Karamora (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Don't you dare come in! No!
Damn it!
I'm sorry, did you fall or did you want to kill yourself?
Very funny!
Just the second floor, you would have it both ways.
Your suicide exercises are useless;
we can only be killed with silver or burned to the ground.
Excuse me for being familiar, but don't you want to take a bath?
It's been so long
and the linens in the bedroom need to be changed!
And I dare say, you still have to drink the blood.
First of all, it gets bad,
and secondly, you won't last long without it.
Well, that's great!
Right. Fire, silver, and diet.
Karl and his "Riders" were informed by someone
that you were working for the police.
They don't forgive such things, so I' ll help you hide.
Hide? Now?
No, no way! Your Narodovtsy have killed the Emperor, and a new one has come.
The Essers killed the Minister of Internal Affairs, and a new one came in.
There are riots and strikes all over the country. But what's the use?
And I know why.
There's a whole hive of vampires behind all these puppets.
The names of the idols change, but the caste of priests is eternal.
And it's time to end it.
- How?
- The truth, Tkachev.
The truth will change everything.
Are you feeling shy?
You shouldn't.
There's nothing wrong with that.
Any working man after his shift wants to come
to the movie theater and indulge in fantasies.
He deserved it.
I understand.
And we can make a living on the sale of these films.
And believe me, we are doing a nobler thing
than the state, which, through the wine monopoly, is getting rich
by getting the common people drunk.
I believe in "The Riders" cause.
Comrade Karl, Volkov is not in contact. It means he's dead.
What kind of karamora is this?
Karamora in Russian is the name for crane fly.
Next costume.
Then you will take care of it.
I thought Stolypin was the priority.
Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin served as the third prime minister and the interior minister of the Russian Empire. Initiated major agrarian reforms, that granted the right of private land ownership to the peasantry. His tenure was marked by increased revolutionary unrest, to which he responded with a new system of martial law that allowed for the arrest, speedy trial, and execution of accused offenders.
Head of the government, it's a hard target. We're already working on it.
I can't rip myself apart to be in two place at once.
Do you want to try it out?
Honor, attentionhis circle of friends doesn't wait for him.
And instead of them, curses are waiting for every traitor.
Award a bounty of 100,000 for Karazin's head.
Dead or alive, dead would be better.
Any group, any party of any country. Doesn't matter. Everyone needs the money.
The plot is, I think, clear.
A nun punishes a sinful Judas.
Let him enjoy it one last time.
Let's rehearse.
I'm willing to bet money with you that it's not made up.
- Translate.
- Don't you know English?
Usually everyone understands me anyway.
Vladislav III Cepes, Dracula.
I knew it.
Pardon, madam.
You are too stupid for "The Riders". Who are you?
Who are you?
Karl gives a reward. Everyone wants you -
you can't hide anywhere.
Bram Stoker. Vampires.
St.Petersburg. Runevsky's Mansion
Their Lordship Prince Vladimir Mikhailovich Svechnikov.
Ivanovich, stop the officiousness.
Go, go.
Any news on the Bloodsucker?
What's with the young lady? The terrorist one?
What to say? She's trying desperately to kill herself.
If the Sacred Retinue would offer you a choice,
beheading with a silver axe or burning for unauthorized conversion,
which would you choose?
Well, cutting off is less painful, but burning is more spectacular.
Don't panic, we can come to an agreement with Prince Shcherbatov.
I didn't sign up for this.
So much time had passed, the shock could have stopped.
She could have been happy to be immortal,
but she keeps indulging in suicide.
It's unnatural for her, she should have died back then.
I'm sure she was confused
and was among these people by accident.
Don't think for her!
Terrorists, they're the fallen ones.They kill people from around the corner, throw bombs around.
They will never fit into ordinary life.
No matter their age, they are lost to society.
I understand.
It's doubly hard for you to do that.
You feel sorry for the beauty, and you don't know
how to admit your mistakes.
You and I both understand what needs to be done.
So I' ll do it for you.
My God, what have you done?
Do you really want to die that badly?
Your determination in this matter is admirable.
Enviable obstinacy.
Strange! Runevsky, on the other hand,
wanted to live when I turned him.
He was about sixteen years old.
The Polish boy became infatuated with Napoleon and followed him to Moscow.
Near the village of Krasnoe, we surrounded
Marshal Ney's detachment and killed them all.
I happened to notice him. The boy was near death, crying.
He whispered something to me that sounded like "drink, drink",
I leaned in with the flask, and it was "live."
I don't want to be a monster.
Well, don't be one.
You've been given a second chance,
you've been given power, so use it as you wish.
I have to fight monsters for people.
You have the ardor, pardon the pun, of a holy martyr.
Runevsky didn't save you out of spite, he truly felt sorry for you.
