significant investment
into this festival.
-Our revenue
-Hey, B-school. Shh.
Taking two bucketfuls of water
from the sea does not change the sea.
Listen, it's for you to decide.
Would you like to give him the opportunity
to do a SWOT analysis
or allow me to save your lives?
What's in this for you?
Just a simple transfer
back to the mainland?
I don't want a transfer from here.
I want to be released from here.
I've been posted here as a
a kind of punishment.
Saza-e-Kaala Paani.
What do you guys think?
Those Kaala Paani prison walls
are ten feet high?
The real prison walls are outside.
And they're not made of bricks.
They're made of water.
I want to break down those walls
and get away from here for good.
And whatever I need to do for that,
I'm going to do.
[intriguing music playing]
Let's do what he says.
-[siren wailing]
-[announcer] May I have your attention.
This is an emergency drill announcement.
-You are requested to be calm
-[men clamoring]
[man] Nobody is telling us
Our kids are inside.
How could you close the gates?
Sir, once they get tested,
they'll be let out.
Please wait over there.
You'll all be tested.
Hey, test, hey. Tested for what, huh?
-COVID's come back or what?
Sir, sir, listen to me, sir,
it's a drill. That's all
Your drill can go take a bloody hike!
We want to see for ourselves.
Our kids are all inside.
Come on, everyone! Let's go!
-[all clamoring]
-We won't tolerate this nonsense.
Calm down, sir.
[announcer] May I have
your attention please.
-This is an emergency drill
-Ma'am, here's your PPE kit.
-No, sir, I've just come here to report.
-Wearing it is compulsory.
Your tent's there,
and waiting area on the right.
testing our evacuation system.
[man] Next.
[announcer] We politely request
all of you to please keep calm.
May I have your attention please.
This is an emergency drill announcement.
-[tense music playing]
-[air pumping]
[announcer] We appreciate
your cooperation
We politely request all of you
to please stay calm.
-[Aniruddh] Jyotsna? Jyotsna!
-Did you check the log?
-Jagtap's insulin log,
did you check it
before giving him the shot?
What? I don't remember.
Arey, he's received
multiple shots, Jyotsna.
It's an insulin overdose. He's going
into cardiac arrest. Come on, fast.
[tense music playing]
[female doctor] He's not responding.
-Pulse is dropping, sir.
-[Jagtap gasping]
Sir, we'll have to pump.
[monitor beeping rapidly]
[monitor flatlining]
[shouting] Jyotsna!
-[man] Jyotsna!
Jyotsna Dey!
[people clamoring in distance]
Uh I'm not feeling well,
I need to go home.
[man] Okay, fill up this form and leave.
[announcer] Your safety
is of utmost importance to us.
[tense music playing]
If this is a drill, why have they ordered
real oxygen cylinders?
[man] No idea, madam.
They don't tell us anything.
[door opens]
-[Jyotsna crying]
-It's okay.
It's okay. Please, please don't cry.
please don't cry.
Don't cry, it's not your fault.
Do you hear me?
Okay, listen, listen.
-You were overburdened, I know that.
Now, listen to me. Listen to me.
Hey, listen. We need to get away
from here right now.
Okay? Jagtap's political party workers,
they're trying to find
the person who is responsible.
[man] Tell me now, come on! Hey, you!
Where's the doctor?
Tell me, where's the doctor?
What happened to bhau?! How did he die?!
Who is bhau's doctor?
-We need to leave now!
-Tell me the doctor's name now!
-Sir Sir please.
-Tell me right now!
Why do you charge so much, huh?
I'll beat the shit out of you!
-Sir, I'm telling the truth.
-Who is bhau's doctor?
-Tell me his name, I'm gonna beat you!
-Sir, please calm down.
-Call him, what's his number? Who is he?
-Sir sir
-Come on, beat him!
-[all shouting]
Beat him!
Jyo Come on.
[announcer] We request all of you to
please cooperate with the authorities.
All those people who are outside,
stay outside.
And all the people who are inside,
don't come out.
Everyone will be tested.
[announcement continues indistinctly]
[people clamoring]
Kaddu, okay, listen,
there's a huge crowd here, okay?
I'll go find out what's happening.
Until I get back, you stay right here.
Go sit.
Okay? I'll be back.
[man coughing violently]
[tense music playing]
How can you stop us from leaving?
Why have they shut it?
-Open the door!
-You can't do this to us!
What are you doing?!
[woman] You can't do this to us!
Let's break down the door!
What is the meaning of this nonsense?
[man 1] Open the door and let us leave!
-[woman 2] Please.
Uncle! Over here! Uncle!
-[woman 3] Open the door!
