Mammoth (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

OK, boys, watch this.
Well, nearly there.
I wanted to get you a special early
birthday present, ahead of Friday.
44 years, I missed out on
being your dad.
Deserves - ooh, careful -
a special gift.
How are you feeling?
Like I'm in Guantanamo Bay. Ooh!
Guantanamo Bay.
I've never been,
but it sounds exotic.
You ready?
Why are we at the council?
You changed my name?
To Melanie Mammoth? Mm-hm.
It's official now.
Without asking me?
Yes! It is a surprise.
I mean, how?
Surely I have to authorise it?
Told them you're in a coma.
Plus I'm a teacher,
they let you sign anything.
So, what do you think?
Get me a name change form,
and drive me back home.
Gone the wrong way
Happy birthday!
Oh Wow, thanks for these, Mel.
I may have missed out on your
but this is like I was there.
Foreign holiday?
Looks nice, where's that,
No, that's Egypt.
Those are the pyramids. Mm-hm.
Lovely one of you and your mam,
splashing around.
One of just your mam, There.
Looking lovely. Lovely, lovely.
Really knew how to fill a bikini,
doesn't she?
Can I take this one?
You're supposed to be looking at my
childhood, not perving over my mum.
So that's a? No!
Oh, at last, something sporty.
Little you on a horse.
Oh, yeah!
That was in North Wales.
I used to love horse riding.
My dad always used to think
it was a bit too dangerous.
Stepdad, technically.
Sounds like a bit of a killjoy.
That's him, is it? That's Frank? The
cuckoo in the nest?
That's my dad, yes. Stepdad.
Shoulders like an aspirin bottle.
Christmas Day, and where's Frank?
Nowhere to be seen, can't be
arsed to spend it with his family.
Grandad used to go to a soup kitchen
on Christmas Day
to feed the homeless, Grandad.
Well, your real dad's here now.
Thanks for this. Precious memories.
I'll know if that bikini photo's
not there.
Precious, precious memories.
We'll make some new ones.
Starting Friday.
Big party. How did you know
about that? Theo said.
Yeah, well
You're probably busy, Mammoth.
Call me Dad, and I'm never too
busy for my little girl.
Except for Wednesday,
I've got a classic car meeting.
And Thursday, me and Roger
are going to go and see a band
pretend to be Hot Chocolate.
What is it? A disco?
No, it's just birthday drinks.
Me and a few colleagues.
You'd probably find it boring.
It does sound boring. Yeah.
BUT I'LL come anyway.
I'll make it fun, make it special.
Just no more surprises, OK?
And you don't have
to keep trying to be my dad.
As if this Frank bloke was even
half the dad I'd have been.
What do you think?
I think you need to stop trying to
one-up a dead man.
Give your daughter some space
and wait for her to be
ready to get to know you.
Who asked you? You did!
What can I do, Barry, win her over?
What I'd do is change her name
by deed poll
so she's Melanie Mammoth.
Yeah, we did that yesterday, Barry,
remember? It was disastrous.
You were there.
As stimulating as this conversation
is, I've got to go.
The animal therapy woman's in today.
The lovely Andrea.
Any closer to actually talking
to her this week?
Slow and steady wins the race.
No offence, though, mate,
you're running out of track.
You might want to get a move on.
I know what'll help you pull her,
Roger -
why don't you change her name
by deed poll?
And I'm leaving.
I should make a move too.
Supposed to be in a lesson.
Six, seven, eight and kick!
And kick! Come on, work those arms!
And side to side.
Really move those hips, that's it.
Raise the heartbeat.
Sweat, feel the
I can't believe you just
left a tape playing!
I had to pop out for five minutes,
what's the big deal?
They're 16. They could get married
in Scotland.
Just don't do it again.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Listen, I'm glad you're here.
Bit of woman's perspective.
Roger reckons I should give Mel
some space. What do you think?
I think it's not a school matter,
but, yes, that sounds like
good advice.
Well, you're not exactly an expert
on being a parent, though, are you?
Actually, I've been doing a lot
of research
because me and Suzi are having
a baby. Well, good luck.
Think we'll have a little chat
about the birds and the bees -
two birds cannot make a bee.
Yes, they can. How?
We're having IVF.
Or we're supposed to be having it.
What's IVF? It's basically making
a baby in a lab.
Huh? It's when a man donates his
sperm, but our donor pulled out.
Before he finished?
That's unprofessional.
I mean, we've all done it, you
know? No, there's no sex involved.
Just Just sperm.
Anyway, we need to find a new donor.
Leave it to me, I'll sort it out.
That really won't be necessary.
You know, I can't help thinking,
if I'd been a dad for Mel
instead of that bloody Frank bloke,
Theo might have turned out a bit
more normal. He's fine.
Yeah, but he's not a real bloke,
though, is he? I worry about him.