Your youth, your beauty.
You're alive, that's the most important thing.
We are not villains, we fight evil ourselves.
I'll tell you.
However, if you've made up your mind
No need to burn the estate, one silver bullet in the heart and that's it.
Did you kill her?
Her lighthearted autoduffe touched me to the core.
There's something of Joan of Arc about her.
I couldn't do it.
I gave her a gun.
But don't worry, she'll come down.
I threw her a rod.
and my 200 years of experience tells me that women are curious after all.
Let's go back to the Bloodsucker.
Bloodsucker, also known as "Vadim the Bloodsucker" and the "Jack the Ripper of St. Petersburg". A maniacal who actually acted in St. Petersburg in 1909.
A new victim, a young prostitute again, with the same M.O.
So what do you do, what do you fight?
I told you, intrigue is the best cure for moping.
We catch the maniac Vadim Krovianik. He kills young prostitutes.
I read about him. A monster.
That's terrible.
We have to stop that monster.
Excuse me, what did you say? We?
You said I was given power.
So there is a chance to do something good.
I'm coming with you, it's out of the question.
Your gun.
Keep it, in case you change your mind.
That's it, let's go catch the maniac.
Take it.
He's right. You can make it to the barn,
but I can't. But I can create a distraction.
My notes will guide you.
No, it won't work.
Stay here.
Drop it! Drop it on the floor right now!
Who are you people anyway?
Let go! Let go!
We just need money.
Pale riders, pale riders
It's me, me.
I'm I'm alive, I'm fine.
My legs got a little twisted and I fell down before the shot.
What's your name?
Gavrila, Gavrila Princip.
I don't have to explain who it is, do I?
You're not going to make any trouble, are you, Gavrila the Principle?
A vampire can live for about 600 years.
I'm 111.
And Mr. Svechnikov, who had the honor of talking to you, is 192.
He is a witness to the Times of Ochakov and the conquest of the Crimea.
Quotation from the comedy "Woe from Wit" by Alexander Griboyedov. Words of Chatsky (act 2, scene 5). "The Times of Ochakov" - an episode of the Russian-Turkish war of 1735-1739, when the Turkish fortress and city of Ochakov was besieged and taken by Russian troops. It became a catchphrase and is used for ironic expression, meaning something hopelessly outdated, belonging to a long, immemorial time.
But under no circumstances should you remind him of his age.
He takes it very seriously.
In order not to attract attention, we usually fake our own death.
And then we pass ourselves off as our descendant.
Do you think it's a good idea?
We shall see.
Will you be able to behave quietly?
Here we are.
Hold the flashlight.
You filmed Manzhouli, so film this.
- The handle.
- Yeah.
Let's go.
I'm afraid we may be too late.
Film it.
Grandma Marfa, it's me.
I was here six months ago.
I am withering alive
You promised me
I can't take it anymore
Repeat everything you told me.
For the last time, and I'll do it. I swear!
These places used to be ruled by the pans of the castle from the mountain.
Pan is a form of polite address used in some Slavic languages. The Polish word "pan" applied to a person in authority, owner of land, characteristics of God and as a form of politeness.
But one day the Turks came and began to kill the pans.
When the Turks left, the people repopulated the land.
The siege lasted a long time.
And so that their lineage would not be interrupted,
the pan took his sister as his wife,
and their descendants continued the incestuousness.
When the Turks left, the people repopulated the land,
and the last of the pans finally left the castle.
One day he kidnapped a beautiful peasant girl,
taking her to his castle.
The girl's fiancé, Ambrosius, decided to take revenge on the pan.
At night he sneaked into the castle and stabbed him.
But the pan from the mountain did not die.
The next morning he killed Ambrosius and sucked his blood.
Pan from the mountain was turning the girls of the area.
Some of them got pregnant.
Some birthed ordinary people, like my sister.
And some of the children became vampires.
The vampired ruled the principality for a long time until Dracula came.
Dracula? How old is she?
And where is her sister?
Dracula tortured us for a long time to figure out how to kill us.
The vampires decided to hide in the shadows
and turned all the old dynasties into vampires.
They rule the world, and they hid me and my sister here.
You promised.
That's enough.
What are you doing, Tkachev?
I promised to end her suffering.
Kill me
Kill! I told you everything!
I knew her.
We worked together at the telegraph office.
Brothel girl, lots of clients.
She rented the room all the time.
No one saw who she came in with last night.
- No fingerprints.
- New photographs will be tomorrow.
- He cut them with gloves on.
- Just like last time.
- Is that a note?
- Oh, yeah.
"The money is taken for the labor of sending her to the other world
and because the dead don't need it.
The murderer of this woman, Vadim Bloodsucker".
Look, he signed it. So proud of himself.
