Maestro (2022) s01e02 Episode Script


[Maria] Yorgos, bring the cable here.
Right there.
We need a speaker on the other side.
Can you do that? Put one there.
- I'll put it here.
- [Maria] Watch it.
I don't get it, Maria.
You're saying everyone
will be listening to the same songs
in every store?
Not in every store.
Only those with speakers outside.
Spyros, not there.
Take it behind the bakery,
near the barbershop.
And how will they do that?
Via Bluetooth.
Spyros will connect all those speakers
to the audio system
that's set up in my restaurant.
At precisely 8:00
in the morning every single day,
I'll play a new song.
And all along downtown's main street,
the same music will be heard.
Did the teacher
come up with this all by himself?
[Maria] He's way ahead of his time.
He's changed our island's culture.
He's turned us into Europeans.
So every morning,
we'll wake up to the sound of music.
Not only in the morning.
At noon, as well as at sunset.
And what if we don't like the song?
Put on earplugs, Kiki.
Why are you questioning me?
Is it my fault? Did I do this?
Take your complaints
to the mayor and teacher.
They call the shots.
["Annen-Polka", op. 117
by Johann Strauss Jr. playing]
Besides what I've already told you
I expected from you,
I'd like each of you,
at home, in your own time,
and if you want to,
to write a song
and I'll do the composition.
Uh, excuse me,
excuse me for the interruption.
Um, how can they write a song?
What do you mean "how," Maria?
Lyrics of a song.
The kids will write the lyrics,
I'll compose the music,
and we'll perform it here.
- Who's interested?
- Wait a minute.
Are you certain
that they can actually accomplish this?
Yes, that's how people write songs, Maria.
Anyway, it's very simple.
The first day of the festival
starts in Gaios' town square.
[Antonis] I always wondered
what the phrase "money laundering" meant.
I've heard it on the news,
I've read about it online,
I've seen it in movies.
But I've never understood
what it meant exactly.
["Straight from the Heart"
by Irma Thomas playing]
[Antonis] It's simple.
When you are involved
in an illicit business,
you get a lot of dirty money.
A whole lot of it.
You can't take that money
to the bank. So what do you do?
At first, you keep it at home.
You keep it hidden from everyone
and try to spend it in ways
that will make it impossible
to trace back to its source.
In other words, you're laundering it.
You devise legal means
of accounting for it.
Shipbuilding, real estate purchases,
brokering, offshore companies,
and other investments.
People will look up to you
because you have so much money.
You'll be immune to suspicion.
Your only concern
is the well-being of your community.
You are encouraging,
popular, and generous,
and you are improving
everyone's quality of life.
You could even organize
a music festival for your island.
Bring someone from Athens to teach music,
and offer the chance
to anyone who might be interested.
[keys tapping]
Are you with us?
["Straight from the Heart"
by Irma Thomas continues]
[Antonis] And to do all this,
it is imperative
you have a good collaborator and ally.
Your children are completely unaware
of what is going on.
Even if they suspect something is wrong,
their denial will drown out any suspicion.
In general,
if you want to survive in this world,
denial is one
of your most important tools.
And it all starts with the parents
you adore and who raised you.
Just taking a look around will show you
what it means to be in denial.
It occurs when people refuse
to admit what is truly going on.
[ominous music playing]
I want to know!
Are you fucking him or is he fucking you?
I'm with Yianna! Dad, I'm only into women.
That's not what I heard!
I've brought girls here,
you think some gossip is true?
Stop it you monster, leave my son alone!
- Get off me!
- Leave her alone!
I'd rather see you in a coffin,
than have you be a goddamn homosexual!
I'll kill her
if she's turned you into a homo.
[Sypros screams]
[Antonis] Because we are in denial
about certain things,
resorting to violence
is the simplest course of action.
[dramatic violin music playing]
[Maria screams]
[Antonis] My denial
is that I refuse to acknowledge
how disappointed I am
with my entire family.
Will you ever put that phone down?
Antonis, that's no way to behave.
- Who are you texting?
- Nobody.