-[man 1] Hey, hey! Listen to me!
-Open the door! Or we'll break it down!
-[man 1] You've no right to do this to us!
-You have no right to stop us!
-[man 1] Open the door!
-[man 2] Or we'll break it down!
-[man 1] What nonsense is this?
Open the door and let us leave!
[man coughing]
Look! Look, the VIPs are leaving
from another gate!
The police are escorting them out of here!
They're running away, look!
Open the door quickly.
[gripping music playing]
[crowd clamoring]
-[Wani] Relax, relax.
[crowd clamoring]
Hey. Get back.
Get back, I said. Get back, I said.
[all shouting angrily]
-How dare you!
-Where you taking the VIPS?
-Our lives don't matter?
-Back! Get back, I said.
-[all shouting angrily]
-Back! Back, I said!
[all clamoring]
Guchhu Bhaiya!
Guchhu Bhaiya!
[all shouting]
[whistle blowing]
[gripping music continues]
[both panting]
-[car lock chirps]
-Get in!
Hey, that's bhau's doctor!
Bhau's doctor is in the parking lot!
He's trying to escape, dada! Dada!
[breathing heavily]
Jyotsna, back seat.
Go hide there.
[car lock chirps, locks thud]
[man] Hey, where are you going?
[Aniruddh] Sir, sir Please, I'll explain.
Who the fuck killed my baba?
Who's responsible for killing my baba?
Sir, sir, sir, sir sir, please.
I made a mistake.
It's my fault. I I'm sorry.
[Aniruddh coughs]
[Jagtap's son grunts] Hit the bastard!
[goons shouting]
-[people shouting]
-[breath trembling]
[somber music playing]
[car alarm beeping, honking]
-[goon grunts]
-[car alarm beeping, honking]
[Jagtap's son] Vipin.
Finish him off.
[blows thudding loudly]
[sobbing softly]
[Jagtap's son] Vipin.
He's gone.
[Jyotsna sobbing]
I'm sorry, Anni. I just couldn't
I couldn't
Guchhu Bhaiya!
[Jyotsna sniffles]
Guchhu Bhaiya!
[all shouting]
[Parth] Kaddu!
Kaddu! Kaddu!
[Kaddu] Guchhu Bhaiya!
[gripping music playing]
Guchhu Bhaiya!
Kaddu! Kaddu!
[car honking]
-Kaddu!, wait! No, no, wait, Kaddu, stop!
-[car honking continuously]
Hey, hey, hey, watch out! Watch out! Girl!
Can't you see where you're going, damn it?
-Kaddu! Kaddu! Are you okay?
-Did you get hurt?
-Let's get out of here.
-[Parth] Come, come on.
-Get in the car, now.
[car alarm beeping, honking]
-[engine starts]
-[alarm stops]
[people clamoring]
[emotional music playing]
[LG Qadri] You brought her,
she's your junior,
you have to
take the responsibility for it.
[tense music playing]
I don't think I need to tell you
why you're here. Or do I?
we need the help.
I I'm truly sorry.
I know I went against you
and told the Institute
I don't want you to apologize
for your mistake.
I want you to realize it.
Why? What made you do it?
it's important that people know the truth.
If there's going to be an outbreak,
then everyone needs to know the truth
The truth always comes at a price,
and when that price
is to be paid in human lives,
you have to be very careful with it.
What do you think?
Now that the mainland knows
everything about the disease,
what is the first thing they'll do?
-Uh sir
-I'll tell you.
The Andaman and Nicobar Islands will be
isolated from the rest of the world.
Nothing and no one can go in or out.
Tourists won't be able to return home,
and the locals won't be able
to leave their homes.
Not just that.
Right now, our homes don't have any water.
And around us, for miles,
there is no land.
Maybe four hours from now,
or maybe even a day from now
the truth would have come out,
but I would have got some time
to evacuate at least
a few people off the islands.
But, sir, right now
there are so many here,
even with rescue flights,
we can't save that many.
This morning
when I heard about the infection,
I knew it right then.
I knew that today,
I can't possibly be making
any right decision.
[solemn music playing]
But still if I could save a thousand,
maybe even a few hundred lives
-it would be
a lesser wrong decision.
[Ritu] But, sir, these islands have
lakhs of Indian citizens.
Maybe they won't take
such drastic measures, sir.
They will.
-I know they will.
-How can you be so sure, sir?
How can you know that
quarantining the islands
is the only choice they'll make?
I know because
this is what I would have done.
[dramatic music playing]
[phone ringing]
[foreboding music playing]
All right,
What happened, sir?
The switch.
They just flipped the switch.
[dramatic music playing]
[theme music playing]
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