So you're from the police?
We are a special department.
The Sacred Retinue, it is composed only of vampires.
We don't depend on the Third Department. People don't know about us. They don't need to know.
We protect the state from spies, terrorists, maniacs like this.
Maniacs and terrorists are different matters.
Terrorists fight for the good of the Motherland with the likes of you.
Why? We have everything under contract.
The Social Contract. Have you heard of it?
The government protects the people, and the people pay a tax for it.
Only instead of coins there is blood.
You see, some give their body, some give their blood. Everyone has a role to play.
Others will come after us and it will be the same.
That's not true. They just live in darkness, they need light.
If Petenka was alive, he would have told you everything for sure.
I may be a vampire now, but I will be an anarchist vampire.
Mr. Runevsky! We are always glad to see you!
Come on up, please, come on.
I come here sometimes for work.
Oh, you about that poor girl.
Yes, I already told the police.
She used to find clients by herself.
So we don't know anyone.
I believe you, but let Prince Svechnikov stay here just to be sure
and watch the clients.
In the meantime, I'll keep an eye on those girls who work on the street.
Ask them not to disperse at once.
Of course.
Sweetheart, you're lovely, but I'm on duty.
Are you really 192 years old?
My goodness!
Who told you about my age?
How dishonorable of him
I never thought that Anya would become a prostitute.
Evidently, out of extreme necessity
As if it was not even in the past, but in the life before last.
Life is a dream.
It's like I've existed since this morning.
The rest is a game of imagination.
It's okay, you'll get used to it. The important thing is that you're alive.
Do you have any family left?
I am an orphan, my parents died early.
They say that my grandfather was a revolutionary and Narodovolets.
Maybe I took after him, or maybe it's Petya's influence
The world really is a cruel place.
People do horrible things like this Bloodsucker.
Did you love your Peter?
I still can't believe he's dead.
All my friends are dead because of you.
I don't judge your friendship,
but it looks like you shot each other.
The revolution ate its children. Or how do you say it?
Who are you to have made the choice for me?
You're not God.
Just a huge evil leech.
Because of you, my closest, dearest person is dead.
Because of you, I'll never see him again.
And I will never forgive you.
He and I fought on different sides of the barricades.
I cannot resurrect him.
It is unlikely that they are, but it is worth checking.
Better keep an eye on the third young lady.
Are you with Mr. Runevsky?
It's not the one, this one just fucking.
What's going on?
Are you, are you from the dean's office?
Careful, the blade is silver.
What do all the murdered prostitutes have in common?
Young baby faces, dark hair.
Like mine?
I confess I hadn't thought of you in that capacity.
If you want to catch someone, you have to fish for bait.
We did that with provocateurs.
What about it?
I'm a vampire after all.
As much of a Bloodsucker as he is.
Mr. Runiewski, I have a couple of questions for you.
Prince Shcherbatov, good to see you.
I'm a little busy right now. Let me come to your department tomorrow, alright?
We have a question about your report on the liquidation of the anarchists.
You were assigned to take out six people, and the police found only four bodies.
So two of them tried to escape and drowned, falling into the sewage.
But why so formal, Prince?
Let's talk face-to-face tomorrow, as usual.
How do you usually talk?
Count Dashkov. I am now head of the Internal Affairs Department.
Stay still.
How many smells, the brothel is too distracting.
Mr. Dashkov, you're not going to start licking me, are you?
Our elders give in to weakness.
They took a liking of some girl or some boy,
and immediately rush to turn them.
And lately it's been a total nightmare.
Newly turned vampires began to turn themselves.
The depletion of the nobility, gentlemen.
There are fewer and fewer vampires,
the population is growing, and new vampires are needed.
You're filthy, Runevski.
You are a filthy, self-turned vampire.
And you're not one of us, don't even get your hopes up.
I am not one of you for 100 years. And Prince Svechnikov has paid for it in full.
I'm watching your every move, Runevsky.
Give me just one reason, and I will personally cut open your skull and suck out your brain.
You would have to suck too much out of it.
My injection paralyzed you. Don't be afraid.
- Where is she?
- In the entryway.
Where the black carriage is!
Murdered violently.
Let her ascend into the kingdom of God.
If God made me that way, then that's the way it's supposed to be.
The murdered sinner will go to heaven.
I save you, I lead you to the light.
Who are you? What the hell?
I wanted his blood.
But I can't, he's alive.
I'm not a monster, no.
Of course you're not a monster.
You are the one who caught him.
Drink his blood yourself!
I can't, can't
There's too many people.
Let's turn him in to the police.
He's going to hang anyway.
It's not information, it's the truth.
People need to know who governs them. And once they know, everything will change.
The people will overthrow evil.
God help us.
Translation done by kapyushonchan.
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