Are you keeping a journal?
Leave him alone.
Writing never harmed anyone
and keeping a journal is noble.
My boy, you keep on writing.
[Antonis] My story is the most boring.
I can't tell anyone
because no one would be interested.
Few people would identify with it,
and even fewer would accept it.
You could say that my story
isn't very compelling.
Spyros and I grew up together.
He could be my best friend
if our relationship
hadn't gone down that path.
And if he had lived in a different world,
we could have been happy.
As a result, everything went wrong.
[somber music playing]
[Antonis] He enjoys deceiving everyone
to appear macho.
He's slept with every girl on the island
in an attempt to persuade himself
and everyone else he's straight.
But he isn't.
That's how his father,
his mother, all the women,
and the entire system we live in today,
in 2021, want him to be.
[breathes heavily]
[Antonis] But when we're together,
that's the only time he's his true self.
Everything is better when we're together.
Perhaps it's just some kind
of sexual experimentation.
That's what I read somewhere.
I know it's a revolting image.
Many people feel sick at the thought
of two boys falling in love.
[grunts] Please, we need help!
If this is love,
then it's so weird and unfair.
You'll be alright.
I didn't choose it.
Please, help!
I'm sure no one would choose
to feel so intensely different and unique.
But deep down,
I wish it could last forever.
After all, love is a beautiful thing.
[distant] Help!
[dragging and panting]
[dramatic music playing]
Easy, easy. Easy.
- [grunting]
- Watch out. Easy, easy, easy.
Your house was the closest.
He fell off his bike.
I don't know what to do. He needs help!
Wait here, I'll be back.
Use this to stop the blood. Press down!
He needs stitches.
We need to see a doctor.
No fucking doctor.
If you won't let me take you
to the doctor, I'll call the police
and they'll force you! Get up!
I'm getting the car, come on.
Spyros, you okay? Hang in there.
- I don't want Antonis to come.
- I'll get out.
- Why?
- I can't be seen by anyone.
- Why?
- Just get the fuck out, man!
Make a right turn here.
Why are you hiding, Antonis?
[Antonis] I said nothing.
There isn't a single person I can talk to.
I'll just go back home as usual,
sit at the table
and have dinner with my amazing family.
And I'll write down
everything I'm not allowed to say.
Just so I don't start yelling at everyone.
Even if they knew
what I was going through,
I'm sure they'd rather not talk about it.
Even if they knew I was in pain.
People have dinner to communicate,
not to use their phones
to text or write a journal.
Don't act like the ones we make fun of.
[Antonis] You already do.
As well as your entire generation.
Nothing can bring
my sister and I closer together.
I know she cares about me,
and I'd like to talk to her,
but it's easier to avoid her.
She'd never understand me anyway.
She's a woman
and I'm ashamed to talk to her.
[heavy breathing]
[Antonis] Just like that,
everything was stitched back together.
Humans have
an incredible tolerance for pain.
It'll be a few days
before I see him again.
It's very painful,
but no arteries have been punctured.
Thank God.
Should I let his mother know?
Maria's sleeping
and you should stay out of it.
- His girlfriend will pick him up.
- Okay.
What about the bike?
Should I call the police?
Do I tell them what happened?
What should I do?
You still think he got these injuries
because of a bike accident?
[ominous music playing]
We haven't been introduced.
Welcome to our beautiful island.
Good morning, Miss Maria.
I came to check on Spyros
and ask if you want
to come by the school today.
I won't be available
for the next few days, Orestis.
I'm sorry.
[radio music gets louder]
[ominous music playing]
[Orestis] It's obvious this guy
isn't only beating his son,
but his wife too.
It's crazy
that we're even discussing this!
I should go to the police
right now and file a complaint.
Even if you did Orestis,
it would only put you
in an awkward position.
They'll deny everything
because he wasn't caught in the act.
Do you really think
that this was his first time?
You're saying I should do nothing?
What else can we possibly do
if Maria and her son don't speak up?
The kid says he fell off his bike,
his mother says he tripped and fell.
What the fuck do you want me to do?