He's not into cars or drinking or
Don't worry, it's never too late to
teach a young man toxic masculinity.
Do you know what? You're right.
I am going to teach him
about masculinity, yeah.
Start fixing Frank's mess.
Win Mel over.
I said "toxic" masculinity.
Yeah, yeah, whatever fancy name
it's got these days,
I think we both agree it's a good
thing. I owe you one.
Ooh! You're coming with me.
But I've got a French exam. A French
exam? Grow up. Come on, let's go.
Where are we going? Out, Theo.
Teach you how to be a man.
Something Frank couldn't be
bothered to do.
Lesson one - always help out your
Get in, we're going to the
Grandad, you left your car running.
Always keep the car running.
Keeps the engine warm.
What about the environment?
Theo, this car is 50 years old.
I'm saving the environment by not
having a new one built from scratch.
Every second this car turns over,
I'm saving the planet.
Never thought of it like that.
You could get an electric car?
Lesson two, this is the real world,
not Scalextric.
Get in.
Hey-hey! This is the life, eh, Theo?
Me and you, like Bodie and Doyle
on the open road.
Bet Frank never did this.
Took me out of school, no.
He thought education was important.
Too much hassle to have fun
with his grandson.
Well, your real grandad's here now.
Are you courting?
You mean seeing anyone? Then no.
Have I got the thing for you. Lesson
three, smell is the most powerful
and primitive of all the senses.
Take the wheel.
Ooh, OK
Look at that - best
cologne collection known to man.
Help yourself,
you'll have the girls all over you.
Or boys. I know how the birds
and bees work these days.
Doesn't have to be one bird,
one bee.
It could be two birds. Or two bees.
I mean, it could be two bees
and one bird.
Ideally, it'd be two birds, one bee
and I'm the bee,
if you get what I mean.
Good lad.
Lesson four, never skip lunch.
What do you feel like? Wimpy?
Spudulike? Little Chef?
What about Mexican?
We could go drive-thru.
Hello, can I take your order?
Lesson five,
opportunities are everywhere.
What can I get you?
How about your phone number, over?
Just things from the menu.
What do you recommend, over?
Things from the menu.
Just two number one meals with
a Coke, please, and
sorry, he's from the past.
Next window.
My next window's tomorrow night.
just drive to the next window.
Plenty more fish in the sea.
Lesson six - be adaptable.
Yeah, you're great at that
Your colleague in the box back
there, bit moody.
I wouldn't be moody
if I got to spend my days
working with a beautiful
woman like you.
Tony Mammoth. And you are?
Here's £10. Keep the change.
Obviously you're a big fan of
Mexican culture.
What if I told you I spent
the Mexico 1970 World Cup with
Mr Gustavo Pena?
I'm really sorry.
Can you move along to
the collection window please?
Can I get a phone number?
Easy to remember. I'll call you.
Lesson seven. Never give up.
What is it? I'm in the middle of a
There's a gentleman here to see you.
I'm here about the advert
in the newsagent's window.
Sorry, what are you talking about?
Young woman looking for sperm.
No time wasters.
Please contact Lucy Jenkins
at Nowlan High School.
You can't be serious.
I know I look old, but Des
O'Connor became a dad at 72.
Al Pacino is 83.
All right, can you leave now?
Or I'm calling the police.
What should I tell the others?
All of you!
Ta-ra, boys!
Is your mum looking forward to her
44, eh?
44 years without me in her life.
Did she miss me?
She had no idea you existed.
Does she call me Dad when she talks
to you about me?
She doesn't really talk about you
But when she does, though?
No, never.
All right, come on.
Let's go.
Look at this berk!
Give him the Vs. I don't really do
conflict. It makes me feel sick.
I can do thumbs up. This is Frank's
doing. Lesson eight -
a man never backs down.
What do you do when someone
confronts you?
Fake an asthma attack or cry.
I'm a really good crier.
Well, you're a Mammoth now, so give
him the Vs.
Good lad. Stand up to a bully.
You'll soon realise
they're all talk.
Do it again, you little shit.
I'm going to be sick. OK.
Everyone just needs to calm
down a little bit, OK?
What did you do that for, Theo?
Because you told me to.
Oh, aye? Getting the kid to fight
your battles for you?
Oh, someone wants to dance.
You messed with the wrong
hombre, amigo.
I'm a Mammoth. And Mammoths are
I thought they were all PE teachers.
PE teachers who love to fight.
Go and get some napkins, Theo.
Going to be a bit of blood
to mop up.
How many napkins do you want?
Don't actually get the napkins.
Trying to teach this chancer a
Are you sure this is a good idea,
Grandad? He's massive.
Size doesn't mean anything.
It's in the film Get Carter.
"He's a big man,
but he's out of"
Shit. Get in the car.
Er, no, we shouldn't do this.
