London Kills (2019) s01e02 Episode Script

Stag Night

1 It's my friend.
He's injured.
He needs an ambulance.
715 to control.
Go ahead.
He can't be dead.
What am I gonna tell Helen? This was his stag night.
This is nice and early.
Hope we didn't disturb your beauty sleep, Sarge.
So are we sure this is really for us? Sure he didn't just fall over and bang his head, drunk? Think you'd better take a look.
Yeah, he didn't get that falling over.
Struck across the temple repeatedly, I'd say.
At first we thought maybe it was a robbery gone wrong, but he's still got his wallet and his phone.
So who is he? Mitchell MacDonald.
Last night was his stag do.
Well, I hope he hasn't paid for the wedding reception.
- Witnesses? - One.
Jacob Holt.
He tried to revive the victim, but, well, looks like he was too late.
This is Jacob Holt.
Ah, I'm Detective Sergeant Vivienne Cole.
Are you a friend of the deceased? Not exactly.
He was engaged to my ex-wife.
And you were on the stag night? I had to look after my son, Will.
He's the best man.
He's only 18.
And where was Will when you found Mitchell in the alleyway? - He'd gone home already.
- Where's home? Lives with my ex-wife, Helen.
Holt's given me the address.
Look, I've been thinking I'm sure there were two men at the end of the alley when I came out of the bar.
Can you describe them? Young, tall.
Wearing hoodies.
Okay, uh, well, if you can come with me, we need your clothes for evidence.
You come across a Detective Inspector David Bradford? He's my boss.
Does that mean he'll be in charge of the investigation? He will be, yeah.
Why? Do you know him? Only through his wife.
I'm a social worker like Sarah.
Have they worked out what happened to her yet? No, the inquiry is still ongoing.
- Helen Holt? - Yes? I'm Detective Sergeant Vivienne Cole, and this is Trainee Detective Constable Billie Fitzgerald.
Can we come in? Gemma, do you want to pop outside and play for a bit? What's happened? I'm so sorry to tell you this, but your fiancé, Mitchell MacDonald, was attacked outside a bar in Soho early this morning.
What do you mean, attacked? Who Who attacked him? Mrs.
Holt, Mitchell is dead.
He can't be dead.
We're getting married.
A few of us went for a pizza in Berwick Street and then on to the bar.
Did all of you go to the bar? No, just me, Mitchell, and Will.
So why did Mitchell ask Will to be his best man? He moved down from Scotland a few months ago, and I suppose he didn't have many friends in London.
Helen, my ex-wife, Will being best man was her brilliant idea.
And you didn't approve of that? It's too much for an 18-year-old.
Helen can't see that.
She's too busy being in love.
I fell for Mitchell the first time I met him.
Love at first sight.
I went to see my ex-husband, Jacob, at his office.
He was running late as usual, so I got chatting to Mitchell.
He was on the front desk.
He was so sweet.
A real listener.
He'd just been through a really bad breakup and so had I, so before we knew it we were telling each other our life stories.
Two weeks later, he moved in with her and my kids.
And you weren't over the moon about that either? Just seemed too fast.
Helen hadn't even got over the last one moving out.
The last one? The yoga teacher.
This is Brandon's baby.
Not that he cares.
He's in San Francisco with some bimbo.
Mitchell said "Your baby needs a father and I need you.
That's why I'm asking you to marry me.
" Isn't that romantic? It's lovely.
Holt, can you think of anyone who might want to harm Mitchell? Absolutely not.
He's the gentlest, most caring man I ever met.
Mitchell wasn't the saint Helen thinks he was.
Go on.
Turns out, after a few drinks, mild-mannered Mitchell got aggressive.
He nearly started a fight with two men while we were queuing to get in the bar.
What about? I don't know.
I was on the phone to my girlfriend.
So is it possible that the men that were in the queue are the same men you saw near the murder scene? It's possible, but I can't be sure.
I didn't get a good look at them.
But Will might have done? Mrs.
Holt, can we speak to your son? Will? He's not here.
Sorry? Well, I assumed they'd all crashed at his dad's.
Just let me know if he turns up.
That was my girlfriend.
Will's not at my place.
Where is he? Great.
Thank you.
Where are we at? Will Holt didn't go home last night, he didn't go to his dad's flat, and his phone is switched off.
According to his dad, he's been going off the rails recently.
Flunked his exams, walked out of school.
He's even been in trouble with the local police.
What for? Uh, caution for shoplifting.
So he's missing.
Probably just sleeping off a hangover at a mate's.
I know what I was like when I was 18.
His future stepfather was the victim of a targeted attack.