Do you really believe
the police have no idea?
Of course they do, come on now!
This is bullshit.
Can I ask you something?
It's very personal.
When you found Spyros,
was he alone or with my son?
[violin music playing]
He was alone.
If he was with my son,
I'd appreciate discretion.
Keep it to yourself.
[door shuts]
[violin music gets louder]
[people chattering]
Does anyone know,
which were the two
most important subjects in Ancient Greece?
Ancient Greek?
Physical education and music.
I'm not going to tell you
what music to like, here.
But I can tell you how to listen to music
and how it can help you
think of something else.
That's what music does.
It creates emotions.
It activates the neurons in our brain,
and if we had listened to more
and better music as kids,
perhaps we would approach, interpret,
and view things
differently than we do now.
Do you agree?
- You don't give a fuck.
- [keyboard taps]
So what we're going to do today
is listen to different types of music
and you tell me how it makes you feel.
Come on, let's try it.
["When Love Comes to Town" by U2 playing]
Hey, yeah, yeah ♪
Hey, yeah, yeah ♪
I was a sailor, I was lost at sea ♪
I was under the waves
Before love rescued me ♪
I was a fighter,
I could turn on a thread ♪
Now I stand accused
Of the things I've said ♪
When love comes to town ♪
Does anybody know this band right here?
When love comes to town I'm gonna ♪
It's an Irish rock band,
some would call them old.
Does it bring up
any specific feelings out of you?
But I did what I did
Before love came to town ♪
You better disappear.
Take the merchandise, leave the country,
and don't come back
without speaking with me.
How can you not see that your antics
have put our entire business in jeopardy?
Used to make love under a red sunset ♪
[Fanis] Don't think
about touching them again.
You idiot!
promises I was soon to forget ♪
She was pale as the lace
Of her wedding gown ♪
But I left her standing
Before love came to town ♪
Ran into a juke-joint
When I heard a guitar scream ♪
The notes were turning blue
I was dazed and in a dream ♪
As the music played
I saw my life turn around ♪
That was the day
Before love came to town ♪
When love comes to town
I'm gonna jump that train ♪
When love comes to town
I'm gonna catch that flame ♪
[music stops]
Miss Maria won't be joining us
in class for a few days.
She had an accident. She tripped and fell.
I'm sure you've all heard.
If any of you have written
those lyrics we talked about,
bring them directly to me.
- I know about the band, U2.
- I'm sure you do.
See you.
By the way,
thank you.
It was the first time in my life
I had exposed myself to another person.
And he didn't say a thing.
And for that alone,
I value him more than anybody else.
Everyone was talking about
how Miss Maria's husband assaulted her.
Who's everyone?
The whole island.
And then there's Spyros,
who allegedly had a bike accident.
When did this occur?
It's one of those situations
where we have little control.
Or you just don't care.
How can you say that?
Isn't that the truth?
Every family has their problems.
We can't just butt in like that.
Don't trust everything people say.
You're defending him
because he works for you.
I'm not defending him.
I would never defend anyone
who does something like that.
You didn't know he was beating his wife?
What goes on in other people's homes
is none of my business.
I've got enough problems of my own.
What problems are you referring to, Dad?
[ominous music playing]
I want you to cut all ties
with that bastard.
You know he's dangerous.
Yeah, I'm aware,
but I can't just throw him out.
And I want all that cash out of our house.
I don't want to be involved
in your work anymore.
The kids are going to find out.
Nobody is going to find out anything.
- How can you be so sure?
- It's taken care of.
I want to sleep now.
Has it ever occurred to you
that Antonis might be gay?
And you're okay with that?
I don't know.
Don't you think
we need to say something to him about it?
It'd be better if he talked to us first.
Good point.
Maybe it's just a phase, right?
Would it be such a tragedy?
He'll be unhappy.
As opposed to you, Fanis,
the perfectly happy straight guy?
[ominous music continues]
[Michalis] Yes, Miss Athina, don't worry.
He's just a child.
How long has he been without a fever?
No reason to worry then.