Not in front of the kid, you know?
What's wrong with him?
Oh, asthma attack.
Looks like a bad one as well.
Have to get him to the hospital.
I was looking forward to a bloody
good straightener with you,
but I can't leave him like that,
so maybe next time.
Lesson nine - sometimes a man
needs to use his brain.
Exactly what I've been trying
to teach you. No, it isn't.
It's the exact opposite of
what you've been trying to teach.
Exactly. Exactly what?
I don't know. Lesson 11 - don't ask
too many questions.
What happened to Lesson 10?
You're doing it now!
See you tomorrow.
You've had more visitors.
All of you, out!
And he's not a bad lad, you know,
chip off the old block.
But just need to shake off the weak
influence of that Frank.
Jab, Roge. Use your shoulders.
Put your shoulder into it.
Ah, come on. Give it to me. Give me
the Oh! Sit down.
Haven't seen my duck, have you?
Mammoth, this is Andrea, the animal
Oh! Therapist for ducks.
How does that work?
Fly down to the couch and tell us
about life as a little egg?
I bring my animals here
to sit with people.
Helps with some of the lonelier
Andrea is a saint,
she really is.
Oh, don't, Roger.
Oh, that sounds an awful
lot like Mr Waddles. Excuse me.
Still nothing?
Ah, she's a wonderful woman,
but she doesn't seem to notice me.
Stop the game, Doreen.
Where's the old Roger charm?
Same place as the old Roger hair
and the old Roger left testicle -
Anyway, I hardly ever get
a chance to talk to her.
She's too busy helping people.
Andrea, word please.
He'll kill me for this.
He's a proud, proud man.
But Roger's lonely.
Really? Very lonely.
Sad to see.
I knew in his prime.
Big smile. Big hair.
Big bloke.
Now look at him. Just a husk.
This is getting quite hurtful.
Where's it going?
He hates admitting it,
but it's true.
Tell her how lonely you feel.
Really lonely. Really lonely.
Told me you feel like a canary
in a cage, didn't you?
Staring yourself in that mirror,
sometimes squawking to yourself.
Squawk, squawk.
Er, yes, apparently I did.
And you know what happens to these
You've seen Travis Bickle? Taxi
Driver, 1976.
Great film. "You talkin' to me?
You talkin' to me?"
I would never forgive myself
if Roger turned violent,
even if he was trying to rescue
young Jodie Foster.
Cybill Shepherd's in that film,
isn't she?
Now there's a woman. Where's this
Oh, yeah. What I'm saying is I
think it'd be
good for Roger if you spend a bit of
time with him
one-on-one. You know, you and the
Oh, Roger.
I'd no idea.
Of course!
I'm finishing for the day now,
but I'll be back tomorrow.
Eh? Job done.
Get back over there, you randy
old sod.
Come on, Doreen.
Eye of the tiger, Doreen.
Ain't going to be no rematch.
So I said, "How does that work?
"Fly down on a couch and tell us
about life as a little egg?"
Everyone laughed.
Oh, and I got Mel her own CB
radio for a birthday.
Keep in touch with her old dad.
You know? Ten four for a copy.
You're not still in a mood
with me, are you?
I was trying to help you find
Mr Right.
What sort of Mr Right do you think
would respond to an advert
in the newsagents? I was just
trying to do something. What do you
want to do, nothing, like Frank?
At least Frank didn't send every
in the area to my place of work.
I didn't know you were so picky.
I mean, sperm is sperm.
We don't just want some dodgy
old man in a flasher mac!
A donor has to be right.
Someone strong, athletic, intelligent.
Oh, God!
I'm so sorry.
You must think I'm an idiot.
I will take this into the
staff toilet.
I'll be back in five minutes.
Probably less.
Fill that mug back up with coffee
and don't ever,
ever speak of this again.
I want a word.
Hey-hey! Here she is, the birthday
Happy birthday to you
Happy ♪
Are you out of your frigging mind?
Not you as well. What? You took Theo
out of school
and nearly got him killed! I was
teaching him how to be a man.
Something his step-grandad Frank
couldn't be bothered to do,
by the way. By getting him
into a fight with a van driver?
He wasn't in a fight with a van
I was in a fight with a van driver.
Theo was just my second.
Oh, for God's sake!
Oh, are you that woman from the
semen posters?
Posters? Got a few posters
done for you.
Bus stops and that. Come on. What
time's the big party tonight?
It's at piss off, you're not coming
What's that supposed to mean?
I think it means she doesn't want
you to be there. What? Why?
Oh, that's the thanks I get, is it,
your old dad? You're not my dad!
I had a dad. Always on about Frank.
He's not here, though, is he?
Because he left. He died.
I died as well. But I came back for
You didn't even know I existed!
And, quite frankly, that was better
than this,
so shall we go back to that? Mel
We're done.
Good luck with your semen.