That makes this boy a high-risk missing person in my book.
Rob, put a trace on his phone and circulate his details.
I want a full briefing in 10 minutes.
- Boss.
- Viv.
It's Vivienne.
Is he all right? Apart from the fact that his wife's been missing for three months? Yeah, I'm sure he's on top of the world.
Vivienne reckons he's refusing to face up to the fact that his wife is dead.
Oh, does she now? I'm so sorry.
It took me ages to find someone to sit with Gemma.
I hear you're friends with this Jacob Holt.
- Anything I should know? - Barely know the man.
He worked with my wife a few years back.
We socialized once or twice.
Got it.
Thanks for coming in.
David, nice to see you.
Sorry to hear about Sarah.
Hello, Mrs.
I'm Detective Inspector David Bradford.
You've found Will? We have officers looking for him as we speak.
Meanwhile, Detective Sergeant Cole and her team are fully focused on finding your fiancé's killer and bringing them to justice.
Thanks, David.
Very sorry for your loss.
The sergeant will answer any questions you might have.
If you people can't find his wife, how the hell are you gonna find my son? Mitchell MacDonald.
41 years old.
Moved to London from Edinburgh six months ago.
He's been doing temporary office work ever since.
His fiancé says he moved down here when his marriage broke up.
Now, Mitchell was attacked around 3:00 a.
this morning.
Now, the pathologist reckons he was punched in the face first and then beaten repeatedly over the head with a hard object, almost certainly a bottle.
There was a whole bin full of bottles.
We've had to confiscate the whole thing.
What about victimology? Who was this guy? No criminal record.
Nothing on the PNC.
He's got an ex-wife and daughter in Edinburgh, but I spoke to Police Scotland, and the wife isn't answering her phone or the front door.
One thing sticks out.
I checked out Mitchell MacDonald on Open Source.
Up in Scotland he was deputy head teacher of a posh academy.
So why was he working as an office temp down here? Mitchell was the office manager in an insurance broker's in Edinburgh.
He had to start again in London.
That's why he was doing temp work.
Mitchell MacDonald was a deputy head teacher.
Sorry, I-I think you've got your facts mixed up.
Mitchell was deputy head of Moraybank Academy in Edinburgh until he resigned at the end of last year.
Why didn't he tell me the truth? You okay, boss? Sure.
Any news from the missing persons team yet? They've absolutely no idea why Sarah's handbag was left at that party.
She's 20 years older than those kids.
What would she be doing there? Have you found Will Holt yet? Not yet, no, but there's some CCTV footage that I think you should take a look at.
So this is the queue outside the bar.
Two men in hoodies.
Just like Jacob described.
Big guy on the left has got a gym logo on the back of his hoodie.
With muscles like that, I reckon he's a regular.
Thanks for that.
Will Holt called a Tamsin MacDonald three times yesterday.
She's the victim's daughter, and she's studying in London.
Has anyone told her that her dad's dead yet? No.
She's got a part-time job at a hotel café.
I'll head over there now.
And how did you get on with Mister Muscles? Danny Williams and his boyfriend intervened because Mitchell was giving Will a hard time.
They only stayed for one drink, and then they went on to a club, and that's where they were at the time of the murder.
So they can't be the two men that Jacob Holt saw when he found the victim in the alleyway? No.
You know, it's a really big coincidence.
What is? Well, that Jacob Holt saw two men in the alley that match the description of the guys in the queue.
But he did say he wasn't sure, though, to be fair.
And now we're looking, what, for two different men, also tall, also wearing hoodies? What's your point? Well, how reliable a witness is Jacob Holt? He's a social worker.
Like Sarah was.
Like Sarah is.
Tamsin MacDonald? Yeah? I'm Trainee Detective Constable Billie Fitzgerald.
I'm so sorry to tell you this, but I've got some bad news.
I hear you think the detective inspector's wife's dead.
Well, don't you? Her car was found abandoned.
She hasn't used her phone or any of her cards.
All right, so how do you explain the fact that we found her handbag, then? I can't.
But you know as well as I do that means nothing.
The way Sarah was talking What, you spoke to her before she went missing? We went for a drink.
Why? I don't really know.
Um, she asked me.
She seemed really down.
Have you told the missing persons inquiry about this? Yeah.
And the detective inspector? So somebody killed him? Why did your dad move out? That's private.
Family business.
We're investigating his murder.
Why did he lie about being a teacher? I don't know.
I didn't even know my dad was in London till that lad rang me yesterday.
Will Holt? He invited me to the stupid wedding.
I told him I wasn't interested.
We've been trying to get hold of your mum.
You can leave that to me.