I'll definitely stop by.
Okay, thank you.
For the next two weeks,
take half of what you've been taking.
And after that?
Then stop taking it.
This psychotropic medication
is very strong,
so it'd be wise to ease you off it
before you stop completely.
It makes me feel so much calmer.
I'm not sure I should stop.
You'll do
what the Corfu therapist told you.
[sighs] Okay.
So instead of taking one pill per day,
- I'll take half of it.
- Yes.
Also, refrain from drinking.
[calm music playing]
How are you?
I'm doing fine, as usual.
Can you tell me how long it will be
before the two of us can go out
for coffee without feeling awkward?
I don't feel awkward
at all.
I miss talking to people
about things other than bullshit.
I miss that as well, Sofia.
We can go for coffee.
I'll text you if I find time.
And I'm sorry
for everything that happened
and for having you accompany me that day.
I know that it was hard for you.
It wasn't hard at all.
It was just sad.
[Antonis] I know my mother
uses medication to cope with everything.
Nowadays, taking pills is so commonplace.
But how can you put your life
in the hands of someone
who is unable to manage their own?
I really do love her,
but I can't put my trust in her.
Did you get bored?
That thing with that guy
and the music is going nowhere.
It can't hurt you.
Do you think these small-minded villagers
will ever really change their ways?
You're on the edge.
You know you can talk to me
if something is bothering you.
Nothing's bothering me.
Well I'm telling you now.
There's nothing wrong.
I'm just bored with my life.
Did you talk to Spyros?
Is he feeling better?
- I mean, after the accident.
- How should I know?
I thought you were best friends.
Not anymore.
I mean, we are, but lately,
we seem to have lost touch.
He spends a lot of time with Yianna.
Do you have any other inquiries?
And just like that, I denied
any feelings I might have had.
Whatever relationship I had with Spyros.
In the end, it's not that difficult
to turn into
all the people you're mocking.
Have you talked to Antonis lately?
No, why?
Well, I heard Lina's into him.
She's a gold digger.
Yeah, what's wrong with that?
That'd be nice if they were dating.
- But
- What?
Really? Come on, not again with that.
You know Antonis is 100 percent gay.
- Cut it out, Yianna.
- Want to bet?
So what's it to you?
I'm just saying,
Antonis has been your friend forever
and he might need to talk to you.
And you're being so distant,
it's not nice to him.
- He's not gay, Yianna.
- Yeah, right.
[camera clicks]
- Should I post it?
- Do whatever you like.
I'm posting it.
Hot as hell, babe!
Followers will go through the roof!
Posted it.
I've written so much and now I'm stuck.
Everything is scattered.
So, I have the words, "border,"
"name," "dream,"
"vision," "child," "kiss"
Shh! Stop talking!
Is it horrible?
Please provide me with a vision to
That's where I'm stuck.
I just can't find a matching phrase.
It's all wrong.
[inhales] Can you help me?
- Well, maybe.
- I want to, um
Write it like a poem.
No way, honey.
It should be written more like a prayer.
Bravo! Prayer, not poem.
Wait, how do you mean?
Ah, I still have periods
of clarity, you know.
You see, this is very important for me.
So I can endure.
Please provide me
with a vision so I can endure.
Does this make sense, though?
- I don't get it.
- No need to, dear.
Are you sure? Is that any good?
I've been in love too,
you know, my little darling dear.
I'm starting to get irritated,
so hurry and leave.
Why are you irritated?
Because I'm jealous.
Don't be jealous of me.
It's all in my own head.
That's exactly what I'm jealous of.
Come on, get out of here.
[piano music plays]
- Mwah!
- Oh!
Thank you, Grandma!
Give me borders to walk to.
[somber music playing]
Give me a name so that I don't get lost.
Give me a dream
to cling on to.
Give me a vision
so I can endure.
Give me a child to confess my sins to.
Give me a kiss to wash away my pain.
Wake me in the morning with a rhythm
saying, "All is well,
my life feels worthy."
Well, living.
Why has it taken you so long?
What, you expect me to come every day?