Kids, eh?
Luce, want a CB radio?
No. I've got a phone.
Everyone's got a phone.
I don't know.
These lonely days and barren,
barren nights.
Sometimes I feel so empty.
Don't You'll get me going.
Since my wife passed,
it's the companionship I miss
more than anything else.
Oh, Roger.
Right, shift up. Come on.
There we go.
Oh What are you doing?
Brought us a couple of beers.
All right, Andrea? Do you want a
No. I'd better go check on the other
Right, we'll have these quick and
then get down the pub.
No, I'm spending the day
with Andrea.
Well, bring her with you. Barry's
doing wine these days. Red and
white. Spoilt for choice. No.
I thought you had plans anyway.
Mel's uninvited me
to the birthday party.
To be honest with you, mate, I'm at
a bit of a low ebb.
I'm sorry, but can't we talk
about this tomorrow?
You can talk to Applejack.
Andrea says he's a good listener.
Talk to a horse?
Haven't got a great deal in common,
mate, to be honest.
Well, maybe one thing.
Hey, Roge?
How are you and Andrea?
Any closer to the old?
Mammoth! The old Roger
charm's back.
Won't be long before you find
out what other old bits are still
What did I tell you? Act
interested in the animals,
pretend you're lonely,
before you know it,
you and All right, Andrea?
Just trying to tell Roger about a
bloke we used to know.
Thanks very much, Mammoth.
Pfft. Women, eh?
Oh, well, I know what'll cheer you
No, I'm not going to the pub.
I'm not in the mood.
I want to be alone.
All right, Applejack?
You don't want to hear my old sob
stories, do you?
You'd rather be out chasing
the girl horses, I bet.
You need to make the most of it all, mate.
Take some advice -
if you do get a sexy horse pregnant,
try not to get buried by an
avalanche on the same day.
Just to clarify, I don't
find horses attractive.
I mean, a horse you would find sexy,
you know? Good personality,
great shape for a horse,
good in bed, stable,
you know, whatever.
Because if you do get a sexy horse
pregnant and you get covered
by an avalanche on the same
day, your little horse daughter
will grow up with a different horse
for a dad and not a handsome, strong
horse like you with a great mane,
but a weaker,
shitter horse with a crap mane.
Then if by some miracle in the
future they find you and bring
you back to life, then maybe
your horse daughter wants nothing
more to do with you, through no
fault of your own.
And you're sat on a bench
of an old horses' home,
talking to a therapy human,
racking your brains about what you
can do
to get your horse daughter
back in your life.
Do you know what? They were right.
You ARE a good listener.
Got any bright ideas?
I'm so sorry about Mammoth.
It was completely out of the blue.
He just marched in and said,
"Give my little girl a pay rise."
Honestly, I am mortified.
I genuinely didn't put him
up to that.
But maybe the best way to show
that intimidation doesn't work
would be to give me the pay rise?
No, no?
This is I was joking. It's a
Have a drink.
Go and mingle.
Maybe avoid Sian from accounts.
Yawn. Am I right?
Me and Sian just started
seeing each other.
Oh, and I love her!
Oh, she is amazing!
Good for you.
I need to go now because
there's a horse in the bar.
Happy birthday!
What do you think?
I think you're on a horse in a bar.
Why are you on a horse?
Mel, meet Applejack.
And he's all yours for a bit.
Well, you said you loved riding
horses, and Frank never let you.
So your real dad sorted you out.
So take him for a test ride!
If you like it, I'll buy you one.
Could even see if they'll sell me
Applejack. A pint, please.
And a bag of nuts for the big fella.
Are you mad? Even if I wanted a
horse, which I don't
You could have told me that sooner.
where am I going to keep it?
Hey, there's a horse tied up on the
roundabout outside Asda.
You could leave him on there.
Bit of company. On a roundabout?
Ask the school.
See if you can leave him in the
school. I don't know,
to be honest, I haven't thought it
I thought you'd be over the moon.
What's up? Has he upset you?
Already warned you once.
So you're not pleased, then?
It's a nice gesture, but mad.
How did you think this was
going to go?
Like a rhinestone cowboy ♪
Happy birthday!
I got you a horse! For me?
Really? My very own horse?
I know, Frank never let you, but
Fuck Frank.
He's dead.
You're here.
That's all that matters.
I'm Melanie Mammoth now.
Drinks are on the house!
Mammoth! Mammoth! Mammoth!
Like a rhinestone cowboy ♪
Mammoth, Mammoth, Mammoth
Get the horse out of here.
Honestly, you'll change
your mind once you're up.
Come on. It's not going to bite you.
No, just get out, Dad!
Mammoth I meant Mammoth.
You said Dad.
Enjoy the party.
Come on, Applejack.
Our work here's done.
I think you wrote your number down
Fuck off!
Not very ladylike.
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