I'll tell her what's happened.
Mum, pick up.
It's me.
Good news.
He's dead.
Sarah called me and asked to meet.
I mean, I didn't feel that I could say no.
No, I bet you didn't.
So, what did my wife want to talk about? She mentioned that your marriage was in trouble.
Why didn't you tell me this before? Because I didn't feel it could help.
It's an indication of her state of mind.
And that's why I spoke to the missing persons inquiry.
Which explains why they asked me so many questions about my marriage.
My sex life.
It's all down to you.
- I'm not apologizing.
- No.
Why change the habit of a lifetime? So why come clean now? Because we're a team.
And now you're back at work, I don't want to keep any secrets from you.
The thing is, Vivienne, you're not a team player.
Are you? This is Madison Street between the Strand and the Embankment at 3:27 a.
Now, here we can see Will Holt and what appears to be blood on his hands and clothes.
So Will could have attacked Mitchell MacDonald? His father was lying.
- Where are you going? - Well, to challenge him.
No, you're not.
I want that kid found.
I'll speak to Jacob Holt.
Old boys' network strikes again.
Oh, come on, that's not fair.
Yeah, isn't it? When did Will leave the bar? I'm not sure exactly.
About 15 minutes before I found Mitchell in the alley.
And which exit did he use? I don't know.
Place was packed.
Where do you think Will is now, Jacob? What's all this about? If you've found something, you've got to tell me.
His mother's beside herself.
We came across some CCTV of Will, about half an hour after you found Mitchell dead.
He had blood on his hands and clothing.
You think that means Will attacked Mitchell? Well, what would you think? In my place.
Well, that there's a hundred ways an 18-year-old boy can injure himself or get injured in Central London on a Saturday night.
You were right.
Jacob is lying.
To protect his son? Why else? This is just work.
I'll, uh I'll take it outside.
- Dad? - Will, where have you been? How's Mitchell? He's dead.
The tech team have just called.
Will Holt's turned his phone on.
He's somewhere on the South Bank, and he's just called his dad.
Where's Jacob? He's taking a call.
Jacob! Stop! I'm betting Jacob's on his way to the South Bank.
Are you sure? Yeah, there was blood everywhere.
How can I face my mum? Will Holt, I'm arresting you on suspicion of murder.
I did it.
I killed him.
I killed him 'cause he was a pedophile.
It's all right, son.
It's all right.
Come on, then.
Will Holt, I'm arresting you for the murder of Mitchell MacDonald.
You of all people should know to leave it to the police.
Will called me.
My first instinct was to go to him.
Did you lie to us? About when Will left the bar? I was trying to protect my son.
Surely you must understand that.
It doesn't matter what I do or don't understand.
You've broken the law.
- Can't you just - What, turn a blind eye? No.
I turned a blind eye for you when you were having it away with one of Sarah's colleagues.
So, what are you gonna do? Tell my wife? Jacob Holt, I'm arresting you on suspicion of perverting the course of justice.
So, what do you reckon? To Mitchell being a pedophile.
It's certainly a motive for murder.
It's Will's mother I feel sorry for.
She's got a 10-year-old daughter and a baby on the way.
MacDonald being a sex offender would explain a lot.
Yeah, like why he gave up a deputy head teacher position to do temp work.
And why his daughter was so cagey with me.
I really feel like I failed with her.
I'll go back and talk to her again.
No, you won't.
Helen Holt's babysitter needs to be somewhere else.
I want you to drive Helen home.
Keep an eye on her.
Rob, you have a crack at MacDonald's daughter.
We need to know what happened in Scotland.
Are you gonna let me interview Will Holt? Why wouldn't I? Because you're angry with me.
I'm angry with myself.
Do you really not know why my wife asked to talk to you? She wanted to suss me out.
She wanted to know if you and I were having an affair.
Which tells you all you need to know about my marriage.
You know, finding Sarah's handbag could be a hopeful sign.
No, this job makes you cynical.
It is perfectly possible that Sarah was at that party, just like it's perfectly possible she's alive.
We'll interview Will together.
You can lead.
Mum was on at me to pull my finger out.
As best man, I thought I'd surprise them by inviting Mitchell's daughter to the wedding.
How did you find her? I knew her name was Tamsin.
I found her on social media.
When I told her my mum was marrying her dad, she went crazy.
What did she say? I had to stop the wedding.
She reckoned that her dad was only marrying my mum to get to my little sister.
Why did she think that? Because he had done it before.
Groomed some kid in Edinburgh and then raped her.
So then what happened? I went home, told Mitchell he had to finish with my mum and get out.