You look awful.
I'm just fine, Miss Haris.
- Your back too?
- I'm in the best shape of my life.
It's a homemade pumpkin pie.
I'm curious if your worthless daughter
has any plans to visit the island someday.
Leave my daughter out of this.
I'm fine, I don't need
anyone to look after me.
Good for you.
I'll see you next time I decide to cook.
[calm music playing]
Thank you.
Will you come by tomorrow?
Can I talk to you for a minute?
Yeah, sure.
- You requested we write lyrics for a song.
- Mhm. And no one did.
I don't know if they're any good.
They're a bit weird.
I mean, catchy too. It's just
I tried to pair some music
with the lyrics, but uh, I couldn't.
I'll read them and let you know.
Okay. Thank you.
Someone's waiting for you.
["Rum and Coca Cola"
by The Andrews Sisters playing]
Yeah. Bye. Thank you.
If you ever go down Trinidad ♪
They make you feel so very glad ♪
Calypso sing and make up rhyme ♪
Guarantee you one real good fine time ♪
[Antonis] Thanos is a wonderful young man
and the epitome of a snowflake.
He arrived a few days earlier from Athens.
He's in his first year of medical school,
and my parents believe
he'd make an excellent son-in-law.
He obviously likes my sister.
But the poor guy
has no idea my sister's in love.
And certainly not with him.
It's somewhat soothing to know
that others, too, deny their feelings.
Young girls say they treat 'em nice ♪
Make Trinidad like paradise ♪
Drinking rum and coca cola ♪
Your father invited him to dinner again.
Even if he didn't want to come,
he just can't refuse the man.
And are you okay with that?
Yeah, why shouldn't I be? I don't care.
Did he tell you anything
about the lyrics we wrote?
No. He probably didn't like them.
Or the opposite.
What're you going to wear?
[Fanis] Try this, it's exceptional.
It's from Chile.
You know, Chileans are the best.
I've a friend who's a distributor
and he sends bottles to me.
This one contains
a single variety, Carmemer.
If you want to really feel its taste,
first, you need to let it breathe
in a jug for two hours.
how do you feel about the whole island
calling you "teacher"?
It's pretty odd
because I'm really not one.
[Sofia] They should call you "maestro"
But it's a school, and you teach music,
so that's what they think.
It's okay, I think it's really cute.
No, thank you.
He doesn't like it at all,
but he wants to leave.
I really like it, don't listen to him.
- It's exceptional, indeed.
- Why would he want to leave, Fanis?
I don't want to leave.
- Can I drink some wine too?
- No, you can't.
We're horrible hosts,
we promised we'd show you
around the island and we haven't.
One of these days we'll go, promise.
The other side is magical.
And Antipaxi.
The weather is perfect
and all the beaches are empty now.
Come on, love,
just have a sip, it won't hurt you.
When you take pills,
you shouldn't drink alcohol.
Are you still on your phone?
[Haris] So, teacher. Tell me
Have you detected
any talented students yet?
Many of them are, not just one.
- But we need some more time.
- [Haris] Let's hope so.
This place was filled with music.
Now it's only filled with sadness.
The stores are closed,
the bars are closed,
everyone is inside wearing masks.
If that's not depressing,
I don't know what is.
It's more convenient if we're depressed.
- That's true.
- What are you on about?
Everyone is going through
a difficult moment. It's not just us.
- Klelia, what you wrote was exceptional.
- What did she write?
- Lyrics for a song.
- Mm!
Bravo, Klelia! That's my girl.
Bravo, little sis!
Well done! And what do you plan
on doing with it?
I want to write the music.
Make it into a song.
I've come up with a couple of melodies,
but given what happened,
I don't have time.
What has happened?
What? Nothing happened?
I think Orestis is talking
about the whole situation with Maria.
Yes, yes. It's really terrible.
[Fanis] Listen,
this is a unique situation.
Her husband is a sick man
[Antonis] This guy
is going to destroy our family.
Or maybe he'll get destroyed by my sister
without realizing
what he's gotten himself into.
In any event,
I don't believe this will end well.
- Good evening!
- [Sofia] Oh!
Thanos! It's good to see you.
- How's your mom?
- Great!
I ran into her at the ice cream shop.
- She told me.
- Will you please join us?
- Yes, why not?
- We're late, we have to go.
- [Thanos] Yeah, right.
- [Fanis] Where are you going?
- [Antonis] On a date.
- [Fanis] With whom?
- With Lina.
- Oh.
Okay, alright.
- Good night, Orestis.
- Good night!
- Goodnight. Bye, guys.
- Bye.
And take care, alright?
And keep your distance.
"Keep your distance." Great advice
for a bunch of teenagers, huh?
Are they dating?
I think Kleilia might be in love
with our boy, Thanos
Of course she's in love with Thanos.
He's a polite kid.
- And who's that Lina he mentioned?
- I have no idea.
One can only hope.
But I wouldn't bank on it.
How about you enjoy
your Chilean wine, dear?
And just stop worrying about the bank.
- Want some more?
- Yes, with pleasure. May I?
As much as you want. Feel free.
Miss Haris, your cooking is outstanding.
- Wait until the dessert.
- It's coming!
- We're having dessert?
- Well, yeah. Of course.
I bought it from Litsa's.
Mm Ice cream.
- Ice cream?
- Mm.
- I've heard she makes excellent ice cream.
- Yeah.
[Fanis] But who would tell you
that her ice cream was disgusting?
It's where I come to hide.
I think there's a word for it.
- Man cave.
- That's right! A man's cave. Yeah, yeah.
It's forbidden territory for anyone else.
This place is truly marvelous.
Have you ever had the desperate need
to find a place to hide?
Well, this has been mine for a while.
Try it.
A rare red Italian from '68.
As you can tell,
I'm quite obsessed with wine.
Very good.
I'm always searching for ways
to make my life more interesting.
See, you're single
which makes you one of the lucky ones.
You don't answer to anyone,
if you don't like where you are,
you leave.
That, in our time, is paradise.
It wasn't always like that.
Since you're here, though,
I imagine you've succeeded.
You know how difficult that is for me?
I can imagine.
Our marriage is a nightmare.
Both of my children hate me
and at times I listen to myself
and it really makes me wonder,
am I really that man?
How did I become like this?
You know what I mean?
Without even a friend.
So alone.
Oh, I'm so sorry!
It's okay, it's nothing.
It happens to me so many times.
[Orestis] There's broken glass.
[Fanis] Come on, man.
Give it a rest, will you?
What's done is done! It's fine.
What's going on?
- I just came to say goodnight.
- Hey, love.
- I messed up.
- [Orestis] You?
I'm the one who dropped the glass
and now it's everywhere.
It's nothing to worry about.
It's happened before.
Orestis, don't worry about this.
I swear, just let it go.
- It's okay.
- [Fanis] We'll take care of it.
I'll clean it up tomorrow.
Let's go outside and have some wine.
- Come on, let's go.
- I'm so sorry, guys. I really am.
- It's fine.
- It's no problem at all.
["Picking Words" by Σtella playing]
I'm picking words as I go ♪
Holding my breath till I show ♪
Building a fence for my sense ♪
Looks like I'm ready to grow ♪
And if you meet me tonight ♪
Don't let me out of your sight ♪
[heavy breathing]
I'm picking words as I go ♪
- Sorry.
- No, no. It's my fault.
I'm picking words as I go ♪
Uh, was I too rough for you?
No, just uh my back hurts a bit.
Be the one to teach me this ♪
Yeah, I understand.
The wait is too much ♪
Are you dating anyone else right now?
and I'm starting to ♪
I'm not, except for you.
The sounds you make at night ♪
Grabbing my fingers so tight ♪
I really like you.
There's no need to hurry us.
I'm picking words as I go ♪
I'm picking words ♪
Here we go, we have asexual,
pansexual, transsexual, pan gender,
transgender, gay, bi,
and the ones questioning.
Are they completely insane?
Half of it doesn't make sense.
So confusing.