And what was Mitchell's response to this? He told me Tamsin was lying.
Did you believe him? Of course not.
Will, why didn't you tell your Mum what Tamsin had said? I couldn't.
Why not? I ju I just couldn't.
Billie, it's me.
Tamsin MacDonald's done a disappearing act.
Got any idea where she might have gone? Not a clue.
All right, cheers.
I got really drunk.
When Mitchell went out for a smoke, I followed him, told him there was no way he was marrying my mum.
He just laughed.
So I punched him.
So, what did he do when you punched him? He fell backwards.
And then? I picked up a bottle and hit him over the head.
How many times did you hit him? I don't know.
You must know how many times you hit him.
I can't remember exactly.
Like I said, I was drunk, really drunk.
Are you happy with that? No.
Absolutely not.
Take him back to the scene of the crime.
- Walk him through it.
- Yeah.
Yeah, cheers, mate.
Police Scotland are checking if any complaints were ever made against Mitchell MacDonald.
So we've only got Will Holt's word for it that Mitchell MacDonald was a pedophile.
At the moment.
Get hold of his laptop.
I reckon we should take a look at his browsing history.
Yeah, right.
Thanks, bye.
Has something happened to Will? Will's been arrested, and I need to tell you I have authority to search these premises.
Why? Will's made certain allegations against Mitchell MacDonald.
Well, what's he said? Will claims that he spoke to Mitchell's daughter and that she told him that Mitchell was a pedophile.
According to Will, Mitchell raped a child in Scotland.
That's why his marriage fell apart.
Why he left his job and came down here.
One of you take the ground floor.
Mitchell went out through there.
Yeah, and where was your dad? I'm not sure.
In the loo? Okay.
Mitchell was standing over there by some bins, having a cigarette.
Go on.
I went over, pushed him And then? He turned 'round, and I punched him in the face.
Rob, Billie.
There's something you should see.
It's a spy cam.
In a 10-year-old girl's bedroom? How many times did you hit Mitchell in the head with the bottle? I've I've told you, I don't know.
Come on, indulge me.
Just pick a number.
Just Twice? Five times? Six? You really don't know, do you? Look, I've told you what happened.
Can't you just charge me? Why didn't you tell your parents what Mitchell's daughter said? And why did you go on a stag night with a pedophile? The tech team have retrieved a number of videos from Mitchell MacDonald's phone.
These have been forwarded on to another e-mail account and then deleted.
Now, this video shows Will Holt naked and in a state of arousal, and it's clear that the cameraman is Mitchell MacDonald.
You'd better let Vivienne know.
Mitchell showed me porn.
Got me excited.
Got me to take my clothes off.
Mitchell worked out that I'm gay.
Your parents don't know? My mum does.
Please don't show the video to my dad.
I don't see any reason why we should have to do that.
So, what happened yesterday? After I spoke to Tamsin, I told Mitchell he had to get away from my mum and my sister.
He threatened he'd show my dad the video.
Why didn't you tell your mum? There wasn't time.
The taxi was waiting outside to take us to Soho.
Will Holt didn't kill Mitchell MacDonald.
So how do you explain Mitchell's blood on his hands and clothing? Okay, um, Will's knuckles are grazed, so the bit about punching him is true.
But the pathologist's report says that whoever beat Mitchell MacDonald to death would have have fine blood spray all over their clothes.
And Will doesn't.
I've checked.
Well, if Will Holt didn't kill Mitchell MacDonald, who did? Jacob Holt.
How do you work that one out? His unauthorized trip to the South Bank.
Why was he so desperate to speak to his son? At first I thought he went to plant the story that Mitchell MacDonald was a pedophile.
But Mitchell MacDonald was a pedophile.
We found the purchase of the spy cam in his bank records.
He was the one who was spying on Gemma.
So maybe Jacob went to the South Bank for another reason.
Maybe to persuade Will that he killed Mitchell MacDonald.
I just don't buy it.
I mean, what sort of dad would ask their son to carry the can for murder? You're a parent.
Do you believe any father would do that? I find it very hard to believe.
Is Billie still with Helen Holt? Gemma's playing quite happily, blissfully unaware.
Helen, do you mind if I ask you something personal? It's just it might help Will.
Is Jacob Will's father? Will's father was this this guy I met at my aerobics class.
It was just a fling.
I never lied to Jacob.
How did he react? Well, at first he was angry.
But then we talked it over and agreed to give our marriage another go.
And a few years later Gemma came along.
And she's? Jacob's? Oh, yeah, absolutely.
He adores her.
And he agreed to bring up Will as his own? Will doesn't have a clue that Jacob isn't his birth father.