If I had to choose,
I'd go for questioning.
Hey, would you mind kissing me?
You surely know how to take ♪
You surely know how to take ♪
- You're a good kisser.
- You think so?
It's time to clean up the mess ♪
'Cause I'm starting to love you less ♪
I'd hate to be in the place
of any of those chicks,
hooking up with those jackasses.
Are you jealous of them?
- How many are fucking tonight?
- A lot.
Are you really high?
[laughs] A lot.
Grab 'em.
Come on, grab 'em.
Kiss me again.
Holding my breath till I show ♪
Building a fence for my sense ♪
Looks like I'm ready to grow ♪
Whoa! Run, they'll bust us.
[police siren wails]
And that was
my almost first time with a girl.
Not sure if I liked it,
but I was so relieved
that I at least got a hard-on.
On the other hand,
maybe that confused me even more.
I wondered where Spyros was.
He's not home.
Oh! How are you, my boy?
How are you doing?
I'm fine, Mom, I've told you already.
- [sighs]
- Let me see you.
I'm doing better. I'm fine.
Come, sit, sit. Sit.
I'm fine, now that you're here.
Have you eaten?
I didn't know you'd come so late.
I cooked you your favorite meal.
You love it.
How's Yianna?
When's he coming back?
[sighs] I don't know.
I guess tomorrow or the day after.
He went on a business trip.
He's in Italy now.
He hasn't called you yet?
He really regrets it, you know?
It was the alcohol.
It won't happen again, my Spyros.
He isn't aware of what he does.
[somber music playing]
He promised that
he wouldn't drink ever again.
There are some pills that
that help with that issue.
How's Yianna?
I don't want my child to go through that.
I don't want you to suffer,
I don't know what to do.
Throw him out.
It's my hope.
It would be better if he just died.
Eat, it's getting cold.
Everything will be fine.
You'll see.
[phone ringing]
[somber music playing]
[phone continues ringing]
[Antonis] I would invite him upstairs.
We'd sleep together
and wake up in the morning
and have some coffee.
I'd be happy.
That is what people in love do.
Those who are terrified
deny it and withdraw.
One, two, three, and here we go.
I think it should be really soft.
Calmer. Hm?
Okay, so calm.
No, not quite,
but we can keep that specific melody.
Play it in B flat.
Very nice, and here
we can have the strings come in,
along with the choir. Let's go again.
Do you honestly believe
my lyrics are that good?
I do.
It's kind of you.
- Did you write this piece alone?
- They don't suit my age, do they?
- Not at all.
- Haris helped me, yeah.
What's your life's goal?
Did my father tell you
to ask me that question, Orestis?
No, he didn't.
I'm counting the days
until I leave this place.
Yeah, what do you want to do, though?
I mean, are you serious
about playing the piano?
I'm already serious
about playing the piano.
Did you have a good life in Athens?
Not at all.
- I want to have a good life.
- I hope you will.
You don't look like you're 46.
I am, though.
[calm music playing]
Alright, enough for today.
Okay, I'll
I'm going to write the sheet music
and then we'll touch base.
It's going to be a wonderful song.
You're making things difficult.
Am I really?
[calm music gets louder]
- Hello, there!
- Hi! Welcome!
- [Orestis] How are you, Miss Maria?
- Fine, thank God.
I didn't want to bother you before,
I just dropped by to see if you're okay.
Don't worry, Orestis.
We're fine. Thanks for checking.
Yeah. I'm doing okay, much better.
What about your bike?
- Did you have it fixed?
- Yeah, yeah, it's fine.
He's lucky
he wasn't more seriously wounded.
It was just a few stitches.
Thank God you were there.
Yeah, I wanted to stop by
and say thank you
- but I haven't been out too much lately.
- Don't worry about it.
Charalambos, it's the teacher
I told you about,
the one who found Spyros
when he crashed his bike
and took him to the doctor.
Oh, yeah.
Well, thank you very much, boy.
We've met, actually. I'm Orestis.
Maria and Spyros
told me everything that you did.
I happened to be away on business.