He worships him.
And Jacob? How does he feel about Will? Well, um, let's just say it's it's been a struggle.
Jacob Holt, I am arresting you on suspicion of the murder of Mitchell MacDonald.
Have you lost your mind? You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defense if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court.
Anything you do say will be used in evidence against you.
Do you understand? I'm sorry I lied about when Will left the bar, but I didn't kill Mitchell MacDonald.
The truth is when I came outside, I found Will standing over Mitchell, blood everywhere.
When Will explained to me why he'd done it Mitchell was a pedophile well, I told him to run.
You're looking after your son.
Except he isn't your son, is he? Which might be why you're prepared to throw him under the bus.
What do you mean, he isn't my son? We spoke to Helen.
And we've got your DNA, his.
Do you want us to do a paternity test? So you came out into alley.
Will's standing over Mitchell.
Presumably Will tells you he's hit him because he's after your daughter.
Is that when you ordered Will to to run away? I'm sure he didn't need to think twice.
Leaves you face-to-face with a pedophile.
And here he is with his head bashed in.
That's his blood and brain matter.
Cole, do we know yet if Mitchell MacDonald molested Gemma, or was he just watching her get undressed on the spy cam he rigged up in her bedroom? No, we're still waiting for a specialist officer to interview Gemma.
It's a really delicate process, and Oh, you're a social worker.
You're aware.
Rigged a spy cam up in Gemma's bedroom? Didn't you know? The bottle used to murder Mitchell MacDonald would be covered in his DNA, blood, and brain matter.
As well as the fingerprints and DNA of his killer.
Of course we took yours for elimination purposes earlier today, so thank you for that.
And then there's the blood on your clothing.
I tried to revive him.
We know.
We also know that whoever hit Mitchell MacDonald over the head with a bottle would have microscopic blood spray on their clothes.
It's all over your shirt.
The thought of that pervert anywhere near my daughter Are you admitting that you murdered Mitchell MacDonald? I couldn't stand that man.
From the moment I set eyes on him.
I had to just sit there all night long while he went on and on about my wife and my daughter.
The thought of him even touching Gemma When Will told me what he was I just lost it.
I don't know what's worse killing a man or expecting your son to carry the can.
He's not my son.
What's a couple of years inside to him? He's got nothing to lose.
Me, I've got everything to lose.
You had a blackout.
I woke up with blood on my hands.
When Dad told me I killed Mitchell Why'd he do that? Why did he lie? I think you'd better talk to your mum about that.
So you just took any old bottle into an interview? Talk about audacious policing.
It was worth a punt.
Yeah, but testing every bottle, that'll take months.
Lucky we've got his confession, then.
Oh, have you spoken to Police Scotland? Yeah, apparently there was a complaint of rape.
The school managed to persuade the victim's parents to drop it on the condition that Mitchell MacDonald resign from teaching.
Thanks so much.
Are you sure she knows what she's talking about? She's a trained member of our sexual offenses investigation team.
If she's satisfied Mitchell MacDonald didn't physically abuse Gemma, then, yeah, I'd believe her.
Besides, look at her.
Does she look traumatized to you? I've just had Kirsten Pryce on the phone.
The MP? When we found her son Tom's body, was he wearing a watch? Definitely not, no.
Didn't find one in his possessions either.
Why? Apparently, she gave him a gold watch for his 21st, engraved.
She really wants it back.
Well, you know what Vivienne would say.
What? The killer probably took it as a trophy.
Hello! Hello.
I've, uh, got the money I owe you.
40 quid.
Seeing as you thought you'd never get it back, why don't you use it to buy me a drink? - I've got a lot on.
- Okay.
Well, I'll be at the pub around the corner if you if you change your mind.
What have the CPS said about Will? They're charging him with assault.
If he testifies against his dad, then that will count in his favor.
In the meantime, we can bail him.
That's good.
His mum's gonna need him.
You guys up for a drink? No, not tonight.
Yeah, me neither.
So, um, I'm not a team player.
Apart from when you want to be.
But you've got to admit I'm a great detective.
Oh, Sarah's bag Are you sure that the misper team are following it up properly? Well, they've interviewed everyone at the party, and they're trawling through CCTV, so hopefully they'll spot someone carrying it.
Well, if you ever want a great detective I'll know who to call.
He He claimed he found the body, but he was the killer.
I really messed up today.
No! No, that's rubbish.
You're You're brilliant.
I mean Clever! And good-looking.
Bet you've got someone real special at home.
I am very, very single.
Don't suppose you'd go out with me, then, what with you being a copper and me being a witness? No.
Absolutely not.

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