Thank God everything went well.
Yes. Yes, of course.
Your son was very fortunate,
all things considered.
I can't stand those bikes.
- But what can you do?
- You need to be careful.
I've said it a hundred times.
No one ever listens.
But he's a grown-up now,
it's his responsibility.
Care for a treat?
- Something to take away, maybe?
- No, no, no, there's no need.
I'm here to discuss
another matter with you.
What matter?
Uh, nothing.
It's about our music festival
and rehearsals.
Miss Maria,
I'd like help
with the organizational stuff
and rehearsals, if you can.
And Spyros, if you could
You're mistaken. Spyros doesn't know
anything about music.
Mm, yeah, but he's an electrician.
And a very good one, I'm told.
I'd like his help.
Is there a problem with that, sir?
[ominous music playing]
- What the fuck is wrong with you?
- I want to talk.
Learn how to knock!
If you were jerking off,
you'd have locked it.
- Do you have no shame?
- We all do it, calm down. Now look.
I got something important
to tell you, pay attention.
- Don't be so bossy.
- It's hard for me, I just feel nervous.
- Yeah, so?
- It's my journal.
- The things I write. Will you read it?
- No, I'm not interested.
- What if I ask it as a favor?
- Why?
Because. So that you realize
that you're not as alone as you think.
And just because I'm a woman,
you shouldn't feel embarrassed with me.
I know a lot, and I've done way worse.
Change the password on your phone
and avoid leaving it everywhere.
- Imagine if Mom or Dad discovered it.
- You're such a little bitch!
How dare you unlock my phone, God damn it?
[knocking] Open the door!
Please, open up, I'm claustrophobic!
I could die! I'll sue you!
C'mon, open up!
["Son of a Preacher Man"
by Dusty Springfield playing]
When they gathered round
And started talking ♪
That's when Billy
Would take me walking ♪
Out through the back yard
We'd go walking ♪
Lord knows, to my surprise ♪
The only one who could ever reach me ♪
Was the son of a preacher man ♪
The only boy who could ever teach me ♪
Was the son of a preacher man ♪
Yes, he was, he was ♪
Ooh, yes, he was ♪
Being good isn't always easy ♪
No matter how hard I try ♪
When he started sweet-talking to me ♪
He'd come and tell me
"Everything is alright" ♪
He'd kiss me and tell me
"Everything is alright" ♪
Can I get away again tonight? ♪
The only one who could ever reach me ♪
Was the son of a preacher man ♪
The only one who could ever teach me ♪
Was the son of a preacher man ♪
Yes, he was, he was ♪
Lord knows, he was ♪
Ooh, yes, he was ♪
How well I remember ♪
The look that was in his eyes ♪
Stealing kisses from me on the sly ♪
Taking time to make time ♪
Telling me that he's all mine ♪
Learning from each other's knowing ♪
Looking to see
How much we've grown and ♪
The only one who could ever reach me ♪
Was the son of a preacher man ♪
The only one who could ever teach me ♪
Was the son of a preacher man ♪
Yes, he was, he was ♪
[music stops]
Antonis, what's this?
This is our family.
And just like that,
my sister and I got closer together.
We discovered one thing we had in common.
[gunshot sounds]
[birds fly away]
[heavy breathing]
[footsteps stumbling]
[electronic music playing]
Blood is covering the walls ♪
Pain is closing every door ♪
Deranged at least is the procedure ♪
Of calming down my dreams ♪
Of slowing down my dreams ♪
Surrounded by darkness ♪
I feel fine ♪
No matter the strain if it seems right ♪
Surrounded by lightness ♪
I'm in fear ♪
The blissful faces ♪
Must dissapear ♪
Anger's tearing me apart ♪
Life is not made up of love ♪
I'd like to play with your illusions ♪
To make them go away ♪
To make them fade away ♪
Tears heal anything that's real ♪
Fear fades ♪
Rage takes its place ♪
Rough! Tough! ♪
So must be your heart ♪
If you're like me ♪
Surrounded by darkness ♪
Flying high ♪
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